Download - Part II Chapter 9: Topological Path Planning

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9Part II

Chapter 9:Topological Path Planning

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9 Objectives

• Define the difference between natural and artificial landmarks; give one example of each

• Given a description of an indoor office environment and a set of behaviors, build a relational graph representation labeling the distinctive places and local control strategies for gateways

• Describe in one or two sentences: gateway, image signature, visual homing, viewframe, orientation region

• Given a figure showing landmarks, create a topological map showing landmarks, landmark pair boundaries, and orientation regions

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9 Navigation• Where am I going? Mission


• What’s the best way there? Path planning

• Where have I been? Map making

• Where am I? Localization








tiveHow am I going to get


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9 Spatial Memory

• What’s the Best Way There? depends on the representation of the world

• A robot’s world representation and how it is maintained over time is its spatial memory– Attention

– Reasoning

– Path planning

– Information collection

• Two forms– Route (or qualitative)

– Layout (or metric)

• Layout leads to Route, but not the other way

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Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press), copyright Robin Murphy 2000 Chapter 9: Topological Path Planning

9 Route, or Qualitative Navigation

• Two categories

• Relational– spatial memory is a relational graph, also known as a

topological map

– use graph theory to plan paths

• Associative– spatial memory is a series of remembered viewpoints,

where each viewpoint is labeled with a location

– good for retracing steps

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9 Topological Maps Use Landmarks

• A landmark is one or more perceptually distinctive features of interest on an object or locale of interest

• Natural landmark: configuration of existing features that wasn’t put in the environment to aid with the robot’s navigation (ex. gas station on the corner)

• Artificial landmark: set of features added to the environment to support navigation (ex. highway sign)

• Roboticists avoid artificial landmarks!

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9 Desirable Characteristics of Landmarks

• Recognizable (can see it when you need to)– Passive

– Perceivable over the entire range of where the robot might need to view it

– Distinctive features should be globally unique, or at least locally unique

• Perceivable for the task (can extract what you need from it)– ex. can extract relative orientation and depth

– ex. unambiguously points the way

• Be perceivable from many different viewpoints

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9 Example Landmarks

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9 floor plan

relational graph

Relational Methods

Nodes: landmarks, gateways,goal locations

Edges: navigable path

Gateway is an opportunityto change path heading

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9 Problems with early relational graphs

• Not coupled with how the robot would get there

• Shaft encoder uncertainty accumulates

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9 Kuipers and Byun: Spatial Hierarchy

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Distinctive Places (recognizable, &at least locally unique)

Local control strategies (behaviorsto get robot between DPs)

Distinctive Place Approach

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distinctiveplace (withinthe corner)

path of robot as it moves into neighborhood and

to the distinctive place

Actually Getting to a Distinctive Place: Neighborhoods

Use one behavior until sees the DP (exteroceptivecueing) then swap to a landmark localization behavior

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9 Class Exercise

• Create a relational graph for this floorplan

• Label each edge with the appropriate LCS: mtd, fh

• Label each node with the type of gateway: de, t, r

Room 1 Room 2

Room 3 Room 4

r1 r2



de2r3 r4

t1 t2 t3fh fh fh







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9 Case Study

• Representation

• Sequencing of behaviors based on current perception (releasers) and subgoal

• Algorithm

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Hd nodes becauseHave different perception

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9 Transition Table



H Navigate-Hall


Undefined Navigate-Hall

F Navigate-Hall




R Undefined Navigate-door



Hd Navigate-hall




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9 Path Planning Algorithm

• Relational graph, so any single source shortest path algorithm will work (Dijkstra’s)

• If wanted to visit all rooms, what algorithm would you use?

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9 Execution

Exception subscript

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9 Associative Methods• Visual Homing

– bees navigate to their hive by a series of image signatures which are locally distinctive (neighborhood)

• QualNav– the world can be divided

into orientation regions (neighborhoods) based on perceptual events caused by landmark pair boundaries

• Assumes perceptual stability, perceptual distinguishability


DarylLawton,AdvancedDecision Systems

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9 Image Signatures

The world Tesselated (like faceted-eyes)

Resulting signaturefor home

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Move to match thetemplate

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TopologicalRepresentationas OrientationRegions

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9 Summary

• Route, qualitative, and topological navigation all refer to navigating by detecting and responding to landmarks.

• Landmarks may be natural or artificial; roboticists prefer natural but may have to use artificial to compensate for robot sensors

• There are two type of qualitative navigation: relational and associative

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9 Summary (cont.)

• Relational methods use graphs (good for planning) and landmarks– The best known relational method is distinctive places

– Distinctive places are often gateways

– Local control strategies are behaviors

• Associative methods remember places as image signature or a viewframe extracted from a signature– can’t really plan a path, just retrace it

– direct stimulus-response coupling by matching signature to current perception