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Strength does not come fromphysical capacity. It comes from

an indomitable will.

Mahatma Gandhi

‘Swachh to Swasth’,RB’s flagship BSI willempower peoplewith the choice ofbetter healthLUDHIANA : Reckitt Benckiser,world’s leading consumer Healthand Hygiene Company, with itsflagship BSI Campaign leading asuccessful Swachh message forfive years now transitions from‘Swachh to Swasth’. Supportedby Campaign Ambassador,Amitabh Bachchan, this year thecampaign embarks on a newphase that will focus ondriving at-tention towards the well-being ofmothers and children.If hygieneand nutrition can begin there, astrong foundation can be laid forthe future health of thesociety.This will be achieved byconcerted efforts targeted under-fourkey pillars of the campaignthat include Nutrition – providinga balanced diet to both youngmothers and new born children;Breastfeeding –ensuring the im-portance of breastfeeding isknown to all; Handwash – incul-cating regular hand washingpractices andSanitation – reduc-ing instances of diarrhea, espe-cially amongst children. The cam-paign will focus on convergingthese pillars in order to reducethe instances of preventable dis-eased leading to better health formothers and children.Comment-ing on the development, Laksh-man Narsimhan, CEO, RB said,“It is heartwarming to see the im-pact created by BSI in the lastfive years, and I am extremelyhumbled to be a part of this cam-paign. Driving behavior changeand empowering people with thechoice of better health and hy-giene outcomes is at the core ofthe program. We have alreadyreached more than 13 millionchildren across 8 states in thecountry and are seeing positivechange towards building ahealthier India. We now need tobring the attention towards youngmothers and their newborns whoare the future generation of thiscountry. Ensuring proper nutri-tion, can lay a strong foundationfor the future health of the societyand improve the general qualityof lives.”

Women will beexempted fromodd-even scheme:Arvind KejriwalNEW DELHI: Women would beexempted from the odd-evenroad rationing scheme which isset to return in the national capi-tal for the third time from Novem-ber 4-15, Chief Minister ArvindKejriwal announced on Saturday.Unlike previous occasions, pri-vately-owned CNG vehicleswould not be exempted this time,he said.“Women driving alone, cars hav-ing all women as occupants andwomen accompanied by childrenaged less than 12 will be ex-empted,” he said. The decisionhad been taken keeping in mindtheir safety, Kejriwal added.A decision on whether two-wheelers should be exemptedfrom the scheme or not is yet tobe taken and they were consult-ing experts, he said.

Himani Shivpuri aka KatoriAmma bags Dadasaheb

Phalke award...PAGE 8

Sony India brightens yourDiwali with exciting festive

season offers...PAGE 8

Actor Anand Goradia resorts to taxidermyto keep his pet alive

.... PAGE 3


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Satur-day said that their second informal summithere heralds the start of a new era in India-China relations. The ‘Chennai vision’, hehoped, would build on the first informalsummit between India and China last yearin Wuhan that had given fresh stability andmomentum in bilateral relations.

Strategic communication between thetwo countries has led to increased stability,he underlined in his opening remarks at thebeginning of delegation-level talks. PMModi and Xi Jinping have met 17 times atstructured summits and two informal sum-mits, including the one in Mamallapuram.He recalled that at the Wuhan meeting, thetwo leaders had decided not to allow dif-ferences to fester into disputes.

PM Modi began the second day of theinformal summit by “plogging’’ on thebeach behind his luxury hotel. He was tel-evised picking up trash from the beachwhile exercising and taking in the scenery.With no one present on the entire beachand a couple of TV cameras for company,the PM was dressed in a black tracksuit andpicked up the trash with bare hands.

Later he paced in the foyer of the beachresort while waiting for Xi to arrive andthen sat next to the driver in a battery-op-erated vehicle while XI and the interpreterssat behind him as they drove down to a re-treat at the resort for nearly 45 minutes ofone-to-one talks, picking up the threadsfrom Friday’s five hours of discussions be-tween them, including at a sumptuous din-ner which stretched late into the night.

The Chinese President will leave for

Nepal after wrapping up talks with PMModi. He had met Pakistan Prime MinisterImran Khan, invited at China’s request,two days before leaving for India.

Xi, however, was circumspect in hisopening remarks. “I may follow up on theproposals and issues discussed yesterday. Iwill make some responses. I’m sure thatour discussions today will further bring

forward our relations,’’ he observed.The leaders then broke for delegation-

level talks. Besides PM Modi, the Indianside included National Security AdviserAjit Doval, External Affairs Minister S.Jaishankar and Foreign Secretary VijayGokhale.

Xi was more forthcoming on the Indi-an hospitality, stating that he was “really

overwhelmed’’ and the trip to South Indiawas a memorable experience for me and us[the delegation].’’

The two leaders had met on Fridayevening and toured the temples of Mamal-lapuram that was followed by a culturalprogramme and dinner. In a late nightbriefing, Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhalesaid the two leaders discussed bilateral is-

sues and their respective national visions.Today, he said, they will touch on regionaland international issues.

We begin a new chapter inour ties: PM Modi to Xi

Chinese President XiJinping wraps upmeet, leaves for NepalCHENNAI: Chinese President Xi Jinpingleft for Nepal on Saturday by an Air Chinaaircraft, concluding his second informalsummit with Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi,which has signalled a recalibration of bilat-eral ties.Xi wrapped up his about 24-hour stay dur-ing which he visited Mamallapuram nearhere and held informal talks with the PrimeMinster. Also, delegation-level talks wereheld.Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit,Chief Minister K Palaniswami, Deputy ChiefMinister O Panneerselvam and AssemblySpeaker P Dhanapal gave a warm send-offto the Chinese premier. Both the Governorand Chief Minister briefly conversed withthe visiting dignitary at the airport.Xi is scheduled to visit Nepal after his Indiameet, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesper-son Hua Chunying had announced onWednesday.Belying the recent acrimony over the Kash-mir issue, Prime Minister Modi and the Chi-nese President held a two-and-half-hour“open and cordial” one-on-one discussionover dinner. The talks continued on Satur-day as well and the leaders of both the na-tions vowed to jointly combat terrorism andradicalisation, signalling a recalibration ofbilateral ties.


Alka Lamba, former AAP MLA fromChandni Chowk, joined the Congress onSaturday in the presence of the party'sDelhi unit incharge P C Chacko.

Lamba had announced her decision tojoin the Congress early last month whenshe resigned from the primary member-ship of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP).

Days after her announcement, shewas disqualified as a member of the Del-hi Assembly by Speaker Ram Niwas Goelunder the anti-defection law.

Lamba had quit the Congress after 20years in December 2014 to join the AAP.She was elected as MLA from ChandniChowk assembly constituency on AAPticket in 2015.

After her induction, Lamba said shedecided to return to the Congress as it isthe only party which can take care of Del-hiites.

The Aam Aadmi Party governmentled by Arvind Kejriwal did not do anyconcrete work for the benefit of Delhiites

in the last five years. Thoughworkers like me always put ques-tions before him, they elicited noresponse from him," she said atthe AICC headquarters here.

Lamba alleged AAP supremoand Delhi Chief Minister ArvindKejriwal made promises whichhe knew he would not be able tofulfil.

"Kejriwal, who functions likean autocrat, never listens to AAPworkers and elected representa-tives of the party. As a result, de-velopment work has suffered.With an eye on the upcoming as-sembly elections, he is once againtrying to fool the people of Delhiby making hollow promises," shesaid.

The Congress, led by Soniaand Rahul Gandhi, is the onlyparty which can save the countryfrom the present misrule, Lambasaid, adding that the nation hassuffered severe damage on all

fronts in the last five years and slippedinto a regressive mode.

Lamba's relationship with the AAPsoured after she protested against a reso-lution in the Delhi Assembly in Decemberlast year demanding that Bharat Ratnaawarded to former prime minister RajivGandhi be withdrawn over the 1984 anti-Sikh riots.

She had been in touch with Congressleaders and had met party president SoniaGandhi after announcing her decision toquit the ruling AAP.

The Congress could field Lamba fromChandni Chowk in the upcoming assem-bly polls, a senior leader of the party'sDelhi unit said.

Amid talks of Lamba's return, four-time Congress MLA Parlad Singh Sawh-ney quit the party on October 6 and joinedthe AAP.

Sawhney was MLA from ChandniChowk assembly constituency from 1998to 2015. In 2015, he was defeated byLamba.

Month after quitting AAP, Alka Lamba joins Cong


Prime Minister Narendra Modi's niecehas become the latest victim of snatchingin the national capital with her purse andphone wrenched from her grasp by twopersons when she was alighting from anauto-rickshaw on Saturday.

Based on a complaint by DamayantiBen Modi, daughter of the prime minis-ter's brother Prahlad Modi, police regis-tered a case.

The incident happened soon afterDamayanti Ben reached Delhi from Am-ritsar in the morning.

Two persons on a scooter snatchedher purse containing her phone, somedocuments and valuables around 7 amwhen the woman got down at the GujratiSamaj Bhawan in North Delhi's CivilLines area, a senior police officer said.

Damayanti Ben had a flight toAhmedabad in the evening.

he informed police and on her state-

ment, the case under section 356 (assaultor criminal force in attempt to committheft of property carried by a person) and379 (punishment for theft) was registeredat Civil Lines police station, they said,adding some suspects have been de-

tained. Police also said that they are ex-amining CCTV footage of nearby areas.

"I came to Delhi and reached Gu-jarati Samaj Bhavan on Saturday morn-ing. I was scheduled to take a flight forGujarat in the evening. I was getting offthe auto-rickshaw when the snatchers tar-geted me," the woman said.

In the past couple of months, severalincidents of snatching have taken report-ed in the national capital.

On September 22, a woman journal-ist was injured after she attempted to re-sist a snatching bid in south Delhi's CRpark while she was returning home in anauto-rickshaw.

Two men on motorcycle snatched hermobile phone and in the struggle, she fellfrom the vehicle while the men fled thespot.

A few days later, another womanjournalist fell victim when her mobilephone was snatched by two bike-bornemen in southeast Delhi's Okhla.

PM Narendra Modi’s niece fallsprey to snatchers in Delhi

Two persons on a scootersnatched her pursecontaining her phone,some documents andvaluables around 7 amwhen the woman gotdown at the Gujrati SamajBhawan in North Delhi'sCivil Lines area, a seniorpolice officer said.

Govt reduced need to file RTIsthrough proactive disclosures: Shah

NEW DELHI: The objective of the Modi government isto proactively put out as much information as possible inpublic domain to reduce the need for RTI applications,Union Home Minister Amit Shah said on Saturday.

The success of a government did not lie in the highnumber of Right to Information (RTI) applications, Shahsaid while addressing the 14th annual convention of theCentral Information Commission (CIC) here.

“Low number of RTI applications in spite of conven-ient avenues to file them means the government’s work issatisfactory. A large number of RTI applications does notrepresent the government’s success.

We want to introduce a system where people do notfeel the need to file an RTI application to get information,”the Home Minister, who was the chief guest at the event,said.

The dashboard system introduced by Prime MinisterNarendra Modi had ensured that everyone got information about ongoing schemes onlinewithout filing RTI applications, Shah said.

“Through the use of dashboard, we began a new transparent era. One can go to the dash-board and see how many toilets have been built. Using the dashboard, one can check whenone will get electricity connection under the Saubhagya Yojana. Any illiterate woman canclick the dashboard and get to know when she will get a cooking gas cylinder,” he said.

Asserting that RTI should be there, Shah said the government had gone two steps aheadof the law in ensuring transparency. “The government has made the administration’s workso transparent that there is minimum requirement to file RTI applications. The system shouldfunction in a way that we don’t need to file RTI applications,” he said.

4 die, 2 injured ascar rams into truckin AhmedabadAHMEDABAD: Four peoplewere killed after the car theywere travelling in rammed into astationary truck near Tagadi vil-lage in Ahmedabad district of Gu-jarat early on Saturday, policesaid.The car was heading from Suratto Sarangpur, a pilgrimage site inBotad district, when it hit thetruck on Dhandhuka-Barwalaroad in the wee hours, an officialfrom Dhandhuka police stationsaid.“Four people, including twowomen, died in the accident. Twoother occupants of the car sus-tained severe injuries and wererushed to a hospital in Ahmed-abad,” he said.Investigation into the case is on,the official added.

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It is for the information that my original qualifying 10th matriculation certificate of the year 2019, Vivek High School. roll number 2348057 issued by CBSE has been actually lost. Name of the candidate: Prachi Bhatia D/o Mr. Vikram Bhatia a d d r e s s : H o u s e No.810.Second floor Sector -117. TDI Ci ty Mohal i . Mob:9878870201


LOST & FOUNDI Tajinder Singh S/o Surjit I Hari Magar S/o Amar I, Karamjit Singh S/o I, Sanjeev Kumar S/o Raj I Rabia W/o Samoun I , Ranj i t S ingh S/o I , D a w a n j e e t S i n g h Singh R/o Vpo Gharuan Bahadur Magar R /o Kuldip Singh Vill Siana Kumar R/, Viney R/o Ward No.5 , Shankar Singh, Vill . Baghria S/o Manmohan Uchand Patti, Tehsil Village Bholajher Near K h u r d , P e h o w a , Tilak Nagar Amritsar L u d h i a n a M o h a l l a Mehatpur, Po. Prtc. Jahan Singh R/o Vpo. Kubba Kharar, Distt. Sas Nagar, Shiv Mandir Po Bangali Kurukshetra Changed Have Changed My Name D h a r i w a l K h e l a n , D i s t t . (ludhiana) Changed My M o h a l i ( p b . ) H a v e Para, Dist t Kamrup, Given Name Karamjit S a n j e e v K u m a r ,d i s t t .gurdaspur Has Hoshiarpur, Declare That Name To Dawanjeet Changed My Name To Assam Have Changed My Surname Singh. Aggarwal. Please Note It Addition My Surname In Some Documents Singh.Tejinder Singh Name To Hari Bahadur 84661 72737 As Rabia To Rabia Name Of My Son Is 63372

100071 Magar I, Baljit Surname Singh I , R a j i n d e r K u m a r Viney Mentioned As Harwinder I, Harkirt Singh S/o 100071 S/o Jagir Singh Vill Kheri Sanger S/o Sh. Mohan 72778 Singh While In Others Kundan Singh, V&po,

I , G r e w a l J a s m i n e Shishgran Dera Santpura , Lal R/o # 93, Near Ekta I Iqbal S/o Balwinder Harwinder Singh Pawar. Gobindpur Khun Khun, Jasbirsingh D/o Jasbir Pehowa, Kurukshetra Park, New Rasila Nagar, K u m a r R / o V i l l . Hence Is One & The Same Distt. Hoshiarpur, Have Singh (father) Kamaijit Changed Given Name B a s t i D a n i s h m a n d a , K h a m a c h o n , Te h s i l Person. C h a n g e d M y N a m e Kaur (mother) R/o Ff 2, Baljeet Surname Singh. J a l a n d h a r , P u n j a b Banga,distt S.b.s.nagar 63372 Harkirt Singh To Harkirat Plot Number 139/140, 84661 Dec la re Tha t I Am , Have Changed My I Raghbir Singh Alias Singh.Survey Number 190 I, Surjeet Surname Singh Known By All These Name To Iqbal Chander R a g h v i r S i n g h S / o 63372O d h a v R e s i d e n c y S/o Dalip Singh Vill Bhorak Names I .e . Rajinder 72778 Gurdev Singh Village I Charanjit Kaur W/o M e g h p u r ( b o r i c h i ) Dera Buta Singh , Pehowa, K u m a r S a n g a r A n d I Kulvinder Kaur W/o Badla (fatehgarh Sahib) Da lbara S ingh Vi l l . Kachchh, Gujarat Now Kurukshetra Changed R a j i n d e r K u m a r . Balraj Singh Hundal Declare That Both Names J a l w a n a T e h s i l . At, Garden Name Surjeet Singh. Rajinder Kumar Sangar Vill Jhunda (sangrur) Are My Self One And The Ahamdgarh Dist. Sangrur Colony, Kharar (mohali) And Rajinder Kumar Is H a v e C h a n g e d M y Same Person. Have Changed My Name 84661Declare That Grewal One And The Same Name To Kulv inder 63372 To Charanjeet Kaur.I,kashmir Singh S/o Sadhu Jasmine Jasbirsingh & Person. Kaur Hundal I, Pinky D/o Lal Chand Singh Vill Kakyor Majra , 63372Grewal Jasmine Kaur 42778 R/o Sehowal (jalandhar) Kaithal Changed Given 63372 I Akamjot Singh S/o Jasbirsingh Is One And I Jagdish Lal Son Of Changed Name Pinky Name Kashmir Surname I, Amandeep Singh Otal Devinder Singh R/o Vpo. Same Person. Hazari Lal R/o Vpo Chamdal.Singh . S/o Balwinder Singh Dhilwan Kalan (faridkot)

100071 S a i d o w a l , D i s t t . 6337284661 R/o Vpo. Bondli Teh- Have Changed My Name I , Som Parkash S/o Kapurthala, Punjab Have s a m r a l a ( l u d h i a n a ) I, Rajwinder Kaur D/o To Akamjot Singh Brar.I, Parmjit Kaur W/o Madan Lal R/o Hno. - Changed My Name From Changed My Name To Jagseer Singh R/o Kokri Balwinder Singh R/o 63372413 , Sector- 20, Huda, Jagdish Lal To Lal Jagdish ( Amandeep Singh. Kalan (moga) Changed Village Bakraha, Tehsil I, Nishan Singh S/o Amrik Kaithal Have Changed Lal As Per Surname). Name Rajwinder Kaur Patran, Distt. Patiala, 63372 Singh Village- Fatta Bora My Name From Som 42778 Dhap.Punjab, India Declare That I, Manpreet Kaur W/o Po- Rukne Wala Distt & Parkash To Som Parkash I Harjinder Kaur Wife Of Aadhar Card In Which My B a l j e e t S i n g h R / o 63372 Teh- Ferozepur Changed Garg. Concerned Please Jagdish Lal R/o Vpo Name Is Mentioned As Vi l l a g e K o t B h a r a I, Lakhwinder Singh S/o My Name To Nishan Singh Note. Saidowal, Distt. Kapurthala, Parmjit Kaur And On My ( b a t h i n d a ) H a v e Gurtej Singh R/o Kokri Gill.

84451 Punjab Have Changed My Passport My Name Is Changed My Name To Kalan (moga) Changed 63372I, Urmila ( Existing Name Written As Paramjit Kaur. Name From Harjinder Kaur Manpreet Kaur Mann. Name Lakhwinder Singh I N av jo t K au r W/o I n T h e S e r v i c e Name Are One And The To Kaur Harjinder ( Kaur As Meen.63372 Gagandeep Singh Batth R/o D o c u m e n t s O f M y Same Person. Per Surname). I Jc-762701l Nagender 63372 Vpo Jassowal Kular Tehsil Husband No. 1079300-w 4277898765 Singh S/o Jagan Singh I, Manjinder Kaur W/o Jagraon Distt Ludhiana E x D f r R a j S i n g h I , Ritu W/o Deepak I, Rohtash Kumar S/o Bira R e s i d e n t O f Wa r d Nirmal Singh R/o Mehron Have Changed My Name Resident Of Village Bhandari R/o 122, New Raja Ram R/o Village Mardan N o . 1 3 , m a j r a ( 1 3 5 ) (moga), I, Manjinder To Navjot Kaur Batth.Shersa Tehsil And Distt. Garden, Jalandhar, (pb.), Heri, Tehsil Samana, Distt. Jhajjar,haryana Have Kaur And Gurmeet Kaur 63372Sonipat (haryana) Have Have Changed My Name Patiala Punjab Declare That C h a n g e d M y W i f e B o t h n a m e s A r e m i n e I, Ramandeep Kaur D/o Changed My Name From Ritu To Ritu Bhandari.Aadhar Card And Pan Card Name From Kumari Andsame Person. Sukhmander Singh R/o Urmila To Sharmila In Which My Name Is 72778 V i j e n d e r a T o 63372 Village.amargarh Urf (proposed New Name As Mentioned As Rohtash I, Sarla Devi W/o Late Sh. Vi j e n d r a , e l d e r S o n I, Karnail Kaur W/o Amar K a l e r , P o s t O f f i c e , Per My Civil Documents) Kumar And On My Passport Raj Kumar R/o 94, Name From Napendra S ingh R/o Rand ia la Nanaksar , Tehsil Jagraon,

72779 My Name Is Written As Madhuban Colony, Basti Singh To Napender And (moga), Punjab India, D i s t . l u d h i a n a H a v e I Neha Kansal W/o Vishal Rothash. Name Are One B a w a K h e l , D i s t t . Smaller Son From Nitin Changed My Name To Changed My Name To Goyal R/o House No. And The Same Person. Jalandhar,declare That My Kumar To Nitin. Rupinder Kaur. Ramandeep Kaur Ballu.740, Main Road, New Real Son Name Kapil 98765 63372 63372 63372Geeta Colony Moga &surname DevI Gursharn Singh S/o Dilbag I, Raja S/o Santokh Singh I, Manbeer Singh S/o I Mamta Rani D/o Pukhraj Have Changed My Singh Vpo Faqarsar Distt Sri 72778 R/o Vill: Maheru Teh- Sukhraj Singh R/o V.p.o Singh R/o H:no 364/35 D 9 Name After Marriage Muktsar Sahib Have I Sarjit Singh S/o Sardar n a k o d a r ( j a l a n d h a r ) Rupana Sri Muktsar Sahib , Atam Nagar , Jagaron Distt To Neha. Changed My Name Minor Singh R/o Vpo Miani Changed My Name To Have Changed My Name Ludhiana Have Changed

90007 Son’s Name Sukhman Bhagupur i an , Tehs i l Raja Singh. To M a n b e e r S i n g h My Name To Now Mamta.I, Hakam Singh S/o Singh To Sukhman Singh B h o l a t h , D i s t r i c t 63372 Hundal. 63372C h a n d S i n g h R / o Brar. Kapurthala, And Punjab, I Balwinder Singh S/o 63372 I Nirpal Singh S/o Onkar Village Hathan Tehsil India Has Change My 62647 Kartar Singh R/o Dhaula I, Aastha Saini W/o Singh R/o Vpo Rauwal Dhuri, Distt Sangrur Name Due To Spelling I Veerpal Kaur Alias Virpal D i s t t B a r n a l a H a v e Gursharan Singh R/o Tehsil Jagaron Dist t Have Changed My Mistake In I t From Kaur W/o Pal Singh R/o Changed My Name To S a m r a l a ( l u d h i a n a ) Ludhiana Have Changed Name Hakam Singh Sarjit Singh To Surjit Giddarbaha Distt Sri B a l w i n d e r S i n g h Changed My Name To My Name To Nirpal Singh Waraich. SinghMuktsar Sahib Have Dhaliwal. Aastha Preet Kaur. Kaul.

98726 72778Declared That I Know By 63372 63372 63372I Mandeep Kaur D/o Both Name”s.N a c h h e t t e r S i n g h 62647Resident Of Village I, Davinder Kaur W/o Surjit K a b i r p u r , T e h s i l Singh R/o.2419 Gali No.5 S u l t a n p u r L o d h i , Sharifpura Amritsar Have District Kapurthala Changed My Name To Have Changed My Devinder Kaur.Name From Mandeep 72737Kaur To Mandeep Kaur I, Ram Krishan S/o Mangal Virdi. All Concerned Singh R/o.238 Shiv Nagar Please Note. Colony Near Jawala Floor

98706 Mills Islamabad Amritsar Have Changed My Name To Ram Kishan. Please Note It

72737I, Rinku Mehta S/o Sanjeev Kumar Vill Bhi lowal Pacca, the Ajnala Distt Amritsar & Rinku Mehta S.o Sanj iv Kumar Vi l l Bhi lowal Pacca, the Ajnala Distt Amritsar One Of Same Person

72737I, Jaswinder Singh S / o S o h a n S i n g h V.p.o Bham Tehsi l Ba ta la (gurdaspur ) M y S o n N a m e I s B i r t h C e r t i f i c a t e 1 0 t h C l a s s M a r k s Sheet Rajdeep Singh In Army Pt Ii Order W r o n g l y W r i t t e n Rajbir Singh Instead Of Rajdeep Singh.

72737I, Raj Kumar S/o Om Parkash R/ , T i l a k N a g a r A m r i t s a r H a v e Changed My Name T o R a j K u m a r A g g a r w a l . P l e a s e Note It


RNI NO. 61323/95 | Printed and Published by Gaurav Goel for Yugmarg Prakashan from 28/1, Industrial Area Phase-II, Chandigarh and printed at Yugmarg Publications,

Kurali Road, Khanpur, Kharar Distt. Mohali (PB), Editor Chander Trikha, Ph.:(off) 0172-5002721, 2972414. E-mail: [email protected]

Postal Code No. G/CHD/0186/2016-2018






Public Notice

Court Notice

Disown NoticeMatrimonial

Situation Vacant




I, Husin Singh S/o Mehanga Singh R/o Ghuman PSOC Behram (SBS Nagar) Pb, India, declare that my property Vasika No. 3822 Dated 01-02-2005 has been lost in Dana Mandi Phagwara dated 10-08-2018. If anybody found then contact at my above address.



It is to bring into public notice that I Tarlochan Singh s/o Pritam Singh R/o H. No A-68 model town karnal against who a case has been reported with FIR no. 649 o n 0 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 7 u n d e r s e c t i o n s 148,149,152,186,332,353,427 ipc and 3 PDP Act. Under this case I was sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year and with Fine for 3200 on 18/08/2015.An appeal has been filed against this impugned order which is pending for hearing before the honorable Sh.Vivek Singhal Court in Karnal on 18/10/2019.



COURT NOTICEIn the court of Sh. Amit Kumar Panchal IAS, sub

Divisional magistrate cum Collector NakodarCase No. 13/REA/2019 date of Institution 04-02-2019 date of Hearing 17-10-2019 in the matters of1. Dharminder Singh 2. Lahwinder Singh S/o Racchpal Singh S/o Jagir Singh Vill Gohir Tehsil Nakdoar.


Objector/RespondentNotice to

2. Jasvir Singh S/o Jagmail Singh 3. Amrik Singh S/o Jagmail Singh 7. Kundan Kaur W/o Teja Singh 8. Daljit Singh S/o Dalbir Singh 9. Manjit Singh S/o Jhalman Singh 10. Lakhwinder Singh S/o Joginder Singh 11. Ashwani Kumar S/o Chandan Bali 12. Arti W/o Ashni Kumar 13. Jarnail Singh S/o Mangal Singh 14. Jasvir Singh S/o Jagtar Singh 15. Jaswinder Kaur wd/o Jagtar Singh 16. Palwinder Singh S/o Jagtar Singh 17. Surjit Kaur W/o Des Raj R/o Vill: Gohir Tehsil Nakodar Distt. Jalandhar.Whereas it has been proved to the satisfaction of the court that the Objector/Respondent above notied cannot be served in the ordinary way of service. Hence this proclamation under order 5 Rule 20 CPC is hereby issued against them and they should appear personally or through their counsel on 17-10-2019 at 10:00 A.M. failing which exparte proceedings shall be taken against them. Given under my hand and the seal of the court on this 09th day of October 2019.

Sub Divisional MagistrateCum Collector Nakodar.

0172-5002721Plot No. 28/1, Industrial Area, Phase-2, Chandigarh

Email: [email protected]

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Afghanistan shuts down Consulate in Peshawar

PESHAWAR: The Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan, Shukrullah Atif Mashal, says Pakistani police have repeatedly attacked the Afghan market in Peshawar and taken down the Afghan national flag, and in response the Afghan Embassy in Islamabad has closed the Afghan Consulate in Peshawar. The Afghan government stated on Friday that such actions are “irresponsible and insulting.”Over the past few several days Pakistani police have repeatedly entered the Afghan market in Peshawar and removed the Afghan flag, say Afghan government officials. “Many soldiers came here, acting like terrorists. This is not acceptable. This is not good for improving relations between the two countries,” said Shukrullah Atif Mashal, the Afghan ambassador. Apparently Afghanistan has sought to deal with the matter in a formal way with a Pakistan court, but the court’s ruling was not considered impartial. Afghanistan’s Foreign Affairs Ministry in a statement said: “The Government of Afghanistan reiterates that the Afghan legal evidence has not been addressed in the context of the Afghan market due to political motives of the Pakistani court. Therefore, the Pakistani court's decision does not convince Afghan judicial institutions.”

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“Get out of bed my friendThe tea is getting cold;To the breach my comradesThe enemy’s getting bold;The legends are exhaustedEvery story has been told;Look up into the void and seeSpace and time unrolled…”

— From Al Sikander to AsLikander by Bachchoo

Movements take timebefore they becomemass and then they

take time to take effect. IndianIndependence, first mooted togrant us a democracy in thelate eighteenth century, be-came a mass movement andcame to flawed fruiting fiftyor so years later.

From the observations ofscientists and the world’s ex-perience of storms, unusualtemperatures, floods and furi-ous arguments between cli-mate-change activists and de-niers, a mass movement hasgrown, at least in the West, de-manding that “something bedone”.

This week the centres ofLondon and other UK citieshave seen hundreds of thou-sands of marchers andcampers, protesting in themovement called ExtinctionRebellion or XR. In Londonthey’ve stopped traffic to andin the centre, have chainedthemselves to the bottoms oflorries and cars stalled in themiddle of roads and bridges todefy the police to drag them totheir deaths and invaded theairports to prevent flightsfrom landing or taking off.Hundreds of them have beenarrested by the police who are,

unlike the police forces ofHong Kong, been benign butfirm. Every day one witnesseson TV, or in person if one hasventured out to join the XRrebels, men and women,young and old being draggedby a couple of coppers awayfrom the railings to whichthey had attached themselves.

We saw an 83-year-oldprotestor arrested for the thirdtime this week.

UK’s Prime MinisterBoris Johnson (still clingingon when this column waswritten), has in characteristicprose described the rebels as“unco-operative crusties.”The latter term, in the con-temptuous argot of the Britishbourgeoisie means someonetoo poor or callous to have abath. His use of the word wassupposed to convey connota-tions far beyond personal hy-giene. He was implying thatthese were tramps and peopleon the fringes of productivesociety – hippies, anarchistsand habitual rent-a-crowdprotestors.

As usual, Boris, unable tobowl a straight ball, was spin-ning the truth. The rebellion ismanifestly and demonstrably

supported by people fromright across the socio-eco-nomic spectrum. There weregroups of doctors, teachers,pop stars and very famousperformers who are far frompoor or unwilling to buy soapand shampoo. There wereeven some policemen and anex-senior cop on the protestwas interviewed and said hewas taking action now on be-half of future generations.The Rebellion, active in sev-eral countries, is undoubtedlyaware that there have beenhundreds of debates at thehighest level of the state, de-bating climate change. Therehave been resolutions, resis-ted by some major offendingcountries, on progressivelylimiting carbon emissions.There have been moves inseveral countries and in al-liances such as the EuropeanUnion to pass regulations toaddress the problem of ‘glob-al warming’ — a term thatepitomises all the vaunteddisasters of climate change inone symptom.

XR says none of this isfast enough or far-reachingenough to address the im-pending disaster. For thou-sands of years placard-hold-ers and billboard-wallahshave been announcing that“The End of The World IsNigh”.

These prophets had bibli-cal or other religious or Nos-tradamic evidence for theirpredictions and were and aretreated by the general publicas freaks, eccentrics, doom-sayers and possibly objects ofderisory amusement.


Nearly six years after India faced its last economic crisis be-cause of US taper tantrums, the economy appears to be wit-nessing its worst time. Though analysts cite the ill-execut-

ed demonetisation, ill-timed introduction of the Goods and Ser-vices Tax (GST) and global factors like subdued global consump-tion and an increasingly protectionist environment, the govern-ment had always refused to admit the reality. Now that it has tak-en note of the gravity of the problem, it does not seem to have anyclue on how to resolve it.

The government did not learn its lessons from a near-crisis in2013 that caused investor pullout in anticipation of the US Fedcapping its dollar infusion. Instead of using record low oil pricesfrom 2014 to boost consumption, it struck a blow to consumerswith its ill-executed note ban of 2016. Just eight months thereafter,it hurriedly rolled out a disruptive GST, apparently in the hope thatthis indirect tax reform would swell its coffers as the Value AddedTax (VAT) did years ago in 2005. However, it failed to appreciatethe changed global conditions and did not take into account the im-pact of demonetisation on the economy. The effect of this poorjudgment is for all to see: The GST collection in Septemberrecorded a 19-month-low of Rs 91,916 crores. The growth of thecountry’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) declined to five per centin the April-June quarter of the current financial year. Automobilesales are in decline for several months. The core sector — con-sisting of eight key sectors in infrastructure — witnessed a nega-tive growth of 0.5 per cent in August. Its ripple effect could be seenin the Index in Industrial Production for August, which shrunk by1.1 per cent — the lowest since 2012. Worryingly, manufacturinghas shrunk by 27 per cent. The logical corollary of this is that therewould be no immediate job creation. Consumer durables produc-tion has also contracted by nine per cent, which means people arepostponing spending — a development that could discouragecompanies from spending on new projects or adding new jobs.

After spending years in denial, the government has started tak-ing steps to put money back in the hands of corporates by slashingcorporate tax. There is also speculation that it could slash incometax rates to leave more money with people and thereby start a cy-cle of consumption, investment, jobs, and again consumption. Thisseemed like a well-conceived plan to take India out of slowdownmode. However, the GST Council decided on Friday to appoint acommittee to recommend measures to increase indirect collec-tions, including anti-evasion measures. This appears to be a deci-sion taken in panic because of a shocking decline in GST collec-tions in September. There are also reports of the CBDT asking itsofficers to increase tax collections. However, while the govern-ment should take all steps to collect the tax which is due to it, anyhardball tactics in the current environment could be counter-pro-ductive. The immediate task for the government is to have a sin-gular focus on improving investment and inspire confidenceamong people about their future.

EditorialAfter ignoring warnings,govt can’t play hardball

For a change, no one inPrime Minister NarendraModi’s government or in

the ruling Bharatiya JanataParty (BJP) is talking aboutmaking India a $5 trillioneconomy by 2024 any longer.They have rightly fallen silenton the issue. The economy,which was a “sweet spot” dur-ing the first few years ofNarendra Modi’s first term,had turned into a tight spot af-ter the emphatic victory in theLok Sabha elections this sum-mer. No irony is intended be-cause the BJP did not win thegeneral election on its eco-nomic achievements. Thenews on the economic front, asit stands today, is pretty grim,to say the least.

Union finance ministerNirmala Sitharaman has beenbravely grappling with the sit-uation, turning back firmly onher first Budget and takingwhat can be described asemergency measures to pullthe economy out of the dol-drums, creating larger publicsector banks (PSBs) throughmergers and recapitalisingsome others, reducing corpo-rate taxes in the hope thatthings will get better soon.

The declaration by thenewly-chosen managing di-rector of the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF),Kristalina Georgieva, that 90per cent of the world economywill have its worst growth ratesince the 2008 global financial

meltdown, the not-so-goodrating for India on the GlobalCompetitive Index of theWorld Economic Forum, andthe Reserve Bank of India re-vising the estimated growthrate for 2019-20 from 6.9 percent to 6.1 per cent only addsto the pain of the country’s stu-pefied economy. The only sil-ver lining in the RBI’s assess-ment is the good monsoon thisyear, which should ensure agood agricultural output,which in its turn should lead togreater rural demand. But it re-mains a pious hope at the mo-ment because the global tradewars, especially between Chi-na and the United States, andthe subdued global commodi-ty prices could make thingsdifficult for the national econ-omy in 2020-21, though the

RBI has projected seven percent growth in the next finan-cial year.

It is indeed a point of de-bate whether the post-Budgetpolicy tweaks of Ms Sithara-man would prove effective ornot. But it is not necessary toprejudge their effectiveness.What is of real concern is thefact that there is a lull in bothprivate investment and privateconsumption. In the first termof the Modi government, whathad kept the economy clock-ing a reasonable averagegrowth rate of seven per centwas public investment and pri-vate consumption. The gov-ernment’s zeal for public in-vestment has cooled down abit. And the people are hesitat-ing to spend enough to createthe demand that will set the

manufacturing and servicesectors humming.

Mr Modi and his col-leagues in the government willhave to ponder over the invis-ible economic lockdown thatis the cause behind the decel-erated growth rate. Both bigand small businesses aretightlipped about their ven-tures because they are holdingthemselves back.

So, whatever happened tothe improved Ease of DoingBusiness ranking of the pastfew years? Why is it not show-ing up in economic bustle?Why is it that Mr Modi had todo a desperate sales pitch forAmerican businesses to investin India in New York lastmonth in the same tone that hedid in Washington in 2014when he visited the United

States immediately after tak-ing over as Prime Minister?There has been an increase ofabout $60 billion in foreign di-rect investment (FDI) in thepast five years, but it has notimpacted the growth rate inthe same proportion. Foreignportfolio investments havebeen coming in and going outof the country at a brisk pace.

It is not surprising thenthat BJP president and Unionhome minister Amit Shah,who is the party’s chief cam-paigner in the Haryana andMaharashtra Assembly elec-tions to be held on October 21,is harping loudly and clearlyand without any let-up on theModi government’s decisionto abrogate Article 370 of theConstitution granting a specialstatus to Jammu and Kashmir

and on implementing the Na-tional Register for Citizens(NRC) in all parts of the coun-try. He is deftly side-steppingthe economic challenges fac-ing the government. Mr Shahand the party must be happythat they have succeeded intaking the attention away fromthe troubling issue. But thepeople’s sense of unease overthe stuttering economy re-mains.

Rashtriya SwayamsevakSangh (RSS) sarsangchalakMohan Bhagwat dismissingconcerns over the economicslowdown as exaggerated is ofno real value, but it does nothave much of an impact be-cause he is not a part of thegovernment or the BJP. It isthe silence of Mr Modi, theman who speaks, over theeconomy that is interesting.He has not referred to it in hismonthly radio talk, Mann KiBaat. It indirectly reflects theview of the government thatthe slowdown is a temporarything, and there is no need tolose any sleep over it, and thatthere will be a recovery soon-er than later. But the recoverylooks unlikely in the shortterm, and it is the short termproblem that affects people themost. The unverified informa-tion that the government plansto extend import duties fromonions to many more things asa way to boost “Make In In-dia” can turn out to be a badidea.

J&K smokescreen won’t hide economic spasms

Gangotri is melting: Will Indiansrespond with world’s largest ‘XR’?


Universities are birth-places and testinggrounds of new ideas,

new discoveries and initiativesand always demand visionariesto create perfect environmentfor the academic excellence.Punjabi University is reachingahead to traverse new vistasand making impressive stridesin academic world. Establishedin 1962, Punjabi UniversityPatiala has been lead by ablepersonalities like Jodh Singh(Founder vice chancellor), Kir-pal Singh Narang, InderjeetKaur Sandhu, Amrik Singh,Bhagat Singh, Sardara SinghJohal, H.K. Manmohan Singh,Jogide Singh Puar, JasbirSingh Ahluwalia and JaspalSingh.

Current Vice ChancellorProf. B. S. Ghuman, whojoined as vice-chancellor, Pun-jabi University, Patiala on Au-gust 14, 2017, has successful-ly completed two years of histerm, is very keen and enthusi-astic to make it scale newheights in near future. He ad-mits that it has been reallychallenging to work andprogress amidst fiscal difficul-ties of which University is go-ing through for some years. Atthe same time he is quite hope-ful that his efforts would sure-ly yield desired results.Through his constant endeav-oring he got succeeded in get-ting Rs. 50 Cr. as special grantfrom Punjab Governmenttwice. Besides the Govern-ment also announced a six per-

cent hike in annual grant forthe University. Prof. Ghumansaid that he is really grateful ofSri. V.P. Singh Badnore, Hon-orable Governor of Punjab andChancellor of the University,Captain Amrinder Singh, Hon-orable Chief Minister, Punjab,cabinet ministers and MLAswho played a key role in pro-viding the financial grant. Prof.Ghuman also remained suc-cessful in securing Rs. 50 Cr.grant from Ministry of HumanResources Development,Govt. of India under RUSAforResearch, Innovation andQuality improvement compo-nent. Punjab Government an-nounced to provide sevencrore each for setting up ofMaharana Partap Chair andAggarsen Chiar also. Prof.Ghuman said that his first andforemost priority has been toput stop on each and everykind of wasteful expenditure tohelp the University to sailthrough financial crisis. Hesaid that these expenditure cutshave allowed timely salaries tothe employees. For strengthen-ing research and academic ac-tivities in changing and com-

petitive times ahead, Universi-ty has initiated different stepsin various fields. The setting upof centre for artificial intelli-gence and data sciences hasbeen a major step in this direc-tion. Besides the setting up ofnew centers like 'Centre forProductive DevelopmentThrough Novel TechnologyIntervention', 'Centre for Hu-man Development and knowl-edge Management', 'Centre forIndustrial and Social Transfor-mation through Research andInnovation in Vocational En-trepreneurship', 'Centre forPublic Policy and Gover-nance', 'Rapid Prototyping andMaterial Testing ResearchCentre' and Research Centrefor Technology Developmentfor Differently able Persons'has been an innovative initia-tive itself.

The University is attainingnew heights in research and ac-ademic field is further evidentfrom the visit of PAU vicechancellor Dr. Baldev SinghDhillon who alongwith his re-search delegates and PrincipalSecretary Punjab Govt. Mr.Rakesh Kumar Verma to see

the research work being car-ried out by the Punjabi Univer-sity teachers. This teamshowed keen interest in thepatents registered here. It isworth mentioning that duringProf. Ghuman tenure threepatents have been filed includ-ing the two which have alreadybeen granted. Prof. Ghumansaid that besides starting newcourses, the University had toincrease seats in many tradi-tional courses also. The profes-sional courses like Law haswitnessed a remarkable in-crease as the Bar Counsel ofIndia approved double thenumber of seats in the PunjabSchool of Law here. Due toconstant efforts of FinishingSchool nearly 53 reputed com-panies provided placement tomany a students in these lastyears. Besides, various depart-ments have worked on theirown to secure placement forthe students. School of Man-agement Department got 219placements out of its 240 stu-dents. 80 percents students ofPhysical Education Depart-ment, 70 percent of SocialWork Department have been

able to secure jobs.At global level to the Uni-

versity has been able to signagreements with many foreignuniversities and reputed globalinstitutes including Universityof British Columbia, Universi-ty of Wisconsin, Parkside;University of British Colum-bia, Vancouver; University ofNorthern British Columbia,Prince George; PunjabBhawan, Surrey; DhahanPrize, Richmond, Canada; andUniversity of the Fraser Valley,Abbotsford, Canada. The Uni-versity has also become part-ner of a very powerful knowl-edge cluster namely Chandi-garh Region Innovation andKnowledge Cluster (CRIKC)having around 30 institutionsas its members.

The Punjabi University iscelebrating 550th birth cele-bration of Guru Nanak Dev jiwith great fervor. It has out-lined 57 programs in this re-gard which is more than anyother institution. The Universi-ty strongly believes in researchbased result oriented work-shops. The play 'Pagri Samb-hal Jatta' was conceived on thebasis of research undertakenby the University on rural sui-cides. staged recently in theUniversity was highly appreci-ated as it tried to provide manyworkable solutions to comeout of the agrarian crisis caus-ing farmer suicides in largenumbers. Punjabi Universityhas been a conservatory for de-velopment of Punjabi, Lan-guage, literature, culture andsocial development.








STARS TALKSSeemaa Singh, As-

trologer and Vastu Ex-pert known for her accu-

rate predictions of winningBJP minister Kirron Kher, as

well winningof Punjabelections byCongress. Shehas deliveredmany lectureson astrologyin India as

well as abroad. Followed byinternational conferences andT.V. shows on various Chan-nels.ARIES:-Appropriately forthe time of year, today's plan-etary picture remains opti-mistic. Seldom will you havebeen so determined to getyour own way, especially

where money is concerned. Lucky Color:-PinkLucky Number:-5

TAURUS:-You must be freeto branch out in a new direc-tion if that is what you want.It's neither fair nor reasonablefor other people to hold youback, however noble and self-less their intentions.

Lucky Color:-WhiteLucky Number:-11

GEMINI:-original ideas willfire your imagination, andyou'll be ably assisted by thefriendly presence of Mercuryin a supportive sign, encour-aging you to come out intothe open and put yourself onthe line.

Lucky Color:-YellowLucky Number:-8

CANCER:-You were born

with profound creative talentsbut you've not always beendiligent in expressing them asthey deserve.

Lucky Color:-TurquoiseLucky Number:-3

LEO:- You have the courageto live in the present eventhough it does seem in-evitable that unfinished busi-ness from the past must nowbe cleared up.

Lucky Color:-Sea GreenLucky Number:-23

VIRGO:-Amid the chaos andconfusion you stand alone,able to think clearly and evencome up with answers whichhave eluded other people solong.

Lucky Color:-PeachLucky Number:-7

LIBRA:-Statements attrib-

uted to a close friend mayhave been an eye opener asfar as you are concerned. Yetthe truth is that you may haveclosed your mind to a majorpossibility for much too long.

Lucky Color:-Navy BlueLucky Number:-14

SCORPIO:-Be wary of thosewho promise you the earth,but don't mislead other peoplewith your own outrageousclaims either.

Lucky Color:-BrownLucky Number:-2

SAGITTARIUS:-Althoughyou may feel shaken after re-cent hurts and slights, youmust now begin to reorganizeyour life.

Lucky Color:-PurpleLucky Number:-8


still be in a state of shock-or,at least, mildly surprised!

Lucky Color:-RedLucky Number:-9

AQUARIUS:-This is a ro-mantic time for many people,even if they don't have thecourage to admit it.

Lucky Color:-MaroonLucky Number:-22

PISCES:-Everything that hasoccurred in the past few dayshas positive potential if onlyyou would recognize it.

There is no situation so triv-ial or insignificant that youcan't learn something from itof lasting value. Your financial situation is

about to shift, as well, so getready.

Lucky Color:-GreyLucky Number:-1

Universities are producdingtalent and ideas


For the first time in the his-tory of Independent In-dia, the IRCTC, although

a PSU under the ministry ofrailways, but still an entity onits own, will run two passengertrains to begin with. Before In-dependence, the Indian railnetwork and its operationswere managed by various pri-vate entities. The freight trainshave already been operated byprivate players in competitionwith the Indian Railways. So,strictly speaking, introducingprivate passenger trains is not arevolutionary step per se.However, given the fact thatthe Indian Railways has beenoperated since Independenceas a department (not even as a

PSU) of the Government of In-dia with no scope for privateplayers to pitch in, this is amuch-needed positive change.Since the Indian Railways en-joyed the monopoly of runningrail mode, it cared little for theintroduction of state-of-the-arttechnologies in infrastructure,integrated systems and rollingstock on par with the countrieswhich are advanced in railtransport. When private busoperators copycat rail transportin terms of the smooth ride byintroducing multi-axle Volvoand Scania buses, introducedsleeper coaches in buses andeven provided chemical toilets,the Indian Railways remainedpredominantly stagnant in

terms of quality of service of-fered to the passengers onboard, except in premiumtrains such as the Rajdhani andthe Shatabdi. The state roadtransport corporations intro-duced multi-axle Volvo andScania buses in their fleet tocounter omni bus operatorsmonopolising premium seg-ment passengers. The arrivalof private players in air travelin the 2000s increased compe-tition, reduced ticket prices andthereby increased the volumeof domestic passenger traffic.Had roads and skies not beenopened for private players, ourroad and air services wouldhave remained lackadaisicaleven today.

The news on the economic front, as it standstoday, is pretty grim, to say the least

It is indeed a point of debate whether thepost-Budget policy tweaks of Ms Sitharamanwould prove effective or not. But it is notnecessary to prejudge their effectiveness.What is of real concern is the fact that there isa lull in both private investment and privateconsumption. In the first term of the Modigovernment, what had kept the economyclocking a reasonable average growth rate ofseven per cent was public investment andprivate consumption.

Page 5: PAGE 8 PAGE 3 PAGE 8 We begin a new chapter in our ties ...



The strategic Jammu-Sri-nagar national highwaywas closed for traffic onSaturday after a landslidein Ramban district, a trafficdepartment official said.

The 270-km highwaywas opened for one-waytraffic on Friday night, aday after a landslide inRamban district left thou-sands of vehicles stranded.The landslide was trig-gered during widening ofthe road at Nihard, twokms from Ramban towardsJammu.

Efforts are underwayto restore the highway --the only all-weather roadlinking Kashmir to the restof the country, the officialsaid.

"Over 1,200 Jammu-bound stranded vehicles,mostly trucks, were clearedfrom 8 pm on Friday afterthe road was cleared forone-way traffic but a freshlandslide again forced theclosure of the highway thismorning," he said. The of-

ficial said the road clear-ance operation is going onin full swing and the high-

way is expected to reopenfor traffic later in the day."The focus is on clearance

of several thousand vehi-cles which remain strandedon the highway," he said,

adding that these include asecurity convoy which isheaded to Jammu.

Traffic on Jammu-Srinagar highwaysuspended after landslide

Jawan injured as Pak violates truce onLoC in RajouriJAMMU: An Army jawan suffered injuries as Pakistan Army on Fri-day violated the ceasefire agreement by resorting to unprovoked fir-ing and shelling along the Line of Control in Rajouri district of Jam-mu and Kashmir. Official sources here said that Pakistani Army thismorning initiated unprovoked ceasefire violation by fring small armsand shelling with mortars in Rajouri sector. "An Army jawan sufferedinjuries in the cross border firing and he has been evacuated," theyadded. Director-General of Police (DGP) Dilbagh Singh, Jammu andKashmir, has said Pakistan attempts to push a number of infiltratorsduring the ceasefire violations.



SKUAST to host 3-dayfifth agri sciencecongress

JAMMU: The Sher-e-KashmirUniversity of Agricultural Sciences andTechnology (SKUAST- Jammu) incollaboration with the J&K StateCouncil for Science and Technology isgoing to organise the 5th J&KAgriculture Science Congress on thetheme “Climate change managementfor sustainable agriculture, livestockfarming and ecological development”.This was informed by JP Sharma,director, research, SKUAST-Jammu,during a press conference onThursday. Sharma said the three-dayevent to be held from October 14 to 16will be attended by 400 scientists fromacross India. “Experts in the field ofagriculture, veterinary and ecologicalsciences will chair technical sessions.The science congress will generate aroadmap for the state regardingvarious recommendations andstrategies for agriculture andveterinary sciences,” he said. VikasSharma, chairman, Press and MediaCommittee, said several papers onvarious scientific topics will bepresented.

Kashmir integral toIndia: Shah inMaharashtra

BULDHANA (MAHARASHTRA):Union Home Minister and BharatiyaJanata Party President Amit Shah onFriday here in Maharashtra againemphasized that Jammu and Kashmirare an integral part of India even asPrime Minister Narendra Modi was setto meet in Tamil Nadu ChinesePresident Xi Jinping, who hascontinued to show tacit support toPakistan on the Kashmir issue.The ruling party chief said BJP hasachieved the stupendous task ofscrapping Article 370 in the"For BJP, the nation is always aprioritya We are an ideology-basedparty, not family-dominated like theCongress-Nationalist Congress Partywhich indulge in vote-bank politics,"Shah said, addressing an election rallyin Chikhali, Buldhana district ofVidarbha.Terming the developments in Jammu& Kashmir as significant forMaharashtra, he said that thousandswere killed by terrorists there, but theCongress-NCP opposed theabrogation of Article 370.Lauding Chief Minister DevendraFadnavis for the all-rounddevelopment and progress achieved inall sectors in the past five years, Shahurged the people to return the party topower in the state with a full majority inthe October 21 elections.The BJP chief also announced that theworld-renowned Lonar Lake, theworld's second biggest created bymeteorite impact around 60,000 yearsago, would be developed into a globaltourist hotspot.Similarly, the temple of the reveredsaint, Sant Gajanan Maharaj herewould also be redeveloped with allamenities for the pilgrims.On the second day of his whirlwindelection tour, the BJP chief isscheduled to address rallies inWashim and Amravati district later inthe day.

Pakistan violatesceasefire at LoC inNowshera sector

JAMMU: Pakistan violated theceasefire at the Line of Control (LoC)in Nowshera sector of the Rajouridistrict in Jammu and Kashmir.Pakistani forces allegedly initiatedunprovoked firing and shelling at theLoC. One Army jawan was injured inPakistani firing at the LoC inNowshera .Director-General of Police (DGP)Dilbagh Singh, Jammu and Kashmir,has said Pakistan attempts to push anumber of infiltrators during theceasefire violations. He also said thatmany ceasefire violations have beentaking place in several areas of J&K.Last week, Pakistan violated theceasefire at the LoC in Poonch districtof Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). ThePakistani Army resorted to unprovokedfiring and shelling in the area. TheIndian Army gave a befitting reply tothe ceasefire violations by Pakistan.


In a major step in easing the69 days lockdown in theKashmir valley, the Jammuand Kashmir administrationon Saturday announcedrestoration of all postpaidmobile phone services fromMonday noon.

Government spokesmanand senior IAS officer RohitKansal told reporters that allpostpaid mobile phones willbe resorted from October 14noon.

The services were likelyto be resumed on Saturdaybut a last minute technicalhitch led to deferring of theresumption of services.

The subscribers will haveto, however, wait for somemore time for Internet servic-es to resume in the Valley,they said.

The state administrationhas been examining variousoptions with regard to sus-pension of mobile phoneservices which have come infor severe criticism for caus-ing hardships to some sevenmillion residents of the Val-ley. At one point it wasplanned to open only BSNL

services followed by allow-ing activating only incomingcalls run by private telecomoperators.

The move comes barelydays after the Centre issuedan advisory opening the Val-ley for tourists. Travel associ-ation bodies had approachedthe administration, sayingthat no tourist would like tocome to the valley where nomobile phones working.

The mobile services inJammu and Kashmir wereshut down on August 5 afterthe Centre announced in NewDelhi the abrogation of thespecial status guaranteed tothe state under Article 370 ofthe Constitution.

Partial fixed line telepho-ny was resumed in the valleyon August 17, and by Sep-tember 4 all landlines, num-bering nearly 50,000, weredeclared operational.

In Jammu, the communi-cation system was restoredwithin days of the blockadeand even mobile Internet wasstarted around mid-August.However, after its misuse, theInternet facility on cellularphones was snapped on Au-gust 18.

Postpaid mobile phoneservices to resume from

Monday in Kashmir


To mark International GirlChild Day, District Admin-istration in Jammu andKashmir (J&K) Rajouri inassociation with the MotorVehicle Departmentlaunched six pink vehiclesunder 'Beti Bachao BetiPadhao,' Scheme.

Speaking on launchingpink vehicles under the'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao'scheme, the District Devel-opment Commissioner ofRajouri (J&K), Mo-hammed Aijaz said, "Trans-port department conducteda survey in which it cameout that girl students werefacing problems in com-muting due to overcrowdedpublic transport vehicles.

So keeping that in mind welaunched these vehicles." Atotal of six eight-seater pinkvehicles will ply betweenOld Bus stand to GMC andAH, New Bus stand toGMC and AH and Old Busstand to Khandli. The serv-ice will be available from

8:00 am to 8:30 pm everyday. "These routes havebeen selected after a surveyconducted by the MotorVehicle Department, Ra-jouri," Asad said.

He also urged the girlstudents present on the oc-casion to spread awareness

in the society about the'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao'campaign. He sought thecooperation of the public inmaking the campaign asuccess in the district. "Wewill try our best to takemore initiatives of this sort.I would urge the women toutilize this service to thefullest because this servicehas been initiated for theirbetterment," said AssistantRegional Transport Officer(ARTO), Anzar Ahmed. "Iwould like to congratulatethe women here on this spe-cial occasion.

Required and feasibleroutes have been consid-ered which will be coveredby these vehicles in order toprovide ease of travel to thewomen.

Pink vehicles under 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao'scheme launched in J&K's Rajouri

IAF Chief RKS Bhadauria visits Srinagarairbase, reviews security situation


Air Chief Marshal (ACM)Rakesh Kumar SinghBhadauria, who on Septem-ber 30 took charge as the 26thChief of Air Staff of the Indi-an Air Force (IAF), on Fri-day, visited Srinagar airbasein his maiden tour outsideDelhi to review the opera-tional preparedness and secu-rity situation. This his firstvisit to Srinagar after takingover as IAF Chief.

His visit to the Srinagarairbase assumes significancein the backdrop of increasingceasefire violations fromPakistan along the Line ofControl. Earlier in the day,the Indian Army had releaseda statement saying, the num-ber of ceasefire violationsfrom the Pakistan side has in-creased in the past one year.The Indian Army on Friday

said Pakistan has violated theceasefire for more than 2000times till October 10 thisyear. The Army also said thatover 147 terrorists have beenkilled in different operationsby the security forces on theLine of Control and hinter-

land.“Over 2,317 ceasefire vi-

olations by Pakistan in 2019till October 10, while 147 ter-rorists have been killed indifferent operations by thesecurity forces on the Line ofControl and hinterland,” the

Army said in a statement.Saying that the incidents

of ceasefire violations haveincreased from Pakistan sidein the last one year, the Armysaid that more than 200 ter-rorists have been killed, in-cluding foreigner terroristcommanders, during the en-counters. “In 2018, therewere 1,629 ceasefire viola-tions and 254 terrorists werekilled including foreigner ter-rorist commanders,” theArmy added. After takingcharge, Bhadauria had calledthe Rafale fighter jet a‘game-changer’ and had saidthat it will give India an edgeover Pakistan and China.

“Rafale is a very capableaircraft. It will be a game-changer in our operationalcapability. It will give Indiaan edge over Pakistan andChina,” Bhadauria told me-dia.

Imran leads 'human chain'event on Kashmir Day


Pakistan Prime MinisterImran Khan led a 'humanchain' event here to ex-press solidarity withKashmiris as 'KashmirDay' was marked acrossthe country.

The several kilome-tres-long human chain

was formed from D-Chowk to the ConventionCentre in Islamabad onFriday, Geo News report-ed. People from all sec-tions of society took partin the event.

On the occasion,Prime Minister Khan saidthat Pakistan needed togive the world a message

that his country would al-ways stand by Kashmir.

Speaking to a crowdof supporters in the capi-tal, Khan said that the in-ternational media washighlighting the protestsin Hong Kong as a move-ment for democratic free-dom, while ignoring theKashmir issue.

Normal life remains affected in KashmirSRINAGAR, OCT 12

Normal life remained affectedin Kashmir for the 68th con-secutive day on Friday as mainmarkets continued to be shutand public transport off theroads, officials said.

The Kashmir valley hasbeen witnessing continuousshutdown since August 5 whenthe Centre revoked the state'sspecial status under Article 370and bifurcated it into twoUnion Territories.

Additional forces havebeen deployed in vulnerableareas of Kashmir including theSrinagar city to maintain lawand order in view of the con-gregational prayers, they said,adding there were no restric-tions in the city or elsewhere inthe valley. However, authori-ties have been imposing re-strictions in vulnerable areas ofthe valley every Friday, appre-

hending that vested interestsmight exploit the large gather-ings at big mosques andshrines to fuel protests. Fridayprayers have not been allowedat any of the major mosques orshrines in the valley for thepast over two months now. Theofficials said main markets andother business establishmentsin Kashmir remained shut,even as few vendors had set upstalls on the TRC Chowk-LalChowk road here. Private

transport was plying unhin-dered in Srinagar and otherdistricts across the valley, theysaid, adding the number of pri-vate vehicles was far lesserthan Thursday. Mobile servic-es remained suspended inKashmir except in Handwaraand Kupwara areas in the northsince the night of August 4, theofficials said. Internet services-- across all platforms alsocontinued to be snapped in thevalley, they said.

BCCI polls: 'Salam can'trepresent JKCA, awaitingElectoral Officer's reply'


Even as the Board of Control for Cricket in India(BCCI) Electoral Officer N. Gopalaswami on Thurs-day barred five state associations, Railways, Servicesand Indian University from the upcoming board elec-tion in Mumbai on October 23, it has come to the forethat Jammu & Kashmir Cricket Associations (JKCA)representative for the elections Abid Salam isnt evena JKCA member. While the Electoral Officer hadmentioned that the final list of approved full membersare those who have been determined to be compliantwith the Supreme Court judgment dated August 9,2018 read with the SC order dated September 20,Salam's case has allegedly been ignored even as for-mer JKCA General Secretary Iqbal Shah wrote to theofficer citing the open flouting of rules by the JKCA'sCommittee of Administrators (CoA). In the mails, ac-cessed by IANS, Shah has pointed to the BCCI Elec-toral Officer how Salam's nomination is nothing but a‘sham'. "We have learnt that setting aside all normsand directions from time to time from CoA of BCCI,the CoAof JKCAhas nominated one Abid Salam as arepresentative of JKCA for participation in BCCIelections.

BSNL finds Ali Baba'streasure trove in KashmirSRINAGAR, OCT 12The 68-day long communication clampdown in Kashmir hasbecome a gold-mine of sort for the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Lim-ited (BSNL), that had otherwise lost its monopoly on commu-nication due to fierce competition in rest of the country.

After phone connectivity was suspended in Jammu andKashmir on August 5, following the abrogation of Article 370,all landline and mobile phones remained silent for over 45days. Internet facility available on both fixed landline connec-tions and mobile phones was naturally snapped during this pe-riod. After 45 days, authorities in Kashmir decided to allowphone connectivity only through BSNL landline connections.The decision became the proverbial Ali Baba's treasure trovefor the BSNL that has been finding it hard otherwise to retainits subscriber base in the country. The fact that for a populationof 8 million people in Kashmir, there were only 45,000 BSNLlandline connections till August 5, tells the story. Subscribershad started giving up landline connections in Kashmir aftermobile phones ruled the communication business in the coun-try. With the continuing suspension of mobile phone services,BSNL landline connections have become the only possiblecommunication link between the Valley and the rest of thecountry after authorities allowed these to function. This hascaused unending queues outside BSNL offices in the Valleywith prospective subscribers seeking fresh landline connec-tions and those who had given up their existing connectionsfighting for the restoration of this service.

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6NEWS Swedish man gets naked on Hyderabad flight;sent to mental hospitalHYDERABAD: A Swedish national allegedly created a ruckus aboard a plane by refusing toalight after it landed at the international airport here from Goa on Friday, police said.The foreigner allegedly drunk did not deplane along with other passengers and the crew sawhim lying in the toilet, a police release said. Also, he allegedly misbehaved with the crew whenasked to get off the plane and the airport security staff handed him over to the police, the releasesaid. It was learnt the passenger was drunk and under the influence of drugs, and sent to Osma-nia General Hospital for tests, from where he tried to escape by removing his clothes and threat-ening the policemen and the hospital staff, it said.


Himalaya ExpandsIts Hair Care

Portfolio withNatural Shine Henna

CHANDIGARH : Discover thenatural way to color and conditionyour hair with Himalaya NaturalShine Henna. A blend of 9 uniqueherbs and the purest quality Ra-jasthani Henna, Natural Shine Hen-na provides intense conditioningand shine to your hair. While beinggentle on your scalp and hair, ourhenna provides long-lasting colorto and keep it healthy.Packed withNature’s goodness, Natural ShineHenna is enriched with Bhringara-ja, known to promote hair growth,and Amla and Curry Leaves, knownfor darkening hair and fighting pre-mature graying. Free from PPD,Ammonia, and other harmful syn-thetic chemicals, Natural ShineHenna leaves your hair feeling soft,shiny, and healthy.Puja Bedi, BrandManager – Hair Care, ConsumerProducts Division, The HimalayaDrug Company, shares, “In India,the hair care segment is growing ata rapid pace, and customers arelooking for more natural solutionsto their hair concerns like prema-ture graying of hair. Henna is a pre-ferred option for them. However,our market surveys have shown thatcustomers are often wary of thequality and efficacy of the Hennathey are using. We wanted to pro-vide customers with a henna that isbacked by Himalaya’s trust andmade with superior quality herbs.Hence, we have launched NaturalShine Henna to address the con-stant consumer concern for a safeand natural formula to color theirhair.”The product is priced at Rs. 15for 25gm, Rs. 35 for 50gm, and Rs75 for 120gm, and is available in allmajor retail, modern trade, and e-commerce platforms.

4 feared missingas boat capsizes

in UP villageGORAKHPUR: Four persons arefeared missing after a boat capsizedin Ghaghra river in Chapra Poorvivillage under Dhanghata police sta-tion area in adjoining Sant Kabir-nagar district on Saturday, the po-lice said.

Sub Divisional Magistrate ofDhanghata Pramod Kumar saidthere were 18 people on the ill-fat-ed boat of which 14 have been res-cued.

“Some farm labourers were go-ing on the ill-fated boat from onebank of the river to the other on Sat-urday morning,” Kumar said.

“The accident took place ataround 8.30 am as the labourerswere in a hurry to get down fromthe boat. The NDRF team hasreached the spot for rescue work,”he added.

Superintendent of Police Bra-jesh Singh said that divers are at thespot to trace the missing persons.

Taking cognizance of the inci-dent, Uttar Pradesh Chief MinisterYogi Adityanath has directed theDistrict Magistrate and Superinten-dent of Police to reach the spot andengage the State Disaster ReliefForce (SDRF) in rescue work.

Sheila Dikshit's sonblames Congress

leader for hersudden death

NEW DELHI: The Congress's dis-ciplinary committee will look intothe allegations made by former MPand Sheila Dikshit's son SandeepDikshit against Delhi unit in-chargePC Chacko, with party chief SoniaGandhi referring the matter to it.

Sandeep Dikshit had written aletter to Chacko accusing him forthe sudden demise of his mother,they said.

The letter was written soon af-ter Sheila Dikshit's death on July20.

Sources said Chacko has in-formed Gandhi about the letter andits contents, following which shehas referred the matter to the disci-plinary committee comprising ofsenior party leaders AK Antony,Sushilkumar Shinde and MotilalVora.

"I have communicated the letterto Congress president Sonia ji forher information," Chacko said.

Chacko said that he receivedthe letter two days ago and commu-nicated the same to the Congresschief. Chacko did not disclose thecontents of the letter and said thematter is before Gandhi.

CHANDIGARH : Sony India todayannounced its plans for the Diwalifestive season. With wide array ofnew products in each category, excit-ing discounts on key product modelsand assured gifts on purchase of se-lect products across categories, weexpect this Diwali to be a bright onefor our customers in India.New prod-ucts launched across categories suchas BRAVIA televisions, Alpha cam-eras and lenses, Soundbars, PartySpeakers, Headphones and BluetoothSpeakersIn preparation for the fes-tive season, Sony has announced anarray of innovative products acrossall categories and price points withthe objective of maximizing cus-tomer satisfaction during the festiveseason. The recently launched newproducts across categories such asBRAVIA televisions, Alpha camerasand lenses, soundbars, party speak-ers, headphones and Bluetoothspeakers. Some of the latest productofferings include flagship BRAVIAOLED MASTER series A9G andBRAVIA OLED 4K TV A8G series,Premium 4K HDR LED TVsX9500G, X8500G and 4K HDR Tri-luminos LED TVs X8000G andX7002G in the television segment. Indigital imaging, A7R IV, A7R III &A7 III full frame cameras, RX0 II ul-tra-compact camera, a vlogger kit in-cluding A6400 camera along withadditional accessories, Super-Tele-photo 600mm F4 G Master™ PrimeLens and 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 GOSS Super-Telephoto Zoom Lensare available. Home audio segmenthas seen the launch of HT-Z9F andHT-X8500 Dolby Atmos soundbars;WH-XB900N Extra Bass Noise Can-cellation headphone with Alexa,

SRS-402M wireless Alexa speakerand WH-CH510 & WI-XB400 af-fordable wireless headphones havebeen added to the personal audio seg-ment.Customers can avail special fi-nance offers through Bajaj Finserv,IDC First Bank, HDB financial serv-ices and HDFC bank with down pay-ment of just Re. 1 at no extra pro-cessing fees to make purchase easieron the pocket. All promotionalscheme will be valid from 28th Sep-tember 2019 till stocks last.Mr. SunilNayyar, Managing Director, Sony In-dia, “Sony has always strived to

bring best in class technology andpremium experience to customers inIndia. In this festive season, we haveannounced the most cutting-edgeproducts bundled with unique con-sumer promotion offers and easy fi-nance schemes that will resonatewith our customers.We are confident that our focussed

strategy, robust marketing initiativesand competitive pricing will enableus to enhance market-share and fur-ther solidify our position as a marketleader in consumer durable indus-try”.

Sony India brightens your Diwaliwith exciting festive season offers

CHANDIGARH: BASF to-day launched Zidua, a newpre-emergent herbicide forwheat, which offers farmers amuch-needed solution forcontrolling one of the mostproblematic weeds in theirfields – Phalaris. India is thesecond-largest wheat-produc-ing country in the world.However, farmers in majorwheat-growing areas havefaced increased difficultymaintaining their yield levelsdue to outbreaks of Phalariswhich has developed resist-ance to many conventionalherbicides. Offering a newmode of action compared tocurrently available solutionson the market, Zidua beginsto protect fields immediatelyafter application. It providessuperior and long-lasting con-

trol of Phalaris coupled withexcellent crop safety. Ziduafurther strengthens BASF’sportfolio of innovative solu-tions for wheat growers in In-dia, including products suchas Opera, which combines su-perior control of yellow rust

with excellent plant healthbenefits.“BASF is committedto helping Indian wheatgrowers maximize their po-tential. The growers deserveaccess to the most advancedsolutions to help themachieve better yields. With

this new launch, BASF onceagain demonstrates its com-mitment to supporting thegrowers to find innovative so-lutions to their problems,”said Rajendra Velagala, Busi-ness Director, AgriculturalSolutions South Asia.

BASF presents innovative pre-emergent herbicideZidua to fight resistant Phalaris weed in wheat

CHANDIGARH : KarwaChauth is just around the corner,this festival is so auspicious forthe Indian wedded woman, whofast for prolonging the life oftheir husbands. The occasion ismarked by women dressing up intraditional wear, as they spruceup in their best ethnic attires, ap-ply mehendi, and adorn a bridallook. BIBA’s festive collection isready to revamp your wardrobewith red and bright shades craft-ed with finest designing, intricatedetailing, fresh drapes and sil-houettes. To celebrate the maritalbliss, BIBA organizes mehendievery year at it stores and bringsa vast range of royal traditionalIndian wear to make all the love-ly ladies look astounding.Thenew collection of BIBA immacu-lately mixes the new and the tra-ditional. The range has a range ofkurtas, lehengas, shararas,anarkalis in bright colours thatare just a perfect pick for the oc-casion. Bright colours and beau-tiful prints and embroideries inbanarasi brocades, crepe, chan-deri and pure silk make the rangestand out.Fall in love with redonce again with this red suit-setby BIBA. It is a set of three. A straight fit kur-ta, straight palazzo pants and dupatta. ThisKurta features V-neck and three forth sleeveshighlighted with sitara work and embroidery.Kurta got embroidery all-over the front andsolid back. Pants come highlighted with gold-en stripe on the edges and dupatta comes in to-tal contrast featuring fringes and gold stripeson the sides. Give your Karwa Chauth looks a

perfect match with elegant BIBAjewellery.Embrace your feminity with thisperfect wine coloured lehenga-set this KarwaChauth. It is a set of lehenga, top & dupatta.The colour and print styling of this set is amaz-ing, which makes it a perfect outfit to opt thisKarwa Chauth and wedding season. Compli-ment your outfit with a contemporary greyenamel red jhumkis from BIBA.

The destination foryour Karwa Chauthlook and mehandi

CHANDIGARH : They say losinga pet is as close to losing a familymember and no one could agreemore than actor Anand Goradiawho in the last few months lost hispet dog owing to the latter’s age. Ananimal lover for the most part of hislife, Anand owned a mixed Ger-man-Pomeranian breed that wasdearly loved by him and his wife.Unable to deal with the loss of theirpet who grew to become oneamongst them, the couple decidedto perform the craft of taxidermy tokeep the presence of the little furryanimal alive. The actor has playedseveral notable characters on televi-sion with genres varying from dra-ma and mythology and will now beseen stepping into the fantasy-hor-ror genre with &TV’s Laal Ishq. Arare craft is known to mankind;Anand was at first little peculiarabout performing this art on hisdog. However thorough researchand an unusual approach towardslife got the actor drawn towards thisthought. Sharing his thoughts be-hind the same, Goradia said, “As a kid, Iwas never allowed to nurture a pet dog.It’s only once I got married that I alongwith my wife decided to own a dog andname her, Gia. She was very young whenwe brought her home and became theclosest companion to our entire family. Ina matter of months, she became one of theclosest members so much so that life af-ter her death seemed quite difficult. Welost Gia at the age of 15 years around 8-10 months back and each one of us had ahard time dealing with this news. While afew doctors advised us to bury her, we

were consulted by one on taxidermizingour dog in a manner that we would al-ways feel her presence around us. At first,it was a pretty peculiar thought to us, butconsidering our deep love towards her,we decided to take this decision. Afterthorough research, we found a renowneddoctor in the city who performs this artand took Gia to him. It took about threeand a half months for the entire process tocomplete and once we had a chance to seeGia, it almost felt like we never lost her.Somewhere, via this, we feel her presencearound us.”

Actor Anand Goradiaresorts to taxidermy to

keep his pet alive

CHANDIGARH : Taking the cine-matography creativity to newer heights,Panasonic India has announced thelaunch of its latest digital single-lens full-frame mirrorless camera with LumixS1H for the India market today. Aimingto deliver cinema-quality video output,the LUMIX S1H is the world’s first cam-era that captures 6K resolution and is ca-pable of video recording at 6K/24p *1(3:2 aspect ratio), 5.9K/30p (16:9 aspectratio), and 10-bit 60p 4K/C4K.*1 *2 Of-fering ultra-high image quality, flexibili-ty and expressiveness for today’s de-manding shoots, Lumix S1H is equippedwith a full-frame image sensor that com-bines the professional-level video quali-ty, with the high mobility of the mirror-

less camera. The Lumix S1H has a new-ly designed 24.2 megapixel full-frameCMOS sensor featuring the Dual NativeISO technology at ISO 640 and ISO4000equipping cinematographers to getextremely clean footage even in low lightsituations that too without any noise.

Other key highlights of the Lumix S1Hinclude Full V-Log/ V-Gamut with 14+stops of dynamic range, 4:2:2 10bit in-ternal recording, Cinema 4K recording atup to 60p and unlimited recordingtime.Commenting on thelaunch,Sandeep Sehgal, Business Chief,Panasonic India,said, “Panasonic has along history of developing cinematiccameras with its innovative and progres-sive technology. Lumix S1 H is the latestaddition to our range of compact mirror-less system cameras through which weaim to provide value to our users in thefull-frame camera market in India. 6K isgoing to be an important feature that willdominate the market, as it not only al-lows cinematographers to shoot on high-

Panasonic Launches World’s first 6K digital single-lens full-frame mirrorless camera Lumix S1H

Ayushmann Khurrana and RadhikaApte celebrate Diwali with the IconicLink collection by Daniel Wellington

LUDHIANA/AMRITSAR: Daniel Wellington, a leading watches and accessories brand knownfor its contemporary and sleek design celebrated the onset of the festive season in the capital citywith an exclusive Diwali party at the most iconic setting at the Qla. The event was a true merri-ment to the flawless craftsmanship behind all of Daniel Wellington’s timeless designs. The Icon-ic Link features a luxurious metal bracelet with three-piece links; each segment is comprised ofsolid steel, individually crafted pieces in an elegantly tapered form, ensuring a seamless transi-tion from case to clasp.

It is available in polished stainless steel with a vibrant silver finish or with refined rose goldplating. The mild rose gold-tone of this piece comes from ion-plating and is custom-made bymixing a hint of copper with a 23-carat gold bar.

The New collection makes a perfect gift for the upcoming festive season. Carl Rosenqvist,Head of Marketing IMEA, Daniel Wellington said, "India holds a special place in the world ofDaniel Wellington. Celebrating the onset of the festive season with the New Iconic Link Col-lection in the presence of both our India Brand Ambassadors Ayushmann Khurrana and Radhi-ka Apte gives an impetus to our commitment to the India market.

The new Iconic Link is one of our finest timepieces; we are sure the customers are going tolove this new collection.”

5 Reasons why MTV Hustle Finale will be Bohat Hard!JALANDHAR: India’s biggest rap revolution, MTV Hustle, not only brought underground rap to mainstream,but won a million hearts for the powerful compositions by the contestants, unique writing and beats and soul-stir-ring renditions. The show has also garnered immense love and support, all the way from Bollywood! Popular mu-sic composers Shekhar Ravjiani, Salim Merchant to superstar Ranveer Singh- all of them have praised the show!And now, after a memorable and an entertaining journey of 10 weeks, MTV Hustle is all geared up for an excit-ing grand finale! From 15 budding contestants, top 5 finalists- Kolkata-based EPR, Amritsar boy RCR, Ludhiana-based M-Zee Bella, Bihari boy Shloka and Delhi-based King, are all geared up to fight it out to become the nextrap sensation. This Saturday and Sunday, MTV Hustle gives you 5 reasons to tune-in to the exciting finale episode.Shekhar Ravjiani mesmerizes with his new track! The heartthrob of Bollywood music, Shekhar Ravjiani will per-form on his sizzling new track, along with Nucleya who gives a stunning beat to the track. The cherry on the cakewill be Raja Kumari’s upbeat rap rendition in the performance. This entertaining act and the epic new trio are notto be missed! Naezy the Baa’s smashing “Fatke” The asli Gully boy- Naezy the Baa, who has also been a part ofthe judges’ panel of MTV Hustle before, will set the stage on fire with his lit performance on “Fatke”. Naezy, whohas been closely following the show, will entertain the audience with all his witty comments on the finalists. Watchout for this coolest launda! Groove to the Indo-Western beat of L-Fresh The Lion! Australian hip-hop artist L-Fresh The Lion, will leave the audience and Raftaar, Nucleya and Raja Kumari stunned with his performance.Watch out for his performance with Raftaar on his popular song, “Dilli Wali Baatcheet” and the cypher with thevery talented and finalist, EPR, where he will force the audience to groove and do some “Balle Balle.” These tal-ented regional rappers bring in the unique flavors of India! The grand finale will also see some of the talented re-gional rappers from different parts of the country- Odisha, Uttarakhand, Kerala, Assam and Mumbai. Their dif-ferent renditions will be a beautiful reflection of the country’s diversity, unified by the medium of rap. This fusionact will leave a smile on your face! Raftaar’s Kalamkaar Parivaar to grace the Rap stage! The Kalamkaar gangwill join the rap king Raftaar to create magic on the stage.

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Chandigarh : Daisy Shah walked the ramp as a showstopper at Bombay Times Fashion Week for the very first time. The diva flaunted a creation for designer Pallavi Goyal in association with SPJ Sadhna School. Daisy took over the ramp with utmost grace in a nude beige

lehenga paired with an one shoulder ruffled blouse. This is not the first time Daisy turned show stopper, earlier the actress walked for renowed designers such as Amit GT and Kanchan

More at Lakme Fashion Week too. Be it Gowns, Indo western outfits or traditional look; the actress has aced it everytime she walked the runway. This time Daisy opted for a royal tradional attire and looked absolutely stunning. The actress surely impressed us with her graceful walk at the Bombay Times Fashion Week. On work front Daisy Shah's movie 'Gujarat 11' will be soon hitting the silver screens on 22nd November and has also started shooting for her upcoming movie 'Tipsy' and we are looking forward to it.


Daisy Shah Turns Show Stopper For Designer Pallavi Goyal At Bombay Times Fashion Week

CHANDIGARH: Recreations are the order of the day today. Just when you thought only high octane, dance numbers from yesteryears were deemed fit to be served in a new avatar, T-Series has released Tuhje Paane Ko, a recreated version of a soft, lyrical ballad from Sonu Nigam’s old album Jaan. This reprised version is sung as a duet by T-Series artist Jubin Nautiyal and Neeti Mohan. Manoj Muntashir has recreated the lyrics and Abhijit Waghani has recreated the music. Shot amidst the lush green landscape of Alibaug, the sensuous video features popular TV actor Shalin Bhanot and model and actress Priyanka Agrawal and is directed by Luv R Isrrani.The song captures a day in the life of a divorced couple who meet again after some time and how this leads to a natural progression of intimacy between them. Says Isrrani, “We had a brilliant experience of shooting the song. Even though things got chaotic because of the heavy rain we still managed to shoot it sufficiently well. The isolated bungalow amidst the greenery of Alibaug helped us in getting the mood right. The visuals of the rain added to the romance in the song.”

Out now: T-Series’ new, sensual romanticsingle Tujhe Paane Ko


‘Karva Chauth Bash of Tricity’ By Adira' s Events held at Zirakpur

irakpur: A fun-filled and glittering ‘Karva Chauth Bash of Tricity’ programme was held at hotel Park Plaza here today under the aegis of Adira’s Events. Chief Guest of the event Zwas Delhi Darling’s fame Ms Manya Pathak & Special Guest Ms Sheela Garg, Suman

Ahuja, Ritu Garg, Sunita Jain and Asha Jain. Ms Aditi Jain, Director, Adira’s Events said, “I am happy to celebrate karva chauth in a fun-filled way. Beautiful Titles were also given included , Mrs Karva Chauth Queen Nitika Khurana, Mrs Karva Chauth Shining Star Gitika Khanna, Mrs Karva Chauth Moonlight Simran Arora. Ms. Aditi Jain is a fashion blogger and runs a Youtube channel - “Adira by Aditi Jain”. She owns Adira’s Klozet (Be Unique), a one stop d e s t i n a t i o n f o r s i l k saree,Lehngas, customized hand

embroidery cluthes & jewellery. Mr. Gaurav Garg, Husband of Aditi Jain was also present there to support her and said she is too confident and passionate about her work And i also enjoyed it alot, it was hit bash of tricity. The jury members included Ms Divya Sharma, Ms Vandana Chhibber,Ms Simple Chhabra and Ms Harvinder Sachar. Poolside Portfolio Shoot, DJ Party, Nail Art, Fun Games and Assured Gifts were few highlights of the event.”

CHANDIGARH— Nissan India today launched the CVT version of its Datsun GO and GO+ at an attractive introductory price of INR 5.94 Lakh and INR 6.58 Lakh respectively. Datsun GO and GO+ are the first models in their respective segments introduced with CVT (continuously variable transmission) - Nissan's globally acclaimed transmission technology. Deliveries to new owners will commence today at all Nissan and Datsun dealerships across the country. “In line with our mission of - Progressive mobility, we are introducing Nissan’s proven CVT technology in Datsun GO and GO+ to cater to the demand of the customers looking for stress free drive experience. With host of first-in-class and best-in-class features, Datsun GO & GO+ offer the best value proposition in its segment, Rakesh Srivastava, Managing Director, Nissan Motor India Pvt. Ltd.

Datsun launches CVT version of Datsun GO & GO+

urukshetra: “Cancer these informed. since they are dependent on protein days has become the Meanwhile Dr Sarin also praised for their growth, over time the Kbiggest killer after heart the government’s decision of protein absorbs nano plastics layer

disease. According to Indian banning single use plastic in India. by layer until it is mimicked as Council of Medical Research He added, “The single-use plastic food for cells. It gradually gets (ICMR), around 1,300 Indians die that we see around gets converted degraded inside the cell and gets every day due to cancer. India to nano plastics and do damage at converted into a component called registered 11.6 lakh new cancer the cellular level. The cells initially styrene, which is a possible cases in 2018, according to don’t recognize plastic as food but carcinogen.”GLOBOCAN, however, that number will hit 20 lakhs by 2040. In Haryana alone 13 lives are lost from cancer everyday.”Dr Jatin Sarin, a cancer expert and head of oncology at Chandigarh Cancer & Diagnostic Centre, Ivy Hospital,Mohali and Alchemist Hospital, Panchkula stated this while talking to media during a press conference here on Saturday.He said , “India's younger population and the long-standing use of tobacco, is the main cause of cancer in the country and India. Cancer is still considered as This is what is hindering attempts for the patients.responsible for 40 percent of a stigma in Indian society and to raise awareness about avoidable The emerging high rate of obesity cancer cases in men and 20 percent women having breast cancer do cancer risks and the importance of among Indian women raises an in women. In men, the top three not speak about it openly fearing early detection. Also, most of the alarm. For instance, one in every cancer killers were oral, stomach being stigmatized by their own cases in our country are diagnosed five women was obese as per the and lung cancer, while in women, family and friends. The attitude very late and according to the National Family Health Survey they were cervical, stomach and towards cancer from our society statistics of WHO, more than 60% conducted in 2015-16. In Andhra breast cancer.” has made cancer patients invisible, of the women are diagnosed with Pradesh, Goa, Kerala, Punjab, He said further that numbers of preventing open discussion and breast cancer at stage III or IV in Tamil Nadu, NCT Delhi, cancer cases are expected to rise by creating a vicious cycle of fear and India. This drastically affects the Chandigarh, Puducherry, over 30 70% over next two decades in misinformation for the masses. survival rate and treatment options per cent of women were obese, he

arle Products, India’s leading biscuits and confectionery manufacturer, today announced the relaunch of its most Ppopular confectionery product Rol.a.Cola on the back of

popular demand led by the social media buzz earlier this year. Priced at INR 5 and INR 20, Rol.a.Cola will not only make its way back into Parle's other iconic product line-up but also mark one of the biggest brands moves in Indian FMCG in the recent past. Rol.a.Cola, the hard-boiled candy with the Cola flavour is a rolled format which was discontinued by Parle in 2006. 13 years hence in February 2019, after a social m e d i a u s e r tweeted requesting Parle to bring back his favourite cola candy, Parle Products sought 10,000 retweets to bring back Rol.a.Cola. In response, consumer driven #BringRolaColaBack campaign went viral and secured more than 711k impressions on Twitter. Soon, Parle Products initiated the #RolaColaIsComingBack campaign to assure the consumers that their wish was granted. This is the first time in India that a product was making a comeback because of a digital movement run completely organically by users. The entire campaign on social media garnered a whopping 5M digital footprints. Speaking on the launch, Krishnarao S Buddha, Sr. Category Head - Marketing at Parle Products commented, “While a tweet created a disruption in the market for a comeback of the iconic Rol.a.Cola candy, we connected with the emotions to honour consumers demand.

Making consumer demand a priority, Parle Products brings back their favourite Rol.a.Cola

nti-aging regimens abound but emerging research suggests that one delicious addition to your skincare routine may be in your pantry instead of your makeup kit: almonds. A new pilot study Aby researchers at the University of California, Davis[1] found that a daily snack of almonds in

place of other nut-free snacksimproved measures of wrinkle width and severity in postmenopausal women. The study was funded by the Almond Board of California and is the first of its kind to examine

almonds’ effects on skin health.A larger and longer-term follow-up study is underway. In this 16-week randomized controlledtrial, 28 healthy postmenopausal women with Fitzpatrick skin type 1 or 2 (characterized by increased tendencyto burn with sun exposure) were randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the intervention group, women ate almonds as a snack, which accounted for 20% of their total daily calorie intake,or 340 calories per day on average (60 grams). The control group ate a nut-free snack that also accounted for 20% of calories: a cereal bar, granola bar or pretzels. Aside from these snacks, study participants ate their regular diets and did not eat any nuts or nut-containing products. Skin assessments were made at the start of the study, and again at 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks. At each visit, facial wrinkles were assessed using high-resolution facial imaging and validated 3-D facial modeling and measurement. “These high

resolution cameras allow for 3-D reconstruction of any wrinkles so that they can be mapped for their key characteristics of width and severity. The severity score is a calculation of the depth and length of a wrinkle,” explains Raja Sivamani, MD MS AP, integrative dermatologist and lead researcher on the study. Skin barrier function was also assessed, by measuring sebum production and transepidermal water loss (TEWL). Skin barrier function examines the strength of the skin barrier and how well it protects skin from moisture loss (TEWL) and from harmful irritants coming from the environment. “Food as a means of promoting skin health – the “health from the inside out” idea – is of growing interest to those looking for options for healthy aging,” says Dr. Sivamani.

International day of girl child celebration at SMD School

handigarh, Century run partnership between the opening pair of Arnav Bansal and Kabir Kalsi Chelps to fight back against the Delhi’s mammoth

of 500 during the second day of Vijay Merchant Trophy match being played on Saturday at Cricket Stadium, Sector 16, Chandigarh. Arnav Bansal (59 not out off 119 balls) and Kabir Kalsi (56 not out 112 balls) with the help of their thirteen boundaries each holding the fort firmly and steering the inning steadily. Delhi colts experiment with the blend of pace from Ruben Massey and Aman Bharti along with spin attack of Masab Alam but not good enough to break the partnership till the end. Host were cruising wicket-less on 53 in ninth over after they wrap up the day while scoring 120 without any loss. Earlier in the day, Chandigarh’s hunt continues for wicket even after the lunch session till pacer Paras got the first breakthrough of the day by getting rid of centurion Krish Yadav when scoreboard reads 435 for 6. Krish scored 185 runs off 338 balls with the help of 24 boundaries and a sixer. Duo of Krish Yadav (185) and Mohd Saif (221 not out) scored a record sixth wicket partnership of 373. Ruben Massay and captain Saksham Singhora scored 14 runs each and dismissed in quick succession after Delhi declared its inning on 500 for 8. Neel Dhaliwal and Ansh Khosla claimed two wickets each while Nishunk Birla, Paras and Kabir Kalsi consoled with one each.

Chandigarh colts fight back with century partnership against Delhi’s 500

Brig GJ Singh (Retd) won Raavians Golf CupCHANDIGARH: Brig GJ Singh (Retd) adjudged as the winner at the inaugural Raavians Golf Cup which was marked by the founders’ day celebrations of Post Graduate Govt College, Sector 11,

Chandigarh today a Forest Hill Golf Resorts. The cup was played over 9 holes in the stable ford format with ¾ handicap. A total of 32 amateur golfers competed which teed off in the

morning. Cup witnessed the eminent alumnus which includes Justice MMS Bedi, Manvesh Sidhu (IAS), SK Monga (IAS) and other bureaucrats, former defence personnel and corporate representatives. Best Net was won by Vipul Sehgal while Col KS Kondal ranked runner up. Vivek Srihan won the prize for max birdies.

MD Little Champ Smart School Sector 2 Panchkula celebrated ‘International Day of the Girl Child’. SDaizee of Class I recited poem on ‘Save Girl Child’.

Saanvi Sharma (Mont II) told about the teachings and achievements of Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. Students of classes I and II made props highlighting ‘Save Girl Child’ ‘Beta Beti Ek Samaan’ etc. Principal Ms Deepika said the theme of this year’s International Day of the Girl Child is “Empowering Girls for a Brighter Tomorrow”. Director Mr Naresh Gupta said Gender equality is the need of the hour in India where the society is considered to be male dominated.

handigarh: Dog bite cases are on the rise in the tricity. The victims are often children and elderly people. CExperts are of the opinion that such incidents are

increasing due to lack of awareness among people and harassment of dogs. Lack of food and water resources, along with indifference of citizens is another major reason. Speaking on the issue, Mr Divya Dahiya, a dog behavior expert and certified dog trainer from Panchkula, said, 'No dog starts the day thinking whom he will bite today. On being provoked or d i s t u r b e d b y s o m e mindless person or in self defense, he may be forced to bite. However, a sick dog, like the recent Nada village incident, can bite anyone without provocation. Such dogs need to be identified and treated.’ If an unknown dog seems angry, do not make an eye contact with him, do not bow down in front of him, and also do not try to touch him. Just keep away from him. Similarly, when a pet dog comes near you, stay calm and let him sniff you. Give him few moments to know you well. During this time do not touch him, nor try to be friendly. After a few seconds, he himself will sit satisfied or go away.

If dogs chase your bike, slow down, they will stop: Expert

“Fancy Dress Competition -2019” Organised By Adarsh Public Smart School

Chandigarh : Adarsh Public Smart School (APS-20) Sector 20 B Chandigarh organized an annual event “FANCY DRESS COMPETITION -2019” for tiny- tots of classes Pre- Nursery and Nursery with lots of enthusiasm in the school premises.Tiny tots came in proper character wise dress up to show their talent The Motto of of the competition was to enhance confidence courage and personality development of the tiny tots. They looked very innocent and pretty. Winners were awarded by Principal Sunita Thakur with trophies.The Names of the winners are as follows :-Class – name of the studentsPre nursery A - Rachayita ,Mankirat, Samarth Gupta ,ManshikaPre-Nursery B – Hayansh ,khwahish ,paarkhiNursery A – Aayush Dahiya ,Naksh ,Tanishka , PoorviNursery B – Naira ,Pari ,Lavanya

Beauty from the Inside Out: Pilot Study Investigates the Effects of Daily Almond Consumption on Facial Wrinkles

Cancer 2nd biggest killer in India; Expert

Tata Motors announces countrywide customer dialogue programme and service campaigns

CHANDIGARH : Sanya Malhotra recently wrapped the London schedule of highly-anticipated movie, 'Shakuntala Devi - Human Computer'. During the shoot, the actress was invited by the highly prestigious Oxford University for an interactive session with the students. Sanya who was stationed in London for the shooting of the film was quite honoured and thrilled to be part of the interactive session at the Oxford University and accepted the invite.The faculty of the University wanted to invite a young influencer known for her commendable work and owing to her popularity among the youth, she was the chosen one! For those who attended the event were really impressed by Sanya's speech finding her really inspiring. She spoke on her initial days before becoming a leading actress, her journey so far and her aspirations. She informs, ”I was thrilled to be invited by the highly prestigious Oxford University and even more excited to have an interaction with the students. Going to this prestigious university meant a lot to me and it’s indeed an honour.

Oxford University invites Malhotra, actress wows the students

urgaon/Faridabad: Tata Motors, India’s largest commercial vehicle player, is set to organize Grahak Samvaad campaign, exclusively for Tata Motors’ commercial vehicle customers between 10th to 21st Gof October. During this period Tata Motors employee will engage with customers and fleet owners to

update them on the various initiatives company has taken for enhancement of customer experience. The team will also collect feedback form customers on their experience and expectations. Grahak Samvaad will be followed by celebrations of “National Customer Care Day” on 23rd October. Tata Motors CVBU division celebrates National Customer Care day on 23rd October every year to commemorate the day the company got its first customer. On this day the 1st truck rolled out from its Jamshedpur plant in 1954. Associated channel partners staff and customers are felicitated by company for their long association and contribution. Grahak Seva Mahotsav, a countrywide free service camp is also being organized for Tata Motors’ commercial vehicle owners. This unique customer centric initiative will take place across 1500+ Tata Motors authorized workshops between 4th November and 11th November 2019. At this service camp, commercial vehicle owners will be able to avail attractive discounts on spare parts & labour. The Grahak Seva Mahotsav conducted last year received an overwhelming response with over 1.5 lac customers visiting the camp. Commenting on the occasion, Mr. Ramki Ramakrishnan, Global Head Customer Care, Commercial Vehicle Business Unit, Tata Motors Limited, said.

handigarh:City educationist, Mrs. Trishna Mandal, Director of Ayushmaan Coaching Centre, has been honoured with the Winner of Mrs CIndia Dazzling Award 2019-20. She represented the City Beautiful

Chandigarh, while there were around 3035 contestants from all parts of the country. The contest was organized by RS Square Production. The same day she also won the

Mrs North India Pride Queen 2019 title. Director of Ayushman Coaching Center, Chandigarh, Mrs. Trishna Mandal gave the credit of this achievement to her family and said that it was not easy to do so much without everyone's support. For this, she herself had to work hard and make sacrifices. Mrs. Mandal says that women have been

working with men in every field today and also making their mark. For progress in life, women should focus on their strengths and talents, then they should strive to realize their dreams whenever the right opportunity knocks the door. One should also come forward to rid the society of some evils and motivate children to become good citizens who do good and obey their elders.

Trishna Mandal bags Winner of Mrs India Dazzling 2019-20 title

mritsar/jalandhar -Discover the natural way to color and condition your hair with Himalaya Natural Shine AHenna. A blend of 9 unique herbs and the purest quality

Rajasthani Henna, Natural Shine Henna provides intense conditioning and shine to your hair. While being gentle on your scalp and hair, our henna provides long-lasting color to and keep it healthy. Packed with Nature’s goodness, Natural Shine Henna is enriched with Bhringaraja, known to promote hair growth, and Amla and Curry Leaves, known for darkening hair and fighting premature graying. Free from PPD, Ammonia, and other harmful synthetic chemicals, Natural Shine Henna leaves your hair feeling soft, shiny, and healthy. Puja Bedi, Brand Manager – Hair Care, Consumer Products Division, The Himalaya Drug Company, shares, “In India, the hair care segment is growing at a rapid pace, and customers are looking for more natural solutions to their hair concerns like premature graying of hair. Henna is a preferred option for them. However, our market surveys have shown that customers are often wary of the quality and efficacy of the Henna they are using. We wanted to provide customers with a henna that is backed by Himalaya’s trust and made with superior quality herbs. Hence, we have launched Natural Shine Henna to address the constant consumer concern for a safe and natural formula to color their hair.”

Himalaya Expands Its Hair Care Portfolio with Natural Shine Henna

International day of girl child celebration at SMD School

anchkula: As many as 150 people were examined during a free multi-speciality health camp at Rotary Club House, Sector 12 P,Panchkula on Sunday. The camp was organized by Rotary Club,

Panchkula in association with Ojas Hospital In camp a team of doctors including Dr Sonu Goyal from internal medicine, Dr Shobhit Ghai ophthalmologist, Dr Manav Dhingra dental surgeon, Dr Manish Bhudhiraja from neuro , Dr Kapil Doomra from cardiology, Dr Anand Jindal, from ortho, Dr Anil Kaul ENT expert and Dr Zicky Marya physiotherapist gave consultations to the people. Dr. Harish Gupta, CEO of Ojas Hospital said that the under our mission to provide the best health care services related to different medical fields , we have organized the camp with Rotary for the benefit of people of in and around area.

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8NEWSI-T raids premises of Parameshwaraafter aide is found hangingBENGALURU: Income-tax sleuths raided the residence, office and education institutes of for-mer deputy chief minister G Parameshwara after his confidant allegedly committed suicide byhanging himself from a tree here on Saturday, police said.Ramesh was found hanging from a tree in the morning, the police said.The sleuths who had raided the residence, office and education institutes of Parameshwara twodays ago had grilled Ramesh too.


BASF presentsinnovative pre-emergent herbicideZidua® to fightresistant Phalar isweed in wheatLUDHIANA/AMRITSAR: BASF todaylaunched Zidua, a new pre-emergentherbicide for wheat, which offers farmersa much-needed solution for controllingone of the most problematic weeds intheir fields – Phalaris. India is the sec-ond-largest wheat-producing country inthe world. However, farmers in majorwheat-growing areas have faced in-creased difficulty maintaining their yieldlevels due to outbreaks of Phalaris whichhas developed resistance to many con-ventional herbicides. Offering a newmode of action compared to currentlyavailable solutions on the market, Zid-ua® begins to protect fields immediatelyafter application. It provides superior andlong-lasting control of Phalaris coupledwith excellent crop safety. Zidua® furtherstrengthens BASF’s portfolio of innova-tive solutions for wheat growers in India,including products such as Opera®,which combines superior control of yel-low rust with excellent plant health bene-fits. “BASF is committed to helping Indi-an wheat growers maximize their poten-tial. The growers deserve access to themost advanced solutions to help themachieve better yields. With this newlaunch, BASF once again demonstratesits commitment to supporting the grow-ers to find innovative solutions to theirproblems,” said Rajendra Velagala, Busi-ness Director, Agricultural SolutionsSouth Asia.

Himalaya ExpandsIts Hair CarePortfolio withNatural Shine HennaLUDHIANA: Discover the natural way tocolor and condition your hair with Hi-malaya Natural Shine Henna. A blend of9 unique herbs and the purest qualityRajasthani Henna, Natural Shine Hennaprovides intense conditioning and shineto your hair. While being gentle on yourscalp and hair, our henna provides long-lasting color to and keep it healthy.Packed with Nature’s goodness, NaturalShine Henna is enriched with Bhringara-ja, known to promote hair growth, andAmla and Curry Leaves, known for dark-ening hair and fighting premature gray-ing. Free from PPD, Ammonia, and otherharmful synthetic chemicals, NaturalShine Henna leaves your hair feelingsoft, shiny, and healthy. Puja Bedi, BrandManager – Hair Care, Consumer Prod-ucts Division, The Himalaya Drug Com-pany, shares, “In India, the hair care seg-ment is growing at a rapid pace, andcustomers are looking for more naturalsolutions to their hair concerns like pre-mature graying of hair. Henna is a pre-ferred option for them. However, ourmarket surveys have shown that cus-tomers are often wary of the quality andefficacy of the Henna they are using. Wewanted to provide customers with a hen-na that is backed by Himalaya’s trust andmade with superior quality herbs. Hence,we have launched Natural Shine Hennato address the constant consumer con-cern for a safe and natural formula tocolor their hair.” The product is priced atRs. 15 for 25gm, Rs. 35 for 50gm, andRs 75 for 120gm, and is available in allmajor retail, modern trade, and e-com-merce platforms.Experts Talk About theImportance of Massagefor Baby’s Growth andDevelopmentLUDHIANA: Massage is an importantstep in baby’s skin care routine. Apartfrom soothing and strengthening mus-cles, a massage provides many addedbenefits, including improving weight gain,aiding good sleep, and promoting diges-tion and overall growth and develop-ment. Dr. Subhashini N.S., Ayurveda Ex-pert, R&D, The Himalaya Drug Compa-ny, says, “A massage is the best relaxingtherapy for your baby, especially in theinitial months. It is advisable to give anoil massage to your baby right before abath, as it helps promote blood circula-tion and stimulates growth.” Advisingparents on choosing the right oil for ababy massage, Dr. Subhashini furtheradds that it is preferable to use a mas-sage oil that has been formulated espe-cially for babies and is free from mineraloil, parabens, and phthalates. A mas-sage oil enriched with Olive Oil and Ash-vagandha is recommended, as the herbsare known to help keep the skin healthy.Olive Oil has soothing and antimicrobialproperties, which ensure that baby's skinis healthy and hydrated. It also strength-ens baby’s nails and softens cuticles.Ashvagandha is a renowned herb inAyurveda to help soothe baby's skin, andthe antioxidants help boost blood circula-tion, leaving the skin nourished. Talkingto parents on massage techniques, Dr.Subhashini further says, “Giving baby agentle massage in the night helps pro-mote better sleep. Avoid giving a mas-sage right after feeding. Instead, allow agap of 30-45 minutes between a mas-sage and the feed. Babies usually lovetheir massage time; however, if yournewborn is sleepy during the massage,then it might not be the best time.”

Woman gives birthto quintuplets atJaipur hospitalJAIPUR: A 25-year-old woman on Satur-day gave birth to five babies — threeboys and two girls — through a majorCaesarean procedure at a governmentJanana hospital here. One of the new-born boys who was underweight diedwhile four were under expert supervision,said Dr Rakhi Arya, an associate profes-sor, who led the team of junior gynaecol-ogists who performed the surgery. Thenewborns were not only underweight butalso born premature.

CHANDIGARH :Continuingits legacy of offering premiumquality smartphones at remark-able prices, motorola today an-nounced the launch of motoro-la one macro in India. Thenewest addition to the motoro-la one family delivers a class-leading macro imaging experi-ence through its dedicatedMacro Vision camera that getsyou 5x closer to your subject,capturing photos in ways thataren’t possible with otherphones. Its AI Camera systemcomes with quad sensors and laser autofocustechnology that allows you to focus in a frac-tion of a second for exceptional pictures. Plus,you’ll enjoy a fast, efficient performance pow-ered by MediaTekHelio P70 octa-core proces-sor, 4000 mAh battery which can last upto upto 2 days, 4 GB of RAM, and 64 GB of stor-

age. All this, and a vivid 6.2"Max Vision HD+ display thatbrings your close-ups and enter-tainment to life at an unbeliev-able price of just INR 9,999.

Whether you’re shootingfrom up close or far away, makeevery shot your best shot withthe AI camera system. Shootmacro pictures with easethrough the dedicated macro vi-sion camera that lets you getwithin up to 2cms of your sub-ject. Capture brag-worthy pho-tos with the phone’s class-lead-

ing camera system and use AI features likeshot optimization, auto smile capture andsmart composition to elevate your snapshotsto the next level. In addition to the dedicatedMacro Vision camera, the 13 MP main sensorand 2 MP depth sensor capture stunning im-ages in a snap.

Motorola launches the feature packedall-new motorola one macro

CHANDIGARH : Being a part of the en-tertainment industry for over 35 yearsnow, veteran actress Himani Shivpurihasn’t ceased to charm her audience withher brilliant performances be it in Bolly-wood, Television or the Web space. Notonly that, the actress is also a revered fig-ure in the theatre scene. With her im-mense dedication towards acting and tal-ent, Himani has made a mark for herselfand continues to entertain her audience inevery genre one can think of. Her currentcharacter of a sweet yet stubborn grand-mother to nine mischievous kids in&TV’s Happu Ki Ultan Paltan has beenimmensely loved by many. The stellar ac-tress very recently added another featherto her already- bejewelled cap when shewas presented with the honourableDadasahebPhalke award.The actress wasnominated and won the most popularicon award for her achievements and an

exemplary work in cinema and the enter-tainment industry as a whole. Sharing herthoughts on winning such a prestigiousaward Himani Shivpuri who plays KatoriAmma in Happu Ki Ultan Paltan said “Ifeel extremely humbled and honoured towin the DadasahebPhalke Icon award. Itis a validation of my numerous years ofwork in this industry and I couldn’t bemore grateful. There are a number of peo-ple who I equally wish to share credit ofmy work with, that including all the in-credible directors I have worked with allthese years, my many co-stars, my par-ents whom without none of this wouldever be possible. I am thankful to my sonwho has supported and encouraged meand given me the reason to be at it eventoday. And of course, most importantlymy dear viewers who have always show-ered their love and admiration on mywork.”

Himani Shivpuri aka Katori Ammabags Dadasaheb Phalke award

Case against TV actorPayal Rohatgi over herFB video against Nehru

JAIPUR: Police in Ra-jasthan have registered acase against TV actressand reality star Payal Ro-hatgi for making objec-tionable comments in avideo against the family offreedom fighter MotilalNehru as well as “defam-ing” the wife of formerPrime Minister JawaharlalNehru.

The complaint wasfiled by Youth Congress leader Charmesh Sharma andthe case was registered under sections 66 and 67 of theIT Act.

Sharma alleged that Rohatgi has insulted MotilalNehru by making false allegations against his wife to de-fame her.

She had also insulted Jawaharlal Nehru by levellingfalse charges over his wife’s character as well, he al-leged. The complainant in the FIR said that the video,which is still on Facebook was posted on September 21and it can hamper India’s relations with other nations asit posts objectionable comments with pictures in contextof former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri's death.

CHANDIGARH : Daniel Wellington, aleading watches and accessories brandknown for its contemporary and sleek de-sign celebrated the onset of the festiveseason in the capital city with an exclu-sive Diwali party at the most iconic set-ting at the Qla. The event was a true mer-riment to the flawless craftsmanship be-hind all of Daniel Wellington’s timelessdesigns. Current Poster boy of Bolly-wood; Ayushmann Khurrana and the tal-ented and versatile, Radhika Apte whoare the brand ambassadors were seengracing the occasion. Also seen at theparty was actress Rakul Preet Singh whojoined the festivities. The event waslaunched with a global campaign featur-ing Ayushmann Khuranna and RadhikaApte as the faces of the new collection.Guests arrived on the red carpet donningthe new Iconic Link collection. Enthusi-astic about being a part of the globalcampaign, Radhika Apte said, “I amthrilled to be here with Daniel Wellingtonto celebrate the festive season. The newIconic Link Collection truly exudes ele-gance. With its understated charm, it issure to add a touch of glam and magic to

any festive look.”Carl Rosenqvist, Headof Marketing IMEA, Daniel Wellingtonsaid, "India holds a special place in theworld of Daniel Wellington. Celebratingthe onset of the festive season with theNew Iconic Link Collection in the pres-ence of both our India Brand Ambas-

sadors Ayushmann Khurrana and Radhi-ka Apte gives an impetus to our commit-ment to the India market. The new Icon-ic Link is one of our finest timepieces;we are sure the customers are going tolove this new collection.”

Ayushmann Khurrana and RadhikaApte celebrate Diwali with the IconicLink collection by Daniel Wellington


Pakistan must end support to theTaliban and other terror groups, atop American senator said a day af-ter meeting Pakistani leadership inIslamabad.

“Pakistan has an important roleto play in stabilising Afghanistan,engaging in robust counterterror-ism efforts and strengthening theglobal economy,” Senator MaggieHassan said on Friday after con-cluding her trip to Pakistan andlanding in India for meetings withthe Indian leadership.

US Senators Hassan and ChrisVan Hollen met Pakistan PrimeMinister Imran Khan, Chief ofArmy Staff General Qamar Javed

Bajwa and officials from the Pak-istan-occupied Kashmir.

“It was particularly helpful todiscuss with key Pakistani leaderswhat more can be done to preemptterrorist attacks and prevent thespread of terrorist ideology,” she

said.“Moreover, it was important

for us to communicate directly toPakistan’s senior leadership thatthey must end support to the Tal-iban and other terrorist groups. Inaddition, amid escalating tensionsin Kashmir, it’s critical that we findways to help de-escalate the situa-tion on both sides,” Hassan added.

Hassan and Hollen also visitedPakistani-occupied Kashmir amidescalating tensions with India toobserve conditions on the groundand push for a de-escalation of thesituation, including calling on Indiato end its curfew, release prisoners,and restore communications, a me-dia release said.

In India, Hassan will meet keypolitical and business leaders and

US embassy officials to discuss thesituation in Kashmir, the US-Indiarelationship and internationaltrade.

The two senators also travelledto Afghanistan and met presidentialcandidate Abdullah Abdullah aswell as several Afghan women of-ficials who had represented thestrife-torn country in talks with theTaliban.

“Keeping Americans safe is mytop priority. Stability as well as on-going counterterrorism efforts inAfghanistan are critical to those ef-forts,” said Hassan.

“We heard directly from the USand Afghan officials about thethreat posed to both of our coun-tries from IS’s growing regional af-filiate,” she said.

Pakistan must end support toterror groups, says US senator


Indian-American Congressman RajaKrishnamoorthi introduced a resolu-tion in the US House of Representa-tives celebrating Mahatma Gandhi’s150th birth anniversary and legacy.

“Mahatma Gandhi is one of mypersonal heroes,” Krishnamoorthisaid after introducing the resolutionon Friday. The resolution wascosponsored by a bipartisan group of14 other lawmakers.

“Gandhi’s dedication to publicservice is an inspiration, and evenwhen faced with incredible hardshipsand injustice, he never wavered in thefight for freedom, dignity and equali-ty for all,” he said.

Those who cosponsored the reso-lution were Congressmen GeorgeHolding, Brad Sherman, Joe Wilson,Gerry Connolly, Peter King, AmiBera, Ro Khanna, Frank Pallone,Brenda Lawrence, Pete Olson, Prami-la Jayapal, TJ Cox, David Price andTed Yoho.

“As an Indian-American servingin the Congress, I am proud to playmy part in honouring his legacythrough the introduction of this bipar-tisan resolution,” he said.

Brad Sherman, who is Chair ofthe House foreign affairs sub-commit-

tee on Asia, said he would continue touse the platform to promote the valuespromoted by Gandhi; such as protect-ing religious freedom and seekingpeaceful resolution to conflict throughdialogue.

Another Congressman, GeorgeHolding, said, “Mahatma Gandhi isamong the most revered and impact-ful leaders of our times. His lifelong commitment to humanrights, civil liberty and freedom in-spired countless millions across theglobe. As we mark the 150th birth an-niversary of Gandhi, let us honour hisenduring legacy and celebrate hismonumental impact.”

India’s Ambassador to the UnitedStates Harsh Vardhan Shringla wel-comed the resolution.

Resolution celebratingMahatma Gandhi’s legacy

introduced in US House

PM Narendra Modi cleansTamil Nadu beach ahead of

talks with Xi JinpingMAHABALIPURAM, OCTOBER 12

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday collected plastic bottles, plates and other garbage thrown on the beachoutside the Taj Fisherman’s Cove Resort and Spa near here where he is staying.

Clad in a black kurta-pajama, Modi was seen with a large plastic bag in hand during his early morning walkas he picked out plastic litter, water bottles strewn on the sands.

Walking barefoot along the sea shore, he was seen picking up slippers from the sands normally given to guestsstaying at the five-star property. In a series of tweets in keeping with his Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, the PrimeMinister said: “Plogging at a beach in Mamallapuram this morning. It lasted for over 30 minutes. Also handedover my ‘collection’ to Jeyaraj, who is a part of the hotel staff. “Let us ensure our public places are clean and tidy.Let us also ensure we remain fit and healthy.”

The video of Modi picking up waste from the beach was uploaded on his Twitter handle.Modi also tweeted that he had a refreshing walk and also exercised along the scenic coast.On Friday, Modi held the second informal summit with visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping in Maha-

balipuram. The two leaders are set to hold more meetings on Saturday, where trade and business will be the mainfocus.

‘Faced abuse by people,disturbed by open hatein society’: NaseeruddinMUMBAI, OCTOBER 12

Actor Naseeruddin Shah on Saturday said he stands by his re-marks on mob violence incidents and is disturbed by "openhate" in the society.

Last year, the 69-year-old veteran, referring to the recentspate of mob violence incidents, had said that at many placesthe death of a cow is being given more importance than thekilling of a policeman.

Shah, who was in conversation with actor Anand Tiwari atthe India Film Project, was responding to a question aboutwhether his views about political and social issues has ad-versely affected his ties with film fraternity.

"I never had any close relationship with the film industryand fraternity in any case. I don't know whether it has affectedmy standing or not because I don't often get offered work verymuch. What I felt I said and I stand by it.

"I faced a lot of abuse by people, who have nothing betterto do, but it doesn't affect me at all. What is disturbing is theopen hate," the actor said.

Recently, the actor was among the over 180 members of thecultural community, that also included cinematographer AnandPradhan, historian Romila Thapar and activist Harsh Mander,who condemned the FIR lodged against 49 celebrities for anopen letter they wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.