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Marc K. Hodges*Office of Response and Restoration

Hazardous Materials Response Division, Seattle, Washington

1. INTRODUCTION:In the arena of oil spill trajectory forecasting,standard nowcast/forecast models predict themovement of spilled oil out to 48 hours.Generally, most models are unreliable if usedbeyond 48 hours due to the cumulative errorsthat compound due to the uncertainty in theinput parameters. Research conducted atNOAA’s Hazardous Materials Response Division(HAZMAT) indicates that the primary error thatprohibits accurate long-range forecasting is thewind forecast uncertainty. This paper willinvestigate methods to analytically compareforecast winds to historical winds for twoparticular spill events.Although there have been many papers onanalogues (Lorenz, 1969), this paper willpresent a simplified approach for comparing agiven forecast to a region’s climatological recordand ascertaining the uncertainty in the winds ofthat particular area.

2. PROCEDURE:The procedure involves saving a set of pastwind records corresponding to the forecastedwind records, to within a user-determined errorvalue ( Eg ). This set of past wind records can

then be extrapolated into the future, yielding adistribution of likely future wind values.If we turn the time dependent forecast into acomplex wind variable Akj

A t t U t iV tkj j k j j( ) ( ) ( )= = +

Here U tk j( ) is the kth forecasted x-component

of the wind at time t j . V tj( ) represents the y-

component. A similar set of historical wind_________________________________* Corresponding author address:Marc K. Hodges, NOAA/HAZMAT, 7600 SandPt. Way NE Bld 3, Seattle, WA. 98115;Email: [email protected]

segments Bkjcan be generated by choosing

different starting times in the past wind history ofthe location of interest.

The mean difference between the forecastedand historical winds can be calculated by




kj kjt Tj=

−<∑ | |

If Ek is less than the user-determined error Eg

over the time period T, then the start time of thehistorical wind, Dj is saved and a new

comparison is made starting at a time byincrementing the original interval by time T (SeeFigure 1). Otherwise, a new test segment of thehistorical wind record is used at some time T+Qwhere Q<T (See Figure 2). Repeating thisprocess generates a set of Dj that is used for

stochastic wind records for subsequent oil spilltrajectory runs.

Shown in Figure 3, at some time T, the forecasterror will become greater than that ofclimatology. Depending on the region, T isgenerally 36 to 48 hours. The variability of thismean error Ek , in relation to the data, will give a

general scale of regional wind uncertainty.

Therefore, for each user-determined error Eg

whereE E Eg g gn1 2< < <...

there will be corresponding start time arrays Dj

such thatj1 < j2 < … < jn.

This paper will look at oil spill trajectories for twospill incidents which occurred in twotopographically different areas.

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3. THE REGIONS:Two topographically different areas werechosen. Both of these areas had archived oilspill data or on-going oil spill data. The first spillregion analyzed was Tampa Bay, Florida. OnAugust 10, 1993, two barges and a freightercollided in the entrance to Tampa Bay. Thebarge Bouchard 155 spilled approximately210,000 gallons of #6 fuel oil into the bay.The second spill region analyzed was 12 mileswest of the entrance to San Francisco Bay. TheSS Luckenbach sank in 1953 due to a collisionbut only recently has the vessel started to leak.A salvage operation began in May 2002 tolighter the oil from the sunken remains. Sincethen, several small oil spills have occurred.

WIND COMPARISONS:The initial forecast during the Bouchard spill inTampa Bay was E-NE winds at 15 knots shiftingto be from the west at 5 knots by the afternoonhours. E-SE winds at 15 knots were predictedthrough the evening hours. E-NE winds at 10-15 knots were forecast throughout the next day.The method for the interpretation of the windforecasts is described in (Lehr, et al, 2002).Using this method, the forecast translates intoday, month, year, hour, minute, wind speed,wind direction format, as follows:


A comparison of the number of matchingforecasts j and the user-defined error Eg with

n=12, Eg = {4,5,6, … , 27} , Q={24,6 hr}is shown in Figure 4. The maximum differencein matches between Q=6 hours and Q=24 hoursis

∆max = 203 matches.

Hence, in this region, a smaller Q, where Q isthe non-matching time shift interval, results inmore matches. This could mean that the initialforecast winds with interval T does not readilyoverlap with the historical record when Q=24hours.

For the Luckenbach spill off the coast of SanFrancisco Bay, the initial forecast was NW windsat 15-20 knots increasing to 20-25 knots by theafternoon. NW winds at 20-25 knots were

predicted through the evening hours with NWwinds at 20 knots forecast for the next day. Theforecast was interpreted to the following text file:


Withn = 15, Eg = {2,3, … , 33} and Q = {24, 6 hrs},

is shown is Figure 5.

Here ∆max = 122. This number of matchingforecasts in the San Francisco incident is half asmany as the number in Tampa Bay and leads tothe possible conclusion that the cycle of windevents off the coast of San Francisco is not asvariable as that in Tampa Bay.

4. LONG-RANGE OIL TRAJECTORYFORECASTING:For each incident the sensitivity of Q has beendetermined. Next, choose an array of starttimes that is large enough to sample thehistorical winds and is also accurate enough tominimize the user-determined error Eg .

General NOAA Oil Modeling Environment,GNOME (Beegle-Krause, 2001) is the nowcast/forecast model that is used by HAZMAT. This isa simple model that uses two dimensionalphysical processes to move lagrangian elements(LE’s), representing quantities of oil, throughoutthe water. GNOME uses tides, hydrology,currents, winds and diffusion to move the LE’s.Trajectory Analysis Planner (TAP) (Barker,2000) and TAP Extended Outlook (TAP_EO)are, respectively, HAZMAT’s area contingencyplanner and long-range forecasting model.TAP_EO uses three dimensional arrays (cubes)generated by GNOME and other postprocessors and displays the output on awaterbased grid. Since Dj is the array of start

times, j is the number of runs that must becomputed by the GNOME model.

For the Bouchard spill in Tampa Bay, since Q=6hours achieved more matches with a smalleruser-determined error, Eg =5 with D2 and Eg =7with D125 was therefore used in the analysis.

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With Eg =5, two start times are shown in Figure6.

Using the previously described wind forecast forthis event, a user-determined error Eg = 5 and anon-matching shift interval Q=6 hours, two starttimes were matched (D2). These start timeswere used in GNOME to begin to sample theclimatology out to 96 hours. Although this timewas selected to match this archived spill, anytime could have been selected. Looking atFigure 6, it is apparent that there is a widevariability in both spills (green). (The red arearepresents the overlap area that both spills havein common.) Hence, two start times into thehistorical record are not sufficient.

Next, with the user-defined error Eg =7 and stillwith Q=6 hours, the analysis resulted in 125possible start times (D125). Sampling 96 hoursafter each start time, the TAP Extended Outlookrun is shown in Figure 7.

Hence, the majority of the winds 96 hours afterthe Bouchard forecast will tend to be from theSE (with approximately 20 percent of the windscuriously being from the NE).

The results from the actual overflight during theBouchard spill after 96 hours is shown in Figure8.

Even though both long-range trajectories containthe actual event, it is apparent that a larger j inDj refines the cumulative output and minimizesthe uncertainty in the winds. Unfortunately, alarger j means a greater user-determined errorEg.

Using the Luckenbach incident off the coast ofSan Francisco Bay, the forecast matched upwith climatology almost as well when Q=6 hoursas when Q=24 hours. Therefore, the researchwill focus on the latter match data when Eg = 3(D2) and Eg = 5 (D76).

A user-defined error, Eg =3, resulted in two starttimes and the long-range oil trajectoryassociated with those times appears in Figure 9.As before, the time, in this case 120 hours, waschosen to match the spill event. During anactual response, this run time after each starttime could vary from 2 to 14 or more days.

Notice in Figure 9, unlike the Bouchard incidentin Tampa Bay, the variability in the winds after

the given forecast is small. This suggests thewinds following a NW at 10-20 knot event arealso NW. But there were only two start timesinto the climatology.

When Eg = 5, there are 76 resulting matches inthe historical record. Figure 10 shows the TAPExtended Outlook trajectory.

There were several small spills from theLuckenbach and all of those were containedwithin the cumulative trajectories in Figure 10.

Unlike the Bouchard incident where thecumulative trajectories minimized the winduncertainty, more match data in the Luckenbachincident slightly increased the trajectoryfootprint. Hence a NW flow off the coast of SanFrancisco will vary slightly and a light SE (andENE) flow in Tampa Bay will trend to the NW butwith much more uncertainty.

More detailed research is necessary to optimizea particular region with the shift interval Q, theinitial error Eg and the resulting start times (“dartthrows” Dj in order to obtain the ideal output.

5. CONCLUSIONThis paper presented a simple approach forcomparing a given area forecast to a region’sclimatology and, by selecting a few variables (T,Q and Eg), accumulating specific start timearrays that can be used to enhance long-rangespill trajectories and ascertain the nature of aregion’s wind uncertainty.

There are obvious limitations to this analysis.This process can only be used in data richareas, specifically, areas with long robusthistorical wind records (C-Man stations, buoys,ASOS and AFOS stations).

Future research should include applying thistechnique to several other topographicallydifferent spill areas, seasonalizing the historicalwinds, building in an analytical method tooptimize Q and Eg to obtain the best matchresults and removing interpolation from thehistorical wind analysis to “fill” data holes. Thelatter a potential source of error. Ideally, anydata gap larger than some time Ψ should beflagged and skipped.

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Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

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Figure 4

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Figure 5

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Figure 6

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Figure 7

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Figure 8

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Figure 9

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Figure 10

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Barker, CH., J. Galt, 2000. Analysis of MethodsUsed in Spill Response Planning: TrajectoryAnalysis Planner TAP II, Spill Science &Technology Bulletin, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 145-152.

Beegle-Krause, CJ, 2001. General NOAA OilModeling Environment (GNOME): A New SpillTrajectory Model. IOSC 2001 proceedings,Tampa Florida March 26-29, 2001.

Lehr, W., D. Simecek-Beatty, M. Hodges. WindUncertainty in Long Range Trajectory Forecasts.IOSC 2003, to be presented.

Lorenz, E.N. Atmospheric Predictability asRevealed by Naturally Occurring Analogues.Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 26, pp636-646.