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The .NET Framework is a new computing platform that simplifies application development in the highly distributed environment of the Internet. The .NET Framework is designed to fulfill the following objectives:

To provide a consistent object-oriented programming environment whether object code is stored and executed locally, executed locally but Internet-distributed, or executed remotely. To provide a code-execution environment that minimizes software deployment and versioning conflicts. To provide a code-execution environment that guarantees safe execution of code, including code created by an unknown or semi-trusted third party. To provide a code-execution environment that eliminates the performance problems of scripted or interpreted environments. To make the developer experience consistent across widely varying types of applications, such as Windows-based applications and Web-based applications. To build all communication on industry standards to ensure that code based on the .NET Framework can integrate with any other code.

SERVER APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT.NET is a programming framework built on the common language runtime that can be used on a server to build powerful Web applications.

LANGUAGE SUPPORTThe Microsoft .NET Platform currently offers built-in support for more than 67 languages: C#, Visual Basic, and jScript etc.


.NET is an evolution of the data access model that directly addresses user requirements for developing scalable applications. It was designed specifically for the web with scalability, statelessness, and XML in mind. .NET uses some ADO objects, such as the Connection and Command objects, and also introduces new objects. Key new ADO.NET objects include the DataSet, DataReader, and DataAdapter. The following sections will introduce you to some objects that have evolved, and some that are new. These objects are:

Connections. For connection to and managing transactions against a database. Commands. For issuing SQL commands against a database. DataReaders. For reading a forward-only stream of data records from a SQL Server data source. DataSets. For storing, Remoting and programming against flat data, XML data and relational data. DataAdapters. For pushing data into a DataSet, and reconciling data against a database. When dealing with connections to a database, there are two different options: SQL Server .NET Data Provider (System.Data.SqlClient) and OLE DB .NET Data Provider (System.Data.OleDb). In these samples we will use the SQL Server .NET Data Provider. These are written to talk directly to Microsoft SQL Server. The OLE DB .NET Data Provider is used to talk to any OLE DB provider (as it uses OLE DB underneath).

Master Page

jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $('ul#orbs').imgbubbles({ factor: 1.75 }) //add bubbles effect to UL id="orbs" $('ul#squares').imgbubbles({ factor: 2.5 }) //add bubbles effect to UL id="squares" })

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$(window).load(function () { $('#slider').nivoSlider(); });


Web Designing Services
Logo Designing
Website Re-Designing
Flash Animation

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Feedback|Post Query|Site Map| Copyright 2012 Joomla Technology. All rights reserved.

Home Page

.style1 {width: 80%; }.style2 {width: 212px; }

Joomla Technology rendering its impeccable and unparalleled services to the wide spectrum of industry to cover the specific requirements of clients under their predefined budget to take their business to the level of certainty that no other competitor can match

Joomla technology clients include some of the major Economical solutionsector companies , firms groups societies andseveral organizations. We have very big list of clients. We give them our best

Joomla Technology clients include some of the major economic sector Companies, firms , groups and Organizations. Client including International Businee

Welcome To JoomlaTechnology !!!

About Us

About UsJoomla Technology is a US based Company with a highly professional approach, targeting to be one among the top ten in the country over the next few years. Incorporated as a private company in the year 2008, we also provide services to our clients in different countries like the India,UK, USA, Spain, and the Netherlands. We have different projects on hand with a highly qualified team handling each project, ensuring an uninterrupted flow of work.We seek to link human resources with knowledge across the planet, thereby overcoming the obstacles posed by geographical boundaries. In short, Joomla Technology pursues the course of taking full advantage of a world that is rapidly shrinking due to the swift technological advancements witnessed across the globe.In spite of being newcomers to the industry, we believe that professionalism coupled with client satisfaction, along with a highly motivated workforce are the key elements which will contribute to our success in this highly competitive field. Where professionalism is concerned, Joomla Technology is certainly not short of it, most of our work force is comprised of seasoned veterans who have already put in considerable experience in other companies engaged in related fields, and already have hands on experience in the IT industry. Most of those engaged in the technical line are highly qualified engineers , and those working in the content section of the organization have put in considerable experience in journalism, including the print and electronic media. In short, they are the kind of professionals who can add value to knowledge, and deliver solutions that are of world class standards.We do not however discount the fact that client satisfaction also plays an important role in the success of an IT company. We are perfectly aware that the best advertisement that we can get is through referrals from our satisfied clients, who also tend to approach us withrepeat contracts. With this background, it is little wonder that we continue to be a financially stable, cash flow positive company.

Contact Us

About Us

Training Page

Industrial Training

  • PHP PHP is one of the scripting languages that is widely used in web technology. This technology is demanded in most of the companies for making dynamic websites. To become a successful PHP developer you should have strong knowledge with many web based tools so that as it helps to execute dynamic websites, applications and widgets. With the evolution of technological advancements and rise in the expectation of the clients companies are hiring skilled software developers in PHP. A good PHP programmer in the current scenario is expected to have strong technical knowledge in Ajax, MySql, Javascript and he should also have an idea about implementing HTML and CSS in websites and applications that are developed using the PHP programming language.
  • JAVA Java is one of the most important programming languages which is in top demand in the software industry. Most of the software outsourcing firms and IT companies are using Java and J2EE based applications for its projects. Companies prefer using Java because this programming language helps to develop world-class business solutions for clients in a cost effective manner.
    Java platform offers a wonderful career growth for B.Tech professionals. If you have strong knowledge and understanding of Java and J2EE applications, sound coding knowledge and clear concepts then you have tremendous opportunities as Java Developer. You have various choices like depending on your interest you can go for video game java programmer, Web developer, Web master etc.
  • . NET All the CS / IT graduates who wish to make their career in the software field dot net has a great future scope for them. Those aspirants who are willing to become a dot net developer they should be able to visualize that dot net has a great scope in the future versions of Microsoft products. The main reason behind this is technology is becoming complex every day with more customized and user friendly applications. There are also changes in the buying patterns and expectations of the customers. So all the dot net professionals must upgrade and modify themselves with the changing patterns of technology. They should gain expertise on advance dot net technologies like Advance dot net, Silverlight, WCF, WPF Ajax etc.

Client Page


Registration Page


C# Codingusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using SClient;using sconfig;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data;using System.Configuration;

publicpartialclassRegistration : System.Web.UI.Page{protectedvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

}protectedvoid Drdlcountry_SelectIndexChange(object sender, EventArgs e) { string constr=ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;SqlConnection con = newSqlConnection(constr);con.Open();SqlCommand cmd = newSqlCommand("select State from State where Country_Id=(select Distinct Country_Id from CountryState where Country='" + Drdlcountry.SelectedItem.Text + "')", con);SqlDataAdapter da = newSqlDataAdapter(cmd);DataTable dt = newDataTable();da.Fill(dt); drdlstate.DataSource = dt; drdlstate.DataTextField = "State";drdlstate.DataBind();con.Close(); }protectedvoid drdlstate_SelectIndexChange(object sender, EventArgs e) {string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;SqlConnection con = newSqlConnection(constr);con.Open();SqlCommand cmd = newSqlCommand("Select City From City where State_Id=(select Distinct Country_Id from StateCity where State='" +drdlstate.SelectedItem.Text +"')",con);SqlDataAdapter da = newSqlDataAdapter(cmd);DataTable dt = newDataTable();da.Fill(dt); Drdlcity.DataSource = dt; Drdlcity.DataTextField = "City";Drdlcity.DataBind();con.Close(); }protectedvoid Btncancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtuname.Text = ""; txtpassword.Text = ""; txtrepass.Text = ""; txtdob.Text = ""; txtemail.Text = ""; txtcontact.Text = ""; txtaddress.Text = "";

}protectedvoid Btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {client.Registration(txtuname.Text,txtpassword.Text,txtrepass.Text,txtdob.Text,txtemail.Text,txtcontact.Text,Rbgender.SelectedItem.Text,txtaddress.Text,Drdlcountry.SelectedItem.Text,drdlstate.SelectedItem.Text,Drdlcity.SelectedItem.Text); Label1.Text = "Your Registration has been sucessfully"; }}

Login Page




Login Here

If You Are Forget PasswordClick Here

C# Codingusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using SClient;using sconfig;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data;using System.Configuration;

publicpartialclassLogin : System.Web.UI.Page{protectedvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

}protectedvoid btnlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {}

protectedvoid btnlogin_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) {

if (Txtlemail.Text == "[email protected]"&& Txtlpass.Text == "gangwar") {Response.Redirect("Home.aspx"); }else {ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "Alert", "alert('Please check username and password') ", false); } }}


Career at Joomla TechnologyJoomla technolgy Offers you the freedom to be excellent; We are hiring smart,ambitious peoplehho are too looking for a place their career.If you are Intrested to be its part send your resumeto our HR manager.Mail your RESUME to our HR department at:[email protected]

C# Coding

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using sconfig;using System.Data.SqlClient;using SClient;

publicpartialclassCareeier : System.Web.UI.Page{protectedvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

}protectedvoid btnsub_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/uploads/" + FileUpload1.FileName));,txtcemail.Text,FileUpload1.FileName,txtcoment.Text);


Feedback Page


C#:using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using SClient;using sconfig;using System.Data.SqlClient;

publicpartialclassFeedback : System.Web.UI.Page{protectedvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

}protectedvoid btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {client.feedform(txtfename.Text, txtfemail.Text, txtfmobile.Text, txtcoment.Text); }protectedvoid btnreset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtfename.Text = ""; txtfemail.Text = ""; txtfmobile.Text = ""; txtcoment.Text = ""; }}

Query Page

Any Query

C# Codingusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using SClient;using sconfig;using System.Data.SqlClient;

publicpartialclassQuery : System.Web.UI.Page{protectedvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

}protectedvoid Btnqsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {client.pquery(Txtqname.Text,Txtqemail.Text,txtmobile.Text,txtquery.Text); }}Web Design Page

Web DesignWhat makes a website legitimate perfect Layout, striking Graphics or salient Flash works?A prominent website is one, which turns the visitors into potential customers, thus achieving the business goals.

A professional website is a perfect blend of technology and creativity. At Web Solution, we dont just design web pages; we communicate your ideas by our creative designs. We are keen in developing user friendly and easily navigable websites. Our professional team has immense knowledge in designing web pages which can drive traffic to your site.Our services includes

  • Website design/Redesign
  • Flash Animation
  • HTML5 based Animation
  • Newsletter design

Web Redisgn Page


Online businesses are growing beyond the leaps and bounds, hence a prominent online presence of an organization or a company is very essential to withstand the mighty competition in this business world.

Website is a companys virtual existence in internet, thus it can get you impending customers, if your website is really potential. A professional website should depict the value of the organization and draw the attention of visitors. Having years of experience, our dedicated web design team can provide you best web design services which can increase your ROI.

At Web Solutions, Our Experts know how to provide,

  • User friendly and easy to navigate web designs.
  • Quality and feature rich web designs.
  • Optimizable and fast loading, SEO friendly web designs.
  • Animation and flash designs to grab the attention of the visitors.

Do you own a site already? But still lagging behind in your business, then check why.

  • Is your site up-to-date?
  • Does your site portray the professional image of your company?
  • Is your site search engine compatible?
  • Does your website generate leads?

If not, then it is high time to redesign your existing website. A website should be redesigned at frequent intervals in order to fine-tune with the latest trends. We are keen in providing sites that are W3C validated.

Logo Design Page

Logo DesignWe offer Logo design services to suit every business' needs. All logos are custom designed by our skilled and experienced logo designers. The logo design service is offered in the form of standardized logo design packages.Ordering a logo design on is as easy as buying any product on the internet.

The following steps are involved in the whole process:

  • Select the logo package that best suits your requirements.
  • Fill up 2 online forms to let us know your requirements in detail.
  • Login to your project control panel and view initial design drafts.
  • Select the draft of your choice and suggest changes to be made. This is repeatable as per the package selected.
  • Final files are ready to be downloaded.

Business Card Design, Letterhead Design & Envelope DesignWe offer these services as a part of the professional and corporate packages. The process is same as that of logo design with a couple of added steps for Business cards, Letterheads and Envelopes.

Service Highlights

  • Professional quality at an affordable price.
  • Project control panel provides complete transparency in process & communication
  • Easy upgrade to higher packages
  • Avail great discounts from our web design partner

MORE ABOUT OUR LOGO DESIGN PACKAGEAll our packages include the following at no additional cost to you.

Customer Area: You will get access to our Customer Area where you can login and view your work in progress. All logo concepts we design for your project & the final source files can be viewed and download from this single password protected location without leaving your desk.

Vector Graphics: You will get your logo as a vector graphic so that the scalable vector graphic can be used to put your logo on a business card, the side of a building, and on a website without losing sharpness or shape.

Logo Concepts &Revisions: All our packages include both design of initial logo concepts as well as revisions of the concept selected by you.


.NetAll the CS / IT graduates who wish to make their career in the software field dot net has a great future scope for them. Those aspirants who are willing to become a dot net developer they should be able to visualize that dot net has a great scope in the future versions of Microsoft products. The main reason behind this is technology is becoming complex every day with more customized and user friendly applications. There are also changes in the buying patterns and expectations of the customers. So all the dot net professionals must upgrade and modify themselves with the changing patterns of technology. They should gain expertise on advance dot net technologies like Advance dot net, Silverlight, WCF, WPF Ajax etc.

JAVAOur Company is working in Java Technology and provide the services to client and also development area .Java allows you to play online games, chat with people around the world, calculate your mortgage interest, and view images in 3D, just to name a few. It's also integral to the intranet applications and other e-business solutions that are the foundation of corporate computing.Java is one of the most important programming languages which is in top demand in the software industry. Most of the software outsourcing firms and IT companies are using Java and J2EE based applications for its projects. Companies prefer using Java because this programming language helps to develop world-class business solutions for clients in a cost effective manner.Java platform offers a wonderful career growth for B.Tech professionals. If you have strong knowledge and understanding of Java and J2EE applications, sound coding knowledge and clear concepts then you have tremendous opportunities as Java Developer. You have various choices like depending on your interest you can go for video game java programmer, Web developer, Web master etc.