Download - Our Rights - Schudio



Hello Year 1! I hope you all are keeping well, enjoying the sunshine and the

rain! Welly boots at the ready! OR sun cream at the ready! Please expect a

call from a member of staff from the school this week to give you

information about Year 1’s return to school. We hope you enjoy this week’s


Our Rights

This week we are going to be beginning our focus on a new value namely,


We are going to be exploring Peace this week by thinking about Peace and the

act of helping things to grow. Many people find the act of helping a plant to

grow helps them to feel peaceful and supports their wellbeing and mental

health. Of course, many people do not have a garden but even if you have

a balcony, window box or even a light and breezey table near a window,

you can still experience the satisfaction of helping a plant to grow. This

week I would like to encourage you to try and plant something that you can

grow in whatever your situation is at home. Take responsibility for watering

it and checking it can get the light and air that it needs. Please also find

attached a selection of resources to mark 2020 Growing for Wellbeing week

that falls this week and has lots of suggestions for activities you could do.

Article 8 – Every

child has the

right to an




Hey Year 1s.

The answer to my riddle was BEAR! Did you know that to scratch their backs on their

favourite trees, bears walk for miles.

How are you all? Seems like ages. Isn't it funny how this is starting to become our way of

life now? I'm almost starting to forget what life was like before this outbreak. Aren't we -

human beings - amazing creatures who can adapt to big changes to survive? Anyway how

was your half term break? Mine was FANTASTIC. I celebrated Eid and it will be the most

unique and one-of-a-kind Eid to remember. We named it COV-EID, I do love a good pun! We

won't get another one like this. We dressed up, had a zoom party and ate lots of yummy food

particularly samosa's! Nothing was stopping us from celebrating. Apart from that I have

enjoyed the sunshine in all its glory. Hope you all are well. Love Shops x

Hi Year 1’s I hope you’ve had a good half term and have enjoyed a little break from home learning. The weather has been glorious and we have made the most of it. For the first time in my life, I’ve learnt to fly a kite! What fun! I highly recommend it. Plus...I’ve been baking again. This time I made banana and chocolate chip cake. It was the best banana loaf I’ve ever made so I was pleased and so were the rest of my family. Looking forward to seeing you back at school soon. Love from Angela x Hi lovelies, I hope everyone is well and happy. It was Eid last week and I got to see my mum and brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews after soooooo long after sooooo many weeks. I just wanted to cuddle them and eat them all up but I couldn’t which made me feel a bit sad but I was happy I got to see them. Then I saw my friends Shopna, Surjahan, Happy and Nabilah I was so happy to see them after sooooo long, I couldn’t give them a hug or sit too close but I was so happy to spend some time with them. I hope you guys got to see your loved ones too. Lots of love, missing you soooooo much and cannot wait to see you again sooooooon!!!! Rumana x Hello Year 1! How are you? This week I went on an epic cycle ride. I cycled ALL the way to Regents Park. I then cycled around the edge of the zoo to have a gander at what animals I could spy. I saw my favourite animal! A lovely giraffe! She was a glorious sight to behold! I saw penguins and some lovely birds. I could hear monkeys calling and I think I saw one swinging but I’m not sure. Hope to see some of you soon. Love Miss Bowrey x

Hey Boys & Girls, I hope you and your families are well and enjoyed a beautiful, sunny half term together! Mine was great - It was very relaxing and calm, I made the most of the weather and I have had delicious BBQ’s most days, which were a right treat - Yummy! I’m still thinking of each and every one of you and I am so excited to see you all very soon! Love Vinnie x Hi Year 1! How are you all? I hope you are well. This week I’ve been going on long walks exploring new places in my local area. On my walks, I came across a lovely walking park and I was even stunned to see parts of Canary Wharf. Have fun with this week’s chatter and I hope to see you soon. Miss Odubajo x


We recommend keeping to a similar timetable for the next few weeks.

9:00 PE with Joe Wicks – do this everyday!

9:30 Maths -

10:30 Break

10:45 Handwriting-

11:00 Literacy

11:45 Lunch

12:45 Mindfulness – Cosmic kids, Go noodle, Zen den (on YouTube) Remember to keep your brain and mind healthy by practise mindfulness as well.

1:00 Wider Curriculum

Art – Monday Topic- Tuesday Science- Wednesday PSHE- Friday Music

2.30 Golden time- Friday

3:00 Reading


Monday Monday 8th June 2020

Phonics Literacy Starter

Complete the table:

Singular (one) Plural (More than one)





For my birthday, I received a beautiful book that has now become one of my favourites. Watch our surprise guest read the story of The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackesy on the Chisenhale website

1/creative-curriculum This week we will be unpicking some of the questions asked in the book. I hope you all enjoy the story and illustrations as much as I did.


In the story, we see the characters meet one another and share each other’s confidence. Look at the front cover and create your own book cover. What style of lettering

will you have? Will you add some bright colours? Where will the title and the author’s name be? If you were not able to see our surprise guest on the Chisenhale website. Please visit the link below


Maths Starter Can you think of all the things that come in 2s? Hands, eyes, shoes, chopsticks, gloves.


Maths This week we will be counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10s. . Go to the white rose website to watch the learning video.


You can either print out the worksheets or copy the questions into your workbook.





For this week’s reading we are going to be reading the tales of a toothbrush. Click the link below to hear all about the tale of a toothbrush Look at the picture below and write down how many pieces of plastic you can see.



RE – Christian Baptism.

We have been learning about belonging in RE. We looked at what it means to belong to different groups, such as

your family, friends, a sports team or orchestra. Then we learnt about what it means to belong to the Christian faith, the Jewish faith and to the Islamic faith.

Today we are looking at how Christians welcome a baby into their religion. This celebration is called a baptism, at a baptism a baby becomes part of God’s family. Watch

this clip of a church community preparing to baptise baby Jamie: .

A baptism or christening is when a baby is welcomed into the Christian faith. The baby’s parents and friends all go to a church service. A person who leads a church is sometimes called a priest or a vicar. At the start of the christening, the vicar will welcome people to the

church and then read something from the Bible. The baby has godparents who are friends or family chosen by the baby’s parents. They make a promise to help the baby learn more about being a Christian.

Lots of churches have a font, which has water in it. The vicar will hold the baby’s head over the font and then

sprinkle the baby with water. The vicar will say the words: ‘I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ You can watch the second part of Jamie’s baptism:

Can draw a picture of a baptism? You should include a

baby, their family and godparents. You should include the font full of holy water, the vicar priest and the Bible. You could include some guests, a cross, a statue of Jesus or Mary.



Tuesday 9th June 2020

Literacy Starter

Be creative- what could you replace ‘nice’ with?

He was a very nice man.

Last night’s meal was nice.

She is always nice.

The children’s behaviour was nice.


Yesterday you drew your own front covers of The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse. Today we are going to create a blurb. The blurb is just as important as the front cover. It should tell people enough about the book to catch their interest, but not give the story away.

What makes a good blurb:

Make it short Use attention-

grabbing words and phrases

use question and

exclamation marks

Read the one I have written below to give you inspiration! Enter the world of Charlie's friends; discover their story and their most important life lessons.

Break time!


Maths starter

Line up some pairs of objects, maybe some of your toys or lego blocks and then count them in twos.


Go to the white rose website to watch the learning video. (

You can either print out the worksheets or copy the questions into your workbook.



Lunchtime! Reading

Open your books and answer the questions below about yesterday’s story the tale of a toothbrush.

If you’ve forgotten the story you can listen to story again. 1) Is this story fiction or non-fiction and why? 2) What letter does Sofia mark on the tummy of the

toothbrush? 3) Why does Sofia throw away her toothbrush? 4) List the different places the toothbrush visits. 5) Who rescues the toothbrush? 6) How do you think the toothbrush is feeling? Is he

feeling lonely and unhappy?


This term we are learning all about:

Last week we looked at dangerous weather! Today we

will be looking at where it is hot and where it is


Now you know more about the climates around the

What would it be like

to live in the Arctic?

What would it be like

to live in Jamaica?

Watch this video:



world—research the countries listed on the next page.

What you would pack for each one? Now turn to the

sheet on the next page and draw or cut and paste the

clothes into the right suitcases.


why you have chosen

your items!



Wednesday 10th June 2020

Literacy Starter

Look at the picture. Write a sentence that uses a describing word. Can you also add the word ‘and’ or

‘because’ into your sentence?


In the story, the boy asks the mole what he would like to be when he is older. Just like the picture below are you able to write down your answer and draw a picture.

Sentence starters to help: When I grow up… I want to be… When I am older… You can add extra detail and explanation too! Try to include the word ‘because’ to make your writing more interesting and exciting.

Break time!


Maths Starter


Go to the white rose website to watch the learning video. ( You can either print out the worksheets or copy the questions into your workbook.






In the story the tale of the toothbrush, Sammy goes on a big adventure and nearly is eaten by an Albatross. The Albatross

confuses Sammy who is a bit of plastic to a fish. Can you create your own logo to encourage people to recycle or stop

using plastic?


Thinking about our theme this week incredible

achievements! Your challenge is to design a trophy for

either yourself as a reward for something you are proud of achieving or can be for a member of your family. It does not need to be in the shape of a cup. Look at some of the designs below…. Try to make it feature something that represents the achievement you are awarding it for!

If you’re feeling especially proud of you creation, don’t

forget to ask an adult to share a photo of it with us on: [email protected].

NSQ: Why not use junk modelling to create

your design and hold a ceremony to

award it?



Thursday 11th June 2020


Literacy Starter

See if you can come up with some alliteration where two words start with the same letter. For example:

Becky's beagle barked Beautiful butterflies Seven sisters slept soundly


Yesterday we wrote about what we would like to be when we are older. Today we are going to be exploring what home may mean to us. In the book, the boy talks about home not always being a place but a feeling. So home can be when you’re with the people you care about the most, rather than being inside a building.

To add to our work from

yesterday, we are going to describe what the feeling of ‘home’ means to you. Is it your house or the people you call family, or is it somewhere special that isn’t a building? Write and draw what feels most like home to you.

Home is an enjoyable and

happy place to me.

Break time




Draw some bunches of bananas with 5 in each bunch, then count them in fives. Draw a silly face on each banana.


Go to the white rose website to watch the learning video. ( You can either print out the worksheets or copy the questions into your workbook.





Today I need you to run around your house as fast as you can and look for something that is plastic. You are going to build a plastic monster to symbolise how dangerous plastic can be. Think of a name for your monster also.


Once you have finished creating your plastic monster, pretend you are on an

adventure like Sammy and act out how your monster would feel if he came across a giant Albatross.

Science Today we are going to look at electricity. Electricity is a form of energy that

powers things around us. Electricity can come from different sources, it can come through the mains like a plug and socket, or it’s source might be from batteries. Draw a table in your book, can you sort these items into ones that are electric, which means they use electricity and ones that don’t.




Friday 12th June 2020

Literacy Starter

Think about some of the things you've done over the past week. This could be things you've seen, things you've heard or even school work you've done.

Take a piece of paper and fold it in to three sections. Label each section with a day of the week - don't forget your

capital letters. In each section, write two things you did on that day.



I went for a walk to the park with my sister.

I ate Fish and chips for dinner and it was delicious!

Literacy Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler have been inspired to create an extraordinary set of illustrations and verses to help share the

important message about staying safe. Today you are going to create your own version of the importance of staying safe. Below are some pictures of Juila Donaldson and Axel Scheffler amazing posters to help you with yours.


Don’t forget to send us your lovely work.


Maths Starter

Draw a Wicked Magician!






Click the link below to play a fun phonics game. You have to put

the sounds together to create the word.


PHSE – Jigsaw

We would like you to make a mini video of something you are proud of, achieved, a favourite joke, song, dance, something you

have at home, or something you want to share with us about your time away from school. We are looking for clear speaking and super information about what you have chosen.

Remember to start the lesson by keeping your brain and mind healthy by practising mindfulness as well.


What Golden Club will you decide one? Pick wisely! The great thing about home

Golden Clubs is you can swap each week if you like! Here are some more ideas for

what this Fridays Golden Club could be for you!

Build your touch-typing skills


Stay active with

this fit activity.

Take part in the 25 day readying



Can you get involved and present your

beans on toast in a more imaginative

way? What can you come up with?


What amazing things have you been up to in your Golden Time this week?! A

massive thank you to the children who have sent their pictures to share! You are

stars! If you want to feature then send your pictures to [email protected].


Show Casing our Home Learning

Well done you for doing such amazing home learning! We would love

to continue to see what you have been up to next week! If you would

like to have your home learning featured in the next year 1 Chatter,

please email us a photo to [email protected].

Some lovely pictures

from our weather



We hope you enjoy this week’s edition of the chatter and ideas for home

learning as well as continuing with your Study Ladder activities.

From us all in Year 1– Stay safe and keeping smiling!

Additional websites

BBC Bitesize are offering daily lessons and activities that you might find

useful to look at

Remember to keep your brain and mind healthy by practising mindfulness as


Stay active -

Curious maths-



Don’t forget The Government have enabled free access to resources for

Phonics teaching on the link below.

Google ‘Ruth Miskin Training’ and then click on You Tube Channel to watch

the Parent Introduction video.

This will help you understand the structure of the lessons which run from


Each lesson is ten to fifteen minutes long and

available for 24 hours. Don't worry if you

miss a lesson. Once each set has been shown,

one a day will be replayed from each set.

Speed Sounds Set 3 - for children in Year 1 and

2 that can read Set 2 Speed Sounds

• Set 3 Speed Sounds and Word Time 10.30 am

• Set 3 Spelling 10.45 am