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Page 1: Paper - (Suhayl 02) a Universal Plate for Timekeeping by the Stars by Habash Al-Hasib Text - Francois Charette - 2001

A Universal Plate for Timekeeping by the Stars by Habash al-Hiisib: Text, Translation

• • and Preliminary Commentary

~ran~ois Charette and Petra G. Schmidl

I Introduction

Most publications of texts by historians of ancient and medieval exact sci­encedemand (1) a mastery of the primary sources coupled with (2) an ability to provide a technical interpretation within (3) an acceptable historical per­spective. The authors of the present paper, while hoping to have satisfied the first and third cri leria, have to admit their present inability to fu lfil the second one adequately. In this paper we present an Arabic treaLise on the construction of a 'universal plate' for timekeeping by the stars. No such instrument is known from Islamic or European sources. I

'Universal plates' in Islamic sources usually correspond 10 one of the following three devices: (I) the 'plate of horizons' (ul ·~aF!/O al·lifoqiyyu) or its geoerolizalioll by Ibn Bii~, (2) the universal stereogrophic projection on the front of the plates known as the shakkiiziyya and the zarqol/jyya or on the mater of the universal Dstrolabe, and (3) the orthogonal projection on the back of thc zarqiilliy)'tI. In a paper by Prof. Paul Kunitzsch (1994, p. 85), there is a rcference to a treatise in a manuscript in the collection of Khan Malik Sasani in Ir.m, entitled Kiliib Ii 'Ama/lmlsalla!1 yaqilmlllllaqiima al·(Js.lurliib [fi] jam/' al.<urUt) wa·l·buh/On (,Book on the construction of a planisphere which takes the place of the astrolabe Jinl all latitudes and places'). It would be very interesting to know which kind of instrument this refers to. but unfonunately the manuscript is not accessible to us.

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The treatise is anonymous but we can attribute it with confidence to the renowned ninth-century Abbasid astronomer I:Iabash a1~1:Iasib. This instru· ment of his is a computing device of great ingenuity. Although our under· standing of se~ral details of its construction is not satisfactory, the text and the accompanying illustrations give us a more or less limpid picture of its morphology. Unfortunately, not a single word of the text is devoted to its use, and we have not yet been able stretch our imaginations far enough to 'crack' thi s problem. We therefore submit J:labash's text to colleagues in the hope that some of them might help us to see more light about how this ninth-century scientist might have conceived the practical operation of his invention.

The unique copy of the text which is the object of the present study is found in an important manuscript in Oxford (Bodleian Marsh 663) con~ taining an impressive collection of scientific texts, most of them from the early period of Islamic science, which was copied between Rajab 639 H and Mu~arram 640 H by IbrahIm b. 'Abd al~'AzIz b. 'Abd AlHih al- 'Uman.2

A second manuscript in London (British Library Or. 426 = Add. 7473, dated 639 H) originally formed together with the Oxford manuscript a sin­gle book. which was later split in two halves.3 Yet a third manuscript in the SUleymaniye Library in Istanbul (Yeni Cami 784). containing (I) the Pen­tateuch of Dorotheos, (2) the Zij of J.:Iabash al-I:HiSib,4 (3) ai-Zij ai-Jami' of



On this manuscript see the lacunary description by Uri ( t787). sub no. CMXLI. Studies based on various parts of this collection include: Rosenthal (1950). Rosenthal ( 1949). Pingree (1968). p. 63, Kennedy (1968). Kennedy (1990) and Burnett & Yamamoto & Yano ( 1997). Both authors of the prescnt paper could examine this manuscript at the Bodleian Library in July 1997. We are grateful to Dr. Colin Wakefield for his generously giving us access to il and providing photographs of the section dealing with I:fabash's instrument.

On the contents see CCMO. !mb no. 426. Taken together the Oxford and London manuscripts encompass 379 folios. but the original foliation in Coptic numerals shows us that the original majma'a was an impressive book of at least 516 folios1 The first author of this paper has prepared a description of the two manuscriptS for fUlure publication.

On this work see Debamot (1987).


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1:Jabash's Ulli~ersa/ Plate 109

Kushyar b. Labban, as well as (4) Kushyar's treatise on the astrolabe, reveals the same characteristic handwriting and paleographical peculiarities as the two above-mentioned manuscripts and was clearly also copied by Ibrahim al-'Umari:'i

On p. 205 of the Oxford manuscript an anonymous and untitled treatise begins with the words "if we want (0 construct the plate, we make the univer­sal plate ... ". Since a few folios of the codex have been bound in disorder, the text beginning on pp. 205-206 actually continues on pp. 239-247. In the upper margin of p. 205 a later reader has given this treatise a short title: jf al-~'afi{Ja al-jiimi'a ('on the universal plate'). In the last sentence of the text on p. 247, however, what was presumably the original ti tle of the treatise is mentioned more pre~isely as fi 'amal al-faftfw al-jam j'a ('on the construc­tion of the uni versal plate'). The possible sign ificance of this treatise was already recognized by Fuat Sezgin in Ihe sixth volume of his CesclJic/Jle des

arabischen Schrijtlllms.6 Some three decades earlier, Franz Rosenthal had already tentatively attempted to identify this treati se with al-Kindi's R. ft ai- 'Amal bi-l-iila al-musammii al-jiimi'a ('Treatise on the Use of the Instru­menl Called the Universal One,).7 This supposition has been repeated with caution by Charles Burnett, Keiji Yamamoto and Michio Yano in a recent paper.8

A preliminary investigation of this work was conducted by us in the Spring of 1997 as part of a seminar on Arabic scientific texts given by Prof. David King at Frankfurt University.9 It was soon realized that J:labash al-






This confinns the dating of this manuscript by Krause (1938) and Sczgin (1978) to the thirteenth eentury.

Sezgin (1978). p. 28 1 under the heading 'Ein Anonymus': "Die Hisa/(I ( ... 1. tiber das PlanispMrium {sic]. steht auf einem hohen Niveau astronomischer Mathematik."

Rosenthal (1949), p. 150; a treatise with this title is attributed to al-Kindi by Ibn Abi U~aybi 'a. If the 'philosopher of the Arabs' was indeed the author of a work wi th this title, then it would concern the use of some universal instrument (not necessarily a 'plate'). Hence it cannot be identical with the text extant in manustnpt Marsh 663.

Bunletl , Yamamoto & Yano (1997), pp. 6 1-62, esp. n. 12.

The treatise had also been studied by King and Dorothea Girke seven or eight years

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l:Ias ib was a serious cand idate for author. The fi rst reason for our suspicion was mainly the part icu lar value of the latitude given in one of the worked examples, as well as the star coordinates given in the tables. We shall now discuss these points furt her and present more evidence fo r our altribution.

1. / The attributiolJ 10 f:/abash

T here are four decisive arguments in support of our attribution:

" "

I. The latitude 34° (intended fo r SamalTa, the Abbasid capital from 22 1/836 unti l 279/892) is used in a worked example (p. 240 o f the manuscript; see ou r edition below): the use of this latitude is peculiar 10 many o f l;Iabash's wri tings. In his Zfj all of hi s worked examples as well as the star table mention the name of, or employ the latitude of Samarra,lO and li kewise in his treatise on the melon astrolabe. 1 f

David King has recently argued that the treatise on su nd ials attributed to al-Khwarizmi might actually be by J:labash, firstly because in Ibn al-Nadim 's bi bliography such works are indeed associated to the for­mer and not to the laller, and secondly because "the most elaborate tables in the sel are for lati tude 34°". 12 Il is not known whether al­Khwarizmi was ever associated with the Abbasid court at Samarra, although it is true that we know very li ttle about his life.13 The only

before us. In 1991. however. we began from scralch.

Sec Dcoomot (1987).

Kennedy, Kuni tzsch & Lorch (1999). 1\110 olher works by I~abash have been published, one deating with the use of the spherical astrolabe (see Kunitzseh and Lorch (1985», and anothcr one entitled On Ih~ Sizes ond Di.slonc~s, which in fact discusses various tOP­ics relating to the achievements of the group of scientists who worked for al-Ma'mun; it was probably written in Baghdad shortly after Ihe caliph's death - see Langermann ( 1985) and King (2000). Rida A,K, Irani's M,A. thesis entit led " The Jodwo/ ol-towqrm of l;Iabash al- l;I isib". (American University of Beirut, 1956) has unfonunately never been published.

King ( 1999), p. 350.

But the same remark also applies to l;Iabash!

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" "


/:fa!JtJSh's Universal Plale I I I

astronomers apart from I:Jabash who can be securely associated with Samarra were in fact the Banti Musa and al-Mahani l4 We do not know to what extent they might have collaborated with him, but it appears that f:labash adopted several parameters based on thei r re­spective observations, IS

2. The star table encountered in the work under discussion was directly ·taken from f:l abash's version of the Mllmta!lQn star table in his ZJj; 16

furthermore some star coordinates not found in the latter source are confinned in J:labas'h's treatise on the melon astrolabe. J7

3. In a worked example, values are given fo r the Sines of 34° and 56° , and these again cOITespond exactly with the respective entries of J:labash's Sine table,ls

See Saylh (1960), pp. 92- 94. al-BIn}nT and Ibn Yunus report several observations made by the Banu Musil in Samarra. It is curious that l:Iabash's association with this city is never menlioned in Ihe siandard biographical articles. such as Hartner ( [97 1) and Tekeli (1972), or even in SaYIII 's essay on Islamic observatories cited above. T he first menlion is in ract in Debamot (1987),

In his Qanun. al-BiriinT states that in general, I:{abash's paramelers derive rrom the observations of the Banu Musa (Debarnol (1987), p. 43). At one place in his Zij, f:Jabash gives an example for latitude 34; 12° (instead of the rounded value 34° which he usually employs). 34; 12° is precisely the latitude of Samarra which is recorded by al-Biriini in his Qiiniin (Kennedy & Kennedy, 1987) and also in his Ta!ldia (al-Biriini, pp. 85, 212-2 13). al-Biriini does not ascribe the delermination of this value to anybody in particular, but says thaI it was due 10 "olher observations [Ihan those of Ihe Banu Musa he quoted]" (p. 85), and also that it was accepted by Ihe majority (p. 213). In fact, we learn from Ibn Yunus (MS Leiden Or. 143 [= 1057]. p. 223) that it was al-MahanT who found il on Ihe basis of obscrvations conducted in Samarra in 243 H (= 857 A.D.). This measurement is remarkable since it is only one minute different than the modem value for Samarra (34" 13') given in Kennedy & Kenne!ly (1987).

See note 11 3 on p. 139 for reference to the sources.

E.g, the declination of Jam al-samalca (see Table 3, note I, on p. 143) and the mediation and declination of suhayl (see Table 4. note C, on p. 144 and note m 10 the table on p. 146).

Seen. 119 0np. 150.

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" 20


4. Two different values of the obliquity can be detected in this work, namely 23;35° and 23;33°. The fonner parameter underlies a list of right ascensions given in the text (see p. 151 below) and the latter is explicitly visible on the declination scale featured in Figure 6 (anal­ysed on p. 154). It is well known that J:labash used the value 23;35 in his Zijl9 and in the treatise on the melon astrolabe.20 In the first ver­sion of his Jadwa/ al-taqwfm, however, J:labash had rather e mployed 23;33° ,21 The parallel use by l:Iabash of these two different values of the obliqu ity is confi med by Ibn Yiinus.22

S. Fi nally, the style and technical terminology of the treatise on the uni­versal plate are very close to those encountered in the trealise on the melon astrolabe. Four examples might suffice to illustrate this claim:

(a) On some geometrical diagrams, numbers in abjad notation are used as 'diagram letters' designating specific points of a numer­ical scale associated with those numbers. For example a point associated with a longitude of 12 degrees measured from point A

will be denoted A- 12 ( ......... I). Com pare Secti on [5] of the present treatise with f. 1 47r:8~24 of l:Iabash's treatise on the melon as­trolabe (Kennedy, Kunitzsch & Lorch. pp. 64-67). Incidentally, the respective sections of both works tum out to be very simi lar; see further our commentary on Section [7]. This method of let­tering is a unique and extremely interesti ng example of a fully neglected aspect of Islamic scientific practice, namely the tech­niques employed to convey non· verbal infonnation by means

Oebamol (1987), p. 47.

Kennedy, Kunitl.SCh & Lorch (1999), pp. 97. 102.

Debamol (1987). pp. 48, 62. This value is repor1ed to have been determined in 213 H by YaJ:1yi b. Abi Man~Qr, see al·Biliini, pp. 89-91.

MS Leiden Or. 143. p. 223.


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~-fablUh'j Universal Plait 11 3

of diagrams, graphs, tab les, etc.2J The procedure of combining letters and numerals for marking e lements of a mathematical d i­agram is apparently fi rst attested in Europe in some works by Leibni z.24

(b) The peculiar use, in both treatises, of the word majrii (instead of J/1adiir) in the expression maylmajrii al-k,awiikib 'all mu'addil

al-l1alll7.r, to designate the dec lination of fi xed stars. Compare Sections (2) and [3} and Table 3 of our edition with f. 14 1 r:7- 8 and Tab le ~ of the trealise on the melon astrolabe (pp. 18 and 88 of the edition, respectively).

(c) The ex pression ka-hay'at ... (' in the fonn of, such as [some geometrical element],) in reference to a geometrical diagram. Compare the first sentence of our edition with the treatise on the melon astrolabe (f. 14 1 r: 8, p. 18 of the edition).

(d) The common structure of Sections [2} and [3} of our treatise and of the various problems presented in the first half of the treatise on the melon astrolabe. which consists of fi rs t present­ing a graphical solution to a given problem, then its equivalent trigonometric fonnula and fi nally a worked example.

More details concerning the points evoked in items 2 and 3 wi ll be given in our com mentary. Another argument in favou r of J:labash is the fact that three short sections extracted from his Zij - and explici lly attributed to him - do appear in the Oxford manuscri pt:


I. Min Zij f:labash Ii ma'rifat masTr ai-shams wa-I-qarirar al-mu~aMIQ!t (pp. 55- 56): identical with the section of l:labash's ZIj in MS Istanbul Yeni Cami 784/2, f. 15 1 v: 11-22.

2. Ma'rifat bu'd ai-shams min markaz ai-art! li- f:labash (p. 56): corre­sponds to MS Istanbul, ff. 151v:2:1-152r:5.

On the lettering of d iagrams in Greek mathematics see the fascinating study by Reviel Nelz (1999). pp. 12-67.

Sec Cajon (1928--29). I, p. 421.

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11 4 F. Ch<lrettc & P. SchmidJ

3. Bab F mo'rifat bu'd al-qamar min [markaz al-ar~ 1i-ljabashJ25

(p. 57): corresponds to MS Istanbul f. 152r:6_ 15.26

4. Finally, the table on pp. 55- 56 corresponds to thal in MS Istanbul, f. 153r.27

1.2 General preseutatioll of the treatise

The text we now publish belongs to the laler period of J:labash's presum­ably long career, and it was possibly during an interval of about a decade before or after it that he composed his trealise on the melon astrolabe, wi th which it shares several clements of form and contents. It is indeed fortunate that th is very interesting work by f:labash has been the object of a recent publication by three of the foremost specialists in the history of Islamic as­lronomy.28 In a recent publication, David King has made the interesting observation that l:Iabash's universal plate for timekeeping by the stars might be the 'sister-instrument' of the medieval European naviclIla de Velletiis, a universal instrument for determining the time from the altitude of the sun, thereby fonnu lating the conjecture that l:Iabash might also have been the inventor of the latter (not necessarily in the form of a ship).29 Whereas it is not ou r intention to deny the possibility of an Islamic predecessor of the European navicllla, nor to deny l:Iabash's ability to invent an ingen ious in-

25 The upper-left comer of this page is damaged in the manuscript so that the end of the first few lines are illegible.



Items 1-3 have been translated and analysed in ai-Saleh (1970).

For a description of those four items see Debarnot ( 1987). p. 49, under Vc-Vd, Ve. vr and Table 29, respectively.

Kennedy, Kunitzsch & Lorch (1999).

King ( 1999), pp. 351- 358. esp. the conclusion on p. 354: ''The tentative connection of the idea behind the universal hour-dial on the navicula with J:labash is suggested by the fact thai il was he who designed a device JOT limekeeping by Ihe SlaTS which is also highly ingenious" [emphasis in the originalJ.

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UalH/,vh's U"iversal Plait! 115

strument of this kind, we cannot at present confi nn King's hypothesis.:\O LeI us hope that further research will shed more light on thi s issue. We now turn to 1:labash's own description of a vel)' interesting device.

2 Text

Source: MS Oxford. Bod leian Marsh 663, pp. 205-206 and 239-247.

EdilOrial remarks: Words between acute brackets arc our restorations to the

lext. Lacunae arc rendered as < ... > . All hamws have been s ilently restored,

so thaI o)b would be written o..tb in the manuscript, and _)": would be written as

j.r:- ,etc. Because we are dealing with a unique copy, we have Ihoughtappropriate

to reproduce vowel ing and nunalion (tamvfn) as they appear in the manuscript. but

we have also indicated vowels whenever it faci litates the understanding of the text ,

especially with verbal forms. The copy ist's usage of shadda s is rare but curious,31

so our shaddas do not reflect those in the manuscript. We a lso represent the punc­

tuation sign used by the copy ist - a small circle open at the lOp, wilh a dot in the

middle. s imilar to the letter.,) - in this edition by the symbol O.



II should be noted. however, that at least three sets of trigonometric markings are fea­tured on the universal instrument described in this paper as well· as on the rravicu/a: (I) the latitude scale along the upper half of the ver1ical diameter, which in both cases corresponds to the tangent of the latitude, (2) the lateral declination scale, and (3) the sine markings in the lower half (see fUr1her Section 5.2 below). It is also true that both instruments arc clearly intended to solve similar problems of spherical astronomy; the navicula, however. strictly serves for finding the time from Ihe solar alti tude in a me­chanical way, whereas the universal plate seems to be a much more versatile device, whose operation requires that the user be fully in control of his subject.

For example, we encounter in the basmaln ./)1 and in the first line .,;".ul! But in the first case the shadda might be intended foc the preceding letter.

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116 F. Ctmrellc & P. Schmidl

"[ ... \,1.1 <....<..lIt.. . ill.. [ . - ,,".3 ~ (205)

L. ~ "", oj\, "~,i <...i,J.I ~I J...; "~I Y ",) 1;) II]

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,i JWJI ~" J " I:.;,> &~b <.....;> .JY., y, L.,; >CL. ~t"JI J:;"" - , -

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38 .:,.r ~ I J ..,.. J .) -".J 0' jJ I -,.S.,so I 0' /- .;,. pi y'" ''': - .

32 The words '--~ I ~I j have been added in a latcr hand ill the upper margin of p. 205. cr. p. 109 above. •

3l ~'MS

34 ~MS

)S ,wI MS

)Ij -...r MS

31 I;f':' MS

38 ~MS

39 .....,s'l.,.c' MS

..0 ..;.( MS

SWyll(2fJl I)

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<.kA; ct: j~- " r ' J;.,;. ~.?) r ... >t< ~ c: J "' J;.,;. ,f ~ f' J " <.kA; ~ " ... >t< J;. > I c~ c.1..;;) r C > cr"; ~~ ~L,JI J:i... .,u; ,y- >i:t. O~ ~' c?.:.J1 -,.s §II "c?f

y f.'-I )i Jl...CJ1 .j

yWI y~ ,f ~I c~.j -"s§l1 c?f C'YO \;»,,~ [Y'Yj -, t. 'I '1\ J:i... .,u; J ..... I\ I - L' V""'-'- .,..", <.J ~ '1'" ',y- , .Y" '-' /.- ..r-""'" , .r'

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~)l: )\!.. C' cr"; H') ...... , ~)l:) .;.....) I:j>o ~~~ ~)l:

41 I.f-'" is written above the line.

42 I;f': MS

4) 0.4- MS

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118 F. C'harcllc "" P. Sdllllll.ll

.!I <.f .l;> ".J:.., .I. C .l;>

= uP fi' ~yl J:>'" ..u;

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<~> .)~ .:.:- .) !,J'y ~ ..i.=;.\,j", .) -":" '-:J \ oJb .l.:-*-i, (239) I \:n

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" §.,. ...,s.,r 'y}t. .;..0; u...; ..,..", ..r ' .l;> "y::,; • , J;.;I. ~j t,.. .;.;.,~ ~ ;..P- tc.. j .; I " , >: ..rY y..o., ~ Y I J:>'" ..u; .y- >CL. 'ir.'

44 ("AI.illi should probably 10 be emended into .Jlyjl JJ...... .illi

45 All figures and tables are reproduced in facsimile on pp. 126-129 below.

46 ~ J~J~ MS

41 j >MS

48 J,..:o: MS

49 .)~ MS

50 IlrJ MS

51 J >MS

S2 >.I.A. MS

$"'"111 (2001)

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lJabash 's U"iversal Plate 1 19

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o C' k ..) J.,>:II),: ...k""" k

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~'r V-- '-'-' ..,..", .)A C-""" ~ .)A '"'" r-' ..r- V""'< 1-1\ - _-11 J.("I\ I- -l...4; ~......,. i JWJI J.("I\ .J't"" If J."..-:- ..Y"".J 'r U . _. ., . .Y'"' - -

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" J,l ) "".,., M S

54 Iii": MS

55 oJ'y MS

56 tr- MS

S7 ~eMS

58 ..:...-.i MS

Suh. yll (~~II)

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110 F. C'har.:lh: & 1'. SL:llItliLiI

~ ',II, --,_II '" l.-:i " ,. 't J. .JQ.,; lc ' I;~ <.;~ '.)C . .r- .y c-.- -'.J J .r . _ !.P.-' j

"'?) ;,;l! .>I • .JQ.,; <l!..) ) 0 .JQ.,; <.-All .y C.?· • t .JQ.,; ..}< l.-:i) 0;"" ->-") 0 • .j .>I • lc -"" \; ~ u,; , ec,: )C) c) I;"':

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,-",PI, u,;, "'?) ..rP) f.~~1 )l.. .j 0 U ,,/J.,sJ1 Jl,: je-'-' ~r.>: ~ .ill",,) f~'.y ~ '0= ~)..,. ~ <.,ll.1 = I..'Y':) L,Uc 6OJt-,l.p) '-?""") ec,:»: 61 ec,: .J. J) ~ I J-" l;,:; ~)? ~ I u" f ..}< J. y.;..! I

I;"': ~Jb ...,) u" f J! y~ ~..rfi ..Jj~ ~ Y L:.J J.:>;" /).t.> J~ 62~j [11

Jl:. Ie <.;,\:)I JI ("II I; 1.;..::1 I" .(" • .J.;'11 I' I,; u...; U-j. . ~.J'i if- '..f-;:" u-,",,", (_ • ..J'i-'" V--

Y.r-=":" ~ ..r fi ..J -' ~ 6)-;1 L:..J J -;-:; .t.> Jj ~ ~ i .ill)

~I u" f ..}< J.y.;..! I f~' Jl.,; 0\J..,r-l1 criJ JlrI l Jl...ji wb~j .j C)"JI .ill; ,I;r:i Jl,: je;..::l ~) '-<) u" f J! ~) ?

59 ~1I MS

60 J;--,l I Jr.; MS

61 Or possibly ':;-;'7..


63 ~ 1

<> f~' (241 )


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I;fabash's Univusal Plale

~I . , .... .5'1-<"1\ I· 64 I.....:) .. J . y-y,- V'

u J,l Jl,J1 J-'U u...J ..s-' - c'l,J 1 .r.r .... J:l ).rJI j.;U u....J ~ '-! ~ -

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"" ., 1 I.u.l..JI ' ....... ~I '-..4....JI ' . l.. .. ~ I.} , . '-l <f f"'.

Jl,J1 J;"" "'" .:r yl'lyJl .s~ J,.

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Ir jC.!1



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122 F. Chareue & P. Schmidl

(J~I .!ill UJ.,;.. ~I .:r- .;>';1 "".,II c) "" jU~ (243) [. ]

""~ I CJ ~ j-J-I J3~ i <J.i; .:r- '\?=~ M, " y I oJb .:f;J~ l",J.< r-" .; I • i;.o, ~ I J< ~ I ..tW I c) C ~~ I .!ill , i;.o, i clll.r. clll.r. 0">:"; L.:.>..! \01;,) 0~ L.:.>..! ~ i l!C ~ i lL.; \01; ,) 0) <. ~ -' .11

r '-'" I cl u... ~ u...; ~ ,i;.o, i 67 i...P :;I ..rY j-J-I J 3 i .:r- ,i;.o,i .:..

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~ (wi J!.c: c.J Y ~I .<'-, .",,-,. - ~ .110 'I.ill -"-"10 '\..ul L: ~ [1] v .Y'"' ~ u:!-Y'< i.Sr- OJ .r-- OJ r- 0--'

';1, ~~I c) \?~ I},; ..rY J-"< j-J-I ..rL ..f L. J) 71 ';1 ...r~1

loS ~""j"MS

66 .fIMS

67 4.-Ji., i MS

68 .r: MS

'" .I I MS

70 '.iT:" MS

" ';1';1 MS

72 \J"~ \J"~ MS

S ..... ~ll (2011)

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Jjabas!J's Universal Plate 123

< ... > ~~I.j 0ll..;-l1 Jt,: <cr";> y''< 0~1 72 crL J; l. JJ -'<.J <?.ill ~~I .j ~I ~I ')\, C'Y' = <,Jo.lJ1 eJ' P

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~ 1 <f' JA-i JJ o>w I C' Y' <f' 71 .>.>., I ~I)d J<- <:..;.) 1

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1.1 ~l/ MS

14 .:I-r-~ MS

7S ~MS

16 ~MS

17 ?':JIMS

18 ~ MS

19 ~MS

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124 F. Charelle & P. SchmiLlI

0<pl 0;, .>...JI ,,§, ci> l..;.. 0<pl .1,:-1, ,~I uk! J

),: ~ u...; U'.,; yu, -S..,-....J I ')I.u I .l...J cj t.;.. 0< ~ "I

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[J J>=..' ) 4..; t:J I O~ I...4.J \ ....,. ... n,

Ul.:.. UJ.:.lI 0"," J<>b ~I 0':"" J u".J.'J (245) r~J

~v)(:, t,......w ~ .t.> .)" .,p;"'J Jt".JI "J:"": oIUJ 80 J. C ) J .WI J..:? .j11 C"~I cj JJ,S:II <f./' u"-t'J 'i":-" I:.;f. 0{....J

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84 J;) ............ 83 ,. <' ~ '-II, i.ftSJ1 ~I L; ,,: -'" r -s - '"""' ° _r- ° _0 _ .r-...,- J ° - -<fl.? tr- pi C"y cj ,jj<0J "<JL...i. I:.;f. 0{....J .:v)(:, ~J

Jl ')I.>!I:.f./' .)" (246) l.A.l<>i u" ~I, Jy.JI <fJL...i. 0;,)J,:.. 0;-"./'

:.f) I.f- l.. J! rwt;1 J3t; J,WI ~? .)" .?"I, rwt;1 J3i.f- l..

J"" ..,,) .11 .)" I..r" I.,; 0.,s:,; .?" ~ t....l<>i J--! 'J J 0!l J ~ I .,.,

80 j" CJ MS

81 J~ MS

82 ~MS . -83 ~MS

84 rJ.JMS

&5 ~MS

86 l»MS

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J ..I.l.1 86 ".; k <:lw w '';1, t.. .... i 1 -", )\:J ."..- ~ t. j·.Jl.r- -'.?1J4 ~ ...............

.j .sri w .:,,,s:< .1)1 .f t. J! ;,.,.o....JI 0.» .j .;~' <.fill

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[0 ~J

J'~ I .,..r11

'-:i-Jl j.u ) .u... Js' r ~ ~ r,.....a..

Suhoyll (lOOn


~r,.-i-o ~, )U u-; ).I.i... Js- r,.....a..

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126 F. Charclle . & I) Schmidl

SulNyll (2001)

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SuIuyl2(lOO 1)

/:fabash's Un;VCfS<J/ PM/c

(" ~.0 " .'>l:, •• H·

. rf


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128 F. Charelle & P. Schmid1

Figure 5


Figure 6

So*o~12 (10011

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f:/abl1sh '$ UnivelSol Plate 129


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130 F. Charette & P. Schmidt

3 Translation

NOles of the editors: Words between parentheses are our addit ions to render the translation more intell igible to a modern reader. Text between square brackets cor· respond to emendations made to the Arabic text. All numbers arc written with fu ll words in the text ; the only exception is the number 45 in the header of Table I, wh ich is noted in abjad. When the words daraja or jill.' appear in the Arabic text, we render them in our translation with the word 'degree', but when they are implicitly assumed, we use the symbol '0' instead.


Treatise on the construction of the universal plate

In the name of God the Merciful and Compassionate and to Him we call for hel p.

[11 If we want to construct the plate, we make the universal plate (as foll ows): we draw a ci rcle in any size we wish in the fonn of circle ABCD and di vide ito; upper hal f, adjacent to the suspensory apparatus, into 180

equal parts. From the degree markings with which we want to divide the plate in the quadrant for measuring the altitude, we draw lines cutting the zenith line, which goes from the suspensory apparatus to the lowest point (i.e. the centre H ), at right angles (to it). These (lines) will be the sines on the quadrant as we have d rawn (them) in quadrant AB and this will be the sine quadrant

[2.1] We suppose in quadrant AD some fi xed stars whose paths (across the sky) we find inclined by up to 45 degrees (declination) in the direction of north or south . We (would like to) mark the positions that result from these on quadrant AD. We measure from point D on arc CD the amount of the greatest declination of the star we wish to trace on the plate as we have · measured the greatest declination on arc DW as 45 degrees. We draw two lines WZ and WE and measure from point D on arc DW the declination of the star we wish as we measure arc DH. We draw from point H two lines, (one) parallel to (line) DE (and the other to) EG. These wi!: be the two lines HT and YH . We draw from point Y line Y KL parallel to line EG: We

Suloayt 1 (21101)

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!falm .• I, '.f UIIII'<' P/lIIl' 13 1

measure wi th the compass (m's al_mithl'llr)1l7 the length of line ET, and

we put one o f its two legs on centre E, the other where it reaches on line KL. There we mark point M. We dmw the line EMN passing through poi nt M and cutting quadrant AD at N. At thi s point N we trace the star poi nter whose path (across the sky) we rind incl ined to Ihe equator by the am ou nt

of arc DH to the north or [0 Ihe soulh .

[2.2J If we wish (to determine) the position o f the star pointer on the quad­rant of the plate by the method of calcuilition. we mu lt iply the sine of the decli nation of the star by the cosine o f the greatest declination. We have di­vided the product by the s ine of the greatest declinntion and the quotient we multiply by 60. Then we di vide the product by the cos ine of the declina­ti on of the star. The result will be the si ne of the arc corresponding to the position of the stur pointer on tht! quadrant.

[2.3] Example. We find the star Cape lla (lIl· 'lIyyiiq) at 5 degrees and 5 minutes of Gemini. Its latitude in the direction of north of the ec liptic is 22 degrees and 50 minutes and it cu lminates (with the point of the ecl iptic) at

29 (206) degrees and 47 minutes of Taums. Its decl ination is 43 degrees

and 36 minutes north. We make arc Dfl 43 degrees and 36 minutes. Its sine is line NT and line Y K is the same. <... . .. > 88 The star pointer

(wi ll ind ic:Jte) the inclination o f its path (across the sky) to the equator. The inclination of its path to the zodiacal belt1l9 appears at the star pointer.

(Figure I )

[3.1] (239) We draw again circle ABGD and measure on arc DG the dec· lination of the star with the greatest declination appearing on the plate. and

"' liere che ,Iuthor chose the unusual. but appropriatc Arabic word lIIid\\,(ir to dcslgnmc a compass: clsewhcrc he uses the Arnbicized Persian hirjtir.

M8 There is a lacuna of several tines here. The mIssing part certainly continued with the geometncal construction and tngonometnc calculation for finding the posicion of lhe pointer for Capella. according to lhe procedure presented in 12.11 and [2.21. Moreo\'er. the tasttwo sentences appear to be corrupt. so our translation is problematic.

H9 The expreSSIon 'zodiacal belt' should probably be emended into ·equator'.

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132 F. Charette & P. SchmuJI

arc GW90 will be 45 degrees. We draw from point W two lines WZ and HW, (one) parallel 10 (line) DE (and the other to) G£ and measure from point D on quadrant DC arc DT91 as the amount of the latitude of any locali ty we wish. We draw line ET cutling line WZ at point Y and draw line KY L par· allel to line DE. We measure with the compass the di stance EH. We put one of its extremities on centre E. the other where it culS line KY L and mark on it M. We draw line EMN 92 and draw NS parallcl to line DE. Line ES will be the sine of the half-excess of daylight of any star whose declination equals arc GW93 which we have taken as 45 degrees in that region whose latitude will be equal arc DT. At point S we suppose the line of the equation of daylight of the star on line EH.

(Figure 2)

[3.2] (240) If we wish the longest half-excess of daylight for declination94

45° by the method of calculation we multiply < the sine of> the declination of the star by the sine of the latitude of the region. Then we divide the product by the cosine of the lati tude of the region. The quotient we multiply by 60. Then we divide the product by the cosine of the declination. The quotient will be the sine of half-excess of daylight of a northern star or the sine of the half diminution of daylight of a southern star with respect to daylight of the equinoxes in that region. [3.3] Example. In our region where the latitude, is, fo r example, arc DT 34 degrees95 and its Sine ar is 33;33,6 approximately. Arc GT is 56 degrees and its Sine OE is 49;44,30,30. Each of the arcs DW and GW are 45 degrees

90 1bc: lext has DW. This makes no difference in the particular case of t..n... = 45°, but in general the procedure would be wrong if DW were to represent the maximal declination.

91 TIle text has GT.

92 The text has RMN ror ZMN.

93 The text has DW .

9-4 The text has ' lati tude'. ,

H Latitude 34° is for Samarra. See the discussion in the introduction on p. 110.

suhayt I (20:11 )

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ijllbt,.fh·s U";lIu:ml PIU/~ 133

(and) each of their sines are the lines WZ and EZ. Likewise line EM will be 42;25,35. If we multiply (the length of) line TO by (the length 01) EZ% and we di vide the product by (the length of) line OE, the quotient will be

(the length of) line YZ and (the lengt h of) line EK is the same, namely 28;37. If we mulliply (the length of) E K by (the length of) EN, namely 60, and then divide the product by (the length of) line EM , the quotient will be

(the length of) line ES, namely 40;28,10 approximately and arc DN wi ll be 42:25° approximately.

Likewise we calculate the si nes of the equation of daylight of the stars for all remaining regions but in order to make it easier for us to find it, when it is needed. we make a table for which we begin with the climate inscribed as latitude 12 (degrees). We take the increment (of the arguments) of the table as two degrees, and we finish with latitude 44 degrees. [4] We add to line £G in the quadrant BG a tabular scale (ja(/wa/) on which appear the sines of the half-excess of daylight of the region to facili­

tate finding the equation of daylight of the fi xed stars. In the same way we also add 10 line DE on quadmnt AD 91 a tabular scale in which appear the

si nes of the half-excesses of daylight for the summer solstice ( lit. the begin­ning of Cancer). The sca le wi ll touch the region marked for lat itude 12° and go up 10 latitude 54098 for finding the equation of daylight of the degrees of

the ecliptic in that region. (24 1 )

[Table 1 (right-hand side)] Table for the half-excess of daylight for declination 45° for the equation of

day light of the stars on the plate. Latitude of the localities. Arcs of the half-excess of dayli ght for declination 45°. Sines of the arcs of the

half-excess of daylight for declination 45°.

96 TIle texl has ED.

97 The leXI has AG.

" Perhaps we should read 44. as in Figure 37 But the last argument of Table 2 is 51! TI)Cre is obviously son)C confusion here. It is possible thaI 1:labash originally intended Table 2 to end with argument 54: in this ease only the last line would be missing in lhe table.

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134 r. CharCllL' & 1'. So:Imllul

[Table 2 (Iert.hand side)] Table for the half-excess of daylight for the summer solstice for the

equation of daylight of the degrees of the ecli ptic on the plate. Latitude of localities. Arcs of the half-excess or daylight of the su mmer solstice. Si nes

o f the arcs of Ihe half·excess of day light of the Sli mmer solstice.


[Table 3 (right-hand side)] Di reclion of the disc of the star pointers on the universal plate. The names of the stars. Direct ion of the disc of the star pointers on the quadrant of the universul plate. Inclination of the path of the stars from the equator to the

north. What appears on the universa l plate on the southern belt. Incli nation of the path of the stars from the equator.

{Table 4 (Ieft· hand side)] Direction of the disc of the star pointers on the belts of the z.odiac and of

the equator. The names of the stars. Direction of the disc of the star pointers on the equatorial bel t. Direction of the disc of the star pointers on

the zod iacal bell.


(Figure 3)

[5] We suppose on the other s ide of the plate the zodiacal belt and this will be circle ABGD.99 We begin at point A corresponding to the beginning of Aries. We di vide quadrant AB IOO with the right ascensions of the degrees

99 The text has AKzGD. 'Kz' is- written together as if it were the abjad notation for '27'. It is significanlthat the integer part of a(). = 30°) is 27. On Figure 4 there is a hardly legible symbol vis-1t-vis the end of Aries on the longitude scale. This could be the origin of the confusion. But it is st range that '27' (Kz) would represent this point instead of '30' (L), according to the convention introduced in the next few lines. And the systematic confusion in this section between the leiters Kz and B to designate the end of the first quadrant is likewise difficult to understand.

tOO The ttxt has A Kz.

Subayl 2 [2(01)

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HfI"tu" '.~ Umw'r.<lll Plfllt' 135

of the eclipt ic. accord ing to the divisions with which we want to di vide the plate. be it bi-. tri- or sexpart ite. If we want il sex partite, a right ascension of 6 degrees from the beginning of Aries will be arc A_6 101 (corresponding 10) 5 degrees and a half; a right ascension of 12 degrees frolll il (i.e .. the begin ning of Aries) will be arc A-12 (corresponding to) II degrees and one minute; a right ascension of 18 degrees from it will be arc A- IS (corresponding to) 16 (244) degrees and 35 minutes; a right ascension of 24 (degrees) from it will be arc A-24 (corresponding to) 22 degn.."Cs ,md 12 minutes; a right ascension for the end of Aries will be arc A-30 (corresponding to) 27 degrees and 53 minutes; a ri ght ascension for the end of Taurus will be arc A-60 (correspond ing 10) 57 degrees and 37 102 mi nutes; a ri ght ascension for the end of Gemin i will be arc AB 1o., (corresponding to) 90 degrees. We di vide the remaining three quadrants of the plate, each of the quadrants with the same divisions as on the one opposite it.

16) We make the diameter of the largest circle divide the smallest circJe lO4

in two different arcs so that the arc in the di rection of the begi nning of Aries will correspond 10 the arc o f daylight of Capricorn in that region and (the other arc) in the directi on of the beginning of Libra will correspond to the < arc of> daylight of Cancer in that region. < ... > 10$ We put (lit. we suppose) the movable cu r!>or (sh(1~iyya) at the position of the circle of lhe smu ll plate in the region we wish. Likewise we put (IiI. we suppose) on the movable cursor for all of the regions we wish < ... >

(7J Then we take an alidade (for measuring) the altitude, pierced at lhe

1(11 11le notation A-II. which we have oorrowed from Kennedy, Kunituch & Lorch ( 1999, p. 67),represents the arc going from A to a point labelled with the abjad notat ion for II, relatillg to the right ascension of an ecliptic arc of n". Cf. p. 1 12

\02 Read 47.

10~ l nc text has A Kz.

104 This smaller plate has oot been introduced yet, but sec Section 191, which should logi­cally precede this Section.

10~ Lacuna'!

Suh>yll nUll)

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cent re. on whi ch there are two slotted rules (II/(/j r ijlo() running from the pole (qll!b)IU7 to the rim of the circle: these divide the breadth of the alidade equally :tt ri ght ang les. We divide the side of the alidade adjacelll to the pole according to the graduation of the diameter in 18 lUll equal parts. We di vide the other side according to the divisions of the sines in the fonn we have divided line A£ on quadrant AB of the plate. (8) We take also a fi ne cursor (Shll;iYYlI) with two different sides. one (side) like a catch (IIItlllltlllw<a) and its opposite like the latch (~abb(l), on the diameter of the plate going down from the position of the suspensory ap· paratus to the lowest point of the large plate. We take the length of this cur· sor larger than one sixth of the diameter of the circle of the largest plate, so that if we make the two centres of the two plates (coincide at) one pole and if we make their perpendicular diameters (tlll"(lbrahtl) (coi ncide) precisely (on) one line. then we wi ll make them (Le., their common diameters?) meet the (outer) side of the scale of the smaller plate < and > the (inner) side of the cursor. l09 Then we move the small plate which moves unifonnly on the diameter of the larger plate. which goes down from the beginning of Aries to the beginning of Libra. and we move the pierced tabu lar scale (also) uni~

fonn ly. The cursor wiII take up its position in the way which we have shown in this fi gure. We move the small plate at the inner part of the larger (plate) uniformly about (?) the two diameters of these Iwo until the distance of these two diameters coming down from the Iwo (common centres?) at the middle of the smaller circle will correspond to the arc of half-excess of daylight in Cancer over (the arc of) half~daylight at the equ inoxes in that region. (245)

(Figure 4)

106 A majra in this context means a slotted rule, in which the sha?iyyo can be moved.

107 On an astrolabe refers to the broad-headed pin passing through the hole at the centre. See Kunitzsch ( 1982), p. 545.

t08 The text has 28.

109 The Arabic text of the last sentence is quite obscure, and our translation is intended as a tentative reconstruction.

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l;IalxulJ's Univtrro/ Plate

The second alidade The back of the plate


[9) We suppose inside of this belt on this plate the scale WZHT J 10 to rep­resent the equator. We begin from line AE and divide (this scale) into 360 equal parts. We suppose the star pointers to be at those points which cor­respond to their mediation. Then we prepare a small plate whose diameter is approximately two thirds of the diameter of the large plate in the fonn of plate Y K IM.III We divide it into 360 equal parts and we pierce along its di­ameter with two rectangular and parallel holes of equal length and breadth, one of them (running) (246) from the centre of the circle to the beginning of the divisions and Ule other from its rim opposite to the beginning of the divisions towards the centre like the two tabular scales. They should not join each other and there should be enough space in-between on the plate so that we can grasp it, and so that they do not sepantle from each other. We take a movable cursor (sha;iyya) corresponding to the scale which we pierce inside the plate close to the centre, and it will be like the slotted rule (l1IC1,jrii) on the tabular sca le without one half of the splits (jilqa) and without the ruler. We mount it on the front of the plme bearing the small plate, if God wi lls.

(Figtlre 5)


(Figtlre 6) Figure of the alidade

The tuwer II/ajrii 111e upper majra divided into 60 divided as the radius of Ihe plale divided a~ the radius of the plate divided into 60

The treatise on the construction of the universal plate is completed. To Him who gives understanding: pmise without end and thanks without limit.

IIIl The text ha.~ ZHT.

III '1lCtexlhas KLM.

S"h>yI 21~ .!I )

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4 The Tables

Two dislinct sels of numerical tables are presented by J:labash in his trea­ti se. In the first two tab les, functions related to timekeeping are tabul ated for a range of terrestria l latitude. The half excess of daylight and the Sine thereof are featured in Table I for a declination 11 = 45° and for arguments of latitude q, = 12°, 14°, ... ,44° , and these can be eltpressed as

arcSin(Tan q,) and Tanq,

for the entries in the first and second columns, respectively, where the tan­gent function is to base R = 60 (Le., Tanq, = Rtanq,). The same functions are also featured in Table 2. but for a declination corresponding to the obliq­uity of the ecliptic £, so that they can be expressed as

Tanq, Tan£ arcS in R and

Tanc; Tan£


We present an edition of both tables as they appear in our sole source, together with recomputed values and restorations of the entries . It is indeed evident that i:Jabash's original tables - which were, as we shall see, very accurately computed - have heavil y suffered at the hands of successive gen­erations of copy ists. The entries in the second columns of both tables under the heading 'recomp.' are based on exact recomputation with the modem fonnulae given above. Recomputations of the entries in the fi rst column of each table are fou nd by calculaLing the arcSine of the restorations of the corresponding entries in the second column .1 12 Since this also corresponds to the logical order of campi lalion of the tables, we have displayed the sec­ond column before the fi rs t one. Errors in seconds are indicated neltt to those recomputations (following the convention error = text - recomputation); er­rors larger than 60 seconds that are due to scribal errors are indicated by'! !'" In the third column all entries obviously corrupted by scribal errors have

112 For this purpose we have also compared the resulls with the exact arcSine against those found wilh I;tabash's Sine table (see n. 119), using linear interpolat;on. 8U1lhe few divergences from modem computation were not significant.

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Uabas/"s U/li~ersal Plale 139

been restored. and the actual (original) errors have been given next to them; restored digits are underlined. Several entries in the firs t columns of Tables I and 2 have zeros in the seconds: Ihis could indicate that either a copyist replaced illegible entries for the seconds by zeros, or that rounding and/or truncation occured at an early stage (either by J:labash or an early copyist). Closer examination, however, makes the first hypothesis inacceptable, for at

least six entries in both tables have been clearly rounded IIpwards; indeed all entries with zero in the seconds can be explained by rounding to the nearest minute. Why some of the entries were rounded and ot.hers were nOI remains, however, a mystery. In the edition below rounding has been indicated by ' r'. The fac t that Tables I and 2 reveal no nu merical interdependance is rather surprising. since we would expect the entries in the second column of Table 2 with the same arguments $ as those in the second column of Table I to have been found by mUltiplying the latter by the constant Tanc:, but th is is not the case. Two independent (co)tangent tables appear to have been used.

The next set of tables contains lists of stars wi th various coordinates. Ou r analysis has revealed that these are identical with the star coordinates

associated with the Mumta!wlI tradition, 113 and this new treatise by J:labash provides a further source for the recovery of the original coordinates. Table 3 gives the declination of 21 stars together with the quantity arcS in (Tan.t<.), and Table 4 features 20 stars with their mediation and right ascensions. Since Figure 5 reveals star-pointers with the corresponding declinations, we have presented them in tabular fo rm. We have also listed the names featured

11 ~ The MlIlI1ta!W/I star table is preserved in its original form (ecliptic coordinates. declina­tion and mediation of 24 stars for the year 214 H) on f. tnr of the Istanbul manuscript of l:Iabash's Zij introduced above. and also in the eponym Zfj of Ibn Abi Man~iir. of which a late recension is extant in MS Es~rial Mabe 927. In this manuscript we find two versions of the table in two different hands; the table on f. 95r is for the year 2 14 H and is vinually identical with that presented by l:Iabash. All extant star lists related to the Original Mwnla[w/I table have been edited and analysed as Part I of an unpub­lished study by Dorothea Girke (1988), which we have used together with the original manuscript sources. In our apparatus we use the following siglae: HZ = the version in the Istanbul manuscript of l:Iabash's Zij; MZ '" that on f. 95r of the Escorial manuscript. The sigla M refers to the Mumta~all table in general, whereas the number following it corresponds to a continuous numbering of the stars featured in it.


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on the star-pointers illustrated in Figure 4. In Table 4 we have recomputed the right ascension a, which is not featured in the Mumta!lQn table, from the given values of the mediation p, using the modem form ula and assuming an obliquity of 23;35° ,114 The data on Figure 5 is badly degenerate, and we have marked the corrupt digits by underlining them. In the next column we give the declination from Table 3 and the Mllmta~alllab le for comparision.

114 Wilh e = 23; 33° there arc no changes except for entries 6, 10 and 13, where the errors become -I, I, - I , respectively, instead of 0 everywhere.

Subo.yl 2 111XH )

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f ~

Table 1

(b) second column: Tan41 (a) first column: arcSin(Tan,)

~ MS recomp. orr. restor. orr. 0 MS recomp. orr. restor. m. 12 12;46, 15 12;45,12 !! 12;45,15 3 12 12;14,00 12;16,23 !! 12;12.00 , I' 14;37,16 14;57,35 !! 14;~7.J.6 1 I' 14;26,00 14:26,17 , 16 17;12,18 17;12,17 1 16 16;40,00 . 16;39,49 , 18 19;20,42 19;29,43 i! 19;22..42 -1 18 18; 18,00 18;57,38 I! 18;~8,OO , 20 il;50,17 21;50, 18 -1 20 21;20.40 21;20.39 1 22 24; 14,30 24;14,30 0 22 28;49,00 23;49,49 !! 2J.;49,00 , 2. 26; 13,00 26;42,49 !! 26;~3,OO II" 2' 26;26,00 26;26,28 , 26 29;17,50 29;15,50 1! 29:1~,50 0 26 29;14,00 29;11.30 !! 29;11.,00 , 28 3 1;34,08 31:54,09 !t 31;~4,O8 -1 28 32;07.20 32;07, 14 6 30 34;38,20 34;38,28 -8 30 35;15.45 35;15,43 2 32 37;29,34 37;29,32 2 32 38;40.25 38;40,24 1 3. 40;28,15 40;28,14 1 3' 42;25,00 42;24,59 1 36 43;35,33 43;35,33 0 36 46;36,00 46;35,50 , 38 46;53,00 46;52,38 22" 38 51;28,18 51;23,17 !i 51:2J.,18 1 40 50;20,44 50;20,46 -2 40 57;04.45 57;02,40 i! 57;02,45 5 .2 54;01 ,27 54;01 ,27 0 42 64;14,40 64; [2,40 !! 64;11.40 0 44 57;56,29 57;56,29 0 44 74;56.45 74;56,52 -7

Q These two entries su m to have been rounded to the nearest minute, and this would make them the only such cases in the second

columns of Tables 1 and 2.


[ .-fi ~.

o "-~


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t " ~

Table 2

(b) second column: Tan\!, Tant/ R (a) first column: arcSin(Tan 9 Tan t/ R)

• MS recomp. OIT. restor. 'IT. 12 05;32,57 05;34,03 ·66" is 07;01,06 07;01,06 0 Il 06;43,00 6:43.03 , IS 08;30.35 08;30,38 ·3 18 08;09.15 8;09.13 2 21 10;03,16 10;03,16 0 21 09;37,00 9:38,48 !1 9;32,00 ? " 24 11;39,42 11;39,42 0 24 11;12,34 11: 12,27 7 II: 12.27?" 0' 27 13;20,45 13;20,45 0 27 12;51,10 12;51,07 3 12;51,Z? t 0' 30 15;07,09 15;07.20 ·11 15;07,20 0 30 14;36,00 14;35,53 33 17;00,30 17:00,35 ·l 33 16;28,00 16;28,03 3. 19;0]'18 19;01,48 ·30 19;0 I,!8 0 3. 18;30,00 18;29,30 , 3. 21 :52,36 21;12,37 !! 21;12.36 ·1 3. 20:42.00 20:42.06 , 42 28;34.55 23;35,02 !! 2,1;34.55b ·7 42 23:08.311 23;08.]6 ·l 4l 26; 11,38 26;11 ,33 ·l 26;11,31 0 45 28:53,00 25;53.06 1! 25;53.00 48 29;05,24 29;05,23 1 48 29: 10,00 29;00.05 1! 29;00,00 ? " II 32:20,13 32:20,42 ·2' 32;20.43 1

a The fact that the original value used by I;fabash was already affected by a significant error is confirmed by the corresponding entry in the first column: we have indeed arcSin5; 32, 57 = 5; 18,24°. and it is straightforward to assume that this was then miscopied as 5;18,14°. On the other hand, since Sin5; 18, 14° = 5;32,47. it is also possible that the copyist error be only in the second column, but then we would have errors of -76 and -10 in the second and first columns, respectively, instead of ·66 and O. The original value of Tan 120 Tane in I;fabash's table might have been 5;33,57 (error-6]. which he could have later misread or miscopied as 5:32.57. b Emending 23;34,55 to 23;34,50 would explain the entry 23;08.31 ( = arcSin 23;34,50) in Table 2a. Another, less likely possibility is that '31' is a scribal error for '0' (whose abjad symbol could conceivably corrupt into '31'). J The corruption of '27' into ')4' if -+ -u) is conceivable. t The corruption of '7' into '10' (; -+ o..,?) is conceivable. J See note a to

Table 2b.



~ il " .. '" ~ 8-3 e;

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Ta bh' 3

M Slur name 6 afcSin(Tan6.) crr. I mankib lll-jawt/i' 6;16 (sic)" 5;41 [ - 11 2 20 "'-/uHf al-fii';r 4;57 (sic)r 6;111 CY' 3 12 a/·slli',a al-s!w'iimiyu IUlO (sic)r 7:20 _11

• 6 al-nalxm'in 13;30 13;13 0 5 13 (Jill" al-(/sad 17:14 17:3~ 1/' 6 23 mankib (11-juro.l" 21 ;45 23;3 1 0 7 15 al-simak al.rclmi[, 25;34 28;39 0 , 16 al-Ill/mir lIIi" ll/./akka 31 ;05 37;07 0 9 • ra's al-glllll 36;00 46;36 0 10 19 al-nilsr al-lI'(ll/i' 38; 12 51;54 0

" 22 aI-rid! 41;02 60;30 0 12 10 al-'lly)'iiq 43:36 72:13 - I 13 5 (11-jad/l11/a 44;54 85:08 -7 I. 8 al-surm I -2:37 2:37 0 15 14 [al-simiikl af-awl -4;38 4;39 0 I. - al-~lfm -8;23 8:29 I 17 7 rij/ af-jawzjj' -10;16 10;25 - I 18 " al-shi'rii al-yallluII;ya -15;48 !6:24i -2 19 17 qa/b al-'aqrob -2£;SIY 24;54 0 20 21 Jam al-samaka -31:301 50:07 0 21 24 rijl q(//r.l!iri.~ -44;05 75;33 -2

" 6;160 is actually the value of Il for the next star in this table (M20). h Mankjb 1I1.jllwzii ' might have been confused wi th yad 1I1.jawzij' (M9), since 5:4 1 corresponds to 11 = 5:39": the declination of yad a/·jaww'given in the Mumla{lantable is indeed 5;40". If 5;41 is based on 11 = 5:39", then the error would be -I . C TIle Mumlahan table has 6; 16" for M20 (see preceding entry). J Error for 11 = 6: 16". ~ The Mumla~an table has 7; 17". The preceding entry in this table has 4;57". which could indeed be a scribal error for 7;17", / Error for 6 = 7;17". t This corresponds to a declination of 16:52" (there is no star with this value in the MlImla~al! table). h Should be \8;4" . ; al-.~(ida 0) MS. j 6;24" MS. i The declination of this star is not given in M, but recomputation from the given values of A and J3 yields 6 = _ 22;50". The plate illustrated in Figure 5 (p. 246 of the manuscript) has indeed -22;56"1) MZ has rather· ~;50", where the 4 might be a scribal error for a 2. I M has erroneously 6 = - 13;0" for this star. Recomputation of the declination from the Mtunla!ran values of 1 and J3 yields -37;26". The Mumta[Jan value must therefore be restored to ·37;30". TIle rounded value ·38" is furthermore confirmed in !:Iabash's treatise on the melon astrolabe ( Kennedy. Kunitl.SCh & Lorch (1999), pp. 88-89, no. 9)

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Table 4

M ~ lur name " a cc rccomp. crr. I ul.~lrm ()' 15;58 14;4 1 14:42 -I 2 4 ro's a{'R/llil 1'00:09 28:00 28:02 -2 3 5 al.jadlllllii 1'02;59 30;47 30;45 2 4 • n/·dabariill 1$24: 15 51:51 51 ;5 1 0 5 10 al- 'tJyyiiq 1'29;47 57;34 57;34 0

• 7 fiji al-jaww' 1' 15;44" 43 :/ 114" 43:14 0 7 25 Jlflla)'1 2'2(71:40'" 87;24J 87;27 -3? 8 " [af-shi'r61 lJ/-yaml;IIiyQ 2'28;31 88;20 88:23 -3 9 12 [tJi·shi'ffl J al.slll/'limiya Y08;OO 19 1 8:46~ 98;43 3 10 13 qa/b ll/·asud 4' 13:05 135;35 135:35 0

" 24 rijll/IIllI/iris SS20;3ot 1]71];1[81 ~ 171: 17 I 12 14 a/·J'imiili. tll·fl 'wl (Y05;53 11 851;24" 185;24 0 13 15 a/-silluik tll'Nillll'~1 6'21:24 199;45 199;45 0 14 I. o/-munlr mill a/jalio 7' 13;04 220;36 220:35 I 15 17 qa/b aJ· '(lqmb 7'21 ;44 229: 16 229: 17 -I I .

" al-waqi' 8'29;27 269:36' 269:24 121

17 20 al-,tij 'ir 9'11;31 282:38i 282:32 .7 18 22 ai-rid! 9'28:00 300;00' 300:07 ·71 19 21 jam al' $tJIIUJko 10'24;47/ 326;33 327:06 -33'! 20 2 al-kha~/ib 11'16;00 347;171'" 347;08 -I

" M has 2'5;44° (the corresponding a would be 63:49°). " 43;54° MS. c 2'24;4{)° MS. The corresponding entry of !;Inbash's MII/ma!um table has been len empty (whilst sulla)'/ is not featured in the MUlllra~/On Zij), I:faoosh's treatise on the melon astrolabe gives J. = 2'29: 10" _ fj = -75; 10", and l!. = - 51 ~D: J1 is given as 2'29" ;n Table 3 of the same work bu1 as 2'27;40" in the lext (148r.2,i), emended 10 2'29:40<' by the edi tors. Since recomputation of J1 from those ecliptic coordinates yields 2'29; 41 0

• this emendat ion is iodeed justified. Nevertheless. the value for the right ascension in the present table is obviously derived from the incorrect value JJ = 2-'27;40° which is also confirmed twice in the treatise on the melon astrolabe. The corruption was thus already present in al least one copy of J:labash's star table when he compiled this treatise and the present work. J Perhaps scribal error 87;270 --t 87;24° cf --t .u) ? ~ 28;46 MS (l) f M has Ii- = 6' 19;32° (sic) , which would correspond to a = 198;01°. Recomputation from A and f3 yields 11 = 6'3;46°, which corresponds to a = 183;27°. ~ 106;13° MS (W -+

...; --t .y ! and ~ -+ t.. ). ~ 106;24" MS (w -+ ...Ai -+ ~ l), ; Perhaps scribal

error 269;26° -+ 269;36° (~ -+ ,J) ? j Perhaps scribal error 282 :33° -+ 282;38"

(;! -+ t!. ? .t Perhaps scribal error 300;5° -+ 300;0" ? I JJ is omitted in ~IZ,

and MZ gives the erroneous value 10' 18;24° (which is the A of M22!); J:labash's treatise on the melon astrolabe (Kennedy, Kuni tzsch & Lorch ( 1999), pp. 88·89. no. 9) has rather

5""")'12 (:z. .n)

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10'27", j·len!.:e we have no po~sibi!ity of controlling this entry against those sources. Perhaps 10'24;47 should be emended to 10"24;17. which would correspond to a = 326;37". Less likely is the possibili ty that a = 326;33° be a scribal error for 327; 13" (~_ :.f...! --+ ~ ~). m 347;50" MS (j --+ .j).

T he Slar Names with Declinations 011 Figure 5

Tab. 3 Slar name • 6. (M )

Outer segment (nonh)

2 a/-!Ii'ir 1l;i6 6;16 3 al-~'ha'(imi)"iz 1: 17 7; 17

4 al-(iabariin 13;30 13;30

5 1alb al-lisad 17; 14 17;1 4

7 [al-.rimiik al-f"(imi~I]" ~5:37 25;34

8 [al-mullfrmill a/jakka]I' 31;50 31;05 9 al-81l1il 36;- 36;00 10 al· .... (lqi ' 18;~2 38; 12

" al-ridf 41:50 41:02 12 al-'ay.wiq 13;50! " 43:36

- al-khadrb ??;11 52;5 1.1

13 al-jadhmii 44;5 1! ~ 44;54 Inner segment (south)

15 a/-a'zal 5'38 -' 4;38 I. a/-?"At[m J.;13 8:23 IS! [al -slti'rii a/-yamiilliya]K 5(1):48 15:48h

19 qalb al- 'aqrab 22:50 22;50' 20 fam lIl-illiI .!P;30 37;30 j

- .mhaytk 5 1 ;20" 5'1 ;20'" 21 fiji"iris 44;05 44;05

" [al-simak] al-a' MS: the two silluik s have been confused!. h al-qalb ( !) MS. C The nun for 50 minutes (.j) might be contaminated by the ,j of al-'ayyjjq. J The

MS has something like l-.,! This star is not featured in Table 3. bUI 52;51 is the value fro m the MWflfa!wnlable, which is also confirmed in the trealise on Ihe melon astrolabe. ~ The value in the text might be contaminated by the slar-name or by the previous incorrect entry! / Between a/-?"AirllI and this entry there is the caption al-mayl al-janiibi. I: The text has sha 'limiya (confusion with the other shi'ra!). h al-shi'rii al-yamalliya has.o. = _ 15; 48° in Table 3. i This is the recomputed value (cf. note I in Table 3). j This star is calledfam al-samaka in Table 3. The treatise on the melon astrolabe has the rounded value _380 (Kennedy, KunitlSCh & Lorch ( 1999), pp. 88·89, no 9). k Suhayl is not featured in Table 3. I The minutes are written below Ihe star name. m The

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146 F. Charcue & P. Schmidl

declinat ion of mila)'! is not given in HZ. but the value _5 1:200 is attested in I~abash 's treatise on the melon astrolabe (Kennedy. Kunitzsch & Lorch (1999), pp. 88-89, no. 2),

The Slar Pointers on Figurc4

Inner plme. CCW from lOp: ra 's al-/:liiil. al-jud/mlil, ai-dahl/rail , al-'ayyiiq. al-slra'iimiya, qal!> ai-asad. ai-riimib, muni,- u/jak.ka, ai-!ii'ir, al-ridj, a/-klU/(Ji"b. OUler plale: al-?ulfm.likhjr al -nohr (= Mwmafwn no. I. but not in Tables 3 or 4), suhll)'l. a/-slti'rii 11I/-.\'(II11(1I1 i),aJ, (fijI] qWI!l1ris. qalb aI- '(.Iqrab. qalb a/-dalw (not in Tables 3 or 4 and not in lhe MUII/Ia(ta/! table). Stars featured in Tables] and 4 thaI arc missing on Figure 4: a/-S/lrm, mankib al -jl/wziJ ', rijl af-jM"wii', IIImlkib a/-fams. ill-Wiiqi', al-simiik al-a'zal,fwn al-~I iillaf-.ralllaka.

5 Commentary

The aim of the following commentary is to present an analysis of the dif­ferent sections of the text and to present together all infonnat ion about the construction of J::Iabash's universal plate that can be obtained from it and from the accompanying tables and illustrations. Speculations about the way to use the instru ment are beyond the scope of the present paper.

5. 1 The Text

[IJ The ~reatise begins somewhat abruptly by describing in a few sen­tences the construction of a sine quadrant in the upper-left quadrant AD of the plate ABGD.IIS The sine markings are traced horizontally, from each equal divi sion of arc AB until line AE. Cf. our remarks on the illustrations of Figures 3 and 5 below.

11 5 On the sine quadrant see for example King ( 1995).

Subayl 1 (2001)

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ijabash's Univ~nal Plait 147

[2.1] The next step consists in representing the position of a given fixed stars of declination .6. on quadrant AD by a geometrical construction. The procedure is as follows :


Assume circle ABGD, centre E. On quadrant DG find

DW =LI~(= 45' ) and DH = LI. Trace WE; WZ II GE; , ,

HY II DE, with Y on EW; Z T\

HT II GE, with T on ED. B Construct YKL II GEA,


with K on ED and L on AD. Find M on KL so that EM = ET;


extend EM to N on AD. IV AN is the desired arc.


There results point N which gives the angular position of the star pointer.

[2.2] Next, a trigonometric fonnula is given as an alternative to the above


SinDH CosDW SinAN = R CosDH SinDW '

Note that since arc DW is chosen by l:labash 10 be 45" , this quantity reduces to TanA. We can eas il y prove the equivalence of this fonnula with the above


EZ = CosA III:u ., WZ = Si nL\.nkl~

1'H = KY = Si nA, E1' = EM = COSA

KY JEY = ZW JEW => EY = R SinAjSinL\tI\;,x

EK/EY = EZ/EW => CosAm:l.A Sin A

E K = R ;;0.=--:-='--R S m.6.nklx

hence . EK Sin A

Sill AN = R - = R COSAIII:u s. EM II1A",.1x COSA



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from which we get the above form ula given by l:Iabash.

Remark: It should be noticed that the above procedure not only yields an angle AEN but a lso a radius EM = R Cosi\.. These in fact COllld represent the (polar) coordinates of the star-pointer in quadrant AD, although the text is not at all explicit about it. But this is suggested by the i lluslml ioll on p. 243 of the manuscript.

[2.3] The worked example for the slar Capella (lll- <ayyiiq. a Aur) gives its ecliptic coordinates as A. = 2"5;5° and f3 = 22;50° N. which agree with the entries of the Mltmla~JO" star-table. 116 The mediation and declination are then given in the lext as J1 = 1'29;47° and 6. = 43;36° , values taken from Table 4, which themselves likewise agree with the entries in the Mumra!w/J table. Then various geometrical objects are associated with numerical val­

ues, but in the manuscript this Section breaks off after it has been mentioned that DH = 11 and S in A = HT = Y K. The last two sentences concern ing the star-pointers are not clear.

[3.1 ] In this Section a geometrical construction of the half-excess of visi­

bility d(q".6.) of a star is presented with reference to Figure 2. The procedure can be summarized as fo llows:

116 Cf. oote1l3onp. 139.

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!:fahtls"'J Universlil Plale

On DC, find GW = f:l

(= 450 in this exam ple),

andDT ~ ~.

Trace WE; WH II DE. H on EG. WZ II GE,Zon ED

and OT II EC, 0 on ED.



ET cuts WZ at Y ; 8 f---- - oJ.o---4!4-lD E

construct KYL II ED, Lon DC. Find M on KY L so thai EM = EH :

extend EM to N on GO. Construct NS II DE. S on EC. You obtain ES = Sind(q"f:l)

and DN ~ d(~,t,) . G

It is worth notici ng that the above procedu re is in fact a variant of the

method described by l:Iabash in 'Problem I' of his treatise on the melon

astro labe. 1l1 The only d ifference is that instead of fi nding M on KYL, one

ralher finds S on EG. so that ES = EA, where A is the intersection of EW and K L (A corresponds to L in the related diagram of the treatise on the

melon astrolabe). It is not difficult to show the equ ivalence of both proce­

dures. The first half of the construction - identical in both sources - can be

explained by means of an ' analem ma' construction. IIB

[3.2] The above is then expressed as a trigonometric fo nn ula as fo llows:

SinON = Sinf:l Sinq, _ R_ Cos q, Cos f:l

which corresponds 10 the modem fonnula for the half-excess: sind = tan q, lanf:l.

117 Kennedy. Kunitzsch & Lorch (1999). pp. 20-27 and pp. 94--97.

liS For more details see ibid .. pp. 94-%.

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We can demonslrJ.le the equ ivalence of Ihis formula with the construc­li on in [3. 1] as fo llows:

£ H = Cos.6.,EZ = Sin6

OT = Si n cp ,EO = Cosq,

EZ/ ZY = EO/ aT

EK = ZY and EM = EH


Z Si n.1. Sinq, Y = --;C"""o-'-s~:;-'-

ES = R ZY = R 5111 6 Sin q, EH Cos.1. Cosq,

L3.3] The worked example chosen to illustrate thi s assu mes Dr = 34". which is the latitude of Samarra (see p. 110 abov~). and its complement GT = 56°. We have

OT = Sin 34° = 33;33,6 .nd DE = $i056° = 49;44,30,30.

Both values are taken from J:labash's Sine table, itself directly derived from Ptolemy 's Chord table. I 19 We also have a declination of GW = DW = 45° , and WZ = EZ = $ in 45°. Furthennore we find EM = EH = $i045" =

42;25, 35~ and

E Z TO·EZ Sin 34° Sin 45° 83

K = Y = = =2;7, DE $i056°

so thaI

R·EK 60· 28;37 ES = EM = 42;25,35 = 40;28,10,

and DN = ,,,,Sin (40;28, 10) = 42;25°.

119 l;Iabash's Sine table is preserved in MS Istanbul Yen; Cami 78412, f. t27v. Entries are given to four places for each 0; 15° of argument; the last digit is ei ther 0 or 30, a consequence of the division of Ptolemy's Chords by 2. 1be use of J:(abash's Sine table is suggested by the fact that his entry for Sin56° noticeably differs from the exact value 49;44,32,7, and also from the result that other early Islamic Sine tables would yield.

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f:/abosh's Uni\'ersal Plate 151

[4) Two scales of the Si ne of the half-excess of daylight are marked along the radii EG and ED of the plate. The first along £G is based on Table I and gives the half-excess for each 2° of terrestrial latitude from 12° to 44° and for the assu med maximal declination of a star 45°. The second one gives the same quantity for the sun at summer solsti ce. for each 3° of latitude from 12° to 5 1". These quantities related to timekeeping by the sun are also needed for timekeeping by the stars, since at night one is basically interested

to find the time elapsed since su nset. not the time since a particular fixed star has risen or culminated.

(5] A right ascension scale around the outer belt on the back of the plate allows to find the right ascension from the longitude, or vice-versa. J:labash gives the values of a{A) for each 6° of A upto 30°. and then for 60° and 90° ,

as follows: a(6) = 5;30, a(12) = II; I, a(18) = 16;35, a(24) = 22; 12, a(30) = 27;53, a(6O) = 57; [4]7 [57;37 MSj and a(90) = 90. These are the accurate va lues of the right ascension,120 assuming the obliquity £ = 23;35" .121 The scales on all other three quadrants are constructed sym­

metricall y to that on quadrant AB.

(9] 122 Inside of this zod iacal sca le is a second ring di vided into 360 parts

representing the equator. Betwccn it and the zodiacal scales there are star­pointers which point at the va lue of the mediation of various fi xed stars. These e lements can be easily recognized in Figure 4. A second plate of

L20 The same values of the right ascension ror the same series of arguments are also given in the trelltise on the melon astrolabe. with the exception Ihatthere a( I g) has been cor­rupted through S4:ribal error into 11:35 ( 0:..... -+ ~). but not emended in Lhe publlshed edition. Moreover, on p. 67. line 2 of Lhe tran~ lat ion in Kennedy. Kunitzsch & Lorch ( 199(». one should read '5!o, instead of '5°' for a(6).

LlL Cf. our discussion on p. 112 above.

122 Logically this Section should oceur between IS] and [61, because the text begins by referring to ··this belt" which can only be the zodiacal belt mentioned in (5]. Secondly. Ihe information aboullhe smaller plate which i~ introduced in this Section is necessary for the understanding of Section 161. where the smaller plate appears without having been properly irurodueed.

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diameter ca. two thirds of the diameter of the larger plate is also mounted on the back. It has a sirnilar scale along its rim which is also divided into 360 parts. Two rectangular portions of thi s smaller plate are pierced along Ihe vert ical diameter. leavi ng just the central region. These rectangular regions are clearly sketched in Figure 4, where we noti ce that the lower extremity of upper o ne has a triangular shape. Some movable cursor has also to be fitted within the sloned rule which goes along the vertical d iameter of the larger plate, and which is provided with a tabular scale.

[6] The centre of the smaller plate can be free ly moved within the s lotted nile described in [9}, which runs along the vCltical diameter AG. The centre of this smaller plate has to be set so that its c ircumference will be divided by the horizontal diameter into two arcs, in such a fashi on that the upper arc represents the daylight of the terrestrial latitude at winter solstice, and the lower arc, the daylight at summer solstice. There appears to be a latitude scale along the lower radius to allow for an easy setting of the small plate according to a given latitude. The last portion of this Section concerns a

movable cursor, but the text appears to be seriously corrupt.

(7} This Section presents a description of the alidade that is illustrated in Figure 6, and wh ich has to be mounted on the face of the plate. Both s ides of the alidade bear two facing scales, one of them divided into 90 equal parts, the other one into 60 unequal parts defined according to the corresponding values of the Sines. The central part of the alidade is pierced out, presumably in order to see the scales that have been traced along two radii of the plate. At the s ide of this pierced rectangle is a slot in which a cursor can be moved between the centre and the extremity of the aJidade, for marking distances from the centre. From Figure 6 we can deduce that the graduations on the alidade begin at the centre.

[8] Here the text describes some kind of locking cursor with catch and latch which has to be fixed to the vertical slotted rule on the back. Its length must be such that when the smaller plate is concentric with the larger one and their respective diameters are superposed, the locking device will touch

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Ij{lbash's Universal PI{jfe 153

the outer side of the smaller plate. The text suggests a possible length of ClI. one sixth of the diameter of the larger plate. A likely interpretation is that this cursor serves to lock the respective position of the two plates once they have been set for a particular latitude. The sentences that fo llow seem to describe the manner of inserting the smaller plate and a tabular scale into the slotted rule along the vertical diameter, so that the locking cursor will take up its place on the back. The last sentences seem to repeat in a different fashion the information that has been already given in [6], on the way to set the small plate relative to the other one so that the distance between their centres will represent a quantity corresponding to the half-excess of daylight at summer solstice. Given the less obscure instructions in [6] , we find that thi s di stance between the centres has to be rsind( 41, £), where r is the radius of the smaller plate.

5.2 The illllstraJiolJs

Given the defective state of the tex t, it is fortunate that our manuscript presents excellent illustrations. The copyisllbr.ihim al-'Uman drew the fig­ures with care, using black and red ink. In view of the contradictory infor­mation di splayed on Figures 3 and 5. it seems that the illustrations in his manuscript source were at least as defective as the text. We can be grateful that he did his best 10 careFully reproduce them. We now present a detailed description of Figures 3 and 5.

I. The altitude quadrant (labelled in Figure 3 rub' lIl-irtifli1 displayed in the upper left agrees very well with the instructions in Section [1]. On Figu re 3 the label ling of the lines corresponding each 5° of altitude along radius EA has been traced in a rectangle overlapping the upper right quadmnl. I21 TIli s is probably a mistake, not repeated in Figure 5 where these labels are written on the left -hand side of line AE.

2. The quadrant of the azimuth in the lower left (labelled rub'lIl-sll111t on both illustrations) is another sine quadrant with vertical instead of

12,\ Note that the lellcring A, 8 , G,D, £ in Figure 3 is consistent wi th that in Figure I. Figure 5 is not leltered but we shall refer to it by using those same five letters.

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horizontal lines. On Figure 3 the outer scale is labelled at each J00

from G to B, and the same labels arc repeated along the radius EB. O n Figure 5. however, the outer scale BG is graduated clockwise from 0 10 90 at each 5°, whereas the labels along the horizontal radius run from E to B as in Figure 3.

3. A 'quadrant of declination' (labelled mb' al-mayl in Figure 3) is dis­played in both fi gures in the lower right, together with a scale along the rim . On Figure 5 it is labelled rub' al-mayl wa-huwa rub' ta'dfl al-flahiir, 'quadrant of the declination, which is the quadrant of the equation of [half?] daylight'). It features a sine quadrant similar to that on the altitude quadrant; it is graduated along arc CD for each SO, but the labels along the vertical radius EG run in the opposite direc* tion, as on the quadrant 01 the azimuth described above. On Figure 3 they are only labelled along the vertical radius for each 100

The scale along the rim serves to fi nd the declination from the solar longitude. Its representation in Figure 3 is quite con fusing: the outer scale is numbered from D to G at each 50, and the inner band is only numbered in the fi rst 300 *portion, starting at D, at each 60

• It is curi* ous ly labelled al-mayl / al-ma!dli' (' the declination I the ascension'), but does this perhaps rather belong to the upper right quadrant? On Figure 5 the outer ring is numbered for each 6° of longitude, aJso from D to G; and the inner ring is numbered with the corresponding value of the dec lination in degrees and minutes. The maximal vaJue of 0, corresponding to the obliquity, e, surprisingly turns out to be 23;330


which is inconsistent with the values for the right ascension given in the text, which are based on £ = 23;350

!1 24 The values of the decli­nation are reproduced in the table below. Errors against recomputed values are indicated between square brackets; these can be explained either by scribal mistakes in the manuscript tradition of our treatise, or by scribal mistakes in the seconds in the a riginaJ declination ta­ble used by J:labash, which would have affected his rounding to the

1204 See our remark on p. 112, nole 4 above.

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nearest minute.

> 0(» > 0(» > 0(»

" 2;24 36 1335 66 21:20 ·4 12 4;46 42 15:30 72 22; 19 ., 18 7;5 ., 48 17;16 78 23;0 24 9:21 54 18:[5J2' 84 23;25 30 11;31 60 20; 15 90 23:33

• 18:12 MS

4. The scale of Tan if' which is sketched in Figures 2 and 3 along radius EG is lacking in Figure 5. The scale of Tanq, TanejR. however, is correctly represented in Figure 5 just above line ED. but its numbering is defective (it has the irregular series 12. 15, 18. 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 59!). On Figure 3 it is not drawn (0 scale: the mark for latitude 44° should have a distance of ca. 25 parts of the sexagesi mal radius from the centre, whilst it is drawn near the outer rim on thi s Figure.

5. The scales reminiscent of the 'shadow square' (on the back of as­trolabes) displayed in Figure 5, whose lower base coincides with the scale above, are qui te mysterious. They are labelled ai-'a r{1 /i- ta 'dfl ai-shams ('the latitude for the equation of the sun '), but the last two words should probably be read ta'dfl ai-saml, ' the equation of the az­imuth ', an auxiliary quantity used by Muslim astronomers in azimuth calculations. l25 The construction and purpose of the scale represented on the upper edge of the 'square' is not clear at all. It should be noticed that the height of the rectangle on the illustration measures Sin 20° ~ 20.5, but this is probably not confonn to the original design of the instrument.

6. Three star-pointers are represented in Figure 3 in the upper right quad­rant for the stars qalb al-asad, suhayl and munfr al-a' Their re­spective angular distance from point A, measured on the illustration,

12.5 See King, SATMI, 1-1.2 and 1-8.

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are approximately 25°, 42" and 55°. These do not correspond with what can be obtained from the formula arcSin(Tan6) given in [2}. The presence of suhayf on this figure as well as in Figure 5 contra­dicts l:Iabash's infonnalion in [2] that the maximal declination of the stars represented is 45°, for the declination of suhayl is 51 ;20" south (see Table on p. 145 above, where we also encounter al-k"a~tib with [reconstructed] declination 52;51"). The position of the star names with their accompanying declinations on the same quadrant in Figure 5 is unrelated to the position of their respective pointers . The informa­tion is displayed there in a tabular fashion, and we have reproduced it on p. 145.

Figure 4 corresponds rather well with the textual infonnation of the back in Sections [5], [9] and [6], and has been treated above in our commentary on the text. We have listed the star-pointers featured on this illustration on p. 146. On the smaller plate only the names of the stars are written, and their pointers have not been drawn. Also featured on this figure is the second aJidade, which has to be mounted on the back of the instrument; on the illustration it does not bear any graduation.

5.3 The tables and their purpose

We now tum to the tables which we have edited and analysed in Section 4 above. Tables I and 2 clearly serve to construct the scales described in Sec­tions [2] and [3] of the text. The second column of Table 3 readily gives the angular position of the star-pointers in the upper right quadrant of the front. Apparently, the declination of each star has to be written near its pointer (as suggested by Figure 5), which would explain why this infonnation is given in the first column of Table 4, as well as in Figure 5. The star coor­dinates (mediation and right ascension) in both columns of Table 4, on the other hand, serve for constructing the star-pointers on the larger and smaller plates on the back, respectively, according to the instructions in Sections [5]

and [9] of the text.

S""'~1 2 (201)) )

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6 Conclusion

l:labash's universal plate is a complex instrument which features on the front three si ne quadmnts, special star-pointers in a fourth quadrant, and ~ome trigonometric scales. The quantities provided by these vari ous markings can be transferred by means of the alidade with cursor and scales. The discs on the back o f the instrument provide the user with relevant coordinates of some fixed stars in relation to the ecliptic and the local hori zon. The exact procedure intended by l:labash for using this instrument, however, sti ll needs to be reconstructed.

The purpose of our endeavour was Lo make I~abash's description of this unusual device, extant in a unique manuscript, avai lable for the first time, together with a commentary on the text and the accompanying tables and il­lustrations. We repeat the hope expressed in the introduction that colleagues will be able to help us in the further elucidation of the use of thi s fascinating instrument from mid-9th-century Abbasid.cullure.

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