Download - 3375 Church Lane Duluth GA 30096 Rev. Ronald L. … of Jesus 20. Speed the Light ... I’d like to suggest that, ...


AUGUST 12 Singles Ministry – Main Event 21 Total Solar Eclipse 27 Youth Day (7:30 & 11:00am services) SEPTEMBER 4 Labor Day (Church Office Closed) 9 Defensive Driving Course 10 Grandparents Day 22 Fall Begins


Seasons ............................................ 1

Hymn of the Month ............................ 4

True Worship .................................... 5

Class of 2017 .................................... 6

Outreach Ministry .............................. 9

Health Ministry ................................ 12

Women’s Ministry ............................ 13

Black History Facts ......................... 16

Church News .................................. 21

Sunday School ................................ 25

Opportunities to Serve .................... 26


“Exalt the Savior”

“Equip the Saint”

“Evangelize the Sinner”

August 2017 FRIENDSHIP’S VOICE Vol. 5, Issue 8

3375 Church Lane

Duluth GA 30096

Rev. Ronald L. Bowens, Pastor

Written by

Evangelist Deloris Williams

As we reflect on seasons, take a moment and reflect on the 22 verses of Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and pause and examine the earth’s seasons. Each oceanic and atmospheric administration of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter) introduces us to their nature and characters. With each climate, we change our wardrobes to each annual cycle of the season’s variability. Earthly seasons reveal a spiritual window of our Creator’s Grace, Mercy, and Deliverance! Through each season, we adjust, we endure and obey their “power” and purpose as agents of the Sovereign Creator. Each verse of Ecclesiastes should inspire us of the “Spiritual Seasons” we encounter as we travel “Life’s Pathway.” There is a purpose for each season we experience as humans. Just as there are oceanic and atmospheric seasons, “Mankind” has spiritual cycles in their lives. But unlike the agents of obedience as the climates in the four seasons, man does not obey nor comprehend why spiritual seasons are necessary in our lives.

(cont’d next page)


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(Seasons cont’d)

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Just as Summer ignites the thoughts of planned vacations, sun screen and relaxation, there is also a spiritual warning of a greater observation of spiritual flossing for our souls:

Obedience and Observation are spiritual nuggets for a “Healthy Spiritual life!”

Autumn is a season of sounds, smell, textures and tastes. It is a hallmark of change. Young children enjoy leaf crafts—optical visions that witness the majestic timing for the earth to sleep and revitalize itself. It is a season when the grass changes, birds migrate and insects are busy preparing to retreat. Some people enjoy nature walks in awe of how seasons are so obedient to seasonal protocol!

Just as the “Winterish” winds and harsh briskly chills cause us to tremble with respect of its

seasonal and unrepentant growl and icy temper-tantrums, we learn to be in obedience with great observance to its ability to cause us harmful outcomes in health and atmospheric danger. Mankind takes precaution to again obey this agent that can claim lives due to its winter rage.

Then Spring time! A heavy sigh of release and new beginnings, planting, gardening tools, and, most importantly, GROWTH! LIFE IS ABOUT GROWING SPIRITUALLY AND PHYSICALLY TO THE PURPOSE OF GOD!


Where are you in your season of life?

How are you dealing with emotional seasons?

Do you have Spiritual Peace?

Have you evaluated why you are here?

Have you even scratched the surface of your potential?

Do you have a healthy spiritual relationship and can know for sure you are weathering the storms properly?

What seeds are you planting that shall be revealed in the harvesting?

Are you prepared for Eternal Signs pushing us all in the direction of Eternity?

Are you aware of the Seasons – living a “Spiritual Life” in the midst of a materialistic world?


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(Seasons cont’d)

Whatever your season, consider it just that. A Season! Each day each of us during the year experience a sacred time for spiritual evaluation… soul research, when trials during the season get so hard that you have to “take a knee.” But know this, the righteous shall be delivered! Someone somewhere is having a season. REMEMBER:

Hope during your season is your Master’s hand in the dark when you can’t see your way through your spiritual season! “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

During your spiritual season, always remember the secret of David the psalmist: “The LORD is my Shepherd.” Psalm 23:1

“Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble.” Job 14:1


Ecclesiastes is a book of perspective. Did you read the third chapter? If so, by now you know

seasons are inevitable. In the end, faith in God is the ONLY way to find personal meaning. Life is brief and

ultimately worthless without God. Enrich your faith and grow in spiritual maturity with the Incredible Love of JESUS!

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The Author: Elisha A. Hoffman (1839-1929)

Born: May 7, 1839, Orwigsburg, Pennsylvania

Died: November 25, 1929, Chicago, Illinois Buried: Oak Woods Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois

A minister’s son, Hoffman attended Union Seminary in New Berlin,

Pennsylvania, and was ordained in 1868. Afterward, he worked with

the Evangelical Association’s publishing arm in Cleveland, Ohio, for

11 years. He pastored in Cleveland and Grafton, Ohio, in the 1880s;

at the First Presbyterian Church in Benton Harbor, Michigan, around

the turn of the century; and in Cabery, Illinois (1911-1922). In his

lifetime, he wrote over 2,000 Gospel songs. A few are noted below:


1. Are You Washed in the Blood?

2. Down at the Cross

3. Down Low at My Redeemer’s Feet

4. Draw Me Closer, Lord, to Thee

5. Enough for Me

6. Give Him the Glory

7. Hallowed Hour of Prayer

8. I Must Tell Jesus

9. Is It Not Wonderful?

10. Is Thy Heart Right with God?

11. Is Your All on the Altar?

12. It Is Mine

13. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

14. Lord I Am Fondly, Earnestly Longing

15. Lord Is Coming By and By, The

16. No Other Friend Like Jesus

17. Over the Rolling Sea

18. Power for Service

19. Sing of Jesus

20. Speed the Light

21. What a Wonderful Savior!

22. Where Will You Spend Eternity?

23. Would You Know Why I Love Jesus?

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I want to begin this article with John 4:24, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth.” Before we can truly get what worship is and how to apply it in our daily lives, I’d like to suggest that, as a believer, it is impossible to worship our living God without His Holy Spirit. John said if we are to worship Yahweh, we must worship Him in spirit and in truth. So, you have to have two things… His Holy Spirit must be in you and you must be in truth. John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the light… NO MAN cometh unto the Father but by Me.” John 14:16-17 states, “And I will pray the Father, and He SHALL give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you and shall be in you.” John 14:26, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”

Now that we know the two things we need in order to worship, let’s move on to defining worship. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines worship like this: “extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem.” It also means to reverence something. To put it simply, when you worship something, you hold that being or object in a high regard. So, when we worship God the Father, what we are saying to Him is we reverence YOU as the Most High, we respect YOU to the highest, and we give YOU total admiration. We are saying YOU have been so good to us; YOU desire the highest worship from us. Oftentimes, in church, we associate worship with songs, hymns and music. All these things are forms of worship, but true worship starts in the individual’s heart. It is hard to focus on God and think about God when your heart and mind are on what other people are wearing, doing, or judging others. The truth is we all fall short of the glory of God. It was Jesus in Matthew 15:7-9 that called the scribes and Pharisees hypocrites. He said these people draw near to Me with their mouths, and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me and in vain they worship Me—teaching as doctrine the “commandments of men.” Their worship was in vain because their hearts were far from Him… (this is a great place to make sure your heart is not far from God). If there was no choir, no music, no songs to be sung, the church body should still be full of worship and on fire for God. Once worship starts in your heart, it then goes to your mind, and you think about ALL the things in your life God has brought you out of, the things He has saved you from. You think about all the times God has made a way out of no way; you think about how you were lost and on your way to hell, but God stepped in and turned it all around. You think about when you had more month than money; you think about how you were sick but He healed your body. You think about how He helped you raise your kids, and how He kept them when they were not with you. More than all of that, you worship God because He is God and He will never leave you nor forsake you. If you cannot remember anything in your life God has done, remember this: Jesus came from glory to die on a cross, to save you that you might have eternal life and not have to pay the penalty of sin, which is death and the punishment of hell. If you reflect on all of the things God has done, it won’t be too long before you start living a life of worship. You will start saying to God, not my will but YOUR will be done. You will start to express your worship outwardly. It’s in your lifestyle, it’s in your talk, it’s in your walk, it’s in your dance, it’s in the songs you sing, it’s in the instruments you play, and it’s in the waving and clapping of your hands. I believe the church has gotten away from true worship. Every day that God allows us to wake up, we should be praying “create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me.” As much as I love expressing my worship through music and songs, it still starts in the heart. If our heart is not right, then our worship will not be right. And oftentimes, in church, we want a song to be sung before we do anything. If a song is sung, we will stand if it’s a song that we like or if a certain person sings it—but, we will also sit down if it’s a song we don’t particularly like or even a person leading a song we might not particularly like. I have to ask the question… is God not worthy of our worship no matter what the song is or who is singing it? As long as it’s about our glorious God, then worship should be ever present. God is STILL seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. Will you be one of the ones to worship Him in spirit and in truth? Or will you be the one He calls a hypocrite that worships Him in vain? Once we stop looking at people or waiting for “our song” to be sung and start looking in our OWN hearts, then we will see the Shekinah Glory of God fall down from heaven. When we are unified in one spirit and in our heart, that’s when healing takes place, strongholds are broken and miracles happen. My brothers and sisters, let’s get back to worshiping God and giving Him our hearts and true worship. God bless.

Written by: Bryan Bowens Minister of Music

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2017 High School Graduates

1st Row: Olivia Foggie, Elise Wade, Pastor Ronald Bowens, Autumn Williams, Ebony Collier, Mecca Malone

2nd Row: Myriyah Wells, Quincie Joyner, Kennith Kearse, Felicia Phillips 3rd Row: Taliah Gardner, Maxwell Turk, Kayla Greer

Not shown: Kyerra Tarver, Terrez Tarver

2017 College Graduates

1st Row: Kristyn Chung, Pastor Ronald Bowens, Miranda Clay 2nd Row: Trinity Rogers, Brianna Lee, Martin Williams

August 2017 Friendship Baptist Church A Purpose-Driven Church Page 7

The Education Ministry at

Friendship Baptist in Duluth is

everything to me. I am in awe

of their dedication, timeliness,

and preciseness. The Ministry

has given me the opportunity to

be a part of a something

profound and it has been a

blessing to participate in the

program. The opportunity to

celebrate with my peers from

various schools and with Pastor

Bowens and First Lady was a great experience. To

fellowship so closely with someone I have so much

respect and adoration for, was an experience I will

always remember. It has helped me recognize how

important keeping God first, setting reasonable goals,

remaining focused on my education, will assist me in

transitioning into the next phase of life. The celebration

also reiterated how imperative it is to stay close to God

and to feed your faith. The celebration made me feel

accomplished and grateful for my church family for the

opportunity to participate in something so wonderful.

The love and support I have received from Ms. Yvette

and the ministry has motivated me and kept me

grounded this summer. The Ministry is important to me

and I would love to assist in any way possible in the

hopes of inspiring others in such a positive manner. It

has truly been a motivating experience. Thanks!

~ Quinn Joyner, Class of 2017 I would like to thank the

Friendship Baptist Church family

and friends for granting me the

opportunity to celebrate with my

graduating class of 2017. I truly

had a grand time! From being

honored at church to enjoying

dinner with the pastor and going

home with a basket full of

goodies, I'm so thankful for being

a part of this experience and I wouldn't want to start off

my road to college any other way!

~ Olivia Taylor Foggie, Class of 2017

The graduation celebration

meant a lot to me. It makes me

feel good to know that there are

others out here that care about

me and my education. I feel

really blessed and thankful that I

have support from such kind and

caring people. Thank you

Friendship Family for all that

you do!

~ Kennith Kearse, Class of 2017

I would like to thank Pastor

Bowens and the Education

Ministry. I'm thankful that I had

the chance to celebrate my

accomplishment of graduating

high school with my church

family. I enjoyed the lovely dinner

with the other high school

graduates, along with Pastor

Bowens and First Lady Mrs.

Bowens. The Education Ministry

Celebration was a great idea and I

can't wait to celebrate with Friendship Baptist Church

again after graduating college.

~ Taliah Gardner, Class of 2017

The Education Ministry

celebration made me feel

appreciated for graduating and

accomplishing all of my goals.

The education ministry went

over and beyond what I was

expecting and I am very

thankful. The graduates and I

had a great time eating dinner

together with Pastor Bowens and

Sister Debbie. It was nice being

able to hear their questions about

our plans for the future. The

celebration will be something I will always cherish.

~ Ebony Collier, Class of 2017


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Samuel Baker and Friendship Baptist Scholarship Recipients

Photography courtesy of

Louie Malone, Communications Ministry

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OUTREACH MINISTRY – “One Body Saved to Serve”

Back-to-School Event Sponsored by the FBC Outreach Ministry The Annual Back-to-School Event was held on Saturday, July 22nd from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. 200 backpacks filled with school supplies were distributed throughout the day to students from pre-K to high school. We also distributed a variety of cereals and other breakfast treats. Due to the enthusiastic turnout, some students were added to our waiting list and we distributed additional backpacks the following Saturday from the Outreach Center.

We were further blessed by Minister Shurron Green who addressed the students and parents on several important safety topics as they prepare to return to school. After the backpack distribution, the students were treated to lunch and participated in various craft projects. Overall, the event was a tremendous success and a great opportunity to engage with many of the students in our church and the surrounding community, as well as metro Atlanta. It was truly an ethnically-diverse group of students and parents. The Outreach Ministry would like to extend a big thank you to all volunteers and those who donated supplies. Your assistance went a long way in helping our students get ready

for a successful school year, and your help was very much appreciated. Submitted by:

Angela Campbell

Back-to-School Event Chairperson

August 2017 Friendship Baptist Church A Purpose-Driven Church Page 10

(Back-to-SchoolEvent cont’d)

Pictures courtesy of Shirley Price,

Communications Photographer

Please remember bus safety rules as the

children go back to school. Click the

Gwinnett County link below:

August 2017 Friendship Baptist Church A Purpose-Driven Church Page 11

Refuel. Refresh. Did you know the

Outreach Ministry hosts a Mid-Week Worship Service

every Wednesday at noon in the Fellowship Hall? We invite you

to come and worship with us.


Family Fun and Fellowship through Fitness! Raising Funds for a Great

Cause! Join the FBC Outreach Ministry on Saturday, September 16, 2017, for the This year’s theme is “A Walk Around the Hill.” We are celebrating a new time and new location with the same purpose! The walk will begin at 8:30 a.m. right here at Friendship Baptist Church! All proceeds will

benefit and support the Missions and Outreach efforts of our very own FBC Outreach Ministry. For more information, please contact Sis. LaKeesha Chelsey at 678-231-3101 or Sis. Catherine Stafford at 678-983-7587. Registration forms are available in the Church Office, Family Life Center, Fellowship Hall and the Outreach Center.

Fruit and Produce

Wednesdays: 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Fridays: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Saturdays: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Items will be distributed in the Fellowship Hall on Fridays and the Outreach Center on Wednesdays and Saturdays.


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Or, if you prefer, go to our link at to register online.
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August is National Immunization Awareness Month – Please get your vaccines! Immunization, or vaccination, helps prevent dangerous and sometimes deadly diseases. Immunization isn’t just for kids — to stay protected against serious illnesses like the flu, measles, and pneumonia, adults need to get vaccinated too. National Immunization Awareness Month is a great time to promote vaccines and remind family, friends and coworkers to stay up to date on their shots. Talk to your doctor or nurse to make sure that everyone in your family gets the shots they need. Go to the sites below to view the Recommended Immunization Schedules for Children and Adolescents Ages 18 years or Younger, 2017 Recommended Immunizations for Adults: By Age and, if pregnant, Maternal Vaccinations. Sponsor: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases


Mornings Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 12:00 noon

Afternoons Tuesday & Thursday 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

August 2017 Friendship Baptist Church A Purpose-Driven Church Page 13


The sun shone bright outside as we arrived at the church on this beautiful Saturday morning in July and The Son shone even brighter in the hearts of those present at this month’s Women’s fellowship. As is customary, the women opened with intercessory prayer, enjoyed a light breakfast and received calendars of scripture verses to be read daily over the next three months. Birthday wishes were extended to Lula Felder, Cheryl Alford, Penny Poole, Kathy Saunders and Hazel Franklin. There were a couple of announcements, one of which is important to bring to your attention. The “Holy Land Experience Trip” to Orlando, Florida, November 3-5, 2017, is sold out. Final payment for this trip is due September 1st. Please contact Vickie Chambers at [email protected] or Telesha Jakes at [email protected]. Prior to beginning the study of “The Armor of God” by Priscilla Shirer, Evangelist Kimberly Rogers and Sis. Felicia Tate enthralled us with two moving expressions of liturgy (my best effort at describing it). The songs used in ministering were “In Your Presence” and “Falling on My Knees, I Bow” both by William McDowell. Prior to their presentation, Evangelist Kimberly shared what the Lord had spoken to her. A few of her comments and the scripture referenced have been included for your edification: “We daughters are carrying things we don’t have to. We need to put on what’s needed and put off what’s not. Put on humility – take off pride; put on respect – take off jealousy; put on self-control – put off losing your temper,” to name a few. Colossians 3 was her biblical point of reference for doing these things. Let me add here that as these two women of God fanned the aisle with a brightly colored cloth, we were able to close our eyes and imagine the presence of God encompassing us with His glory. It’s difficult to put into words how peaceful and joyous the atmosphere became. After such an awesome experience, we began our study. Prior to and during these activities, the women were directed to a sheet taped to the wall where we were asked to write answers to two questions:

1) What do you want to get out of this study? Answers noted: More understanding of God’s word; Wisdom and guidance: To learn how to grow closer to God and put distance between self and the devil and to grow stronger.

2) What drew you to this study and why? Answers noted: More in depth knowledge of the armor and clearer way to use it; an interest in bible study for women; invited by Sis. Vickie and knowledge of God’s guidance for my Christian walk.

Women were also given an M&M candy (not to be eaten) but which had a two-fold purpose:

The first purpose was used as an Ice Breaker. Depending on the color chosen, a specific question had to be answered. For example:

Red - What was the last movie you saw? Green - One word that describes you. Yellow - What’s your most memorable vacation? Blue - The last book/magazine you read? Brown - What’s something about you we don’t know? Orange - If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you


This proved to be a fun exercise and a great opportunity to learn a bit more about the women we fellowship with.

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(Women’s Ministry cont’d) The second purpose for the M&M was to break up into groups according to the color chosen. Placed on the walls around the room were a series of questions for each group to discuss and write out comments as well as provide at least one scripture reference. At the end of this timed discussion, each group had to share their responses. In hopes of peaking your curiosity, actual questions and responses have been included: Red Questions and Answers: What is this armor of God? God’s protection on

our lives as we abide in His Word. How do we put it on? Study His Word; Follow His Will, always praying with supplication. Is it still relevant for Christians today? Yes, it’s relevant—more so today than ever. How does it protect you? Keeps the enemy away and we need to constantly stay in prayer. What does Jesus say about the armor? Jesus instructs us to “wear the full armor.”

Yellow Questions and Answers: Why do Christians face opposition from Satan and the powers and authorities of this dark world? John 18:36: “My Kingdom is not of this world.” What can we do to change this? Change this through fellowship with other Christians (1 John 1:7); through reading God’s word (1 Timothy 2:15); through prayer (Luke 18:1 and Luke 21:36); and by renewing our minds (Romans 12:1-2).

Green Questions and Answers: Why is what we do important in spiritual warfare? Helps us be prepared to fight the battle. Why should we wear the armor of God? To defeat the enemy and win. Find a person in the bible who overcame spiritual warfare. Job. He lost everything. He was convinced it was his fault. Yet he never lost faith in God. His example can help in dealing with troubles in your personal life. Also, it’s a reminder to keep the faith. Scripture reference: The Book of Job.

Blue Questions and Answers: What should we always be doing in reference to the armor of God? Be ready; Be prayed up; Have on the full armor; Be willing to help/take care of one another; Know the word; Have 3 P’s in mind – Prayer, Praise and Power; Have Faith and Have Patience. List the armor in order and give a brief history. The armor includes the Helmet of Salvation – Know the Word; the Shield of Faith – Believe; the Belt of Truth – Gird up your loins; Peace (Shoes) – Preparation of the Gospel; Sword of the Spirit – The Word of God; Breastplate of Righteousness – Guard your heart. Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 5:8; Isaiah 59:17; Proverbs 30:5

Brown Questions and Answers: As you pray, are you aware of the spiritual opposition that goes on in order to answer prayer? Yes we are. How does this change your perspective on patience in prayer? As you pray, you have to be conscious of the enemy because you can easily get distracted by your surroundings and not fully focus. Scriptures: Romans 8:28; Psalm 46:10

Orange Questions and Answers: How often are you aware of spiritual battles going on behind the scenes? Daily, seasons, constantly discerning spirits, heaviness, in sickness! How does it change your perspective to remember that your struggle is not with other people? Thinking that good and evil are real and struggle is not just fleshly. Battle is spiritual and not physical. God has to fight for us. Scripture: 1 Peter 5:8

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Book Description: All day, every day,

an invisible war rages around you —

unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout

every aspect of your life. A devoted,

devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on

everything that matters to you: your

heart, your mind, your marriage, your

children, your relationships, your

resilience, your dreams, your destiny.

But his battle plan depends on catching

you unaware and unarmed. If you're tired

of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.

The Enemy always fails miserably when

he meets a woman dressed for the

occasion. The Armor of God, more than

merely a biblical description of the

believer's inventory, is an action plan for

putting it on and developing a

personalized strategy to secure victory.

(Women’s Ministry cont’d)

Final Comments: Chairperson Vickie Chambers offered these final comments as we prepared to close: “We need to focus on the 3 P’s:

1) Prayer – Pray for our sisters. The more we pray for one another, the more we’ll be able to love each other with the love of Christ.

2) Preparation – Do your lesson as thoroughly as possible. 3) Perspective – Knowing our role and God’s role. Be intentional about why we are studying – that way we’ll

stay focused, passionate, engaged and committed.

We must remember we have two people trying to win possession of our heart, mind, body and soul—Jesus and the devil.”

Just in case your curiosity has been aroused and you would like to participate in this study, you may still purchase our study book “The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer,” after which you only need to read Week 1: “Sizing Up the Enemy” and you’ll be on target with everyone else.

Creative Learning Workshops are free for all ages! Come join us every Saturday, except holiday weekends, from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm in the Heritage Church Fellowship Hall. Learn to make a fun memory keepsake Tee shirt quilt and piecing techniques. Knitting and Crochet classes continue. Invite a friend. Bring your own supplies. For more information and supplies to bring, please contact Sis. Pat Malone at 770-329-1006 or Sis. Gertie Brock at 678-344-0232.

Article written by Cheryl Alford Photography courtesy of Shirley Price

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Provided by the FBC Seniors’ Ministry on behalf of the Lucy Craft Museum of Black History, Augusta, GA

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As of July 1st, FBC went paperless. The church bulletins are now posted on the FBC

website at

Effective July 1st, the Administrative Staff will not be available for business until

1:00 pm on Mondays. The church office will also close at 3:00 pm every Friday.

The FLC Gym hours will remain as posted.

The new Single Parents Ministry class started Sunday, July 2nd, and will meet

during regular Sunday School class hours at 9:45 am in the Family Life Center, Room

210. Student books are free! For more information, contact Min. Amelia Brown at

404-862-7920, or email her at: [email protected].

Next Defensive Driving Course is Saturday, September 9, 2017, from 9:00am-

4:00pm. Register on FBC website. Please contact Deacon Thomas Young at

678-965-5549 or 219-688-0635 for more information.

The FBC Seniors Ministry invites you to join them for a lunchtime fellowship on

Saturday, August 26, 2017, at 11:30a.m. They will be dining at Dreamland BBQ

located at 3540 West Lawrenceville St., Duluth, GA 30096. Please contact Brenda

Graves at 770-797-5185 by Wednesday, August 23, 2017, to sign up.

Transportation - If you need a ride to Friendship Baptist Church, please call us at

770-622-2797 by 4:00 pm Saturday.

[See next page for other important information.]

& Other Important Information

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“Check to Protect” Campaign Targets Drivers of Older Vehicles. It is a national campaign to encourage drivers to check the recall status of their vehicle and have open recalls fixed immediately. Led by the National Safety Council, the campaign is focused on drivers of vehicles five years old or older and drivers of used cars. Recall compliance rate is only 44% for these vehicles compared to 83% for newer vehicles. About 53 million vehicles are on the road with unresolved safety recalls, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data. That's more than one in four cars on the road. This poses an urgent and serious risk to drivers and passengers. Checking Recall Status is Easy Drivers can enter their vehicle identification number at or directly on NHTSA's website for a full report of their vehicle's recall status. The 17-digit VIN can be found in the lower left corner of a car's windshield, on the inside of the driver-side door, on a car's registration card and possibly on insurance documents. Getting a recall repaired is free of charge to the vehicle owner.

Source: NSC Monthly News - July


On Aug. 21, 2017, people across the United States will see the sun disappear behind the moon, turning daylight into twilight, causing the temperature to drop rapidly and revealing massive streamers of light streaking through the sky around the silhouette of the moon. On that day, America will fall under the path of a total solar eclipse.

The so-called Great American Total Solar Eclipse will darken skies all the way from Oregon to South Carolina, along a stretch of land about 70 miles (113 kilometers) wide. People who descend upon this "path of totality" for the big event are in for an unforgettable experience. Go to's complete guide to the 2017 total solar eclipse. It includes information about where and when to see it, how long it lasts, what you can expect to see, and how to plan ahead to ensure you get the most out of this incredible experience. REMEMBER: Looking directly at the sun, even when it is partially covered by the moon, can cause serious eye damage or blindness. NEVER look at a partial solar eclipse without proper eye protection. See our complete guide at to find out how to view the eclipse safely. If you plan to watch this, please ensure you have purchased legitimate glasses for this event.



The NSC Quick Reference Guide is a vital reference tool used extensively throughout the Emergency Medical Response course, but it is also available to anyone who would like first aid guidance at their fingertips. It provides a list of abbreviations and memory aids, as well as an illustrated summary of treatment steps for various illnesses and injuries. NSC is excited to offer students – and the general public – this portable, digital version of the guide. It contains the same need-to-know content as the traditional guide, but in a convenient, always-with-you electronic format. It's free and can help you save a life. The app is now available from the App Store and Google Play. Search "National Safety Council" to find and install the app.

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Every Wednesday Night Worship Service Starts at 7:30 p.m.

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7:30 AM & 11:00 AM 1ST

& 3RD




As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,

as good stewards of God's varied grace

1 Peter 4:10


August 2017 Friendship Baptist Church A Purpose-Driven Church Page 25


Class Room Class Room

Men’s Class 131 In Teens (High School) 217

Survival Kit 135 Jesus and Me (Middle School) 219

Women’s Class 139 CONN3CT (College age 19-29) 220

Basic Bible Study 208 IGNITE! (Singles and Young Adults 29 & Older) 221

New Member’s Class 209 Marriage Class 233

Master Life 1: “The Disciple’s Cross” 130 Single Parenting 220

Master Life 2: “The Disciple’s Personality” 210 Note: Adult classes are combined on the 5th Sundays and meet in the Sanctuary

Master Life 3: “The Disciple’s Victory” 211


The Nursery (3 months-2 years old) Beginner’s (3-4 year olds)

Primary (K-2nd Grade) Juniors (3rd-5th Grade)


Unit 3: Calls in the New Testament

August 6 – Called to Witness – Acts 6:1-7

August 13 – Called to Break Down Barriers – Acts 8:26-39

August 20 – Called to Preach – Acts 9:10-20

August 27 – Called to Be Inclusive Acts 10:19-33

Minister Geneva Crownhart Superintendent [email protected] 770-846-6833

Bro. Dorian Rogers Assistant Superintendent [email protected]


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Worship Services Sunday 7:30 & 11:00 am Sanctuary

Teen Church Sunday (1st & 3rd) 7:30 & 11:00 am Heritage Church

Sunday School Sunday 9:45 am Family Life Center

Sunday School (Youth) Sunday 9:45 am Lower Level Main Building

New Members’ Class Sunday 9:45 am Room 209 Family Life Center

God’s Calling & Purpose for Your Life Monday 7:00 pm Fellowship Hall

Deacon’s Meeting Tuesday (1st & 3rd) 7:00 pm Room 232 Family Life Center

Mid-Week Service Wednesday 12:00 noon Heritage Church

Intercessory Prayer Wednesday 6:30 pm Sanctuary

Sunday School Teachers Wednesday 6:30 pm Lower Level Main Building

Adult Bible Study Wednesday 7:30 pm Sanctuary

Youth Church WoW Bible Study Wednesday 7:45 pm Lower Level Main Building

Marriage Class Thursday 7:00 pm Room 201 Lower Level Main Bldg

Recovery Ministry 7 days a week – 24 hours a day Contact: Tim Sanford @ 678-598-1120


Education Ministry 2nd Monday 7:00 pm Room 303 Lower Level Main Bldg

Usher Ministry 1st Tuesday 7:00 pm Room 135 Family Life Center

Men’s Ministry 1st Saturday 7:30 am TBA Monthly

Media Ministry 1st Saturday 9:30 am Room 130 Family Life Center

Mother’s Ministry 1st Saturday 9:30 am Room 135 Family Life Center

Minister’s Meeting 1st Saturday 3:00 pm Room 232 Family Life Center

Women’s Ministry 2nd Saturday 8:45 am Fellowship Hall

Money Matters 2nd Saturday 11:30 am Fellowship Hall

Male Chorus Preparation 2nd & 4th Saturday 9:30 am Sanctuary

Health Ministry 2nd Saturday 11:00 am Room 303 Lower Level Main Bldg

Outreach Ministry 3rd Saturday 9:00 am Fellowship Hall

Shepherd’s Care Ministry 3rd Saturday 10:00 am Room 202 Lower Level Main Bldg

Communication’s Ministry 3rd Saturday 11:00 am Room 135 Family Life Center

Marriage Ministry 3rd Saturday 5:00 pm Room 239 Family Life Center

Senior’s Ministry 4th Saturday 11:00 am Fellowship Hall

Single’s Ministry 4th Saturday 12:30 pm Lower Level – Heritage Church

Prison Ministry

Gospel Choir Preparation Tuesday before 1st & 3rd Sunday 7:00 pm

Youth Choir Preparation Tuesday before 2nd & 4th Sunday 6:45 pm


Holy Communion 1st Sunday 7:30 & 11:00 am Sanctuary

Baptism 3rd Sunday 11:00 am Sanctuary

Baby Dedications 4th Sunday 7:30 & 11:00am Sanctuary

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Minister Chris Colston Rev. Garfield Garner Rev. Eugene Graves

Minister Shurron Green Rev. Timothy Twyman

Minister Floyd Williams Rev. Stanley Williams

Rev. Alton Wilson

MINISTERS OF EVANGELISM Minister Karen Blacknell Minister Amelia Brown

Evangelist Geneva Burse Minister Geneva Crownhart

Evangelist Karen DeLee Evangelist Denise C. Jackson

Minister Roslyn Long Evangelist Ruthell Morris

Evangelist Kimberly Rogers Minister Nicole Walker

Minister Barbara Williams Evangelist Deloris Williams


Louie Malone, President Terrill Tarver, Vice President Shatina Patterson, Secretary

Kelly Wilson, Assistant Secretary Christine Smith, Treasurer

Hyacinth Chung, Chaplain Harold Mitchell, Deacon Advisor


Editor and Graphic Designer: Paulette Tapp

Photographers: Louie Malone and Shirley Price Publisher: Terrill Tarver

Please direct comments regarding the newsletter to:

[email protected]


3375 Church Lane, Duluth GA 30096 Contact: Rita Bowens, Office Manager @ 770-497-8227

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00am-5:00pm

Email: [email protected]
