Download - PARISH ADMINISTRATION JULY 2020 · PARISH ADMINISTRATION Parish Bookkeeper, *Tara Dahill Program Manager, *Colleen Glazer Parish Secretary, *Catherine Jestice Parish Plant Manager,

Page 1: PARISH ADMINISTRATION JULY 2020 · PARISH ADMINISTRATION Parish Bookkeeper, *Tara Dahill Program Manager, *Colleen Glazer Parish Secretary, *Catherine Jestice Parish Plant Manager,

PARISH ADMINISTRATION Parish Bookkeeper, *Tara Dahill Program Manager, *Colleen Glazer Parish Secretary, *Catherine Jestice Parish Plant Manager, *Victor Zambrano PARISH ADVISORY COUNCILS Pastoral: Alicia Javier (Singles) Don and Maureen Drew (Marrieds) Odelia Ramirez (Spanish speakers) William Quinn (Seniors) Victoria Vulaj (Teenagers) Financial: Michael Donofrio, Vincent Pascal Carol Joyce, Emily Cho Roache (Trustees) WORSHIP Acolytes, Kevin McKenna Devotions, Private, Adoration / Daily Evening Rosary, Ellen Valko Legion of Mary, Blanca Bulit Sagrado Corazon, Yolanda Pardo Lectors Floral Decorations Sacred Music, *Andrew Yeargin, Director Cantors, *Andrew Yeargin Contemporary Ensemble, Phelder St. Germain Misa in Espanol, *José (Cheito) Guevara Schola Cantorum, *Andrew Yeargin Sacristans, *Victor Zambrano III, James Hulak, Hans Ramirez, Patrick Machado COMMUNITY BUILDING Bulletin, Parish Weekly, *Catherine Jestice Calendar, Master Parish, *Catherine Jestice Concert Series GUEST, *Andrew Yeargin PARISH, *Andrew Yeargin CRC (Contemporary Roman Catholics), James Hulak Scouting Programs, Bob Deaver Trinity Counters, JoAnne Pollio FORMATION / EDUCATION Adult Faith Formation, *Colleen Glazer Lectio Divina-Young Adults, *Fr. Gary Mead Christian Meditation, Donald Main RCIA (Christian Initiation), *Msgr. Sandi Religious Education, *Colleen Glazer OUTREACH Blood Drive, *Catherine Jestice Breakfast Line, *Colleen Glazer Food Pantry, *Colleen Glazer Guest Clergy Hospitality, *Msgr. Sandi Holy Trinity/Ascension Homeless Shelter, Mike Griffin Making All Things New (MATN), Kenneth Craig Twelve-Step Programs, *Catherine Jestice * indicates parish employee * * * * * * * *

Please keep our sick in your prayers: Kate Concannon, Anne Lia, Edward Haggerty, Devinee Worrell, Gloria Frucht, Regina & Joe Rywelski, Sr., Mary Haggerty, Harry Wagner, Blanca Bulit, Marita Whelihan, Jennifer Goldman, David Ray, Gloria Harris, Yolande Irizarry, Michael Cammistrace, Dennis Joseph, Jonathan Denham, Mimi Lawrence, Giselle Stevens, John Buttermark, Marci Cruz, Teresa Roa, Rose Sathyarajan, Angela Velasquez, Bob Gray, Vicki King, Angela Farino, Florence Rivezzo, Michael Waters, Mary Watson, Betty Kranzdorf, Kristin & Adelaide Lappetitto, Connie Myers, Carol Thompson, Diana Pinover, Robert Donofrio, Sheila Grover, Carol Stein Names will remain on our prayer list for one month. If you would like us to carry a name longer, please contact the Rectory.

JULY 26, 2020 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Jesus said to his disciples: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.’”

THIS WEEK AT HOLY TRINITY MONDAY NO DA Meeting Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM NO NA Meeting NO Legion of Mary TUESDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM NO Lectio Divina (Spanish) NO Christian Meditation WEDNESDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM NO NA Meeting THURSDAY NO Al Anon Meeting Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM NO AA Men’s Meeting FRIDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM NO AA Women’s Meeting * * * * * * * * Due to the Coronavirus and need for social distancing, all Twelve Step meetings and other groups that meet in the Rectory, are now suspended until further notice. * * * * * * * *

YOUR DONATIONS (collected in church)

Last week’s collection: $3,770.00 THANK YOU!

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NO SECOND COLLECTIONS As has been our custom, no second collections are taken up in July and August. All donations remain here at Holy Trinity.

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MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK / 7/25 SATURDAY 7/25 5:30 Parish priests SUNDAY 7/26 7:30 The Poor Whom We Serve 9:30 World Peace 11:15 Care of God’s Good Earth 12:30 Our neighbors 5:30 Expectant couples of the parish MONDAY 7/27

9:00 EILEEN F. NIKOSEY-Month’s Mind 5:30 LUCY POLLIO TUESDAY 7/28 9:00 ELBA ESPINAL- 7th Anniversary 5:30 Msgr. John G, McCormick-HT 3rd Pastor-d 1925 WEDNESDAY 7/29 Martha 9:00 Those about to undergo surgery 5:30 Our godparents THURSDAY 7/30 Peter Chrysologus, Doctor of the Church 9:00 Children of the parish 5:30 Single parents of the parish 7:00 Single adults of the parish FRIDAY 7/31 Ignatius Loyola, priest 9:00 Volunteers of the parish 5:30 Pastoral staff SATURDAY 8/1 Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church 9:00 Benefactors of the parish * * * * * * * *

We Are Doing Fine at Sunday Mass! We Wear Face Coverings and We practice Personal Distancing!

We suspended our Mass Schedule on March 15th, and resumed it on June 21st, the first day of Summer! We have taken all the necessary precaut-ions in your church to make celebrating the Eucharist safe for you at Holy Trinity. For the record, our Sunday Mass attendance is growing--slowly but steady--as more parishioners feel comfortable worshipping in church again. The attendance at all six Masses last weekend was 245 parishioners—less than a quarter of those who regularly participate at Sunday Mass. Spread the word to your family members, friends and neighbors to “come home” because we treasure you. * * * * * * * *

More on Parish Finances Thank God, we are able to pay our parish bills,

and still feed the hungry every day . . . in your name! That’s Holy Trinity Parish at its best!

In addition to your prayerful support from home, Monsignor is very grateful for your very kind financial support. No collections were taken up from March 15th to June 21st. We are a bit “stretched,” financially yet, knowing God sees and provides, we trust we shall recover with whatever donations you can spare. You can make your Sunday donations: (1) by mail, (2) drop off at the rectory, (3) online via WeShare New! (4) by scanning the QR code, printed on a sheet of paper attached to the pews. We appreciate whatever you can afford.

Reverend Doctor

Stephen Koeth, C.S.C. Congregation of the Holy Cross

Our own Father Stephen departed Holy Trinity on Friday for The University of Notre Dame, in South Bend, Indiana. He has been named a Post-Doctoral Fellow at The Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, and will serve as priest-in-residence in Stanford Hall, a men’s dormitory on campus. Father Stephen spent eight, fruitful years in our midst, celebrating the Sacraments and selflessly pastoring our parishioners, while earning a doctorate at Columbia University, from which he was awarded a PhD in U.S. History on May 20, 2020. His dissertation, The Suburban Church: Catholic Parishes and Politics in Metropolitan New York, 1945-1980, explores the effects of post-war suburbanization on American Catholicism by examining changes in the dioceses and parishes of metropolitan New York, especially in the Diocese of Rockville Centre on Long Island. We congratulate him, thank him for his unique, priestly ministry to our parish, and wish him Godspeed.

If you would like to contact him, he can be reached by email at: [email protected] * * * * * * * *

Looking for Scripture Readings To Use at Mass?

As you have no doubt noticed, we have had to remove all the Missalettes from the pews, for

sanitary reasons, at the present time. It benefits everyone.

Some parishioners access the daily Scripture Readings of any given day by Googling the website of the American Bishops [USCCB].

1. Search for “USCCB Readings” 2. Tap the date on the calendar at the right 3. Scripture readings will appear!

Page 3: PARISH ADMINISTRATION JULY 2020 · PARISH ADMINISTRATION Parish Bookkeeper, *Tara Dahill Program Manager, *Colleen Glazer Parish Secretary, *Catherine Jestice Parish Plant Manager,

From “A Sign of the Times” Dept.

“Perhaps more people would give heed unto the word of the Lord if the Lord had a funny blog.”

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+ Holy Trinity – 10 Years Ago +

“from the archives!”

Holy Trinity’s Annual Artisan & Craft Fair

Sunday, December 5th 1:30-8:00 PM – The Murphy Center

Just in time for the holidays! Handmade and homemade goods – great gifts for Christmas.

Santa will be there from 3-5 pm. And to celebrate the season – Christmas caroling! (12/5/10) Blessed John Henry Newman Beatification – September 19, 2010 “Cor ad cor loquitor” (“Heart speaks to heart”) Today in Birmingham’s Crofton Park, Pope Benedict XVI will bestow Beatification on Cardinal John Henry Newman. Locally, the Beatification will be marked by: – At the Church of Our Saviour, 59 Park Ave., Archbishop Dolan will bless a Shrine to Cardinal Newman, Sept. 23rd at 6:00 PM. A service of solemn vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will include hymns by Neman. Open to the public. –A one-day conference at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center campus and a Mass at St. Paul the Apostle Church will be held Sat., Oct. 23rd, beginning with Mass at 8:30 AM at Sr. Paul. Speakers include Rev. George Rutler, Dr. John Kezel, Sr. Kathleen Dietz, FSO; moderator will be Prof. Joseph Koterski, SJ, our Weekend Associate. Conference admission $10 includes lunch. (9/19/10) [Saint John Henry Newman was canonized on October 13, 2019]

¿Dónde está tu tesoro?

El “Reino de los cielos” es, en la Biblia, el estado de cosas que inauguraría e instauraría el Esperado, el Mesías. Ese estado de cosas, en el Antiguo Testamento, es equiparado con el momento de mayor esplendor vivido en la historia del pueblo de Israel: el Reinado de David (por lo que del Mesías se dice también que es el “Hijo de David” y “de la estirpe de David”. Pero mientras en el Antiguo Testamento, los esperados “Mesías” y “Reino de Dios” tienen connotaciones de índole político-militar (para acabar con las dominaciones extranjeras), el “Reinado de Dios” que – se confiesa en el Nuevo Testamento – llega y se cumple con Jesús consiste en la soberanía de Dios en el mundo en la medida en que los hombres y mujeres, en el reconocimiento de Dios como Padre, hacemos su voluntad: nos amamos los unos a los otros como hermanos.

El estado de cosas correspondiente al Reinado de Dios en el Nuevo Testamento ocurre cuando vivimos como Jesús mismo vivió y nos enseñó: como hijos de Dios y, en consecuencia, como hermanos todos los unos de los otros. Hoy Jesús nos dice que el hombre que logra hacer este reconocimiento y vivir esta vida (de hijo de Dios y hermano de todos) ha encontrado el gran tesoro de la vida, la perla de gran valor. Todo lo demás queda relativizado, subordinado. Lo demás son añadiduras…

Pero además, Jesús hoy nos enseña que viviendo este estilo de vida (hijo de Dios y hermano de todos) el hombre adquiere la sabiduría para discernir lo esencial y fundamental de lo accesorio, lo importante de lo accidental, lo que vale de veras de lo pasajero, lo que permanece de lo efímero, igual que el pescador separa los peces buenos de los malos o el que separa lo nuevo de lo antiguo.

Entonces: ¿Cuál es tu tesoro?, ¿Cuál tu perla de gran valor?. Porque, según el mismo Jesús de Nazaret: “Donde está tu tesoro allí está tu corazón”.

Fuente: Blog del Rev. Mizael Roa:

* * * * * * * * Prayer in a Time of Anxiety

May the Lord support us all the day long, Till the shades lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. St. John Henry Newman