Download - People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

Page 1: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

People of the U.S.


Chapter 3

Page 2: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

Final Jeopardy Question

People of the United States


Contributions New Home and New Jobs

Immigrant Information

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Page 3: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

10 Point Question10 Point Question

These Americans did not come to the US of their own free will. A ship

captain traded these people for food. Who are these people?

African Americans

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Page 4: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

20 Point Question20 Point Question

Americans whose ancestors came from the Philippines, Korea and India

are known as . . . .

Asian Americans

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Page 5: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

30 Point Question30 Point Question

These Americans built beautiful churches called missions. They are known as. . .

Latino Americans

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Page 6: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

40 Point Question40 Point Question

The people that live in America in 1776 and formed our first government are known

as . . . . .

European Americans

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Page 7: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

10 Point Question10 Point Question

These Americans came over during the Ice Age. Scientists believe that they

originally came from Asia looking for food. These Americans are known as . . .

Native Americans

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Page 8: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

20 Point Question20 Point Question

When these settlers first came to America, they settled on the Eastern

coast. They are known as . . . .

European Americans

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Page 9: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

30 Point Question30 Point Question

These Americans settled on the west coast. They originally came to America during the

Gold Rush. After the gold was gone, many of these American stayed to help build the

railroad. They are known as. . .

Asian Americans

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Page 10: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

40 Point Question40 Point Question

These Americans built towns and churches in Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. They are known

as . . . .

Latino Americans

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Page 11: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

10 Point Question10 Point Question

These American contributed words such as jungle, shampoo, kimono, bamboo, rattan, gingham, samurai

and tattoo to our American vocabulary. Who are they?

Asian Americans

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Page 12: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

20 Point Question20 Point Question

These Americans contributed cool things such as banjos, drums, quilts, ragtime music, folktales and cosmetics to our American way of life. Who are they?

African Americans

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Page 13: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

30 Point Question30 Point Question

These American contributed gifts such as ballet, opera, plays, classical music,

poetry, paintings and bluegrass music to our American way of life. Who are they?

European Americans

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Page 14: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

40 Point Question40 Point Question

These Americans contributed these words to our American vocabulary: barbecue, tornado, canyon, patio, coyote, mosquito. Who are they?

Latino Americans

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Page 15: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

10 Point Question10 Point Question

These Americans had great respect for nature. They lived on the land but

seldom harmed the land. They were excellent farmers and hunters. Who are


Native Americans

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Page 16: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

20 Point Question20 Point Question

These American built colonies when they came to America. They were farmers,

business owners, inventors, and politicians. Who were they?

European Americans

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Page 17: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

30 Point Question30 Point Question

After mining for precious gems, these Americans moved west to work on farms,

railroads and factories. Some opened their own businesses or moved to Hawaii to work in

the sugarcane fields.

Asian Americans

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Page 18: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

40 Point Question40 Point Question

These settlers taught Americans how to turn the dry, desert, Southwest soil into

rich farm land. They also taught the people in the west how to mine for gold,

silver and copper. Who are they?

Latino Americans

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Page 19: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

10 Point Question10 Point Question

A person who leaves their homeland and moves to another country to make it their

home is called what?

An immigrant

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Page 20: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

20 Point Question20 Point Question

These people came to America seeking religious freedom and land to call their

own. They are known as . . . . .

European Americans

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Page 21: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

30 Point Question30 Point Question

Who is the explorer that believed he could reach Asia by sailing west across the

Atlantic Ocean; but instead of reaching Asia he landed in the Americas?

Christopher Columbus

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Page 22: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

40 Point Question40 Point Question

Immigrants are still traveling to America. Today, most of these new immigrants

come from where?

Latin America and Asia

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Page 23: People of the U.S. Start Chapter 3 Final Jeopardy Question People of the United States Settlement Experiences Contributions New Home and New Jobs Immigrant.

The US has lots of different groups of people living here from many different countries. Each of these groups have made America a better place. Because of this we say that

America is a very _____________nation. (this word means variety)
