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Penetration Testing Wireless Networks © 2008 SANS

Penetration Testing Wireless Networks

SANS Assessing Wireless Excerpts Regarding Penetration Testing

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Wireless networks are everywhere–The perimeter of a network extends

beyond classic perimeter firewalls•

Rogue wireless weakens any network

Wireless equipment is cheap•

Threat exists regardless of wireless policy

Wireless assessment/pentest


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Useful Tools



Open sourceKismet -

Open source

Spectrum Analyzer –



Open source



Open source

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Typical Network Deployment

Trusted networkUntrusted


permit DNS to dnspermit DHCP to dhcppermit IP/50 to vpndrop everything else

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Identifying Wireless


Use best consumer hardware–Favorite 500 mw Alfa USB + 9 dbi

Linux (drivers support RFMON)‏•

Look for Rogue Access Points–Power/Channel/SSID–Triangulate location to highest power

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Identifying Wireless (2)‏

Focus on 802.11 a/b/g–Non-802.11 wireless exists–Non FCC channels exists

802.11 –

channels 12-14


only identifies live issues•

Some wireless IDS tech helps

Easy to create an AP from a laptop

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Useful Encryption Terms


802.11 wireless monitor mode•


Weakest 802.11 encryption


Use WEP hardware “better”•

WPA2 –

Best 802.11 encryption

IPSec –

Encrypting all IP packets

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WEP Issues

24 bits of the key don't count (64=40)‏•

Confidentiality, not Authorization

Applies to data frames, payload only•

Extremely vulnerable–Weak initialization–No replay protection–Can recover WEP key from plaintext

and cyphertext

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Attacking WEP

Weak Initialization Vectors (IVs)‏•

After enough packets/time, can crack

Can accelerate with replay of known- plaintext

–ARP, Windows DHCP, etc.•


guess WEP key


uses FMS/PTW to crack and accelerate key

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Recognizes 5.5 million weak IVs–

Effective against IV-filtered networks

Extended with Pychkine, Tews, Weinmann (PTW) attack using ARP response data

Optimal 104-bit key recovery probability:–

50% success after 40,000 packets (60 sec)‏

80% success after 60,000 packets (90 sec)‏–

95% success after 85,000 packets (128 sec) ‏

FMS Attacks Aircrack-ng

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Dynamic vs. Static WEP

DWEP enhances security through dynamic key selection–

Users authenticate using 802.1X and an EAP type

Keys are unique per-user and per- session

Eliminates key selection attacks, vulnerable to many other attacks

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Cisco DWEP

No support to rotate unicast

keys via EAPOL-Key messages

Group keys can be rotated–

Not enabled by default

Must force reauthentication

to rotate keys–

Results in ~3-5 second loss of connectivity

ap1200#conf tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.ap1200(config)#int dot11Radio 0ap1200(config-if)#broadcast-key change 600ap1200(config-if)#dot1x reauth-period 600

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Where is WEP Vulnerable?

WEP networks are not only vulnerable at AP location

Clients can be exploited by impersonating AP, ARP flooding–


Latte attack; attacker impersonates a

WEP network while victim enjoys coffee•

Keys realistically compromised in ~6 minutes with one client

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Method for Cracking WEP (1)‏

Capture a few data packets, try wep_crack




Next, try dictionary attack with WepAttack

Start collecting data for Aircrack-ng attack

Stop and restart Airodump

after ~60,000 data packets

Try to recover key while capturing

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Method for Cracking WEP (2)‏

Use chopchop

attack in aireplay-ng

to decrypt one packet–

Learn IP addresses in decrypted content

Forge an ARP request frame with packetforge-ng

Replay with aireplay-ng

to accelerate IV collection

Wouldn't it be nice if this were automated for us?

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1. Channel hops to find a network

2. Authenticates or impersonates a station

3. Recovers 128-bytes of PRGA/LKE

4. Decrypts a frame to identify network IP information

5. Creates an ARP request for target IP

6. Floods network with ARP requests

7. Launches PTW attack using aircrack-ng

Attacker: "./wesside-ng

-i ath0"

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Introduction to WPA

Portion of 802.11i to secure existing wireless technology

Moniker for multiple security mechanisms (TKIP) ‏

Designed to fit with existing hardware•

Based on RC4 encryption, like WEP

Software upgradeable, Paucity of processing cycles

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Collect AA, SPA, Nonces, MIC and EAP frame #4 from libpcap


Calc PMK using dictionary word and SSID

Calc PTK using PMK, AA, SPA and nonces

Calculate MIC of frame #4 using PTK

Does calculated MIC == Observed MIC?

Read dictionary word

PSK is







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Requires four-way, wordlist, SSID•

Sample below on Pentium 4 2.8 GHz

$ cowpatty -r eapfourway.dump -f passlist -s GNIPGNOPWLAN

cowpatty 1.2 - WPA-PSK dictionary attack. <[email protected]>Collected all necessary data to mount crack against passphrase.Starting dictionary attack. Please be patient.

The PSK is "family movie night".

4087 passphrases tested in 59.29 seconds: 68.93 passphrases/second$

Good reason to requisition a new laptop!

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Enterprise WPA

TKIP algorithm with 802.1x key distribution•

EAPOL-Key messages distribute encrypted keys following authentication


Master Key (PMK/256 bit) ‏–

Protects and generates PTK with random data


Transient Key (PTK/512 bit) ‏–

Split up into encryption keys, integrity keys and key encryption keys

Encryption keys rotated every 216


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PEAP Authentication Attack

Attacker obtains list of valid usernames through traffic sniffing

Manually attempts repeated authentication–

Using common weak passwords

Authenticator silently ignores bad passwords•

Likely to enable failed authentication account lockout policies

Could be leveraged for DoS


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Identifying WLAN IPSec Networks Passive Analysis Methods

Kismet will identify ISAKMP traffic•

Post-processing Wireshark


Display ISAKMP traffic "isakmp"–

UDP ports 500, 10000, 5150 common

Lots of UDP traffic to one destination

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Auditing IPSec WLAN Networks

Directed toward traditional vulnerability assessment

May need to overcome simple layer 2 security (static WEP, MAC filters)‏

Passive analysis often exposes FW rules–

Active analysis also possible, but slow

Test integrity of exposed systems–

Patch levels, configuration vulnerabilities

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Auditing Implementation Weaknesses

Test IPSec server for aggressive IKE–

Scan systems with ike-scan, record

Post-process with Wireshark

Test DNS for recursive name resolution –

Establish a known TXT record


Aggressive Mode Filter: "isakmp[18] eq


Check DNS recursion: "dig @remote-dns

IN TXT hostname"

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Making Wireless Pentests


Wireless access is acquired–Now use classic network and

application pentest

techniques– Identify specific vulnerabilities and

potential damage/risk–Change equipment and policies to limit

the risk as much as possible–Rinse and repeat