Download - PE/ICT and BSF

  • 1.Agenda
    10.00 - 10.30 Whats on the horizon of ICT
    10.30- 10.45Where are you know in your use of technology ?
    10.45 10.55 Feedback share best practice and excited/concerns
    10.55 11.15Whats possible now?
    11.15 11.45What if...?
    11.45 12.00Feedback

2. Dan [email protected]
3. Mobi Missions
Enquiring Minds
Space Signpost
4. The challenge
We need the combined expertise of industry, academia, practitioners and policy to design and implement the tools, the technologies and practices that will revolutionise the way we learn Lord Puttnam
8. 9. The BCH programme is aiming to build a challenging and long term vision for education in the context ofsocio-technological change 2025 and beyond
probable, possible and preferable futures...
Futurelab running the programme in partnership with DCSF
10. Scientific-technological trendsProfs Dave Cliff, Josie Fraser, Claire OMalley
Moores law continues
Gordon Moores observation that the number of transistors on a chip doubles approximately every two years
1000 today = 31.50 in 2020 and 1 by 2030
Device today = 32 times more powerful in 2020 and x1000 in 2030
Once per decade disruptions
Joel Birnbaums observation (1982) expected to hold true: mainframe minicomputers PC internet (cloud computing) - ?
Cloud computing; ubiquitous computing; digital display technologies; tangible and haptic technologies
What does this mean for how we remake our vision for education?
12. Speckled Computing
13. Mind control
14. Jabberwacky
17. Nuffield Design/Young Foresight project
QTC is clever stuff.
It comes as thin sheets or a powder.
It can be built into textiles or fixed to hard surfaces.
In a relaxed state it is a good insulator.
When it is stretched, squashed or twisted it becomes a conductor.
The harder you stretch, squash or twist it the better it conducts.
Its already been used in power tools and a robot hand.
Phantom haptic
The Haptic Cow is a virtual reality simulator developed to train veterinary students to palpate the bovine reproductive tract, to perform fertility examinations and to diagnose pregnancy. The simulator uses haptic (touch feedback) technology, which allows a user to interact with a 3D virtual environment through the sense of touch. When being trained with the Haptic Cow, the student palpates computer generated virtual objects resembling parts of the bovine reproductive tract. The teacher provides instruction and feedback while following the student's actions inside the cow on the computer monitor.
18. Videopaper
Space Missions
Keep Toolkit
19. So what does this mean for PE & Sport?
Creation, Collaboration and Communication
Role of parents and other adults in formal education
New ways of interacting with digital media
New relationships between adults and young people
Weakening of institutional boundaries
Learner voice and participation as pedagogy
New relationships between formal, non-formal and informal learning
Greater access to personal information
New ways of gathering, presenting and sharing information
More ubiquitous technology, highly personal and mobile
20. Where are you now?
What is the best practice youre aware of using ICTs for PE/sport?
Best examples to share?
What excites, concerns, surprises you about what Ive said so far?
10.30 10.45 (then feedback couple of points each)
21. Whats possible now?
Building from an aim/rationale
The successful exploitation of ideas generated at the intersection of invention and insight, which leads to the creation of social or economic value.
10.55 11.15
22. 23. School of Everything
24. GOOD TIMES Prescription for Art
25. reactable
26. Facebook app designed to encourage reflection on lifestyle choices
Visualisation technologies applied to link short term activities with long term gains
27. Dartfish
Wii fit, active and sports
28. Breakout for Two
29. Arduino and design
30. Creating a vision ... an example:
What examples of possible futures and next steps would help to articulate your vision for PE and Sport?
Looking outside of school for inspiration
Looking at technology for other possibilities
31. rationale
Research evidence: young people aged 2 - 19
* 40% boys and 60% of girls are doing less than 1 hours moderate exercise per day
* 1/5 of boys and of girls are overweight or obese
* The prevalence of obesity almost doubled among boys and increased by over a half among girls between 1995 and 2002.
* One in 10 six-year-olds is obese. The total number of obese children has doubled since 1982. On present trends half of all children in England in 2020 could be obese.
Child obesity has doubled in a decade. Junk food and lack of exercise have created 'public health time-bomb'.
The Guardian Newspaper
Forecasting Obesity to 2006. DoH 2006
EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
32. Current school practice
Accelerometers used to motivate walking to school
33. Non-school practice
Insurance company using bluetooth accelerometers to measure steps reward given in lower insurance premiums
34. Possible futures
(Physical Electronic Energisers)
35. what is it?
A wearable technology that is a combination of dual sensor, processor, battery and screen.
The screen shows a virtual pet (a Fizzee) that the young person is responsible for.The Fizzees maturation and health depends upon the actions of the young person.
A website for further investigation, games, and comparisons

* Accurate, personal health data
* Easily interpretable data (Fizzees maturation and appearance)
* Always on, situated learning game
* Individual, motivating, encouraging, informative
applied understanding
Fizzees -
36. why this approach?
Fitting physical activity into current lifestyles in relation to research into patterns of behaviour change.
* play video games (immersive, empathetic, motivational)
* nurture virtual pets (Tamagotchi etc)
* compete, compare and share with peers
* aspectual shape (game, learning tool, digital pet)
applied understanding
Fizzees -
37. What if ... ?
Challenging our own mindset about best ways to practice...
Challenging our expectations of what a school does...
11.15 11.45
38. Plenary
Three tools to support the next stage...
39. B.H.A.G.s
When starting with a vision, make it bold. BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals)
Crush Adidas (Nike)
Every book, ever printed, in any language, all available in less than 60 seconds. (Amazon)
What would your BHAG be?
To make healthy activity a part of every lesson?
40. Title
41. Distance/Dependence model
Barriers to change can be both based on resources and traditions
What institutional barriers may hinder your vision of practice?
How would you achieve your aims outside of school?
42. Dan [email protected]