Download - Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    Dr.NTRUHS University


    Paper-I: Basic Medical Sciences

    Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer all questions.

    N.R - New Regulations

    O.R - Old Regulations

    NOVEMBER, 2008(N.R)

    Write short essays on the following:

    1. Pathophysiology of body fluids and its clinical application.

    2. Evaluation of a child with prolonged bleeding tendency.

    3. Serological markers of viral hepatitis.

    4. Peak exploratory flow rate and its use in the management of bronchial asthma.

    5. Laboratory evaluation for hypertension in a child.6. Laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection.

    7. Principles of genetic counseling.

    8. Classification of antiretroviral drugs.

    9. Vitamin D analogues.

    10. Histological types of chronic glomeulonephritis in children.

    JUNE, 2008(N.R)

    1. Aetiopathogenesis of acute diarrhea in children.

    2. Pathology in persistent hepatitis and chronic active hepatitis.

    3. Pulmonary function in restrictive lung disease and obstructive lung disease.

    4. Laboratory investigations for arthritis and interpretation of results.

    5. Importance of urine examination in a children.

    6. Recombinant DNA technology and its application in pediatrics.

    7. Antimalarial drugs and current therapy of malaria.

    8. Urea cycle, disorders of urea cycle and their diagnosis.

    9. Development of retina and staging of ROP.

    10.Prescribing in liver diseases

    MAY/JUNE, 2007(N.R)

    1. Physiology of breathing in the new born and diagnostic evaluation of premature baby with apnea.

    2. Pharmacotherapy of esophageal variceal bleeding.

    3. Cerebral blood flow regulation in the new born.

    4. Neuropathology of TBM and its clinical manifestations.5. Diagnostic evaluation of a 1 year old child with metabolic acidosis.

    6. Investigations for malabsorption in a 2 year old child with failure to thrive.

    7. Development of anorectal canal, classification of anorectal malformation in a male child.

    8. Interpretation of laboratory investigations of a child who has intrauterine infection.

    9. Laboratory evaluation of childhood hypertension.

    10.Vitamin D analogues and their use in pediatric conditions.

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    NOVEMBER-2006 (N.R.)

    1. Foetal circulation

    2. Teratogenic Cyst

    3. Development in second year of life

    4. Language development in 4 years old child and write about Dyslexia

    5. Munchansen syndrome by proxy (MSBP)

    6. Liver function tests and importance of each one of them

    7. Sexual Maturity Rate (SMR) in both sexes

    8. Stages of coagulation and mention diseases related to each stage

    9. Development of heart and haemodynamics of total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage

    10.Role of probiotics and prebiotics in paediatric practice

    MAY-JUNE-2006 - N.R.

    1. List the Gram positive and negative organisms and mention technique of Ziehl-Neelsen stains =10m

    2. Respiratory function test and their clinical implication =10m

    3. Spinal Arch and describe the clinical manifestations of lesions at various sites of spinal arch.=10m

    4. Mention upper GI Anomalies and write about various types of Tracheo-oesophageal Fistula (TEF)=10M

    5. Diagnostic evaluation of haematuria=10m6. Describe various metabolic changes in seen in Diabetes Mellitus =10m

    7. Describe the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and mention the causes for hydro cephalus in


    8. Cytogenetic in Downs syndrome=10

    9. Vasodilators in the management of Congestive cardiac failure

    10.Growth factors in haematology and their therapeutic implication=10m

    APR/MAY, 2005.

    1. Malrotation of gut

    2. Prebiotics and Probiotics

    3. Laboratory tests to differentiate pre-renal and renal failure

    4. Cephalosporins in Paediatric practice

    5. ECG changes of chamber hypertrophy in children

    6. Bone age estimation

    7. Urine examination for suspected metabolic diseases in children

    8. Role of imaging studies in the diagnosis of renal diseases

    9. PEFR measurement in the diagnosis and management of childhood asthma

    10.Intraosseous fluid therapy

    SEPT./OCT., 2004. (N.R.)

    1. Etiopathology of Neurocysticercosis (Each question carry Ten marks)

    2. Nucleotides in pediatric nutrition

    3. Interpretation of laboratory investigations in the diagnosis of TORCH infections4. Clinical features of temporal and parietal lobe lesions of brain

    5. Nutritional anthropometry

    6. Haematological tests in evaluating anaemia in children

    7. Liver function tests and their interpretation

    8. Newer anticonvulsants

    9. Pathophysiology of shock

    10.Management of ATT induced hepatotoxicity

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    MARCH/APRIL, 2004 (N.R.)

    1. Diagnostic evaluation of proteinuria =10m

    2. Development of the kidney and renal developmental anomalies =10m

    3. Quinolones in pediatrics practice =10m

    4. Laboratory diagnosis of DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) =10m

    5. Clinical features associated with hemiplegia in relation to the level of lesion =10m

    6. Transfusion reactions and their management =10m

    7. Vasodilators in the management of CCF (Congestive Cardiac Failure) =10m

    8. Natural course of primary complex =10m

    9. Primary and secondary dentition =10m

    10. Etiopathogenesis of acute dirrhoea. =10m

    MARCH/APRIL,2004. (O.R.)

    1. Enumerate the liver function tests. Describe the LFT abnormalities in acute and chronic liver

    disease.Describe the clinical features, diagnosis, prevention and management of acute viral hepatitis.

    2. Enumerate the causes of shock. Describe the pathogenesis of shock and discuss in detail the

    management of cardiogenic shock.

    3. Write short notes on:a) Quinolones

    b) Varicella Vaccine

    c) Laboratory diagnosis of HIV in children

    d) Hypernatremia

    SEPT./OCT.2003 (N.R.)

    1. Hyperkalemia =10m

    2. Classification and pathophysiology of shock =10m

    3. Neutropenia=10m

    4. Antiviral drugs

    5. Thermoregulation in a neonate and methods to prevent heat loss =10m

    6. Immunization in a child with HIV infection =10m

    7. Evaluation of Renal Function =10marks

    8. Parenteral Nutrition in neonates. =10m

    9. Monitoring a critically ill child.=10m

    10. Physiologic basis of maintenance fluid requirements in children =10m

    SEPT./OCT.2003. (O.R.)

    1. Describe fetal circulation and discuss: a) Changes occurring at birth b) mechanism of closure of ductus

    2. Discuss the physiological changes occurring in puberty and enumerate the causes of precocious


    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Erythropoietinb) Histopathological changes in the joints and heart in rheumatic fever

    c) Physiological basis of therapy with WHO, ORS and improved ORS formulae.

    d) Pharmacology of drugs used in neonatal resuscitation.

    MARCH, 2003(N.R)

    1. What is Anion gap? Discuss the approach to the diagnosis of a child with high anion gap metabolic


    2. Describe the physiology of lactation and discuss the following: a) Lactation failure b) Relactation

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    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Pharmacological closure of PDA

    b) Inotropic support in Pediatric Critical Car

    c) Management of Drug resistance tuberculosis

    d) Hemodynamics in transposition of great vessels

    SEPT./OCT.2002 (N.R)

    1. Clinical presentation of cerebello pontine angle space occupying lesion.

    2. Serological markers of Hepatitis B Virus infection.

    3. Pulmonary function tests for office practice.

    4. Pharmacotherapy of Drug resistant tuberculosis in children

    5. Importance of urine examination in Pediatric diagnosis.

    6. Evaluation of a patient with metabolic acidosis.

    7. Micronutrients in childhood nutrition

    8. Immunological basis for Pediatric Immunization.

    9. Importance of bone marrow examination in childhood diseases.

    10.Adolescent growth spurt.

    SEPT./OCT.2002 (O.R)

    1. Describe fluid & electrolyte balance in the neonates. Discuss principles of fluid therapy in the newborn.

    2. Describe portal circulation and discuss causes and clinical manifestations of portal hypertension in


    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Antiarrhythmic drugs

    b) Histopathology of Nephrotic syndrome.

    c) Pathophysiology of diarrhoeagenic E.Coli diarrhoea

    d) Levels of lesion in hemiplegia.

    MAY, 2000.(O.R)

    1. Discuss Fetal circulation and enumerate causes, management and prevention of primary pulmonary

    hypertension in the new born.

    2. Discuss Renal Function Tests, Causes and Management of Acute Renal Failure.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Critical analysis of composition of ORS

    b) Diagnosis and prevention of Neural tube defects

    c) HIV Vaccine

    d) Cephalosporins

    JUNE, 1999.(O.R)

    1. Discuss the role of raemerging and newer infections in Indian children. Highlight the measures to be

    taken to prevent and tackle such a problem.2. Draw a diagram of optic fundus and discuss the importance of optic fundus examination in the

    diagnosis of various paediatric diseases.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Newer antimalarial drugs

    b) Polymerase chain Reaction

    c) Pulse Oximetry

    d) Arnold-Chiari Malformation.

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    AUGUST, 1998.(O.R)

    1. Draw a diagram depicting the portal circulation. Discuss the types, causes, haemodynamic

    changes,evaluation, management and prevention of portal hypertension in children.

    2. Describe the life cycle of malarial parasite in human beings. Discuss regarding the mode of

    action,dosage, indications, contra-indications and problems of available anti-malarial drugs in treating

    childhood malaria, including newer anti-malarials.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Clinical indicators and evaluation of immunodeficiency disorders in children.

    b) Mantoux-test methodology, relevance and interpretation under various clinical states.

    c) Manifestations and management of leptospirosis

    d) Sensitivity and specificity of a test.

    FEBRUARY, 1998.(O.R)

    1. Discuss Adrenal Cortical functions & give a brief account of Addisons disease.

    2. Give an account of Antiviral vaccines in Pediatric practice.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Intracranial calcifications in children.

    b) 2 Dechocardiogram studies in childrenc) Colored Urine syndromes in Pediatrics.

    D) PAIDS

    SEPTEMBER, 1997.(O.R)

    1. Discuss Pancreatic function tests. How do you evaluate a newborn with ascites.

    2. Give an account of newer vaccines in Paediatric practice.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Galactogagues

    b) Essential fatty acids

    c) Ultrasound in neonates.

    d) Recent antimalarial drugs.

    SEPTEMBER, 1996.(O.R)

    1. Discuss bilirubin metabolism. Enumerate the causes of jaundice in paediatric age.

    2. Evaluate the role of Vitamin inhalation to childhood morbidity and mortality.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Predictors of outcome of nephrotic syndrone.

    b) Importance of Casonis test

    c) Draw a man test

    d) Intra-cranial space-occupying lesions

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    Dr.NTRUHS University


    Paper-II Diseases of New born, Preventive and Social Paediatrics, Growth &

    Development and Child Psychiatry

    Time : 3 Hours-Max. Marks : 100-Note : Answer all questions-All questions carry equal marks

    N.R - New Regulations

    O.R - Old Regulations

    NOVEMBER - 2008 N.R

    Write short essays on the following:1. Revised national Tuberculosis control programme.

    2. Neonatal component of integrated management of childhood illnesses.

    3. Aetiology investigations and management of acute renal failure in the newborn.

    4. Clinical features of kernicterus and its prevention. 5. Academic underachievement in adolescents.

    6. Principles of growth and factors affecting growth and development.

    7. Pattern of sleep disorders in children.

    8. Etiology of neonatal hypoglycemia and management of persistent hypoglycemia.

    9. Management of severe Meconium aspiration syndrome.

    10. Practical guidelines for achieving exclusive breastfeeding.

    JUNE, 2008 N.R

    1. Prevention of blindness in children.2. Measures to reduce Infant Mortality Rate (IMR).

    3. Management of persistent pulmonary hypertension in the newborn.

    4. Algorithm for the anticonvulsant therapy and follow-up therapy for neonatal seizures due to hypoxic

    ischemic encephalopathy.

    5. Diagnosis and management of depression in adolescence.

    6. Pattern of Growth in preterm and small for date babies.

    7. Pattern of pubertal development.

    8. Recognition and control of nosocomial infections in NICU.

    9. Diagnostic approach to anemia in the newborn.

    10.Aims, objectives and services of under five clinic

    NOVEMBER, 2007(N.R)

    Write short essays on the following:

    1. National Aids control programme

    2. Impact of RCH programme in reduction of childhood morbidity & mortality

    3. Algorithm for the management of neonatal seizures

    4. Clinical manifestations of inborn errors of metabolism in the neonatal period.

    5. Clinical manifestations and management of PDA in preterm infant

    6. Situational disorders in children 7. Growth charts in the evaluation of short stature

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    8. Physical growth and sexual development in adolescene

    9. Clinical manifestations and management of polycythemia in the newborn

    10.Aetiology and management of neonatal meningitis.

    MAY/JUNE, 2007 (N.R.)

    1. Etiology and diagnostic evaluation of seizures in a 3 day old infant.

    2. Prevention and management of oxygen toxicity in the newborn.

    3. Management of common situational disorders in children.

    4. Types of growth charts and their use in children.

    5. Consequences of Vitamin-A deficiency in children, management and prevention.

    6. Indications and complications of parenteral hyperalimentation in the newborn.

    7. Investigations and management of prolonged jaundice in a two month old infant.

    8. Long term prognosis of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.

    9. Definition and management of polycythemia in newborn.

    10.Care of neonate in the community.

    NOVEMBER-2006 (N.R.)

    1. Causes for Jaundice in first week of life and investigation, management of Rh-incompatability2. Oxygen Toxicity in preterm with special mention of fundal changes and management of ROP

    3. Screening Tests in Newborn

    4. Sepsis Screening in Neonate

    5. RCH programme in India

    6. Tetany in Neonate and their management

    7. Diagnosis and management of attention deficit disorder

    8. Legal aspect of adoption

    9. Developmental screening tests

    10.Methods of eradication of malaria


    1. Causes of Anaemia in newborn with a brief note on Physiological Anaemia in infancy=10m

    2. Classification of IUGR and their long-term outcome=10m

    3. Causes of Respiratory Distress syndrome in newborn and different types of ventilators used in

    neonatal practice

    4. High Risk Pregnancy and foetal outcome =10m

    5. Define growth and development. Write about the factors influencing them =10m

    6. Fluid management in preterm baby =10m

    7. Habit disorders in children with a special note on Gilles de la Tourette syndrome=10m

    8. Psychosocial problems in adolescent

    9. Steps of prevention of malaria

    10.Prevention of lactation failure

    APR/MAY, 2005. (N.R.)

    1. Causes and management of neonatal thrombocytopenia

    2. An account of newborn reflexes and early detection of cerebral palsy

    3. Classification, management and outcome of intraventricular haemorrhage

    4. Diagnosis and management of anorectal malformation

    5. Social issues in caring HIV infection children

    6. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder

    7. School health programme

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    8. Juvenile delinquency

    9. Kangaroo mother care

    10. Principles and theories of growth

    SEPT./OCT., 2004 (N.R.)

    1. Causes of apnoea in newborn and management of apnoea of prematurity (Each carry Ten marks)

    2. Etiology and management of late onset sepsis

    3. Antenatal diagnosis and prenatal genetic counseling for Downs syndrome

    4. Prevention of further injury to the brain in babies with perinatal asphyxia

    5. Erythropoietin in the treatment of anaemia of prematurity

    6. Objectives and implementation of IMCI in India

    7. Current status of national malaria control programme

    8. Disruptive behavious in children

    9. Measures to reduce neonatal mortality

    10.Foetal onset of adult diseases

    MARCH/APRIL, 2004 (N.R.)

    1. Causes of respiratory distress in newborn and surfactant therapy of RDS =10m2. Fluid management in neonates with RDS, PDA and NEC.

    3. Long term prognosis of small for date babies

    4. Effects of antenatal drug therapy on growing foetus =10m

    5. Causes and management of late onset hypocalcemia =10m

    6. Effects of environmental pollution on health of children =10m

    7. National Nutrition Programmes.=10m

    8. Diagnosis and management of childhood autism=10m

    9. Psychosocial problems in adolescents=10m

    10.Methods of eradication of polio =10m

    MARCH/APRIL, 2004. (O.R.)

    1. Enumerate the causes of neonatal jaundice. Describe the clinical approach, investigations and

    management of neonatal jaundice with reference to phototherapy and exchange transfusion.

    2. Define cerebral palsy. Discuss the etiology, pathogenesis and classification of cerebral palsy. Describe

    the principles of its management.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) ADHD (Attention Defecit Hyperactive Disorder)

    b) Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

    c) National Nutritional programmes

    d) Child labour

    SEPT./OCT.2003 (N.R.)

    1. Adjuvant therapy in neonatal sepsis =10m2. Environment and child health =10m

    3. Congenital syphilis =10m

    4. Management of respiratory distress syndrome in a neonate=10m

    5. Discuss in detail about Polycythemia in the new born =10m

    6. Child labour =10marks

    7. Developmental evaluation in the first year of life

    8.Attention Deficit Hyperactive disorder (ADHD)=10m

    9. IUGR (Intrauterine growth restriction/retardation) classification, problems and problems and principles

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    of management.=10m

    10.Apnoea of prematurity.=10marks

    SEPT./OCT.2003 (O.R.)

    1. Discuss Infant mortality levels and trends in our country. Describe the strategies to bring down IMR

    whichhas been static for the last one decade.

    2. Discuss etiology, clinical staging and management of ROP

    3. Write short :

    a) Risk factors for IVH

    b) Brain oriented resuscitation

    c) Binet-Kamat test

    d) Nocturnal enuresis.

    MARCH, 2003.(O.R)

    1. Discuss etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and management of Attention deficit hyperactivity


    2. A 5 days old, 32 weeks preterm baby develops mild abdominal distension and increased gastric

    residues while on tube feeding. Discuss the differential diagnosis and management.3. Write short notes on:

    a) Primary newborn care.

    b) Perinatal transmission of HIV

    c) Pediatric component of RCH programme

    d) Growth velocity.


    1. What is IMCI? Discuss merits and demerits of IMCI.

    2. 30 weeks preterm baby who had hyaline membrane disease, requiring ventilatory support for one week

    and oxygen support for another two weeks is being discharged from NICU after I month stay. Discuss,

    how would you follow-up this baby in your high risk clinic.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Anaemia in prematurity

    b) Autism

    c) Primary dentition.

    d) High frequency ventilation.

    MAY, 2000.(O.R)

    1. Discuss in detail measures to prevent neonatal infection in the post natal wards. Neonatal Nursery and

    at home.

    2. Discuss causes and management of a bleeding neonate.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Polycythemia in the newbornb) Trauncy

    c) Hepatitis B Vaccine.

    d) Language development, causes and management of Language delay.

    JUNE, 1999.(O.R)

    1. Pallor, ecchymosis and presence of altered blood in the vomitus in a 72 hour old term neonate

    Discuss the clinical and investigate approach. Outline the treatment plan of any one of the conditions.

    2. Discuss the causes of Intra Uterine-growth Retardation (IUGR). What are the types of IUGR? Discuss

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    in detail the complications of IUGR babies and their management.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) SHAKIRS Tape

    b) Neonatal problems in Downs syndrome

    c) Prevention of neural tube defects

    d) Attention deficit disorder.

    AUGUST, 1998.(O.R)

    1. Discuss the differential diagnosis, causes, investigative and management approach to a 2 week old

    neonate presenting with history of vomiting, constipation, abdominal distension and mild jaundice of 2

    days duration.

    2. Discuss in detail the developmental and growth assessment of a three-year-old child.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Etiology and prevention of Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn.

    b)Essential newborn care

    c)Long term growth and development of preterm children.

    d)Childhood autism.

    FEBRUARY, 1998.(O.R)

    1. Discuss in detail common abdominal neoplasms in a neonate & describe their management.

    2. Give an account of Hermaphrodite and discuss the investigations and management.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Infantileutism

    b) Congenital malaria

    c) Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia

    d) Scorpion stings in children

    SEPTEMBER, 1997.(O.R)

    1. Give an account of Bleeding Diathesis in a neonate and discuss the strategy to investigate.

    2. Discuss the proportionate dwarfs and describe recent trends in its management.

    3. Write short:

    a) Precocious puberty

    b) Enuresis in school going children.

    c) Caffeys disease

    d) Phakomatosis.

    SEPTEMBER 1996.(O.R)

    1. Discuss the clinical manifestations of various diseases during neonatal period.

    2. Discuss the merits and demerits of various national health programmes.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Erb-Duchenne paralysisb) Dehydration fever

    c) Acyclovir

    d. bulimia

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    Dr.NTRUHS University


    Paper-III Nutrition, Infant feeding, Immunology and Communicable diseases

    Time : 3 Hours-Max. Marks: 100-Note : Answer all questions-All questions carry equal marks

    N.R - New Regulations

    O.R - Old Regulations

    NOVEMBER, 2008(N.R)

    Write short essays on the following:

    1. Clinical spectrum of dengue virus infections.

    2. Management and prevention of meningococcal infection.

    3. Cold chain for vaccines.

    4. Differential diagnosis of acute flaccid paralysis.

    5. Issues in adolescent nutrition and their management.

    6. Perinatal varicella infection and management.7. Clinical manifestations of cows milk protein allergy.

    8. Muco cutaneous manifestations of viral infections in children.

    9. Clinical features of hydatid disease in children and management.

    10. Diagnosis and management of leptospirosis.

    JUNE, 2008(N.R)

    1. Smart nutrients.

    2. Immunization in special circumstances

    3. Diagnosis and management of Rickettsial disease in children.

    4. Clinical manifestations and management of pertussis encephalopathy

    5. Diagnosis and management of childhood obesity.

    6. Clinical features in various types of neuro tuberculosis.

    7. Guidelines for complementary feeding

    8. Clinical features and management of mycoplasma pneumonia infection in children

    9. Rabies vaccines and post exposure prophylaxis of rabies.

    10.Management of Neonatal tetanus

    NOVEMBER, 2007(N.R)

    Write short essays on the following:

    1. Diagnosis of staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome

    2. Diagnostic approach to fever of unknown origin

    3. Immunocompromised child

    4. Intravenous Immunoglobulin therapy in pediatrics5. Nutritional recovery syndrome

    6. Clinical types of herpes simplex infection in children and management of herpes encephalitis

    7. Current concepts in the management of acute diarrhea

    8. Clinical features and management of non typhoidal salmonellosis.

    9. Etiology and management of neonatal pneumonia

    10.Clinical features of congenital rubella syndrome and its prevention.

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    MAY/JUNE, 2007 (N.R.)

    1. Approach to a child with delayed puberty.

    2. Immunomodulators in childhood diseases.

    3. Complementary feeding.

    4. Nutritional problems in adolescents.

    5. Diagnosis, prevention and management of Japanese encephalitis.

    6. Diagnosis and management of dengue hemorrhagic fever with shock.

    7. Investigations and management of a 2 year old child presenting with prolonged fever.

    8. Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV.

    9. Opportunistic infections.

    10.Micronutrient deficiency and immunity.

    NOVEMBER-2006 (N.R.)

    1. Describe clinical features, complications and management of measles

    2. Write aetiology, clinical features and complications of kwashiorkor

    3. Write mechanism of Breast milk secretion and advantages of breast milk

    4. Write on Dengue haemorrhagic fever and management

    5. Describe immune system and protein energy malnutrition6. Discuss approach to P.U.O. (Pyrexia of Unknown Origin)

    7. Mention diseases related to complement system.

    8. Mention clinical characteristics of different types of Diarrhogenic Escherichia coli

    9. Mention complications and management of Plasmodium falciparum malaria

    10.What are the clinical features and management of Kawasaki disease


    1. Dengue fever and management =10m

    2. Biochemical changes in Protein energy Malnutrition=10m

    3. Graft versus host disease=10m

    4. Diet prescription in Protein Energy Malnutrition=10m

    5. Active Phase Reactants=10m

    6. Total Parenteral Nutrition=10m

    7. Management of Acute GE in a 10 kg weighing child with severe dehydration=10m

    8. Approach to Resistant Rickets and their management=10m

    9. ARI Programme =10m

    10.Newer Drugs in the management of Tuberculosis=10m

    APR/MAY, 2005. (N.R.)

    1. Adolescent nutrition

    2. Management of child with Dengue haemorrhage shock syndrome

    3. Clinical presentations and diagnosis of Ricketsial fever

    4. Nutritional management of chronic diarrhoea5. Diagnosis and management of tuberculous in HIV infected child

    6. Spectrum of H.influenza infection in children and management

    7. Diagnosis and management of anaerobic infections in children

    8. Clinical features and management of a child with H.Pylori infection

    9. Etiology and management of non-resolving pneumonia

    10.Management of VitaminD resistant rickets.

    SEPT./OCT., 2004 (N.R.)

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    1. Nutritional requirements of preterm infants.

    2. Management of Chloroquine resistant malaria

    3. Management of an infant with perinatal HIV infection.

    4. Etiology and diagnosis of management of obesity in children

    5. Complications of Staphylococcal septicemia & management of methicillin resistant Staphylococcal


    6. Evaluation and management of recurrent urinary tract infection in children

    7. Etiology of encephalitis in children, diagnosis and management of a child with Japanese Encephalitis.

    8. Causes of lactation failure and management of retracted nipple.

    9. Diagnosis and management of leprosy in children

    10.Spectrum of Chlamydial infections in children and their management.

    MARCH/APRIL, 2004. (N.R.)

    1. Clinical features and management of cerebral malaria. =10m

    2. Immunological properties of breast milk =10m

    3. Classification of primary immunodeficiency disorders. Write on Burton disease =10m

    4. Management of Opportunistic infections in patients with pediatric AIDS.=10m

    5. Feeding low birth weight infants=10m6. Toxic shock syndrome =10m

    7. Diagnosis and management of nosocomial infections in Pediatric Intensive care units.=10m

    8. Enteral nutrition in critically ill children=10m

    9. Diagnosis and management of febrile neutropenia=10

    10.Dermatological manifestations of infectious diseases =10m

    MARCH/APRIL,2004. (O.R.)

    1. Classify Anaemias of infancy and early childhood. Describe the clinical features and management of

    megaloblastic anemia.

    2. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and management of cerebral malaria.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Cytomegalovirus infection

    b) Feeding in LBW infant

    c) Immunological status of a preterm child

    d) Multi drug resistant tuberculosis.

    SEPT./OCT.2003 (N.R.).

    1. Iron deficiency anemia etiology, investigations and management =10m

    2. Leptospira infection etiology, clinical features and management.=10m

    3. BFHI (Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative) =10m

    4. Classification and evaluation of child with primary immune deficiency =10m

    5. Pathogenesis and management of Cerebral Malaria =10m

    6. Bacterial pneumonia Etiology and management =10m7. Varicella clinical features, prevention and management =10m

    8. Newer vaccines =10marks

    9. Obesity Diagnosis, risk factors and management =10m

    10. Shigella infection in children =10m

    SEPT./OCT.2003 (O.R.)

    1. Discuss control strategies for the prevention of nutritional anaemia in children

    2. Discuss problems in the fetus and newborn of a mother who develops chicken pox during the antenatal

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    period. Briefly mention the management of affected new born.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) DTTU

    b) Dietary nucleotides in paediatric nutrition

    c) Immunological properties of Breast milk

    d) Probiotics and Prebiotics in pediatrics

    MARCH, 2003.(O.R.)

    1. Discuss feeding in a critically ill child.

    2. Discuss the role of immunomodulators in childhood illness.

    3. Write short notes

    a) Parvovirus infection

    b) Non-nutritive sucking.

    c) Kawasaki disease

    d) AFP surveillance


    1. Write an essay on Nutrition and Immunity in Pediatrics.2. A 4 years old child presents with fever of 8 days duration and generalized erythematous rashes of 3

    days duration. Discuss the differential diagnosis and management.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Immunological markers of hepatitis

    b) Graft versus Host disease

    c) Management of Dengue Hemorrhagic Shock syndrome

    d) Requirements in BFHI certification.

    MAY, 2000.(O.R.)

    1. Discuss Obstetric and Neonatal factors favourable successful Lactation. Explain the advantages of

    exclusive breast feeding.

    2. A 6 months old presents with fever cough and rapid breathing. Discuss differential diagnosis &


    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Diet in Chronic Liver disease

    b) Disacchindase Deficiency

    c) An update on Pertussis Vaccine

    d) Lead Poisoning in Children

    JUNE, 1999.(O.R.)

    1. Discuss the nutritional requirements of a preterm child (1800 gms), from birth to infancy. How will you

    advice the mother regarding childs nutrition till I year of age.

    2. Describe the investigative and management approach to a 3 year old child with recurrent and chronicrespiratory infection.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Not enough milk management

    b) Impetigo

    c) Pin worm infestation

    d) T.Cell deficiency in children.

    AUGUST, 1998.(O.R.)

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    1. Discuss the antenatal and postnatal measures to be taken to prevent early failure of lactation. Discuss

    the adverse factors prevalent in hospitals and maternity homes that are against the establishment of


    2. 8 month old child on bottle feeding with commercial milk and weaning formula develops chronic

    diarrhoea. Discuss the clinical investigation and management of this condition.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Eating disorders of adolescents

    b) Hemolytic-Uraemic syndrome

    c) Prevention of Haemophilus influenza type B infection in infants.

    d) Manifestations and management of acute iron toxicity (poisoning).

    FEBRUARY, 1998.(O.R.)

    1. Discuss mental functions in protein energy malnutrition and narrate regarding the investigations and


    2. Describe in detail Extrathoracic tuberculosis in children and narrate investigations and management.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Abnormal Haemoglobins

    b) Sound diagnosis in clinical paediatricsc) Meckels diverticulum

    d) Porphyrias in children.

    SEPTEMBER, 1997.(O.R.)

    1. Discuss in detail Heredofamilial Obesity narrate how do you investigate and manage.

    2. Discuss Infantile Tremor Syndromes and give a note regarding the investigations and management.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Bone marrow transplants in children

    b) ECMO

    c) Fluorosis in children

    d) Immunotherapy

    SEPTEMBER, 1996.(O.R.)

    1. What is the impact of national immunization on various vaccine preventable diseases in both urban and

    rural area.

    2. Discuss the role of immunoglobulins in various disorders.

    3. Write short notes on:

    a) Complimentary feeding

    b) Problems and management of Tiny neonate

    c) Fanconis anaemia

    d) Causes of deafness in children

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    MD DEGREEPaper-IV Diseases of infancy and childhood

    Time : 3 Hours-Max. Marks: 100-Note : Answer all questions-All questions carry equal marks

    N.R - New RegulationsO.R - Old Regulations

    NOVEMBER 2008 N.RWrite short essays on the following:1. Etiology, clinical features and management of chronic renal failure.2. Diagnostic approach to child with chronic cough.3. Clinical features and management of salicylate poisoning.4. Clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of helicobacter pylori infection in children.5. Etiology, presentation and management of acute ataxia in children.6. Clinical manifestations and management of neuroblastoma.7. Diagnosis and management of upper airway obstruction.8. Approach to a child with traces of blood in the stools for 6 months.9. Management of thalassemia major.

    10. Diagnosis and management of cardiogenic shock in children.

    JUNE, 2008.N.R1. Etiology, Investigations, management of syncope in children.2. Clinical staging and management of Non Hodgkin Lymphoma.3. Clinical manifestations and management of hemolytic uremic syndrome4. Clinical features and management of Systemic lupus erythematosus.5. Clinical presentation and management of gastro esophageal reflex disease.6. Clinical feature and management of snake bite.7. Causes of congestive cardiac failure in 2-year old child8. Management of acute fulminant hepatitis9. Aetiology& management of constipation in infants& children10.Diagnosis and management of renal tubular acidosis

    NOVEMBER, 2007(N.R)1. Diagnostic approach to a child with myopathy2. Etiology and emergency management of upper GIT bleed in children3. Management of Iron poisoning4. Timing of surgery in congenital heart disease5. Diagnostic approach to a child with mental retardation6. Diagnosis and management of wilms tumor7. The current understanding of management of recurrent and chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenicpurpura8. Diagnosis and management of supraventricular tachycardia of an infant.9. Differential diagnosis for acute pharyngitis10.Management of refractory asthma

    MAY/JUNE, 2007 (N.R.)1. Current trends in the management of Thalassemia major.2. Diagnosis and management of childhood Migraine.3. Immuno modulators and their application in childhood disease states.4. Advances in the management of multiple organ system failure.5. Clinical features and management of supraventriculer tachycardia.6. Clinical manifestations and management of chronic renal failure in children.7. Etiology and approach to the diagnosis of floppy infant.8. Clinical manifestations and management of cows milk allergy.

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    9. Causes of acute respiratory failure and management.10.Management of Acute lymphoblastic Leukemia in children.

    NOVEMBER-2006 (N.R.)1. Diagnosis and management of congenital upper G.I.obstruction2. Clinical feature and management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis

    3. Causes and management of congestive cardiac failure in 8 years old child4. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) and its management5. Chronic Renal Failure causes and its management6. Approach to resistant generalized seizures in older children7. Clinical features and investigations in cases of mucopolysaccharodoses (MPS)8. Management of outcome in acute leukaemias in children9. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic Hormone Secretion (SIADH)10.Extra hepatic portal vein obstruction

    MAY-JUNE-2006(N.R)1. Causes of cirrhosis of liver in 6 years old child and steps of management of hepaticencephalopathy=10m2. Causes of haemolytic anaemias in children and management of thalassaemia major =10m

    3. Clinical types of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and management of polyarticular type of JRA=10m4. Pathogenesis of Bronchial asthma and treatment of Status Asthmaticus=10m5. Congenital Dislocaztion of hip joint =10m6. Importance of Ophthalmic fundocscopic examination in children =10m7. Aetiology and management of Addisons disease in children =10m 8. Causes of anterior horn cell disease in children and clinical features of spinal muscular atrophy=10m9. Acute stroke in children =10m10. Botulism in children =10m

    APR/MAY, 2005. (N.R.)1. Causes, clinical features and management of renal tubular acidosis2. Causes of chronic diarrhoea and management of a one year child with chronic diarrhoea.3. Risk factors, clinical features and management of fulminant hepatic failure4. Classification of arrhythmias in children and management of Supraventricular tachycardia5. Evaluation of a child with convulsions and treatment of a child with recurrent convulsion.6. Management of Sickle cell crisis.7. Clinical manifestations and differential diagnosis of chorea in children & management of a child withrheumatic chorea.8. Clinical features and management of a child with diabetic ketoacidosis.9. Evaluation of a child with recurrent Epistaxis.10.Classification and management of Non-Hodgkins lymphoma

    SEPT./OCT., 2004.(N.R.)1. Diagnostic evaluation of a three years old child with malabsorption syndrome.2. Evaluation of a child with recurrent haematuria.3. Diagnosis of a child with persistent cough and management of chronic persistent asthma.4. Classification of congenital cyanotic heart diseases and management of transposition of great vessels.

    5. Management of hypertension in children6. Diagnostic evaluation of female child with precocious puberty7. Management of a child with refractory nutritional anaemia8. Diagnosis and management of a child with myasthenia gravis9. Classification and prognosis of childhood leukaemia10.Approach to a child with recurrent headache and management of migraine in children.

    MARCH/APRIL, 2004. (N.R.)1. Diagnosis and management of gastro esophageal reflux =10m

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    2. Clinical features and management of Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis =10m3. Etiology and management of sub acute bacterial endocarditis=10m4. Management of complicated Henoch-Schonlein purpura =10m5. Differential diagnosis and management of a one year old child with fever, stridor and severe respiratorydistress.6. Management of chronic ITP =10m

    7. EMG and NCV findings in a child with acute flaccid paralysis=108. Evaluation and management of a child with steroid resistant nephritic syndrome =10m9. Movement disorders in children =10m10. Diagnosis and management of Hodgkins disease =10m

    MARCH/APRIL, 2004. (O.R.)1. Define chronic diarrhea. Discuss the etiological factors and evaluation of a child with chronicdiarrhea.Outline the management.2. Discuss etiopathogenesis of Bronchial asthama. Discuss clinical features, classification andmanagement of asthma in children.3. Write short notes on:a) Management of Acute Lymphatic Leukemiab) Lead Poisoning

    c) Evaluation of a child with acute arthritisd) Vesico ureteral reflux.

    SEPT./OCT.2003 (N.R.)1. Management of a child with extrahepatic portal hypertension =10m2. Celiac disease =10m3. Principles of treatment of Acute Lymphatic Leukemia =10m4. Spastic diplegia clinical features, etiopathogenesis and principles of therapy =10m5. Management of a child with snake bite6. Principles of management of a child with chronic renal failure7. Drowning-pathophysiology and management=10m8. Urea cycle disorder =10m9. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis classification and clinical features10.Supraventricular tachy cardia=10m

    SEPT./OCT.2003. (O.R.)1. Write on clinical features and management of cardiopulmonary failure in children.2. Discuss Pathophysiology and management of Diabetic ketoacidosis in children.3. Write short notes on:a) Differential diagnosis of stridor in infancyb) Play therapyc) Sjogren-Larsson syndromed) Cardiomyopathy

    MARCH,2003(O.R.)1. Discuss movement disorders in children.2. Write on clinical manifestations, diagnosis & management of gastro esophageal reflux disease in

    children.3. Write short notes on:a) Ebsteins anomaly.b) Antenatal diagnosis of Downs syndrome.c) Management of Organophosphorous poisoningd) Helicobacter pylori infection in children.

    SEPT./OCT.2002(O.R.)1. Discuss diagnosis and management of a 2months old infant with history of jaundice from the age of

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    7days.2. Discuss current concepts in the management of nephrotic syndrome3. Write:a) Cardiogenic shockb) Management of snake bitec) Growth hormone

    d) Fragile X-syndrome

    MAY, 2000.(O.R.)1. A 6 years old female presents with Hematemesis and abdominal distension on examination there isPallor, jaundice, tense ascitis and hepatosplenomegaly. Discuss differential diagnosis and management.2. An 8 years old presents with Quaduparesis of gradual onset over a period of 3 days. Discussdifferential diagnosis and management.3. Write short notes on:a) Cyanosis in the newbornb) Innocent Murmursc) Urine Examination in the side labd) Inhalation Therapy in Bronchial Asthma.

    JUNE, 1999.(O.R.)1. Discuss the diagnosis and management of beta thalassemia in a 3 year old child.2. A 6 years old girl brought with arthralgia palpitation and breathlessness. On Examination, a systolicmurmur is heard in the mitral area. How will you manage the child.3. Write short notes on:a) Paroxysmal atrial tachycardiab) Neurocysticercosisc) Management of Dengue Haemorrhagic fever with shock syndromed) Ambiguous genitalia

    AUGUST, 1998.(O.R.)1. An eight year old boy presents with 6months history of jaundice and abdominal distension. Onexamination, the boy has jaundice, mild pallor and hard palpable liver and spleen Discuss thedifferential diagnosis and management.2. A 4 year old child presents with failure to thrive, fast breathing and general weakness. On examination,child has no abdominal lung and heart findings. Mild ricketis changes are present. Discuss the differentialdiagnosis and management.3. Write short notes on:a) Typhoid vaccinesb) Status epilepticusc) Congenital lobar emphysemad) Cyanotic spell in tetrology of fallot.

    FEBRUARY, 1998.(O.R.)1. Discuss in detail intractable infections in newborn nurseries and describe the preventive strategies.2. Give an account of preventable blindness in children in developing countries.3. Write short notes on:

    a) Procedures of legal adoptions of childrenb) Antiviral drugs.c) Ulcerative colitis in neonates and childrend) Spectrum & rabies problem in children

    SEPTEMBER, 1997.(O.R.)1. Discuss in detail Perinatal care and compare perinatal mortality in Southern Indian states and narratefuture strategy.2. Give an account of Coagulation factors and evaluation of liver function tests in children.

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    3. Write short notes on:a) Prostaglandinsb) CHILD to child programme in Indiac) Recent anticonvulsions used in pre-schoold & school childrend) ANOXIC spells

    SEPTEMBER, 1996.(O.R.)1. What are the recent views about urinary tract infections. Mention the treatment briefly.2. Discuss Hepatic coma including its etio-pathogenesis, clinical features and management.3. Write short notes on:a) Furazolidoneb) Plan C treatment of gastro-enteritisc) Immuno-therapy of Asthmad) Chemo-porphylaxis of malaria.

    Dr.NTRUHS University


    PAPER-I : Basic Sciences

    Time : 3 Hours-Max. Marks : 100

    APRIL/MAY 2011

    1.What are the natural sources of iron in the diet? Discuss briefly iron metabolism and outline lab

    investigations in IDA

    2.What are the biochemical types of dehydration? Mention the C/F and add a note on Mx of severe

    dehydration and prevention of diarrhoeas in children

    3.What are the principles of growth and development? How do you assess the development of 3yr old


    4.Causes of perinatal mortality rate

    Write short notes on:

    5.Genetic counselling in a down syndrome

    6.Laboratory invigationsest in a child with thalassemia

    7.Human papilloma virus

    8.Intra uterine diagnosis of fetal disorders

    APRIL/MAY 2010

    2.Thyroid function testsWrite short notes on:

    5.Neuronal migration disorders

    8.Campylobacter jejuni

    APRIL 2009

    1.a) write in detail abt bilirubin metabolism b) give 3 examples for unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia

    2.a) name common anticonvulsants b)dose, indications and side effects of anticonvulsants

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    3.a)development of face b)management of cleft lip and cleft palate

    4.etiology, c/f, treatment of hypokalemia in a child

    Write short notes on:


    6.normal ABG


    8.CSF circulation

    NOVEMBER, 2008

    1. Liver function tests in Paediatric practice and how will you interpret?=15m

    2. Vitamin D Metabolism=15m

    3. a) Classify Fat Soluble Vitamins. b) Functions of Vitamin K. c) Causes of Vit. K deficiency=3 x =15m

    4. Mention in detail the common neural tube defects in a child=15m

    WRITE SHORT NOTES ON:= 4x10=40

    5. Circle of Willis. 6. Classification of Functional Respiratory Disability (dysponea).

    7. Urine examinations in a case of Post Streptococcal Glomerular Nephritis and Nephrotic Syndrome.

    8. Name the coagulation factors in order.

    JUNE, 2008

    1. Discuss the role of Iron in health and diseases=15

    2. Describe the events in sexual development in relation to physical growth. Name the important

    regulatory factor.=15

    3. Discuss various biochemical changes and pharmacotherapy of diabetic ketoacidosis.=15

    4. Write about liver function tests and clinical implication of each one of them=15

    Write short notes on: = 4x10=40

    5. Age independent indices of nutritional assessment

    6. Draw a man test

    7. Acute Phase reactants

    8.Vitamin E in pediatrics

    NOVEMBER, 2007

    1. Describe synthesis, metabolism and action of Vitamin D. Discuss histopathology and chemical

    pathology of Vitamin D deficiency rickets=15m

    2. Discuss the role of Copper in health and disease=15m

    3. What is Karyotaping? Describe the various Cytogenetics in Downs Syndrome =15m

    4. Give an account of total parenteral Nutrition

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40m;

    a) Classification of paraplegia depending on site of lesion

    b) Metabolic changes in congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

    c) Antioxidants

    d) Ig A Immunoglobulin

    MAY/JUNE, 2007

    1. Describe the fetal circulation and discuss the changes occurring soon after birth=15

    2. Mechanism and genetics of anti microbial resistance.15

    3. Discuss the various imaging studies used for the diagnosis of disorders of urinary tract in children.15

    4. Clinical manifestation and diagnosis of malrotation of gut=15

    5. WRITE SHORT NOTES ON: 4x10=40

    a) 1, 25 dehydroxy cholecalciferol (calcitriol)

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    b) Enterobiasis

    c) Glycosylated hemoglobin

    d) Blood transfusion in thalassemia


    1. Write the normal physiological functions of the liver & discuss the interpretation of abnormal liver

    function tests

    2. What are the functions of platelets? List the clinical conditions in which platelet abnormalities occur.

    How do you investigate a child with platelet disorder=15m

    3. Discuss the interaction between Micronutrients. How do you prevent Iron and Vit.A deficiency during

    weaning period=15m

    4. Describe the anatomy of glomerus. Discuss the pathological changes occurring in various types of


    5. Write short notes on:

    a) National programmes aimed at reducing IMR

    b) Genetic counseling in Down syndrome and hemophilia

    c) Peripheral nerve injuries in the new born

    d) Pneumococcal vaccine


    1. What are the effects of O2 and CO2 in cerebral blood flow? Discuss the management of increased

    intracranial pressure in children=12marks;

    2. Discuss the relevance, role and requirement of fats in infant nutrition=15m

    3. Write etiology and clinical manifestation of childhood stroke=15m

    4. Define peak expiratory flow rate. Discuss its use in the diagnosis& management of bronchial asthma in


    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40m;

    a) Immunomodulating diet

    b) Osteopenia of prematurity

    c) Drug therapy of CCF

    d) Circulatory changes at birth

    NOV, 2005.

    1. Discuss the changes in pH, Pco2 and Hco3 in metabolic acidosis, respiratory acidosis and metabolic

    and respiratory alkalosis.=15m

    2. What are free radicals and how are they produced? Discuss the disorders in preterm babies due to

    O2free radicals

    3. Describe the mechanism of fever. Discuss the pharmacokinetics of antipyretics in common use for

    children with fever=15m

    4. Discuss pharmacotherapy of status epilepticus=15m

    5. Write short notes: 4 x 10=40m;a) Classification of Neuropathic bladder

    b) Biochemical changes in refractory rickets

    c) Micronutrient deficiency during weaning and preventive strategies.

    d) Fluids and electrolyte management in critically ill children with respiratory infection

    APR/MAY, 2005

    1. Describe the clinical indicators of immuno deficiency states in children; mention the clinical features of

    the congenital immuno deficiency disorder for which gene therapy is carried out =15marks

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    2. Mention the various National Nutrtitional Programmes in India; Describe in detail Blindness prevention


    3. Describe the various tests available for evaluation of pulmonary function in children =15marks

    4. Describe the etiopathogenesis and clinical features of chronic renal insufficiency in children =15marks

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10= 40

    a) Not enough milk

    b) Antibioticv prophylaxis

    c) Landau reflex

    d) Sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test

    SEPT./OCT., 2004

    1. Describe the metabolism of Bilirubin in neonates; discuss the causes, investigative work-up and

    management of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia in neonates =15m

    2. How will you evaluate the absorptive functions of the small intestine. Discuss the etiology and

    management of malabsorptive states in a child =15m

    3. Describe the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (C.S.F.) . Discuss the causes, prognosis and

    management of obstructive hydrocephalus in a 2 years old child =15m

    4. Discuss the methods of assessment of Renal functions. Discuss the etiology, clinical features andmanagement of Renal Tubular Acidosis =15marks

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40m;

    a) Landau Reflex

    b) Midazolam

    c) Umbilical Hernia

    d) Rumination Syndrome.


    1. Describe the various modes of genetic inheritance with reference to Heredofamilial disorders. Describe

    the prenatal diagnosis of Downs syndrome (Trisomy 21) 15m

    2. Describe the components of RCH programme with reference to child health care; what measures are to

    be undertaken on a priority basis to bring down neonatal mortality in India.

    3. Mention the functions of important trace elements in childhood nutrition. Describe the manifestations of

    iodine deficiency in children and the steps to be taken to control endemic goiter.

    4. Describe the etiopathogenesis of Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome (HUS); what are the diagnostic

    procedures tobe undertaken to confirm the diagnosis of HUS; Describe the poor prognostic indications in


    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40marks -

    a) Antistaphylococcal antimicrobial agents

    b) Craniosynostosis

    c) Macroglossia

    d) Bilaterally constricted pupils


    1. Describe the development of neural tube. Discuss the etiopathogenesis, types, clinical features and

    prevention of neural tube disorders. =15m

    2. Describe the components of Primary Health Care. Discuss the strategies to bring down the Infant

    Mortality Rate (I.M.R.) to less than 25 per thousand live births. =15m

    3. Describe the metabolism of Thyroid hormones. Discuss the causes, clinical features, neonatal

    screening and management of congenital hypothyroidism. =15m

    4. Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative What are the essential steps to promote and sustain Human

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers



    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40m;

    a) Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex

    b) Prevention of Haemophilus influenza Type B infections in children

    c) Causes of Meganencephaly

    d) Complications in an infant born of Diabetic Mothers.

    MARCH, 2003.

    1. Describe the methods of assessment of various respiratory functions in a child=15marks

    2. Discuss causes, pathophysiology, investigative work up and management of Chronic Renal Failure in a

    5 years old child =15marks

    3. Discuss the etiopathogenesis of ketoacidosis in a 12 years old diabetic child with its varied clinical

    manifestations, its investigative work up and management =15marks

    4. Discuss physiology of onset of puberty in children and the method of assessment of pubertal growth


    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40marks

    a) Objectives and components of ARI control programme

    b) Bone Age Assessment and its utilityc) Dexamethasone Suppression Test

    d) Drug therapy for childhood hypertensive emergency


    1. Discuss important renal function tests in Pediatrics practice =15marks

    2. Discuss etiology, investigations and management of important Respiratory infections in a School child


    3. Describe etiology, investigations and management of Goitre in Pediatrics practice =15marks

    4. Discuss antitumour antibiotics in Pediatrics practice =15marks

    5. Write short notes on:

    a) Cutaneous fungal infections in pre-school age

    b) Anticoagulants in Pediatrics practice

    c) Diagnostic kits used in Pediatric practice

    d) Principles of Disaster management in Pediatrics


    1. Discuss pancreatic function tests in pediatrics practice =15m

    2. Describe Haemoglobulinurias in Pediatric practice and discuss investigations and management =15m

    3. Discuss etiology, investigations and management of bacterial infections of CNS in infants.

    4. Discuss antimalarial drugs commonly used in pediatric practice =15m

    5. Write short notes on:

    a) Anti-fungal antibiotics used in pediatrics

    b) Anti-viral drugsc) Essential Aminoacids in pediatric practice

    d) Radio-isotopes in Pediatrics =40m

    OCTOBER, 2001.

    1. Discuss important lung function tests in Pediatric practice =15m

    2. Discuss etiology, investigations and management of common skin infections in children =15m

    3. Discuss the causes of recurrent abdominal pain in a school going child =15m

    4. Discuss diuretics used in Pediatric practice =15m

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    5.Write short notes on:

    a) Broadspectrum antheliminitcs

    b) Home made weaning foods

    c) Chelating agents

    d) Hypothermia =40m

    MAY, 2000.

    1. Discuss the aetiopathogencis, respiratory functional and biochemical changes in acute severe

    bronchial asthma in children =15marks

    2. Discuss the blood circulation in the foetus. Describe the haemodynamic changes and clinical problems

    that will occur in a pre-term and full-term new borns after birth =15marks

    3. Discuss the role of nutritional and hormonal factors involved in the normal growth of children.

    Ennumerate the causes and diagnostic work up of children with tall stature=15m

    4. Discuss Vitamin-D metabolism in children. Define the biochemical and radiological changes in a child

    with renal osteodystrophy =15marks

    5. Write short notes: 4 x 10 =40marks

    a) Intensified Pulse Polio Programme

    b) Serological Tests for diagnosis of Dengue Haemorrhagic feverc) Pre-disposing factors for Neural Tube Defects

    d) Role of Newer Macrolides in Paediatric practice

    JUNE, 1999.

    1. Describe the hospital and community practices that are4 not helpful in the establishment by normal

    lactation and breast feeding practices. How will you help to avoid such wrong practices-15marks

    2. Describe the buffers that help in maintain normal Acid base equilibrium status in children. How will you

    manage a child with Diabetic ketoacidosis =15marks

    3. Describe the patho-physiologic mechanisms of congestive heart failure in infants. How will you manage

    a one year old child with early and persistant failure (C.H.P.) secondary to ventricular septal defect


    4. Describe the adolescent growth in a boy. Enumerate the causes, evaluation and management of

    precocious puberty in a 4 year old boy =15marks

    5. Write short notes:

    a) Antistaphylococcal antimicrobial agents

    b) Role of Ciprofloxacin in paediatric infections

    c) Growth monitoring of children in community

    d) Human Immunoglobulin therapy. 4x10=40marks


    1. Discuss liver function tests used in Paediatrics practice=15marks

    2. Discuss the etiology, investigations and management of recurrent respiratory tract infections in children

    =15m3. Describe the nutritional Dwarfiam and discuss their management =15marks

    4. Discuss Anti-hypertensive drugs used in Paediatrics practice =15marks

    5. Write : 4 x 10 =40m

    a) Steroids in Paediatrics

    b) Use of Immunoglobulins

    c) Phototherapy

    d) Prostaglandins

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    AUGUST, 1998.

    1. Discuss growth and development principles in paediatric

    2. Discuss recurrent diarrhoeas in infancy & childhood

    3. Discuss the role of Trace elements in paediatrics

    4. Discuss diuretics used in paediatric practice =15m

    5. Write short notes: 4 x 10 = 40marks

    a) Importance of CSF Examination in Paediatrics practice

    b) Brown fat

    c) Phakomatosis

    d) Haemoglobinopathies in India

    SEPTEMBER, 1997.

    1. Discuss Etio-pathogenesis of liver. Briefly mention long term management of Febrile convulsions


    2. Discuss fetal and neonatal circulation, and management of patient ductus arteriosis in a premature


    3. Discuss Iron Metabolism and treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in children =15marks

    4. What are the causes of Recurrent abdominal pain in children. Discuss about investigations andmanagement of these children =15marks

    5. Write short notes: 4 x 10=40m

    a) Shake test

    b) Mitochondrial Genoma

    c) Hypervitominosis-D

    d) Cyclosporine

    SEPTEMBER, 1996.

    1. Describe the hemostatic mechanism and discuss the management of haemophilia =15marks

    2. Describe the foetal circulation and changes occuring after birth =15marks

    3. Describe the antimalarial drugs =15marks

    4. Describe the C.S.F.pathway and causes of Hydrocephalus =15marks

    5. Write short: 4 x 10=40m

    a) Tetany

    b) Enterohepatic circulation

    c) Lactose Intolerance

    d) Bronchial breathing

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers



    PAPER-II : Diseases of children

    Time : 3 Hours-Max. Marks : 100

    1st 4 Questions carry 15 marks each

    short notes carry 10 marks each

    APRIL/MAY 2011

    1.What is acute renal failure? How do you investigate and manage.

    2.What is febrile encephalopathy? What are the causes?how do u investigate and manage?

    3.What are the causes of acute liver cell failure in children?how do u manage?

    4.Discuss the causes, laboratory findings and Mx of DKA

    Write short notes on:

    5.Respiratory distress in newborn causes and Mx

    6.Late onset hemorrhagic disease of newborn.causes, C/F and Mx

    7.Management of chronic juvenile arthritis8.Clinical features of mycoplasma infections in children

    APRIL 2009

    1.discuss diagnosis, management of JRA

    2.etiology, C/F, Diag, Mx, Cx of Dengue hemorrhagic fever

    3.feeding recommendations for a 6months to 12 months healthy child

    4.Autosomal dominant inheritance and 3 diseases

    Write short notes on:


    6.Cong. Hypothyroidism

    7.Vit A prophylaxis programme

    8.Bone marrow aspiration and its indications in a child

    NOVEMBER, 2008

    1. Mention the interventions to reduce the diarroheal morbidity and mortality in a two year old child=15m

    2. Haemorrhagic disease of New Born=15m

    3. Developmental mile stones in a child with age group of 0-12 months=15m

    4. a) Classify various types of anemia. b) Packed cell Transfusion.=15m

    Write short notes on: =4x10=40

    5. Infective endocarditis prophylaxis.

    6. Sexual Maturity Rate in Boys.

    7. Phenyl Ketonuria (PKV).

    8. As per the IMNCI Programme mention five points you look for in the management of sick younginfants upto two months.

    JUNE, 2008

    1. What is sepsis screening? How do you manage neonatal septicemia.

    2. Discuss etiopathogenesis and management of Birth Asphyxia

    3. Define Nephrotic syndrome. Write the clinical features and management of significant change

    Nephrotic syndrome.

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    4. Write the clinical features, investigation and management of AIDS in children.

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40m

    a) Widal Test

    b) Cerebral Malaria

    c) Classification cerebral palsy

    d) Management of bite by rabid dog

    NOVEMBER, 2007

    1. Discuss clinical features, causes and management of convulsions in newborn baby=15m

    2. Discuss the differential diagnosis of jaundice in new born within 1 week of birth. Write the management

    of Rh incompatibility=15m

    3. Classify Hemolytic anemias. Write clinical features, investigation and management of the thalassemia


    4. What are the causes of ascites? Write the clinical features and management of portal hypertension in


    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40m;

    a) Rota virus vaccine

    b) Treatment of Neurocysticercosisc) Toxic shock syndrome

    d) IMNCI

    MAY/JUNE, 2007

    1. Describe the Neurological assessment of 6 month infant who suffered from hypoxic ischemic


    2. Discuss the clinical manifestation and management of acute lymphoblastic leukemia=15

    3. Principles behind the process of weaning and the choice of weaning food=15

    4. Briefly describe the epidemiology of plasmodium falciparum infection, discuss the diagnosis and

    management of a case of falciparum malaria.=15

    5. WRITE SHORT NOTES ON: 4x10=40

    a) Rotavirus vaccine

    b) Pneumocystis carini pneumonia

    c) Principles of dietary management of type I diabetics

    d) Juvenile hypothyroidism


    1. What are the causes of hematuria in children? Discuss the approach to manage a child presenting with

    recurrent hematuria=15m

    2. Discuss the clinical features, laboratory diagnosis and management of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis

    in children=15m

    3. Discuss the differential diagnosis of microcytic hypochromic anemia in children. Discuss the clinical

    features and prevention of lead poisoning in children =15m4. Discuss non-organic causes of failure to thrive. How do you manage them?=15m

    5. Write short notes on:4x10=40;

    a) Clinical and radiological manifestations of congenital syphilis

    b) Developmental milestones upto one year

    c) Varicella zoster virus fetopathy

    d) Serologic pattern of response to hepatitis B virus


  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    1. Discuss the approach to an young infant (2 months old), presenting with cyanosis and respiratory


    2. Discuss the diagnosis and the management of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis=15m

    3. Describe the process of assessment and classification of the illness in a 6 month old infant as per

    IMNCI (Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness)=15m

    4. Discuss the management and complications of hepatitis and coma in a 3 years old child =15m

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40marks;

    a) Laboratory investigations of HIV infection

    b)Kangaroo mother care

    c) Management of Thalassaemia Major

    d) Anti infective properties of breast milk

    NOV, 2005.

    1. Discuss the diagnostic approach and management of 5 day old neonate with seizures =15m

    2. Discuss the nutritional management of critically ill child =15m

    3. What are the emergencies associated with malignant conditions in children? Describe any TWO such


    4. Classify the severity of asthma. Discuss the stepwise management of asthma in a 6 year old child=15m

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40marks;

    a) Near drowning

    b) Classification of Hansen disease

    c) Prevention of vertically transmitted diseases

    d) Complicated malaria

    APR/MAY, 2005.

    1. Describe the causes, investigations and treatment of convulsions in a 2 day old preterm neonate.


    2. Describe the measures to be taken to ensure exclusive breast milk feeding till 6 months of age


    3. A 2 years old healthy, actively playing child is brought with sudden onset of breathlessness. Discuss

    the differential diagnosis and management =15marks

    4. Sudden onset of first attack of partial seizures and hemiplegia involving the left side of the body in a 5

    year old boy. Discuss the various possible courses and management =15marks

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40marks

    a) Pneumococcal Vaccine

    b) Examination of umbilical region in a neonate

    c) Pseudo tumour cerebri

    d) Prader Will Syndrome

    SEPT./OCT. 2004.1. Discuss the clinical and diagnostic approach to a 8 year old child coming with a recent onset of

    recurrent attacks of partial seizures, tonic-clonic involving the left side of the body =15marks

    2. Snake Envenomation. Discuss the management protocol for a child brought with history of snake bite,

    swollen lower limb and passage of blood in the urine =15m

    3. Cerebral Palsy Discuss the definition, types, etiopathogenesis, investigations and management of

    this condition in a 3 years old child =15m

    4. Discuss the so called adaptation and dysadaptation states of protein energy malnutrition,

    complications and management of these 2 syndromes =15m

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40

    a) Tourniquet Test

    b) Prevention of Bacterial Endocarditis

    c) Undescended Testes

    d) MetyraponeTest


    1. Describe the clinical features and management of Hypematremic dehydration in a child. =15m

    2. Describe the clinical, diagnostic and investigate approach to 18 months old child with chronic


    3. Causes and management of Hypertensive emergencies in children =15m

    4. Write short notes on: 4x10=40marks;

    a) FAB classification

    b) 21-Hydroxylase deficiency

    c) Congenital cataract of both eyes

    d) Rumination syndrome

    SEPT./OCT. 2003.1. Short Stature - Define and discuss the clinical and diagnostic approach in a year child with a height of


    2. A 5 years old boy was brought with excessive salivation, twitching of muscles, pinpoint pupils, colicky

    pain abdomen and shallow respiration of sudden onset. Discuss the differential diagnosis and


    3. Discuss the clinical and investigative approach to a 9 month old child brought with neck flop and

    generalized hypotonia and paucity of movements since birth

    4. Discuss certain well known trace element deficiency states and excess states in children (Each


    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40m

    a) Prevention of Japanese B Encephalitis

    b) Caries teeth

    c) Hypervitaminosis A

    d) Endemic cretinism.

    MARCH, 2003.

    1. Discuss the investigative and management plan in a child withStatus Asthmaticus or Acute Severe


    2. Chronic Diarrhoea in a 2 year old child. Discuss the caus es, predisposing factors, clinical features,

    prognosis and management.

    3. Acute heart failure in a 3 month old child Discuss the causes, predisposing factors, clinical features,

    prognosis and management

    4. Acute onset of neonatal convulsions in 2 days old preterm neonate. Discuss the causes, investigationsand treatment of this condition.

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40m

    a) Prevention of Rheumatic Heart Disease

    b) Congenital Lobar Emphysema

    c) Prenatal Diagnosis of Downs syndrome

    d) Sweat Chloride Test.


  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    1. Discuss the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and management of Haematemesis in a School

    age child =15m

    2. Give an account of Pre-school child mortality in developing countries. =15marks

    3. Discuss etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of common cyanotic heart diseases in a

    3 years old child =15marks

    4. Discuss the importance of examination of eyes in Pediatric practice =15marks

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40m

    a) Pseudoparalysis

    b) Lead poisoning in Children

    c) Cancrum Oris

    d) Rome programme

    OCTOBER, 2001.

    1. Discuss the etiology, pathogenesis, investigations, management of a case of Refractory Anemia 5

    years old child.=15m

    2. Discuss the importance of Examination of the Head in pediatric practice =15m

    3. Discuss the etiology, clinical features, investigations and management of Wheeze in children =15m

    4. Discuss the etiology, clinical features, differential diagnosis and investigations and management of ritisin a preschool child =15m

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40m

    a) Phakomatoses

    b) Trace elements

    c) MRI

    d) Coloured urine syndromes

    MAY, 2000.

    1. Empyema Thoracis in a one year child causes, investigations and management=15marks

    2. Chronic Diarrhoea in an infant causes, diagnostic work up and management =15marks

    3. Retarded Bone Age in a 4 year old child causes, and management=15marks

    4. Urinary Tract Infections in a 4 year old female-causes, investigations work up, prognosis and

    treatment =15m

    5.Write short notes on:

    a) Breath Hydrogen test

    b) Cryptorchidism

    c) Rectal bleeding

    d) Rose Bengal Excretion Test


    1. Discuss the differential diagnosis, clinical and laboratory evaluation and management of Bleeding from

    umbilicus in a 3 week old neonatic=15marks

    2. Enlarging head circumference and progressive development retardation in a 3 year old boy =15marks3. Inspiratory stridor of acute onset in a one year old infant =15m

    4. Status epilepticus in a 4 year old child =15m

    5. Write short notes: 4 x 10=40marks

    a) Cryptorchidism

    b) Lead poisoning in children

    c) Neonatal myasthenia gravis

    d) Polymerase chain reaction

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    JANUARY, 1999.

    1. Discuss etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and investigations and management of obstructive

    pulmonarydiseases in children =15marks

    2. Discuss Etiology, pathogenesis,clinical profile, investigations and management of Lactose intolerance

    in children

    3. Describe and give an account of three common malignancies in children =15marks

    4. Critically evaluate infant mortality in developing countries, high light the preventive measures =15marks

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40marks

    a) Shape abnormalities of the skull

    b) Anoxicapells

    c) Rectal bleeds in children

    d) Breast milk Bank

    AUGUST, 1998.

    1. Describe the etiology, pathogenesis, investigations and management of Pneumonias in children

    2. Give an account of the etiology, pathogenesis, investigations and management of common causes of

    Malabsorption in children =15marks

    3. Discuss and give a detailed account of common Non bacterial meningitis in children =15marks4. Describe the etiology, pathogenesis, investigations and management of cystic fibrosis in


    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10 =40m

    a) Importance of examination of Hands in children

    b) Cry in paediatrics

    c) Japanese Encephalities

    d) Laevamisole in paediatrics

    SEPTEMBER, 1997.

    1. Discuss the management of pyogenic meningitis =15marks

    2. Discuss the conditions producing wheezing in children and their management =15marks

    3. Describe the causes of congestive cardiac failure and principles of management =15marks

    4. Discuss the differential diagnosis of ascitis in children =15marks

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40m

    a) Lissencephaly

    b) Acroderimatitis enteropethica

    c) Duchenne muscular dystrophy

    d) Hurler syndrome

    SEPTEMBER, 1996.

    1. What are the causes of Dysentery? Discuss about management of paracytic causes of Dysentery=15m

    2. Discuss Neuro-tuberculosis in children and its management =15marks

    3. Discuss etiology and management of Rheumatic fever in children =15marks4. Discuss causes of Haematuria and investigations, management of Haematuria in children

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10 =40marks

    a) Dental carries

    b) The thered cord syndrome

    c) Encopresis

    d) Bone marrow transplantation

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    Dr.NTRUHS University



    Time : 3 Hours-Max. Marks : 100

    1st 4 Questions carry 15 marks each

    short notes carry 10 marks each

    APRIL/MAY 2011

    1.1yr old child with hepatosplenomagaly and failure to thrive

    2.2yr old child with persistent diarrhea

    3.6months old infant with enlarged head

    4.4yr old child with persistent cough

    Write short notes on:

    5.Meconium aspiration syndrome6.Neonatal seizures causes and Management


    8.Prophylaxis of Rheumatic fever

    APRIL/MAY 2010

    1.Lead poisoning

    APRIL 2009

    1.Differential diagnosis of microcytic hypochromic anemia and Management of IDA

    2.a) Differential diagnosis of AFP b) pulse polio immunisation

    3.4yr child with H/o early morning puffiness of face,hematuria,HTN,and passage of scanty urine. Urine

    shows albumin+,RBC casts+ what is ur diagnosis? Name the complications. How will you manage this


    4.Expand GOBIFFF.write in detail

    Write short notes on:

    5.Loefflers syndrome

    6.Rights of children

    7.Treatment protocol for ALL in children


    NOVEMBER, 2008

    1. a) Discuss D/D of Large Head. b) Management of Hydrocephalus.

    2. 3 year old boy with clinical features of puffiness of face, generalized pitting oedema ascites with scrotaloedema and oliguria BP is normal. Urine shows proteinuria (+++). Serum albumin

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    6. Indication of CPAP.

    7. Anaemia prophylaxis programme in a mother and child.

    8. Febrile seizures.

    JUNE, 2008

    1. A 3 years old child presenting with loose motion, vomiting and distension of abdomen.

    2. A 6-year child admitted with involvement of large and small joints.

    3. A 3 years male child admitted with epistaxis and Rt Knee joint swelling.

    4. A just born baby is brought with convulsions

    5. Write short notes on:=4X10=40m

    a) Hepatitis A Vaccine

    b) Status asthmaticus management

    c) Status epilepticus management

    d) Kerosene poisoning

    NOVEMBER, 2007

    1. A three-year old girl with 3 days fever, petechial rashes and circulatory collapse was admitted to the

    hospital. Discuss the diagnostic workup and management of this child=15m2. 6 months child admitted with cough and rapid breathing. Discuss the differential


    3. A 6 year old child is brought with haematuria & facial puffiness. Discuss the differential diagnosis &


    4. 8 years old child is brought with complaints fever and convulsions of 3 days duration. Discuss the

    approach and management of this case

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40m;

    a) Management of organosphosphorous poisoning

    b) Newborn to HIV positive mother-Write the management

    c) Pre-operative preparation of congenital hypertrophi9c pyloric stenosis

    d) Haemophilus influenza vaccine

    MAY/JUNE, 2007

    Discuss the differential diagnosis and management of the following 4 clinical cases:

    1. 9 months old infant brought for high fever and convulsions of two days duration and on examination the

    anterior fontanelle was tense and he had restriction of the movement of the right lower limb.

    2. 5 year old child was seen in the out patient department for fever of one-month duration and swelling

    and tenderness of both knee joints for 2 days. He was sick looking and had moderate pallor.

    3. One year old was seen for chronic constipation. Clinical examination revealed mild distension of

    abdomen and the child weighed 5 kg.

    4. 6 months old infant presented with cough of 1 week duration and altered consciousness of 2 days

    duration. On examination infant was having opisthotonos.

    5. Write short notes on: 4x10=40a) Growth hormone therapy

    b) Datura poisoning

    c) IgA nephropathy

    d) Transport of sick neonate


    1. Failure to thrive in 1 year old infant=15m

    2. Rectal bleeding and vomiting in a 9 day old infant=15m

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    3. Three year old child admitted with cough breathlessness and generalized anasarca of 3 days


    4. Recurrent headache in a 6 year old child=15m

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40;

    a) Diagnosis of Intraventricular hemorrhage

    b) Management of organophosphorous poisoning

    c) Helicobacter Jejuni

    d) Mid parental Height


    Discuss the differential diagnosis and management of the following 4 clinical cases.

    1. A 2 years old child is brought with high-grade fever of one-day duration and two episodes of


    2. A 7 months old infant is brought with fever, rash and hepatosplenomegaly. The platelet count is


    3. A 1 and years old un-immunized child weighing 6kg is brought with complaints of fever and cough of

    1 week duration. The child had fever with rashes 10 days before the onset of current symptoms=15m

    4. A 6 year old child presented with high-grade continuous fever of 6 days duration and jaundice of oneday duration. Examination showed liver 3.5cm and spleen 1cm enlarged.=15m

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40m;

    a) A child with tuberculosis of Rifampicin, INH and pyrazinamide developed jaundice. How do you


    b) Hashimotos disease

    c) Rheumatic Chorea

    d) Management of nocturnal enuresis

    NOV, 2005.

    Describe the causes, clinical features, differential diagnosis, investigative work up and treatment of the


    4 diseases:

    1. A 3 year old child is presenting with loose stool with blood and mucosa of two days duration,

    convulsions and altered consciousness of one day duration. The child has passed urine 12 hrs. before

    admission =15m

    2. A 12 years old boy is brought with swelling of large joints with fever and breathlessness =15m

    3. A 3 years old child presented with epistaxis and rashes over the body. She had similar episode one

    month ago. Clinical examination did not reveal organomegaly-15marks

    4. A 5 year old child is brought with nocturnal cough of one month duration. Examination of the chest did

    not reveal any positive findings

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40marks;

    a) Combination vaccine

    b) Preparing the child for spleenectomyc) Management of scorpion sting

    d) Management of an infant born to mother with Hepatitis B

    APR/MAY, 2005.

    1. Painful, swollen metacarpo and inter-pharyngeal joints of 4 weeks duration in a 8 years old girl.


    2. Bleeding gums in a 3 year old boy with pallor and hepatosplenomegaly=15marks

    3. Sudden onset of fever with purpuric type of rashes all over the body of a 4 years old child =15marks

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    4. Sudden onset (Over 24 hours) of weakness of both lower limbs in a 3 years old boy.=15marks

    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40marks;

    a) Vesico-ureteric reflex

    b) Retrolental fibroplasias

    c) Diagnosis of Wilsons hepatolenticular degeneration.

    d) Oral thrush.

    SEPT./OCT., 2004.

    Discuss in detail the different diagnosis and management of a the following 4 clinical cases:

    1. 2 years old child with fever, purpuric rash, hematemesis and signs of peripheral circulatory failure=15m

    2. 3 years old child with 2 days history of puffiness of both eyelids, mild pitting swelling of feet, scanty

    urination, headache and vomiting =15m

    3. A 28 weeks born preterm weighing 1400 grams is brought on second day with progressively increasing

    respiratory rate, chest retractions and cyanosis =15marks

    4. 6 years old girl brought for emotional disturbances due to breast engorgement and passing blood per


    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40marks;

    a) Lactose intoleranceb) Craniosynostosis

    c) Cataracts of the lens in neonates

    d) Hypertelorism


    Discuss the causes, clinical features, differential diagnosis, investigative work up and treatment of the

    following 4

    pediatric conditions:

    1. Cyanosis in a 2 year old boy =15m

    2. Stridor and respiratory distress associated with high fever in a 15 month old infant. =15m

    3. Recurrent abdominal pain in a 7 years old girl =15m

    4. Visible jaundice in a three-week-old neonate. =15m

    5. Write short notes:

    a) Pin worm infestation

    b) Scabies

    c) Autism

    d) Neonatal tetanus =40m


    Discuss the differential diagnosis and management of the following 4 clinical cases:

    1. 5 years old male child with history of rapid onset of pallor, bleeding gums,lymphadenopathy and

    abdominal distension and signs of purpura, severe anaemia and hepatosplenomegaly.

    2. 4 years old child with a second episode of generalized body swelling, pufiiness of face and eyelids,abdominal distension and decreased urination =15m

    3. 4 day old full term neonate is brought for having not passed urine since birth =15m

    4. 2 years old child with a weight of 6 kgs.,head circumference of 38cms.body length 60cms. And findings

    of abdominal distension and hepatosplenomegaly.=15m

    5. Write short notes on:

    a) Prevention of Mother to child transmission of HIV

    b) Typhoid vaccines

    c) Neonatal Tetany

  • 8/2/2019 Pediatrics Pg Exam Papers


    d) E.C.G.changes indicative of Hyperkalemia =40marks

    MARCH, 2003.

    Discuss in detail the differential diagnosis and management of the following 4 clinical cases:

    1. 1 and half years old male child with sudden onset of high grade fever of 1 day duration, recurrent

    vomiting markedirritability with refusal of feeds and an attack of right sided tonic clonic convulsions.

    2. 2 years old child with significant pallor, moderate degree of hepatosplenomegaly and presence of

    hypochromic, mcrocytic RBCs in peripheral blood smear.=15marks

    3. 3 days old preterm (birth weight of 1200 grams) having indirect hyperbilirubinemia (Serum bilirubin

    15mg per dl)

    4. 8 years old girl with a massive attack of haematemesis has marked splenic enlargement without


    5. Write short notes on: 4 x 10=40marks

    a) Management of Nocturnal Enuresis

    b) Prenatal teeth

    c)Radiological signs of Congenital syphilis

    d) Biochemistry of Nutritional and Renal Rickets.


    1. Give an account of CCF in a neonate and discuss the investigations and management =15marks

    2. Discuss in detail Protracted Jaundice in the newborn, describe the protocol to investigate & manage

    such cases

    3. A term baby has not passed urine for 72 hours. Discuss the differential diagnosis, investigations &


    4. Discuss the common infections in the neonatal nurseries and describe the preventive measures


    5. Write short; 4 x 10=40m

    a) Wet nursing

    b) Pemphigus neonatorum

    c)Surfactant therapy

    d)Infantile autism


    1. Discuss etiology, investigations, management and complications in Small for Date Babies

    2. Discuss incidence, etiology, preventable measures and management of major Congenital


    3. Discuss the etiology, clinical features, investigations and management of a case of Failure to Thrive

    4. Discuss in detail the causes of preventable blindness and narrate the effective measures to prevent

    them in children

    5. Write short no