Download - Patricia A. Guth Elementary Handbook for 2020-2021

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Patricia A. Guth Elementary Handbook for 2020-2021

A Guth Gator always TAKES PRIDE! Updated September 5, 2020

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The 2020-2021 school year will present challenges that are unique to all of us and our community. We will all have to embrace a number of changes in order to create the safest learning environment we can achieve. It is important that we model the values of empathy, perseverance, acceptance, dependability, and kindness as we do this.

Contents (Clicking on the topic will take you right to that part of the document)

Goals for the 2020-2021 School Year 2 Summary of Changes to our Building and Procedures 2

Arrival 3 Arrival Map and Posts 4

Classroom Set-Up and Seating 5

Morning Routine (Teaching Procedures and List of Signs and Symptoms) & Lunch Count Procedures 6 Hand Washing and Sanitizing 7

Disinfecting My Room – Frequent Touch Surfaces 7 Mask Breaks 7

Movement in the Halls 8 Bathroom Use 8

Bathroom Schedule (Guideline) 9

The Staggered Schedule 9 The Specials Schedule 10

Outdoor Learning Spaces (Updated 8/28/2020) 11 Large Group Air-Conditioned Spaces Maps 12

Large Group Air-Conditioned Spaces Schedule 13

Lunch 14

Recess (Updated 8/28/2020) 16

Snack (Updated 8/28/2020) 17 Dismissal Routine (Updated 9/5/2020) 18

Room Assignments and Locations 21

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Goals for the 2020-2021 School Year

We will always seek to provide the best education possible for our students at Guth Elementary. However, there are a number of goals we will set that will drive all we do this school year. These goals should drive and shape our decisions:

1. The principal, faculty, and staff will create the safest possible environment for everyone who enters our facility. 2. The principal, faculty and staff will dedicate time through structured meetings and direct instruction focused on the

social and emotional health of students. 3. The principal, faculty, and staff will work to maintain the positive relationship that has been built with the Guth

Community through positive communication and interaction. 4. The principal, faculty, and staff will show perseverance and positivity to model a Growth Mindset for our students and


Summary of Changes to our Building and Procedures

The building and its procedures were required to change in order to meet the standards of safety set in response to COVID-19. We will also need much more coverage and assistance at points in the day where large numbers of students are moving (arrival and dismissal). The basic areas of focus are described below and should be used as a guideline for decision making throughout the year.

• Safety through social distancing. Classrooms, hallways, large-group areas, walking paths, entrances, and special areas have all been changed. All desks and seating are arranged to maximize the distance between students and staff.

• Safety through masks and personal protective equipment. Everyone who enters Guth Elementary must be wearing a mask. Mask must be worn at all times, with the exception of when students are at least six feet apart. Other personal protective equipment will be available for faculty and staff.

• Safety through hygiene and sanitation. Students will be taught how to wash hands and all students will have two scheduled hand-washing breaks each day. Hand sanitizer is recommended for all students. High-frequency touch surfaces will be sanitized during the day and in the evenings.

• Safety through limiting contacts. Students will do as much as possible with their class or cohort. Additionally, all seating will be alphabetical starting in the front, right corner of the classroom (teacher’s right facing the class). Lines will also be alphabetical. This should limit close contact (defined by the CDC as less than six feet apart for ten minutes).

• Safety through limiting shared resources. Processes and resources will limit the sharing of resources. Devices are being purchased so students don’t have to share. Supplies will be kept with students to the extent possible.

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Procedures and Protocols for the School Day


Arrival will begin at 8:15 with the opening of Guth’s Doors to students. The overall philosophy of arrival will be to keep students walking as they maintain distance, until they arrive at their desk. There is a map on the next page with post assignments. The following are described:

• Homeroom Teachers: Students will be sent directly to homeroom when the doors open at 8:15 a.m. You should be in your room to greet students and help them get to their assigned seats.

• Faculty and Staff Assigned to Hallway Posts: Please be at your assigned post as close to 8:05 as possible. You must be there by 8:10. If you are posted in the halls, we are looking for students to keep moving and teaching them to use the stickers on the floor to maintain distance. Keep the tone welcoming!

• Faculty and Staff Assigned Out Front: We want a warm welcome! Students must be wearing a mask. We will have disposable masks if a student forgets (Smith and Sheldon). Encouragement should be given to maintain distance as students approach the entrance. Kindergarten students will enter by their rooms – they will need assistance.

• Walkers: We want walkers to use other doors where possible. If you are assigned to a door (Farris, Balant/Knipe, McCollum) please open it and invite students in that entrance. Remember to close and check the door when finished!

• Breakfast: Students eating breakfast will enter using the doors on the left. The staff posted at the front entrance (Rowe and Scavuzzo) will help students to get to their breakfast. The cafeteria halls are breakfast only. We will have students go through backwards, so they don’t double-back. They can enter through the doors by Mr. White’s office. Students will get a grab and go breakfast and eat in the cafeteria. All seats are six feet apart.

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Arrival Map and Posts

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Classroom Set-Up and Seating

Each classroom is arranged to maximize the distance between student desks and preserve a teaching space in the front of the room for instruction. All small group tables and carpets have been removed from classrooms. Each classroom will primarily have the same arrangement of a teacher desk/work station, student desks, and shelves/organizers where they can fit. The following are important to remember:

• We want to maximize distance between students. Classrooms that have desks six-feet apart will be aware that this is achieved. The minimum distance would be five-feet apart at Guth (a class of over 21 would likely be at this distance).

• Stickers will label the locations of the room for student desks and the teaching area.

• Teachers should not set procedures that require several students to go to the same area in the room. We will not use the closet/cubbies, no mailbox systems, and think about how you do morning check-in. The exceptions will be hand-washing (sink) and getting a device. Teachers should consider their procedures with these to allow for distance and avoid bunching up.

• Students are only allowed to take a mask break when they are at least six-feet apart and these have to be for less than 10 minutes. We want to go to large spaces or outside for the mask breaks.

• Students must sit alphabetically, starting in the front right (teacher’s front right), and across the room to the left. A seating chart should be submitted to the office. Students should sit in the same pattern at specials (this will reduce contact and assist in contact tracing). The exceptions are students with IEP/504 Accomodations.

• Hybrid classrooms will be set up so that students don’t have to share a desk in their homeroom. The students must be seated in an arrangement where they are six-feet apart. Seat them alphabetically within their cohort (day).

• A seating chart should be submitted to the office.

• Teachers should disinfect high-touch areas (classroom faucet, door knob, light switch) in the room during the lunch/recess break. Cleaning solution will be provided. Bottles can be re-filled in the faculty room-this will be done by teachers. Gloves should be worn. Click to see more Disinfecting Instructions

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Morning Routine

Morning meeting will be very important for the social and emotional health of our students. It is recommended that all grade levels spend time communicating with their classes and students. Any concerns should be brought to the attention of the principal, guidance counselor, and IST teacher. Although we need to maintain distance and safety protocols, try to do things that make the meeting fun for our students. Each day must begin with reminders about what we are all doing to stay healthy and safe. The tone of this must be encouraging and comforting. It is recommended that classes develop a pledge to keep each other safe by doing the following:

• I will talk with my teacher if I feel sick so she can help me.

• I will pay attention to how close I am to my classmates, because it will help them and me to stay healthy.

• I will wear my mask because it will help me, my classmates, and my teacher to stay healthy.

• I will wash and sanitize my hands, because it will help keep me and those around me healthy. (Click on this link for a hand-washing video).

• I will avoid putting my hands near my eyes, nose, and mouth, because it will help keep me healthy.

• I am glad my teacher will help keep me healthy, by giving me reminders to do these things. Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19 will be posted. Here is a list of them for your reference:

• Fever 100 or above

• Chills

• Muscle Aches and Pains

• Cough

• Sneezing

• New Loss of Smell and or Taste

• Sore Throat

• Diarrhea

• Headaches

• Shortness of Breath or Difficulty Breathing

• Fatigue

Lunch count. Lunch count will be done digitally this year. Here is the form for daily lunch count. It must be submitted by 9:00 a.m. Here is a tutorial on how to use the lunch count form. Office deliveries. The office is going to pick up your classroom folders. Please do not send students out to deliver anything. We want to limit unsupervised hallway trips as much as possible.

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Hand Washing and Sanitizing

The proper washing of hands and sanitizing of hands is an important way to reduce the risk of exposure. The morning routine will feature hand-washing and hand-sanitizer as important parts of the day. The following should happen to students keep their hands as clean and sanitary as possible:

• Daily pledge to wash hands

• Teach and model proper hand-washing (click here for a hand-washing video)

• Allowing each student time to wash their hands properly – this will impact instructional time

• Use of hand sanitizer upon entering and exiting specials classrooms – there are foam hand sanitizer dispensers installed by these instructional spaces

• Please be mindful that some students may get dry and cracked hands from sanitizer – allow for hand-washing instead for these students

Disinfecting My Room – Frequent Touch Surfaces The high-frequency touch areas of your room should be sprayed with the district-provided hand sanitizer at least once per day. This will take place when students leave the room for lunch/recess. Please note the following about the hand sanitizer:

• The room should be empty when spraying the surfaces

• All teachers will receive a spray bottle with diluted cleaner, paper towels, and a box of disposable gloves

• Gloves should be worn while disinfecting

• Spray the following surfaces: sink, faucet and handles, door knob (both sides), and light switch

• The “dwell time” is 30 seconds – this means the solution should be allowed to sit for 30 seconds before wiping it off

• There is a refilling station in the faculty room – please refill your own spray bottles

Mask Breaks Masks are an important part of what will keep us safe and healthy. We will want to plan mask breaks and teach students how to take the mask off and on. Please remember the following with masks:

• Masks must be worn at all times while indoors – the exceptions are lunch and scheduled mask breaks.

• Mask breaks can only take place when students are at least six-feet apart and must last less than 10 minutes in compliance with state’s order from August 17, 2020.

• It is recommended that students go outside for some of their learning (click to go to Outdoor Learning Spaces). Make sure students are at least six-feet apart before they take their masks off. It is recommended that mask breaks are taken outdoors.

• Model how to take the mask on and off properly (click here for a video on how to put on and take off a mask)

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Movement in the Halls

We need to make sure that students maintain social distancing while in the hallways. Students should be taught how to use the stickers and arrows on the floor to maintain distance from classmates. We want to limit occasions where students are in the halls without an adult as much as possible. Please teach and reinforce the following situations:

• Lining up and moving as a class. This will happen most frequently during transitions to specials, moving to the outdoor learning area, and for lunch/recess. Students must wear masks during these transitions. Students should line up three-feet apart (classrooms have 1x1 foot tiles, so three tiles in between). Model and reinforce using the markings on the floor.

• Office deliveries. The office is going to pick up your classroom folders. Please do not send students out to deliver anything. We want to limit unsupervised hallway trips as much as possible.

• Lunch count. Lunch count will be done digitally this year. Here is the form for daily lunch count. It must be submitted by 9:00 a.m. Here is a tutorial on how to use the lunch count form.

• Routine nurse visits (for students with planned medical visits) and bathroom. These are two occasions where students will be able to move in the halls unsupervised. Please remind them to maintain social distancing as they walk (and in the bathroom).

Bathroom Use

For our students in grades two through five, the common bathrooms will be used. Please teach the procedures for using the bathroom carefully with your students. Reinforce that they should maintain social distancing in the hallways, and while in the bathroom. Please also remind the student that proper hand washing (for 20 seconds) is very important.

• Students must ask permission

• All students must put their mask on as the student leaves the room

• The student should be reminded to keep their mask on the entire time they are out of the room

• One student at a time from each class

• All classrooms in the Grade 2-3 hallway must use the upstairs bathrooms

• All classrooms in the Grade 4-5 hallways must use the downstairs bathrooms

• Remind students of the Bathroom Schedule (see below), but students can go in an emergency outside of these times

• Remember that some students have unlimited breaks for medical reasons – we don’t want accidents

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Bathroom Schedule: This is only to help control traffic! Encourage students to use these times for your class.

This schedule is just a guideline to try to help with the number of students using the bathroom. Please just encourage your students to go within that time in the schedule. If a student needs to go during a different time, let them. Please make sure it is one student at a time. Do not take your entire class for a bathroom break please.

Grade K-1: Classroom Bathrooms Grade 2-3: Upstairs Group Bathroom Grade 4-5: Downstairs Group Bathroom

Classroom bathrooms should be used. Encourage students to use the bathroom well before specials, lunch/recess, and dismissal.

Encourage students to use the bathroom during scheduled Independent Reading Time and Science/Social Studies.

Encourage students to use the bathroom during scheduled Independent Reading Time and Science/Social Studies.

The Staggered Schedule

Classroom schedules are set to a five-minute stagger. This means that all classrooms start their various blocks five-minutes apart. The goal of this is to reduce hallway traffic and allow for the lunch and recess schedule to work correctly. It is extremely important that scheduled times for specials, lunch, and recess are followed in a timely fashion.

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The Specials Schedule Specials will take place in the classrooms assigned to that special area teacher. The schedule will run differently this year. Students will have the same special for 36 consecutive days. This will help with the following:

• It allows the hybrid students to participate in all specials.

• It limits the number of contacts for the specials teachers. Specials have a staggered start to help limit the number of students in the hallway. Please make sure you are on time dropping off and picking up. You will see that there is a hand-sanitizer dispenser next to our specials classrooms, please have students sanitize their hands before going in and while leaving special.

Day 1 (1-36) Day 2 (37 – 72) Day 3 (73 – 108) Day 4 (109-144) Day 5 (145 – 180)

8:05 – 8:50 Assist with Arrival

5Coyle 8:50 – 9:35 Library Physical Education Music STEM Art

5Jones 8:55 – 9:40 Music Library Physical Education Art STEM

5Stevenson* 9:00 – 9:45 STEM Music Art Physical Education Library

K Childs AM 9:05 – 9:45 Library Music Physical Education

4Kratz 9:50 – 10:35 Library Physical Education Music STEM Art

4Glenn 9:55 – 10:40 Music Library Physical Education Art STEM

4Groody* 10:00 – 10:45 STEM Music Art Physical Education Library

3Gentile 11:00 – 11:45 Library Physical Education Music STEM Art

3Ruggiero 11:05 – 11:50 Music Library Physical Education Art STEM

3Garthe* 11:10 – 11:55 STEM Music Art Physical Education Library

Lunch/ Virtual/ Coverages

11:55 – 1:15

K Childs PM 1:15 – 1:55 Music Physical Education

1Adams 1:20 – 2:05 Library STEM Physical Education Music Art

1Brown 1:25 – 2:10 Art (Tenney) Music STEM Physical Education Library

2Thomas 2:10 – 2:55 Library STEM Physical Education Music Art

2MacBain 2:15 – 3:00 Art (Tenney) Music STEM Physical Education Library

K Childs PM 2:15 – 2:55 Library

2Butler 2:20 – 3:05 Music Physical Education Art Library STEM

3:05 – 3:35 Assist with Dismissal

Virtual Asynchronous Sections (No

Scheduled Time)

Day 1 (1-36) Day 2 (37 – 72) Day 3 (73 – 108) Day 4 (109-144) Day 5 (145 – 180)

K Moyer PM Physical Education Library Music

1 Rush Music STEM Library Art Physical Education

2 Koehler Physical Education Music Art STEM Library

3 Snell Art(Tenney) Library STEM Music Physical Education

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Outdoor Learning Spaces

We want to utilize outdoor spaces during core instructional times when the weather allows it. Students would sit in the grass, so please make sure it is dry enough. Be mindful of sunburn at the start and end of the school year. Reading, writing, science, social studies, and specials are recommended subjects. Remember to take a walkie-talkie. Communicate with your grade level partners to make sure we aren’t crowding each other.

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Large Group Air-Conditioned Spaces: Maps

The cafeteria, gym, and library are air conditioned. When the weather is hot, we will want to use these spaces to spread students out and help them to cool off. In this section you will find schedules and assignments for the cafeteria, gym, and library. We are able to get two classes in the gym and cafeteria at a time. The cafeteria and gym are sectioned into two parts as shown below.

The Cafeteria The Gym

Red – Section A Yellow/Green – Section B Orange – Section A Blue – Section B

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Large Group Air-Conditioned Spaces: Schedule

Time Cafeteria A Cafeteria B Gym A Gym B Library Room 7

8:50 – 9:05 Library Class 9:05 – 9:20 Library Class

9:20 – 9:35 Thomas MacBain/Butler Library Class Adams 9:35 – 9:50 Thomas MacBain/Butler Coyle Stevenson Library Class Adams

9:50 – 10:05 Thomas MacBain/Butler Coyle Stevenson Library Class Brown

10:05 – 10:20 Lunch Lunch Library Class Brown

10:20 – 10:35 Lunch Lunch Ruggiero Garthe Library Class Childs AM

10:35 – 10:50 Lunch Lunch Ruggiero Garthe Library Class Childs AM 10:50 – 11:05 Lunch Lunch Ruggiero Garthe Library Class

11:05 – 11:20 Lunch Lunch Library Class 11:20 – 11:35 Lunch Lunch Library Class

11:35 – 11:50 Lunch Lunch Glenn Groody

11:50 – 12:05 Lunch Lunch Glenn Groody 12:05 – 12:20 Lunch Lunch Glenn Groody

12:20 – 12:35 Lunch Lunch 12:35 – 12:50 Lunch Lunch

12:50 – 1:05 Lunch Lunch Ruggiero Garthe/Gentile Brown 1:05 – 1:20 Lunch Lunch Ruggiero Garthe/Gentile Brown

1:20 – 1:35 Kratz/Glenn Groody Library Class Brown

1:35 – 1:50 Kratz/Glenn Groody Library Class 1:50 – 2:05 Thomas MacBain/Butler Kratz/Glenn Groody Library Class

2:05 – 2:20 Thomas MacBain/Butler Coyle Stevenson Library Class Childs PM 2:20 – 2:35 Coyle Stevenson Library Class Childs PM

2:35 – 2:50 Coyle Stevenson Library Class The schedule is based on the Day 1 Specials Schedule. Classes missing are scheduled for a special that is air conditioned.

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Cafeteria Schedule and Procedures

Red # Green # Yellow #


5 Coyle 10:10-10:40

21 10:10

10:15 21

5 Jones 10:15-10:45

22 10:15

10:20 21 22

5 Stevenson


10 10:20

10:25 21 22 10 10:25

10:30 21 22 10 10:30

10:35 21 22 10 10:35

10:40 22 10 10:40


1 Adams 10:45-11:15

23 10 10:45

10:50 23

1 Brown 10:50-11:20

23 10:50

10:55 23 23 10:55

11:00 23 23 11:00

11:05 23 23 11:05

11:10 23 23 11:10

11:15 23 11:15


2 Thomas 11:20-11:50

22 11:20

11:25 22

2 MacBain


22 11:25

11:30 22 22

2 Butler 11:30-12:00

10 11:30

11:35 22 22 10 11:35

11:40 22 22 10 11:40

11:45 22 22 10 11:45


3 Gentile 11:50-12:20

21 22 10 11:50

11:55 21

3 Ruggiero


21 10 11:55

12:00 21 21

3 Garthe 12:00-12:30

11 12:00

12:05 21 21 11 12:05

12:10 21 21 11 12:10

12:15 21 21 11 12:15


4 Kratz 12:20-12:50

17 21 11 12:20

12:25 17

4 Glenn 12:25-12:55

17 11 12:25

12:30 17 17

4 Groody 12:30-1:00

16 12:30

12:35 17 17 16 12:35

12:40 17 17 16 12:40

12:45 17 17 16 12:45

12:50 17 16 12:50

12:55 16 12:55

Classroom Teacher It is important to arrive at the scheduled time!

• There is a scheduled hand-washing time before leaving the classroom for lunch

• Line up students alphabetically with masks on

• Walk students in line to the cafeteria

• Help to seat students – they should fill the rows alphabetically

• Assist the Lunch Monitor with the distribution of lunches

• The time they are at lunch/recess is available to the teacher – this is the scheduled time to clean your high-contact areas in your room

Lunch Monitor

• Assist with distributing lunches

• Students can only get up with permission and masks must be worn when students are moving

• Students should not talk to each other while eating – this is because their masks are off

• Students should put their masks on as soon as they are finished eating

• Use a radio to communicate to recess monitors when a class is ready to be picked up – this needs to be at least 5 minutes before the scheduled end of lunch

• Dismiss students to the recess monitor; students should be dismissed in small chunks and be reminded of socially distancing – students must wear masks when leaving the cafeteria

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Cafeteria Coverage

Lunches will be in session from 10:10 – 1:00 each day. Because of the staggered arrival, a grade-level lunch coverage will span 40 minutes on the schedule. Please assist with cleaning at the end of the lunch sessions. Day 1 (1-36) Day 2 (37 – 72) Day 3 (73 – 108) Day 4 (109-144) Day 5 (145 – 180)

Grade 5 10:10 – 10:50

Pliszka Gehringer


Pliszka Pliszka Pliszka Pliszka

Grade 1 10:45 – 11:20

Pliszka Shanks & Carroll

Pliszka Pliszka Pliszka Pliszka

Grade 2 11:20 – 12:00

Pliszka Crosara & Lucas

Pliszka Pliszka Pliszka Pliszka

Grade 3 11:50 – 12:30

Pliszka Krout & Rowe

Pliszka Pliszka Pliszka Pliszka

Grade 4 12:20 – 1:00

Pliszka Tenney

Pliszka Pliszka Pliszka Pliszka

ESL Kindergarten will eat in the classroom. The coverage will be provided by Mrs. McColgan.

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Recess Schedule and Procedures Farris/Krout Gehringer Lewis


5 Coyle 10:40-11:10

21 10:40

10:45 21

5 Jones 10:45-11:15

22 10:45

10:50 21 22 5

Stevenson 10:50-11:20

10 10:50

10:55 21 22 10 10:55

11:00 21 22 10 11:00

11:05 21 22 10 11:05

11:10 22 10 11:10


1 Adams 11:15-11:45

23 10 11:15

11:20 23

1 Brown 11:20-11:50

23 11:20

11:25 23 23 11:25

11:30 23 23 11:30

11:35 23 23 11:35

11:40 23 23 11:40

11:45 23 11:45


2 Thomas 11:50-12:20

22 11:50

11:55 22 2

MacBain 11:55-12:25

22 11:55

12:00 22 22

2 Butler 12:00-12:30

10 12:00

12:05 22 22 10 12:05

12:10 22 22 10 12:10

12:15 22 22 10 12:15


3 Gentile 12:20-12:50

21 22 10 12:20

12:25 21 3

Ruggiero 12:25-12:55

21 10 12:25

12:30 21 21

3 Garthe 12:30-1:00

11 12:30

12:35 21 21 11 12:35

12:40 21 21 11 12:40

12:45 21 21 11 12:45


4 Kratz 12:50-1:20

17 21 11 12:50

12:55 17

4 Glenn 12:55-1:25

17 11 12:55

1:00 17 17

4 Groody 1:00-1:30

16 1:00

1:05 17 17 16 1:05

1:10 17 17 16 1:10

1:15 17 17 16 1:15

1:20 17 16 1:20

1:25 16 1:25

Classroom Teacher

• Report to pick up your class 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time – this is critical to staying on schedule

• Students must put masks on and line up – help students get about six-feet apart before walking inside

• 1st, 4th, and 5th Grade Classes should re-enter the building using the entrance by the gym

• 2nd and 3rd Grade Classes should re-enter the building using the doors typically used for recess – please stay to the right

• Make sure students maintain social distancing as they walk in the halls

• There is a scheduled hand-washing time when you return to the classroom

Recess Monitor

• The different groups (red, green, and yellow) will each be assigned to areas by the teacher in charge.

• The recess monitor is responsible for picking students up from the cafeteria and walking them out to recess

• Students must leave from lunch at least 5 minutes before the scheduled time – this is critical to staying on schedule

• All students must wear masks as they walk out of the building – remind them to maintain social distancing

Mrs. Farris

• Mrs. Farris is going to take the lead role in leading and teaching recess activities to students and organizing recess for the first 36 days of the school year.

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Because of the expanded lunch schedule, snack will be important. I am going to recommend that a light snack be part of every grade level. If you have six-feet distance between desks, snack is simple and can be done right in the classroom. If you have more than 20 students, it is recommended that you use your outdoor learning or large-group time as a snack opportunity. A less desirable, but acceptable solution is to have your students snack with alternating columns (so students next to each don’t have their masks on at the same time. This will lead to snack in shifts.

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Dismissal Routine

Dismissal will take place in three phases: Walkers, Bus Riders, and Car Riders. It is very important that all students are completely prepared for dismissal before it begins. This includes all materials packed and masks on. Phase 1: Walkers Time: 3:10 p.m. Teachers

Description: Students are to exit their classrooms maintaining social distancing. They will walk directly to the primary fire exit assigned for your classroom.


• Students must keep their masks on as they exit our campus.

• Students should be reminded to maintain social distancing when outside as well.

Walker’s Circle – Mrs. Knipe Recess Blacktop – Mrs. Naudasher

Phase 2: Buses Time: 3:12 p.m. Description: Assigned teachers will pick up students as they walk through the halls. The teacher will call for the students – there will be no announcement. Communication will take place between assigned teachers through walkie-talkies. Classrooms must be listening for the teacher in the hall!


• Students must be ready and listening for their bus to be called by a staff member (from the hall).

• Students must have masks on throughout the procedure (and the bus ride home.

• Students should be reminded to maintain social distancing when outside as well.

Staff Bus Leaders

Bus K-1 Hallway Start by library and use Kindergarten Exit

2-3 Hallway Use Front Exit (travel past the kitchen and exit doors on right)

4-5 Hallway Use Front Exit (travel directly and use door on left)

1st Bus Hanson Gable Young

2nd Bus McColgan Bradley Rowe 3rd Bus Napolitano Lucas Crosara

4th Bus Hanson Gable Young 5th Bus McColgan Bradley Rowe

6th Bus Napolitano Lucas Crosara 7th Bus Hanson Gable Young

8th Bus McColgan Bradley Rowe

9th Bus Napolitano Lucas Crosara

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*Important change!!! If the bus is not at Guth yet, we will have buses go to an assigned location in the building (that list is

below). Teachers picking up students will need to listen carefully for whether they are to bring students outside or to the

location they are assigned inside. When our teachers assigned to shuttle students are finished (after the ninth bus), they

must report to the assigned area to support moving bus lines as they arrive.

Bus # Location Monitor Shuttle 2 (28 students) Gym Farris Bradley, Lucas, Gable,

Hanson 6 (11 students) Gym Farris 34 (20 students) Gym Farris

78 (17 students) Gym Farris

79 (26 students) Library Krout None needed 80 (11 students) Cafeteria Gatto Napolitano, Young, Crosara,

Rowe 87 (8 students) Cafeteria Gatto 96 (20 students) Cafeteria Gatto

132 (15 students) Cafeteria Gatto *Any unassigned staff will report to the front of the building to help load students safely.

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Dismissal Routine continued…

Phase 3: Car Riders Time: 3:25 p.m.

Description: As soon as all bus students have exited a classroom, the classroom teacher will line students up and lead them to their assigned location at the front of the building for car pick-up (map of locations is below.


• Students must keep their masks on as they exit our campus.

• Help to ensure lines maintain distancing as you enter the hall and exit the building.

• Use the exits assigned below.

• Help students to line up behind the assigned cone and maintain distance.

• All staff assigned to buses should assist in the front of the building during car pick-up.

• Cones are set up for each class to line up behind.

• Students will get in their cars when they pull up to the paved area in front of the building.

Building Exit Description for Car Riders Kindergarten & 1st Grade 2nd and 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade

Exit through the kindergarten doors

Walk past the kitchen and exit by the front entrance (right door)

Walk toward the office and exit by the front entrance (left door)

Exit through the doors in the stair well (next to the elevator) and walk around

Page 22: Patricia A. Guth Elementary Handbook for 2020-2021


Dismissal Routine Car Pick-up Map

Page 23: Patricia A. Guth Elementary Handbook for 2020-2021


Room Assignments and Locations

Homerooms Specials Specialists

Teacher Room Teacher Room Teacher Room

K Childs 2 Art-Balant 31 ESL Walsh 4 1 Library-Krout Library ESL Gatto 19

1 Adams 5 Music-Knipe 35 ESL Curry

1 Brown 3 Phys. Ed.-Farris Gym IST Rowe 22

7 STEM-Gable 15 IST/Math Lucas 22 2 Butler 21 Lessons-Apple/Nappi Stage LS Wright 27

2 MacBain 23 LS McCollum 20

2 Thomas 18 LS TBD (PM Only) 3 Garthe* 16 OT Piacine 4th Grade Lobby

3 Gentile 24 PT 4th Grade Lobby 3 Ruggiero 25 Reading Hanson 17

4 Glenn 30 Reading Naudasher 17

4 Groody* 29 Reading Crosara 17 4 Kratz 28 Speech

5 Coyle 32 5 Jones 33

5 Stevenson 34 *Hybrid Classroom