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The Program Executive Office (PEO)Missiles and Space provides centralizedmanagement for all Army air and missiledefense and tactical missile programs aswell as selected Army space programs. ThePEO is responsible for the full life-cyclemanagement of assigned programs.

The PEO Missiles and Space reports tothe Army Acquisition Executive and isaligned with the Aviation and Missile LifeCycle Management Command at RedstoneArsenal, Ala. This materiel enterprise rela-tionship enhances the PEO’s ability to pro-vide the world’s finest support to ourArmy, joint service, interagency, and coali-tion warfighters and customers while con-tinuing the Army’s modernization.

The portfolio of programs assigned to thePEO Missiles and Space spans the full spec-trum of the acquisition process from systemdevelopment to acquisition, testing, pro-duction, product improvement, fielding,sustainment and eventual retirement fromthe force. A number of programs are jointprograms developed with the other ser-vices. Two programs within the PEO are in-ternational cooperative development pro-grams, with other countries sharing in thedevelopment as full partners.

In addition to specific acquisition pro-grams, the PEO is applying a system-of-systems acquisition approach to meetwarfighters’ needs and obtain the desired ca-pabilities of the Army Air and Missile De-fense (AMD) Future Force. This approachrequires the systems to be restructured intocomponents of sensors, launchers, missiles,and Battle Management Command, Con-trol, Communications, Computers and In-telligence (BMC4I), utilizing a standard setof interfaces and networks to communicate.

The Army’s Integrated Air and Missile De-fense (IAMD) acquisition approach will en-sure that the materiel solutions for theArmy’s AMD Future Force will provide thecapabilities required by the warfighter.

Close Combat Weapon Systems(CCWS)

The CCWS Project Office manages arange of antiarmor missile and target ac-quisition systems. Current programs in-clude the Tube-launched, Optically Tracked,Wire-guided (TOW) 2, TOW 2A, TOW 2B,Javelin, Improved Target Acquisition Sys-tem (ITAS) and Improved Bradley Acquisi-tion System (IBAS).

The BGM-71 TOW missile system, withthe multimission TOW 2A, TOW 2B, TOW2B Aero and TOW Bunker Buster missiles,is a long-range, multimission, precision-at-tack weapon system used throughout theworld. TOW is in service in more than 40international armed forces and integratedon more than 15,000 ground, vehicle andhelicopter platforms worldwide. TOW isalso the preferred heavy assault weaponsystem for NATO, coalition, United Nationsand peacekeeping operations worldwide.The TOW 2A, TOW 2B, TOW 2B Aero andTOW Bunker Buster missiles can be firedfrom all TOW launchers, ITAS, Stryker an-titank guided missile (ATGM) vehicles(modified ITAS), and Bradley fighting ve-hicles.

The ITAS includes a second-generationforward looking infrared (FLIR) that usesstandard advanced dewar assembly (SADAII) technology and an eye-safe laser range-finder. The TOW ITAS provides a highlymobile, adverse weather, day-or-night capa-bility needed by early entry forces to de-stroy advanced threat armor at greaterstandoff ranges in the main battle area.

The ITAS features an automatic bore-sight-ing capability, aided target tracking, embed-ded training, BIT/BYTE and traversing unitmodifications. These features ensure crewsurvivability through increased standoffrange and improved performance in thebattlefield environment.

The TOW weapon system, with its ex-tended-range performance, is the long-range precision heavy antitank/assaultmissile of choice for the U.S. Army’s Stryker,Bradley and ITAS-Humvee platforms, andthe U.S. Marine Corps’ Humvee, light ar-mored vehicle and AH-1W Cobra plat-forms. It also can be operated in a dis-mounted ground mode.

The TOW weapon system entered its pro-duction and deployment phase in 1970.Since then, multiple variations of the missileand launcher systems have been fielded.The obsolete TOW wire guidance link hasbeen replaced with a radio frequency (RF)guidance link that is transparent to both thegunner and all TOW platforms. All TOWmissile variants with RF guidance link havebeen qualified, and production of TOW 2BRF, TOW Bunker Buster RF, TOW 2A RFand TOW Practice RF missiles is ongoing.

The Javelin is a shoulder-launched, fire-and-forget, manportable, antiarmor and as-sault weapon system optimized for attack-ing and destroying armored tank targets,buildings, bunkers and hovering heli-copters. It replaced the Dragon antiarmormissile system and provides a medium-range multipurpose capability for infantry,scouts and combat engineers. The system islethal against tanks with conventional, reac-tive armor and a variety of other targets.

Javelin has been used successfully in Iraqand Afghanistan to defeat armored targets,bunkers and hard-to-reach targets in urbanterrain without endangering friendly forcesor noncombatants. The system has two ma-jor tactical components: a reusable com-mand launch unit (CLU) and a missilesealed in a disposable launch tube assembly.

The CLU is a compact, lightweight, tar-get-acquisition device that incorporates anintegrated day/second-generation thermalsight, launch controls and a gunner’s eye-piece display. The CLU allows the gunnerto select two distinct attack mode trajecto-ries: direct attack or top attack. The CLUprovides target engagement capability inadverse weather and countermeasure envi-ronments. The CLU may also be used in thestand-alone mode for battlefield surveil-lance and target detection and has been ef-fective in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The missile is 127 mm in diameter with astaring, imaging infrared seeker; a feature-based tracker; dual shaped-charge war-heads; dual in-line solid-propellant launchand flight motors; and the Javelin launchtube assembly, an expendable carbon fiberlaunch tube to house the missile and inter-face with the CLU. The complete round is

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BGM-71 Tube-launched, Optically Tracked, Wire-guided Missile System


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described as “wooden,” as it requires nopre-use testing or maintenance. The roundshelf life requirement is 10 years.

The Javelin system weighs 49 poundsand its maximum range is more than 2,500meters. Javelin’s most important technicalfeature is the use of fire-and-forget technol-ogy that allows the gunner to fire and im-mediately take cover. Additional specialfeatures are the top-attack and direct-firemodes (for targets under cover), advancedtandem warhead, imaging infrared seeker,target lock-on before launch and softlaunch. Soft launch allows Javelin to befired safely from enclosures and coveredfighting positions, increasing gunner sur-vivability. The time required to prepareJavelin for firing is less than 30 seconds,with a reload time of less than 20 seconds.

Cruise Missile Defense Systems(CMDS)

The CMDS Project Office is the central-ized manager for the Army’s short- andmedium-range air defense systems andcounterfires radars. CMDS is equipping thecurrent and Future Force with an integratedair and missile defense and counterfires ca-pability. Programs include Joint Land At-tack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Net-ted Sensor System (JLENS), Firefinder(TPQ-37), TPQ-53 Radar (which replacesFirefinder), Lightweight Counter Mortar

Radar (TPQ-50), Improved Sentinel Radar(AN/MPQ-64), Stinger-based Systems, andIntegrated Fire Protection Capability In-crement 2-Intercept (IFPC2-I), a pre-majordefense acquisition program (MDAP). Stinger-based Systems, Avenger and the

Manportable Air Defense System (MAN-PADS) provide forward area air defense.Stinger is a fire-and-forget infrared/ultravi-olet (IR/UV) missile system. Avenger ishighly mobile and provides shoot-on-the-move capabilities in day, night and adverseweather operations. Along with Stinger, it isdesigned to counter hostile, low-flying un-

manned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles, ro-tary-wing aircraft and high-performancefixed-wing aircraft.

Stinger provides low-altitude defense forground forces against aerial observation orattack by threat aircraft. Stinger missileshave extensive counter-countermeasure ca-pabilities, can engage targets from any as-pect including head-on, and utilize a high-explosive, hit-to-kill warhead.

The AN/MPQ-64 Improved Sentinelprovides 360-degree air surveillance and ac-quisition tracking, day or night, in adverseweather conditions and in battlefield envi-

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FIM-92 StingerManportable AirDefense System

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ronments of dust, smoke, aerosols and en-emy countermeasures. The Improved Sen-tinel contributes to the digital battlefield byautomatically detecting, classifying, identi-fying and reporting cruise missiles, un-manned aerial systems, and rotary- andfixed-wing threats. The system’s antiradia-tion missile and electronic countermeasures-resistant performance supports air defenseoperations across the full spectrum of con-flict. Sentinel modernization efforts includethe new AN/TPX-57 mode 5 IFF, a modern-ized radar control terminal, and a router forincreased communications flexibility andinformation assurance. Sentinel has begunproduction of 56 new radars for divisionalsupport: 51 radars will be integrated onto anew family of medium tactical vehicles(FMTV) platform and corresponding trail-ers. Some of the new radars will be used asrepair cycle floats to support a depot over-haul capability.

The Joint Land Attack Cruise MissileDefense Elevated Netted Sensor System(JLENS) uses advanced sensor and net-working technologies to provide 360-de-gree wide-area surveillance and precisiontracking of land attack cruise missiles.JLENS detects stressing, terrain-maskedcruise missiles and other air-breathingthreats, permitting extended engagementranges for current air defense systems.

A JLENS orbit consists of two systems: afire-control radar (FCR) system and a wide-area surveillance radar (SuR) system. Eachsystem is composed of a 74-meter tetheredaerostat, a mobile mooring station, a radarsystem, data and voice communicationsequipment, a control group, and associatedground support equipment. JLENS is de-signed to distribute surveillance, track andidentification data contributing to the singleintegrated air picture via link 16 and the co-operative engagement capability.

The AN/TPQ-37 (V) Firefinder Radar is ahighly mobile counterfire radar designed forautomatic first-round location of weaponsfiring projectile-type rounds. The systemoperates in a hostile mode by tracking en-emy fire; enemy fire point of origin loca-tion coordinates are interfaced to a tacticalfire-control system that will direct counterfire. Enemy fire impact point predictionsare used to protect soldiers and assets. Thesystem also tracks friendly weapons, send-ing registration and fire adjustment infor-mation to the fire-control center. It can alsoprovide early warning of incoming fire andallows for the direction of counterfireswhen guarding against rocket-, artillery-and mortar-based threats.

The AN/TPQ-53 Radar is a highly mobilecounterfire target acquisition radar, capableof locating hostile mortar, artillery androcket fires in a clutter environment andproviding friendly artillery registration.The system provides surveillance againstall counterfire threats at increased rangesand accuracies, including 360 degrees ofcoverage and 90-degree sector coverage.The principal functions of the system are todetect, track, classify and accurately deter-mine the point of origin and the point ofimpact of enemy indirect fires.

The AN/TPQ-50 Lightweight CounterMortar Radar (LCMR) performs target de-tection, verification, tracking and classifica-tion of enemy and friendly mortar, cannonand rocket locations. It provides continuous360-degree detection and location of indi-rect fire-firing weapons. It is small, light-weight and manportable by two soldiers.When a weapon is detected, the systemsends a warning message to the operatorindicating a round is being processed.

The Integrated Fire Protection Capabil-ity Increment 2-Intercept (IFPC2-I) is apre-MDAP effort. It will be a ground-based

weapon system transported by Army com-mon mobile platforms, with an integratedset of capabilities designed to acquire, track,engage and defeat rockets, artillery andmortar projectiles in flight. It will integrateinto the existing air and missile defense ar-chitecture.

The Counter-Rocket, Artillery, Mortar(C-RAM) is an evolutionary, nondevelop-mental program initiated by the ArmyChief of Staff in response to the indirect fire(IDF) threat and a validated operationalneeds statement. The primary mission ofthe C-RAM program is to develop, procure,field and maintain a system of systems(SoS) that can detect RAM launches; pro-vide localized warning to the defendedarea, with sufficient time for personnel totake appropriate action; intercept rounds inflight, thus preventing damage to groundforces or facilities; and enhance responseto—and defeat of—enemy forces.

The C-RAM capability is a combination ofmultiservice fielded and nondevelopmentalitem sensors, command-and-control (C2)equipment, warning systems, and a modi-fied U.S. Navy intercept system (land-basedphalanx weapon system), with a commer-cial off-the-shelf (COTS) wireless local areanetwork (LAN). The forward area air de-fense (FAAD) C2 system, also under themanagement of the C-RAM program direc-torate, has been enhanced to integrate thesensors, weapons and warning systems toprovide C2 for the C-RAM SoS. C-RAM C2software correlates RAM sensor data, evalu-ates the threat, provides early warning, di-rects engagements, and cues counterfire sys-tems and reaction forces. The C-RAMcapability provides correlated air andground pictures and links units to the ArmyMission Command systems and the joint de-fense network with various forms of commu-nications, providing situational awarenessand exchange of timely and accurate infor-mation to synchronize and optimize auto-mated shape, sense, warn, intercept, respondand protect decisions. The C-RAM sense-and-warn capability is deployed to forwardoperating bases (FOB) in two theaters of op-eration. C-RAM’s sense-and-warn perfor-mance has been extremely successful, pro-viding timely warning for more than 2,500rocket and mortar attacks against C-RAMFOBs with a minimum of false warnings,saving countless lives.

The C-RAM intercept capability is cred-ited with more than 175 successful inter-cepts of rockets and mortar rounds fired athigh-value assets. The C-RAM intercept as-sets are undergoing reset and will be fieldedto composite Indirect Fire Protection Capa-bility (IFPC) and Avenger battalions as required by the Army. Capability enhance-ments include development and deploy-ment of Ka and Ku band sensors, improvedradars for detection of stressing threats, inte-gration of military spectrum communica-

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AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel

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tions, integration with unmanned aerial sys-tems universal ground station and dynamicclearance of unplanned fires.

The C-RAM program directorate is alsothe materiel developer for the acceleratedimproved intercept initiative (AI3), a rapid-development effort to provide an interceptcapability to defeat stressing threats. AI3 isunder development, with live-fire testinganticipated for the fourth quarter of fiscalyear (FY) 2013.RAM Warn transitioned to an ACAT III

acquisition program as an enduring capa-bility. RAM Warn is a horizontal technologyinsertion using C-RAM warning equipmentto provide early, localized warning to allmaneuver brigade combat teams (BCT). Itwill employ the air defense airspace man-agement (ADAM) cell already resident inthe BCT headquarters as the C2 element;use existing radars in the target acquisitionplatoon of the fires battalion as the sense el-ement; and add enhanced C2, warning de-vices, controllers and dedicated communi-cations devices between the existing radars,the ADAM cell and warning devices. Inte-gration of this equipment provides a warncapability to BCTs for detection of threatIDF rounds, transmission of the detectiondata to the C2 element for correlation anddetermination of a predicted point of im-pact, and passage of the point-of-impactinformation to audio and visual alarms for

localized or full-area warning over the de-fended area. Timely warning will enablethose BCT personnel in the hazard area ofan inbound IDF threat to seek cover or aprone position before impact, thus reducingcasualties.

The Air and Missile Defense Planningand Control System (AMDPCS) providesthe C2 capability for air defense artillery(ADA) brigades, Army air and missile de-fense commands (AAMDC), and maneu-ver BCT and joint force C2 elements suchas the battlefield coordination detachments(BCD). AMDPCS provides various air de-

fense shelter systems for all echelons, builton a baseline known as the ADAM shelter.The Air and Missile Defense Workstation(AMDWS) is a common defense/staff plan-ning and situational awareness/situationalunderstanding software tool. AMDWS is de-ployed with AMD units at all echelons andis also a component of the ADAM. TheAMDWS performs all aspects of AMD forceoperations. It assists in the automated de-velopment of the intelligence preparation ofthe battlefield; provides situational aware-ness; and is capable of planning, coordinat-ing and synchronizing the air, land, and sea

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Counter-Rocket, Artillery, Mortar system





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battle. AMDWS is the interoperability linkfor AMD forces with the Army MissionCommand systems and provides the air sit-uational input to the common operationalpicture.

The Forward Area Air Defense Com-mand and Control (FAAD C2) system con-sists of common hardware, software andcommunications equipment to meet the C2and targeting needs of ADA battalions andC-RAM deployments. FAAD C2 supportsthe AMD mission by providing command,control and intelligence (C2I) informationto higher, adjacent and lower units. Com-puter displays allow commanders accessto databases for the air picture, situationreports, enemy assessments and friendlyforces. The system provides an embeddedtraining capability that will replicate thosesituations encountered in actual missionoperation. Evolving software capabilitiesare added with each new version through-out the FAAD C2 development cycle. TheFAAD C2 system also has the capability tointerface with joint and NATO C2 systems.To accomplish its mission, FAAD C2 is inte-grated into and interoperates with both the Army Mission Command systems andAMDWS. The AMDWS is integrated in FAAD C2-equipped battalions at the ADAbattery and battalion command posts and isa product under the AMDPCS program.The FAAD C2 engagement operations sub-system provides the joint air picture via im-plementation of two-way tactical digital in-formation link (TADIL)-A, -B and -J links.The FAAD C2 system is the backbone forthe C-RAM system and assists with digiti-zation of the battlefield by providing air sit-uational awareness to the supported forceand alerting and cueing to C-RAM systemsand FAAD weapons. The FAAD C2 sys-tems support C-RAM by receiving and cor-relating sensor inputs, then alerting the in-

tercept system and the sense-and-warn el-ements of an impending RAM attack.FAAD C2’s ever-expanding mission en-compasses the detection, acquisition andidentification of enemy mortar and rocketprojectiles, helicopters, fixed-wing aircraftand unmanned aerial vehicles; the distribu-tion and dissemination of C2I data amongthe AMD units and combined arms ele-ments; the provision of early warning; andthe alerting of supported forces.

Integrated Air and Missile Defense(IAMD)

The IAMD Project Office manages theArmy IAMD (AIAMD) program and isuniquely structured to enable the develop-ment of an overarching SoS capability withall participating ADA components func-tioning interdependently to provide totaloperational capabilities that the individualelement systems cannot achieve. The AIA-MD program does this by establishing theAIAMD architecture and developing theIAMD Battle Command Systems (IBCS)Engagement Operations Center (EOC)that provides the common Mission Com-mand capability, the integrated fire-controlnetwork (IFCN) capability for fire-controlconnectivity and distributed operations,and the common plug and fight (P&F) kitsthat network-enable multiple sensor com-ponents, weapon components and the IBCSEOC while significantly reducing the train-ing and logistics footprint through commonMission Command across the ADA forcestructure.

The AIAMD acquisition strategy is to de-liver an initial operational capability in FY2017 and a set of follow-on product and ca-pability improvements in FY 2018. The FY2017 capabilities are delivered through thefielding of the IBCS EOC-based AIAMD ar-chitecture including the IBCS EOC, Sentinel

and the Patriot radar and launcher compo-nents connected via an IFCN working in anintegrated manner. The FY 2018 capabilitiesare delivered through employing the Pa-triot radar directly on the IFCN and the incorporation of IBCS functionality intoADAM cells, ADA brigade headquartersand AAMDC headquarters. Future addi-tional capabilities include incorporation ofterminal high-altitude air defense batteriesand composite IFPC/Avenger battalionsinto the AIAMD architecture.

The IBCS EOC consists of an FMTV-mounted shelter that houses computingand communications equipment. At thebattery level, units will be fielded with anEOC and an erectable shelter. The shelterwill provide the environmentally condi-tioned work area for the battery staff to exe-cute their Mission Command and fire-con-trol tasks. At battalion level, two EOCs andtwo shelters will be fielded to accommo-date the larger staff and computing needs.EOCs are identical at all levels and will befielded with the full suite of common soft-ware.

The IFCN provides the capability for fire-control connectivity and distributed opera-tions, utilizing common P&F kits that willnetwork-enable multiple sensor compo-nents, weapon components and the IBCSEOC. The warfighter information network-tactical (WIN-T) radio forms the basis forthe IFCN.

The P&F kits include two primary com-ponents. The IFCN Relay provides the com-mon plug and fight functionality (B-kit), re-quired adaptation layers and the radio/transport capability to support placing therespective sensor/weapon components onthe IFCN. The P&F A-kits, developed bythe responsible component project offices,provide the unique plug and fight function-ality and integration of the B-kit as needed.

Joint Attack Munition Systems(JAMS)

The JAMS Project Office manages allArmy aviation rockets and missiles. Pro-grams include the 2.75-inch Hydra 70 fam-ily of rockets, the small guided munitionfamily, the Hellfire family of missiles andthe joint air-to-ground missile (JAGM).

The 2.75-inch (70 mm) Hydra 70 RocketFamily encompasses variants of the free-flight rocket that has become the standardground-attack rocket. The design includesmultiple warheads that can be used on therocket motor. Rockets equipped with vari-ous fuzes and warhead options include:M261 tactical, M267 practice, M151 (10-pound) antipersonnel or canopy/softbunker, M229 antipersonnel (17-pound),M274 smoke signature, M257 illumination,M264 smoke, M255A1 flechette, and M278infrared illuminating.

The Small Guided Munition Family, al-though not an official program of record,

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A 2.75-inch (70 mm) Hydra 70 Rocket is fired from an Apache AH-64D helicopter.

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provides services to all DoD and govern-ment agencies to procure the Griffin A, Grif-fin B and Viper Strike munitions. Griffin is a34-pound semiactive laser (SAL) and globalpositioning system (GPS)-guided munitionwith three fuze settings: height of burst(HOB), point detonate and delay. ViperStrike is a 42-pound glide munition. Bothmunitions precisely target personnel in theopen, light armor and thin-skin vehicles, re-ducing collateral damage.

The AGM-114 Hellfire Missile Familyincludes the Hellfire II and Longbow Hell-fire missiles. Hellfire II is a precision-strike,SAL-guided missile. It is the principal air-to-ground weapon system for the Army’sAH-64 Apache, Kiowa Warrior and GrayEagle, the U.S. Marine Corps’ AH-1W Su-per Cobra and Harvest Hawk fixed-wingaircraft, the U.S. Air Force’s Predator andReaper unmanned aircraft systems, and nu-merous allied aircraft around the world.

The Laser Hellfire II missile providespoint-target precision-strike capability todefeat heavy, advanced armor, individualhard point and nontraditional targets. Hell-fire II missiles use an SAL terminal guid-ance. The missile also includes electro-opti-cal countermeasure capability, warheadimprovements and an updated electronicfuze. The AGM-114R Hellfire II missile isthe single variant that replaces all otherHellfire II missile configurations (K/N/

M/P). The AGM-114R missile will allow apilot to select warhead fuze settings corre-sponding to the target, reduce roll tip-offissues from incorporation of inertial mea-surement unit (IMU) (replaces attitudegyro) and provide increased off-axis capa-bility beyond the current limits.

The Longbow Hellfire (AGM-114L) isalso a precision-strike missile, but it uses

millimeter wave (MMW) radar guidanceinstead of SAL. The MMW seeker providesbeyond-line-of-sight fire-and-forget capa-bility and the ability to operate in adverseweather and battlefield obscurities.

Since 2003, U.S. servicemembers havefired more than 14,500 Hellfire II missiles incombat operations. The precision capabilityof the Hellfire missile has made it a weapon

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A soldier signs a Hellfire missile attached to a Warrior unmanned aerial vehicle.

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of choice in overseas contingency opera-tions where collateral damage effects are asignificant concern. The demonstrated per-formance against other-than-armor targetshas proven Hellfire to be an adaptable, ca-pable and reliable missile suited for anybattlefield.

The Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM)program will provide a rotary-wing, fixed-wing and UAS launched missile systemthat provides line-of-sight capabilities, in-cluding precision point targeting (both ac-tive and passive) and fire-and-forget seekertechnologies, increased range, and increasedlethality against soft and hardened movingand stationary targets. When fielded, theJAGM will replace legacy aviation-launchedmissiles.

The JAGM will increase the warfighter’soperational flexibility by effectively engag-ing a variety of targets on the battlefield, in-cluding advanced heavy and light armoredvehicles, bunkers, buildings, patrol craft,C2 vehicles, transporter/erector launchers,artillery systems, and radar and air defensesystems. Its multimode seeker will providerobust capability in adverse weather, day ornight, and in an obscured/countermeasureenvironment against stationary and mov-ing/fleeting high-value targets.

Lower Tier Project OfficeThe Lower Tier Project Office consists of

the Patriot missile system, the Patriot Ad-vanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) and JointTactical Ground Station.

The Patriot missile system provides de-fense of critical assets and maneuver forcesbelonging to corps and echelons abovecorps against aircraft, cruise missiles andtactical ballistic missiles. The Patriot’s fast-reaction capability, high firepower, and abil-ity to track numerous targets simultane-

ously and operate in a severe electroniccountermeasures environment are signifi-cant improvements over previous air de-fense systems. The combat element of thePatriot missile system is the fire unit, whichconsists of a phased-array radar set, an en-gagement control station (ECS), an electricpower plant, an antenna mast group, a com-munications relay group and up to 16 re-motely located launch stations. The radarset provides all tactical functions of air-space surveillance, target detection andtracking, and missile guidance and engage-ment support. The ECS provides the hu-man interface for command and control ofoperations. Each launch station can beequipped with four ready-to-fire PAC-2 orguidance enhancement missile (GEM) con-figuration missiles sealed in canisters thatserve as both shipping containers andlaunch tubes.

The GEM, GEM+ and PAC-3 missiles pro-vide the Patriot missile system with an ad-vanced antitactical missile capability. Part-ner nations have deployed Patriot systemsin support of their defense requirements.

The Patriot Advanced Capability-3(PAC-3) missile program incorporates thebattle-proven PAC-3 missile, which useshit-to-kill technology for greater lethalityagainst theater ballistic missiles (TBMs)armed with weapons of mass destruction.The PAC-3 missile is the first opera-tionally deployed hit-to-kill weapon sys-tem capable of defending against air andmissile defense threats. Up to 16 PAC-3missiles can be loaded per PAC-3 up-graded launch station, increasing fire-power and missile defense capabilities.The PAC-3 missile’s primary mission is todefend against TBMs while remainingable to counter advanced cruise missilesand aircraft. The PAC-3 missile upgrade

program adds system improvements toincrease performance against evolvingthreats, meets user needs and enhancesjoint interoperability.

The Joint Tactical Ground Station is atransportable information processing sys-tem that supports combatant commandersand forward-deployed forces with earlywarning data on ballistic missile launches.

Precision Fires Rocket and MissileSystems (PFRMS)

The PFRMS Project Office manages themultiple launch rocket system (MLRS) fam-ily of launchers, which includes theM270A1, high-mobility artillery rocket sys-tem (HIMARS), and the entire suite of rock-ets and missiles for those launchers. Bothlaunchers are capable of supporting anddelivering all of the MLRS family of muni-tions (MFoM) including basic, extended-range and guided MLRS (GMLRS) rockets,as well as the Block I/IA and unitary Armytactical missile system (ATACMS) variants.The launchers and munitions have provento be highly effective and reliable duringcombat operations.

The M270A1 MLRS is a highly mobile,automated system that fires precisionguided and unguided surface-to-surfacerockets and missiles from a tracked plat-form derived from the same chassis usedby the Bradley fighting vehicle. The MLRSdelivers large volumes of firepower in ashort time against critical, time-sensitivetargets. From inside the cab, the crew ofthree can fire up to 12 MLRS/GMLRS rock-ets or two ATACMS variants. The launchplatform is scheduled to be upgraded withan improved armored cab, providing crewsurvivability enhancements and an up-dated fire-control system that mitigateselectronic obsolescence.

The M142 HIMARS is the newest launchervariant of the MLRS family. HIMARS is ahighly mobile artillery rocket system offer-ing MLRS firepower on a wheeled chassisand is C-130 transportable. HIMARS carriesa single six-pack of MLRS/GMLRS rocketsor one ATACMS missile on the Army’s stan-dard FMTV 5-ton truck. HIMARS is de-signed to launch the entire MLRS family ofmunitions. Recently, the entire M142 fleetwas retrofitted with an increased crew pro-tection armored cab and the upgraded universal fire-control system. It is beingupgraded with long-range communica-tions, driver’s vision enhancements andBlue Force Tracker. During recent combatoperations in Southwest Asia, both theM270A1 MLRS and the M142 HIMARShave consistently provided highly lethaland effective long-range precision strikefires in support of U.S. and coalition forces.

The MLRS basic rocket and the Ex-tended-Range Multiple Launch RocketSystem (ER-MLRS) are free-flight, area-fireartillery rockets carrying dual-purpose, im-

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M270A1 Multiple Launch Rocket System

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proved conventional munition (DPICM)submunitions. The ER-GMLRS, which ex-tends the 31.8-kilometer (km) range of thebasic rocket to approximately 45 km, pro-vides longer-range rocket capability. Theprogram emerged from lessons learnedduring Operation Desert Storm, in whichsenior-level commanders stated a require-ment for greater range while applaudingthe effectiveness of the basic rocket. TheGMLRS DPICM provides greater accuracy,with increased overmatch capabilities and areduced logistics footprint over free-flightrockets. GMLRS incorporates GPS-aided in-ertial navigation systems. A second GMLRSvariant is the GMLRS Unitary, which inte-grates a 200-pound class unitary warheadin place of DPICM submunitions. Thisrocket has a range up to 70 km and is effec-tive against a variety of targets. The multi-mode warhead fuze (impact, delay and air-burst) greatly enhances its employmentoptions in various combat environments.The GMLRS Unitary proved its effective-ness in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) andmore recently in Operation Enduring Free-dom (OEF). It has become the indirect-fireweapon of choice in urban areas.

The GMLRS Alternative Warhead (AW)is an enhanced, 200-pound fragmentationassembly filled with PBXN-110 high explo-sive. Upon detonation, the explosive accel-erates two layers of preformed tungstenfragments that are optimized to defeat therequired targets. In addition, the warheadhas design features to pass insensitive mu-nitions (IM) thermal cookoff and fragmentshock initiation environments. The GMLRSAW is designed to comply with DoD’s pol-icy on cluster munitions and unintendedharm to civilians. GMLRS AW is in the en-gineering and manufacturing developmentphase, and production is expected to beginin 2016.

The Army Tactical Missile System (A-TACMS) Blocks I and IA Missiles providelong-range, surface-to-surface fire supportfor Army deep-strike operations. Both AT-ACMS Blocks I and IA are surface-to-surfaceguided missile systems with antiperson-nel/antimateriel (APAM) warheads contain-ing DPICM submunitions. The ATACMSwith an APAM warhead attacks soft area tar-gets at ranges well beyond the capability of existing cannons and rockets. Targets in-clude surface-to-surface missile and multiplerocket launcher units; air defense systems;logistics elements; and command, control,and communications complexes. The AT-ACMS Block IA, with enhanced accuracy en-abled by GPS augmentation to its inertialguidance capability, has a 300-km reach.

The Block IA began fielding in FY 1998,and retrofit of selected launchers to BlockIA capability occurred simultaneouslywith missile fielding. Fired from M270A1and HIMARS launchers, it was highly ef-fective in OIF.

The ATACMS Unitary Missile is a U.S.Army requirement developed from lessonslearned in Kosovo. It was clear that battle-field commanders needed a weapon withprecise guidance and lower lethal radii tominimize collateral damage. The ATACMSQuick-Reaction Unitary (QRU) Missile is aresponsive, all-weather, long-range missilewith a high-explosive, single-burst warhead.The ATACMS QRU is converted from aBlock IA missile to the unitary configurationby replacing the APAM submunitions with aproven unitary warhead (470-pound SLAM/Harpoon) and fuze. The missile has a rangeof 270 km and provides the Army the capa-bility to attack high-payoff, time-sensitivetargets without placing combat or support

aircraft and crews at risk. Its precision accu-racy, the absence of potential submunitionduds and reduced lethal radii overcome col-lateral damage concerns. The ATACMS QRUwas used effectively in OIF and continues tobe highly effective in destroying high-payofftargets in OEF. The ATACMS QRU evolvedinto the ATACMS 2000 variant with up-graded vertical impact capability to mini-mize target altitude error. This vertical im-pact capability maximizes warhead effects incomplex urban and mountain terrain.

Planned modification of Block I missileswill replace existing submunitions with aunitary warhead and air burst capability toprovide area weapon effects without therisk of unexploded ordnance.