Download - Parish of the Resurrection of the Lord€¦ · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben Moore

Page 1: Parish of the Resurrection of the Lord€¦ · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben Moore

Parish of the Resurrection of the Lord

April 12, 2020

Page 2: Parish of the Resurrection of the Lord€¦ · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben Moore

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord�April 12, 2020�

There are 3 ways to watch our Live�Stream Masses�

1.� Navigate to our Facebook page (https:// )

at the appointed Mass time and click videos on the left

side of the page. �

2.� Navigate to our website (https:// at the appointed Mass time

and scroll down until you see the video. Press play.�

3.� Download the Parish App on your phone or tablet by

searching in your app store for MyParish App. Follow

the prompts to set it up. At the Mass times a

Notification will be sent to your device with a link you

can click to go directly to the video. �

If you are having issues with any of the above steps call the

Parish office (827�4000) during business hours and we can

help you. �

Spiritual Communion�

We cannot receive Communion right now but we are all

encouraged to make an act of Spiritual Communion. This

prayer can be said while watching the Live Stream Mass or

anytime throughout the day:�

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy

Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to

receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment

receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into

my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and

unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be

separated from You.�


T�� P���’� C ��

� � Alleluia, Alleluia! Christ is risen � truly He is risen! May these joyful words echo out from our voices,

� � our hearts, and our whole lives this Easter Day, perhaps more so than ever before! Today we celebrate �

� � our Lord’s glorious triumph over death, and as He bursts forth from the grave He gives us the real and �

� � concrete hope that, joined with Him, we too will be triumphant over this ancient foe. Our “Lent” may be

� � extended a bit this year � we have more fasting, isolating, and sacrificing to do � but this amazing day �

� � of resurrection reminds us that, in the end, health is victorious over sickness, grace is victorious over �

� � sin, and life is victorious over death! As Christian men and women, and particularly as the people of the

Parish of the Resurrection of the Lord, this is our day! Sound the trumpet, rejoice and be glad, for today Christ is risen! �


� Allow me, on this Easter Day, to extend to all of you and your families my wishes for a blessed � � �

Paschaltide � different though it may be � and to offer you my heartfelt thanks for being so faithful and generous during

this difficult time. How I wish we could all be together this morning at the altar in glad thanksgiving...but I refuse to be sad

today! We will joyfully make the best of this situation and will continue our mission of living�in and spreading the love of

the Risen Lord in this community as best as we can! If Christ can conquer the grave, He can conquer every bit of suffering,

pain, and deprivation we are going through as well, and we are called to participate in the proclamation of this good news!


� I do not know how much longer we will have to continue on as we are currently, but I am pledging to you that we

will keep on keeping on no matter what! Our live�streamed Masses will continue! Our parking lot confessions will �

continue! Our online campus ministry and faith formation programs will continue! Our Friday morning live�streamed Q&A

sessions will continue! And there will be more, and more, and more until this terrible pandemic is cast away for good! We

will not cower, we will not give up, and we will triumph! This is the Parish of the Resurrection of the Lord, and we will be

true to our name! Alleluia!�

� So, my friends, enjoy this day! Despite the limitations, the sadness, the loss, and the deprivation, make this day a

day of gladness and happiness! If you can’t gather with your loved ones today, call them and share your resurrection joy.

Reach out to each other in acts of measureless of love. Feast and be merry as much as you are able. Pray and sing out your

sweet Alleluias with all of heaven and earth this Easter Day! All of creation is changed because the Lord is risen from the

tomb...may we get wonderfully and joyfully lost in this great Mystery and may it strengthen us as we finish off whatever

time we have left this in this valley of tears. God bless you and I’ll meet you at the altar! Christ is risen � truly He is risen!

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!�


Fr. Kyle

Helpful Tips�

�� If you are not seeing the video and it is the correct time try refreshing your page. �

�� If you are having a hard time hearing the video try turning the volume all the way up or listening with headphones. �

�� If the video keeps pausing or skipping, try waiting until the Live Stream is over and then watch the completed video�

Page 3: Parish of the Resurrection of the Lord€¦ · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben Moore

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord�April 12, 2020�

Confession Schedule �

during COVID�19 Coronavirus Pandemic�

Until further notice, all confessions will be heard at

appointed times outside. Father Kyle will be in his

vehicle in the delineated parking lots�please drive up

next to him or, if you have other people in your car,

park and walk up.�

�� Saturday, April 19th � 3 pm�

� Holy Family parking lot�(Brunswick St.)�

�� Saturday, April 26th � 3 pm�

� Holy Family parking lot (Brunswick St.)�

Other times may be added...Check out the Facebook

page for the most up to date information.�

Live�Streamed Mass Schedule�

During COVID�19 Coronavirus Pandemic�

Monday, April 13th…………...6 pm�

Tuesday, April 14th…………...8 am�

Wednesday, April 15th………..8 am�

Thursday, April 16th……….....6 pm�

Friday, April 17th……………..8 am�

Saturday, April 18th………..…9:30 am�

Sunday, April 19th…………….9:30 am�

COVID�19: A Prayer of Solidarity�

For all who have contracted coronavirus,�

���� We pray for care and healing.�

For those who are particularly vulnerable,�

���� We pray for safety and protection.�

For all who experience fear or anxiety,�

���� We pray for peace of mind and spirit.�

For affected families who are facing difficult decisions

between food on the table or public safety,�

���� We pray for policies that recognize their plight.�

For those who do not have adequate health insurance,�

���� We pray that no family will face financial burdens alone.�

For those who are afraid to access care due to immigration


���� We pray for recognition of the God�given dignity of all.�

For our brothers and sisters around the world,�

� �� We pray for shared solidarity.�

For public officials and decisionmakers,�

���� We pray for wisdom and guidance.�

Father, during this time may your Church be a sign of hope,

comfort and love to all.�

���� Grant peace.�

���� Grant comfort.�

���� Grant healing.�

���� Be with us, Lord.�


Page 4: Parish of the Resurrection of the Lord€¦ · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben Moore

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord�April 12, 2020�

The Vigil Light by the Tabernacle burns this week �

(April 12�18, 2020) �

Holy Family Church�

Holy Family, Rectory�

Our Lady of Wisdom, Orono�

St. Ann, Bradley�

St. Ann, Penobscot Nation��

For the deceased in the Parish�



8:00 PM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Mary Rustin by Dennis & Mary LaBree�



9:30 AM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Parishioners by Pastor�



6:00 PM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Mr. & Mrs. Harold Shorette by Priscilla�



8:00 AM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Charles Daigle by Sister, Pauline�



8:00 AM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Brenda (Mishou) Hesseltine by Husband, Wayne�



6:00 PM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Rev. Ralph J. Boisvert by Fr. Kyle Doustou�



8:00 AM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Holy Souls in Purgatory by Pastor�



9:30 AM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Pat Guay by Jim & Mary King�



9:30 AM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Parishioners by Pastor�

Page 5: Parish of the Resurrection of the Lord€¦ · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben Moore

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord�April 12, 2020�

Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37�43�

Peter’s speech about the life, death, and resurrection of

Jesus offers us a glimpse into the Church’s earliest

kerygma (oral proclamation) about Jesus. How is Peter’s

speech persuasive to you?�

1 Corinthians 5:6b�8�

Using the metaphors of yeast and unleavened bread, Paul

viewed the death and resurrection of Jesus as bringing a

new life of “sincerity and truth” to the community of

believers. How does the celebration of Easter unite your

faith community?�

Matthew 28:1�10�

Mary Magdalene is the first to realize that Jesus had risen

from dead, and twice is told, “Do not be afraid.” What

fears are alleviated in you knowing that Jesus rose from

the dead?�

Questions of the Week for Scripture Reflection�

Life is perhaps God’s greatest gift to each of us.

Without life, we would be unable to experience all the

wonder of this world, the love of family and friends, and

the joy that comes from using our talents and skills. Life

itself is more profound a gift than we can even truly �


On Easter, we celebrate life. For on this day, Jesus

Christ conquered death and gave to us the chance for a life

eternal. The wonder, love, and joy of this world does not

have to end. Through a life in Jesus Christ, these emotions

are heightened, and we find even greater fulfillment in this


Maybe this Easter you are finding yourself open to

taking a next step in your relationship with Jesus. This

could be the moment you decide to follow Him more

closely and take seriously all that he has given you. If so,

welcome to the journey, where there are many other �

disciples on that same path who can help show you the way

and share their stories. If not, hopefully it doesn’t take a

whole year for this possibility to be considered again. Jesus

is alive and waiting to get closer to you. May this Easter

season find you and Our Lord getting to know one another

in a whole new way. Happy Easter!�

�Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS�

Come to Christ�

When we awoke this morning, we found ourselves

blessed with another day. It is Easter Sunday. As that

thought crossed our minds, did we find ourselves saying

“so what” or “alleluia”? For many, today is truly a day of

alleluia. For others, it is just another day of “so what.”

Faith makes a huge difference. It not only makes a �

difference in how we understand today and the significance

of what we celebrate, it also makes a huge difference in

terms of how we understand ourselves.�

Succeed, live well, be productive, find your niche,

follow your dreams, make money, protect your social �

status, be politically correct, and keep your preferences to

yourself are pretty good examples of the messages our �

secular life wants us to hear. In and of themselves, they

don’t sound all that harmful. But when really examined,

they are. The life of resurrection embodied in the Gospel

tells us a much different story.�

Life keeps us busy. We are always connected, �

distracted, occupied, and working. For many of us, an

agenda awaits us before we even start our day, and �

unfinished stuff is brought with us when we retire at night.

Make the best of life and “find your own road to happiness

are messages we all too easily believe. The “so what” �

response to the new life of resurrection is often the result of

believing that life is only what I make it. What God has to

say isn’t important to me securing my next raise.�

Sadly, we live as if the grave is the end. While we

may give the wonder of heaven a blink now and then, its

glory really doesn’t impress us or matter all that much. It’s

all about the here and now and what I need to do today to

get where I want to be tomorrow. We tend to put off �

considering the one significant “tomorrow” that will come

the millisecond after we take our last breath. When that

happens, will we want to be thinking “so what?” or


There is only one Jesus, one mission, and one �

resurrection. There is also only one of us. Have you ever

pondered what one solitary, humble human life can do?

Faith, not our world, tells us how special we are. We are

not robots. We are not replaceable. We have one shot.

There are no do�overs. Love is at our core and unites us

together as one with the God of love who so desperately

wants us to be with Him forever. This may not match our

secular agenda, but it ought to make our true inner agenda

leap for joy. There doesn’t need to be an end. I can live

forever. Alleluia!�

Gospel Meditation�

Remember the ABC’s of the�Divine Mercy: �

A�Ask for His Mercy�

B�Be Merciful�

C�Completely trust in Jesus. �

This will allow the�Divine Mercy�to be in �

your heart and mind throughout the year.�

The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy�

Page 6: Parish of the Resurrection of the Lord€¦ · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben Moore

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord�April 12, 2020�

Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37�43/� � �

� Ps 118:1�2, 16�17, 22�23 [24]/Col 3:1�4 or

� 1 Cor 5:6b�8/Jn 20:1�9 or Mt 28:1�10�

Monday: Acts 2:14, 22�33/Ps 16:1�2a �

� and 5, 7�8, 9�10, 11 [1]/Mt 28:8�15�

Tuesday: Acts 2:36�41/Ps 33:4�5, 18�19, 20 �

� and 22 [5b]/Jn 20:11�18�

Wednesday: Acts 3:1�10/� � �

� Ps 105:1�2, 3�4, 6�7, 8�9 [3b]/Lk 24:13�35�

Thursday: Acts 3:11�26/Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6�7, 8�9

� [2ab]/Lk 24:35�48�

Friday: Acts 4:1�12/Ps 118: 1�2 � �

� and 4, 22�24, 25�27a [22]/Jn 21:1�14�

Saturday: Acts 4:13�21/Ps 118:1 � �

� and 14�15ab, 16�18, 19�21 [21a]/�

� Mk 16:9�15�

Next Sunday: Acts 2:42�47/� � �

� Ps 118:2�4, 13�15, 22�24 [1]/1 Pt 1:3�9/

� Jn 20:19�31�

Please note: Names will be removed from the prayer

list after 8 weeks. If a person needs to remain on the

prayer list after that time please notify the office at


Pray for our Military:�

The food pantry

is in need of

Macaroni &

Cheese, Pasta

Sauce, & Spam.�

Thank you for

your donations.�

Mark Abbott� Preston Hodge�

PFC Brandon Appel� Tyler Moore�

SSG Dale Bragg Jr.� Andrew Rackliff�

Kyle Dupuis� Jonathan Seymour�

Lew Henderson Jr.� Dillon Shorey�

Adam Hesseltine� SGT Anthony Waite�

Logan Hildreth� �



42� Regular Envelope Total� $ 3,267.00 �

48� Online Donations� $ 1,712.00 �

�� Total Offertory� $ 4,979.00 �


Under for the Week� $ 3,386.00 �

�� �� ��

7� Building Fund Envelopes� $ 110.00 �

3� Building Fund Online� $ 50.00 �

�� �� ��

9� Catholic Relief� $ 227.00 �

�� �� ��

5� Easter Flowers� $ 110.00 �

Chris Bate�

Lenora Johnson�

Rosemarie Bate�

Courtney King�

Peter Bosse�

Vin Knapp�

Joan Bragdon�

Karen Lavoie Stone�

Chris Brewer�

Cherie Levesque�

Theresa Cote�

Linda O'Connor Smithson�

Susan Curran�

Darrell Parrick�

John Davis�

Bud Smith�

Paula Davis�

Mary Carmen Thibault�

Leslie Hair�

Johndavid Toothman�

Wayne Hesseltine�

Scott Walker�

For all those affected by COVID�19�

Page 7: Parish of the Resurrection of the Lord€¦ · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben Moore

April 12, 2020�

Parish Contact Information

Fr. Kyle�

[email protected]


Religious Education Director�

Jessica Moore: [email protected]


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)�

& Campus Ministry�

Audrey Aylmer: [email protected]

Parish Council�

William Halteman, Matt Ketch, Terri Maher, Bo Meservey,

Philip Roy, Kathy Shorette�

[email protected]

Prayer Group�

�Every Monday night in the Queen of Peace Chapel at Holy

Family Church to pray from 6:45�7:45 PM. �


To make arrangements for baptisms please call the Parish

office at 827�4000.��

Prayer Line Ministry�

For prayer line requests call Bernice Curtis at 827�3264.�

Prayer Shawl Ministry�

For prayer shawl requests call Anne Richard at 827�3070.�

Sacrament of the Sick�

If your loved ones are in the hospital or nursing facility and

wish to see a priest to receive the sacraments, please contact

the Parish Office at 827�4000 and someone will visit them

as soon as possible. �

Communion to Home Bound�

Please call Claire Lint at 356�8902 or email

[email protected] if you or a family member wish

to receive communion at home while sick or recuperating

from surgery, etc. Thank you!�

�Parish Hall Use�

Please contact the Parish Office at 827�4000�

�Food Pantry�

The Resurrection of the Lord Food Pantry opens at 9:30

a.m. on the last Monday of each month at the Holy Family

Thrift Shop, Carroll Street, Old Town.��

Resurrection Parish Thrift Shop�

�The Thrift Shop is open on:�

� Wednesday� � 9 am�1 pm�

� Thursday� � 9 am�1 pm�

� Friday� � 9 am�1 pm�

Holy Family, Old Town, ME 03-0452


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