Download - Parallel Computers1 RISC and Parallel Computers Prof. Sin-Min Lee Department of Computer Science.


Parallel Computers 1

RISC and Parallel Computers

Prof. Sin-Min LeeDepartment of Computer


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The Basis for RISC Use of simple instructions One of their key realizations was that a

sequence of simple instructions produces the same results as a sequence of complex instructions, but can be implemented with a simpler (and faster) hardware design. Reduced Instruction Set Computers---RISC machines---were the result.

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Instruction Pipeline Similar to a manufacturing assembly

line1. Fetch an instruction2. Decode the instruction3. Execute the instruction4. Store results

Each stage processes simultaneously (after initial latency)

Execute one instruction per clock cycle

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Pipeline Stages Some processors use 3, 4, or 5 stages

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RISC characteristics Simple instruction set. In a RISC machine, the instruction

set contains simple, basic instructions, from which more complex instructions can be composed.

Same length instructions.

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RISC characteristics Each instruction is the same length, so

that it may be fetched in a single operation.

1 machine-cycle instructions. Most instructions complete in one

machine cycle, which allows the processor to handle several instructions at the same time. This pipelining is a key technique used to speed up RISC machines.

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Instructions Pipelines It is to prepare the next instruction

while the current instruction is still executing.

A Three states RISC pipelines is :1. Fetch instruction 2. Decode and select registers 3. Execute the instruction


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7

2 - i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6

3 - - i1 i2 i3 i4 i5

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RISC vs. CISC RISC have fewer and simpler instructions,

therefore, they are less complex and easier to design. Also, it allow higher clock speed than CISC. However, When we compiled high-level language. RISC CPU need more instructions than CISC CPU.

CISC are complex but it doesn’t necessarily increase the cost. CISC processors are backward compactable.

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Demand for Computational Speed

Continual demand for greater computational speed from a computer system than is currently possible

Areas requiring great computational speed include numerical modeling and simulation of scientific and engineering problems.

Computations must be completed within a “reasonable” time period.

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Grand Challenge ProblemsOne that cannot be solved in a reasonable amount of time with today’s computers. Obviously, an execution time of 10 years is always unreasonable.

Examples Modeling large DNA structures Global weather forecasting Modeling motion of astronomical bodies.

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Weather Forecasting Atmosphere modeled by dividing it

into 3-dimensional cells. Calculations of each cell repeated

many times to model passage of time.

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Global Weather Forecasting Example Suppose whole global atmosphere divided into cells of

size 1 mile 1 mile 1 mile to a height of 10 miles (10 cells high) - about 5 108 cells.

Suppose each calculation requires 200 floating point operations. In one time step, 1011 floating point operations necessary.

To forecast the weather over 7 days using 1-minute intervals, a computer operating at 1Gflops (109 floating point operations/s) takes 106 seconds or over 10 days.

To perform calculation in 5 minutes requires computer operating at 3.4 Tflops (3.4 1012 floating point operations/sec).

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Modeling Motion of Astronomical Bodies Each body attracted to each other body by

gravitational forces. Movement of each body predicted by calculating total force on each body.

With N bodies, N - 1 forces to calculate for

each body, or approx. N2 calculations. (N log2 N for an efficient approx. algorithm.)

After determining new positions of bodies, calculations repeated.

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A galaxy might have, say, 1011 stars.

Even if each calculation done in 1 ms (extremely optimistic figure), it takes 109 years for one iteration using N2 algorithm and almost a year for one iteration using an efficient N log2 N approximate algorithm.

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Astrophysical N-body simulation by Scott Linssen (undergraduate UNC-Charlotte student).

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Parallel Computing Using more than one computer, or a computer with

more than one processor, to solve a problem.

Motives Usually faster computation - very simple idea - that

n computers operating simultaneously can achieve the result n times faster - it will not be n times faster for various reasons.

Other motives include: fault tolerance, larger amount of memory available, ...

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Background Parallel computers - computers

with more than one processor - and their programming - parallel programming - has been around

for more than 40 years.

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Gill writes in 1958:

“... There is therefore nothing new in the idea of parallel programming, but its application to computers. The author cannot believe that there will be any insuperable difficulty in extending it to computers. It is not to be expected that the necessary programming techniques will be worked out overnight. Much experimenting remains to be done. After all, the techniques that are commonly used in programming today were only won at the cost of considerable toil several years ago. In fact the advent of parallel programming may do something to revive the pioneering spirit in programming which seems at the present to be degenerating into a rather dull and routine occupation ...”

Gill, S. (1958), “Parallel Programming,” The Computer Journal, vol. 1, April, pp. 2-10.

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Trends Moore’s Law: Number of

transistors per square inch in an integrated circuit doubles every 18 months

Every decade – computer performance increases 2 order of magnitude

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Goal of Parallel Computing Solve bigger problems faster Often bigger is more important

than faster P-fold speedups not as important!

Challenge of Parallel Computing

Coordinate, control, and monitor the computation

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Speedup Factor

where ts is execution time on a single processor and tp is execution time on a multiprocessor.

S(p) gives increase in speed by using multiprocessor.

Use best sequential algorithm with single processor system. Underlying algorithm for parallel implementation might be (and is usually) different.

S(p) = Execution time using one processor (best sequential algorithm)Execution time using a multiprocessor with p processors



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Speedup factor can also be cast in terms of computational steps:

Can also extend time complexity to parallel computations.

S(p) = Number of computational steps using one processor

Number of parallel computational steps with p processors

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Maximum SpeedupMaximum speedup is usually p with p processors (linear speedup).

Possible to get superlinear speedup (greater than p) but usually a specific reason such as:

Extra memory in multiprocessor system Nondeterministic algorithm

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Maximum Speedup Amdahl’s law

Serial section Parallelizable sections

(a) One processor

(b) Multipleprocessors

fts (1 - f)ts


(1 - f)ts/ptp

p processors

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P PP P P PMicrokernelMicrokernel

Multi-Processor Computing System

Threads InterfaceThreads Interface


Operating System

ProcessProcessor ThreadPP


Computing Elements

Programming paradigms

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Architectures System

Software/Compiler Applications P.S.Es Architectures System

Software Applications P.S.Es



1940 50 60 70 80 90 2000 2030

Two Eras of Computing

Commercialization R & D Commodity

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History of Parallel Processing PP can be traced to a tablet

dated around 100 BC. Tablet has 3 calculating

positions. Infer that multiple positions:

Reliability/ Speed

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Why Parallel Processing?

Computation requirements are ever increasing -- visualization, distributed databases, simulations, scientific prediction (earthquake), etc.

Sequential architectures reaching physical limitation (speed of light, thermodynamics)

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No. of Processors



1 2 . . . .

Computational Power Improvement



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The Tech. of PP is mature and can be exploited commercially; significant R & D work on development of tools & environment.

Significant development in Networking technology is paving a way for heterogeneous computing.

Why Parallel Processing?

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Hardware improvements like Pipelining, Superscalar, etc., are non-scalable and requires sophisticated Compiler Technology.

Vector Processing works well for certain kind of problems.

Why Parallel Processing?

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Parallel Program has & needs ...

Multiple “processes” active

simultaneously solving a given

problem, general multiple processors.

Communication and synchronization

of its processes (forms the core of

parallel programming efforts).

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Parallelism in Uniprocessor Systems

• A computer achieves parallelism when it performs two or more unrelated tasks simultaneously

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Uniprocessor Systems

Uniprocessor system may incorporate parallelism using:

an instruction pipeline a fixed or reconfigurable arithmetic

pipeline I/O processors vector arithmetic units multiport memory

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Uniprocessor Systems

Instruction pipeline:

By overlapping the fetching, decoding, and execution of instructions

Allows the CPU to execute one instruction per clock cycle

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Uniprocessor SystemsReconfigurable Arithmetic Pipeline: Better suited for general purpose computing Each stage has a multiplexer at its input The control unit of the CPU sets the selected data to

configure the pipeline Problem: Although arithmetic pipelines can perform many

iterations of the same operation in parallel, they cannot perform different operations simultaneously.

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Uniprocessor Systems

Vectored Arithmetic Unit:

Provides a solution to the reconfigurable arithmetic pipeline problem

Purpose: to perform different arithmetic operations in parallel

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Uniprocessor SystemsVectored Arithmetic Unit (cont.): Contains multiple functional

units- Some performs addition, subtraction, etc.

Input and output switches are needed to route the proper data to their properdestinations- Switches are set by the control unit

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Uniprocessor SystemsVectored Arithmetic Unit (cont.):

How do we get all that data to the vector arithmetic unit?

By transferring several data values simultaneously using:- Multiple buses- Very wide data buses

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Uniprocessor Systems

Improve performance:

Allowing multiple, simultaneous memory access

- requires multiple address, data, and control buses

(one set for each simultaneous memory access)- The memory chip has to be able to handle multiple transfers simultaneously

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Uniprocessor Systems

Multiport Memory:

Has two sets of address, data, and control pins to allow simultaneous data transfers to occur

CPU and DMA controller can transfer data concurrently

A system with more than one CPU could handle simultaneous requests from two different processors

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Uniprocessor Systems

Multiport Memory (cont.):CanCan- Multiport memory can handle two requests to read Multiport memory can handle two requests to read data from the same location at the same timedata from the same location at the same time

CannotCannot- Process two simultaneous requests to write data to Process two simultaneous requests to write data to the same memory locationthe same memory location

- Requests to read from and write to the same - Requests to read from and write to the same memory location simultaneouslymemory location simultaneously

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I/O PortDeviceDevice







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Multiprocessors Systems designed to have 2 to 8 CPUs The CPUs all share the other parts of the

computer Memory Disk System Bus etc

CPUs communicate via Memory and the System Bus

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MultiProcessors Each CPU shares memory, disks,

etc Cheaper than clusters Not as good performance as clusters

Often used for Small Servers High-end Workstations

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MultiProcessors OS automatically shares work

among available CPUs On a workstation…

One CPU can be running an engineering design program

Another CPU can be doing complex graphics formatting

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Applications of Parallel Computers Traditionally: government labs,

numerically intensive applications Research Institutions Recent Growth in Industrial

Applications 236 of the top 500 Financial analysis, drug design and

analysis, oil exploration, aerospace and automotive

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Multiprocessor SystemsFlynn’s Classification

Single instruction multiple data (SIMD):










• Executes a single instruction on multiple data values Executes a single instruction on multiple data values simultaneously using many processorssimultaneously using many processors• Since only one instruction is processed at any given time, it Since only one instruction is processed at any given time, it is not necessary for each processor to fetch and decode the is not necessary for each processor to fetch and decode the instructioninstruction• This task is handled by a single control unit that sends the This task is handled by a single control unit that sends the control signals to each processor.control signals to each processor.• Example: Array processorExample: Array processor

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Why Multiprocessors?1. Microprocessors as the fastest CPUs

• Collecting several much easier than redesigning 1

2. Complexity of current microprocessors• Do we have enough ideas to sustain

1.5X/yr?• Can we deliver such complexity on

schedule?3. Slow (but steady) improvement in parallel

software (scientific apps, databases, OS)4. Emergence of embedded and server markets driving

microprocessors in addition to desktops• Embedded functional parallelism,

producer/consumer model• Server figure of merit is tasks per hour vs. latency

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Parallel Processing Intro Long term goal of the field: scale number processors to size of

budget, desired performance Machines today: Sun Enterprise 10000 (8/00)

64 400 MHz UltraSPARC® II CPUs,64 GB SDRAM memory, 868 18GB disk,tape

$4,720,800 total 64 CPUs 15%,64 GB DRAM 11%, disks 55%, cabinet 16%

($10,800 per processor or ~0.2% per processor) Minimal E10K - 1 CPU, 1 GB DRAM, 0 disks, tape ~$286,700 $10,800 (4%) per CPU, plus $39,600 board/4 CPUs (~8%/CPU)

Machines today: Dell Workstation 220 (2/01) 866 MHz Intel Pentium® III (in Minitower) 0.125 GB RDRAM memory, 1 10GB disk, 12X CD, 17” monitor,

nVIDIA GeForce 2 GTS,32MB DDR Graphics card, 1yr service $1,600; for extra processor, add $350 (~20%)

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Major MIMD Styles

1. Centralized shared memory ("Uniform Memory Access" time or "Shared Memory Processor")

2. Decentralized memory (memory module with CPU) • get more memory bandwidth, lower

memory latency• Drawback: Longer communication latency• Drawback: Software model more complex

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Organization of Multiprocessor Systems

Three different ways to organize/classify systems:

• Flynn’s Classification

• System Topologies

• MIMD System Architectures

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Multiprocessor SystemsFlynn’s Classification

Flynn’s Classification: Based on the flow of instructions and data


A computer is classified by:- whether it processes a single instruction at a time or multiple instructions simultaneously- whether it operates on one more multiple data sets

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Multiprocessor SystemsFlynn’s Classification

Four Categories of Flynn’s Classification:

SISD Single instruction single data SIMD Single instruction multiple data MISD Multiple instruction single data ** MIMD Multiple instruction multiple data

** The MISD classification is not practical to implement.In fact, no significant MISD computers have ever been build.It is included only for completeness.

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Multiprocessor SystemsFlynn’s Classification

Single instruction single data (SISD):

Consists of a single CPU executing individual instructions on individual data values

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Multiprocessor SystemsFlynn’s Classification

Multiple instruction Multiple data (MIMD):

Executes different instructions simultaneously Each processor must include its own control unit The processors can be assigned to parts of the

same task or to completely separate tasks Example: Multiprocessors, multicomputers

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Popular Flynn Categories SISD (Single Instruction Single Data)

Uniprocessors MISD (Multiple Instruction Single Data)

???; multiple processors on a single data stream SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data)

Examples: Illiac-IV, CM-2 Simple programming model Low overhead Flexibility All custom integrated circuits

(Phrase reused by Intel marketing for media instructions ~ vector)

MIMD (Multiple Instruction Multiple Data) Examples: Sun Enterprise 5000, Cray T3D, SGI

Origin Flexible Use off-the-shelf micros

MIMD current winner: Concentrate on major design emphasis <= 128 processor MIMD machines

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Multiprocessor SystemsSystem Topologies: The topology of a multiprocessor system refers to the pattern of

connections between its processors Quantified by standard metrics:

Diameter The maximum distance between two processors in the computer system

Bandwidth The capacity of a communications link multiplied by the number of such links in the system (best case)

Bisectional Bandwidth The total bandwidth of the links connecting the two halves of

the processor split so that the number of links between the two halves is minimized (worst case)

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Multiprocessor SystemsSystem Topologies

Six Categories of System Topologies:

• Shared bus

• Ring

• Tree

• Mesh

• Hypercube

• Completely Connected

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Multiprocessor SystemsSystem Topologies

Shared bus: The simplest topology Processors communicate

with each other exclusively via this bus

Can handle only one data transmission at a time

Can be easily expanded by connecting additional processors to the shared bus, along with the necessary bus arbitration circuitry

Shared Bus








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Multiprocessor SystemsSystem Topologies

Ring: Uses direct dedicated

connections between processors

Allows all communication links to be active simultaneously

A piece of data may have to travel through several processors to reach its final destination

All processors must have two communication links





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Multiprocessor SystemsSystem Topologies

Tree topology: Uses direct

connections between processors

Each processor has three connections

Its primary advantage is its relatively low diameter

Example: DADO Computer




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Multiprocessor SystemsSystem Topologies

Mesh topology: Every processor

connects to the processors above, below, left, and right

Left to right and top to bottom wraparound connections may or may not be present




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Multiprocessor SystemsSystem Topologies


Multidimensional mesh

Has n processors, each with log n connections

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Multiprocessor SystemsSystem Topologies

Completely Connected:

• Every processor has n-1 connections, one to each of the other processors• The complexity of the processors increases as the system grows• Offers maximum communication capabilities

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Architecture Details Computers MPPs

P MWorld’s simplest computer (processor/memory)

P MC DStandard computer (add cache,disk)


P MC DNetwork

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A Supercomputer at $5.2 million

Virginia Tech 1,100 node Macs.

G5 supercomputer

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The Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University has built a supercomputer comprised of a cluster of 1,100 dual-processor Macintosh G5 computers. Based on preliminary benchmarks, Big Mac is capable of 8.1 teraflops per second. The Mac supercomputer still is being fine tuned, and the full extent of its computing power will not be known until November. But the 8.1 teraflops figure would make the Big Mac the world's fourth fastest supercomputer

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Big Mac's cost relative to similar machines is as noteworthy as its performance. The Apple supercomputer was constructed for just over US$5 million, and the cluster was assembled in about four weeks.

In contrast, the world's leading supercomputers cost well over $100 million to build and require several years to construct. The Earth Simulator, which clocked in at 38.5 teraflops in 2002, reportedly cost up to $250 million.

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Srinidhi Varadarajan, Ph.D.Dr. Srinidhi Varadarajan is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. He was honored with the NSF Career Award in 2002 for "Weaving a Code Tapestry: A Compiler Directed Framework for Scalable Network Emulation." He has focused his research on building a distributed network emulation system that can scale to emulate hundreds of thousands of virtual nodes.

October 28 2003Time: 7:30pm - 9:00pmLocation: Santa Clara Ballroom

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Parallel Computers Two common types

Cluster Multi-Processor

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Cluster Computers

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Clusters on the Rise

Using clusters of small machines to build a supercomputer is not a new concept.

Another of the world's top machines, housed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, was constructed from 2,304 Xeon processors. The machine was build by Utah-based Linux Networx.

Clustering technology has meant that traditional big-iron leaders like Cray (Nasdaq: CRAY) and IBM have new competition from makers of smaller machines. Dell (Nasdaq: DELL) , among other companies, has sold high-powered computing clusters to research institutions.

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Cluster Computers Each computer in a cluster is a

complete computer by itself CPU Memory Disk etc

Computers communicate with each other via some interconnection bus

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Cluster Computers Typically used where one

computer does not have enough capacity to do the expected work Large Servers

Cheaper than building one GIANT computer

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Although not new, supercomputing clustering technology still is impressive. It works by farming out chunks of data to individual machines, adding that clustering works better for some types of computing problems than others.

For example, a cluster would not be ideal to compete against IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer in a chess match; in this case, all the data must be available to one processor at the same moment -- the machine operates much in the same way as the human brain handles tasks.

However, a cluster would be ideal for the processing of seismic data for oil exploration, because that computing job can be divided into many smaller tasks.

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Cluster Computers Need to break up work among the

computers in the cluster Example: Search

Engine 6 computers running SQL Server

Each has a copy of the MS Knowledge Base Search requests come to one computer

Sends request to one of the 6 Attempts to keep all 6 busy

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The Virginia Tech Mac supercomputer should be fully functional and in use by January 2004. It will be used for research into nanoscale electronics, quantum chemistry, computational chemistry, aerodynamics, molecular statics, computational acoustics and the molecular modeling of proteins.