Download - PART III: DOCUMENT-BASED ESSAY - New York … information from the documents and your knowledge of United States history, write an essay in which you: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages


Using information from the documents and your knowledge of United States history, write an essay in which you:

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of industrialization to American society between 1865 and 1920. In your essay, include a discussion of how industrialization affected different groups in American society.


Directions: Using information from the documents provided, and your knowledge of United States history, write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Historical Context:

After the Civil War, the United States became a much more industrialized society. Between 1865 and 1920, industrialization improved American life in many ways. However, industrialization also created problems for American society.


Guidelines: Be sure to:

• Address all aspects of the Task by accurately analyzing and interpreting at least four documents • Incorporate information from the documents in the body of the essay • Incorporate relevant outside information throughout the essay • Richly support the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details • Write a well-developed essay that consistently demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization • Introduce the theme by establishing a framework that is beyond a simple restatement of the Task or

Historical Context and conclude the essay with a summation of the theme


Advantages of Industrialization

increase in GNP (1) increased urbanization (1) decreased infant mortality rate (1) more high school graduates (1) more telephone usage (1) increase in steel production (1) industrial combinations have benefits

to consumers, stockholders and laborers (6)

big businessmen acquire wealth which can be used for philanthropy (7)

Disadvantages of Industrialization

child labor (1) need for protection of wage-worker

and conditions (2) poor living conditions in industrial

society (3) poor working conditions in a

sweatshop (4) implications that industrial

combinations hurt "competitors" (6)

How industrialization affected different groups

child labor (1,4) farmer (1) need for and goals of labor union (2) female labor (4) poor lifestyle of working people (3, 5) rich businessmen (5, 6, 7) lifestyle of the rich (5,7)

Part IIIB Document-Based Essay

Specific Rubric

Title: Industrialization of American Society 1865-1920


• Thoroughly discusses the following three tasks for the time period 1865-1920 (1) at least two advantages of industrialization (see above chart) (2) at least two disadvantages of industrialization (see above chart) (3) how two or more specific groups were affected by industrialization (see above chart)

examples of how groups were affected: working people/labor

– low pay, unsafe working conditions – need for labor unions to protect them – need for laws prohibiting unsafe working conditions

child labor – lack of education – mistreatment – unsafe working conditions

Note: The discussion of how industrialization affected different groups in American society can extend beyond the time period 1865-1920 as long as the examples used have their origins within this time period.

• Discussion includes accurate interpretation of at least four of the documents (see above chart) • Incorporates information from the documents in the body of the essay • Incorporates relevant outside information

possible examples: - names of specific labor unions, such as the American Federation of labor (AFL) - names of relevant Supreme Court cases such as Northern Securities Co. v. U.S., and Lochner v. NY - effects of new machinery/technology - building skyscrapers, bridges, battleships - names of types of specific trusts and monopolies such as J.D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust and/or

horizontal and vertical combinations • Richly supports the theme with the use of many relevant facts, specific examples and details • Is a well-developed essay, consistently demonstrating a logical and clear plan of organization.


5 [continued]

• The plan of organization will generally take one of two approaches: (1) The student will discuss advantages, then disadvantages, of industrialization and then the impact upon two groups, or (2) The student will discuss advantages and disadvantages of industrialization upon one group and then discuss advantages and disadvantages of industrialization upon a second group

• Introduces the theme by establishing a framework that is beyond a simple restatement of the Task or Historical Context and concludes with a summation of the theme

4 • Discusses all three tasks, although the discussion of one task may be less complete than the discussion for the

other two tasks • Discussion includes accurate information from at least four documents in the body of the essay • Incorporates relevant outside information • Uses relevant facts, specific examples and details, but discussion may be more descriptive than analytical • Is a well-developed essay, demonstrating a logical and clear plan of organization • Introduces the theme by establishing a framework that is beyond a simple restatement of the Task or Historical

Context and concludes with a summation of the theme

3 • Addresses most aspects of the Task or addresses all aspects of the Task in a limited way. May discuss only two

of the tasks; i.e., advantages of industrialization, disadvantages of industrialization, or how specific groups were affected by industrialization

• Uses or refers to some of the documents in the body of the essay • Incorporates little or no relevant outside information • Includes some facts, examples, and details, but discussion is more descriptive than analytical • Is a satisfactorily developed essay, demonstrating a general plan of organization. Essay may not distinguish

between advantages and disadvantages of industrialization or specific groups • Introduces the theme by repeating the Task or Historical Context and concludes by simply repeating the theme

2 • Attempts to address some aspects of the Task, such as only discussing disadvantages of industrialization • Makes limited use of the documents—discussion may only restate contents of documents • Presents no relevant outside information • Includes few facts, examples and details; discussion may contain some inaccuracies • Is a poorly organized essay, lacking focus; could contain digression or extraneous information • Fails to introduce or summarize the theme

1 • Shows limited understanding of the Task with vague, unclear references to the documents • Presents no relevant outside information • Includes little or no accurate or relevant facts, details, or examples • Attempts to complete the Task, but demonstrates a major weakness in organization • Fails to introduce or summarize the theme

0 • Fails to address the Task, is illegible, or is a blank paper



Score Level 5



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Commentary Score Level 5

• Thoroughly addresses the advantages and disadvantages of industrialization and the impact on the working man in con-trast to the rich. It should be noted that the status of the rich is implied in contrast to the poor.

• Accurately uses documents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7. • Incorporates relevant outside information:

- Bessemer process, Andrew Carnegie as tycoon of steel industry, increase in living standards (implied by GNP data), American Federation of Labor, and Nike.

• Richly supports theme with relevant facts, specific examples, and details: - ties declining unemployment rates to increased living standards—“poor people now had jobs to support their families”

• Is a well-developed essay with an excellent plan of organization. Well-planned paragraphs and transition between para-graphs make clear what advantages and disadvantages of industrialization are being discussed. Excellent weaving of out-side information with documents so that there is a good analysis of documents.

• Has a good introduction with a strong conclusion that gives a contemporary example of an abuse of industrialization.

Conclusion Overall, this response best fits the criteria for a score of 5, even though the discussion of the impact on the rich is somewhat incomplete. Documents are used in conjunction with specific outside information to address all three tasks in a well-organized essay.


Score Level 5


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CommentaryScore Level 5

• Thoroughly addresses the advantages and disadvantages of industrialization and the impact upon the working class.

• Explicitly incorporates information from all documents into the essay. • Includes at least three significant pieces of outside information into the essay (increased education would lead to

more educated people participating in government, exploitation of children, impact of technology). • Richly supports the theme with the use of many relevant facts, specific examples, and details. • Well-developed essay with a logical plan of organization. • Introduction basically restates the historical context (a descriptor of a 3).Strong conclusion discusses the impact

on U.S. industrialization after 1920.

Conclusion Overall, this response best fits the criteria for a score of 5. The use of document 6 to challenge Rockefeller’s testimony shows good understanding of the topic. Good use of outside information and several analytical statements make this a strong essay despite the weak introduction.


Score Level 4


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Commentary Score Level 4

• Discusses all three tasks although the discussion of the impact on groups is less thorough. • Information is used from all the documents. Much of the information is reworded and some is analytical in

nature. Much information from each document is incorporated into the essay. • Incorporates some relevant outside information in a meaningful way, i.e., the concept of monopoly and the

conclusion that the good outweighed the bad. • Uses relevant facts, specific examples and details, but discussion is more descriptive. • Is a well-developed essay with a logical and clear plan of organization. • The introduction is good. The conclusion simply repeats the theme.

Conclusion Overall, this response best fits the criteria for a 4. Discussion on the impact of industrialization is a little weak. Outside information is somewhat limited, but still, several strong points were made.


Score Level 4




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Commentary Score Level 4

• Discusses all three tasks, although the impact on groups is not discussed separately but is in the summary of documents. Provides a detailed analytical summary of all 7 documents.

• Incorporates relevant outside information: - Horace Mann as a reformer of education - telephones were a means of better communication - Gompers was leader of the AFL - other labor unions were the IWW and the Knights of Labor.

• Uses some relevant facts, specific examples and details but discussion is descriptive. • Presents a somewhat illogical plan of organization with a satisfactory introduction and conclusion. Merely

summarizing one document after the other in numerical order fails to develop a satisfactory plan of organiza-tion.

Conclusion Overall, this response best fits the criteria for a 4. It lacks a thorough discussion of the impact of industrializa-tion on two specific groups. Although this essay summarizes the documents in order, the inclusion of signifi-cant outside information makes it a 4, rather than a 3.


Score Level 3


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llt.. _vic-..~(J_ fill ~ t~ ~°'~ ~orle J.J~ .:\uaW ..11 tr._ -~ v-~ili· ~_J,l\cL fl> Lv.or f: (011.7 t1Pv.l1.o

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roo(.. (>..l1(<{ _ clr'3..~..J - VLLt1_hl-1:lL_r~ ~ah \.J ;1 ~.. &1c .... -,_.w...fy. >. O l~_ot--:-..ilaµ _((). ~ _ _ 5 l,J...LJ\\S.b1p£.... . .. VJoufd-...... ff11>.~{ _ffitlw 011&{. tteedfeµt1""""'

_l.JG/ ~- j_ I\····- '1. ~ {fl?C,(f lfaiCf fdtJ M

.P1t.+ki.i.... ~ f"J .~J\{"!l - M f'IVli.., rft~ ~Y- .... f. YE( fnfs

A,. ic.,y. "fo>ff~ ) ~<.11~~ 5c-. id f~ .aw~-~·"~f..f..{ m11.ke_ f~ __J.Jo!l.w_~11.Lt J"'j-~-be'i,,_ f"' cteof Jzi, el~ --~~ -~ _{fl:14ff _1 (/P.."" __ rrril _ ~; t.t.£!!!. ft!,,,,.. _rrw-h-_(k._2{' _ ...... L$..~ ....... o!JJ.._1&_ ~(tJl!.eM. _d;q_ llO _t-"

__cQJJ__ ~~l _±4: W.7-_ lLI L... tJi1 CV~li

Commentary Score Level 3

• Discusses all three tasks but not thoroughly. • Uses information from all the documents, but almost all of the information is a summary of the documents. • Incorporates little specific outside information. • Includes relevant facts, examples and details but discussion is more descriptive rather than analytical. • Well-developed essay with a clear plan of organization. • Introduction and conclusion are weak but go beyond a simple restatement of the Task.

Conclusion Overall, this response best fits the criteria for a score of a high 3. Extensive information from the documents is used to address all three tasks, even though the documents are summarized in order of appearance. The essay was weakened by its very limited use of outside information.


Score Level 3


.................. Xn ..... ih.~.p..e.riod ....... b0+~ ...... .t~0§ .. a.rd ........ t.~e .... -/h.~.LM.iM .. S.;'-Eq-tes Wqs b e..c:::Q!Yl l(lq If Cf''/ 1 rdus.f rrali ;l eo( Ire/ u.dr' a Ii z.a. +,o () hod VV10<0Y qclva_r1tqqes qncl olisadvanfajeS # Ouri111~ +~,s +i' fY1 ~ period 'fV'A.V'J/ n eu> .. t n vcn ftoo.S l.,L)e('e 10-fm J uced i .~ +o soe-ief-r1 .~01eu~c ±Yie corditiOl1S ufic/er v)/?.tl~s. ..... l.1 .. vG<i .. l)}..lf.e.. ... v.c;ry.. .... ptxJ.D. . . ...... . .. ... ... .. .. .

. . . QYJc !Yl4.joc dr [email protected]~ge. qf ... Tvid0drtal1.w.f0ti ............... . µ)q£ ..... ih.~ ..... ±r.< ..... £. .. ±h..?. ..... woc!-</n3 .... G.{rJ$$ .. ; ...... !fC<X?c4·n.G._) . W ...... 9. .... pCt .. $.S.4.f] .. ~ ..... ~j] ....... Atrnn6 ... fhe-. ... fb.o.r. .. P.£ .. C?Jicajo ... w.c.c...·tf ~O by -:foseph l<1cf\fCJ.ncl, <)e$Cci· he-s. f"1e condi f-101JS G)..P q

Su>e~+shop ~ LJC)d\inJ'j i rt ct suJeo..+~Aop s~m..5' fa he., hPpel 8 S..$ because ±he_ wQ r (<e c :s (J.)Or K.· fdr (Ylctny hoat:S Qf)dC,lf'e .. 0/)/y pq,t·d ;).5 fq lf..<J CCrJfS a day, w;· +h

.. S~.4~:.h ....... lo.w ...... w..q.g.e.?. ..... qad .... la.n.~ ....... ho.4r$ ..... +.hc:. ....... wPcKt:;r...$ .................................. . ... b.c..cely. ..... .. k..e.. ....... ef10u.g ... b ........ r.Y.J9..n .. e: .. y ..... f <?. .. .f~.~ ..... t.h..e.(!7,,.$ .. ~.l.v..~~ .. ~ .. . JYlqn.y. ........ ~.P.c...l~.~G.f. ........ 9-PtA.ld..0 ...


. .t ..... 9 .. ff Q.rd. .... tC? ..... ~.Yp.po.d .... th .. t;.1.'c ........... .

.. fqm.//.J.'~.$ ......... S...9 ...... ~ .. V<:-..O ......... c..bilo.Jr..~.n .... .... to ..... v.<? ..... unde c ............. . . tAe--s~ c,qr;d/hoos. The. pet<:;<V'Jfqgeof .. cfti, lcl 1 a bo r iYJcc e eise.of dwiKJ9 LCJ duslru:iJ,j_q fwt/1

1 4 n l ~ 7tJ

{f 7 m,·J/ion C.-hifdr~n welf'e emp/CJy'd..11n J?/() -I-here.

were. ).~J vvi1llion e-hildcen fhqf- worfseJ u.11cfer ..... lh.1 .. S. ...... C.o..o:J..1.'fJo.tJ..S ... ,,,..... ................................... ....... .................................... .

......................... 7~h ... e. ....... horr.rhle.. ........ ~~()d/h.or.1s. .... .9tt ...... W.QCK... .. drdo ... 't ... ~VJd.. .... . whe:cn the,, @rl\1tv5 cjq~ wr;, !l<:.c,()r:dlng to Jc.rJ~ Add9111S 1

Lt-Venf[ /<'cll/S qf/fuJ/m/foys~-

CommentaryScore Level 3

• Addresses most of the tasks, but in a limited way. The essay tends to stress the disadvantages of industrializa-tion with a limited discussion of the advantages of industrialization. Only a minimal discussion of the impact on workers is included.

• Uses some information from documents 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7. • No outside information is incorporated into the essay. • Includes some facts, examples, and details, but discussion is descriptive. • Is a satisfactorily developed essay with a good plan of organization. • Introduction establishes a framework that is beyond a simple restatement of the Task, but the conclusion is very


Conclusion Overall, this response fits the criteria for a 3. The response is a fair attempt to complete some of the Task. Information from the documents is used to support the discussion. A lack of outside information weakens this essay.


Score Level 3


Commentary Score Level 3

• Addresses the advantages and disadvantages of industrialization but makes no explicit attempt to discuss the impact upon groups.

• Clearly utilizes much information from document 1 and by inference some information from documents 2, 4, and 6.

• Incorporates minimal outside information (the concept of monopolies). • Includes factual information from the documents in a descriptive rather than analytical manner. • Is basically organized but without a strong introduction or conclusion—the historical context is simply restated.

Conclusion Overall, this response best fits the criteria for a 3. It addresses some of the Task by focusing much of the dis-cussion on document 1, with references to other documents. Use of specific facts and details is somewhat limited.


Score Level 3


··- _ _llfun d.!u. f'iv.LL .. ltXUl, tt.u.-llr-lmd.~l:ID--. . . . \Jeca...rt'.l£_d.. ~.\kb ~(::tDc::iLJ.::Vh'O-ll;JCd ~cc..+d- .

:WCU.\.Dl.l)UL<£rtdla"> li'Ylpt'l>Xd flmv..ica..r. Cl.ft Li? fYJCl.I)~ uriw-· 1-b.veu.r,..:Loa.t<.OCii '•~(J") cu.~o.. c l.ltlTe:l-­

(Jrzr.wns fO- f.1nw-i~ Scc1.e~1c/ . :rv- ::::tt:ul:i t:>rx:i !f .. . .txxt.O.. . OC1 Ln()~tge.:i .. ...a.D.:'J_ C{.(j a.cic:l:::l..n~ Lt>. I I .Jx. .... -~ -·---. '5b'YllL.C{--ihr adcno~ C(--fhK.._ crct.,u:::i:r· 1~ \D ::t.l:Ui.- l:I- c, tV'Ctll1f #Jb.S .fll. - p-ccpu.. 1J1'\ .

~ of Loc:l~ tn il1C<11YU.0 ~~t.l ~(JV ~ .10

~nc\. } LlJnocn <;y-i') ·l)(Xfll /Jxr f..l'!ID EU eccnc:.rn;:;

he 1pi'7J '10 mat/ ih.J !<:cran~ cra-u· -Jlll !Z~(}) ..ff'ad"_~ _LLJ::IW 7f'ttJ -(h~ Jtlwp fui _wn 1ch __ .

~~It' .. :11.. . .±:m .. f:.i.1~ -bfJL_e_axxm~L {Jtd~ ,Ytp. &:i QCI tf\(' ~ {D /(CtC~. f1Lso . fc~k'b .rra.t.t procu1ru .. _w U1.IX JOJtc.h Ja<.Cs -l~ Cc::g,C • .. ~ tr:Xa. mtUfl ~ a lat fud1"erJ._ ..... -~ flCJlx L(..') a£!x:: {f>lcoid. lri fc..i..U -t L iru u:cr I:: tl~~~ p:-1~ ·. ~ tYcf"Xf ("i.Cd0.1.- ~l..!f.._ftj _ wcrry- Q~t,_J t°'Cl.U nt- 0 '(fCb ~r CL .. !.lll~ j/ -f:llu>- f'xl.v.11 ICj n4.,_ifdJ i2.r 8' 1..(.;(g.k.S i .lxcat..we fic..Ja_tLD ~w (JJ.!IUd h,;. rirre.

fba.q Qlf {l:&YJ I 3) ,.f· Ll:C,/) (v?l11C.l~ f/lt ~ l 1JO.l..fd__9<' txlJIJL rup-t LPM /(!;fl'-i/l.p enti4Y f.)tW.ll'Ji2J!J.. ..... _ .. ,,.. ..... . _,, ........ .._ ....... _ _ ,,,,_ ...... _

~'.l'.'.lli' q_lh£._d'exrcia~ ~_the


~y :;;~~~~rt~~~:;;YJ;;oo;;J h:/p~ o<t~L'."'(J W::.r.ti'!j_ ~. Rise i.-h.L

(..,~ t.J,Lr( mf' ~YLj r:~h a.rd iN b::w\.D L!.U\L._

lcrg ... ctrd_ h::l/l:fu. \.Ott:d'!X(..£..) Ct:~l££i .. <Y::. m£ .Qr. __ ~ -eu.n~l h'rkteo t/ errt u.p

lal'.l<.tfrf (:P<:>ir Q .-iJSu, ~~ w::tD_a.t/)<L.ic.t>W claor: 'bp:n U1f rich. Inc rt.<:".f') bc.LLfu.a

-th.~ lLllQ..L.C f I WCLlUI' ~ cl.1drGt_ Y)'.'.IU -__ d\'_ Ul:'(l.l )CuYi_.tbdJ, -t{:!'.l'.lQ _f;(> .Cf'O d'O~ .

_O!"tf t.~ Wf)S,Ld~~hLU_..c.h; lU:ru~ £1mrJ1/­-3ttvrtt lXl{,£) .'CJCJ/J.. 1 e~f:ccL. #.r .. J,ilP .-.. _

-~ - -~ Lo._Cb....lJ:'CllL'.lla"l tiJl4, t.rv:J,l.J..Dt1~.

e>(;-t.(./J.. i.1'11< LQ:\,~ tl::ld. £+·~_il(U Q()d~~ -

Cf,, -theb<. t):.rd rxc.n p-r.ufl i Y).-:t.h.ll) -~· - · ~~-c:(;cl_ro~ ~I l')Lzj: {;tu_ ~ '!JC/lJ aa:f

C.l:!..ffLcccJ.A:. .. o.,r:cl LL~ . JJ,J.I.)( illf.J.~ ano rcc..c.lJrf LI" tfU. C?.a;:nCOJJ 1 o.rd ...ev.crrl¢.J--t:hlfr::q? LJ)Cf KJ;<f

l ... /,f (40'. -· ·- - ·- - - -

Commentary Score Level 3

• Limited discussion of all three tasks • Fails to make explicit distinction between advantages and disadvantages of industrialization. Integrates discus-

sion of impact upon groups into discussion of advantages and disadvantages of industrialization • Incorporates some outside information:

- concepts of cyclical money flow but with some inaccuracies - concepts of bulk production to lower production costs.

• Limited use of documents: - no explicit reference to any document but can infer the student may have drawn upon documents 1, 2, 3,

and 5. • Mentions rather than discusses some facts, examples, and details:

- doesn’t explain how bulk production lowers production costs - doesn’t explain in what ways and why factory working conditions were unsafe.

• Has a general plan of organization but fails to distinguish between advantages and disadvantages. The introduction repeats the Task and the conclusion is very weak.

Conclusion Overall, this response best fits the criteria for a low 3. This essay is weak because it only infers from the documents. Much of the discussion is very general or irrelevant and uses little outside information.


Score Level 2


• ". ...... OS-t-e..( the.. Ci" i \ WAR, the.. .. U Orre..d Stare.5 be.came.... o.

Muc.h rn:of'e..- 1 f\clu s-l-r1a LL.z.e.d 5oc..~e.rj::Cndu ':>Tr10..l •.z...a..-t 10J

1 M p r oved A ft1~R. 1 CAf\ J 1 ~e...- \n maf'l'.J .. WO..Lt-~..:: *ow e.v eR,

lf'ldu.s"tr1a\,z:o.t ,on aJso cre..oT'ed. pc:oti..ll.mS +o r R me- r1c.AiJ

.S. O.C.,l e, \-.lj ............................ ............... : .......... .......................... ................................................... . .............. ............. ..... ....... .

. ... ..... ............... ..... ::fh.k ... a ... of. ... ..1!.... .. t?. . ..fimE RiCDJ

5o Cl.~ ... b e..t W~rl .. J.8 . ..1 .. Q .. .:-JS.10 .... D..J'.J--_ 'o/f.<...1 0 a.d.L . ..!t:u.J pr-od11~_(j5.e., b..e.,.cao4CL- ot th.e..'l.S

more- .WoR.K.£.-r"'!:>. A.nathu:: a.d v'~ ... i...s when John .. D.f<ocke.~e.lle..< Sci1ct that .. Pu-monent. work and <jood w.aae..s ~or Laborers

LuQ5 Qn ac:Luard~<L- o+. . .1ndu.'2.tr10..\ C.omb1no:t1on5.

-i'~e... 6- o~ 1ndu5tr1a..P1z.o..ti'o11 To A me.~1c..o.fl 5o~ ... b.e.;t:~ L8.'JQ - l'llO 0..1.1L.±hu--<..- W.Q.4.,._ .. b~oA.J .. bg,, ~o ........ d.J..:ff'U:e.J1:t ..... ~.rz..ncl..e.r.s .... a..o.cL ...... ca.c' b .... 0.o.Dfur.:.. . . . .

. CL1~ o.d:I o..n.t~ ..... WQ.a., .. 1}.G:l.k ...... ~ ....... e..:J:h.u. ....... .... o.r.:: .... p-oorJ wa· f\o ·", J2.~tw~n. _ _ _ ___ .. _ -----·--- ________ ... -

~nd.u.s-\-~1ab<llii.m. a~e.c:fQLi d_st'e..rU1t _groUfS 1n

Rme...(1C..o.n Soc..1.R...~ b12.cuJ1.a.o-+he..r~ .. was a ;\WLra..Q. . 'ol.o..D. ~OU-. . ~r.e.,. ..e,:1.-the< (1c..h or poo.r.J b\acl<. or whit~) e.ct. . . .. ..... _ _ ........ . . . ... ..

_ .f\lt:..! cao.o.d _ci..od _

' But ... ~lr. ~ e. ve.nui . o l.-lt. ...... \D .... ~ ...... e..n.d ............. - ...... -................ ---·

Commentary Score Level 2

• Attempts to address some of the tasks, making limited use of the documents. • Mentions some information from the documents but doesn’t discuss this information (rise in steel production,

permanent work and good wages for labor were advantages of industrial combinations. • No relevant outside information other than the statement about gender and race. • Includes few facts, examples, or details. • This paper has a general plan of organization. • Introduction repeats the Task, the conclusion is very weak.

Conclusion Overall, this response best fits the criteria for a low 2. The response is weakened by limited use of the docu-ments and outside information, even though there is a general plan of organization.


Score Level 2


................. .Af1c.~ .... <Jfu ...... (j.v.\.\. ........ w.~r. .. , .. :fu.~ .....\e.d .... 0.t;\1<;~ ........ kc~ .... ci ..... .

much.~ .Lrou~~d ~kj- \~\~ue-\1Ck'1\f~c.L ... ~JC~ uk Ln rrQnLJW~. r~t'-~j . 1~str,·~UA..3t\c.v1 . .;).\~. CX.~.e.d .'f'fGkit·mS furz.- .~\(dK1~J~~· .. Jhei.~ ;¥,e..,.~y .. '.dc\~S-e..3 ... ·~ .. d,i.~~V~JC3~~~ Sot' ..... ·:\o ..... ..... ~.xi.~\:y .... ~ ...... \n .. ~.§ ..... ~oci .

. \.9J.,b. ....... ·::tb.~1 ..... ...... d.\'.:fderen:1 ........ ;sc~ ..... ln ...... ~K2..K~~ ... '3'.JOc.~ ..

................ Mv@.'{\:B.g.~ ...... of ... ~l.';)tr.).d.U.~ ... ;;:,r.£, .. l . ..i .. nd..u.~+.!. . .\.;;).~'.Q.h'cn .............. . ........ ~.l.c.~ .... b.J.~.~xn ...... ~ ...... lcl ...... cF ..... w:~ . .) ..... r.r.a::0 ... PQ.C¥>.\.~ ........... . ~ci J>b,2) . ~l Y'DO(Q_, wen:T :1n 0~1 ;:wY! ... 'A~ ... ~\eJeph:he-le .. , .. , ... ,,

f~:'O'X.Y.~ .~ ... ~.%o::i,~fu~ ro\IR.... ~Y~rn.\e..\veJ ~11 ( \~l \\ \ . . ~. • . \\ . A.]) .LL ~ J•·i· at.<..:A ... -.Sa... ...... ro:p<Ovtl\d. f cpu~ .... \.nY\ .. ~ . Cc.nut en~ W\1n

" r . ~ .~ n,ew j±>:).~L '.°\:w:J.~alvd0\a~(~.o-1i<Yfilltr~l('Ltj\ia

............. r::r~~\12.(\1~~R. .. s. ....... of ..... \.nw,st:r.i..¢.Ll~1\. .. cr:a .... \/\.cl.u&1

... h.~v.,.0J ....... 19. ... .

~\.1\········:?--.?Qp.:b. ... 'W.~.~\ ....... '.IP ..... V::IX.~ . ., .. ftPLL\.~.~ ..... i .. n ........ ~ ..... ~ttc.u . .\.~c .. .

~{~.~ ....... d.cJ. ...... ~A.\.u..t\.ro. .. ;J:h:: ...... ;:fu.~.h .... ~.r.RJ. ... d..i.r.:.~ ... ~ci..:~ ..... !f?-r..b.~SL<.

~ ..... :~h:e..~ ..... ~.e., ...... rL.Ll. ... 1.o. .... \::(jet. .... ) .. o ... :1b~ ..... slru.+ ..... s.:>.\.ct. ... ~.nL. .. r.Ad.~.-s . ro.. ~4 .. ?~o.r\~ Y\rXJ4.ns ) ... Oiq. 'f.DfM..\~a\. ~rx:{ ?o\\u1.1ai~r~

~fu .... dJ~delvqo.~~.~ ....... '\a ...... 'cQv. 1f'\~ .. Lcdu.0lrf~.\ \.z.~h'On .... .

... .. ltef 0. . ,:;){t1.J. ~\W.~\~ &tf\~ . fu )Ju . ~\/d.'()~~e,:S, .... ..... ii.~.~\l6.W\~2>eS ...... m .... ;)nlj ...... \)f~., .... \ ..\\~ ....... tm ..... \:n-jt,

)~ ..... ~ ....... Y.~ ..... a:\.~o~&-~ .. ./. ..\J=ln~se.~ ..•.... l ....... :t.h~ .. K ................................... . L~~tr.~.~h.OY.\ ..... L$. ........ ~.! ............................................................................................................................................. .

Commentary Score Level 2

• Attempts to address advantages and disadvantages of industrialization. • Use of documents 1 and 3. • No significant outside information that fits specifically events of the period 1865-1920. • Mentions rather than discusses. • Is a satisfactorily organized essay with basic introduction and conclusion.

Conclusion Overall, this response best fits the criteria for a low 2. The lack of specific information from most of the documents, the limited use of outside information, and the failure to address the tasks adequately outweigh the satisfactory organization of this response.


Score Level 1


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Commentary Score Level 1

• Shows limited understanding of the Task by attempting to compare what is factually true in 1870 and 1910. Does not distinguish between advantages and disadvantages in terms of what factual information is presented. No mention of various groups.

• Data is taken from document 1 but the information is not analyzed; it is merely reported. • No relevant outside information is presented. • Includes few specific facts, examples, and details other than those used from document 1. • Is a poorly organized essay. • Introduction is limited and there is no conclusion.

Conclusion Overall, this response best fits the criteria for a 1. The essay deals exclusively with factual information in 1870 and 1910, rather than the required tasks.


Score Level 1

CommentaryScore Level 1

• Attempts to address some aspects of the Task but does so in a very limited way. • Uses some information from documents 2 and 4 but in vague, often incorrect ways (industrialization made most

people move to the city; most of employees were homeless). • Presents no specific relevant outside information specific to the time period 1865-1920. • Includes few relevant or accurate facts, details, or examples. • Attempts to complete the Task. • There is a general plan of organization but only a satisfactory introduction and weak conclusion.

Conclusion Overall, this response best fits the criteria for a 1. An attempt was made to understand and respond to the question. The weaknesses in content limit this response to a 1.


Score Level 0

CommentaryScore Level 0

• Shows a very limited understanding of the Task (talks about technological developments after 1920, doesn’t talk about impact of industrialization on groups, talks extensively about integration rather than industrialization).

• Presents no outside information relevant to time period 1865-1920. • Includes no information from the documents. • Is a poorly focused essay, in terms of organization, except for the introduction and conclusion.

Conclusion Overall, this response best fits the criteria for a 0. Although this answer has a general plan of organization, the lack of relevent content fails to address the Task.




Appendix A


TEST SPECIFICATIONS GRID Number of Items by Standard and Unit

(Multiple Choice )

UNIT ONE Introduction (Geography)

UNIT TWO Constitutional Foundations

UNIT THREE I n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n

of the U.S.

U N I TF O U R P r o g r e s s i v e

Responses to I n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n

UNIT FIVE At Home and

Abroad: Prosperity and


UNIT SIX The U.S. in the Age of Global



World in Uncertain

Times: 1950-1980


World in Uncertain

Times: 1980-Present

Cross topical

Total Range of Questions

1 US and NY












2 World History











3 Geography











4 Economics











5 Civics,

Citizenship and Gov’t











R a n g e














Appendix B


TEST SPECIFICATIONS GRID Multiple-Choice Items in this Sampler

by Standard and Unit

UNIT ONE Introduction (Geography)

UNIT TWO Constitutional Foundations

UNIT THREE I n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n

of the U.S.

UNIT FOUR Progressive

Responses to I n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n

UNIT FIVE At Home and

Abroad: Prosperity and


UNIT SIX The U.S. in the Age of Global


UNIT SEVEN (A) World in Uncertain

Times: 1950-1980

UNIT SEVEN (B) World in Uncertain

Times: 1980-Present

Cross topical

Total # of Questions

% of Items by Standard

1 US and NY


3, 7, 12, 13, 14

22, 16, 18, 19, 20

24, 25

28, 29, 30

32, 33, 34, 36, 38

44, 49

50, 48



2 World History




45, 46,



3 Geography


8, 11





4 Economics

17, 21






5 Civics,

Citizenship and Gov’t

4, 5, 6, 9, 10

23, 26


40, 47




R a n g e















Multiple choice items*

Thematic essay*

Document-based essay question*








15% - Scaffold question 15% - Analytical essay

TOTAL = 30%


Multiple choice*

Thematic essay*

Document-based question*


(See Multiple Choice Specifications Grid)

Standard 1—United States History Standard 2—Government

Standard 1—United States History Standard 4—Economics

Appendix C

Components and Weighting of the Regents Examination in

United States History and Government

Components of the United States History and Government Test

Sampler Keyed to the Social Studies Standards

* There is no student choice of questions on the United States History and Government Regents examina-tion. Students must answer all 50 multiple choice items and both the thematic essay and document-based question provided.


Appendix D



• Shows a thorough understanding of the theme or problem

• Addresses all aspects of the Task

• Shows an ability to analyze, evaluate, compare and/or contrast issues and events

• Richly supports the theme or problem with relevant facts, examples, and details

• Is a well-developed essay, consistently demonstrating a logical and clear plan of organization

• Introduces the theme or problem by establishing a framework that is beyond a simple restatement of the Task and concludes with a summation of the theme or problem

4 • Shows a good understanding of the theme or problem

• Addresses all aspects of the Task

• Shows an ability to analyze, evaluate, compare and/or contrast issues and events

• Includes relevant facts, examples, and details, but may not support all aspects of the theme or problem evenly

• Is a well-developed essay, demonstrating a logical and clear plan of organization

• Introduces the theme or problem by establishing a framework that is beyond a simple restatement of the Task and concludes with a summation of the theme or problem


• Shows a satisfactory understanding of the theme or problem

• Addresses most aspects of the Task or addresses all aspects in a limited way

• Shows an ability to analyze or evaluate issues and events, but not in any depth

• Includes some facts, examples, and details

• Is a satisfactorily developed essay, demonstrating a general plan of organization

• Introduces the theme or problem by repeating the Task and concludes by repeating the theme or problem


• Shows limited understanding of the theme or problem

• Attempts to address the Task

• Develops a faulty analysis or evaluation of issues and events

• Includes few facts, examples, and details, and may include information that contains inaccuracies

• Is a poorly organized essay, lacking focus

• Fails to introduce or summarize the theme or problem

1 • Shows a very limited understanding of the theme or problem

• Lacks an analysis or evaluation of the issues and events beyond stating vague and/or inaccurate facts

• Includes little or no accurate or relevant facts, examples, or details

• Attempts to complete the Task, but demonstrates a major weakness in organization

• Fails to introduce or summarize the theme or problem


• Fails to address the Task, is illegible, or is a blank paper


Appendix E




• T h o roughly addresses all aspects of the Ta s k by accurately analyzing and interpreting at least four documents

• Incorporates information from the documents in the body of the essay

• Incorporates relevant outside information

• Richly supports the theme or problem with relevant facts, examples, and details

• Is a well-developed essay, consistently demonstrating a logical and clear plan of organization

• Introduces the theme or problem by establishing a framework that is beyond a simple restatement of the Task or Historical Context and concludes with a summation of the theme or problem

4 • Addresses all aspects of the Task by accurately analyzing and interpreting at least four documents

• Incorporates information from the documents in the body of the essay

• Incorporates relevant outside information

• Includes relevant facts, examples, and details, but discussion may be more descriptive than analytical

• Is a well-developed essay, demonstrating a logical and clear plan of organization

• Introduces the theme or problem by establishing a framework that is beyond a simple restatement of the Task or Historical Context and concludes with a summation of the theme or problem


• Addresses most aspects of the Task or addresses all aspects of the Task in a limited way, using some of the documents

• Incorporates some information from the documents in the body of the essay

• Incorporates limited or no relevant outside information

• Includes some facts, examples, and details, but discussion is more descriptive than analytical

• Is a satisfactorily developed essay, demonstrating a general plan of organization

• Introduces the theme or problem by repeating the Task or Historical Context and concludes by simply repeating the theme or problem

2 • Attempts to address some aspects of the Task, making limited use of the documents

• Presents no relevant outside information

• Includes few facts, examples, and details; discussion restates contents of the documents

• Is a poorly organized essay, lacking focus

• Fails to introduce or summarize the theme or problem


• Shows limited understanding of the Task with vague, unclear references to the documents

• Presents no relevant outside information

• Includes little or no accurate or relevant facts, details, or examples

• Attempts to complete the Task, but demonstrates a major weakness in organization

• Fails to introduce or summarize the theme or problem

0 • Fails to address the Task, is illegible, or is a blank paper


New York State Education Department, Room 760 EBA, Albany, NY 12234

1. Content—Are the questions generally appropriate in content? Comments:

Regents Examination in United Stated History and Government Test Sampler Draft, June 2000

Comment Sheet


2. Difficulty—Are the questions generally appropriate in difficulty? Comments:

3. Directions—Are the directions in the Test Sampler Draft clear and easy for students to follow? Comments:

4. Time—Would most of the students be able to complete the Test Sampler Draft within the time allotted (3 hours)? Comments:

5. Additional Comments:

Please fax this sheet to (518) 486-5765 or mail it to the New York State Education Department at the above address.