Download - People and empires alex serrato2



By Alex Serrato

History 140

Spain Spain was f financially and morally

bankrupted by what the Dutch call the eighty years war.

The Spanish had also failed to develop the potential of its overseas possession for trade and agriculture.

Slowly Spain also began to loose its grip on its overseas empire.

The War of the Spanish succession followed the death in 1700 of the last of the Habsburg kings.

Spain Spain lost all its remaining European

possessions, and the empire was reduced, in effect, to the Americas and the Philippines.

Finally, in 1898, the united states occupied and “liberated” the Philippines and dove the Spanish out of Cuba and Puerto Rico.

Spanish empire had lain initially in the vast quantities of gold and silver it had been able to extract from the Americas.


A claim to the kingdom of Portugal and with it the now sprawling prowling Portuguese overseas empire.

Portuguese possessions in Asia, which were far more vulnerable than the Spanish in America.

The earliest Europe overseas empire to be almost wholly concerned with trade rather than conquest had been the Portuguese.

The only true colony the Portuguese established anywhere was in brazil.