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Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee, by Ludolf Backhuysen, 1695

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Payson Park Church

We are Growing with God, for the Good of the World.

June 20, 2021, 10:30 am

Congregational - United Church of Christ

365 Belmont Street, Belmont, Massachusetts 02478 617/484-1542

Serving Watertown, Waltham, Belmont, Arlington, Cambridge, and beyond.

Gathering for Worship

Payson Park Church

Building a Community that Transforms People

Prepare for Worship

As you check in, practice using your Mute Button, and finding your Chat Box. Our co-host will help you.

Prelude “Theme from the Goldberg Variations” J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

Greeting The Rev. Eric Wefald

Welcome to all listening in or watching, whether near or far away. .

We are growing with God. For the Good of the World. For the Good of the World. We are growing with God.

Hymn “Eternal Father, Strong to Save” led by the PPC Virtual Choir

music printed below Sharing About Fathers led by Pastor Eric

Call to Worship led by Kathy Johansen

Leader: Strength is commanding the wind and sea to obey, People: Who is this, who calms our storms?

Leader: Strength is wielding a slingshot in the face of a raging giant. People: Who is this, who defeats our enemies?

Leader: Strength is accepting vulnerability from inside the boat, People: Who is this, calm and centered?

Leader: Strength is standing in solidarity with the powerless. People: Who is this, bringing justice for the lowly?

Leader: Strength is turning a cheek, People: Who is this, offering forgiveness?

Leader: Strength is loving an enemy. People: We come to worship

a God who redefines our vision of strength.

Prayer of Confession led by Ann Alves

Leader: God of love and power, we listen to the stories of miracles, and we doubt these things can happen today. We look at the waves of misfortune, distress, misery, distrust, and anger and we wonder how we can still those waves. We feel the pressures of power and fear flooding into our lives, threatening to drown us, and we wonder where you are.

People: Forgive us for the littleness of our faith. Forgive us for our doubts. Help us to place our trust in you, Lord Jesus. Help us to fix our eyes on you and on the ministries to which you have called us. We ask these things in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Words of Assurance led by Ann Alves

Fear not! God is with us, stilling the storms and raging fears in our lives. Place your trust in God always, and Christ who shows us the way. Amen.


Scripture Mark 4:35-41 read by Tom Best

Sermon “Surviving the Storm” led by Pastor Eric

Prayers of the People

People will be invited one at a time to say a one sentence prayer, if you desire. Raise your “hand” if you have a prayer. “Hand Raising” is on lower left of your screen. Or you may type a prayer into our “Chat” room, from where a Host will read it aloud.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Peace May the peace of Christ be with you. And also with you.


RESPONDING TO GOD’S GRACE Call to Generosity and Prayer

● to support the ministry of Payson Park Church

● Deacon’s Fund, an emergency fund to help those in need

Doxology as led by our choir’s section leaders

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below.

Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Hymn “Just a Closer Walk With Thee” led by the PPC Virtual Choir

music printed below

Benediction Postlude “The Mysterious Barricades” F. Couperin ( 1668-1733)

Today’s Call to Worship is adapted from the Rev. Katherine Hawker, Liturgy Outside.

Today’s Prayer of Confession and Words of Assurance are written by the Rev. Nancy C. Townley, Ministry Matters.

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, June 22 We serve home-cooked meals to the hungry of Bristol Lodge Sunday, July 4 Begin summer worship time of 9:30 am

Sunday, July 18 Open and Affirming – film discussion

Tuesday, July 20 Deacons 7 pm

Wednesday, August 11 Payson Park Music Festival sponsored by PPC at outdoor park

Sunday, August 15 PPC worships at Plymouth UCC

Sunday, August 29 PPC worships at Plymouth UCC

Butterfly, Bee and Hummingbird Garden

The Property Committee is in the process of creating a Native Plant Garden on the church property, corner of Belmont Street, where the old Beech tree grew. The committee is offering you an opportunity to purchase a plant. Please contact the church office if you are interested in contributing.

Youth Sunday Worship Service, June 13

We celebrated our high school graduates on Sunday, June 13th. Congratulations Sam, Jack, Julia, Jack, and Audrey! We are so proud of each one of you, empowered with God's love. May God be with you in your amazing journeys at college and beyond.

Cradles to Crayons Summer Sort-athon

Please email Wendy Gulley at [email protected] if you'd like to volunteer for an hour or two, sorting kids' clothes for Cradles to Crayons. This mission project will take place from June 24 to July 1 in Gardner Hall. Cradles to Crayons provides clothing and other essentials to homeless and low-income children in Massachusetts, ages 0 to 12. PPC groups of youths and adults have been volunteering for this great organization for many years. Help us carry on this tradition-- one more way we are faithfully serving the community!

Alice and Carl sort clothes for Cradles to Crayons

Open and Affirming news Mark your calendars! The ONA core team is planning a film discussion on Sunday, July 18th, after worship on Zoom. Our June email, coming out soon, will include the title and a short description of the film that we will be discussing, which is available on YouTube. And of course, our email will also include a "Members Share" piece from one of our members. Stay tuned! Please send any questions, comments, or concerns about the ONA process at PPC to Wendy Gulley ([email protected]) or Tom Best ([email protected]).

Bristol Lodge Food Kitchen

Sustainability Team Update

The Sustainability Team welcomes all interested members of the congregation with ideas for growing membership, raising revenues, and cutting costs in ways that meet our mission. We want to build a firm and accountable financial basis, so that we may thrive into the future. We will work on finding promising ideas and then developing them with the relevant church committees. Our meetings will be just one hour. Kate Rodriguez-Clark will be leading this limited-term team. Our proposed two summer meetings are Sunday, July 11 and August 15 11:45 am to 12:45 pm starting immediately after worship & fellowship hour

We will celebrate the mission of Payson Park Church: We are Growing with God, for the Good of the World!

Our faithful team delivers a home-cooked meal for the hungry and homeless of Bristol Lodge on 5-25-21. Thank you especially Ann, Kay, Susan, Nancy, Pam, Tom, & Cynthia. Please contact Cynthia if you can cook in June. The group will take a summer break.

Special Meetings of the Congregation, April 11 & 18, 2021

At the April 11th meeting, lawyer Tony DaSilva and CPA Sandy Ross answered questions from the congregation about the status of rent-free housing given to non-clergy people working for the church. Both Tony and Sandy helped the congregation understand that all housing given over the years to non-clergy employees of the church is considered a non-excludable fringe benefit and needs to be reported to the IRS. The value of the housing compensation is determined by the IRS definition of fair market rates. At the April 18th meeting, the congregation voted upon a motion to comply with IRS regulations and pay church back taxes and penalties related to this unreported housing compensation, plus cover the personal individual back taxes and penalties for CED/Office Admin Cindy Lou and Groundskeeper Tim, related to their unreported housing compensation, including tax preparation services, for up to $300,000. The vote was 44 in favor, 0 opposed, and 3 abstaining. Moderator Ned Gulley declared that the motion carried by majority vote.

Payson Park Music Festival The Payson Park Music Festival announces its 31st season of summer entertainment offering musical venues for residents of Belmont and surrounding communities every Wednesday evening. Even during this time of Covid, the festival hopes to bring joy through music to the community. Payson Park Church is hosting The Fab Four Band on Wednesday, August 11 at 6:15 pm. The band is a California-based tribute band paying homage to the Beatles. Church members are encouraged to wear their purple PPC t-shirt and advertise our church community.

The Outdoor Church - Cambridge

We continue to serve the hungry and homeless of The Outdoor Church by making dozens of homemade sandwiches every two weeks. Thank you, Tom, Pam, and Patricia, on 5-29-21!