Download - Part 2: “Love Others” (Matthew 22:34-40, page 705) Pastor Greg Mansur April 26, 2015.


Part 2: Love Others (Matthew 22:34-40, page 705) Pastor Greg Mansur April 26, 2015 Matthew 22:34-40 (page 705) Accept Jesus as your personal Savior, and allow Him to lead you. Recognize your position in Christ, and bask in His forgiveness, acceptance, and grace. Arrange your thoughts around heavenly things, and keep a proper perspective on earthly things. Prioritize your health, your time, and your resources for Gods purposes and Kingdom. Luke 10:25-37 (page 742) LESSONS FROM THE GOOD SAMARITAN Attitude is everything - Our motivation must be rooted in our desire to follow Jesus, not to earn favor or glory for ourselves. Luke 18:9-14 (page 749) LESSONS FROM THE GOOD SAMARITAN Attitude is everything - Our motivation must be rooted in our desire to follow Jesus, not to earn favor or glory for ourselves. LESSONS FROM THE GOOD SAMARITAN We can know right and do wrong - Position and title are no substitute for care and concern LESSONS FROM THE GOOD SAMARITAN We can know right and do wrong - Position and title are no substitute for care and concern LESSONS FROM THE GOOD SAMARITAN Meet people where they are - True love is selfless and sacrificial Luke 6:27-36 (page 736) LESSONS FROM THE GOOD SAMARITAN Meet people where they are - True love is selfless and sacrificial LESSONS FROM THE GOOD SAMARITAN Actions speak louder than words - The measure of our love is demonstrated by the steps we take to help those around us. LESSONS FROM THE GOOD SAMARITAN Actions speak louder than words - The measure of our love is demonstrated by the steps we take to help those around us. Took Initiative LESSONS FROM THE GOOD SAMARITAN Actions speak louder than words - The measure of our love is demonstrated by the steps we take to help those around us. Took InitiativeTook Care LESSONS FROM THE GOOD SAMARITAN Actions speak louder than words - The measure of our love is demonstrated by the steps we take to help those around us. Took InitiativeTook Care Took Time LESSONS FROM THE GOOD SAMARITAN Actions speak louder than words - The measure of our love is demonstrated by the steps we take to help those around us. Took InitiativeTook Care Took TimeTook Money