Download - Our Town February 20, 1947

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 20, 1947


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 20, 1947


    Ib 4geIb 3 9c


    Nearby large Grade AEGGSlARGE 63c )WHITES Ctl\. MAYfAIR l arge Grade /II.MIXED Dozen

    CHERRIESEas)' To Make WithJiffy Pie Crust Mix ~ . : : 1SeBetter! Richer! COFFEE Flavor

    C O F F E E ~ ~ : 2 ~ ; ~ 7 5 c

    SMELTSFancy Quality CanadianSMOKED FILLETSQuick Frozen JerseySHAD . . . : I ~ ; ~ 21c : H ~ ~ 3 5 cOriginalTrentonOyster Crackers :ic':ll1c:'

    I_ ~ P I . t . ~ D ~ : Y , ,FEBRUARY 20, 1947


    19" 29cNo.2VzConNo.21Bc Can

    FRUITSSVEGETABLESFirm .. Ripe .. S li ci ng ,TOMATOES ~ ~ ~ o 23CNone HI 'h"Full Podded Calif. Peas H ~ : h : r 2 lb. 3S cCrisp White Fancy Celery_ 2StGllI .2Sc_FancyYellow Sweet Potatoes ~ : ~ : r 3 ' b l 19cFancy Delicious Eating Apples . 2 Iba 2S c




    Green Tide FORDHOOK12.02 29 . > . .:: , .: i\ lame great variety and t he same low pri ce s as f e ~ t u r e d i n o ur NEW C ITY LlljF=- .:.. ~ ~ : : : . ~ S " " " : ' : : " : : : ' :..! : . , . , ~ ~ ' : ' ~ ' : . ~ : ' " . : . : . ~ : > ' . : : . : : : . AVE. Store, at 53rd St. . . .nex t t o Horn & Hardart's Re&taurant.IN AND MRS. GEORGE ot a eo n, Frank L. Thomson ' th, NANCY GAY POWELL, daughter ~ : ; . ...,0( the Wynnewood on February H. Mr! . Thomson Is ot Mr. and Mrs. El!wood M. Powel!, _ . : : '!:.: '. .:::l: b' ". :::: ::.:::\ F Q r~ , ~ ~ I ~ : m : i : : ~ ~ , : ~ ~ ; ; ~ E ~ ~ ~ f 2 5 ~ ~ ; f . : f : ~ : ~ f i ~ : i ; i ; f \ ~ ~ ; " ; j ~ ~ \ [0iJlsIANASH RIMP. .N NING , JR. , o f W y n n e w o o d , C ha lf on t; M ar gi e, H ow al 'd a nd - ..: - rl \-\ W\ TT .f. LENT 0 S D .

    announr.ed the hlrth of a MR. AN D MR S. WALTER L. Carol Lee White. ot North Whales; = ::: : ~ " . ' . \}\ .y ariety! . , ~...,:.,.r._,.s._ . ~ ~ " . : . , _ . : . ".: . ' tn ur ea L' oodDept. Freshly Sliced GenuineWendy H u ~ t o n F;l0ennll1ll'. MORGAN, of 404 Penwyn R ~ " I Billy, Thommyand Bobhy W a r w i C k , . "' .... ~ . : , ' ~ , .. : > : : . ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ; : t \ , ; . ~ >8. M r ~ . Boel1mn!\' ia the \Vynnewood, rr.t.uIned to t.hell of Upper Darhy; lind Buddy Powell. - STEA K COD 35'.~ : ~ a a ; ~ a ~ ~ I ~ ' ~ ~ I I ~ . r ~ ~ ~ f o h ; ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ e l ' a shoot lnl l' t rip in South \: 't :.,', . . IbMR. A ND M RS . O. L. HOL- _ . Canadian No. t, o f R oy al Oak, Md. COMBE, of 239 Mill Rd., Brookline, =-- MR. AND. MRS. 'VILLIAM I. R.ttended thp. graduation exercisell at ==:::=AND MRS. BEN HIBBS, WOODCOCK, . 1 R . ~ of GIYn .Wynne Cornell University laat. Wednesday,RI'a.ebuI'n T-Is ne, and 1\1'1'. and R;d., Havel'lord, wll1 entertain at a when the i r son. Rohe.t Holcombe ==Leon B. R o s ~ e a l l . of fi20 Bmp. dmnel ' donce before the meeting. of rcceived t h e d eg ree 0(. Bachelor or =--Lane, Pp.nn VRlley, entertained the HR.ver-ford S ~ t u r d a ~ Evenmg Science. =-at the home ot MI'. D an ce n t t nc MerIon C ~ ' l c k e t Club Jack Holcombe, a student at til!;' -R o s ~ ~ l l . u last Fl ' lday e v e n ~ n g on .SR.f.uIday, March 22, m honor of Mari time Cadet School will return Ef.he dance at t he Mer io n thell' daughter, Miss Fr'anccs Wood- S t. d f th ' k I =HOllse. cock. a ur ay rom. a reewee cru se _ to S ou th A me rI ca . H e w as o n t h e I=School Ship, Kin/ : ' s Pointer. -AND MR!;..TAMES D . MISS ELTZABE'I'H MADEIRA( of. -412 'Vi.-tel Rd. , o f Bryn Mo.wr. hRd as her Il'uest = :eWOOd. entett:lined Informally oVCr the week-end, MisR Elinor Par- Y ~ E ~ E t N: : J;foR : i c ~ ~ ~ E1::, =II (t el ' noon in honor ot 1helt'l ker, ot Moorestown, N. J. =g'lIests, Dr. and Mrs.1 Llanerch, A.nnounce the birth ot a _ro A7.edevo, o f R io de J ane ir o. MR. AND MRS. ECKLEY B. son, Thomas Yaegel, on February1 =. COXE, 3D, o f D a rb y Rd . Haver.IH. in the D e ~ a w a r e County ~ o s p i t a J . 1 ==-AND M R ~ . PERCY H. ford, wi ll enf.c ra in at a d i nne r on :MIs.. Yaegel ls theformer MISS Anya,==-, of Belmont. Ave. and Right. Friday evening, February 28, In hon. DaVIS, ot Sharon Hill. =-" t' l ' y Rd. , C y n w ~ ' d , lire visting or of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Olio -n!ep., Fla. phant, of the Barclay. MRS. MITZI KIRSCHNER, Of :=:;. Oakmont,who Is lI. patient at Mount _ .AND MRS. REEVES MR. A ND M RS . ARTHUR L . A lt o, h as h ad a' number =

    of B r ' ~ ' n Mawr, fln- WHEELER, of Rosemont ,have Itn. o f v is i to rs during the past week -amon :" , , 'h o we re her' mother and' =llt A. small dinnel' FI 'i d ay nounced t h e b i r th of a, '"Christ ine Thomas Wheeler. on Feb father, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Zim-= ruary 17. Mrs, Wheeler is the fo r- me r, a lsoo f Oa ltmon t ;Mr . and Mrs. =-. AND l\{RS. WILLIAM mer Miss Csrol ine B. Leisenring, I Joseph Hem'Y, and Dr..George Grim='W ALSH, ot Mont lfOm- daughter oC Mr. and Mrs. Edward I and Dt. Robert Junl, ot Ardmore. -A te . a nd B oo th L an ,e H a\ 'e r- B. Leisenring, oC Ardmore.

    have announced thc h i rt h o f MISS PA' l 'RICIA JACKSON of =:::stevenson Hockley VValsh 3d, Charles D. Sisle r, J r. , s on o f Mrs. 1100 Edgewood Rd. , Penfield, =6. Mrs. 'Va Ish Is the Sisler, of Overbrook. entertained at re cen tl y i n it i at ed i n to . the DI'exel =Miss Helen R. Muller , daugh- a dinner ilt t h e Sunken Gardenll, Chapter ofPhi Kappa Phi, national =MI'II. Ramsey Muller. oC Phil- Ogontz , l al l t Sunday. Among the hono rary soc ie ty fo r t e chn ic a l col-=andDr . Geo rg eR . Mullel', A'ueat.l'l were hil l f i ancee , MISS. legell. The i n it i at i on ce remon i es =::::N. J. MARJE McCORMICK, of 138 Camp ' w er e followedby a formal dinnel' at, '=- bell Ave., Sout h A rdmo re ; h e r par- the Ryder Club. = -SS GAINOR ROBERT S, enho, Mr. a nd M rs , Thomas J. Mc- _

    e r o f Mr. T. Williams Rob Cormick; his parents. Mrs. and Mrs. MRS. WALLY WEBER, of East ==of "Pencoyd Farm," Bala C. D. Sisler; Miss Betty McCormick, Dat'byRd., SouthArdmore, is spend.=M is s L ou is e 'Wigton, Miss Peggy Mcormick and M is s i ng a midwinter vacation in Miami =h t er o f Mr. and Mrs. Robe r t J u li a Hennessy. Fla. ' : : - - - -Wigton, ofMontgomeryAve. _Lane,Haverford , and Miss Mis!! Doroth)' Slaybaugh ot C li t MRS . EDWIN .JOHNSON, ot 311 -Merryweathet, daughter ot ton Heights, entertained at a show- Glen Ridge Rd., Westgate Hills, en- =:..T. Max.well Merryweather, o f e r l as t S at ur da y n ig ht i n hono r ot tertained at a party Monday, in =H il l, w il l l ea ve Sunday MISS E LL A L OR D V ON DE R honor of her husband, w ho w as =twoweek sk ii ng t r ip i n Can- SMITH. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. c el eb ra ti ng h is 34th birthday. =-

    Howard S. WondehmHh, of 38 Among t he gues t s w er e M r. and =-- Campbell Ave., Sout h A rdmo re , Mrs . Wi ll i am Bradel, Miss Florence - - - - -. THO MA S M. SCOTT, of whose engagement t o F re em an McGuire, Miss Dorothy Moire, MissGables, Wynnewood, l e ft re - Scot t , J r ., ot Jenk i nt own , h a s b een Add ie Macl vor , Mi ss Patricia Nicfor an extended tr ip through been annnounced. holson, Miss Carole Jeanne Schlenest. He will v is it h is old Miss Vondersmith was also feted zifi, Mr. John Nicholson, Mr. Martini n Phoen ix , Ari7.., be fo re re - at a surprise shower given at her Nicholson and Mr. Dennis Nichol.g t o VVynnewood. home On February 3, by the teachers SDn. of the primary department ot theAND MR S. FRANK L. Temple Lutheran C hu rc h. Mi ss3D, of 11 Lodges Lane, Vondersmith is superintendent ofhave announced t he b ir th t he P r ima ry Department.

    England's apple orchardsc ed a n e st imat ed 283,000o f C o rt ia n ds i n 1946.

    McKinley, h ig he st p ea k onAmeri c an cont i nen t,bruptly to 17,000 feet fl'omless than 3,000 feet high.

    John Blakely Kane, of 304ARd., CynWYd, has announc- ndengagement of her daughter,mel ieSeixasKane, to Horaceey Leng , J r ., son of Mr. and The Devon HorseShow and Coun Devon Co tt age this year will beLeng, of Fox Chase. t r y Fa ! r will be held this year f ro m n ew and surprisingly dif!erent. TheKane is t he d au gh te r o f May 27 t h rough May 31. Revi ved re in s ot i t s management haVe beenate Lieutenant Commander l as t y e ar I n t im e to o bs er ve I ts p la ce d i n t he h an ds o f Mrs. PhilipB. Kane, USNR. golden anniversary, the show wlil L . L e e and Mrs. W. I . , j p p h ~ c o t t ColLen g s er ve d overseas for as usual be held in the famed ket ,who will annOCllce complete de-y ears w i th the 83rd 1nfantlJ' 'Vanamaker oval at Devon. tails at a later date.Mrs. ~ e r m a n I{. Grange, of Villa- Another addi tion to the 1947 pro- nova, WII! agai n a s sume the chair- gram w il l b e the inauguration of _

    m ~ n s h l p o f t he c ou nt ry fair com- "Devon Country Fair on Walnu t' _a nd M rs . Cecil D. Hitchen's, m ~ t t e e , a nd h er assisting chairman Street,' a two-daymld townpreview = .N. Upland Rd., Manoa, an- Will be Mrs . C l arence A. Warden, fair originatedf or the 50th anniver- =.t h e engagement ot Mrs. J r ., A r ~ m o r e . Othermembers ot t he s ar y show l a s t e a r , as a permanent =-.daughter, Miss Jacqueline executIvc committee inclUde Mrs. adjunct of the annualDevon show. =.Hyde, and He rman A. Diek, Woodward yv. Corkran, trcasurer; Mrs. John Y. HUber, Jr., will again =n o f Mr . and Mrs. D iek . of and Mrs. Richard E . H an so n, M rs . b e i t s chairman, whi le Mrs. Horace _Rd., BrOOkline. John Y. HUber. J r ., Mrs. Philip L. B. Hare will head i ts g r og ra m o f =.... Lee and Mrs. Clarence J. Lewis, Jr. events. Present plans cal! for i t t o =-:William Ashton, of Edgemont, be held on Walnut St., f r om Broad =-and Mrs. Wa lt e r G. Long, wlll chall'man ot the horse show t 018 th st., on April 16 and 17. =Farm," Quakertown, commIttee. Working with. him will Heading t h e numer ou s commit- =announced the engagement of be ~ h a r l t o n Yarnell, contmuing as t ee s i n charg e o f v a ri ous details of=aughter.Miss Wini tred Long, preSIdent; Ward Sullivan, secretary, the three-day affai r a re t h e foUow- ::.....:...--renze Z .Shul tzaberger, son and Algerman A. Craven horlle ing: =-

    and Mrs. hCar l es Shul tz a - show se c re ta ry .. Mrs. Edward W. Shober heads ==Ardmore. Serv!ng on the advtsory board o f t h e committee in charge of the =the fall' are Mrs. Roland T. Addis, automobile; Mrs. Theodore C. Scull =Mrs. Dona l d A lexande r , Mrs . L l v- i s chairman of bal loons. Mrs. Harryi n gs t on L . Biddle, Mrs. Russell A. Haas and Mrs . S . Gartland Horan=Cannon, Mrs.Charles C.G . Chaplin, are co-chairmen o f t he cafeteria, = ::Mrs.Morris Cheston, Mrs. M. With- whose honora ry chai rman i s Mrs. =i ng to n C leme nt , M rs . Isaac H. Lewi s C. Johnson. =Clothier, Jr., Mrs.Wil l iam J. Clothl- Other Devon Country Fair com- =er, Jr., Mrs. J. Howell Cummings, mitt e e chai rmen a re Mrs. J. Mal- =Jr. . c ol m J o hn s to n, c an dy ; M rs . C la r- =-Mrs . Wi ll i am T. Dickson, Mrs. en ce J .. Lewis, Jr., concessions;.., '.-.__ ----.ti l Jo sephL . Eastw ick ,Mrs .Samuel B . Mrs. TrIstram C. Colket, entertain-=Ec lt e r t Mrs. Ben jamin Eshlema ment ;. Mrs. Thomas S. Gates, Jr., -, n, garden boo t h; Mrs. Ro land T. Ad- = :.Mrs. Howard Fair, Mrs. N. M ye rs d is a nd M rs . R ic ha rd E . H an se n, =_=:::::=FiUe.r, Mrs . H or ac e B . H a re , M rs . g ro un ds ; M rs . Harry T. Saylor. hot =Wilham C. Hunneman, Jr., Mrs . dog s; Mrs. Owen B. Rho ad s, i ce - =Henr V. Jarrett, Mrs. George B . c re am ; M rs . Joiseph N. Pew, Jr., ==Junkin, Mrs. Arthur C. KaUfman, informat ion booth; MIS. Leicester=Mrs. Roderick G. Kellet t , Mrs. J. Lewis, occupational therapy; and-Kearsley Mitchell, Mrs. Wil liam R. Mrs. Ar thur P . Baugh, chairman of =-,Mooney, Mrs.Charles C. Norris, Jr. t he Bryn Mawr Hosp i ta l shop . =:.: Fre-MarTomato Juice ~ a , ; ; 1.leMrs. Joseph M. Patterson, Mrs. Mrs. Curtin Winsor wil l arrange =J. Howard P ew , M rs . J os ep h N . f or a nd d ir ec t t he pony r ides for =- FreoMarTomatoJuice ~ , : z . 2 3 cPew, J r ., Mrs. William M. Prlzer, the sma ll f ry, and Mrs. Romain C. =- 'Mrs. S. WestonScot t, Mrs. Theodo re Hasr i ck w i ll ag a in h an dl e t he =:.- 4C V-8Veg.Juice C o c k t a i l ' ~ : : 1SC.C. Sheaffer, Mrs. James R. Sinkler, sandwich department. Mrs. Karl =Mrs. Joseph N. Snellenburg, Mrs. R. S c ~ o e t t l e i s ch ai rm an o f t he == .. v-a Veg.Juice C o c k t a i l ~ ; : 1 3 3 c .Southland Carrots ~ P ~ a s . . l : k : ~ 1geJohn A. Stevenson, Mrs. Frederick soft drInks stand; Mrs. Samuel Mc- =- IB. St imson Mrs H Birchard Tay- Creer: ( h ea ds t h e l ar ge a nd busy -_ Taxin'$ Red Raspberries . . l:k:a3Sc' ' . . committee f or t h e t e a house, one or = .lor, Mrs. John B .. Thaye r, 3d a nd t he show 's mos t d e li ght fu l c a se s , ====- -----K EEBLER I S - - - - T" A . t 16 oz 19Mrs. E . S hippen Wtlling. nnd Mrs. Edward D. Atlee will === axm $ prleo s p';g CIt has been announced t h at t he handle the tobacco booths. =.. Cheese W ~ f e r s 2Ge Smith's Peas '. l ; , ; : 22Sc~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R b b ' T B I d d ~ ~ - ~ ~ C : l u : b ~ c ~ r = a ~ c = b = r ~ s ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ 1 ! c ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 2 S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ l o ~ 4 ~ a ~ ~f ul t hi ng s a re mad e f rom r ubb er . a toe n tr o a ce r II P"II CI i = = = === ; - At TeaMondayEve. ~ I V O R Y SOAP .IVORY SOA"AllCIa Marshall Martin BerkOWitz, new rabbi of :::::- , o ~ ~ / I " " ,..... It Flo-alstTemple Arath I s rae l . w i ll be in- ::::- 7"'9l" 99-44/100% 'u r I t Floalsl Mad. f,om 'ur'. Ivory SoapInc troduced t o membe rs o f th e Main =- 2 :::-21e 2 ~ : : a5e :: : 3 6 c Line Hadassah at a tea Monday == Wh.nAvallabT. I ~ " - ~ - - ..._-- 1

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 20, 1947




    Electric RazorsSun LampsBeaters

    Heating Pads


    "I'll drink ,a quart 01 5this milkany day!"

    Philadelphia , Camd.". S . u ho r .

    NormanTailored and Lace Trimmed

    Listen For Om' All Musical P r og r am OnWNAR (1110 K. C.lWednesdays, 9:30 to 10: 00 A. M.

    Wringer and Spinner TypesA WIDE VARIETY OF LAMPS



    Portable RadiosRadio Combinations

    Record Players

    Haver ford and Forrest Aves . - Phone Narberth 4182HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL'

    M r ~

    Ladies' & Children's ';Year

    OverWFlL-Abbottl Dairies PrelOent ,BAUKHAGE, OutltandingNews AnalYlt,1 P.M.Mon. thru Frl.

    T E ~ N . A G E TIME 9 A.M. Saturday.


    Narberth Juniors StageDance for New' Member.s

    ABBOTT8 DAIRIES , l ac .

    Ma k e it every day, Mother-youngstersn ee d a t least a quart. Abbo tts t tHomo A!' ha s th ellweetness an d creaminesll to t emp t the i r appetitell,an d homogeniz inK makes every drop equa lly r ich inflavor an d nour ishment . In addition, thill fine, richmilk is fortified with Snnshine Vitamin D to buildstrong bones an d tee th .Dependab lypure , too,becaullcwe pa y ou r fa rmers a bonus f o r extra deanly care.

    Surely )'ouwant your child to enjoythemany benefits of Abbott.\"uHomo A" .,ABBOTTS q ) 8 ~ ' : ( ' M I L K , ~H".,., T h c F i r a c L a b o r a t o r y c o n t r o I l I C 1 M i / H n ~ . c n n l y . l tHInia I". and SouthernNew Jnuy ' ~ " " " , ' 1' H ~ I I O ~ E N I Z E D * V I T A M ~ 1 ~ k ' "

    Valent ine hear t l lwere featured at The newmembershiclude the foi-a covered d is h s up pe r a nd Valen- lowing: .t i ne dance s t ag ed by the Na rbe rth Mrs. George Albert, Mrll. 3'Adams , Mr s. William S. Bradley,Junior Woman's Community Club Mrs. A. H. Campbell, Mrs. RobertSaturday evening. A. C la ss . Mrs . Wi ll i am Cllpllhaw,At one end of the r oom was a MI s. All an Cu thbe r t: Mr s. J O l l ~ p hhuge Valent ine heart edged with D'Alonzo. Mrs. 11. J . Egmor e , Mr ,..pape r l a ce and cent e red w i th a s ll - George Esslinger , Mrs. MervinFtq,h ou et te p or t ra it . T he V al en ti ne Mrs. John GaUl, Mrs. Jack Graha!Ut,moti f was further carried out with Mrs. Will iam'Harr is, Mrs.Will_ant..the centerpieces on the tables which Helzer, Mrs. George Javoronek,Mrs.were large red hear t s a nd candles. Homer Johnson, Mrs. J o s e p h : K a 1 . J ~ ~Given I n h on or o f t he 37 n ew m an , Mrs. Garry K l apper Mr s. Jr.members of thc club. the dance was B. Lanahan, Mrs. Wil liam tended by more than 130 members Also Miss Laua Mast e rs , Mr s.and theil' husbands. Each new Thomas Mitchell, Mrs. Henry Macmember was given a carnation cor- Avoy, Mrs . Michae l J. McGuiresage. Miss Virginia Morford, Mrll. W. R::Mrs. Wi ll i am Harr i s. chairman O'SUllivan, Mrs. Leon Piercy, M.8so f a r t s a nd craf ts, and her comml t- Mary Phi ll ip s, Mrs . R . M.Phillipi,.tee, wel'e In charge o f t he decOl'a- Miss Miriam PUlch, Mrs. J. G.tions. Mrs. Will iam Borky handled Reeves. Mrs. Mer ce r R ow e, J r. ,t h e suppe r. and t h e dance arrange- Mrs. Norman Sulvls, Mrs. Harryments wel'e mad e b y Mrs. Gcorge Tyler, Mrs. E. H . V lc k and Mrs. 'C. Stulting. Cornclius G. Zwart.

    LEGAl , l\"OTICE


    Tho,,,ton.FIIU.r will OIlU, . youof "Good brok.s when youneed '.m" by: / I . lI l Ii... ' ' ' . ~ ' ' T'II.llIg ,,,. 'oci. . . . Ad /II" i... aile"." wil" ,,.. Addl l lg brab /lllid " ..dill' II" This l ob can be don. quIcklya"d economically-STOP 11'1TODAY I



    E i " ' I ' . \ ' l ' l ' ~ 01" l 'mnnE LAI lU l. D EC1i:ASkJD ( Ll lte o r t he B oro ug h o r:\Jontgolllery C o u n ' ~ . Pll.).I.ctterll ' l e . t a m e n ' a r ~ 011 t hc ahu\'cE . t at e ha . e heclI granted to the 1I11der,signed, 'who requests ull perRon", hR\'in;t"Jahns or demand. altalnst 1he I;;Hlalc orthe decedent '0 make knowlI the sallle,anfl. a l \ p e rs o n " 'Indebt",l to t he deep,(].('nt to Ulllke p:t ; \ ' I IWIl t . wifllllllt dpla,r, toJOHN L'HULX'I ' I!IHI,246 Enst. .Tohnson f;tre. t,I 'hilalleJphln, 44, to hi. Attorne.v.JOHN C. NOO:\AN',1:?40 l.onll 'I'lt I, llnl1i1lul:.l'hilllllelphia 10. I 'enna.OT220Gi

    Man y A la sk an g la ci er s are bel ie ve d t o b e retreating i n st e ad o fadvancing,

    TOWNDARWomenHearBookReview AtMeeting'M0-':lday:Mrs. George Wells, of Drexel.Hill, gave a d r ama ti c r evi ew ot"The Robe," by Lloyd C. Douglas,at a meeting of tile Dr . BenjaminRush Chapter, D.A.R" of Narberth.The meeting was hel d Monday atthe home of Ml's. Harry M. Ellsworth, of 528GlenwoodRd . Merion.The regent , Mrs. Jo seph H . Bake r .pr,eslded.Among the gues t s we re Mrs. J.Mark l ey F r eed , of Germantown;Mrs. Albert C. B ra nd , r eg en t o fthe Germantown.D. A. R. Chapter ;MI's. Robert L. Stone, regent o f t h eLansdowneChaptel';Miss Sara Shupert, regent o f t h eMer ion Chap t er ,and Mr s. Wil li am Groff, of th eMerion Chapter.O the r gues t s Included MI'Il. Garfield ,Otto and Mrs . E . M. Parran,both of Narberth; Mrs. SamUel J.McCartney, p r ~ s l d e n t of the Narberth Woman's Communltv Club,and Mrs.' William F. D an a a ndMIs. Walter Rogers,both of Wynnewood.The meetingwas held in a settingof yel low cand l es and l a rg e yel lowdaf f od il s m ixed w i th g r een f o li agemade an at t ract ive centerpiece forthe tea table.Those assist ing the hostess wereMrs . A ln s le e Hickerson. Mrs. I.Marshal l Bradshaw and Mrs. RuthNash. Mrs . Hel en Wehma n a ndMrs. Frederick S. Fischer presidedat the tea table.

    OU R

    .....'.. f',",

    CALL A R D M O R ~ : 1622FOR YOUR APPOINTMENTOPEN HOUSEMondliY and TuesdayFebruary 24th and 25th10 A. M.TO ,9 P. M.FREE DEMONSTRATION


    ANNOUNCES Slenderizing Relaxation


    INTRODUCING:The Newest .. . the Most ModernMethod of Normalizing and ReducingYour Figure.This system features no disrobingand no strenuous die ts .. . mild andpassive, yet effective.

    The opening o f a complete body 3alon

    \. .Charme Figure Salon45 E. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore

    SPECIALIZING IN :Weight control Posture Correction

    NARBERTH 4270

    BaronessfJl!POle1lzsga!Speaks at Club 1)leeti1zg

    "It wUl be disastrous if the Mter the Nazis had turned he rUnited States and ~ r e a t Britain casUe into a p r ison, sh e sa id theyw i t h d ~ a w from Germanr and show made extensive use of the dun-the dIsinterest after thIS war t h at .they showed a ft er t he last." said geons and th e medIeval torture rna-Helena, the Baroness of Polenz- chines therein . "The monstrositiesska at a meeting o f t he No rb er t h c a ri ed o n by the German war lordsWoinan's Community 'Club Tue s- i s b ey on d description and beyopdday af ternoon. believing,'" she said. .A nat ive .of Minnesota the Bar- She also told of he r own expen-oness married one of m os t i n- e nc es in prison during which timeu en ti al p re - Hi tl er N ob leme n o f was tortured and k e ~ t on aGermany. Af te r he r husband d ie d d Ie t o f b la ck bread and thm gruel.during the war, the Baroness was "I- am alive n o , ~ and ~ h y ~ ! c a l l Y andtaken a political p r isone r , and he r mentally well, she saId, but the r eca st le home was conf i scat edby t he a re t ho us an ds w ho w er e no t soN a ~ i s and u se d a s a prison. lucky as I ."Maintaining t ha t H i tl e r was not The hostesses a t t h e meeting weredead and that h e s ti ll h ad a a- Mrs. C. J. Bruneel and Mrs. Robertnat ical hold over t heyouth of Ge r - F r eeman. Pres iding a t the te a ta b lemany, the Baroness said w e s h ou ld w er e M rs . C. P. Fowle r aI?-d Mrs.keep a constant vigilance over and Cary Starr, both past preSIdents.control o f e ve ry phase of Ger- Club l'Ilembers are reminded ofman life, particularly the schools. a trip to Campbel l 's Soup Plant,"We 'r e f oo li ng o ur s el ve s if we Camde n, p la nn ed b y the Home Dethink t he s ig ni ng o f p ea ce treaties pa r tment . To start. promptly'at 1will solve anything," she said. P. M., the tour WIll b e m ad e onSpeaking of Hi tl e r, whom she Wednesday, February 26. Thoseknew personally, the Baroness said wi sh i ng t o go as ke d t o callhe was a violent and v ic i ou s man, Mr s. W. Ra lph GI le s , home cha ir a fanatical moron, a repulsive, ob- Iman, at Narberth 2709-J, or Mrs.noxious and b or in g i nd iv id ua l. C ar yl E Starr, at Narberth 4180.

    The af ternoon and eveningCircleso f t h e Women 'l l'Gu il d o f t he Na rbe r th Presbyte ri a n Chu rc h, m etThursday, as follows:Circle No. I , whose leader III Mrll.Edward B. Stanley, met at thehome of Mrl l. G. B. Suplee, of 315Woodside Ave., Narberth. Circle No.2 met at the h om e o f M rs . C. E.Nicodemus, of Beechwood Apar t ment s , Na r be r th . Leade r of thisgroup Is Mrs. W. James Drennen.Mrs. John C. Havllck, leader 'ofCircle No.3 , a nd he r group, met atthe home of the Misses Ashley andRhea Graham, of 213 N. NarberthAve., Narberth. Circle No.4, whOseleader Is Miss Betty Felty, met at

    the home of Mrs. C. Bowers, of100 WynnedalIe Rd., Narberth .Circle No.5 met at t h e home ofMrs. M. B. Bunting, of 504 Beechwood Lane. Narber th . Mrs. RalphD. Heester Is l e ad e r o f t h is group.Mrs. C. L . Brearly, of 561 ManorRd., Wynnewood, was hostess atthe meeting of Circle No.6, whoseleader III M r ~ . Glen Reynolds. CIl'- Mary Loft Oaks Named 'New York Girl Wed In 'cle No.7, WIth Mrs. Walter Wood C . 'N bas leader , met at the home of Mrs. L. M. Valentme aptOln ar erth On FridayLouise Neale, of 10 Narbrook Park, Lower Merl on ' s Va len ti n e Cap- Mrs. Char l es J . McCall, ot "TreeNarberth. Top," Narbe rt h , and Mrs. C. W.Mrs . B yr on R . Nelson, l ea de r o f t al n S al ly L ou O ak s a nd her all- McCabe, of Gloversville, N. Y., wereCircle No.8, met w it h her group Valent ine team were chosen at the t he b r id al attendants at the. wed- 'at the home of Mrs. B . R . Nelson, annual football Valent ine dance In d ing o f their s i st er , Miss He len I .of th e Wynnewood. Park Apa r t- t hc D owns G ym Saturday q ig ht . Sm it h, d au gh te r o f Mr. and Mrs.~ e n t s , Wynnewood. CIrcle No. and After a school-wide election of James B. Smith, of GloversvlIJe, andI ts l ea de r, M rs . A rl hu l' S. DIgby, " th e m os t beautifUl o f t he m os t Coral Gables, Fla" to C. ElwinWar-The a nn ua l r e po rt of the Com- courl le f or h ig h llchool students. met at t he home of Mrs . G. H . b ea ut if ul s, " t he football team Icd ren, 3d, sonof Mr. and Mrs.C.Elwinmunl t y Hea lt h and Civic Assocla- Ther e was p r og r ess , also, In enllst- f '# " " " - - " - " - " - - - ' - For tenbacher ,of 215 Lantwyn Lane,It h eg i r ls down f r om the s t a n d ~ , and Warr cn, 2d. of 'Venatchee, Wash.,t l on was i s su ed t h is week. T he r e - ing pUblic Interest In a' Thru-Way N a ~ b e r t h , . prescnted a gold l ocke t t o t h e cap- nnd Lake Chelan, Wash.which tookport lists the activities and achieve- which would relieve Lancaster Ave. C7 I I nl CIrc le No. 10, whose leader Is tain and boxes.of Valcntine candy place FI'iday afternoon at 1 o'c lock,m en ts o f the association during of much traffic between Phl ladel- Juburban 0 e:J Mrs. C. C. Mason, met for an all- to the team. in the Narbcrth Methodist Church.1946. phi a and Harrisburg. . day meeting at the c hu rc h f or s ur - T h l td :M L The Rev. ~ a r o l d D, Flood per form-Public .health nurlles of the Com- F ive communi t y heal t h center! --""", , ..., ._ ._- gicals: Mrs. v,r. N. Millis was host- ose e ec e mere: ary a- ed the ceremony.munlty Health and Civic Assocla- for children prOVided medical and MR. and MRS. JAMES L. MC ess at this meeting. Mrs. C. H. ~ I a l r , Marllou ~ a r ~ d e n , Mary Lou Mr. Charles J. McCal l served ast lonmade 10,309 visits In Haver ford nursing supe rv is i on f o r young st e rs VEY, of Old Gul ph Rd., Wynne - Woo lm ingt on, l e ade r o f Cii'cle No, l ~ r s h . ~ e g g y a g J ~ , D?t. S ul zb er - b es t m an . A f te r a recept ion heldand Lower Meri on ToWnships dur- under six ~ ' e a r s ot age. A total of wood, who are spending several 11, met with her group at the home ~ e l . MarIlyn MaccllJ, Mimi .Lough- at t he h ome o f Mr. and Mrs. Mcing 1946. They spen t 2,424 'days on 106 sessl1ns were held, at:

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 20, 1947



    CLEANINGFor Particular People


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    PINI : MBAI'SPKt11TII and VEGETABLJlII" l it . Georles Rd.Ardmore 0I4tFRESH 6EAFOOD DAILY

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    Times Medical Bldg.Phone Ardmore 4114





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    Delivery Anywhere

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    The FlneRt. 1II0at Complete

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    A.r4. 10tf i

    CHESTNUT BILL8514-16 Ce" ' ." le_ A,..


    g if ts - antiqueshand paintedfurniture08 St. J ames Plac eArtbnore '7910

    Jewelers Since 18861420 Walnu t St., Phlla.KIngsley l).013889 Coulter Ave., ArdmoreArdmore 15446

    43 oOuiter Ave.

    Children's Wear 1 1 ~ = = = = : : ; = = = = ~ I ~ I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . I I ' I ' ' I ' I ' I ' ' . I I ' I ' . I ' l ' iFoundat ion Garments II STHE IJ ~ : g ~ " : ' s e . "Everything I GENERAL IPhotographic" I FRUIT II COII Quality Grocerie&

    iSt. George's Rd. ArdmoreI!lFI'I'.II'I'I'A"I'I'.II'I'I''''ll-

    Sizes range from !O fo 42.

    Prints hold t he new season' sspotlight. Come choosea lovelyone from our col/ection.\

    dorotlly r. bullitt, inc .ARD&IORE

    28-30 Parking PI...



    Suburban Square merchants are ready to ser,reyou. You'll find it a treat just to look andthe interesting array of new quali ty merchandise they have prepared for your selection. Atreat multiplied by mal1Y fine stores and courteous service. Come and shop ... where it 'spleasant ... cOl1venient ... economical.MERCHANTS OF SUBURBAN SQUARE

    ~ - " < ~ ( ) - ( ) ~ fr t ( ) w \ ~ c . iI Sr--'.JAMES PLl>,C\ J 0,I ~ R D M o r n : , , . p .... / -o Good C/o/bes' II At Little Cost ._For Matron - Min 'I:, IAlId theYounger Contingent ':,-.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 20, 1947









    Phone: Narberth 927,1

    2447 N. 54th St.'J'Rlnlty 7-2996

    OPEN EYEXHiGS"Comllare Our PIice."


    CarriagesCrib .High Chairsi\lath'essesand Acccssorics

    24 E. Lancaster Ave.ARDMORE, PA.

    Siort Houn' 9 10 5 daily; Sat1lfday 9 10 1EDtnint Hour!:7:00 to 8:30, Mon. ana Fri.

    THURSDAY, FEBRUARY '20, 1947



    911 MontgomeryNarberth, Pa,

    Open Tuesdays & Fridays


    Your New GlassesThey will be the finest quality y ou c a n b u y If youbring your prescription t o theDona t lItore r 1 ~ h thereIn t own . Donat fitting and service assure )'011 complete eye comfort and sRtlsfaction at sal'ingprices.



    Fresh Vegetables+Fruits inMUSSER'S


    WENZEL'SFINE CANDIESAn Asso r tment O fAsher's Chocolates & Bon Bons


    Farmers' Market



    Lancaster County


    Scouts toMake.Pilg1'-imageTo ValleyForge Satu1"day



    a picturback toheld in

    't- '1"


    China; Harry Holllngworth, recently re ti red Profe s so r o f Psychologyat Columbia University. and Mrs,Mabel Walker Willebrandt,one-timeAssistant Sec re t ary o f t h e In te r io runder Coolidge and foremost woman lawyer i n t h e country, are some I ~ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i io f t h eo t h e rs . II


    Any Amount' S ' a r t ~ ' Account',.., .....MINIMUM BALANCEMONTHLY SERVICE CHARGECHARGE.JOR DEPOSITS \.. ...- ---'-

    ,-yo;;r Ch;;;k:Kit'" h ~ ~ ~ a : ; " . p e c i a 1 r c a t u r e ~ f D c l ; d i n l j-"> bloUer, calendar, holiday record, tax deductioll, r ecor d and two uleful pockets Cor money,card.. ele. (/P,.",_ nor., "".. n' ./locAlnlrlodllti contln. . . . . I w ~ , . . .Only 80 Per Check (Books of 2S Checks)

    ' - . ."\'.-_.- --_._------------ - - ~ _ . _ - - - - - - - '


    ',.",'""ol1"'!"', ."."l'i; c,:;.! I t"l', i.: . i;,;J: ..-'....,

    Solicitors NamedIn Penn Wynne DriveTo Raise $50,000

    .\ .


    G . 1 ~ t & S,'."" d'ssolvedI"cube I., 'ouillon .. . wal.r . 9"agg' P f bolh"- horlen,"1 '" 1/2 p,nl O 2 ,b'P' Ibean l p.r "s1 lb. Ilring dalh of pep i" "'0911' ..Coo. . .. 0"""e baan" "or,en,"-d .lrinO I "dd ICuI an Iii lender. Serle' "1l0uillo" un

    1947 Charity DriveTo Open OfficiallySunday, March 2

    JrIith a f loralHemembrance

    Miss McGurk DiesSolemn Requiem Mass for MissR en e F . McGurk, of 32 ChestnutAve., Bala, s i st e r o f Mary McGu rkandFlorence Enders, wascelebratedTuesday morning at t he C hu rc h o fst. Matthias.

    Owen Robel71sLaudsWorOfRed ~ I : ~ S S

    11lsp'ire Her-

    NARBERTH'Flowers ' felegraphed


    .,. - ...'; '. -," .'"


    -YOU'LL BE SURPRISED how wonderfully differentstring beans, celery, carrot5 and other vegetablestaste when cooked in Maggi's Bouillon. ExceUent asa beverage, tool



    (Continued f rom page 1)

    Doro thy and Hugh Hut t on .uf 42 Rosedale Rd., O\'erhrool(.1l1lls-in-l\lerloll.nrchavingthei rf i rs t lo ca l joint exl,lihition f)fIlllintings. etchings ami C' the Bryn 1\oIawr Ar t Ce ll t erthis month.Hugh, t h e cur t oon is t fo r Ihel'hlladclphill IIllulrer, lind hisII'lfe. D o r o t h ~ . have Illrc:vly hOlda previuus . join t sholl ' at theArt Alliance last ~ e n r .Not only are t h e ~ ' LllIlh artists.but theIr daughter. Ellz!1hclh, is

    s t u d ~ ' l n g at the Univers i t. \ o fI'ennsyh'unia's Schuul of FineArts.The Huttons h:l\'C a ,.,on. Hob.a student at Ihe 8 a l a - < ' : ~ ' n w ~ ' dJunior High.

    Miss Turner To ilIarrySaturday 111 NarberthThc marriage of Miss Elaine Savage Turncr, daughter of MI'. andMrs. C. Brinkley Turner, of 307Hamilton Rrl ., \Vynnewood , toCharles Hunt c r Ha rr i son , J r ., sonof Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, of Philadelphia, will take place Saturdaymorning i n t he Narberth Methodist

    PARTlIl'tIORE IS ASSIGNEDMajor P. M. ParthmOl'p 109Rocltland Ave., Narberth , has bcenassigned to the neWly activatedHeadquarters lind HeadquartersBa tt e ry o t t h e 79th Division Artillery of the Organized ReserveCorps.

    Bryn Mawr, has moved Into a newchurch pal'sonage at 7 EUiott Ave.The property is known as "Shumway Housc" afler Dr. "'nite r n.S h u m l l ' a ~ . d ea n o f Temple ' s Thealogical Seminary, who l ived lI lerofor a numbel' of years.The former parsonage at 7-10 Lancaster Ave . i s being tUl'Iled in toan additional church house.


    GEORGE A. WALKER, Prelldent and EdItorJOSEPH NEWMAN. Mllnaglni EdItorSUZANNE Y. WINGATJ;:. ASsoclllte Edlto:


    . .... ., -.-- r...:..-.

    Publlabed Every Thursda,Deadlinetor advertisIng and news copy-Wednesday 9 A M.Subscrlptlon rate--32 per yellr In ad\'llnce


    PublicatIon OlTlce-ElIrbt Cricket A\'cnuc, Ardmore. Pa.Pbone-Arllf.ore 5720 and 5721: Greenwood 3-7740Member at Bucks-Montlromery Newspaper Publlllbcrs Association

    228 BaJa Ave., CynwydCYNWYD 0928

    Likes to h av e u s


    His Clothes


    Clean and Press

    in 1914 b y t he Narberth Civic Association

    HerrllqllUlters forMedical Needs

    Forrest Ave., NarberthNARBERTH 2602

    Bntared U aeeond e ~ ~ ! ! ! ~ : ~ ~ , Post oalee a'Narberth. Pa. under tbe Act ot Marcb 3, 1879 Rep.McConnell Doctor BoltonT Add . (Continued from page 1).0 ress money to live and stUdy In a 'varietyof ways. He t ended a herd o f cowsLeb 'R II one year' he Wa.! also a carpenter Boy Scouts o f t h e Main Line Dlll- c l pa t lng t roop s and Valley F o ~ g e1 rary a Y and a p 'perhanger-there a1'0 f ew T he gi rls o f t he Class, under . t r lc t will join &-total of nearly 15000 p i ns t o t h e i ndi vi dua l Scou ts .jobs he ~ I d n ' t do. the supervision of Mrs. N . Shie ld s , t rom D el aw ar e and Mon tg omer y S en io r B oy Scouts of t he Mai nAf te r h i s g raduat i on f r om Mlch - have been doing the following things counties' In an annual pllSTlmage Line Dist rIct wll1 attend t h e t h IrdIgan h e w as awa rd ed a fellowshtp during their cra tt periods: p a in t in g Sa t urd ay t o Valley Forge. annual George Washington Bal l ofto Clarlc University, Worcester, waste paper b811kets, w ea vi ng p ot T he m as a a ss em bl ag e at th e the Valley FOl'ge Council FridayMass, There. h e t oo k h is Ph ,D . i n holders f rom j e rsey hoops, painting shrine Is a yearly event o f t h e Valley evening at the Bellevue-StratfordPsychology and shor t ly after t oo k h ot p ad s f or dIshes, mak ing bel t s Fo rge Council, comprising the two- Ho te l .a teaching job at the University o f f r om ' two layers of film wIth fe lt coun t y a rea . He ld annua ll y on theCongressman Samuel' K. McCon- Wn'hlngton In S ~ l l t t J e . Tn ' S9li, ha /lowers b et we en t hem. The y h av e S a tu r da y n e a I' e st Washlngton's A thousand persons are expected"The Amer i can Red Cross Is an I - tt Inell Jr., wl ll be p"ht l p al t ra ve le d to Heidelberg to study at also been d o l n ~ embroldel'y work birthday, the pilgrimage Is a t im e t o Ii e nd t he a ca r. wh ich ha s for~ ~ : n ~ ~ : a o ~ t ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : h ~ ~ ~ ~ n d w ~ ~ s p e ~ k e r at the. Penn \VynllP. Ubl '- t he G erman H os pi ta l f o r t h e I n s an e a nd h av e p ai nt ed t in c a ns t o be for rededication ot t he S co ut s t o illl t h eme t h Is season "All' Scout.exhibit Lhe determination of t he a r y Association s Frldav night rally unde r i t s dlrectol', Emil KIaepelin. used for flower potB. the ideals o f t h at great leader Ilnd ing." Among t h e col o rfu l d eco ra.

    American people to keep the pencl! marki ng t h e open ing o f a drive for By tha t t ime he hada l readywr i t- Mrs. N. Huns l ck e r' s g i rl s o f t h e hIs achievements at Valley Forge. tlonll.wlJ be Ilome furnished by thebv providing money and sustenance $50,00. ten sevel'al papers on psychology 42 Class haVe b ee n w or ki ng o n Assemble at Quarry Rd .the world ' s needy," former Su- The money wll1 b e u s ed t o erect which had revolutionized teaching raffia t a b l ~ . mats, paper weIghts, The program wlll start at 9:30 A. Naval All' Base at Willow Grove.preme Court Justice Owen J. Rob- a community lIbru'y bulJdln;;o on a methods . One of them. 'The Growth film belts, Ihey have painted buc- M . with assemblageof troops from I ;;:;:;;;;;;:;;;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:4ertsstated at a pre-campaignlunch- lot on Overbrook Parkway.hetween ofMemory In School Children," pUb- Ides a ~ , d tiles wllh geometrlc de- the 10 council districts at the foot IIeon sponsored by Main Line Branch Beverly and Rock Glen Rds., Penn Hshed In 1891, prived that t h e mem- signs. Ihey have also carved book o f Q ua rr y r d. In t h e p a rk . Wlt.hNo.1 last Thursday afternoon. Wynne. o ry o f school chi l dren g rows w it h ends, The pape r welRhts and book- colorful b an ne rs , t he u ni fo rmed"I want t o s ee Red Cross aid sent O the r Spealiers age Ilnd tha t each child's memOl'y e n d ~ were g i ven t o t h e pa ren t s fo r Scouts wlII march In g rand pa rad et o Tok yo s ho ul d t he re b e a no th er O th er s pe ak er s wilJ be Dr. Ra lph ra te valles. IChristmas presents. up the hlstorl hillscalthquake, and food s en t t o s ta rv - S ar ge nt . P ro fe ss or o f E ng li sh a t Anothel', "The St udy of Rhythm Miss K. D al e h as been h ~ l p l n g Passing in ~ e v l e w : t h e ma rch i nging Europeans. We must undertake Hood College. a nd W ar re n W. as a Phenomenon of Life," pUbllsh- the 51 girls m ~ k e t h ese : p i ct u re un it s will preceed' t o Wa te rman ' help individuals of alI nations, Rhoda, president o f t he Allentown cd in 1893, was t he first s t u d ~ - o f f rames f r om tWis ted crcpe paper, Monument, w he r e t he day's cerc-dcspite thl ' fact that we have been Free Library Board. . music as a science ever u n d ~ r t a k e n . vases , felt. dangle! ' f or u se as pins, montes wiII be held. Following fia&,-at war w i th t h em. Tha t Is the only Dr. Richard McFe:ly , cha.lrman One of his most i n te l 'e s tlng pa- be lt s c ut m to t he s ha pe ot leaves, raising ceremonIes, the Scouts wlJlw ay t o i n su re an endu r ing peace," of thpcommlttee . Will preSide at pel's, In, neurology, had a great ef- Christmascards, headbands, need le be wel comed by Rev. John RObblnslhe said. fect on Helen Kel ler' s remarkable cases, samplers, napkin rings, tea Had r pc to r o f t he W as hi ng to n IThe ]94.7 Rcd Cros s fund drive An a pp ea l f or l ar g er a pp ro - a dj us tmen t. T he o ut st an di ng ,8.tU- towels . '1'hey have crocheted baits M e m ~ r i a l Chapel.d M h 2 prlat lonfrom the Lower Merion t U h tt h tid Th I I h Iwill officinlly open Sun ay, arc , den s fit a .uassac use . OSPI a an purses. e g I' 15 ave a so T ill l id I twhich has been designa ted "Rcd School District has been asl(ed were assigned t he s tu dy a dressed dolls in Colonial costumes. d thle proofgtrham C: u n c l ~ ~ uC: letnCrosssunday," The quota for Main by t he Penn " ' ~ ' n n e Llbrllrr As- part o f t he b ra in of Laura Brldg-- Und cr M is s Whlte's supervision uc .on e ,Line Branch No.1 has been set at soclatlon. man. a blind. denf mute, wh:lse the 5-2 g ir ls h av e mad e c er am ic e cu hv e. A rn ol d C. Sorenson, and a$180,000. It will be ob ta ined whol ly The Association a sk ed t he t ra in in g w a s l a te r followed by Miss trays .bowls, p in s a nd Ilsh trays. specialValley Forge Investiturecon-through pcrsonal solicitation. Board M o n d a ~ ' night to study n Keller. The have also made Aunt Jemima ducted. by Rush T. Haines, CouncilMrs. SiteI' Owen , o f Cherry Lane, grant to them In addition to the Dl'. Bolton discovered that when I doUs for doorstops. Commlllsioner.W'ynnewood, presided at the meet- 51150 which t h e ~ ' wereglvpn last an individual 's sense organs ANN NEATHERY A. special highlight thia seasoning which was held at Mer.ion Crick- year. function properly, the nel'ves In the PATSY M CENANEM: will b e f ou r t ab le au x d ep ic ti nget club. She Is fund chaI rman fo r A similar request has a l r e l l l l ~ ' brllin which control : h c ~ e orgll1l8 7 t h G rade Repol.ters. g re at m om en ts o f t he ReVOlution,the Main Li ll e blanch. heen made of Commissioners of al'e not normal either. ThoJS of" I Including scenes fl'om the encamp-O the r sp eakers were Brigadier Lower Merion Township. eye, in MISS Bridgman's case, wercl BUSI_NESS ment at Valley Forge. A picliedGenel'al Brenton G. Wallace, o f th e meeting, which w il l b e held at 40 percent under normal, itnd tho:,p g ro up o f Seniol' Scouts later willRosemont , ch al t 'man o f t h e Sout h - t he P en n Wynne School at 8 P. M. of the ear were 30 per cent under, NOTES hold ceremonies at the grave of theenstern . p e n n s y l v a ~ l ~ Chapter's One o f t h e feat u re s o f t h e even ing normal. M i ~ s Keller's teachers . Rev. Dr. W. Herbert Burk, f ~ u n d e rfund dl'lve: and WII.lam H . Du- t b e ented ' i l l be a sk it h an. gl'eaUy beneflttted f r om thos e s tud - F' k' P' Sh W L and first rector of the Washlllgton, . Bar ry , c ha irman o f t he b r an ch es o. e pI' s .. " ies. Ian 15 Ipe 0p. . ancas Memol'ial Chapel. INarbcrth Presbytel'ian Church s o f t h e Sout h ea s te rn Penn syl v an i a orlllg the s ohC l to rs to be presented n'h D B 1l t t G tel' Ave. at Ardmore Ave., Ardmore. '1'h li d d'new m ini s te r . Robcrt .J. Lamont, Chapter by Mr. and Mrs. Robert D a l g l l e ~ h , n enh. 1'. at t.n wen 01 'dH'y- has changed hands. Frank Suss- f .el Plrogram 'bbnc u tCS t9.hwar Utl,g.' 4 S Rd W d many. IS repu a Ion wa s :; rea . 0 pi gr mage 1'1 ons 0 e par -prcscntly of Colwyn, will be m ovmg S pe ci al "uests included Main Lme o f 5 2 ussex " ynnewoo. I bl' h d d h' t id' . fhere u n- m an , former owner, sold the busI-,., L J D II h I mll of es fi IS e , an IS s I .1 - I t WII d R K k , ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~ 'to 50n Mcrwyn Rd .. Merion. in Branch Chairman C. E. Goodman, aWIence. 00 n, c a l' n del' DI' Kraepelin till) founder o f neS8 0 I lam an ose osa oss,March. Thnt is t he church pars on- Mrs . E . Pritchard Kenworthy, Miss the Solicitor's C o m . m i t t e ~ . h as a n- modern' pSYChiatry', resulted in an- of 725. S . 6 3r d S t. , P h i l a d e l p h l ~ .age .. . the day aftcr moving' day Alice Scot t , Mr s. Grevllle Haslam, nounced the follo,,:mg Will ~ n n l . r t . ( ' t other papel' on aft igue and muscle Additional services which Kosa

    for the Lamont ' s wil l b e h i s I n st a l- Mrs . E . C ha pm an Smi th , M rs . Pe nn Wyn ne reSident begllll1u:g powel.. Of that pUblication. Dr. kosso h as a dd ed t o t he s to re InclUdelalion-March 25. Charles S. Starr and Canon Ernes t Feb ru a ry 22: .. . David Major , Professor of Phllos- se rvmg o f early morning breakfastInddentally, h c i s m al 'l 'i ed t o his C. Earp, of t h e Bryn Mawr Church CARROLL PARh.:---MaJol. Rob - o ph y at the University of Indiana, from 6.30 to 11 A. M. and a mallchildhood sweetheart, t he f or me r o f t h e.Redeemel' , all active partici- crt S. P a l ~ e r ; captams: T h ~ m a s T . s ai d, "\Ve'll talk no more about Iorder business for John Mlddlcton'sEdna K. Weisner. w it h w ho m h e pants 111 the local chapter. Carlson. RI?hard E. ~ e s s m e l , Char- fatigue until someone else does fur- tobacco p ro du ct s f or w hi ch t he yattended Dine' High SchOOl. les F. W ~ l k m s o n ; sohcltors: Mrs. 7'. the I' work on it," . a re agen t s. Blake, MISS Rebecca Kelley, R.Lan - I.Merion Park Resident t 11 M RI h d E M I n t ~ r n a t l o n a l Renown : .... E l' G h dGuess that is about a ll f or this ze e e, rs . . c ar . essmer, I nau Harel n s t ao in rd lu aoi n rd lu ; rs. ame reen as opene aNamed Medical Director Charles Myrtl tus, CarlNecker, Wm . ' p 0 .tt . ,dress shop at l:1ti N. Narberth Ave.,wcek .. . 'Bye now. IMP R h In 19 2 a comml ee compos,. 'hDI'. Denial M. Shewbrooks, of 225 Qu nn, 1'15. Rob er t a lmer , alp 10 Amer i can s and Engl i shmen was Na rb e rt h . S ~ \ l formerly operatedMeetinghouse lane , Merion Park, Umstead, F. R. Dodge MJrs. set up to eval u at e t he wo rk o . psy- a gown shop at S. 16th St., Phllahas been e lec ted medlcnl d i re c to r E . A. R ~ s s e ~ ~ " I r s i ~ Hornsey. 1': chologlsts. They chose 50 men elir.h delphia, for 20 yea;s.of t h e Penn Mutual Life Insurance OVE BR K I S. - Maj or : y ea r f r om aU o ve r t he w or ld liS Mrs. Green, a reSident of W ~ ' n n e Company. He w as f orme rl y as so - Mrs . W l Il l am P. ? a r ~ o n . captains. having done the most t o f o rwa l' d f ie ld , w lJ l feature. dresses, hats,clate medical director . Mrs. Ann Amblel, X. G. Hasp' t he w or k o f psychology. Dr. Bolton suits b y n am e deSigners.A g raduat e o r t h e John Hopk i ns plug, JOh": F. Mora.n, Willlam o!:. has been one of thOSe 50 each yearMedical S chool in 1915, Dr. Shew- scull; soliCitors: Benjamin L. Berry, since 1902. Tilting tournaments,brool(sjoined the Serbian Red Cros s Mrs . J. H. Comr.oe Jr., Harry R. A s h e l oo ks back on many frui t- esque. c ~ s t o m datingand served abroad fighting a typhUS Culp, F r ~ d S. Elhott, Mrs. Thomas ful and product ive years ,he counts colol11al, are stillepidemic. D u r l n ~ World War I be J. Gerw ig, Mr . and MIS. Wal l ace among h i s s t ud en t smanywho have Sout h Ca ro lma .s en 'e d a s 11 maj ol ' i n t h e medi ca l Gill Jr., Dave B. Haylor, Mr. ! ln d g on e far. including D. E. Dout)',reserve corps. Mrs. C. Sumner Katz, M. Joyce. presidentof the U. S. '1'etsing ComMrs . Giles M. Johnson, Russel l M. pany Who commands the world'sLeonard, Lewis J. Thomas, Edgar silk 'h'ade , and who a ct ed a s aC. VanDyke, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Wi!- special advi sor t o General MacArson Jr., O. N. P ~ e f f e r , Mrs . Wm. thur l a s t y ear in Japan.Scull and Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Clarence Streit, author of "UnionTolbot. Now"; Agnes Smedley, AmericanOVERBROOK PARK - Majo r : n ewspape rwoman and au tho ri t y onWlIllam P . R im el Jr.; captains:Merlin Barnes, Roderic Scott, RiceBarr Vance; solicitors: Mrs . H. A.(j A g e ~ t y ~ : e n r y Ck:ayer, Mr;. R.I , Bea es, rs. Fran e a u ~ a n g , ran-

    I E 'L a 1- 1'" e s cis i ' . B rown, Mrs; R. M. Butler," Mrs. Merlin Darnes, MIs. H. \V.Paul Shea I Dens ten , George Frauncl:, 1\11'15.e Dr es s S hop Roswell GllIette, Wllila::t r. .Hart,PHAR1\fACY . I Mrs. John PaUl Jones, Mrs. Walter. if I I 1 2 5 North Narbcrth Avcnue MacAllister, William R. McKannan,NARBERTH STATION J Merle K. Rush, George T. ScaddingRB Phollc Narbcl'tb 4365 A ERTH 2838-2839 I and Mrs. R. M. Scott.DRESSES SUITS HATS PENN WYNNE-Major: Hubert

    I As See/l ill TlJis MO/lth's Madall10isclle and Vogue W. Lyons; captains: Mrs. WalterI Barrett, Mrs. Bemard Brown, Wil-I Crcated for Your Individual Sat isfact ion 1Iam Dunlap, J .T . Flanagan Jr.,I By Hl'II/) Rosc/lfeld and Othcr Famous Designcrs Frederick Peters; solicitors: 'T. J.I ' \ . ~ ' _ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ' - : - : ' ~ = = - ~ _ : ' _ = ~ - ~ . ~ _ ~ ~ : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ # ) ~ Barnes, R. S. Bowen ,W . R . Brown,---- --- , , -- ---.-.. -,0- .-_________ Mrs. H. E . Casety, Robert Crowell,, MlS. W: B. Dunla!>, MloS. A. E. Eric ..lion, Mrll. J. P. Exline, L. Fitzgerald,Mrs. J. P. Fl ah e rt y , Mrs. JosephForte, Mrs. Flticher ,Mrs . I{. S. tt , Samue l Gilbert, Mrs. LewisGoldbeck, Mr. and Mrs. FredericaGoss, Mrs . O li v er G ro sz , H. L.Haines, Mrs. Frederick Holmes,

    Mrs. L. A. Lees , L . R. Locke, Mrs . :;.::::.=========:-.:======:....--------PaUl Osborne, Mrs . John Rau, Mrs.S ch an tz , M rs . Charles Slechta,Harry Toyand James StevensonEAST OF HAVERFORD ROAD-Majol ' : James S. Banta J r .; .eapt a ln s : Thomas Goss, Charles Roberts, John I . Squire, W. E. Qull1man,Robert Y. Guarnlery, E'dward F.Hoag Jr.; solicitors: B. E. 'Berg\!son,C. B. Berger, Mrs. neoecca McCauley, Mrs. Ormand C, Hartrautt,Adoiph Pensel, Mrs. Charles Roberts, Mrs . D . H. Silcos a nd D r. G.Pomeroy

    Murphys At 60;WasbyPiusXIMass SuugMerion Womanl\1omillg

    mn Requiem Mass fOI' Mrs.1\1. Murphy. a r e si de nt o fmo re t h an 25 years ,wasSaturday morning aty o f Lourd es Chu rch , 63 rdWoodbine Ave., Overbrook.. Murphy, who lived at MallHaze l hu rs t Rds., d i ed l a sty a t t h e age o f 60 in Templey Hospi tal after an illnessral years.was the widow of t he l at eJ. Murphy, phi lanthropists i den t o f Mu rphy and CookPhiladelphia,stevedoringBy Church

    Murphy. a nath'e of Philawas a cU...e i n church wo rktw ice hono red by the lateP i us XI. In 1924, when herwas elevated from Papalto t he r a nk of GrandKn igh t i n the Orc}er of St.she was decorated with ai n r ec og ni ti on o f hcr sert o t h e church.was s imi la r ly hono red inhen her husband was namedqu is i n t h e Catholic Church.Murphy. who was blindher last year s , a ided i n t heof St. Mary 's Home forin Lansdalc. and contribin her donations tochar i ti e s and vo lun te e r fireShe was a mcmber ofi on Civic Association andTribute Hou se , w hi chthe Murphy residence.ed By a Sonis surv lv t: i l by a s on , Danielhy, Jr. ; a step-daughter,osal ind Brenna, of Phi ladelt\\'o sisters, Mrs. Elizabethof Mayfair. and MIs. Ma-mon ds , o f Phi la de lp hi a; aaughter, MaryLorraineMura nd a grandson, Arthur A.Jr.was in Holy Cros s CemeYeadon.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 20, 1947



    Auto Car Co.Ardmore, Pa.

    M A R K ~ T

    4511 - 2858

    WAYNELYNAM ELECTRIC CO. \124N. Wayn. Awnu.


    UPPER DARBYMORT FARR119 Sa. 69th StreetTERMINAL elECTRIC &APPLIANCE CO.69th Stre.t Terminal Bldg.

    KEI.I.Y Ie CO."Philll.'. OIJat Di_oIlJ-,.,irI. c.... W. I.,. I lt ll I: Walnt Stt.

    NORRISTOWNB. E. BLOCK & BROS., INC.1521 W. Main Stro.tTHE CLOUD RADIO SHOP330 DeKalb Str tMC.. . : ' . . J\washed away her home-and everything in it. [. Every week;'disastersti'lkes somewhere in;B t '- l.h R d C - th" 44,- h I h . ournation .Always incatastrophe-f lood , fire,u 1; e e ross.was ere w ' e p er I ' t d h ' Rd alI th h 1 f '1" . exp OSlOn, orna 0 or_ urncane;::-your edan e omeess ami les ._' , ~ ~ ~ r g s s i son thejob'; . . ,. . to supply. food, clothing, shelter for the. You wan t t o do your share to help YO\''7" night; \ . . - -- - . -.., - "':, ~ m e r i c a n Red Cross,carry on in 1947. 'I: to extend comfort, emergency medical 't ..., Give-:-give genero\{sly and gladly to thiS.a i ' ~ ~ . M c . ; u : e for the injured; .fl': :.'grElatest m 9 t h ~ r . ' o f them all"!

    ' .0 \> - t-:- ..'G1VE-;:so YO,ur - I t R O S . ~ ; ' c a n carryon!A,UTOCAR OF ARDMORE


    ;It's a t l Old SqtlasJl St01/O)':M 1 ~ S . H 0 1 1 1 e t ~ C . a p t l l l e s 11tle

    " ' R V I ~ ' I ' ~ _ ~ ...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t f H ' Y - : - S " t \ l ' ji,f'" ...t,1(1 { t " . . ~ ~ : ; ; ' ~ j l i J ' T \:0:.'1"" , " ; l , ~ . r ' I ' t " " " " ; V ... I ~ I ~ \ r 1 M ' ~ J ~ l ! . , .. J , \ . . r ; 1 : ~ ~ " " " i ' : l : f l l l ' \ t ' : : : j I : ' : 1 1 ' i " ~ Y ! f .' " ,. ' '''., .._ ' : ~ ' . ' ; " , .. .. ... :, ' J" . . . . . : \.. _" " "" I < ' ~ ' . ' , ' ;. ' t ' :.' ,,,.. -' . '.' J .......,,"': ~ I I . O l / ~ w


    THE ]\(AtN r.:JNF.R B A L A - C Y N ~ 8& I\IERroW NEWS\MAIN LIN.E ...-SUBU

    Here'. Something

    lb , Bell Telephone Company- "o f_Pennsylvania


    A New Era in Main Line SportsBowling took its place in Main Line scholas tic c ircleslast " 'eek as Friends Centra l and Lower Merion HighSchOOl played their first match s ince before the war.Above are Captains Bil ls Muntz of F. C. and Ben Fos -te'!, of Lower Merion.

    Main Line Scouts Prepare for Board of ReviewHenry C. Smith Jr. ( r ight ) a membe r o f the board of review, interviews Scouts whowe're eligible for advancement. They are (standing) Richard M. Aspe n o f B al a I,whi le s ea ted a re Thomas Winug le and Olan H. Black Jr . of Ardmore 1 and C la rkGlennon of Merion 1. The ceremonies were part of the Boy Scout Week observanceand were held at the Ardmol'e Presbyterian Church during the Court o f Honor.(Photo by Bob Palmer)

    The End of the RoadThe annu al r oa st of the Main Line Italian-AmericanCivic Associa tion spelled the end of the road for a unlucky pig last week. Ofliciating at the final ceremonieswer e ( le ft to r ig ht ) E dwar d .J. Lynch, Ernest Tron-ceIliti and John J. Stretch.

    ChairmanMrs. SiteI' Owen of Wynnewood who has been namedcha irman of the IV'17 nedCross Fund Drive for theMain Line.

    The Main Li, 1", "

    Saturday ClubHears A. WertsnerAt Tuesday MeetingAnne B. Wertsner, field secretaryo f t h e P enn syl v an i a Ho r ti cul t ur eSociety, was g ue st spetker at theTuesday meet ing of Ule SaturdayClub.A graduate of t he Amb le r H or ticultural Schoo l, Mis s Wertsnetchose as her subject Wor thwhilePlants f o r t he G ar de n, and placedspecial emphasis on plants t ha ta r eparticularly c as y f or amateurs togrow successfuHy.A board meet ing wi1l b e hel dTuesday at the clubhouse at 10:30A. M. I n t he afternoon, memberswill hear Frances Reinhold FusseU,Ph.D. , consul tant, Division of Sh\alping, Department o f S t at e. M rs . J .Russell Hogeland will be chairmanof the meeting and receiving withthe president wllJ b e M rs . ThomasD . Cope and Mrs. Harry B. Snyder .Mrs. Charlcs D. Lynam will be hostess.

    Haverford ResidentsAttend WCTU SessionMrs. WlIllam Sinclair, Mrs. Edward Wallace, b ot h o f S ou th A rd more, and WilHam C. Donnel ly ofBrookl ine at tended the se ss i on o ft he D el aw ar e C ou nt y Wom en 'sChristian Tempel'ance Union last ,Thursday.

    Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sheridan moved last month f r om the Bala Apts.,Ba la , t o 13 Bryn Mawr Ave., Cynwyd. Mr. S he ri da n o pe l' at es t heSher idan Transportat ion Company.

    Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Hornbruch J r. an d son, Frederick 3d,f o rme rl y o f SlatersVille, R. I., areliving at 613 Georges L an e, A rd more. Frederick 3d attends kinderga rt e n and Mr. Hornbruch Is managementconsul tantfor Proctor andSchwartz Company.

    Mr. and Mrs. William G. Berlinger Jr . and 1-year-old daughter , AnnE li za be th , h av e m ov ed r e ce nt lyf r om Mel r ose Park to 507 Shortr idge Dr ive, Wynnewood. A formerlieutenant commander In the Navy,Mr, Berlinger Is with Elkins Morris and Company.

    Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. J.Cha rl es G au lt , f or me rl y o f B al ti more, who have been staying at theDrake Hotel unt i l their hou se wasready for occupancy, are liVing at332 Kent Rd., Cynwyd. Co lonelGault Is i n cha rg e of Army recl'uitIng in Philadelphia. - ... ..... ..&.r ... f4- ..

    Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. McCreaand Mr. McCrea ' s father , Alber tL.McC re a, h av e m ov ed f r om P hi la delphia to 310 Levering Mill Rd .,Cynwyd. Mr. McCrea i s d i st r ic tmanager for the Guardian Servicesof the Century Melocraft C01lliPany.. ... .

    Dr. and Mrs. William L. Whiteand thei r four chi ldren have movedfrom Roxborough to 416 E. A then sAve., A rdmo re . D r. Whi te i s a surgeon at Women's Medical CoHege.Their two sons, Wil liam a nd J ef frey, attendWynn't!wood Rd. Schoola nd t he daugh te r s, Debo r ah andNancy, are of preschool age.

    Mr. and Mrs. Howar d Tom andtwo chi ldren, Janet and Merle, formerly of Oak Park, I1J., are nowliving at 426 Old GUlph Rd., PennVaUey. Janet at tends Lower Merion High Schooland Mer le Is a pupil at the Merion School. Mr. Tomis w it h t h e Campbell Sou:p Company. .

    Dr. and Mrs. A . S . Bu tz J r . , f o rmerly of Gel'mantown, are Jivingat 112 Bryn Mawr Ave., Cynwyd.D r . Bu t z has offices In Kensington.T Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J, Garberand the ir two children, Mal'Vin andPhyl l is, have moved from Philadelp hi a t o 159 S toneway Lane , Cyn wyd. The ch il d ren a r e pupils at theBala School. Mr. Garber Is in thesheet metal business. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smucker

    J r . a nd two sons, John R . 3d andThomas M., moved r ecen tl y f r omLancaster , Pa. , to 1334 Morris Rd.,Wynnewood. John is In officerstraining at Fort Benning, Ga., andThomas attends the sixth grade atthe Penn W y n ~ e School. Mr.Smucker Is district manager o f t hefloor d iv is io n o f t he A rms tr on gCork Company.

    MI'. and Mrs. Samuel Clearfieldand son, Harris, moved from Wynnefield last month t o 154 Edgehl1lRd., Cynwyd. Harris Is a studentat Bala-Cynwyd Junior HighSchool. Mr. Clearfield Is a pharmacist.

    Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Campbella nd t he ir 15-month-old son, Carl,are living at 253 Ct'osshlll Rd., PennWynne. Mr . Campbell, who w as r ecently discharged fl'om Army sel'vice and was stat ioned i n t he Midd le Wes t, i s an electrical engineerwith General Electr ic .

    MI'. and Mrs. V i ct o r H . MacLa ren and their three children, Wistarand Phillips, twins, and Li sa , ag e1, moved f r om Ri tt enhouse Squa r elast month to 110 Montrose Ave.,Rosemont. Mr. MacLaren Is withthe Phllade1ll>hia National Bank. Mr. and Mrs. John O 'Ha raHa r teand daughter , Mar ie El izabeth, formerly of Caldwell, N. J., are liVingat 808 Railroad Ave., Bryn Mawr.Marie attends Ardmore Junior HighSchool and Mr. Harter I s In personal relat ions and adveltlslng. Mr. and Mrs. F ra nk J . DiPaoloand daugh te r , Jo an , 4, moved threeweeks ago from Philadelphia to 132Rockl and Rd. , Merion. Mr. DIP ao lo I s with t h e P enn sy lv ani aRailroad.

    MAIN LINE 'TIMESThuJ'llday, February 20, 1947 lANew NeighborsMr. and Mrs. A. M. Har ri s a ndson, John, have ~ o v e d from Loganpor t, Ind. ,to 632Walnut Lane, Haverford. John is In th e first grade

    at the Haverford Friends School,and Mr. Harris Is associated withthe Pennsylvania Railroad. Mr. and Mrs.WlI l lam H. Duncan,f o rme rl y o f Devon, are now livingat 38 Wel li ng to n Rd. , A rdmo re .Mrs. A lf r ed E . D un ca n, M r. D un can' s mo th e r, l iv es with t h em . Mr .Duncan i s an insurance broker.

    Bank OfficialsHold ElectionsJ. Harold Hallman RenamedPresident of Wayne Titleand Trust Company

    N ~ r b e r t h PupilsReport ActivityIn HandicraftsThe g i rl s o f the 4-1 class of Narberth Public School, under supervision of Mrs. N. Shields have beendoing the following things duringtheir craft periods: painting wastepaper baskets, weaving potholdersf ro m j er se y loops, painting hotpads for dishes, making be lt s f r omtwo 1ll3'ers of film_.wlth felt flowers in between them. They havealso been doing embroidery worka nd h av e painted tin cans to beused as flower pots.Mrs. M. Huns i ck e r 's g i r ls o f the4-2 class have been worki'p.g on raff ia t ab le m at s, paper weights andfilm belts, They have painted

    buckles and tiles with geometricd es ig ns . T he y a ls o c ar ve d b oo kends. The paper weights and bookends were g i ven t o t he pa ren ts forChristmas presents.M is s K . Dale has been helpingthe 5-1 g i rl s make picture framesf r om twi st ed c r ep e p ap er , v as es ,f e lt d ang l es for usc as pins, beltscut into the shape of leaves, Chr ist mas cards, head bands, needle cases, samp l er s n apki n r i ng s and teat owel s . They have c r ochet ed be lt sand purses. The g ir ls h a ve alsodressed doUs In colonial costumes.Under Miss White 's supervision,the 5-2 girls have made ce r am i ctrays, bowls, pins a nd a sh trays.They have also made Aunt Jemimadolls for doorstops.Ann Neat h er y ,Patsy McEnanemReporters

    An annual meet ing of the stockholders of th e Wayne Ti tl e andTrust Company was held recent lyat whl ch Cha rl es R . Mey er s wasnamed-Judge of Election and JohnM. Lengel a nd R ob er t E . Porter,tellers.Directors r e -e l ec t ed t o se rv e forthree y ea rs w er e F re de ri ck P .Rlstine, Harry C. Hadl ey, Ha r ol dD. Greenwell and Norman A.Wack.Fol lowing elect ion o f d ir e ct or sthe foHowlng officers were re-elected t o s er ve for one year:J. Harold Hallman, president ; H.C. HadleY, vice-president; S. Woodward Cook, vice-president, title andtrust officer; Jason L. Fenimore,secretary-treasurer, and Helen F.Minshall, assistant secretary-trea-surer. .An incr ease in deposits of $971,610.53 was announced In the president's report, bringing the t ot al t o$6,906,716.10. Savi ngs accoun t dep os it s w e re $190,791.92. T he w arloan account showed a decreaseof $778,435.72.A t o ta l o f 3425 checking accountswe re no ted with $4,798,840.11 in deposits, and 3bll3 savings accounts int he t ot al a mo un t of $2,107.8711.99.The 1946 Chrlstm811 Club had 18011members and disbursements were$1118,722.211.Dividends of 110 cents pe r sharewere pai d dur in g t he y e ar o n c ap ital s tock and the company transferred $60,000 to su r pl u s account .. Other directors Include J. Maur i ce Wynn , R . S. McKinley, CharlesS. Walton J r ., Charles H. Wetzel,J. Exton Guckes an d WlIliamPlummerJr ,R. S. McKinley a ct ed a s chairman o f t he m ee ti ng and NormanA. Wack u secretary.

    Chil l winds and e ve n ic e andsnow may s t il l b e o rd e r o f t he day,b ut n ot for long, a s neal ' ly ever y one In Narberth knows with preparations unde rway f o r t1?e annualSpring fashion shoW and bridgeparty of t he Junior Women's Community Club.S et f or M ar ch 6, the affair willhave numerous gay events to highlight th e evening. There wiJl bet h e newes t In Spring and Summerfashions model led by c lu b m em bers as well as ;>rofesslonals withInterest center ing on the flowing

    lines and generous use of mater iall lIn t roducedsince the lifting of manufacturers' restrictions.A ha t In the higher Ipriced bracke t s dona t ed by a local shop w il l b eawa rded t o a lucky ticket holder aswell as a gown In newest mode toanother guest equal ly lucky. Doorand table prizes also are being linedup.Named to c h ai rm an t h e affairis Mrs. A . R. Smith Jr. who will bea s6l s ted by Mr s. Geor ge S t ul t ln g ,Mrs. Ray Hunter, Mary Phillips,Mrs. E. H. Vlck and Mrs. DonaldReed. P I 'o ceeds w i ll go to theclubs' welfare fund which Is financIng a number of wor thwhile projects ' th i s y ea r a nd next.Not forgetting their special project in terest ,members staged a Valent ine dance for Narberth's youngset Friday n ig ht . M rs . Larry H.Grey was i n c ha rg e w it h c ha pe rones Including L. H. Grey, Mr. andMrs. George But'ns, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Price and William Harris.Gwen Hunsicker was winner ofth'e dOOr prize f o r g i rl s and GeorgeMor r il l f o r t h e boys. Dancingwascontinuous from 8 to 10 P. M. andrefreshments were'sel'Ved.The fol lowing night at the clubrooms at t h e communi t y bUilding,more than 100 members and guestsattended a h ot d is h SUPiper andd an ce . T h e w hi te and red o f Va lent ines decorated the rooms and

    gave colorful a ccen t t o supper tables. Lending interest to eachtable a r ra ngement we re unusuals a lt a nd pepper shakers loaned byMrs. Titus W. Strawhecker whocol le ct s t h em as a hobby. Mrs. William Borkey and Mrs. George Stult Ing w e re i n charge o f t he affair.

    Narberth JuniorClub PreparingFor Fashion Show


    The Wayn e Ro ta r y Club willsponsor a dance Saturday night-int he R ed C ro ss r ec re at io n h al l ofthe Valley Forge General Hospital ,as part o f t h e ce leb ra t ion o f t hehospital's fifth anniversary.The Rotary Club, wh ich i s a contributing m em be r o f t he WayneCamp and Hosp i ta l commi tt e e,will provide entertainment Including orchestra mus ic f o r dancingand refreshments.Other p l an s f o r entertainment att he h os pi ta l d ur in g February include the f ou r p a rt i es wh ich are aregular part of t he w or k of thecommittee.It was a l so announced by Mrs.J. Montgomery Forster at a meeti ng he ld r ecen tl y at her home thatthe Valley Forge Military Academyband will give a concert in th enear futUt'e f or t he m en In the hos-pital. .Mrs. Joel B. Davi s J r ., co -chai r man w it h M rs . F or s te r , r e po rt e dI n cr eas i ng ac ti v it y on th e part oftho group in the w ay o f gifts andentertainment f or t he h os pi ta l.The Wayne FootJighters ' recentperformance of The Mal e A nima lat the hospital followed requestsof many of the patients Wiho wereguests at the benef i t per formanceof the p la y, g iv en b y the Footlighters at t he Sa turday Club. Rece ip t s f r om this per formance nett ed su f f ic ient f unds f o r seve r al ho spital entertainmentsThe need for Junior hostesses togo f r om Wayn e t o t he se parties iss ti ll u rg e nt . A ge s f or t he se h os tesses range from 18 yea rs t o 30years.Playing c a rd s a nd hlllbllly phonograph records arc needed i n gre atnumbers l!-t the hospital at present.Help in refurnishing of t he R edCtoss recreational lounge at thehospital is beingplanned, inclUdingnew cu rt a in s , f r e sh cu sh i on cove r sand a new f loorcovering.

    Mount Holyoke ClubHonors ProspectiveStudents at TeaHarriet Newhall, director of admissions at Mount Holyoke College,was gues t of honor at a tea givenSaturday by the Moun t Ho lyokeC lu b o f P hi la de lp hi a f or p ro sp ec tive students.Mts. Car l R . Freeheafer of BrynMawr andMrs ,David E .Watson ofMt. Ai ry were chai rmen o f the committee. Other MainLiners who 'ass i s ted on the committee were Mrs.J. Gibson McI lvaine B un ti ng o fVlynnewood, Mar yS t ewa rt o f BrynMawr, MrS. John K. Knorr 3d ofWayne and Mrs. James Selby ofRosemont.

    Club to SponsorSaturday DanceAffair Will Be Part o f Val -ley Forge Hospital's FifthAnniversary Celebration

    , '" . ,. ,


    .Where c lean sea air promotes health, enjoy famed ho.pitali'" \250 attractive room.; sea.water baths, Ship's Fireproof.American and European Plans. PAUL AUCHTER, Gen. Mgr.



    ~ . n n l y I Y a n 1 a AVlnu.Overlookin9 Oala" 2

    Two MainLine alumni of Swarthmore College, Richard W. Slocumo f B ry n M aw r and Majo r Shal e rStidham of Merion, are leadingt hei r a lma ma te r 's $5,000,000 campaign in t h is a r ea , i twas announc ed Sunday.Slocum, former chairl!1an of theEastern P en ns yl va ni a R eg io nalumni association, has b ee n a ppointed head o f t he s pe ci al giftscommit tee whi le St idham is chiefof the Main Line area funds taking commit tee.Raymond Fosdick, presideriCandtrustee of the Rockefel ler Foundat i on , d ecl a red Sunday night at ameet ing of the Swarthmore AlumniClub tha t t h ema jo r bu r deno f keeping pr ivate colleges alive in t h e f ut u re r es ts w it h t he a lu mn i an dfriends of cach insti tu tion. It was Tax Queries Answeredbecause, he said, t h e changed tax At Pennsylvania Co.structure o f t he l as t 30 years hasmade impossible t he m as si ng of P uz zl ed Mai n L in er s w ho n ee dl ar ge f o rt un es w hi ch p re vi ou sl y h el p in complet ing their 1947 insupported colleges. come tax r e turns may place theirPrivate small collegcs arc essen- quer i es b e fo r e a Deputy Col lectortial to t h is coun t ry a nd m us t n ot of the Bureau of Internal Revenuefail, Fosd i ck s t at ed, b ecau se f r om who will be stat ioned at t he Pennschoolsl ike Swar thmoremust come sy lv ani a Company In Ardmore fort he m or al l ea de rs hi p w hi ch will four- days beginning today.keep democracy a "vigorous and W. J. Lloyd, assistant vlce-presi-growing f aith." dent of t he Ardmore b ank on Lan-Of the $1,000,000 quota set f or c as te r Ave. and Station Rd., saidJune, thus far $317,000 h as b ee n Itha t t he d ep ut y collector will becont r ibu ted . Montgomer y Coun t y t h er e t omo r r ow as well a s Mondayaccounted for $20,480 of the latter and Tuesday f r om 9:00 A. M. tofigure. 3:00 P. M.

    :'PLAN-YOUR-VACATiO"N-NOW-l===E=njoy the Sparkling Sea and Sunshine I

    at the IIi!

    2Named HeadsOf College DriveMain Line Alumni Chosento Lead Philadelphia Area'Campaign for SwarthmoreCampaign

    SPECIAL RATES FROl\[ l\IAY 29 to JUNE 20


    .. _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ = . ! ? ' : ~ ~ ~ _ ~ l ' : , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . _ ~

    You w il l find several a t tr l le th' e p lans of accommodations inclUding o ce an " Iew r ooms , t wo r oom su it eswith bath, and two r ooms w i th - b at h apartments adJacent. to the hotel Enjoy ou r excellent food in acomfortable an d pleasant atmosphE're ear ly reser "a tIons a s sureyou of choice uccommodations.

    PlULADELPHIA OFFICE1524, Chestnut 81.Phlladelphia :z

    omance Begun Abroadlminates in WeddingA romance that b eg a n i n Eng la nd two yea rs ago cu lm ina t ed ina wedding last week at St. Margaret's Chu rc h i n Narbe rth whenPatricia Davies, daughter of MI'. and Mrs. John Davi e s o f Torquay,

    evon, England, became the bl'ldef John Dorenzo, son of Mr. a ndrs. Dominic Dorenzoof Narber th.Dorenzo was serving with a landina' c ra ft un i t when he first met hisbrlde-to-be. They car r ied on a correspondence during t he n ex t t , ~ oyear!! while Dorenzo took part 1Ilinvasions in both the Euro,pean andPacific theaters o f wa r.Month s ago Dor enzo had plansunde rway t o b r ing Miss Davies tothc U.S. but it wasn ' tunt i l November that h e w as a bl e to secure pass ag e f o r h el ' o n the Queen Elizab et h w hi ch a r ri ve d In New Yor kthe day before Thanksgiving. Dorenzo was on hand to meet her andimmediately presented her with adiamond engagement r ing.' l 'h e wedd i ng t ook p l ace at 3 P.M with the Rev. James O'Connorofficiating. Even t hough no 'membel'S o f h er f am il y c ou ld b e p re sent the b r id e was well t a ken c a reof by her new relatives. The bridegroom's father gave her in marriage a nd s he was a tt en de d b y h issister as maid o f honor.S he w or e a wh it e marqu ise tt egown fashioned with a c lose fittingbodice, heart shaped neckl ine edge.' with a ruffie , longsleeves edgedwith lace and a full sk i rt tha t fiared to a l ong t r a in . He l' f i ng er t ipveil wa s f as te ne d w it h a coroneto f s ee d p ea rl s and sh e ca rr i ed ashower bouquet of roses and forgetme-nots.As maid o f hono r , Lil lian Dorenzo w as a tt ir ed i n a yellow satinbrocade gown made w i th a full~ k i r t and fitted bodice w it h a n offthe-shoulder neckline filled i n w i thnet. The yellow roses of her headd r ess we re r epea ted i n hCr showerbouquet.F ol lowi ng t he c er em on y, thebr idegroom's family held a reccption at thcir 307 Hampdcn Ave.h om e. T he couple l e ft f o r a wedding trip t o N ew Yotk. They p l anto make their home in Narberth.T he b ri de gr oo m w ho g ra du at edf romLower :Merion High School before entcring the service is now attending Temple Universi ty.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 20, 1947




    G IRL5

    EARNINGSCompare with Bestin Your Community



    for Advancement andDevelopment


    Better Than Average

    Room 315, McCletchy Bldg.69th end Market Streetl

    Upper Darby


    fOP,RANKING POSITIONSin Community Service


    i_n Telephone Work


    NORRISTOWNB, E, BtOCK & BROS" INC,15,21 W. Main SIreelTHE CLOUD RADIO SHOP330 DeKalb SIreetMcCOY'S408 O.Kalb Strs.t

    UPPER DARBYMORT FARR119 So. 69th StrfttTERMINAL ELECTRIC &APPLIANCE CO.69th StreetTerminal aldg.


    30 So, LansdowneAvenue


    Narberth VocalistTo Present RecitalAt Acad. of MusicKa.thryn " ~ e s t m a ~ , Narberth lyrIc soprano, is scheduled to g iv e arecital March 10 in the Philadelphia Academy of Music foyer.Miss Westman has sung on ther ad io and w i th orche st r as and Inchurches In the Philadelphia area.She appeared widely at entertainm ~ n t s f or t he a rm ed f or ee l durI ng t he war and at present stills ings in veteran hospitals.At her r ec it al next month shewill present a program of ~ e l e e - t ions f rom Handel , Haydn, SchUmann, Debussy and others.

    - - - - - -_ ._ - - - - - - - - -

    locations where you can see' FREE Television Demonstratlo.ARDMORE

    : 'OAMS3 0 W . LancasterAvenueC. H. OAVIS , INC.Suburban SquareTHE ELECTRICAL CENTER52 E, LancasterAvenueGOODHOUSESTORES,INC.17 W. LancaslerAvenue

    CHeSTERWM. M. KELLMAN20 Easl 71h StreelROBERT l. PAINTER91h and Edgmonl AvenueTOLllN'S61517 Edgmonl Avenue



    Every Monday - Wednesday - Friday2 to 3 p. m. - Station WPTZ

    Television dealers cordially invite you to cometo theirshowrooms and see the newest televis ion show, "TELEVISIONMATINEE." This program presents varied subjects of intere st to e ll the f am ily and off er s you an opportunity to seetelevision sets in operation. It also affords dealers the pleasu ~ e . of demonstrating television at a time convenient to you.VISit one of the dealers listed below between two and threeo'c1ack any Monday, Wednesday or Friday afternoonI



    Fou l' Mai n L in e m en t ook partin arranging a discussion programlast evening at a turf conferenceheld at Llanerch Count ry C lub,Havertown.The Liners were J, C, Kenealy of Ardmol'c, Fileno A, Allev;)Of Bryn 1I1awr, Alex MacLeod ofBryn Mawr, and Fred ~ I o o r e ofHaverford.G rowing-gra ss for home lawn" ,a th let i c f ie lds, pa rks , c emeter ie sa nd gol f c ou rs es w as d isc us se d,Guest. speakers included Dr. FredV. Grau, director' of thc greenssection, U,S, Golf Association, and A,E, COopCl', extension agronomist ofPennsylvania State College.There were reports on results sccured by using chemica ls to control weedsin lurf during lOlli, Harr y Wood of Swa rthnlO rc Col legp, iwho had sprayed the grass on two Ia thle ti c f ie lds and a por tion of thecollege campus with 2..I-D, reported on how a.nd when to u se t hcnew chemical in order to have hettel' grass.The bui lder s of the new a thlet i cfields at Berwyn and Bryn A thynreport ed in detai l thei r operat ionsand r esu lt s for the benef it o f h ighschool au thori t ie s who have evi denced interest in obtaining bclter Iturf on play fields. 'Co-chairmen of the meeting were IThomas McKay, pr es ident of thePhiladelphia branch, National Associa tion of Gardeners, and Leonard Strong, prcsident of the Philadelphia Associa tion of Golf Course iSuperintendents.

    Main Liners AidIn Arranging forTurf Conference

    ! ',,: ' ....

    Fund to Aid Former Boro AmputeeStarted\ by Newspaper OrganizationRobert L. Russell, Victimo f Auto Coll is ion, Loses I nnocent v ic tim of automobil es ,Both Legs s a r - e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ \ ~ ~ , : e r r : : : g ~ ~ ~ i l a t i c ."Welive In this dis tr ic tbecause wehave good neighbor s. Thi s s eemsjust t oo mu ch for one couple totake."Why, they a sl{ed the Upper'Darby newspaper, don' tyou launCh thefund? And s o t he f und w as started w i th the newspaper s erv ing asa collection agency only. Disbursement s w il l be di re cte d by a groupof three tl'ustees: Earl Marsh assistant secretary of Havel:fordtownship; the Rev. Henry Wol l ofLlanerch, the Russells ' pastor; nnd 41 Cases Chleken Poxc. F . F in ne y, theiL' nex t doo r

    n e b ~ ~ ~ ~ r b l l t l o n s In any amount may Reported Last Weekbe made di re ct to the Upper Darby FOl -ty-one new ca se .s of chickenNews, McCla tc hy bui ld ing, Upper pox were r eport ed last week InDarby, 01' to the Main Line Times. Lowel ' Merion Township by HealthEach will be publicly aclmowledg-: Officel' Robert J Th Flfte dby the uppel' Darby publiea.tion, ,of tl1ese were in' the o - ; : ; ~ Valf:nChe ck s s hou ld b e m ade p ay ab le t o B al a-Cynwyd W t M k d{ 't he News -G oodN e ighbor Fund. t ri ct . , e . s anayun s-Also reported wel 'e 12 new ca.sesof mumps , w ith Mer ion and Penn'Vynne bear ing the I ll rge. st number , O thel ' i nf ec tious di se as es r eport ed were one new case each o!scarle t fever, whooping cough andIsalmonella.

    MusicL o v e r ~ s

    ..,' Corner.

    Pure S p r i ~ g f i e l d water will always be on tap.

    One of these, the Geist Reservo ir holds, ,four billion gallons, enough to supply thearea fo r mpny months.

    In order to have Pure Springfield water ontap for you, we bring it through many steps.In order t o insure a constan t supply evenduring the most severe droughts, we havethree large reservoirs.


    ABOARD A DESTROYERHerbert Waher , s eama n f ir stcl ass, son o f Edwa rd Wahe r of2201 County Line Rd" Ardmore,was recent ly assign ed to du tya bo ar d t he d es tr oy er USS H . j,Ellison. Waher entered the serviceIn March, 1945.

    B y JOSEPH E . BARONE Eastern Delaware county's only1I111111111111J111111111fIllUlllllJlIf. . . . 1I. . . . "1 I I IfIf"JI II III IIII I c lv ll la n - t r ip l e ampute e - RobertL. Russell of 512 Upland Rd. , Ma-

    By JOSEPH.. E, BARONE n08, former Narberth resident-IsHave you s ee n t he current film,"Humoresque," starring John Gar - doing nic ely In Delaware Countyfield and Joan Crawford? If not, hospita l , thank you.b y n o m ea ns mi ss It, f or it Is ex- But he has a l ong t ime In thecellent movie fare concocted of a hos pi ta l s ti ll and he faces tremengood drama tic s tory and some dousexpense .first-rate music. Just the same, he and his wife-To be s ur e, the local f ilm critics the forme r Mal'gare t Eyre, daughh av e a c er ta in l \f Il ount of j us ti fi - t el ' o f A lb er t and Mal'y Kennedyc at io n i n c la im ing that t he old Eyre of Coul te r Ave ., A rdmore Fannie Hurst t al e o f s ome two de- h av e one. consolation In the tragc ad es b ac k i s now a b it threadbare edy t hat s t ruck them three weekscompared to such new sophlstlca t- ago.ed musical s tories as "De ce pt io n" rI'he U,pper D ar by N ew s o f Up and "A Song to Remembe r. " But pel' D ar by - a Mai n L in e T im esther e i s such a wea lth of t r uly fhle affiliate-has launched a fund, atmusic olTered i n "Humor' esque" - the sugges tion of neighbors , to pronot to ment ion several f ine drama- v id e f in an ci al a ss is ta nc e t o t hetic portrayals - that I t more than couple.makes up for this deficiency. By yesterday, th e fu nd h adTp begin- With, the real star o f cli mb ed t o $500 and evel'y mail,the whole pic ture Is young 23-ye ar - the News rcport ed . was br ingingold Isaac S te rn , t he b ri ll ia nt i n m or e c on tr ib ut io ns as organlzAme ric an vio lini st who rea lly per - e d groups swung their lUlSistancef or ms t he v io lin mu si c that i s behind the couple .h ea rd . S te rn gi ves a variety o f P hy si ci an s a nd p ub li c officialsperformances, ranging f rom "Z ie- s ay t he c as e Is one o f tAe mostgeunerweisen" and "Symphonie Es- tragic in their memor y. As a stupagnol" to violin transcl ' iptions of dent years ago, MI'. Russell lost his"Carmen" and "Tristan and Isolde" right arm in an industr ial accident.which are t rU ly m agni fi ce nt i n Thr ee w ee lt s a go h e w as s ta nd in gevery way. at Upl and a nd E ag le R ds .; a h al f

    As the young vio lin prodigy of b lock f rom his home, wai t ing for at he s lums who f ig ht s h is way to bus 011 a foggy night.the t op o f th e h eap _ thanks to Two cars c ol li de d a nd c am ethe munificent assis tance of an at- hurlling over the sidewalk, pinningtractive lady bountiful-John Gar- Mr, Russell to the g round. Twofield turns i n an excel le nt charac-I d?ys later at Delawal'e county hosterlzation. He is prope l' ly sul le n plt al , s urgeons amputa te d one leg .disl1lusioned and boorish and if A week after the accident, the othanything, s lightly u n d e r ~ l a y s his er leg wa s a mp ut at ed . No m or erole rather than succumbing to thetemptation to make it a "Heal'ts- J S . B dand-Flowers" emotional orgy I r ervlce oarJoan C rawf or d f ol lows up t he I s uc ce ss s he e nj oy ed i n "Mi ld re d f\ff 9D C Plel'ce" by. offCl 'lng a convincing tJ ers ay rUlsepiece of acting as the bored socia l-i te wh o s po ns or s t he p romi si ng A p. tBdyoung violinist, Paul ~ o ~ ' a y . As a S rlze a rl gematter of fact , s he in Ject s s uc hrea li sm Into hel ' r ol e, that more I The ~ P P O l t u n i l Y to wi n a ninethan one talent-collecting dowager I day c rU ls e to Be rmuda w il l begivs houl d s qu irm unc om fo rt ab ly i n I en t o those a tt e nding a bridge ~ a r seeing the picture. ty at the Merion CricketClubWed-As t o O sc ar L ev an t, m uc h has nesday, March 12.already been written ap ou t t he w ay Mrs. John L. Mather a,nd Mrs,!he practically. steals the pic ture AIthur HOl:ton are h e a d l n ~ thesimply by acting his own natural committee In charge of c ru is e arself. Flitting in and out o f r angeme nt s. w hi ch wi ll I nc lu descenes, speaking lines he probablY passage and hote l reservations forw rote h imse lf , he i s f ir st -r at c ;'S two persons. "the pa ra si t ic p ian i st r es igned to hi s Sponsored by JUnior Servicef at e o f h av in g t o g rove l f or a l iv - B oa rd f or t he N ei ghbo rhood L ea 'lng. gue, of Wayne, the party has a s i tsAll in all , while I t m ay n ot win ~ ~ ~ ; , ~ a n Mrs . S tan ley D, Hart-an Academy Award or earn Oscars 'for any of ltS featu' d I ' Featured at the event will be1e p ayel s, Bo w't T II " f h' h I"Humo re sque " i s s uc h a t ru e- to -l if e n I ,e el s, a s Io n ow w t hand enterta ining pic ture t hat i t \ ;'11 models,displaYing a spring wardprobably prove to b f robe sUltable to the cruise and holi-best films of th y ? one 0 e d ay mood. Sp ecial r unwa y ande eal. ta.ble arrangements are being plan-ned in order that all may seeclearly . A ls o included' in the after-noon's enterta .inment will be table ENROLI,ED AS S T l i n E ~ Tprizes, dOOI' prize s and a food sale. ,Marian Olivia Scars of ,lOO WilThe proceeds of Ihe party will go Illamson Rd,. Ardmore , enrolledt o p ro vi de fu nds fo r t he d en tal I as a student at the Boslon Univerc li ni c a nd o cc up at io na l t he ra py s lt y Co l!eg e o f P ra ct ic al A rt s a nd WOl'k done by the Junior Service Lctters 111 the evenmg- division.Board.

    ..."' " " \111 "11 , '111' 11111"" ' : ~

    ARDMORE 6700

    BRYN MAWR 1022

    ~ l u n B E A m 5~ ' j H SUNNY 'OEMj OFCharles Allen Branham

    Readingfo rLent

    With the approach of Lent,membeJ'll of Chrllltian churcheseverywhere, and of every denomination, are turning to Intense devotion.The Federal Cou ncl l o fChurches of Chrillt In Americahas I ll sued a pamphlet , "TheFel lowship of Praye r. " As ..contribution t o be tt e r Uvlng, aIIl1t of lIuggested Bible ReadIngs wil l be printed each week.Feb.20 John 17, 20-2321 Acts 1, 12-1222 Mark 9, 19-2923 John 8, 26-3024 Mark 2, 18-2225 Acts 17, 5-926 Rev. 21, 1_7

    Be selfish, thtTl - find happinessIn being helpful, kind .

    To those j'OU i i /eet along the way;No greater joy you'll find!

    No greater satisfaction liesA. allyone's commandThUlz ju st th e joy of reaching outA fr iendlj ' . helping halld!SERVES ABOARD CRUISERS. F , MaeName e, S 2 /C, s on o fMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. MacNameeof Cricket Ave., Ardmore, Iss erv ing aboa rd the cruiser USBProvidenc e. He enter ed the service last June and received his recruit training at Bainbridge, Md.

    Remember, U'hm you help sOlliesoulA10llg life's stormy fL'a}',You help yourself as well, because' Yo u b ri gh te n up you r d ay

    THE JOY OF HELPINGTo help somone's a s imple thil lg

    For aT/yone to do.For helpillg someon., after all,

    Brings happiness for two!


    Eminent virtuoso pianist and tell-cher. A pupilof Joseph and Rosina Lhevine in New Yorkand.To?ias Matthay at the Royal Academy ofM U s ~ c In London. Has concertized in Vienna,MUlllch, Prague, Salzburg and Berlin.




    }iEXTt 'Dr H A C J t B N Z I B ~r ' r ' " - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - .......,

    making sound objective judgmentsabout these matters, are they capab le o f t he r ea li sm , t he c ha ra ct era nd t he v is io n n ee de d t o impos esuch odious nec es si ti es on themselves?It is no good t o poi nt out thatt he Ame ri ca n p eo pl e d id th esevery things during two World\Vars. It is exactly the point, thebig difference in the situation, thatthe U.S. is not a t w ar today.Then, t he c ry ing need was super evident. A ll t ha t was necessary,af te r Pear l Harbor, for instance,was a mass emergence of t he i nstinct for self-preservation. Theimminent danger was only tooplain. The que st ion today iswhether the people, during a period of pea ce , with i ts a lluring invita tion to self- indulgence and compla cency, c an recognize the les sevident dangers and take the lessevident action that will preserveinpeace what was preserved at suchgreat sacrifice, in war.This is not a p le a, p er se, for

    p e , a ~ e t i m e conscription or a bigmlirtary appropriation. This paperhas steadily urged both. It stillbelieves that both a re nec es sa ry .Bu t t he poin t at issue here is theeven larger necessity, in our viewfor a continuation today, -inre la tive calm of pea ce , for thata le rt ne ss a nd v ig il an ce, thatp.romptness in decision, and attention to responsibility, that charac~ e r i z e d the American people durIl1g the war. \Vhatever the finaldecisions about consc ript ion, theb . u d ~ e t , or other important questions, the important thing is thatt hose dec is ions be made with asfull an