Download - Outline of the Second Socratic Speech ('Phaedrus')

Page 1: Outline of the Second Socratic Speech ('Phaedrus')

(I) those who behold the ideas(II) those who fail to behold thcm.

(iii) the Decree of Dcstiny:(l) Tlrosc souls rvhich see tl)e truth in a cycle of th


SIN{PI,IFIED OUTLINT, OF SOCRATI,'S SECOND SPEECFIL lntrultrctory Btitcmcnt to thc "fair youtlr"

Il. 'I'hc Ilccantation*onc orrql)t not to rcjcct a lovcr Lrccrrrc trc is maclA. N{ncincss i-r not alrva;'r cvil; if givcn by thc gotls it ir a lrncfit. I'rwf throtrgh cxamplcs:

1. I)roplrccy2. Iturgation

4. Love-"

(c) within thc hcavcns(6) to thc divine banquet beyond thc heavens

(i) the feasting of the gods(ii) the feasting of the other souls:


Ifs(A) tvh


Section I:The soulin itscosmicsetting

c\ $--€t"

Section II:the courseof lovein this world

Section III;Thc capturcof thebeloved

!, lr+*o (A)-TEEni-ng$&l[nfficforcbirth.


'l'Irc.10,000 lr:Ij1J]l" o[ birth, ju-rlqmcnt, punishrnEfi]-dfrtrvard anJ rcl'irrh.I Snnmart -All tlrc rliscorrrsc so lrr lras bccn abdilT thc lourtll ftind of nr-Tdncss:' (I) "ihc inspired love r, se cing bcauiy in this world ig reslindcd of trg$'!gA-u1y"&gg!!!-!e-gl9!y-\:i4S9*44$i:r:oncrecl onlylviLr, a!vlli5

for rvlr.rt is abovc, Thrrs hc 4qglggt5- tlrings here bclow and rs c-b-iSldcred(It) Of -aTITHFfdims of divinc madncss this is tfu bcsr

(II I ) Ev@'hffiilin*'ETrTdnlfrTiGrc" bclitiT thc bcings.(A) 'flrc coursc of lovc in tlris worlrl.

(l) tln: lirnction ofmcrrrorv and bciutv:{a I tllc sl!lrt ol bcautv-tltc act ol lalllnq ln lovc:' ' li) Jne iln6tnTino-n of true-tEauty'is long past or corrgptgd surrcndcrs to plcasurc, lust. ind tvmtoness.

(i i) on "

rc."n t I y i n i t i a tcd i n-t6"Tlfiil-t i i. " ii i.i' yr L'iE-

(l) is remindcd of thc true bcauty formcrly seen(II) gazes at thc bcautifirl onc as if he wcre a gocl.

(A) hc bcgins to grow *iigs aqain:- -(1) bc fcels.ioy\nfiEfr-fi5)ing at his beloved(2) he fecls anguiili whm li}i-rifcdTFom him(3) he becomd dTsfFatipfitfo-m thc i;n-in-gling of joy and angrrish:

(u) he thus forgcts fimil-y and fricn0s. propcrty anilordinary convcnrion., .,nd proprlcties(D) he is preparcd to do anything for his beloved,(c) Dcltn i r ion oJ I ooe-this coldlrieiicafld_Lglc*pLmcn.

(i) Tlrc various kinifs-6f lovcr.:' lI I Iollowcrs of Zcus. si\&/rrulitj foltorvcm of Aiii.

IIII] so docs cach l6tei livc aftcr the manncr ol his god.(ii) Behavior of thc lovcr torv*rcls tlrc bclovcd:

Il I Ccncral Clrari.tcristi.s:IAl Declr sclccts a bclovcd according to Itis or'n cl,rr.rrr"1.Iu ) nact, rr;!@ l6dTFrofi ..d

Spccific bchavior of thc dilfcrcnt typcs of lovcrs:[A] Irollowcrs of Zcus:

[l I Dcsirc ;r -ltG]l!fc-s-oul. r'u l!]uar'[2] Wltcn tlrcy {ind hirn do all tlrcy can to givc lrirrr srrclr a clraractcr.

[a] in thc proccss thcy bccotnc tltcrnsclvcs tnorc likc tlrc god tltcyfol lorv.

[3] consid. r tlrc bclovcd tlrc so,rrcr of tl'cir j"y.[Bi ioilo*"rs otllcra. fl p:L w;-tl^k[Cl follorvcrs of r\itollo.I D I followcrs of tlr"-6'llr"r qods.

thc next cycle

[r] conftictingntqiin3ts-"of'thc diffcrcnt parts of thc sortl to tltcbclovcd.

[r ] tht"femtgj,lllirsJ!-ark horsc.[2] Bchavior of tlrc bclovcd:

[a] horv hc falls in love.[f] Thc condition of the bclovcd aftcr lrc falls in lovc.

Thc coursr: of mutual lovc:

-FITFN;"ffinEi-T;blcm of thc dark lrorscs.

[d] thc dillcrcnt kinds of nutual lovc:lil lo." basnd on contr-o-Lhr, rl,c l)rtt, l ll:11!l tlic rninrl:

l/l lr.rp1,y irr r[-iTlif,.l//l rvirrrcrl in tlrc ncst lilc.

Ii1l j thcir.rtcsTlifiTililt 6,16 I'e s.crrr',1 l,1 rnrn.Irrrl lrlr.r',1 <rtt ltgnut

,l/l fivcs in Lo tlrc drrk horsc on occ.r-.i')nI // I fasLllLs rn:' '

l,1l IJsiint [r'icnti.hip in tlri' lil".


orornisb bl\iiftt\-ix tl.^ f,rlurc.III. Conciuding Statcmcnts:

A. To the "fair youth":1. thcse are thc blcssings of the friendship of a lovcr.2. a rclationship rvith a non.lovcr will:

a) be mixed'rvith moral prt&'rrcc and thc dispcnsing of niggardly gifts.D) lrccct illibcralitv in tlrc bclovcd's soul.


" ".j .ui.. *'.X?l6Gf:loElrcr-bq rrinqless for 9,000 ycars.

o. ,o i,6"". f6r,e,,: ___ L ..

1. I havc offcred thc bcst rccantation I can.2. Forgive my formcr rvorcls and acccpt thcse.3. Ilc kind atrd graciotts to rtttr:

a) do not in ingcr taiie alvay thc art of lovc you lravc givcn trc'6) do not deprivc rnc o[ siqht.cj grant mc io be cstecmcd even morc than now by thc bcautiful.

4. If in our former s1rccch Phacdrus or I said anything harsh against you:

s,J'ego He#*eJc ic, C'ri.Jtecll'r-


a) blame Lysias.6) turn him to philosophy:

i) so Phacdius will no longcr hesitatc bctrvccn two opinions'ii) but *ill rvholchcartedly live for lovc together with philcophical discourse