Download - Paper 2 Theology

  • 8/11/2019 Paper 2 Theology


    Jayson Karuna

    Theo 107 004



    Death is an imperative part of every individuals life. However, perspective

    on death is relative to differing cultures, religions, and geographic regions. Religion

    and its culture shape many of the tendencies surrounding death and the period

    thereafter. Also, perception of death can be reflected through popular culture, such

    as Disney movies, which is especially evident in western societies. Many external

    factors play a role in how one views and copes with death. Regardless of religious

    beliefs or cultural values, the concept of death is subjective to the environment.

    In chapter 12, Stephen Hunt shows how different religions cope before,

    during, and after someones death. Religion plays a strong role in dealing with many

    of the problems resulting from death. In the religious context, death is a very

    communal and individualistic event. Death can be very socially significant in

    religions. To ensure eternal prosperity, certain measures needed to be taken

    throughout ones life until their passing. Therefore, many view death with great

    importance. Before death, many religions have a call to action to ensure eternal bliss

    in the afterlife. For example, in Jewish tradition, it is decreed that the deceased

    should leave the world on good terms in order to truly receive forgiveness from

    God. Religions also have methods used near and at the moment of death. In Buddhist

    tradition, the dyings final thoughts should be directed towards Buddha and

    scripture to bring overall good to their reincarnated self. Following the actual event

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    of the death, religions also have dictated the proper way to dispose of the body. In

    Hindu culture, numerous forms of ceremonies and rituals take place immediately

    upon death. To ensure a positive afterlife, the deceased are sung sacred songs and

    ultimately cremated. The religious idea of an afterlife is often the reason specific

    measures are taken during the process of death. Most religions have positive and

    negative consequences depending on the actions taken by an individual when they

    are alive. Finally, most religions also have a methodology to deal with mourning

    after death. For example, in Islam, the deceased are mourned for three days and

    relatives increase their overall devotion during this period. Altogether, religion and

    its beliefs greatly influence how adherers proceed with death because they all want

    to ensure a satisfactory rite of passage for the departed.

    In chapter 19, Gary Laderman shows how Walt Disneys films represented

    the values of contemporaneous America. Death in American society is traditionally

    viewed as taboo and the reality of it is often denied or refused. Due to a rising lack of

    attention towards religion and medical advances, death is often not shaped

    spiritually in American culture. However, many representations of death and

    cultural values can be seen in Disney movies at the time. Disneys film history

    exemplifies his fascination with death. One of Disneys initial animated shorts was

    very macabre and contained a comical personification of death. Death was apparent

    in Disneys life outside of animation as well. Disney started to completely avoid

    funerals after a fortuneteller proclaimed that he would die at the age of 35. It was

    also rumored that Disney had a strong interest in cryogenics, which was the process

    of freezing ones corpse until medical advances become sophisticated enough to

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    can be more readily attained if the proper religious measures are taken. The main

    conclusion Hunt draws in the chapter is that death is an integral part of life and

    religion is ultimately utilized as a mechanism to deal with it. In order to understand

    Hunts line of reasoning, we need to understand the significant and imperative

    nature of death. Death occurs to everyone and individuals usually have to face some

    form of death around them. Therefore depending on ones cultural environment,

    how one handles and copes with the effects of death differs. If we take this line of

    reasoning seriously, the consequences may be that individuals start to be more

    spiritual regarding death and understand its essential significance. If we fail to take

    this line of reasoning seriously, individuals can be more fearful of something

    inevitable, rather than deal with the situation adequately. However, Hunt does make

    the assumption that a disproportionate majority of Westerners marginalize death.

    This is an unfair assumption due to the fact that many westerners still hold strong

    religious beliefs and view death with great significance. Western cultures still hold

    funerals and processions, and also have a mourning process that many go through.

    Stephen Hunt ultimately is looking at death in the religious and secular context.

    Hunt perceives that secularity has marginalized the process of death, while religion

    continues to showcase death as socially significant.

    The main purpose of chapter 19 is to exemplify Americans sentiments

    toward death and how Walt Disney depicted this preoccupation in his work. The key

    question that Gary Laderman is addressing is how does Disneys filmsreflect the

    American view on death during his time? In answering this question, Laderman can

    analyze the difference in how westerners perceive death. The most important

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    information in this article is that many of the themes in Disneys movies were

    relevant ideologies at the time. Death serves as a plot point in many of Disneys

    animated films. Death would result when evil would defeat good. However, most of

    his films still ended in a positive note. In other words, despite living in a wicked

    world, hope and bliss still prevail. In totality, the main conclusion Laderman hones

    in on is that death was indeed significant in American culture. Regardless of

    Americas silence towards death, it is still a thought that heavily preoccupies the

    country. In order to understand Ladermans line of reasoning, one must recognize

    the period of time when the chapter takes place. Walt Disney and many of his

    animated films arose from the 1930 to 1940s. During this time period, America was

    struggling and facing many woes. The economy was disparaging and the nation was

    in between wars. Americans actually were facing death in a grand scale overseas

    during this period. So when Walt Disney captured death and its repercussions in his

    films, Americans felt a connection with the stories. The resolution to Disney films

    often contained a sense of hope and certainty that American culture desired in

    reality. The main assumption Laderman makes is that Americans did not view death

    as taboo. In the beginning of the chapter, he refutes the fact that Americans avoided

    to think about death. However in times of such grief and hardship, many individuals

    may choose to avoid negativity like death altogether for the sake of optimism. If we

    take Ladermans line of reasoning seriously, we can truly understand the historical

    and cultural sentiments towards one of the greatest phenomenas. Generations were

    facing 3 consecutives decades of crisis. Both World Wars were conflicts between 2

    opposing forces, similar to a Disney movie plot. Disney often depicted death and

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    sorrow in his movies, only to conclude with an uplifting mood. Similarly, Americans

    longed to find a similar uplifting sentiment after prolonged conflict. If we fail to take

    this line of reasoning seriously, we would be preventing ourselves from truly

    learning the westernized perception of death. Elements and themes from Disneys

    films decades ago continue to remain relevant today. Ultimately, Gary Landerman is

    looking at death in the more unorthodox way. Rather than conclude that Westerners

    have marginalized death, he exemplifies how Westerners embraced its components.

    In terms of writing, chapter 12 uses a sociological methodology, while

    chapter 19 uses a more historical methodology. Hunt elaborates on the topic of

    religion and death by going through numerous examples of religions dealing with

    the process involving death. The chapter is then broken down to the different

    phases that occur during death. Hunt focuses on how the structure of religion

    results in certain practices and rituals varying from culture to culture. Sociologically

    speaking it is religion that differs how cultures function and cope with inevitable

    death. In other words, Hunt exemplifies the roots and origins of established social

    behavior pertaining to death. However, chapter 19 follows a more linear and

    historical approach. Laderman utilizes the timeline of Disney and his film career to

    facilitate the connection between death and American culture. Also, Laderman

    refutes the presumed preconceptions that many think Americans had during the

    thirties and forties. While Hunt chooses not to pungently dictate his purpose as an

    argument. Overall, Hunts chapter does not reinforce a truth like Laderman does. It

    is already quite known that religion and death have a relationship shaped by

    traditions. Religions have been incorporating their methods, values, and mindsets

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    for centuries. However, American cultures relationship with death is not nearly as

    evident. During Ladermans conclusion, he does incorporate a philosophical

    approach as well. The purpose of using Disneys filmmaking history ultimately was

    to conclude a rational truth about the principals of Americans. True to the

    definition, Laderman theorizes like a philosopher would on one of the largest

    components in life, death itself.

    Although, chapter 12 and chapter 19 centrally focus on the idea of death,

    both still vary in content greatly. In chapter 12, Hunt establishes that Westerners

    have overall devalued death and its spirituality almost completely. It is religion that

    brings death to the forefront of a community and allows for the best coping

    mechanisms. Conversely, in chapter 19, Laderman establishes that Westerners are

    preoccupied by death significantly. Rather than brush death off, Americans are

    captivated and embraced it. Very much so, that Walt Disneys career arguably would

    not have been as successful if he did not incorporate elements of death in his

    productions. Chapter 12 elaborates that through modern medicine and diminishing

    adherence to religions overall, Westerners tend to mask their thoughts of death.

    Modern science continues to prolong lives, especially in more developed countries.

    Individuals start to receive certain procedures and make lifestyle changes all in the

    hope of prolonging death. Speaking about death is usually taboo in most contexts

    and children are often sheltered from the grave topic. While in the rest of the world,

    death is a substantial part of life and very socially significant. Chapter 19 elaborates

    that through alternative mediums, death is still a very significant topic in

    Westerners minds. Religion may have less of an influence in Western cultures, but

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    Westerners still strive to make sense of death just like everywhere else in the world.

    Rather than through religious teachings, Americans often look at popular culture

    and mass media to help articulate their sentiments toward death. Despite the

    differences between the two chapters, a major similarity encapsulates both. Death is

    inevitable and something that we all attempt to derive profound meaning from.

    Regardless of beliefs or differences in geography, death occurs to all. It is a concept

    that has been apparent for as long as living organisms have habituated the earth.

    However, it is something so perplexing, we all deduce our own ways to make sense

    of it. Stephen Hunt highlights how religions influence different cultures to adapt to

    death. Traditionally, religions have built customs and rituals to help prepare for the

    mysterious stage after death. Furthermore, religions also create measures for

    individuals to properly cope with a death around them. Gary Laderman

    demonstrates how forms of media, specifically Disney movies, exemplify how

    Americans perceive death and grief. Americans are preoccupied with death

    regardless of religious beliefs because it ultimately creates a rupture in the status

    quo. Disney and his movies helped reaffirm common fears and values displayed

    during the course of life through death. In the end, death is one of the only

    certainties of life, and therefore results in reflection by all able-minded individuals.

    Ultimately, death is the great equalizer. Regardless of socioeconomic

    conditions, location, or status it is imperative to all. Though, the physical and social

    act of dying is still something not entirely understood. In order to make sense of

    death, its causes, and its results, individuals turn to some sort of set of beliefs.

    Regardless of belief in a particular religion or no religion at all, an individuals

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    perspective on death is molded by the culture surrounding them. In areas where

    religion is all encompassing, cultures establish a connection between their religious

    principles and death. In areas where religion has less influence, cultures still

    establish a connection between their own cultural values and the concept of death.

    Therefore overall perception of the act of dying, death itself, and what occurs after

    death is subjective to the person and their environment