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Parent Information Handbook


Moorland Public School 15 Church Street, Moorland T: 6556 5151 F: 6556 5063

E: [email protected]


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Moorland Public School Opportunities for All in a Safe and Caring Environment

15 Church St, Moorland

T: 65565151 F: 65565063

E: [email protected] Website:

Teaching Principal: Lyn Schneider (Relieving)

Teachers: Kerrie Williams

Lyn Schneider

Paul Jeffers

Administrative Manager: Monica Buttsworth

Administrative Officer: Narelle Kelly


School Learning Support

Officers: Kim McKinnon

Racheal Buttsworth

Kerri-Anne Beard

Computer Coordinator: Sue Odgers

School Cleaner: Kathy Wilson

General Assistant: Grahame Emerton

Hours: 9.00 ~ 11.00 Class (includes fruit break)

11.00 ~ 11.25 Recess/toilets/wash up

11.30 ~ 1.00 Class

1.00 ~ 1.10 Supervised lunch time (minimum)

1.10 ~ 1.45 Lunch play

1.45 ~ 2.55 Class (pack up bell 2.55)

3.00 Students line up under COLA

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Principal’s Message

Welcome to your local community school, Moorland Public School.

Our school provides excellent educational programs, has a dedicated staff, enthusiastic students

and a supportive, committed parent body.

At Moorland we place a strong emphasis on the importance of developing positive relationships

between our teachers, students and community members, which in turn, supports each child’s

development as a learner.

Our major focus is on Literacy and Numeracy programs that cater for students’ individual needs.

A solid grounding in Literacy and Numeracy is the basis for all future learning. We provide a

comprehensive curriculum as well as a range of additional activities which include a swimming

scheme, excursions and opportunities to participate in a variety of sporting activities.

We are a Positive Behavior for Learning School. Our school expectations are Pride, Respect,

Responsibility, Safety and Learning.

The academic, social, cultural, welfare and sporting programs provide all students with

opportunities to realise their full potential. We trust that you will work with us to ensure your

children achieve their best. Our mission is to “Provide opportunities for all in a safe and caring





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Contents Page Contents Page

About the School

In the Classroom

Welcome 2 Library 8

Staff 1 Scripture 10

Hours 1 Internet Usage 7

Arrival & Departure 5 Expensive Items 7

Newsletter 9

Curriculum 6

Enrolment 6 Student Uniform

Lunch 8 Uniforms 8

Playground Supervision 10 Spare Clothing 10

School Vacations 12 Art Shirt 5

School Development Days 10 Clothing Pool 8

School Pledge & National Anthem


Student Welfare & Discipline

General School Routines

School Counsellor 10 Attendance 5

Discipline 6 Homework 7

Student of the Week Awards 10 Excursions 6

Merit System 8 Bicycles/Road Safety 5

Student Meetings 10 Evacuation Procedures 6 Physical Education & Sport 9 Photographs 9

Health Smoking 11

Before School Screening 7 Sun Safe 11

Medication 8 Wet Weather 12

Sick Students & Accidents 7 Lost Property 8

Immunisation & Infectious


7 Money Collection within School 9

Parent & Community


Parent Involvement 9

P&C Association 9

Canteen 5

Fundraising 7

Assembly 5

Reporting to Parents 10

Conveyance Subsidy 6

Emergency Contact Details 6

Working Bees 12

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Arrival and Departure

Staff are on duty from 8.30 am, students should not arrive before this time as there is no one available

for supervision.

Children who are waiting for parents to pick them up are to remain at the school entrance until their

parent arrives and parks the car.

Parents are requested to take care when parking and driving away; if you stop to talk to other parents

please don’t let your children run around and place themselves in danger.

Parents are requested to collect their children and escort them across the road.

Parents are also requested to turn around at the end of Church Street. Please do not do a U turn in

front of the school.

Art Shirt

All children wear an Art Shirt during art lessons to protect their uniforms. T-shirts or dad’s old shirts

are excellent for this.


A whole school assembly is held once a term (date and time are advertised in the newsletter) in the

brick classrooms. Students present items and receive awards. Parents and carers are cordially invited

to come along and enjoy the assembly.


Children must attend school each day unless prevented by illness or a genuine family emergency.

Parents are asked to send a note explaining the absence e.g .sick, family commitments etc whenever a

child is absent from school. A supply of blank notes can be obtained from the office.

All children leaving school early will need to be “signed out” at the office. A parent or guardian must

sign out children. Children will not be permitted to leave the school grounds unless accompanied by an

adult. If children arrive at school late, parents are asked to please sign the late book in the office.

Bicycles/Road Safety

Children who ride bicycles to school should be aware that the school can accept no responsibility for

lost or damaged bikes. It is expected that all bikes, are walked through the school grounds and ridden

safely between home and school. As a safety precaution the wearing of helmets is compulsory.


In 2016 Ye ar s 5 -6 will go to camp at Nelson Bay with students from Upper

Lansdowne Public School. Overnight excursions are arranged for senior

students every 2 years.


The canteen is open on Monday and Friday for lunch orders and over the

counter sales. Parents/carers are rostered on a voluntary basis. A variety of

healthy, nutritious foods are available. Prices are kept as low as possible.

When ordering lunch or recess, please mark the bag clearly with your child’s

name, class, order and the amount of money enclosed. A canteen pricelist is

issued to the eldest child in each family at the start of each term; it is

attached to the newsletter.

Our school canteen cannot operate without parent/carer helpers. Please

contact the canteen or school office if you are available to assist.

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Conveyance Subsidy

Parents who drive more than 1.6km (one way) to bring their children to school are entitled to a subsidy

paid by the NSW Department of Transport. The subsidy is paid twice yearly into your nominated bank

account. Parents need to go online and register for Private Vehicle Conveyance (PVC). If parents do not

have access to a computer and/or internet they can obtain an application form from the office.


We have a comprehensive curriculum, which covers the six key Learning

Areas of:



Creative Arts

Health, Physical Education & Personal Development(PD/H/PE)

Human Society and its Environment (HSIE)

Science and Technology

For more information please contact the teachers.


The school has developed a positive, realistic and consistent approach to student behaviour. There is an

emphasis on co-operation and showing consideration for the rights of others. Students are expected to

behave in a responsible and respectful way towards each other and all adults at our school. All of our

rules support our school beliefs of Pride, Respect, Responsibility, Safety and Learning.

Emergency Contact Details

Please ensure you fill in the emergency contact details on the enrolment form. It is a condition of

enrolment that we have contact details for two alternative persons other than the parents in case of an

emergency. We also require the name of your child’s doctor; and an authorisation for medical or

surgical treatment should this become necessary. Please keep the school informed of any change of

address, telephone numbers etc.


Pupils may be enrolled at school from the beginning of the year provided they turn five (5) years of age

on or before the 31st of July in that year. However, we recommend that parents of children born in

May, June and July seriously consider postponing the enrolment of their child until the following year.

It is expected that if children do enroll at a young age they may need to spend an extra year in Year 1, 2

or 3 if it is considered appropriate to the physical, social and intellectual needs of the individual child.

Evacuation Procedures

The school has in place a set of procedures to handle any form of disaster e.g. fire, bomb threat.

Children practise the orderly evacuation of the school buildings and/or school grounds and movement to

the assembly area (located near the oval.)

Evacuation practices are conducted at least twice a year for the children and staff to familiarise

themselves with the procedures required.


Excursions are seen as a vital way of developing children’s experiences and understanding in all areas of

the curriculum. Parents pay for the cost of their child’s participation in excursions, however this is

often subsidised by the school in order to keep costs as low as possible. If excursion costs cause any

problems, you are invited to discuss this with the principal. Often we ask parents to assist with

transport to local venues, as the hire of a bus is very expensive for our small school.

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Expensive Items

In the best interest of all involved the school requests that children do not bring expensive items such

as cameras, mobile phones, computer games etc. to school. No responsibility can be taken for lost or

damaged items.


An integral part of parent participation is in the many fundraising activities organised by the Parents

and Citizens Association. Major activities include pie/lamington drives and Christmas raffles. The

funds raised contribute substantially to the educational programs provided for all the children.

Health – Before School Screening

Before School Screening is a free service provided by Community Health for children enrolling in

Kindergarten. Vision, hearing, speech and general development will be tested. Forms are available from

the school office, from your pre-school, or by contacting Community Health.

Health - Immunisation Certificate and Infectious Diseases

The Public Health Act (Amendment 1992) requires parents of children starting school in Kindergarten

classes to provide an Immunisation Certificate. Immunisation is not compulsory, and parents will always

have the right of choice. However, in the event of an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease, under

this Act, children not immunised will be required to remain at home for the duration of the outbreak.

Regulations require that children suffering from certain illnesses must stay away from school for

particular periods; details are available from the school office. In the event of your child contracting a

communicable disease please notify the school immediately.

Health – Sick Students and Accidents

If your child is sick in the morning please do not send them to school, as our resources do not cater for

extended periods of illness. The teacher will assess the condition of sick children who become ill at

school. If the child is sent to the sick bay appropriate action will then be taken by office staff, and if

necessary parents contacted to collect the student.

In the case of a serious accident every effort will be made to contact parents or the designated

emergency contact person. Please ensure that this contact phone number is current at all times.

Inability to contact parents may result in the school requesting the Ambulance Service to transport the

child to hospital. Our P & C Association pays the cost of Ambulance Service cover for the school.


Homework is sent home to families who request it at the beginning of each term. Even if homework is

incomplete please return it by the due date, any variations are mentioned in the newsletter.

Internet Usage

The Internet is an important resource in many teaching and learning

programs. Filters have been placed on the information coming from the

Worldwide Web to ensure the material accessed by students is suitable.

Students are responsible for demonstrating appropriate behaviour on school

computers just as they are in the classroom or playground. If children do not

use the internet in a responsible manner, their access to computers will be

limited or withdrawn.

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Inter School Sport – PSSA

Primary students participate in a variety of sporting activities. The Primary School Sports Association

organises Athletics, Cross Country, Swimming and other sporting events. There is a cost associated

with this. Currently $5/student/event.


For the safety and health of all students the school discourages the wearing of jewellery. These are our

guidelines: -

- Watches can be worn, but may be required to be removed for sport or some practical

activity classes.

- Only ear studs or sleeper earrings may be worn unless required to be removed or covered

during sport.

- Necklaces – if absolutely essential are to be worn inside clothing at all times, this limits

the chance of being hooked or caught on objects.

- Rings or bracelets are also discouraged for the same reason.


Every student visits the library at least once a week in class

groups. Parents should encourage their children to use this

facility fully. A library bag is required when borrowing to

protect the books. Care should be taken to keep books in a

safe place at home.

Lost Property

It is important that your child’s name is on ALL belongings

brought to school eg clothing, lunch boxes, and school bags.

If items are labelled they can quickly be returned to their

owner. If your child has lost an item please check the classroom and other possible places. Unmarked

items sometimes take days to surface and will eventually be stored as lost property (for one term only).

If items remain unclaimed they are distributed to charities or given to families.


Lunch is eaten in the lunch area (at the picnic tables) under the supervision of teachers from 1 pm to

approximately 1.10 pm. Due to possible allergies, children are not permitted to share food.

For younger children it is helpful to wrap the playtime snack separately to their main lunch.

Please have your child’s name written clearly on his/her lunch box. If drinks are sent they should be in

a well-sealed container. Glass bottles are not permitted.


No student may take medication without supervision. Please avoid, where possible sending short-term

medication (eg antibiotics) to school. If medication is required to be administered by office staff, signed

“Administering Prescribed Medication” forms must accompany the clearly labelled medication.

Parents of children who have long-term medication requirements should discuss their child’s needs with

the Principal and have the necessary abovementioned forms completed and signed.

Merit System

We encourage positive and cooperative behaviour at our school. Children are given “tokens” as a way of

recognising they are trying to do the right thing.

Tokens accumulate and children receive awards at school assemblies. When children have received a

Pride, Respect, Responsibility, Safety and be a Learner certificate, they are eligible for a star.

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Money Collection within the School

All money and permission notes should be returned to the school office in an envelope labelled with your

child’s name and details. Envelopes are available at the office if required.


A newsletter will be sent home with the eldest child of each family on Tuesdays. This provides

information on a whole range of items about the many facets of school life. It may be necessary to

check your child’s school bag regularly to ensure that newsletters are received and any required action

is taken. The newsletter can be emailed to you at home or work. Please email the school: moorland-

[email protected] with your email address.

Parents & Citizens Association

Moorland Public School P & C Association meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 1pm in the library

(unless otherwise advised in the newsletter). All parents and community members are most welcome to


Parent Involvement

Parent involvement is welcomed and encouraged at our school. This involvement can be on a formal basis

by joining one of the parent groups, or informally by assisting at the classroom level.

Assistance at the classroom level varies from teacher to teacher

but usually falls into the following categories: -

assisting with reading

typing stories on the computer

helping on excursions or special event days

assisting with swimming

covering and repairing books (library)

assisting with groups eg craft, sports, music


School photographs are taken during the year. Class and

individual shots are taken. There is also an opportunity for

children to have family photos at this time.

From time to time photos of students are published in school newsletters and other documents –

including the local newspapers. If you do not want your child’s name or photo published, please let us


Physical Education/Sport

In P.E lessons the children participate in Fundamental

Movement Skills, such as throwing and catching, activities in

the areas of dance, basic movement, athletics, ball handling

and minor games are part of the program. All students have

the opportunity to participate in an Intensive Swimming

Program. Fully qualified swimming instructors conduct the

lessons. Children must wear the appropriate clothing and

footwear as required for the skills being performed.

Sometimes during the year sports are offered such as hockey

which cost approximately $2 per week (usually for a 5 week


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Playground Supervision

Teachers are on duty at school from 8.30am; during morning recess; at lunchtime and after school until

3.15pm. This is to ensure the safety of our children and to supervise their play activities.

Parents are asked to ensure that children do not arrive at school too early as the playground is not

supervised until 8.30 a.m.

If you are running late in the afternoon please telephone the school if possible, as children worry if

someone is not there to pick them up.

Religious Instruction/Scripture

Religious Instruction teachers visit the school each Thursday for a 30 minute class. The program is

organised by the Salvation Army. Please advise the school if you do not wish your child to attend

scripture. Attendance is not compulsory.

Reporting to Parents

Reporting to parents takes place throughout the year. In Terms 2 and 4 it is in the form of a written

report, identifying each student’s achievements to date and directions for future growth.

Teachers are always available to discuss student’s progress. Parents are asked to make an appointment

if needed.

School Counsellor

A counsellor visits the school twice a term. Children who have problems at school or learning difficulties

will be referred by their class teacher to the Counsellor. Parental permission is always sought before

testing or assessment. Parents may request the services of a School Counsellor for their child by

contacting the Principal.

School Development Days

The Department of Education sets aside a number of days a year for teachers’ professional

development, curriculum planning and reporting to parents. Children do not attend school on these days

and parents are notified well in advance of such days. These days allow the teaching staff to review

policies and develop new directions and report these to you. They are usually held on the first day of

Term 1, 2 & 3 and the last 2 days of term 4.

Spare Clothing

We have a supply of spare clothing available for little accidents. If your child gets wet or muddy we can

usually provide adequate clothing to keep him/her warm and dry, however if your child requires a full

change of clothes and a total clean up, you will be contacted. (A piece of good advice for younger children

is to have a spare pair of underpants in their school bag).

Student Meetings

Students participate in regular class meetings and discuss

relevant school issues. Each week students have various

responsibilities such as recycling, garbage collection, tidying

library shelves and keeping the sports shed tidy.

Student of the Week/Awards

Each week at the Friday or Monday morning assembly, our

student of the week award is presented to a child in the school.

We also present merit awards which focus on a different skill

each week. These awards are presented to encourage students

to do their best.

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Sun safe

During playtime all children must wear broad brimmed hats (as listed on the school uniform list) at all

times outside - “NO HAT” - Play undercover; this applies to sport, recess, lunch and excursions.


Smoking is totally prohibited in all NSW Department of Education premises. Visitors to the school are

therefore required to refrain from smoking whilst in school buildings and on school grounds. There is

also a no-smoking zone at least 4 metres from the entrance of the school.


Moorland Public School has a compulsory school uniform which all children are required to wear daily.

If your child’s full uniform is unable to be worn on particular occasions, items of similar apparel should

be worn.


Summer Summer

Skirt/culottes (bottle green check) Shorts (grey)

Collared Shirt (lemon) Collared Shirt (lemon)

Socks (white) Socks (grey)

Shoes (black) Shoes (black)

Winter Winter

Trousers/Tights (bottle green) Trousers (grey)

Collared Shirt (lemon) Collared Shirt (lemon)

Jumper/Jacket (bottle green) Jumper/ Jacket (bottle green)

Sports Sports

Skirt/Skort/Shorts (bottle green) Shorts (bottle green)

Polo Shirt (gold) Polo Shirt (gold)

Socks (white) Socks (white)

Joggers (white) Joggers (white)

Lemon school shirts and bottle green slouch hats are available for purchase from the school office.

Uniform items are also available at many retail outlets.

There is a pool of second-hand clothing available from the Office at a nominal price (make a donation).

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Wet Weather

If it is raining at lunchtime or recess, children will remain or be brought indoors. Students play board

games, construct models or draw pictures on wet days.

Working Bees

From time to time our P & C Association organises working bees around our school. Your involvement is

always appreciated on these days. However, due to insurance issues children are not able to attend.

School Vacation- 2017

Autumn Monday, 10 April 2017 - Friday, 21 April 2017

Winter Monday, 3 July 2017 - Friday, 14 July 2017

Spring Monday, 25 September 2017 – Friday, 6 October 2017

Summer Wednesday, 20 December 2017 – Friday 26 January 2018

If you have any suggestions for information you would like included in the next booklet, please let us

know. Your opinions are appreciated.

Information correct as at August 2016

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School Pledge & National Anthem

Every Monday morning we recite our pledge and sing the National Anthem


This is our School, Moorland Public School

A place where we learn by respecting others

And taking responsibility for our actions. We are proud of our school and will continue to learn with our friends;

Knowing that our school is a great safe school


Australians all let us rejoice

For we are young and free

We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil,

Our home is girt by sea.

Our land abounds in nature’s gifts

Of beauty rich and rare.

In history’s page let every stage

Advance Australia Fair.

In joyful strains then let us sing

Advance Australia Fair

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross

We’ll toil with hearts and hands,

To make this Commonwealth of ours

Renowned of all the lands.

For those who come across the seas

We’ve boundless plains to share.

With courage let us all combine

To Advance Australia Fair.

In joyful strains then let us sing

Advance Australia Fair.