Download - Part A: Reading Comprehension - Alitqan American · Part A: Reading Comprehension ... Dad looked up from his coffee mug and smiled.

Page 1: Part A: Reading Comprehension - Alitqan American · Part A: Reading Comprehension ... Dad looked up from his coffee mug and smiled.

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AY 2016 – 2017

Grade 5

Name: _____________________ Date: ______________

Grade & Section: _____________ Teacher: ______________

Part A: Reading Comprehension

A.Read the story below then answer the questions that follow:

Directions: Read the story and complete the tasks below;

The Time Capsule

“I’m going to make a time capsule,” Anna told her parents at the

breakfast table. Dad looked up from his coffee mug and smiled. “Sounds


“Say hello to the pilgrims for me.”

Laughing, Anna shook her head. “No,

Dad. You’re thinking of time travel.

I’m building a time capsule –it’s like a

memory box. I watched my principal

dig one up from our school yard

yesterday. Some students buried the

capsule thirty years ago.

It had a lot of old stuff in it, so we could see what life was like back

then.” After breakfast, Anna went to her dad's workbench in the garage.

She looked around and found an old coffee can filled with nuts and bolts.

She dumped them out so she could use it as her time capsule.

She scratched her head. What should she put in the can?

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With her kitten following close behind, Anna browsed through her

things. She grabbed her favorite book, her yo-yo and some photos. She

packed them in the can. She pulled off her charm bracelet and placed it

in the can too.

“What else should I put in here?” she

asked Kitty. “The newspaper? So, people

will know what happened today?” Anna

ran downstairs and brought back the

newspaper. She folded it up and in the

can it went.

“Meow.” Kitty nudged a ball toward

the can. “Sure, Kitty, I’ll include your

ball.” Anna put Kitty’s ball in the can.

Anna put the top on and sealed the can

with tape. On the front, she wrote:

(ANNA AND KITTY’S TIME CAPSULE) with a thick black marker.

She carried the can outside. After grabbing a shovel from the shed, she

buried her time capsule in the garden. “All done,” she told Kitty. After a

few minutes, Anna sighed. What should she do next? She couldn’t yo-yo.

Or read her favorite book. She’d buried those. Now, she missed them.

She scratched her head, then paused. She missed the sound of her

bracelet clinking too. “Meow.” Kitty pawed the burial spot.

“Do you miss your ball?” Anna asked. “Don’t worry. I’ll get it for you.” So,

Anna dug up their time capsule. Kitty pounced on the ball.

And Anna pulled on her bracelet and read her book while yo-yoing under

a tree in the garden.

Q1. Do the tasks below:

1. List six items that Anna placed in her time capsule.

ball, newspaper bracelet, photos, a book, yoyo

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2. Summarize the story, using the sequence of events.

First, Anna wanted to keep a time capsule in her garden

Second, She kept some things in a box and buried them in her garden

Third, She missed her things

Finally, She took out the time capsule after some minutes

Q2. Answer the questions below:

1. Where did Anna bury her time capsule?

In the garden under the tree

2. What is the theme of the story?

You have to be patient to complete your tasks or works

Q3. Decide then write between brackets, TRUE if the sentence is

giving correct information and FALE if the sentences giving incorrect


1.The time capsule at Anna's school been buried for three years.


2. A time capsule means a Thanksgiving play in the story. (false)

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Informational Text

A.Read the informational text below and answer the questions that


Title: Fact About The UAE

Facts and figures

The United Arab Emirates was formed in 1971 and made up

of 7 emirates. The UAE flag is red, green, white, and black.

Each color has a meaning; white represents good behavior,

green is for trees and plants where as black is for battles and

red represents bravery and courage. About 9.5 million people

live in the UAE, but less than one fifth of the population is


The UAE is home to one of the most famous landmarks in the

world – Burj Khalifa. This amazing building was the tallest building in the

world when it was built in 2010. You can take an elevator to the top, but

you need to be brave as it has a glass floor and it’s a very long way up.

The national animal of the UAE is the Arabian Oryx and the national bird

is the falcon.


The UAE shares borders with Saudi Arabia and

Oman. The largest emirate is Abu Dhabi, which

makes up 87% of the UAE’s total area (67349 km2)

and the smallest emirate, Ajman, is (259km2).

UAE map

Burj Khalifa

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The UAE coast stretches for more than 650km along the southern shore

of the Arabian Gulf. There is a man-made island in Dubai, Palm Jumeirha,

which can be seen from space. The UAE has hot summer and warm winter.

The hottest months are July and August, when the average maximum

temperatures reach above 45oC.

In the Al Hajar Mountains, temperatures are considerably lower as a

result of increased height. Sometimes they can be covered in snow.

Q1: Use the T-map to identify text and graphic features in the


Text/ Graphic Features Purpose


2-Bold subhead


1 show the reality of the given


2-tells about the what is in each section

3-Calls attention to the given


Q2: Direction: Circle the correct answer for each statement to show

your answer:

1. Which of these animals consider UAE their habitats?

a. Gray Bear

b. Arabian Oryx

c. Giraffe

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2. UAE’s neighbors are:

a. Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

b. Saudi Arabia and Oman.

c. Oman and Morocco.

Q3. Answer the following question:

1-Why do you need to be brave when you go up in Burj Khalifa?

Because it has a glass floor and very long way up

2- Write four FACTS about UAE.

The United Arab Emirates was formed in 1971

It’s made of seven emirates

It has the tallest building in the world

Its flag has four colors; red, black, green and white

Part B. Spelling

Direction: Underline the misspelled word in each sentence. Write the

correct spelling on the given line:

1. Wires and bands used for straightening teeth prac brace

2. To wander away of the group, is swai sway

3. Realease the bird out of the cage, it’s his freedom release

4. If you have new vocabulary, you should repeet the word many times

after the teacher to know the correct pronunciation.repeat

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5. I want to sail in a croose cruise

Part C: Vocabulary

A. Read each sentence. Use the clues in the sentence to pick the

best meaning for each underlined word:

1. My friend was shifted from another school to our school.

a. moved

b. jumped

c. walked

d. forced

2. My author reissued an edited version of his last novel.

a. story

b. copy

c. magazine

d. newspaper

3. It is a must to have two or more people who compete against

each other in a contest

a. actors

b. opponents

c. stories

d. types

4. The primary reason I called was to invite you to my party.

a. only

b. precise

c. first

d. intelligent

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5. Be careful that you do not stub your toe in the dark.

a. A tree stump

b. Part of a ticket

c. To pull up by the roots

d. To strike against an object.

B. Add the correct prefix or suffix to the base word to make a new


1. understand misunderstand

2. protect protection

3. solve solution

4. divide division

5. honest dishonest

6. oppose opposition

C. Encircle the correct answer:

1.The prefix mis- means wrong, so what is the meaning of underlined

word in this sentence:

If there is any student’s misconduct, he will be punished.

a. break the law

b. follow the law

c. make a new law

d. throw out the law

2.The prefix RE- means "again," so if you REBUILD something,


a. build it for the first time

b. tear it down

c. build it again

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d. fix it up

D: Write a single word with dis- or un- mis- to complete each


1. The science lab is not unavailable today. (not available)

2. My sister miscalculated when she did the sum.

(calculated wrong)

3. She was unable to solve the problem. (not able)

4. It was unbelievable that she made it wrong.

(not believable)

5. People who cannot drink milk use nondairy product.

(not dairy)

6. The two groups’ disagree about the best way to solve the

problem. (not agree)

Part D. Phonics

A.Direction: List the /ōō/ and /yōō/ sounded words:







confuse new route view

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/ōō/ /yōō/

Glue confuse

Stew view

Youth excuse

Loose accuse





Part E: Language

A. Determine which of the following a sentence fragment is and which

is a complete sentence. Write S if the given is a complete sentence

and F if fragment:

1. If your dad did not bring it. fragment

2. She knows how to protect the environment. Complete sentence

3. We have pitied people who take. fragment

4. We sometimes swim with our dogs. Complete sentence

5. Nearly lost that race. fragment

6. Recycling these materials here. fragment

7. Sort the first-class mail in this afternoon. Complete sentence

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B.Write the sentences using correct end punctuation and

capitalization. Then label the sentences if it is declarative,

imperative, exclamatory, or interrogative:

1. how exciting it must be to work in the film industry (exclamatory)

How exciting it must be to work in the film industry!

2. does Randy really believe he has a sixth sense (interrogative)

Does Randy really believe he has a sixth sense?

3. we brought the ducks and geese small pieces of bread (declarative)

We brought the ducks and geese small pieces of bread.

4. learn how to protect and preserve the Everglades (imperative)

Learn how to protect and preserve the Everglades.

5. why didn’t you send the story book (interrogative)

Why didn’t you send the story book?

6. don’t leave the things over there (Imperative)

Don’t leave the things over there.

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C.Combine each pair of simple sentences to make a compound

sentence. Use the best conjunctions (so, but, and, or) to form the

compound sentence:

1. My sister was tired. She took a nap. (so)

My sister was tired, so she took a nap.

2. Mom likes coffee. Dad prefers tea. (But, land)

Mom likes coffee, and Dad prefers tea.

3. I slept for two hours. I am still tired. (but)

I slept for two hours, but I am still tired.

4. Would you like to go to the park? Would you rather stay home

tonight? (or)

Would you like to go to the park? Or Would you rather stay home


D.In each sentence below, underline the complete subject and circle

the complete predicate:

1. A taxi driver drove him to the hotel downtown.

2. The guitarist in our family is my mother.

3. The talented pianist plays up and down the keyboard.

4. The flight arrived exactly on time.

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5. Reina’s parents and friends always help her in improving her level.

E.Color the common nouns by green and the proper nouns by yellow:

1. The house is in Africa.

2. The Ford truck is missing one door.

3. I am from Brazil.

4. Jaime lives at 108 Spring Street.

5. Monaco is an expensive city.

6. The Bulls won the game last night.

7. Basketball is so fun.

8. “Mrs. Peach needed to know my number,” said Juan.

9. Alamance Community College is a nice school.

10. Birds are my favorite animals.

F. Capitalize the proper nouns and

1. Rishu and Ann became so popular after the National Double Dutch



2. Roy had school the next Sunday.

Circle the common


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3. Darth Vader is a major character in Star Wars.


4. Mr. David developed double Dutch into a world class sport.


G.Directions: Write the plural or the singular noun of the words


1. Elf elves

2. person people

3. children child

4. tooth teeth

5. company companies

6. paragraph paragraphs

7. daisy daisies

8. trolley trolleys

9. theory theories

10. flies fly

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11. hoof hoofs

12. wish wishes

13. deer deer

14. committee committees

15. leaf leaves