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  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


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    !ul"t#on #s needed to ensure th"t "ud#tors "re "ct#n!#n the publ#c


    ese 'reultons' come n 4 ws





    e nterntonl reultorfrmeworfor udt nd ssurnce servces encompsses

    Intern!t"on!l Feder!t"on of Account!nts (IFAC) pronouncements

    Corpor!te Govern!nce

    ow the Structure, Role & Benef#ts / Dr"wb"c's


    ntern!t"on!l Re#ul!tor$Fr!mewor%s

    Need for St"nd"rds "nd Re!ul"t$ons

    d$t Comm$ttees

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    ucture of the Commttee

    At le!st one member of the comm"ttee should h!ve recent !nd relev!nt f"n!nc"!l exper"ence#

    There should be !t le!st 3 non execut"ve d"rectors# In the c!se of sm!ller comp!n"es, th"s m!$be 2#

    e of the commttee

    To #mprove the qu"l#t%of f#n"nc#"l report#n!

    To #ncre"se the conf#dence of the publ#c #n the f#n"nc#"l st"tements$

    Ass#st d#rectors #n meet#n!the#r respons#b#l#t#es #n respect of f#n"nc#"l report#n!$

    Prov#de "ch"nnel to extern"l "ud#tors to report concerns or #ssues$

    Rev#ew the comp"n%s s%stem of #ntern"l controls$

    Stren!then the pos#t#on of #ntern"l "ud#t b%prov#d#n!!re"ter #ndependence from m"n"!ement$

    Appo#ntment of extern"l "ud#tor$

    vntes of commttee

    Independent Report$n!

    Prov"des "ntern!l !ud"t w"th !n "ndependent report"n%mech!n"sm# W"thout th"s m!n!%ement m!$be tempted to h"de

    unf!vour!ble reports#

    Frees up Execut$ve t$me

    Le!ves top execut"ves free to m!n!%e b$prov"d"n%expert"se on f"n!nc"!l report"n%

    Corpor"te Govern"nce mon$tored

    Ensures th!t corpor!te %overn!nce requ"rements !re brou%ht to !ttent"on of the bo!rd

    Appropr$"te Intern"l Controls

    Should ensure th!t !n !ppropr"!te s$stem of "ntern!l control "s m!"nt!"ned#

    Better Commun$c"t$on

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    Better commun"c!t"on between the d"rectors, extern!l !ud"t !nd m!n!%ement "s f!c"l"t!ted#

    Stren!thens extern"l "ud$t $ndependence

    Stren%thens "ndependence of extern!l !ud"t !s the"r !ppo"ntment "s now not m!de b$the bo!rd#

    dvntes of Commttee

    Execut#ve d#rectors m"%perce#ve #t "s "thre"t to the#r "uthor#t%$

    F#nd#n!non execut#ve d#rectors w#th "ppropr#"te expert#se m"%be d#ff#cult$

    Add#t#on"l costs w#ll be #nvolved$

    Too much det"#l m"%be thrust upon non execut#ve d#rectors$

    mmun#c"t#on w#th the "ud#t comm#ttee

    hdoes the externl udtor spefrst to the Audt Commttee

    To ensure #ndependence between the bo"rd "nd the "ud#t f#rm$

    The "ud#t comm#ttee cons#sts of #ndependent NEDs, who c"n therefore t"'e "n ob(ect#ve v#ew of the "ud#t report$

    The "ud#t comm#ttee h"s more t#me to rev#ew the "ud#t report "nd other commun#c"t#ons (e!m"n"!ement letters) th"n the bo"rd$

    The "ud#tor should therefore benef#t from the#r reports be#n!rev#ewed c"refull%

    The "ud#t comm#ttee c"n ensure th"t "n%recommend"t#ons from the "ud#tor "re #mplemented$

    The NEDs c"n pressur#se the bo"rd to t"'#n!"ct#on on "ud#tor recommend"t#ons

    The "ud#t comm#ttee "lso h"s more t#me to rev#ew the effect#veness "nd eff#c#enc%of the wor'of the extern"l "ud#tor th"n the


    The comm#ttee c"n therefore m"'e recommend"t#ons on the re-"ppo#ntment of the "ud#tor, or recommend " d#fferent f#rm #f th#s

    s "ppropr#"te

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    profess#on h"s "respons#b#l#t%to the publ#c

    blc Interest Oversht Bords

    Oversees IFAC's "ud#t#n!"nd "ssur"nce

    Bel#eves st"nd"rds should be h#!h qu"l#t%, cle"r "nd us"ble

    Ensures "ud#tors "ct #ndependentl%of person"l #nterests, "nd be respons#ve to emer!#n!needs of st"nd"rd users

    Promote compl#"nce w#th IFAC st"nd"rds b%the member bod#es of IFAC "round the world


    h"ng up

    s"ness t!&"n%l!r%e !mounts of sm!ll ch!n%e e!ch wee&(e#%#!conven"ence store) needs to depos"t th!t mone$"n !b!nIf

    epos"ts v!r$%re!tl$for no obv"ous re!son th"s c!n dr!w susp"c"on'but "f the tr!ns!ct"ons !re re%ul!r !nd rou%hl$the s!me

    susp"c"on "s e!s"l$d"scounted#Th"s "s the b!s"s of !ll mone$l!under"n%, !tr!c&record of depos"t"n%cle!n mone$before

    p"n%throu%h d"rt$mone$#

    e Un"ted St!tes, for ex!mple, c!sh tr!ns!ct"ons !nd depos"ts of more th!n $10,000 must be reported b$the c!sh"er (the

    &etc) !s "s"%n"f"c!nt c!sh tr!ns!ct"ons" to the F"n!nc"!l Cr"mes Enforcement Networ&F"nCEN, w"th !n$other susp"c"ous

    nc"!l !ct"v"t$"dent"f"ed !s "susp"c"ous !ct"v"t$reports" (SARs)#

    her (ur"sd"ct"ons susp"c"on-b!sed requ"rements m!$be pl!ced on f"n!nc"!l serv"ces emplo$ees !nd f"rms to report susp"c"ous

    bl$c Interest Overs$!hts Bo"rd



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    ther method "s to st!rt !bus"ness whose c!sh "nflow c!nnot be mon"tored, !nd funnel the sm!ll ch!n%e "nto "t !nd p!$t!xes

    #But !ll b!n&emplo$ees !re tr!"ned to be const!ntl$on the loo&out for tr!ns!ct"ons th!t seem to be tr$"n%to %et !round

    rt"n%requ"rements#To !vo"d susp"c"on, shell comp!n"es should de!l d"rectl$w"th the publ"c, perform some serv"ce (not

    "de ph$s"c!l %oods), !nd h!ve !bus"ness th!t re!son!bl$would !ccept c!sh !s !m!tter of course#De!l"n%d"rectl$w"th the

    "c "n c!sh %"ves !pl!us"ble re!son for not h!v"n%!record of customers#

    ex!mple, "t "s qu"te re!son!ble to th"n&th!t !h!"rst$l"st "s p!"d "n c!sh !nd, even "f she &nows her customer's n!mes, does

    &now the"r b!n&det!"ls#A record of !h!"rcut must ostens"bl$be !ccepted !s pr"m!f!c"e ev"dence#Serv"ce bus"nesses h!ve!dv!nt!%e of the !non$m"t$of resources but the d"s!dv!nt!%e th!t the$must de!l "n c!sh#A bus"ness th!t sells

    puters h!s to !ccount for the computers, where!s the h!"rst$l"st does not h!ve to produce the cut h!"r, but the rece"pt for

    computer, even "f "nfl!ted, ex"sts th!t for the h!"rcut prob!bl$does not#It "s of course !lso poss"ble to "nvent customers,

    l$for the purpose of !ccept"n%mone$from them#

    terntonl efforts to combt monelundern

    F"n!nc"!l Act"on T!s&Force (FATF) "s !n "ntern!t"on!l bod$, wh"ch promotes pol"c"es %lob!ll$to comb!t mone$l!under"n%!nd

    or"st f"n!nc"n%#In 1990 FATF "ssued recommend!t"ons to comb!t the m"suse of f"n!nc"!l s$stems to l!under dru%mone$#

    recommend!t"ons "nclude)

    &"n%mone$l!under"n%!cr"m"n!l offence

    sures to be t!&en b$bus"nesses !nd profess"ons to prevent mone$l!under"n%, "nclud"n%)

    tomer due d"l"%ence !nd record&eep"n%

    ort"n%of susp"c"ous tr!ns!ct"ons to !n !ppropr"!te !uthor"t$

    ern!t"on!l cooper!t"on "nclud"n%extr!d"t"on of suspects#

    se recommend!t"ons h!ve become the benchm!r&!%!"nst wh"ch !countr$s rules !re !ssessed#

    e !re v!r"ous cr"m"n!l offences connected w"th mone$l!under"n%#The U+ex!mples !re)

    ess"n%or conce!l"n%the proceeds of !n$cr"me

    mpt"n%or help"n%to comm"t the !bove offence

    re b$!person "n the re%ul!ted sector to "nform the !ppropr"!te p!rt$of !susp"c"on th!t someone "s mone$l!under"n%

    "n%!d"sclosure wh"ch "s l"&el$to pre(ud"ce !n "nvest"%!t"on "nto mone$l!under"n%(t"pp"n%off)

    l!st two offences !re the ones th!t !ccount!nts m!$f"nd themselves !ffected b$even "n!dvertentl$, !s !ccount!nts oper!te

    e re%ul!ted sector !nd !re therefore requ"red to report susp"c"ons of mone$l!under"n%

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    ences to ch"r!es of mone#l"under$n!%

    port h!d been m!de to the !ppropr"!te p!rt$

    e w!s !n "ntent"on to m!&e !report !nd !re!son!ble excuse (l"&el$to "nclude fe!r of ph$s"c!l v"olence or other men!ces) for

    h!v"n%done so

    u"r"n%or us"n%propert$for !dequ!te cons"der!t"on "n %ood f!"th

    one%l"under#n!#s cre"t#n!the "ppe"r"nce th"t mone%obt"#ned from

    mes or#!#n"ted from "le!#t#m"te source$

    S l!w "t "s the pr!ct"ce of en%!%"n%"n f"n!nc"!l tr!ns!ct"ons to conce!l the "dent"t$, source, or dest"n!t"on of "lle%!ll$%!"ned


    +l!w the common l!w def"n"t"on "s w"der#It "s t!&"n%!n$!ct"on w"th propert$of !n$form wh"ch "s e"ther wholl$or "n p!rtproceeds of !cr"me th!t w"ll d"s%u"se the f!ct th!t th!t propert$"s the proceeds of !cr"me or obscure the benef"c"!l

    ersh"p of s!"d propert$#

    !s"c!ll$me!ns !n$f"n!nc"!l tr!ns!ct"on wh"ch %ener!tes !n !sset or !v!lue !s the result of !n "lle%!l !ct, wh"ch m!$"nvolve

    ons such !s t!x ev!s"on or f!lse !ccount"n%#

    e$l!under"n%"s thus the process b$wh"ch cr"m"n!ls !ttempt to conce!l the true or"%"n !nd ownersh"p of the proceeds

    er!ted b$"lle%!l me!ns, !llow"n%them to m!"nt!"n control over the proceeds !nd, ult"m!tel$, prov"d"n%!le%"t"m!te cover for

    r sources of "ncome#

    e term s wdeldefned to nclude

    ay audio pause audio



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    De"l#n!w#th #n "n%w"%


    $$$the proceeds of "n%cr#me

    e F#n"nc#"l Act#on T"s'Force on Mone%L"under#n!(FATF) #s "n

    tern"t#on"l bod%wh#ch sets st"nd"rds, "nd develops pol#c#es to comb"t

    one%l"under#n!"nd terror#st f#n"nc#n!

    rrentl$h!s 35 member countr"es/terr"tor"es !nd observers such !s the World B!n&!nd Intern!t"on!l Monet!r$Fund)#

    r recommend!t"ons !re endorsed b$more th!n 180 countr"es !nd !re the "ntern!t"on!l !nt"-mone$l!under"n%st!nd!rd

    nst wh"ch n!t"on!l !nt"-mone$l!under"n%s$stems !re !ssessed

    e recommendtons cover

    Pol"c"es !nd coord"n!t"on

    Mone$l!under"n%!nd conf"sc!t"on

    Terror"st f"n!nc"n%!nd f"n!nc"n%of prol"fer!t"on

    ern"t$on"l Efforts on Mone#L"under$n!

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    re specfcllthese del wth

    The scope of the cr#m#n"l offence of mone%l"under#n!

    Me"sures to prevent mone%l"under#n!#nclud#n!)

    customer due d#l#!ence (CDD) "nd record-'eep#n!*"nd

    report#n!of susp#c#ous tr"ns"ct#ons "nd compl#"nce to "n extern"l f#n"nc#"l #ntell#!ence un#t (FIU)*

    Me"sures needed #n s%stems for comb"t#n!mone%l"under#n!, #nclud#n!tr"nsp"renc%of le!"l persons "nd "rr"n!ements

    ntern"t#on"l co-oper"t#on #nclud#n!mutu"l le!"l "ss#st"nce "nd extr"d#t#on

    nc#p"l Offences of Mone%L"under#n!$$

    ese re the common ones under Uleslton but enerllpplworldwde nd hencehe exm

    Not "ppo#nt#n!"Mone%L"under#n!Report#n!Off#cer (MLRO)

    Not h"v#n!r#s'm"n"!ement procedures "nd #ntern"l controls compl%#n!w#th "nt#-ML le!#sl"t#on

    Not ver#f%#n!#dent#t%of "ll new cl#ents

    No on!o#n!cl#ent due d#l#!ence

    F"#lure to report "susp#c#on of ML


    T"x ev"s#on

    pe of Mone#L"under$n!

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    p n!-o

    "s when !n "nd"v"du!l who "s susp"c"ous, d"scloses th!t susp"c"on to the suspect

    ct even non-d"sclosure/!ct"on m!$be cons"dered t"pp"n%off (e#%#not c!rr$"n%out !cl"ent's "nstruct"ons th!t "s effect"vel$!


    e cl"ent !s&s the !ccount!nt to comm"t !suspected ML offence, th"s must be reported to the !ppropr"!te !uthor"t$

    not be"n%susp"c"ous "s not !defence "f "t "s cle!r th!t !re!son!ble person should h!ve been susp"c"ous

    fe!r of t"pp"n%off should not prevent the profess"on!l !ccount!nt from d"scuss"n%mone$l!under"n%m!tters w"th cl"ents on

    n-spec"f"c b!s"s#Not do"n%so, when requested, m!$!mount to t"pp"n%off#

    p"rtners "re potent#"ll%l#"ble on "(o#nt "nd sever"l b"s#s for bre"ches

    the f#rm's obl#!"t#ons

    nerl Defences

    ences to mone$l!under"n%offences "nclude)

    Report"n%to the MLRO

    Intend"n%to report BUT there w!s !re!son!ble excuse for not do"n%so (fe!r of v"olence)

    We thou%ht the cl"ent's !ct"ons were "n %ood f!"th (!nd "t's !re!son!ble !ssumpt"on)

    count"nts h"ve mone%l"under#n!obl#!"t#ons$$

    w Account"nts M"#Be Protected

    w Account"nts Prevent Mone#L"under$n!

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    e follownwll prevent ther ornstons benused for monelundernpurposes

    Est"bl#sh "top-down "nt#-mone%l"under#n!culture

    H"ve r#s'm"n"!ement procedures & #ntern"l controls

    Appo#nt "mone%l"under#n!report#n!off#cer (MLRO)

    H"ve record 'eep#n!s%stems for "ll tr"ns"ct#ons

    &eep s%stems for #n#t#"l ver#f#c"t#on "nd cont#nued mon#tor#n!of cl#ents' #dent#t#es

    H"ve #ntern"l susp#c#on report#n!procedures

    Educ"te "nd tr"#n "ll st"ff #n the m"#n requ#rements of the le!#sl"t#on

    Ident"f"c!t"on procedures

    ent Accept"nce Procedures

    uld "nclude

    &now $our Cl"ent "nform!t"on


    The"r expected p!tterns of bus"ness

    The"r bus"ness model

    Where the"r funds come from


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    f the MLRO #s "w"%then "deput%must be "ppo#nted ("s reports must be m"de "s soon "s pr"ct#c"ble)

    Sole pr"ct#t#oners do not need to "ppo#nt "n MLRO

    c! $s ou !ve !su"t! e eve o sen"or"t$!n exper"ence

    Respons"b"l"t"es Include

    ntern!l reports of mone$l!under"n%

    Dec"d"n%"f suff"c"ent %rounds for susp"c"on

    Prep!r"n%the extern!l report to present to the !ppropr"!te !uthor"t$

    +e$l"!"son "nd"v"du!l w"th the !uthor"t"es

    Adv"s"n%the en%!%ement "nd"v"du!l/te!m on how to cont"nue the"r wor&!nd "nter!ct w"th the cl"ent

    Tr!"n"n%on ML m!tters

    Des"%n"n%!nt"-ML s$stems

    ofess#on"l "ccount"nts must report mone%l"under#n!to the

    propr#"te "uthor#t%(e$!$MLRO, Pol#ce)$

    e Po"nts !bout Report"n#

    It "s !cr"m"n!l offence not to report

    Re%!rdless of the !mount or ser"ousness


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    ere s no o %! on o qu!n $ e cer ! n $o susp c on

    There "s no !utom!t"c need to ce!se wor&"n%for !p!rt"cul!r cl"ent where !report h!s been f"led

    Do"n%so m!$even be t"pp"n%off,

    extern"l report should be m"de to the "uthor#t#es

    hould nclude the follown

    N!me of the report"n%bus"ness

    Ident"f"c!t"on "nform!t"on of e!ch person (DOB, !ddress etc)

    Role of e!ch person (e%Suspect)

    An$references seen (e%B!n&!ccount)

    Det!"ls of susp"c"ous tr!ns!ct"on

    Loc!t"on of !n$l!undered propert$


    should cons"der res"%n"n%where##

    It "s "n $our commerc"!l "nterests to do so

    It "s profess"on!ll$!nd eth"c!ll$respons"ble to do so

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    be c!reful to !vo"d t"pp"n%off#A%!"n, le%!l !dv"ce should be sou%ht "f "n doubt

    ht re suspcous trnsctons

    L!r%e c!sh depos"ts

    Unexpl!"ned fore"%n tr!ns!ct"ons

    Tr!ns!ct"ons w"th no bus"ness expl!n!t"on

    e MLRO #s respons#ble for sett#n!up the "nt#-mone%l"under#n!


    follow"n#"s requ"red

    Dedcted Resources

    An MLRO "n pl!ce

    The MLRO h!s !ppropr"!te &nowled%e, exper"ence !nd respons"b"l"t$

    Wrtten Polces nd Procedures

    The procedures should use "v"#l"ble technolo!%"nd #dent#f%r#s'f"ctors - #tems to loo'for when detect#n!mone%l"under#n!

    These r"s%f!ctors could "nclude

    Secrec$w"th !tr!ns!ct"on


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    Us"n%centr!l b!n&or %overnment-owned b!n&s !s the source of funds

    A r!p"d "ncre!se/decre!se "n !b!l!nce, not expl!"ned b$fluctu!t"ons "n the underl$"n%m!r&et v!lue of "nvestments held

    Frequent or excess"ve use of funds/w"re tr!nsfers "n or out of !n !ccount

    Repe!ted depos"ts or w"thdr!w!ls (ust below the mon"tor"n%!nd report"n%threshold on or !round the s!me d!$

    A p!ttern th!t !fter !depos"t or w"re tr!nsfer the s!me (or s"m"l!r) !mount "s w"red to !nother f"n!nc"!l "nst"tut"on

    (espec"!ll$one th!t "s offshore)#

    A frequent cle!r"n%out of !n !ccount for purposes other th!n m!x"m"s"n%the v!lue of the funds held "n the !ccount

    Comprehensve Covere

    All !spects of !comp!n$'s bus"ness, p!rt"cul!rl$those th!t

    h!ve cont!ct w"th customers should be covered

    A comp!r"son of the !ccount holder's "dent"t$to the %overnment l"sts of &nown or suspected terror"sts

    TmelEsclton nd Resoluton


    Appropr"!te rev"ews of the report

    Ident"f$the outcome / resolut"on of m!tters

    Explct Mnement Support

    Sen"or m!n!%ement should set the tone

    The"r support cle!rl$v"s"ble to !ll emplo$ees

    Suffcent Trnnnd Educton

    Inte%r!l to the whole pro%r!mme

    Courses on how to reco%n"se susp"c"ous !ct"v"t$!nd wh!t to do next

    Reulr Revew of the Prorm

    To m!&e sure "t "s wor&"n%!s des"%ned

    Accomp!n"ed b$!form!l !ssessment / report

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    he offences F!"l"n%to d"sclose or report mone$l!under"n%T"pp"n%off

    Pre(ud"c"n%!n "nvest"%!t"on

    #stems "nd Controls Ident"f$complex / unusu!ll$l!r%e tr!ns!ct"ons

    Prevent use of !non$m"t$%r!nt"n%products

    Perform customer due d"l"%ence

    Appo"nt mlro

    Customer record &eep"n%for 5 $e!rs

    ML compl"!nce mon"tor"n%

    M!&e emplo$ees !w!re of ML re%ul!t"ons

    s&-B"sed "ppro"ch T!r%et efforts where r"s&"s h"%hest

    W!tch for unusu!l tr!ns!ct"ons

    +eep customer due d"l"%ence up to d!te

    ustomer Due D$l$!ence Test r"s&"ness of cl"ent to see !mount of DD

    Alw!$s !t the st!rt of !bus"ness rel!t"onsh"p

    When there's unusu!l tr!ns!ct"onWhen susp"c"ous

    To new !nd old cl"ents on !r"s&sens"t"ve b!s"s

    Ident"f$benef"c"!l owner

    Mon"tor throu%hout rel!t"onsh"p

    eport$n! Susp"c"ous !ct"v"t$reports

    H!ve !n MLRO to report to

    F!"lure to report "s !n offence

    When reports m!de, the$!re protected

    Report !s soon !s poss"ble

    LRO S"%n"f"c!nt respons"b"l"t$

    Sen"or person

    Absences covered

    The f!ct sheet "n full b!b '

    rn more lst

    CA f"ctsheet 145 on Mone#L"under$n!
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    Good luc&w"th "t, !nd "f $ou %et to the end, %"ve $ourself !med!l

    rrent Issue - Is "n eth#c"l fr"mewor'better th"n rules+

    re's some resons whfrmewors ood

    Needs "ud#tor to cons#der h#s s#tu"t#on "ct#vel%- not (ust "chec'l#st

    Ensures there "re no loopholes b%#nterpret#n!rules too n"rrowl%

    Ever%s#tu"t#on #s d#fferent

    A fr"mewor'wor's better #n ch"n!#n!env#ronments

    "n"!ement #s respons#ble for ensur#n!th"t the comp"n%compl#es w#thws "nd re!ul"t#ons

    dtors re responsble for

    conclud"n%FS free from m"st!tements c!used b$non-compl"!nce w"th l!ws !nd re%ul!t"ons

    h!v"n%!%ener!l underst!nd"n%of the le%!l !nd re%ul!tor$fr!mewor&w"th"n wh"ch the comp!n$oper!tes

    !ppl$"n%profess"on!l scept"c"sm

    $c"l Fr"mewor&or Rules

    !ws !nd re#ul!t"ons

    pons$b$l$t$es of m"n"!ement "nd "ud$tors
  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    obt!"n"n%!%ener!l underst!nd"n%of !ppl"c!ble l!ws !nd


    underst!nd"n%how the ent"t$compl"es w"th those l!ws !nd re%ul!t"ons

    "dent"f$"n%"nst!nces of non-compl"!nce

    be"n%!w!re of the "mp!ct of bre!ches of re%ul!t"ons on the !ssert"ons

    sponsbltes of Mnement (nd Those Chred Wth Governnce)

    Prevent#on AND detect#on of fr"ud "nd error

    Stron!r#s'm"n"!ement "nd #ntern"l control

    A culture of honest%"nd eth#c"l beh"v#our

    Compl#"nce w#th "ppl#c"ble l"ws "nd re!ul"t#ons

    Mon#tor#n!le!"l requ#rements

    Develop#n!, publ#c#s#n!"nd follow#n!"Code of Conduct


    ere "re #nd#c"tors th"t Non-compl#"nce m"%h"ve occurred

    n-Compl$"nce D$scover#

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    ese re

    Government Invest#!"t#ons

    F#nes or pen"lt#es

    Unspec#f#ed p"%ments for to rel"ted p"rt#es or (!overnment) emplo%ees

    Excess#ve s"les comm#ss#ons

    Purch"s#n!"t not m"r'et pr#ce

    Unusu"l b"n'tr"nsfers

    P"%ments w#thout exch"n!e control document"t#on

    L"c'of "dequ"te "ud#t tr"#l

    nsequences of Non-Complnce

    Prov"s"on for f"nes, ch!r%es etc

    Potent"!l d"sclosures needed

    Dec"de "f so ser"ous th!t true !nd f!"r v"ew "s quest"oned

    ocedures when poss#ble noncompl#"nce #s d#scovered

    ese re

    Document f#nd#n!s

    D#scuss w#th m"n"!ement

    D#scuss w#th the#r l"w%er

    D#scuss w#th own l"w%er

    Cons#der #mp"ct on other "re"s of the "ud#t

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    Cons#der #f %ou c"n now rel%on other m"n"!ement represent"t#ons

    d#tors should tell d#rectors of "n%non-compl#"nce #mmed#"tel%

    should h!ppen w"thout del!$, !nd m!&e !ppropr"!te reports, !s set out below)


    If the !ud"tors suspect non-compl"!nce w"th l!ws !nd re%ul!t"ons

    Commun"c!te to !ud"t comm"ttee

    Cons"der the need for le%!l !dv"ce


    Onl#"f "t c!uses FS to not %"ve !true !nd f!"r v"ew or there "s !fund!ment!l uncert!"nt$

    Report "n usu!l w!$(See report"n%sect"on)


    w to Report on Non-Compl$"nce

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    Aud"tor dec"des "f there's !respons"b"l"t$to report to p!rt"es outs"de the ent"t$

    #s #s "l"st resort

    ere re mnfctors to consder

    Are m"n"!ement #mpl#c"ted+

    Non-compl#"nce "ffect on rel"t#onsh#p w#th cl#ent

    Le!"l respons#b#l#t#es+



    M!n!%ement refuses to remed$the s"tu!t"on

    S"%n"f"c!nt doubts !bout the competence or "nte%r"t$of m!n!%ement

    hen wthdrwnthe udtor must

    D"scuss the re!sons for WITHDRAWING w"th the !ppropr"!te level of m!n!%ement

    Cons"der !n$profess"on!l or le%!l requ"rements to report h"s w"thdr!w!l

    en to W$thdr"w From the En!"!ement

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    e 5 fund"ment"l pr#nc#ples of the ACCA Code of Eth#cs must be


    e 5 Fundmentl prncples nd wht themen


    Be str"#!htforw"rd "nd honest #n "ll profess#on"l rel"t#onsh#ps


    No b#"s or confl#ct of #nterest #nfluenc#n!%our bus#ness (ud!ements

    Professonl Competence & Due Cre

    &eep up %our profess#on"l 'nowled!e "nd s'#ll so "s to !#ve "competent profess#on"l serv#ce, us#n!current developments "nd


    Act d#l#!entl%"nd w#th#n "ppropr#"te st"nd"rds when prov#d#n!profess#on"l serv#ces


    Don't d#sclose "n%conf#dent#"l #nform"t#on to th#rd p"rt#es w#thout proper "nd spec#f#c "uthor#t%

    You c"n, however, #f there #s "le!"l or profess#on"l r#!ht or dut%to d#sclose

    Obv#ousl%never use #t for person"l "dv"nt"!e of %ourself or th#rd p"rt#es

    rofess$on"l "nd Eth$c"l Cons$der"t$ons

    ode of Eth"cs for Profess"on!l Account!nts

    d"ment"l Pr$nc$ples

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    Professonl behvour

    A profess#on"l "ccount"nt should "ct #n "m"nner cons#stent w#th the !ood reput"t#on of the profess#on

    Refr"#n from "n%conduct wh#ch m#!ht br#n!d#scred#t to the profess#on

    n the ex!m quest"on $ou m!$h!ve to !ppl$hese to !c!se stud$- #roov$b!b$((

    "ud#tor must be #ndependent "nd be seen to be #ndependent

    eores of Thret

    tors need to be full$!w!re of s"tu!t"ons th!t m!$d!m!%e the"r "ndependence#


    Here the "ud#tor m"%h"ve "f#n"nc#"l (or other) #nterest #n "m"tter$

    Therefore the "ud#tor m"%not "ct w#th ob(ect#v#t%"nd #ndependence$


    Here the "ud#tor rev#ews "(ud!ement she h"s t"'en herself$

    Or "n "ud#t f#rm prep"red the f#n"nc#"l st"tements "nd then "cted "s "ud#tor$

    Th#s #s "thre"t to ob(ect#v#t%"nd #ndependence$


  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text



    Here the "ud#tor #s expected to defend or (ust#f%the pos#t#on of the cl#ent, "nd "ct "s "n "dvoc"te$

    Th#s #s "thre"t to ob(ect#v#t%"nd #ndependence$


    Here the "ud#tor c"n't "ct #ndependentl%"s she #s sc"red due to #nt#m#d"tor%thre"ts such "s the thre"t to t"'e "w"%the wor'

    unless the%do "s the cl#ent w#shes$


    Here the "ud#tor "nd cl#ent h"ve "too close rel"t#onsh#p, for ex"mple due to "lon!"ssoc#"t#on over m"n%%e"rs #n c"rr%#n!out the

    "nnu"l "ud#t$

    mples of Threts

    Fnncl Interest

    Here loo&for the n!ture of the "nterest !nd the de%ree of control the !ccount!nt h!s over "t - obv"ousl$the more control

    the h"%her the r"s

    No member of the !ssur!nce te!m (or "mmed"!te f!m"l$) should hold !f"n!nc"!l "nterest "n !cl"ent#

    The "nterest should e"ther be d"sposed of, or the te!m member removed from the en%!%ement#

    Lons nd urntees

    If the cl"ent "s !b!n&(or s"m"l!r) !nd the lo!n "s on norm!l commerc"!l terms then there "s no thre!t to "ndependence#

    All other lo!ns or %u!r!ntees !re !self- "nterest thre!t !nd should be !vo"ded#

    Close busness reltonshps

    A m!ter"!l (o"nt venture w"th !cl"ent "s !self-"nterest thre!t, so should be !vo"ded#

    Bu$"n%th"n%s from !cl"ent "s f"ne "f on norm!l commerc"!l terms !nd "n the norm!l course of bus"ness#

    Fmlnd personl reltonshps

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    Th"n&here !bout the sen"or"t$of the !ssur!nce st!ff !nd the closeness of the rel!t"onsh"p#

    If the f!m"l$member "s !ble to exert s"%n"f"c!nt "nfluence over the sub(ect m!tter then the thre!t to "ndependence c!n onl$

    be !vo"ded b$remov"n%the "nd"v"du!l from the !ssur!nce te!m#

    Recent emploment wth clent

    The thre!t c!n be reduced b$%ett"n%!n "ndependent th"rd p!rt$to rev"ew the !ud"t f"le#

    If !member th"n&s the$m"%ht soon be emplo$ed b$the cl"ent (h!v"n%!ppl"ed for !(ob there) then th"s should be d"sclosed

    b$the member "mmed"!tel$#

    Servnon the bord of ssurnce clents

    Aud"tors should not do th"s#

    Althou%h "f "t's onl$rout"ne !dm"n"str!t"ve serv"ces, l"&e ! comp!n$secret!r$, then "t m!$be o

    Wh!t "s v"t!l "s th!t the$!re not "nvolved "n m!&"n%m!n!%ement dec"s"ons#

    Lonssocton of senor personnel wth ssurnce clents

    Th"s m!$c!use !f!m"l"!r"t$thre!t#

    In the ex!m $ou need to loo&!t the n!ture of the role !nd the len%th of t"me th!t he h!s been do"n%"t when dec"d"n%

    wh"ch st!ff members to "nvolve "n !ssur!nce wor

    An !ud"t en%!%ement p!rtner !nd/or qu!l"t$control rev"ewer shouldn't wor&on the s!me cl"ent for more th!n seven $e!rs

    !nd should not be returned to the en%!%ement for !t le!st two $e!rs !fter be"n%rot!ted off the te!m#


    If the cl"ent fees !re !l!r%e proport"on of !f"rms tot!l fees, there "s !s"%n"f"c!nt self-"nterest thre!t#

    ACCA rules st!te th!t recurr"n%fees p!"d b$one cl"ent or !rel!ted %roup of cl"ents should not exceed 15% of the "ncome of

    the !ud"t pr!ct"ce (10% "f the cl"ent "s l"sted)#

    In l!r%er f"rms !n "nd"v"du!l off"ce m!$exceed these l"m"ts !s lon%!s respons"b"l"t$for s"%n"n%off the !ud"t f"le should be

    p!ssed to !d"fferent off"ce#

    Overdue fees should be !vo"ded !s the$!re pr!ct"c!ll$!lo!n#

    Gfts nd hosptlt

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    Were rem!"n"n%members of the te!m properl$superv"sed-

    n$!ccept not s%n c!nt to e t er p!rt$

    Cons$der the follow$n!%

    Could the v!lue !ffect ob(ect"v"t$-

    W!s the hosp"t!l"t$when the !ud"tors should h!ve been wor&"n%-

    Ensure the member chec&ed w"th more sen"or people "n the f"rm to chec&"f "t w!s !llowed - otherw"se "t "s !

    d"sc"pl"n!r$offence !lso#

    Actul nd thretened ltton

    If !ctu!l l"t"%!t"on then res"%n from the en%!%ement#

    fe!u"rd#n!#ndependence #s the respons#b#l#t%of the "ud#t f#rm & the



  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    dt Frm Level

    lture of "ndependence should be cre!ted, th"s me!ns !rot!t"on of the en%!%ement p!rtner !nd sen"or st!ff#

    dd"t"on, !n !ud"t f"rm should h!ve the follow"n%procedures "n pl!ce)


    To !n !ppropr"!te level for the role

    Qultcontrol procedures

    Th"s ensures th!t "ndependence "s cons"dered "n !ll wor&performed b$the !ud"t f"rm#


    So "ssues c!n be d"scussed "ntern!ll$!nd procedures !re l!"d out to f!c"l"t!te th"s

    Ethcl Codes

    of conduct

    Internl Controls

    e Professon

    profess"on should t!&e d"sc"pl"n!r$!ct"on !s !ppropr"!te#

    profess"on re%ul!rl$su%%est new pr!ct"ces !nd procedures des"%ned to "mprove !ud"tor "ndependence#

    h"n%s th!t the profess"on do to help s!fe%u!rd !%!"nst eth"c!l thre!ts !re)

    Re!ul"r rot"t#on of "ud#tors m"de compulsor%

    Us#n!"ud#t comm#ttees

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    ACCA Ex"ms "nd CPD ))

    Corpor"te Govern"nce "nd of course "ud#t#n!st"nd"rds

    e Indvdul

    nd"v"du!l !ud"tor c!n l"m"t eth"c!l thre!ts b$##

    Compl#$n!w"th CPD re%ul!t"ons - !nd st!$"n%up to d!te

    'eep$n!$n cont"ctw"th fellow profess"on!ls

    To "nform!ll$d"scuss "ssues !nd problems

    Independent Mentorused to d"scuss "nd"v"du!l thre!ts

    ever d#sclose unless consent h"s been !#ven or %ou're obl#!ed to

    consed exceptons to the dutof confdentlt

    et"mes d"sclosure "s requ"red !nd somet"mes "t "s volunt!r$


    when the !ud"tor &nows, or h!s re!son to suspect th!t, !cl"ent h!s comm"tted##





  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text



    re exceptons


    Th"s "s perm"tted "n the follow"n%c"rcumst!nces)

    1# Protect$n!Member Interests

    For ex!mple, defend"n%$ourself !%!"nst !n !ccus!t"on of ne%l"%ence

    2# Le!"l Process

    The courts m!$requ"re documents

    3# Publ$c Interest

    For ex!mple - Inform"n%t!x !uthor"t"es of non-compl"!nce b$!cl"ent comp!n$w"th t!x re%ul!t"ons

    hen the "ud#tor #s susp#c#ous of "n eth#c"l thre"t, "ct#on must be t"'en

    low these steps

    Assess the f"cts

    Cons#der eth#c"l Issues

    Fund"ment"l Pr#nc#ples Are the%"ffected+

    See wh"t est"bl#shed procedures there "re for de"l#n!w#th #t otherw#se$$

    olv$n!Eth$c"l Issues

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    Loo'for "ltern"t#ve me"sures such "s "n extern"l re!ul"tor, or worst c"se scen"r#o, res#!n#n!,

    or's on pr#nc#ples, not l#st#n!ever%re"son wh%"ud#tors m"%not do

    e r#!ht th#n!

    e conceptul frmeworwors le ths

    dent#f%the thre"t th"t m"%c"use "fund"ment"l pr#nc#ple to be bro'en

    The fund"ment"l pr#nc#ple how l#'el%#s #t to be bro'en+

    L#m#t the r#s'#f the thre"t #s more th"n ne!l#!#ble - to "n "ccept"ble level

    ere re 3 tpes of sfeurd

    ch c!n l"m"t the r"s&


    Tr!"n"n%& Educ!t"on G!"n"n%exper"ence !t wor&, p!ss"n%$our ex!ms )) & CPD on eth"c!l m!tters

    Le%"sl!t"on On th"n%s such !s who "s f"t !nd proper to become !n !ud"tor

    Corpor!te Govern!nce re%ul!t"ons These often set out best pr!ct"ce for some eth"c!l s"tu!t"ons


    CPD +eep"n%up to d!te w"th !ud"t"n%st!nd!rds !nd developments

    Networ&s +eep"n%"n cont!ct w"th other profess"on!ls to d"scuss m!tters "nform!ll$or cont!ct"n%ACCA for %u"d!nce

    nceptu"l Fr"mewor&

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    Independent Mentor A form!l rel!t"onsh"p w"th !nother !ud"tor to d"scuss eth"c!l thre!ts on !conf"dent"!l b!s"s


    Codes of Conduct cre!ted !nd followed b$the f"rm w"th controls !nd procedures "n pl!ce

    Eth"c!l St!nd!rds Rel!t"n%to !ud"t en%!%ements such !s d"scuss"ons w"th !ud"t comm"ttees !nd st!ff rot!t"on pol"c"es

    e "ud#tor #s tempted to !"#n "person"l or f"m#l%benef#t r"ther th"n

    ve "n "ppropr#"te serv#ce

    ldnShres n clent

    Don't,Here loo&for the n!ture of the "nterest !nd the de%ree of control the !ccount!nt h!s over "t - obv"ousl$the more

    control the h"%her the r"s&

    No member of the !ssur!nce te!m (or "mmed"!te f!m"l$) should hold !f"n!nc"!l "nterest "n !cl"ent#

    The "nterest should e"ther be d"sposed of, or the te!m member removed from the en%!%ement

    nfcnt Income from clent

    L"m"t the !mount 10% of tot!l fees "f l"sted

    15% of tot!l fees "f unl"sted

    In l!r%er f"rms !n "nd"v"du!l off"ce m!$exceed these l"m"ts !s lon%!s respons"b"l"t$for s"%n"n%off the !ud"t f"le should be

    p!ssed to !d"fferent off"ce#

    Overdue fees should be !vo"ded !s the$!re pr!ct"c!ll$!lo!n

    rte busness venture wth clent

    $c"l thre"ts

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    Don't,Althou%h bu$"n%th"n%s from !cl"ent "s f"ne "f on norm!l commerc"!l terms !nd "n the norm!l course of bus"ness

    vnlon to the clent

    m!$"nclude unp!"d !ud"t fees


    ttnlon from clent

    If the cl"ent "s !b!n&(or s"m"l!r) !nd the lo!n "s on norm!l commerc"!l terms then there "s no thre!t to "ndependence#

    All other lo!ns or %u!r!ntees !re !self- "nterest thre!t !nd should be !vo"ded


    Sett"n%!ver$low fee e"ther to !ttr!ct new cl"ents or ensure further wor&


    Aud"tors should not set fees "n th"s w!$, the fee must be b!sed on !pre-determ"ned level of wor&requ"red

    sptltnd Benefts

    An$such "tems %"ven to the !ud"tor b$!cl"ent could be seen to be !br"be

    So do not !ccept

    ntnent Fees

    Where !ud"tors fees !re cont"n%ent on !nother event h!ppen"n%#

    Aud"t Fees !re not to be determ"ned "n th"s w!$

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text



    If !n !ud"tor prep!res the !ccounts "t "s 100% sure th!t the$w"ll be rev"ew"n%the"r own worThe$m!$be tempted to h"de

    errors to s!ve f!ce#

    So the Aud"tor must not undert!&e !ccount"n%serv"ces for !cl"ent, "f the$!re !LISTED comp!n$#

    No m!n!%ement dec"s"ons should be m!de "n other comp!n"es !nd !d"fferent te!m should prov"de e!ch serv"ce#

    he"lth%scept#c#sm #s "fund"ment"l p"rt of "n%"ud#t

    need to see more sceptcsm

    Not !tot!l d"strust "t requ"res !n enqu"r"n%m"nd th!t "s open to the poss"b"l"t$th!t someth"n%m!$be wron%

    Is "t supported b$ev"dence

    Is "t cons"stent w"th wh!t "s &nown from elsewhere-

    Are !ssumpt"ons re!son!ble-In tod!$'s world, "mp!"rment test"n%"s commonpl!ce !nd wor&s on !ssumpt"ons

    The !ud"tor needs to not onl$see !record of wh!t the !ssumpt"ons !re, but !lso ch!llen%e them !nd underst!nd how the$

    !ffect the conclus"ons the cl"ent h!s come to#

    Too often "t seems th!t the !ud"tor "s loo&"n%for re!sons wh$!ssumpt"ons c!n be supported, w"thout !lso cons"der"n%f!cts

    th!t m"%ht su%%est the$!re not !ppropr"!te - too opt"m"st"c, for ex!mple#

    Is there suff"c"ent ev"dence-If !n !ud"t"n%st!nd!rd requ"res !cert!"n presumpt"on - for ex!mple, of !s"%n"f"c!nt r"s&of

    fr!ud "n the c!se of revenue reco%n"t"on - does the !ud"tor too e!s"l$f"nd re!sons for overr"d"n%the presumpt"on-

    hen pl"nn#n!"nd perform#n!"n "ud#t, the "ud#tor should "dopt "n

    t#tude of profess#on"l scept#c#sm

    fess$on"l Scept$c$sm

    fess$on"l Scept$c$sm "nd Jud!ement

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    An !tt"tude th!t "ncludes !quest"on"n%m"nd, be"n%!lert to cond"t"ons wh"ch m!$"nd"c!te poss"ble m"sst!tement due to

    r or fr!ud, !nd !cr"t"c!l !ssessment of !ud"t ev"dence

    her words, the$must not s"mpl$bel"eve ever$th"n%m!n!%ement tells them

    e exerc#se profess#on"l (ud!ement #n pl"nn#n!"nd perform#n!"n "ud#t

    !ud"tor w"ll need to exerc"se profess"on!l (ud%ement on both the qu!nt"t$!nd the qu!l"t$of ev"dence#

    he hs toude

    When #s there suff#c#ent ev#dence+

    Wh"t #s the qu"l#t%of th#s ev#dence

    tors to help wth theudement re

    The ser"ousness of the r"s&

    The m!ter"!l"t$of the "tem

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    The stren%th of "ntern!l controls

    The s!mpl"n%method used (see l!ter)


    ntent$on"l "ct(((($nvolv$n!the use of decept$on to obt"$n "n un)ust or $lle!"l "dv"nt"!e

    ree mn res of frud exst


    M"s!ppropr"!t"on of !ssets

    F"n!nc"!l st!tement fr!ud


    r!ud !nd Error


  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    un$ntent$on"l m$sst"tement $n f$n"nc$"l st"tements, $nclud$n!the om$ss$on of "n "mount or "d$sclosure

    mples re

    A m"st!&e "n %!ther"n%d!t!from wh"ch FS !re prep!red

    An "ncorrect !ccount"n%est"m!te due to !n overs"%ht

    A m"st!&e "n !ppl$"n%!ccount"n%pr"nc"ples


    ntent$on"l m$sst"tement to m$sle"d users

    m!ter"!l error "s "dent"f"ed, but not corrected "t becomes !n "rre%ul!r"t$

    "m#sst"tement #s d#scovered, the "ud#t #mp"ct needs to be cons#dered

    s s done b

    oo'#n!"t the c#rcumst"nces of the offence

    G"ther#n #nform"t#on"bout the FS effect


  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    f m"ter#"l, "dd#t#on"l procedures should be c"rr#ed out

    Commun#c"ted to those ch"r!ed w#th !overn"nce

    F#nd out the#r "ct#on to rect#f%#t "nd whether #t #s l#'el%to h"ppen "!"#n

    "n"!ement Respons#b#l#t#es

    ese re

    S"fe!u"rds cre"ted to "vo#d fr"ud "nd error us#n!#ntern"l controls

    ntern"l "ud#t #s respons#ble for mon#tor#n!"nd #mplement#n!these

    d#tor Respons#b#l#t#es

    !ud or error le!ds to !m"ter$"l m$sst"tement, the !ud"tor "s respons"ble for detect"n%"t

    n"!ement "nd Aud$tor Respons$b$l$t$es

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    he Pl"nn$n!St"!e

    !ud"tor must cons"der the r"s&of m!ter"!l m"sst!tement due to fr!ud !nd error when pl!nn"n%!nd perform"n%the"r !ud"t

    "ud $s d$scovered

    ort "t to the !ud"t comm"ttee or

    est level of m!n!%ement ("f not "nvolved "n the fr!ud), or

    eholders "f the fr!ud "s b$those "n sen"or m!n!%ement

    "ud "nd error must be reported to m"n"!ement or the "ud#t

    mm#ttee ASAP

    ht bout reportnto shreholders

    B$"nclud"n%!p!r!%r!ph "n the !ud"t report

    ht f t's n the publc nterest

    Report to !3rd p!rt$(e%#Re%ul!tor)

    Espec"!ll$"f m!n!%ement "nvolved

    port$n!Fr"ud "nd Error

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    d#t te"ms members should d#scuss the r#s'of fr"ud "t pl"nn#n!st"!e

    ther Procedures

    As'M"n"!ement wh"t the#r "ssessment of the r#s'#s

    As'M"n"!ement wh"t the#r processes "re for #dent#f%#n!"nd de"l#n!w#th these r#s's

    As'M"n"!ement how the%commun#c"te th#s process to st"ff

    As'm"n"!ement #f "n%"ctu"l or suspected fr"ud h"s occurred

    e "ud#tor h"s "contr"ct w#th her cl#ent

    me!ns th!t the contr!ct c!n be bro&en b$the !ud"tor !nd so become l"!ble

    be%"ns when "t c!n be shown th!t the !ud"tor d"dn't use "re!son!ble s&"ll !nd c!re"

    d$t Appro"ch

    rofess"on!l L"!b"l"t$

    en "re Aud$tors L$"ble to the$r Cl$ent*

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    w cn ou show "Due sll nd cre"

    Appl$"n%IFRS !nd ISA's correctl$

    Follow"n%eth"c!l st!nd!rds

    Follow"n%en%!%ement letter terms

    Us"n%properl$tr!"ned !nd competent st!ff

    nSued for Nelence

    me!ns 3 tests need to be proven)

    Dutof Cre owed

    Th"s "s obv"ous for !n !ud"t cl"ent (thou%h not necess!r"l$for 3rd P!rt"es)

    Brech of tht Dut

    uch "s$$

    ncorrect Op"n"on

    SA's not followed correctl$

    Clent suffered Fnncl Loss

    The cl"ent wouldn't h!ve m!de th"s loss otherw"se

    Cl$ent 3rd p"rt#

    ut#of c"re ex$sts* Autom!t"c Needs prov"n%

    re"ched* Needs prov"n% Needs prov"n%

    oss m"de* Needs prov"n% Needs prov"n%

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text



    uc"n%l"!b"l"t$for st!tutor$!ud"t wor&"s norm!ll$not !llow!ble

    wever there !re opt"ons)

    Lmted LbltPrtnershps

    A sep!r!te le%!l ent"t$the LLP "tself "s l"!ble to the full extent of "ts !ssets

    The l"!b"l"t$of the members w"ll be however l"m"ted to the "nvestment m!de "n the LLP

    Ne%l"%ent P!rtner w"ll st"ll be sued person!ll$- but non-ne%l"%ent p!rtners !re protected

    Lmted LbltAreements

    Here comp!n"es l"m"t !ud"tor l"!b"l"t$b$contr!ct - needs sh!reholder !pprov!l

    It must be)

    1# F!"r !nd re!son!ble

    2# For the current $e!r onl$

    3# M!de cle!r !s p!rt of !n$tender process

    en "re Aud$tors L$"ble to 3rd P"rt$es*

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    dut%of c"re must be owed to "3rd p"rt%- "nd #t needs prov#n!,

    Cl$ent 3rd p"rt#

    ut#of c"re ex$sts* Autom!t"c Needs prov"n%

    re"ched* Needs prov"n% Needs prov"n%

    oss m"de* Needs prov"n% Needs prov"n%

    s nvolves loont

    Foresee"b#l#t%of d"m"!e to the 3rd p"rt%

    A rel"t#onsh#p of "prox#m#t%" w#th the 3rd p"rt%

    t's f"#r, (ust "nd re"son"ble to #mpose such "dut%on the "ccount"nts

    other wof loont ths s

    The "ud#tor "cted ne!l#!entl%

    The "ud#tor ou!ht to h"ve 'nown th"t 3rd p"rt#es rel#ed upon her op#n#on

    The 3rd p"rt%suffered f#n"nc#"l loss "s "result


    A sh!reholder st!nds no d"fferent from !n$other "nvest"n%member of the publ"c to whom the !ud"tor owes no dut$

    Sh!reholders !re seen !s !cl!ss, the !ud"tor reports to the cl!ss !nd not to !ss"st "nd"v"du!ls

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    fference between cl#ent's expect"t#ons "nd "ctu"l "ud#t wor'


    ht cuses the 'Expectton Gp'

    M"n"!ement m#sunderst"nd#n!the#r respons#b#l#t#es

    M"n"!ement m#sunderst"nd#n!the scope of the "ud#t

    M"n"!ement m#sunderst"nd th"t #t #s THEIR respons#b#l#t%to detect fr"ud

    M"n"!ement th#n'th"t the "ud#tors "re l#"ble for "n%errors

    w s the 'Expectton Gp' nrrowed

    In the Aud$t report

    Respons"b"l"t"es of m!n!%ement !nd the !ud"tor'

    Show th!t !ud"ts !re performed on !test b!s"s onl$

    A st!tement th!t the op"n"on %"ves re!son!ble NOT !bsolute !ssur!nce th!t FS !re free from m!ter"!l m"sst!tement

    In the En!"!ement letter

    Respons"b"l"t"es of m!n!%ement !nd the !ud"tor

    The n!ture, scope !nd purpose of !n !ud"t

    e !re m!n$d"scl!"mers protect"n%the !ud"tor !nd reduc"n%the !mount of rel"!nce th!t users c!n pl!ce on these reports#

    wever, !ud"tors !re exposed to the thre!t of l"!b"l"t$from b!d cl"ents !nd w"thout !n$protect"on m!$not !ccept m!n$

    Expect"t$on G"p

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text



    "rn the me"n#n!of the follow#n!terms)

    En!"!ement p"rtner

    The p"rtner respons#ble for the "ud#t en!"!ement, perform"nce "nd report

    Also she h"s the "ppropr#"te "uthor#t%from "profess#on"l, le!"l or re!ul"tor%bod%

    En!"!ement Qu"l$t#Control Rev$ew

    Prov#des "n ob(ect#ve ev"lu"t#on, before s#!n#n!the report,

    of "n%s#!n#f#c"nt (ud!ments & conclus#ons

    t #s for l#sted ent#t%"ud#ts "nd "n%where the f#rm th#n's such "rev#ew #s requ#red

    En!"!ement Qu"l$t#Control Rev$ewer

    Someone not p"rt of the en!"!ement te"m, w#th exper#ence "nd "uthor#t%to ob(ect#vel%ev"lu"te the s#!n#f#c"nt (ud!ments &


    En!"!ement te"m

    All p"rtners "nd st"ff perform#n!the en!"!ement, plus "n%one en!"!ed b%to do "ud#t wor'

    Th#s excludes extern"l experts


    A sole pr"ct#t#oner, p"rtnersh#p or corpor"t#on of profess#on"l "ccount"nts


    These prov#de ev#dence of compl#"nce w#th the f#rms qu"l#t%control pol#c#es

    L$sted ent$t#

    An ent#t%whose sh"res (or debt) "re quoted on "stoc'exch"n!e


    r"ct$ce M"n"!ement

    u!l"t$Controlf$n$t$ons for Qu"l$t#Control

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    An on!o#n!ev"lu"t#on of the f#rms qu"l#t%control

    t #ncludes per#od#c #nspect#ons of "select#on of completed en!"!ements

    ms need to be sure th"t the "ud#ts the%perform meet qu"l#t%


    s s to decrese the rss of

    L"t"%!t"on !%!"nst us for profess"on!l l"t"%!t"on

    Incorrect Aud"t op"n"on !nd hence !n "ncre!sed "nvestor conf"dence "n the f"n!nc"!l st!tements

    ere re 2 stndrds on QultControl

    At the FIRM level Intern"t#on"l St"nd"rd on Qu"l#t%Control 1 (ISQC 1) Qu"l#t%Control for f#rms th"t perform "ud#ts "nd rev#ews

    At the #nd#v#du"l AUDIT level ISA 220 Qu"l#t%Control for "ud#ts of h#stor#c"l f#n"nc#"l #nform"t#on

    QC 1 (frm level)

    C 1 "dent"f"es s"x bu"ld"n%bloc&s of !f"rms s$stem of qu!l"t$control)


    Cl#ent Rel"t#onsh#ps


    Hum"n Resources

    En!"!ement Perform"nce

    nc$ples & Purpose

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text



    w"ll loo&!t the !bove "n more det!"l "n the next sect"on#See $ou there, hotp!nts####

    #s follows on from the prev#ous sect#on

    m Level QultControl

    ob(ect"ve of the f"rm "s to est!bl"sh !nd m!"nt!"n !s$stem of qu!l"t$control to prov"de "t w"th re!son!ble !ssur!nce th!t)

    he f"rm !nd "ts personnel compl$w"th profess"on!l st!nd!rds !nd !ppl"c!ble le%!l !nd re%ul!tor$requ"rements'!nd

    Reports "ssued b$the f"rm or en%!%ement p!rtners !re !ppropr"!te "n the c"rcumst!nces


    An "ntern!l culture focused on qu!l"t$"s &e$

    Th"s me!ns tr!"n"n%, !ppr!"s!l & m"ss"on st!tements#

    Commerc"!l cons"der!t"ons never overr"de qu!l"t$

    P!$& Benef"ts must reflect comm"tment to qu!l"t$#

    Resources must be !v!"l!ble to support qu!l"t$

    ments of "QC s#stem

    play audio pause audio



  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    All st!ff to h!ve the c!p!b"l"t"es & competence to ensure qu!l"t$#

    Appr!"s!ls !nd development re%ul!rl$

    Enement Issues - Plnnn

    D"scuss &nown r"s&s w"th the cl"ent !nd document

    St!ff su"t!bl$qu!l"f"ed !nd exper"enced, h!ve &nowled%e of the cl"ent

    Content"ous !re!s must be consulted on "n !cost effect"ve w!$

    A t"met!ble for su"t!ble rev"ews

    Ensure "ndependence !nd !n$"ssues !ddressed

    T"me pressure

    All !ud"ts should be pl!nned to ensure th!t !dequ!te t"me

    c!n be spent to obt!"n suff"c"ent !ppropr"!te !ud"t ev"dence to support the !ud"t op"n"on#

    Enement Issues - Supervson

    St!ff superv"sed !nd !ssessed to control the wor&flow#

    An$problems t!c&led "mmed"!tel$!nd consult!t"on on !n$dev"!t"ons from the or"%"n!l pl!n#

    Enement Issues - Revew

    Rev"ew h!s the purpose of "dent"f$"n%prev"ousl$unreco%n"sed problems !nd ex!m"n"n%them !lon%w"th the rest of the

    wor&c!rr"ed out#

    s the !mount of ev"dence %!thered suff"c"ent or "s further wor&requ"red-

    Qu!l"t$control c!n be !ch"eved dur"n%the rev"ew st!%e b$)

    ) Le!rn lessons from m"st!&es m!de

    2) Appr!"s!l st!ff "mmed"!tel$!fter !ss"%nments to pr!"se &/or construct"vel$cr"t"c"se


    Ensure new developments "n st!nd!rds !nd re%ul!t"ons !re "mplemented

    Ensure CPD "s &ept up to d!te#

    An$bre!ches to mon"tor"n%s$stem de!lt w"th

    Ethcl Requrements

    H!ve procedures to compl$w"th eth"c!l requ"rements e%#"ndependence

    Emph!s"se throu%h le!dersh"p, educ!t"on/tr!"n"n%, mon"tor"n%!nd de!l"n%w"th non-compl"!nce

    play audio pause audio



  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    H!ve proce ures to " ent" $"n epen ence t re!ts e%#prompt not" "c!t"on $emp o$ees

    Ensure th!t f"rm "s not"f"ed of bre!ches of eth"c!l requ"rements promptl$

    pes Of Revew

    Hot Revews

    A hot rev"ew "s c!rr"ed out before the !ud"t report "s s"%ned#

    Performed b$!su"t!bl$"ndependent rev"ewer such !s !sen"or m!n!%er (not p!rt of the m!n!%ement te!m)#

    L"sted comp!n$en%!%ements must h!ve !hot rev"ew !s well !s those of publ"c "nterest or w"th s"%n"f"c!nt r"s&s#

    "t rev"ews the qu!l"t$of the (ud%ements m!de such !s)

    Is the f"rm "ndependent-

    Are r"s&!ssessment (ud%ements (ust"f"ed-

    Use of wor&outs"de the !ud"t te!m#

    H!ve m"sst!tements been correctl$de!lt w"th-

    Do wor&"n%p!pers support the conclus"ons re!ched-

    Is the f"n!l en%!%ement report (ust"f"ed "n the c"rcumst!nces-

    Cold Revews

    A cold rev"ew "s !rev"ew c!rr"ed out !fter the !ud"t report "s s"%ned#

    It w"ll be des"%ned to "dent"f$problems "n procedures !nd poor pr!ct"ce#

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    rect#on, Superv#s#on "nd Perform"nce

    ectnthe enement tem mens tellnthem bout

    The#r eth#c"l respons#b#l#t#es

    The#r need to pl"n "nd perform "n "ud#t w#th profess#on"l s'ept#c#sm

    The ob(ect#ves of the wor'to be performed

    The n"ture of the ent#t%s bus#ness

    R#s'-rel"ted #ssues

    Problems th"t m"%"r#se

    The det"#led "ppro"ch to the perform"nce of the en!"!ement

    pervson ncludes

    See"n%"f the te!m h!s enou%h t"me !nd competence to do the"r (ob

    Also whether the$underst!nd the"r "nstruct"ons

    Address"n%s"%n"f"c!nt m!tters !r"s"n%dur"n%the !ud"t !nd mod"f$"n%the pl!n !ppropr"!tel$

    Ident"f$"n%m!tters for consult!t"on w"th exper"enced en%!%ement te!m members

    !"!ement Perform"nce

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    vews nclude

    Ensur"n%th!t wor&of less exper"enced te!m members "s rev"ewed b$more exper"enced ones

    Ensur"n%th!t s"%n"f"c!nt m!tters h!ve been r!"sed for further cons"der!t"on

    Appropr"!te consult!t"ons h!ve h!ppened

    The wor&performed supports the conclus"ons re!ched !nd "s !ppropr"!tel$documented

    e En!"!ement P"rtners Rev#ew of Wor'Performed

    s nvolves tmelrevews of the follown

    Cr#t#c"l "re"s of (ud!ment

    S#!n#f#c"nt r#s's

    !"!ement Qu"l#t%Control Rev#ew

    te the follown

    It helps to see "f suff"c"ent !ppropr"!te ev"dence h!s been obt!"ned

    It "s done throu%hout the !ud"t so s"%n"f"c!nt m!tters !re promptl$resolved before the d!te of the !ud"tors report#

    Document!t"on of the rev"ew m!$be completed !fter the !ud"tors report (!s p!rt of the !ssembl$of the f"n!l !ud"t f"le)

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    The extent of the rev"ew depends on)

    1) The complex"t$of the !ud"t

    2) If the ent"t$"s l"sted !nd

    3) The r"s&of !n "n!ppropr"!te !ud"tors report

    u need to cons#der the te"m's competence "nd c"p"b#l#t#es

    s mens loont ther

    Underst"nd#n!of, "nd exper#ence w#th, s#m#l"r "ud#ts

    Underst"nd#n!of profess#on"l st"nd"rds "nd re!ul"t#ons

    T expert#se "nd "n%spec#"l#st "ccount#n!/ "ud#t#n!

    &nowled!e of the cl#ent's #ndustr%

    Ab#l#t%to "ppl%profess#on"l (ud!ment

    Underst"nd#n!of the f#rms qu"l#t%control pol#c#es

    $!n$n!the Aud$t Te"m

    $v$du"l level of Qu"l$t#Control

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    220 Qu!l"t$Control for Aud"ts of H"stor"c!l F"n!nc"!l Inform!t"onspec"f"es the follow"n%qu!l"t$control procedures th!t should

    ppl"ed b$the en%!%ement te!m "n "nd"v"du!l !ud"t !ss"%nments#

    ent cceptnce procedures

    e should be full document!t"on, !nd conclus"on on, eth"c!l !nd cl"ent !ccept!nce "ssues "n e!ch !ud"t !ss"%nment#

    en%!%ement p!rtner should cons"der whether members of the !ud"t te!m h!ve compl"ed w"th eth"c!l requ"rements, for

    mple, whether !ll members of the te!m !re "ndependent of the cl"ent#

    "t"on!ll$, the en%!%ement p!rtner should conclude whether !ll !ccept!nce procedures h!ve been followed, for ex!mple, th!t

    !ud"t f"rm h!s cons"dered the "nte%r"t$of the pr"nc"p!l owners !nd &e$m!n!%ement of the cl"ent#

    er procedures on cl"ent !ccept!nce should "nclude)

    Obt"#n#n!profess#on"l cle"r"nce from prev#ous "ud#tors

    Cons#der"t#on of "n%confl#ct of #nterest

    Mone%l"under#n!(cl#ent #dent#f#c"t#on) procedures$

    !Est"bl#sh the #dent#t%of the ent#t%"nd #ts bus#ness "ct#v#t%e$!$b%obt"#n#n!"cert#f#c"te of #ncorpor"t#on

    !If the cl#ent #s "n #nd#v#du"l, obt"#n off#c#"l document"t#on #nclud#n!"n"me "nd "ddress, e$!$b%loo'#n!"t

    photo!r"ph#c #dent#f#c"t#on such "s p"ssports "nd dr#v#n!l#cences

    !Cons#der whether the commerc#"l "ct#v#t%m"'es bus#ness sense (#$e$#t #s not (ust "front for #lle!"l "ct#v#t#es)


    Obt"#n ev#dence of the comp"n%s re!#stered "ddress e$!$b%obt"#n#n!he"ded letter p"per

    !Est"bl#sh the current l#st of pr#nc#p"l sh"reholders "nd d#rectors$

    ement tem

    edures should be followed to ensure th!t the en%!%ement te!m collect"vel$h!s the s&"lls, competence !nd t"me to perform

    !ud"t en%!%ement#

    en%!%ement p!rtner should !ssess th!t the !ud"t te!m, for ex!mple)

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    l l l l

    H"s exper#ence of "ud#t en!"!ements of "s#m#l"r n"ture "nd complex#t%

    H"s the "b#l#t%to "ppl%profess#on"l (ud!ement

    Underst"nds profess#on"l st"nd"rds, "nd re!ul"tor%"nd le!"l requ#rements$


    en%!%ement te!m should be d"rected b$the en%!%ement p!rtner#

    pl!nn"n%meet"n%should be led b$the p!rtner !nd should "nclude !ll people "nvolved w"th the !ud"t#

    e should be !d"scuss"on of the &e$"ssues "dent"f"ed !t the pl!nn"n%st!%e#

    edures such !s !n en%!%ement pl!nn"n%meet"n%should be undert!&en to ensure th!t the te!m underst!nds)

    The#r respons#b#l#t#es

    The ob(ect#ves of the wor'the%"re to perform

    The n"ture of the cl#ents bus#ness

    R#s'rel"ted #ssues

    How to de"l w#th "n%problems th"t m"%"r#se*"nd


    erv"s"on should be cont"nuous dur"n%the en%!%ement#

    problems th!t !r"se dur"n%the !ud"t should be rect"f"ed !s soon !s poss"ble#

    nt"on should be focused on ensur"n%th!t members of the !ud"t te!m !re c!rr$"n%out the"r wor&"n !ccord!nce w"th the

    ned !ppro!ch to the en%!%ement#

    "f"c!nt m!tters should be brou%ht to the !ttent"on of sen"or members of the !ud"t te!m#


    rev"ew process "s one of the &e$qu!l"t$control procedures#

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    ewers should cons"der for ex!mple whether)

    Wor'h"s been performed #n "ccord"nce w#th profess#on"l st"nd"rds

    The ob(ect#ves of the procedures performed h"ve been "ch#eved

    Wor'supports conclus#ons dr"wn "nd #s "ppropr#"tel%documented$


    l$the en%!%ement p!rtner should !rr!n%e consult!t"on on d"ff"cult or content"ous m!tters#

    "s !procedure whereb$the m!tter "s d"scussed w"th !profess"on!l outs"de the en%!%ement te!m, !nd somet"mes outs"de

    !ud"t f"rm#

    sult!t"ons must be documented to show)

    The #ssue on wh#ch the consult"t#on w"s sou!ht*"nd

    The results of the consult"t#on$

    e%should #nform "nd not tr%to #mpress

    er!ll$the$should not reflect b!dl$on the member, the ACCA or the !ccount"n%profess"on !s !whole

    eptble publctncludes

    Appo"ntments !nd !w!rds


    ept"ble Advert$s$n!

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    See&"n%emplo$ment or profess"on!l bus"ness

    Profess"on!l d"rector"es

    Boo&s, !rt"cle, "nterv"ews, lectures, med"!!ppe!r!nces

    Tr!"n"n%courses !nd sem"n!rs

    vertsements nd promotonl mterl must not

    Br#n!ACCA #nto d#srepute

    D#scred#t the serv#ces offered b%others

    Cl"#m super#or#t%


    Be le!"l, decent & truthful

    embers m"%be c"lled Ch"rtered Cert#f#ed Account"nts, but not


    e frm mdescrbe tself s Chrtered Certfed Accountnts f

    At le!st h!lf the p!rtners or d"rectors !re ACCA members

    The$control !t le!st 51% of the vot"n%r"%hts

    mes & Descr$pt$ons

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    p!rtners "n the f"rm !re ACCA members the$m!$st!te th"s on the"r st!t"oner$

    me p!rtners !re members of !nother !ccount!nc$bod$however, th"s must be m!de cle!r

    e of ACCA lo!o

    eptble f

    At le!st 1 p!rtner "s !n ACCA member

    The lo%o "s sep!r!te from the f"rm lo%o

    e b"s#s of c"lcul"t#on (e$!$hourl%) must be cle"rl%st"ted

    reference to fees must not m"sle!d the re!der !bout the prec"se r!n%e of serv"ces !nd t"me comm"tment th!t "t rel!tes to

    u cn compre our fee to others f


  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    t #s or t e s"me serv#ce

    t #s "n ob(ect#ve comp"r#son

    t doesn't d#scred#t the other

    t doesn't cre"te confus#on

    ent!%e d"scounts m!$be offered but must not detr!ct from the f"rm or the profess"on

    surnce Enement Fees

    Not c!lcul!ted on !% or cont"n%enc$b!s"s

    Due to self-"nterest !nd !dvoc!c$thre!ts

    n-Assurnce Enement Fees

    Cont"n%ent fee poss"ble onl$"f poss"ble r!n%e !nd v!r"!b"l"t$of the fee "s sm!ll

    Approv!l b$the !ud"t comm"ttee m!$be needed


    follow"n%needs cons"der"n%)

    Level of expert#se needed

    T#me needed

    How #mport"nt the wor'#s to cl#ent

    The r#s'of t"'#n!on the wor'& costs #ncurred

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text



    "s sett"n%the "n"t"!l !ud"t fee low "n order to w"n the cl"ent

    hcl Issues

    Cl"ent needs to st!$to recover the "n"t"!l losses so "ndependence "s "mp!"red

    Poss"bl$unprofess"on!l bec!use m!n$sm!ller pr!ct"ces c!n't compete

    #s #s when "n "ud#t f#rm #s "ppro"ched b%"prospect#ve cl#ent to b#d

    r the#r "ud#t

    dt Frm Consdertons

    How d"d the cl"ent %et to &now !bout them-

    Wh$h!s the f"rm been !ppro!ched p!rt"cul!rl$-


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    How r"s&$"s the !ud"t to the f"rm-

    Does the f"rm h!ve the necess!r$resources

    nder documents contents

    Fee "nd how #t h"s been c"lcul"ted

    An "ssessment of the requ#rements of the prospect#ve cl#ent

    Our "ppro"ch to the requ#rements

    De"dl#nes "nd #nform"t#on needed

    Outl#ne of the f#rm "nd our st"ff

    d#tors should screen cl#ents to ensure the%"re not h#!h r#s'

    rofess"on!l Appo"ntments

    ept$n!"new en!"!ement

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    r s o e !u or s repu ! on r s #e# ! e$w e !ssoc! e w !poor$re%!r e c en #

    ud"tor "s requ"red under ISA 315 to %!"n !n underst!nd"n%of the"r cl"ent#

    tors should screen cl"ents to ensure the$!re not h"%h r"s&

    estons to swll be

    s the cl#ent #nvolved #n "n%fr"udulent/#lle!"l "ct#v#t#es+

    Wh"t #s the n"ture of the #ndustr%#n wh#ch the%"re #nvolved #s #t depressed+

    H"s the cl#ent h"d "h#stor%of ch"n!#n!"ud#tor re!ul"rl%or h"d qu"l#f#ed "ud#t reports #n the p"st+

    Do cl#ent d#rectors underst"nd the#r role "nd "re the%"ble to c"rr%#t out+

    Are m"n"!ement trustworth%+

    her Ares to help n n understndnre

    The m!r&et !nd "ts compet"t"on

    Le%"sl!t"on !nd re%ul!t"on


    Ownersh"p of the ent"t$

    N!ture of products/serv"ces !nd m!r&ets

    Loc!t"on of product"on f!c"l"t"es !nd f!ctor"es

    +e$customers !nd suppl"ers

    C!p"t!l "nvestment !ct"v"t"es

    Account"n%pol"c"es !nd "ndustr$spec"f"c %u"d!nce

    F"n!nc"n structure

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    S"%n"f"c!nt ch!n%es "n the ent"t$on pr"or $e!r

    tors m!$!dvert"se the"r serv"ces#

    wever, !dverts should not br"n%the ACCA "nto d"srepute, d"scred"t the serv"ces of others, be m"sle!d"n%, or f!ll short of

    l!tor$or le%"sl!t"ve requ"rements#

    ocedures when offered "role

    ese nclude

    Get perm#ss#on to cont"ct the out!o#n!"ud#tor

    Cont"ct the old "ud#tor, "s'#n!for "n%re"sons wh%we should not "ccept "ppo#ntment

    Chec'we "re suff#c#entl%Independent

    Chec'we h"ve the competence & resources to do #t

    re-Cond$t$ons for "n Aud$ttors should onl$!ccept !new !ud"t en%!%ement when "t

    been conf"rmed th!t the precond"t"ons for !n !ud"t !re present##

    Is the FR fr"mewor&"ccept"ble*

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    Cons"der the ent"t$& the purpose of the FS

    Perh!ps, !lso, l!ws s!$wh"ch FR fr!mewor&should be used

    Do M"n"!ement "ccept the$r respons$b$l$t$es*

    For prep!r"n%FS

    For "ntern!l controls

    For %"v"n%the !ud"tor !ll relev!nt "nform!t"on the$request

    he precondtons for n udt re not present

    The !ud"tor sh!ll not !ccept the proposed !ud"t en%!%ement

    nder#n!for "ud#t wor'

    ns to consder


    A fee w"ll be quoted for !p"ece of !ud"t wor&before "t "s c!rr"ed out under !tender"n%process

    The !ud"tor must not lowb!ll !s we h!ve seen !bove, nor m!$the$m!&e unre!l"st"c cl!"ms or prom"ses to w"n the


    Get Informton

    The potent"!l cl"ent w"ll "nform the !ud"tor of wh!t "s expected, the t"met!ble, future pl!ns of the comp!n$!nd !n$

    problems w"th current !ud"tor


    The "ud#tor m"%then dr"w up "propos"l cont"#n#n!)

    w en!"!ement process

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    Proposed !ud"t fee

    N!ture, purpose !nd le%!l requ"rements of !n !ud"t#

    Assessment of the requ"rements of the cl"ent#

    How !ud"t f"rm proposes to s!t"sf$requ"rements

    An$!ssumpt"ons m!de#

    Proposed !ud"t methodolo%$#

    Outl"ne of !ud"t f"rm !nd personnel

    Ab"l"t$of f"rm to perform the !ud"t


    Is the F"n!nc"!l fr!mewor&used !ccept!ble-(Cons"der the t$pe of bus"ness !nd relev!nt l!ws !nd the uses of the f"n!nc"!l


    ent Decson

    The cl"ent w"ll dec"de on the b!s"s of cl!r"t$, relev!nce, profess"on!l"sm, reput!t"on, t"mel"ness of del"ver$!nd or"%"n!l"t$wh"ch f"rm w"ll conduct the !ud"t

    en!"!ement letter #s "letter from the "ud#tor to the cl#ent #nd#c"t#n!

    r#ous m"tters concern#n!the en!"!ement

    en%!%ement letter "s sent before the !ud"t to the cl"ent conf"rm"n%the"r !ccept!nce of the !ud"t

    !"!ement letter

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    210 Terms of En%!%ement %"ves %u"d!nce !s to the"r content, but !s !rule most w"ll "nclude)

    The Ob(ect"ve of the !ud"t#

    M!n!%ements respons"b"l"t$for the F"n!nc"!l St!tements#

    The scope of the !ud"t "nclud"n%reference to le%"sl!t"on !nd profess"on!l st!nd!rds#

    The form of report to be used

    Use of the wor&of "ntern!l !ud"t

    Reference to "nherent l"m"t!t"ons of !n !ud"t

    Access to "nform!t"on to be !llowed

    De!dl"nes !nd conf"dent"!l"t$

    Expect!t"ons of m!n!%ement represent!t"ons


    Compl!"nts procedures

    ud$t of H$stor$c"l F$n"nc$"l Inform"t$on

    !nn"n#, m!ter"!l"t$!nd r"s%

    $ness R$s&

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    e r#s'th"t the bus#ness won't meet #ts ob(ect#ves

    ob(ect"ve "s norm!ll$prof"t m!x"m"s!t"on

    we !re loo&"n%for problems wh"ch m!$"mp!ct on the bus"ness

    loofor Rss

    could use PESTEL

    ness r"s&"dent"f"c!t"on "s l"ter!ll$putt"n%$ourself "n the shoes of the m!n!%ement##

    Pol"t"c!l r"s&s

    e#%#The current %overnment m!$be unst!ble !nd "f there "s !ch!n%e of %overnment, the new %overnment m!$"mpose


    The Comp!n$w"ll need to !ssess the l"&el"hood of such restr"ct"ons#

    Econom"c r"s&s

    Soc"!l !nd t!ste ch!n%es

    Technolo%"c!l ch!n%es

    Env"ronment!l "ssues

    Le%!l "ssues

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    n"nc#"l St"tement R#s'

    pl$the r"s&th!t the FS !re m!ter"!ll$m"sst!ted (before !n$!ud"t procedures)

    r"s&comes from potent"!l errors or del"ber!te m"sst!tements

    sness v Fnncl Rs

    Bus"ness r"s&s w"ll !ffect the FS "f not !ddressed b$m!n!%ement

    Bus"ness r"s&s c!n le!d to errors on spec"f"c !re!s of the FS (e%#Technolo%"c!l ch!n%e le!d"n%to obsolete stoc&)

    Bus"ness r"s&c!n h!ve !more %ener!l effect on FS (e%#Poor controls le!d"n%to errors)

    Bus"ness r"s&s c!n le!d to %o"n%concern problems#Th"s too would be !FS r"s&(wron%b!s"s of !ccount"n%)

    A 320 def#nes #nform"t#on "s m"ter#"l #f #ts om#ss#on or m#sst"tement

    uld #nfluence the econom#c dec#s#ons of users t"'en on the b"s#s of the

    "nc#"l st"tements$


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    er"!l "tems could be l!r%e tr!ns!ct"ons or s"%n"f"c!nt events#

    er"!l"t$"s "mport!nt to the !ud"tor bec!use "f !m!ter"!l "tem "s "ncorrect, the f"n!nc"!l st!tements w"ll not show !true !nd


    The "ud#tor w#ll dec#de m"ter#"l#t%levels "nd des#!n the#r "ud#t procedures to ensure th"t the r#s'of m"ter#"l m#sst"tements #s

    educed to "n "ccept"ble level$

    Gener"ll%, m"ter#"l#t%w#ll be set w#th reference to the f#n"nc#"l st"tements such "s)

    0$5 1% of turnover

    5 10% of prof#ts reported

    2 % of !ross "ssets

    ud!ement w#ll be used b%the "ud#tor #n ch"r!e "nd w#ll depend on the t%pe of bus#ness "nd the r#s's #t f"ces$




    The rel!t"ve s"ze of the "tem


    Th"s m"%ht be someth"n%th!t's low "n v!lue but could st"ll !ffect users' dec"s"ons e#%##D"rectors w!%es

    erble Error

    Th"s "s when the !ud"tor !ccepts the error

    For ex!mple f"nd"n%one error out of 100 tested, m"%ht be "%nored

    The toler!ble level w"ll be dec"ded !t pl!nn"n%st!%e

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    rform"nce M"ter#"l#t%

    As we &now, m!ter"!l"t$"s c!lcul!ted !t the pl!nn"n%st!%e

    But "t m"%ht not st!$!t th!t !mount - oh no b!b$

    Th"n%s h!ppen th!t m!&e the !ud"tor ch!n%e the level

    Such th"n%s !re often "mm!ter"!l "n qu!nt"t$but m!ter"!l b$the"r n!ture


    The comp!n$$ou !re !ud"t"n%m!&es !$5,000 prof"t#

    The m!ter"!l"t$"s set !t $10,000

    You not"ce th!t !n "nvo"ce for $6,000 h!s been "ncorrectl$pl!ced "nto next $e!r#

    Th"s would be m!ter"!l !s "t ch!n%es the loo&of the whole !ccounts (ch!n%"n%!prof"t "nto loss)

    s s lower thn norml mterlt

    "de!"s th!t th"s w"ll tr$to prevent !ll those sm!ll, undetected errors do not !%%re%!te to become m!ter"!l

    There re now 2 stndrds to consder

    1# ISA 320 Aud"t M!ter"!l"t$

    2# ISA 450 Ev!lu!t"on of M"sst!tements Ident"f"ed Dur"n%the Aud"t

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    The new st!nd!rd reco%n"ses th!t there could well be "nst!nces where cert!"n cl!sses of tr!ns!ct"ons, !ccount b!l!nces or

    d"sclosures m"%ht be !ffected b$m"sst!tements wh"ch !re less th!n the m!ter"!l"t$level for the f"n!nc"!l st!tements !s !

    whole, but wh"ch m!$well "nfluence the dec"s"ons of the user of those f"n!nc"!l st!tements re%!rdless of the f!ct the$!re

    below m!ter"!l"t$ th"s "s where perform!nce m!ter"!l"t$"s to be !ppl"ed#

    Spec"f"c!ll$, the cl!r"f"ed ISA 320 su%%ests perform!nce m!ter"!l"t$be !ppl"ed to !re!s such !s rel!ted p!rt$tr!ns!ct"ons

    !nd d"rectors remuner!t"on#

    "ter#"l M#sst"tements norm"ll%le"d to qu"l#f%#n!the "ud#t report

    t!tements !ren't (ust monet!r$f"%ures, the$could !lso be "ncorrect cl!ss"f"c!t"on or d"sclosures


    Get "l#st of m#sst"tements found

    D#scuss these w#th m"n"!ement "t the end of the "ud#t

    M"n"!ement w#ll norm"ll%correct these

    An%rem"#n#n!m"ter#"l m#sst"tements w#ll c"use the "ud#tor to qu"l#f%the report

    reton of Immterl Errors

    Imm!ter"!l errors could !%%re%!te to become m!ter"!l

    lu"t$on of M$sst"tements

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    These w"ll be brou%ht to the !ttent"on of m!n!%ement

    If m!n!%ement !mend m!ter"!l errors, then the !ud"tor w"ll "ssue !n unqu!l"f"ed !ud"t report

    If m!n!%ement refuse to !d(ust the errors then the !ud"tor must persu!de them to do so or "ssue !qu!l"f"ed !ud"t report

    m"sst!tements found must be commun"c!ted to those ch!r%ed w"th %overn!nce

    "s to ensure th!t no m!n!%ement b"!s ex"sts "n the dec"s"on t!&en on wh!t const"tutes !n "mm!ter"!l m"sst!tement

    !%ement must !lso prov"de wr"tten represent!t"ons th!t !ll uncorrected errors !re "mm!ter"!l

    d#t r#s'#s the r#s'th"t the "ud#tor expresses "n #n"ppropr#"te "ud#t#n#on when the f#n"nc#"l st"tements "re m"ter#"ll%m#sst"ted

    ed !nother w!$, th"s "s the r"s&th!t there "s !m!ter"!l m"sst!tement "n the f"n!nc"!l st!tements, but the !ud"tor m"sses "t

    s!$s th!t the$present !true !nd f!"r v"ew#

    mul!for !ud"t r"s&"s)

    erent R$s& x Control R$s& x Detect$on R$s&

    erent Rs

    mponents of Aud$t R$s&

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    w"ll be cons"dered !t the pl!nn"n%meet"n%!s "t depends on the !ud"tors &nowled%e of the bus"ness

    mples !re###

    A csh bsed busness

    Th"s "s often !problem !s there must be ver$stron%controls "n pl!ce "f !bus"ness "s !c!sh b!sed one#

    The !ud"tor m!$feel th!t there !re "nsuff"c"ent controls "n pl!ce to m"t"%!te th"s r"s&wh"ch m!$le!d to l"m"t!t"on ofscope#

    Fst movnIndustr

    In f!st mov"n%"ndustr"es such !s IT or f!sh"on there m!$be !r"s&th!t the "nventor$held b$the bus"ness becomes


    The !ud"tor m!$t!&e expert !dv"ce on the v!lu!t"on of "nventor$, or the$m!$rev"ew post $e!r-end s!les to ensure

    the %oods !re sold for more th!n the$!re v!lued !t "n the f"n!nc"!l st!tements#

    ntrol Rs

    "s the r"s&of m!ter"!l m"sst!tement due to "n!dequ!te "ntern!l controls w"th"n the bus"ness#

    !ud"tor w"ll m!&e !(ud%ement !s to the su"t!b"l"t$!nd stren%th of "ntern!l controls we w"ll ex!m"ne how th"s "s done !t !

    r st!%e#

    mples !re###

    No sereton of dutes

    Se%re%!t"on of dut"es "s where d"fferent t!s&s "n !process !re performed b$d"fferent people e#%#!n "nvo"ce "s r!"sed

    b$one person !nd the cheque "s wr"tten b$!nother !nd !uthor"se b$someone else#

    If th"s control "s we!&or not "n pl!ce, the !ud"tor m!$h!ve to "ncre!se the s!mple s"ze to ensure the f"n!nc"!l

    st!tements present !true !nd f!"r v"ew#

    No controls over ccess to ssets

    If emplo$ees h!ve unfettered !ccess to the !ssets of the bus"ness w"th no restr"ct"ons, th"s w"ll "ncre!se the r"s&of

    theft or d!m!%e to those !ssets

    If the !ud"tor f"nds th"s to be the c!se, more ph$s"c!l chec&s of the ex"stence !nd cond"t"on of !ssets w"ll h!ve to be

    c!rr"ed out#

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    o con ro s over ccess o

    If !bus"ness does not use p!sswords !nd other protect"on to protect "ts computer s$stems th"s c!n le!d to d!t!loss

    or m!n"pul!t"on w"thout !uthor"s!t"on#

    If these controls !re not "n pl!ce the !ud"tor w"ll h!ve to underst!nd the s$stem to !ssess the e!se of wh"ch "t c!n be

    m!n"pul!ted !nd chec&for !nom!lous trends us"n%!n!l$t"c!l rev"ew#

    tecton Rs

    "s the r"s&th!t the wor&c!rr"ed out b$the !ud"tor does not uncover !m!ter"!l m"sst!tement th!t ex"sts#

    ect"on r"s&c!n be spl"t "nto s!mpl"n%& non-s!mpl"n%r"s&


    The !ud"tor d"d not suff"c"entl$"nvest"%!te !s"%n"f"c!nt b!l!nce

    The procedures used m!$h!ve been "n!ppropr"!te or m"s"nterpreted


    !r"ses from the poss"b"l"t$th!t the !ud"tors conclus"on, b!sed on !s!mple m!$be d"fferent from the conclus"on

    re!ched "f the ent"re popul!t"on were sub(ected to the s!me !ud"t procedure#

    Th"s "s !nother w!$of s!$"n%th!t the s!mple selected b$the !ud"tor w!s not represent!t"ve of the d!t!#

    Detect"on r"s&m!$be "ncre!sed b$th"n%s such !s "nexper"enced !ud"t st!ff or t"%ht de!dl"nes to complete the !ud"t#

    e "ud#tor c"nnot "ffect #nherent r#s'or control r#s'"s these "re

    tern"l (c"lled Ent#t%R#s')

    ect$n!Aud$t R$s&

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    !ud"tor therefore concentr!tes on detect"on r"s&once the$h!ve !ssessed the control !nd "nherent r"s

    s"der the elements of Aud"t r"s&!nd how the$rel!te "n our formul!)

    erent R$s& x Control R$s& x Detect$on R$s&

    herent & Control r"s&!re (ud%ed to be h"%h, then to m"n"m"se over!ll !ud"t r"s&, the !ud"tor must !ttempt to m"n"m"se

    ct"on r"s

    !ud"tor w"ll h!ve to "ncre!se the !mount of tests or the number of s!mples to ensure th!t there "s less ch!nce of !m!ter"!l

    t!tement be"n%overloo&ed or m"ssed#

    "n the "ud#t so th"t the en!"!ement w#ll be performed #n "n effect#ve


    e spent pl!nn"n%the !ud"t to ensure "t "s c!rr"ed out eff"c"entl$w"ll reduce the t"me t!&en !nd thus the cost#

    pl!nn"n%process w"ll !lso !ssess !nd thus reduce r"s

    !ud"tor w"ll w!nt to ensure th!t the correct te!m "s "n pl!ce to conduct the !ud"t, the$!re wor&"n%eff"c"entl$!nd th!t wor&

    cused on m!ter"!l !re!s of r"s&!nd potent"!l problem !re!s#

    #Pl"n "n Aud$t*

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    We w"ll loo&"n det!"l l!ter !t r"s&!ssessment, but !t th"s po"nt we should be !w!re th!t the "dent"f"c!t"on of r"s&w"ll

    determ"ne the ent"re !ud"t process#

    Aud"t Str!te#$

    The !ud"t str!te%$sets out the scope, t"m"n%!nd d"rect"on of the !ud"t#

    The scope of the !ud"t w"ll be determ"ned b$the report"n%fr!mewor&!ppl"ed !s well !s !n$"ndustr$spec"f"c


    The str!te%$dec"ded upon w"ll be t!"lored to the cl"ent !nd the n!ture of the"r bus"ness !nd the"r structure# The!ud"tor must ensure th!t the str!te%$selected "s !ppropr"!te


    If there !re !n$%eo%r!ph"c!l or other f!ctors wh"ch m!$!ffect the !ud"t, the$w"ll be cons"dered here#

    De!dl"nes & T"m"n#

    The t"m"n%of the !ud"t w"ll set out !n$de!dl"nes !ppl"c!ble !nd the d!tes of the "nter"m !nd f"n!l !ud"t v"s"ts#

    The "nter"m !ud"t "s conducted before the f"n!l !ud"t to ev!lu!te controls !nd document the s$stems "n pl!ce#

    In !dd"t"on there m!$be some subst!nt"ve tests c!rr"ed out#

    The !ttend!nce !t the stoc&count w"ll be c!rr"ed out !t th"s t"me !nd perh!ps the rece"v!bles c"rcul!r"s!t"on#

    The f"n!l !ud"t w"ll "nvolve the bul&of the !ud"t wor&!nd "t m!$be poss"ble to concentr!te on the st!tement of

    f"n!nc"!l pos"t"on f"%ures "f suff"c"ent wor&h!s been c!rr"ed out dur"n%the "nter"m !ud"t#

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    ere "re sever"l st"!es #n the pl"nn#n!process)


    Ensure underst!nd"n%of the bus"ness

    Undert!&e !n!l$t"c!l rev"ew

    Assess the r"s&s "nvolved w"th the bus"ness

    Est!bl"sh m!ter"!l"t$levels

    Est!bl"sh toler!ble error for m!ter"!l errors

    Dec"de the !ud"t !ppro!ch

    Ensure !ud"tor "ndependence

    Dec"de the bud%et !nd st!ff requ"rements

    T"met!ble the !ud"t & set de!dl"nes

    rmnent fle

    The perm!nent f"le &ept b$the !ud"t f"rm w"ll br"n%forw!rd !lot of the &nowled%e of the bus"ness, but th"s must be &ept up

    ntents of the Pl"n

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text



    rrent Fle

    The current f"le cont!"ns the ev"dence !nd documents relev!nt to the current $e!r#

    The pl!nn"n%sect"on of the f"le w"ll cover !ll of the !re!s !bove, !nd there w"ll be !complet"on sect"on wh"ch w"ll rev"ew the


    In between there w"ll be !sub-sect"on for e!ch b!l!nce sheet "tem (e#%#Non Current Assets) !nd for e!ch "ncome st!tement

    "tem (e#%#purch!ses) w"th the wor&done outl"ned !nd ev"dence documented

    "l%t#c"l procedures cons#st of ev"lu"t#ons of f#n"nc#"l #nform"t#on

    rou!h "n"l%s#s of pl"us#ble rel"t#onsh#ps "mon!both f#n"nc#"l "nd non-

    "nc#"l d"t"

    he pl!nn"n%st!%e the$help $ou underst!nd the bus"ness !nd "ts env"ronment

    !use $ou comp!re f"%ures to the "ndustr$!nd to prev"ous $e!rs

    "tems wh"ch %o !%!"nst the expected rel!t"onsh"ps help $ou !ssess the r"s&of m!ter"!l m"sst!tement

    "l#t$c"l Procedures $n Pl"nn$n!

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    w o per orm n c roce ures

    ep b$step %u"de

    Pred$ct "f$!ure, b"sed on "rel"t$onsh$p

    E!$Th#s could be !ross prof#t "s "% of revenue (b"sed on prev#ous %e"rs "nd #ndustr%"ver"!es)

    Def$ne wh"t "s$!n$f$c"nt d$fference $s

    We c"ll th#s the threshold below wh#ch we see "n%d#fference "s (ust "toler"ble 'error'

    C"lcul"te the procedure "nd the d$fference to the pred$ct$on $n step 1

    nvest$!"te the d$fference

    D#fferences #nd#c"te "n #ncre"sed l#'el#hood of m#sst"tements

    f c"used b%f"ctors prev#ousl%overloo'ed, loo'"t wh"t #mp"ct th#s would h"ve on the or#!#n"l expect"t#ons "s #f th#s d"t"h"d

    been cons#dered #n the f#rst pl"ce, "nd to underst"nd "n%"ccount#n!or "ud#t#n!r"m#f#c"t#ons of the new d"t"

    es of !n!l$t"c!l procedures

    Trend "n"l#s$s

    The !n!l$s"s of ch!n%es "n !n !ccount over t"me

    R"t$o "n"l#s$s

    The comp!r"son of rel!t"onsh"ps us"n%f"n!nc"!l !nd non- f"n!nc"!l d!t!

    Re"son"bleness test$n!

    Comp!r"n%expect!t"ons b!sed on f"n!nc"!l d!t!, non-f"n!nc"!l d!t!, or both to !ctu!l results

    mttons when used for Plnnn

    Often bud!ets "nd forec"sts needed

    f done before Y/E extr"pol"t#ons used - these "ren't rel#"ble #f bus#ness #s se"son"l

    M"n%"ccount#n!"d(ustments m#ssed "s onl%done "t Y/E

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    Even more d#ff#cult for sm"ller comp"n#es who don't h"ve !ood m"n"!ement "ccounts

    stl%the "ud#tor needs to underst"nd the ent#t%s env#ronment, th#s w#ll

    qu#re the "ud#tor to "ssess)

    e follown


    Pr"nc"ple bus"ness str!te%"es


    L!ws !nd re%ul!t"ons




    Acqu"s"t"ons !nd d"spos!ls

    Rel!ted p!rt"es

    Competence of m!n!%ement


    w to !et In$t$"l Underst"nd$n!

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    m number of sources

    ntern"l to the "ud#t f#rm such "s l"st %e"rs f#le$

    Extern"l sources such "s cred#t reference "!enc#es$

    nform"t#on prov#ded b%the cl#ent$

    The "ud#tors person"l exper#ence "nd 'nowled!e

    315 requ"res !pl!nn"n%meet"n%where the members of the en%!%ement te!m should d"scuss the suscept"b"l"t$of the ent"t$s

    nc"!l st!tements to m!ter"!l m"sst!tements# The m"nutes of th"s meet"n%should be documented !s ev"dence of "ts


    $t"c!l procedures should be undert!&en !t th"s st!%e to est!bl"sh !n underst!nd"n%of the f"n!nc"!l st!tements !nd dr!w

    nt"on to !nom!l"es#

    w"ll loo&more closel$!t !n!l$t"c!l procedures l!ter#

    sert#ons "re used for tr"ns"ct#ons, b"l"nces "nd d#sclosures to see #f

    ff#c#ent ev#dence on them h"s been collected


    Assert$ons Expl"$ned

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    !ssert"ons help !ssess r"s&s

    $help the !ud"tor cons"der potent"!l m"sst!tements !nd so des"%n !ud"t procedures for those p!rt"cul!r r"s&s#

    nsctons Assertons






    E Blnces Assertons


    R#!hts "nd obl#!"t#ons


    V"lu"t#on "nd "lloc"t#on

    closures Assertons



    Cl"ss#f#c"t#on "nd underst"nd"b#l#t%

    Accur"c%"nd v"lu"t#on

  • 7/24/2019 p7 Text


    the "ssert#ons need test#n!to see #f the%'re true

    s s done b


    Th"s me!ns !ph$s"c!l ex!m"n!t"on

    Th"n%s to "nspect "nclude)document!t"on, contr!cts, records !nd m"nutes#

    It !lso "ncludes ph$s"c!l ex!m"n!t"on of the !ssets#

    Th"s en!bles the !ud"tor to ver"f$the ex"stence (thou%h not ownersh"p) of them


    Th"s me!ns w!tch"n%others perform !procedure

    Ex!mples "nclude observ!t"on of

    P!$ment of w!%es



    It %"ves !ssur!nce th!t off"c"!l procedures !re followed


    Th"s me!ns %ett"n%"nform!t"on from people "ns"de or outs"de the ent"t$#

    It c!n be !form!l wr"tten or !n or!l "nqu"r$


    play audio pause audio


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    Th"s me!ns corrobor!t"n%ev"dence from th"rd p!rt"es w"th the "ntern!l ev"dence

    For ex!mple, conf"rm"n%!ccounts rece"v!bles b$c"rcul!r"s"n%the debtors


    Th"s c!n be rec!lcul!t"n%f"%ures or re-count"n%stoc&etc

    Anltcl Procedures

    Th"s "s the !n!l$s"s of r!t"os !nd trends

    It "ncludes "nvest"%!t"n%fluctu!t"ons between current !nd prev"ous perform!nce !nd chec&whether other "nform!t"on "s

    cons"stent w"th such rel!t"onsh"p#

    For ex!mple, comp!r"n%the rent ch!r%e from one per"od to the next !nd see "f other ev"dence such !s number of rent!l

    propert"es corrobor!tes the "ncre!se or decre!se

    st remember A,E,I,O "nd U

    here's remnder

    An"l%t#c"l Procedures




    Re-c"lcUl"t#on / Re-perform"nce

    cedures for obt"$n$n!ev$dence

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    rocedure Me"n$n! Control test Subst"nt$ve test




    between d!t!

    Comp!r"n%$e!rl$%ross m!r%"ns

    nqu$r# Gett"n%conf"rm!t"on

    from !3rd p!rt$

    Repl"es from !debtors c"rcul!r

    spect$on Ex!m"n"n%records S"%n!ture !s ev"dence Gett"n%t"tle deeds to !propert$

    bserv"t$on Loo&"n%!t !process W!tch"n%st!ff complete the"r

    !ttend!nce sheet



    Add"n%"nd"v"du!l s!les "n the sdb tochec&the tot!ls

    bst"nt#ve procedures help detect m"ter#"l m#sst"tement or fr"ud "t

    e "ssert#on level

    e !re two c!te%or"es of subst!nt"ve procedures - "n"l#t$c"l procedures*!nd tests of det!"l#

    !l$t"c!l procedures %ener!ll$prov"de less rel"!ble ev"dence th!n the tests of det!"l

    !re used !t d"fferent t"mes "n the !ud"t where!s tests of det!"l !re onl$!ppl"ed "n the subst!nt"ve test"n%st!%e

    ltcl procedures re compulsort two stes of the udt under ISA 520

    The pl"nn#n!st"!e &

    "l#t$c"l procedures

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    $t"c!l procedures use c!lcul!t"ons such !s f"n!nc"!l r!t"os to %ener!te !n expect!t"on of wh!t !f"%ure "s l"&el$to be !nd then

    p!r"n%th"s to the !ctu!l f"%ure "n the !ccounts#

    $c!n be used to h"%hl"%ht unusu!l f"%ures "n order to focus the !ud"t on them or to est!bl"sh th!t !trend h!s cont"nued#

    e fnncl rtos used bthe udtor wll fll nto 3 enerl cteores


    1# Gross M!r%"n

    2# Net M!r%"n

    3# ROCE


    1# Rece"v!bles/P!$!bles/Inventor$D!$s

    2# Current R!t"o

    3# Qu"c&R!t"o


    1# F"n!nc"!l Ge!r"n%

    2# Oper!t"on!l Ge!r"n%

    hether or not the udtor reles on nltcl procedures s substntve procedures

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    pen s on our c ors


    An!l$t"c!l procedures w"ll not be su"t!ble for ever$!ssert"on


    The !ud"tor m!$onl$rel$on d!t!%ener!ted from !s$stem w"th stron%controls

    Deree of Precson

    Some f"%ures w"ll not h!ve !reco%n"s!ble trend over t"me or be comp!r!ble

    Acceptble Vrton

    V!r"!t"ons h!v"n%!n "mm!ter"!l "mp!ct on the f"n!nc"!l st!tements w"ll not hold !s much "nterest to the !ud"tor !s

    those th!t do


    t evdence tht

    No m$sst"tements #n them

    Pr#or per#od c/f correctl#

    Or rest"ted #f necess"r%

    Account$n!pol$c$es cons$stent

    f not then the comp"r"t#ve needs rest"t#n!"nd d#sclosed

    $"l En!"!ement

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    or Per#od Not Aud#ted+


    Chec&post Y/E c"shfor conf#rm#n!open#n!rece#v"bles / p"%"bles

    Do stoc'count "nd "roll b"c&"to open#n!b"l"nce

    Get 3rd p"rt#conf$rm"t$onon other "ssets "nd l#"b#l#t#es

    or per#od - D#fferent Aud#tor

    dt procedures

    Rev$ew the$r wor&$n!p"pers - for competence "nd #ndependence

    Chec&FS & "ud$t reportfor #nform"t#on relev"nt to open#n!b"l"nces

    f prev$ous report mod$f$ed- chec'#t h"s been rect#f#ed now

    d#t Report Poss#ble Effects

    "n't !et enou!h ev$dence "bout open$n!b"l"nces* "Except for" or "D"scl!"mer"

    pen$n!b"l"nces or d$sclosures $ncorrect "Except for" or "Adverse"

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