Download - Pak Kau College S1 English Theme 5 Food. My favourite breakfast – Tuna Sandwich How can I make Tuna Sandwich?


Pak Kau CollegeS1 EnglishTheme 5 Food

My favourite breakfast – Tuna Sandwich

How can I make Tuna Sandwich?

Let’s watch how Mr. Bean make Tuna Sandwich

Making Tuna Sandwich

What ingredients did Mr. Bean use?

How did Mr. Bean make Tuna Sandwich?

What are the steps?

What utensils did Mr. Bean use?

credit card

hot water bottle










The 11 items are…



lettucehot water bottle

teabag pepper

credit cardfish handkerchief


Ingredients Utensils








hot water bottle

credit card


Answer the following questions: 1. How did Mr. Bean cut the loaf of bread?

He cut it with a pair of scissors.

He used a pair of scissors to cut the loaf of bread.


2. What did Mr. Bean do with the credit card?

He spread the butter on the bread with it.

He used the credit card to spread the butter on the bread.


3. Describe what Mr. Bean did with his sock.

He dried the lettuce with his sock.

4. Circle the best answer: What did Mr. Bean do to the seeds of pepper with his handkerchief ?

He ( squeezed it / crushed it / cut it ) with his shoe.

5. Where did Mr. Bean put the black pepper?

He sprinkled it on the sandwich.

6. Where did Mr. Bean put the teabag?

He put it in the hot water bottle.

7. Do you think Mr. Bean used a proper way to make the sandwich? Why?

No, I think he did not use a proper way because …

Group Activity Your teacher will give some scripts to you. Work in groups. Put the scripts in the right order.

What is the first step? What is the next step?

Sequence them! Now, let’s check the answers!

1. cut the bread with scissors

2. spread the butter on the bread with a visa


3. wash the lettuce

4. dry the lettuce in a sock

5. place the lettuce on one bread slice

6. put the fish on the top of the lettuce

7. close the sandwich with another bread slide

Look at the first word of each strip.What are they?




cut the bread with scissors spread the butter on the bread with a visa card wash the lettuce dry the lettuce in a sock place the lettuce on one bread slice put the fish on the top of the lettuce close the sandwich with another bread slide

The underlined words are Imperatives!

Can you think of more imperatives?

Steps:Sequence the steps in the correct order by writing the number from 1 to 7 in the brackets.

( )( 1 )( )( )( )( )( )

A. dry the lettuce in a sock.B. cut the bread with scissors.C. close the sandwich with another bread slice.D. place the lettuce on one bread slice.E. spread the butter on the bread with a visa cardF. wash the lettuce.G. put the fish on the top of the lettuce.

Steps: (Answers)Sequence the steps in the correct order by writing the number from 1 to 7 in the brackets.

( 4 )( 1 )( 7 )( 5 )( 2 )( 3 )( 6 )

A. dry the lettuce in a sock.B. cut the bread with scissors.C. close the sandwich with another bread slice.D. place the lettuce on one bread slice.E. spread the butter on the bread with a visa cardF. wash the lettuce.G. put the fish on the top of the lettuce.

Describe the cooking steps orally by adding connectives.

You may start like the following:

In Mr. Bean’s video, he made a tuna sandwich. Let

me tell you the steps of making it. (First), cut the

bread with the scissors …

In Mr. Bean’s video, he made a tuna sandwich.

Let me tell you the steps of making it. (First), cut

the bread with the scissors. (Then), spread the

butter on the bread with a visa card. (After

that), wash the lettuce in a sock and place the

lettuce on the bread slice. (Next), put the fish on

the top of the lettuce. (Finally), close the

sandwich with another bread slice.

Mr. Bean is an actor. He makes people laugh all the time. What he did in the video is rather nasty.

Do you agree?

Now, we learn the proper way of making tuna sandwich.

What ingredients and utensils do we need?

What are the cooking steps?

2 slices a can 1 tablespoon 5 g 2 tablespoons a pinch 1 piece 2 slices

breadtunamayonnaisebutterchopped onionsalt and pepperlettuce tomatoes


Note: we usually say: two slices of breada can of tuna 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise5 g of butter


1. a can opener 2. a bowl 3. a fork 4. a knife 5. a spoon 6. a plate







1. Open the can of tuna

and drain the water.

2. Put the tuna into a bowl.

3. Add mayonnaise.

4. Add chopped onion, salt and pepper. Mix everything.

5. Place lettuce and tomato slices on one bread slice.

6. Spread the tuna mixture on top.

7. Close the sandwich with the other bread slice spread with butter.

8. Cut the sandwich in half and serve.

Look at the steps again!

Where can we find the cooking steps?




Where else?

Text Feature of a recipe Party Cookies Party Cookies are easy to make and lovely for kids’ birthday parties.

Each cookie is crunchy and sweet. The size is small and easy to serve.

Preparation time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 8 to 10 minutes

Ingredients: 100g butter 2 tablespoons golden syrup 175 g flour 100g chocolate Photo (optional) 2 tablespoons milk

Steps: 1. First wash your hands. 2. Then, beat the butter until it is soft. 3. After that add the sugar and mix together. Stir in the golden syrup and flour. 4. Next pour in the milk and mix well. 5. After that chop the chocolate into small pieces and add to the mixture. 6. Finally use a teaspoon to put the mixture into the baking tray. Bake in the

oven for 8-10 minutes.

Name of Dish


Preparation and cooking time

Ingredients/ food items needed


Now, look at Longman Activate 1B, page 62

What are they?

How do you cook them?

Are pancakes sweet or savoury?

What are the toppings?

What other toppings can you choose?