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Office Location

200-4747 Pleasant Place Windsor, ON N8Y 5B4 Closed Monday Open: Tuesday - Friday 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00

Church Location

834 Raymo Rd. Windsor, ON N8Y 4A6 Phone: 519-945-4133 Fax: 519-997-3128

Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Parish

E-mail: [email protected] Website

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 16, 2018

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Thursdays following 9:00 a.m. mass until 4:00 p.m.

Baptism: First Sunday of the month during mass

Marriage: One year in advance by appointment

Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5:00 p.m.

Sunday: 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Spanish Mass 12:30 p.m.

Pastoral Team

Parish Administrator-Fr. Greg Bonin Parochial Vicar– Fr. David Johnston Deacon- Gary Coyle Deacon- Reg Quesnel Pastoral Minister -Trisha Hickey

Office Administrator - Donna Marcotte

Weekday Masses:

Tuesday—7:00 p.m. Wednesday— 9:30 a.m.

Thursday and Friday—9:00 a.m.

Confessions: Saturday, 11 am-noon

Sunday School at the 11:00 a.m. Mass

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Mission Statement

Rooted in the gospel, we are a Christ centered community guided by the Holy Spirit, embracing a future full

of hope, empathy and compassion, reaching out to all, especially the marginalized, seniors and the youth.

From the Pastor’s Pen

Dear Parishioners,

Relief Efforts for Kerala, India.

People in the province of Kerala, India, are suffering of a calamitous mon-

soon displacing 1.5 million people. Entire communities have been destroyed

as waters in some places reached a depth of 25 to 30 feet, resulting in many

deaths. Bishop Fabbro has asked us to help. If you wish to help the survivors

in Kerala, donations should be made out to Our Lady of Guadalupe and

placed in an envelope earmarked “Kerala”. All donations will be sent to

Save A Family Plan who has set up a Natural Disaster Fund.

Please feel free to pick up a copy of Bishop Fabbro’s letter found at the

entrances of the Church.

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a sacramental

process in which inquirers can come to learn more about our faith, and

candidates are fully initiated into the Catholic Church. We begin meeting on

Wednesday evenings this fall from 7-9 p.m. at Most Precious Blood Church.

For more information, please contact Father David at 519-948-4133

extension 7.

Congratulations to Sr. Florian (60 years), Sr. Jacqueline (50 years) and

Sr. Linda (50 years) who are celebrating their Jubilee this coming Friday

with Mass at 6 p.m. at Our Lady of Guadalupe. A reception will follow in

the parish hall.

Please note: Our Sisters have asked, that in lieu of gifts, non-perishable food

items be brought to the Mass and placed in front of the altar. These gifts will

then be given to OLOG St. Vincent de Paul.

These three dedicated woman of faith have served our parish well.

Ad multos annos!

God Bless, Father Greg

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A senior priest was reflecting on his experiences for others at an earlier stage of their ministry: “In my early days as a priest in a parish, I used to say to myself something like this before I knocked on

someone’s door: ‘Behind this door is someone whom Christ died for. More than that, if this was the only person in the world apart from Jesus himself, he would still have died for this person. If Our Lord considers this person worth dying for, and there is no one whom he does not think it is worth dying for, then this per-son, no matter what he or she seems like to you, is worth a few minutes of your time.’ I wouldn’t claim to have lived up to that, and I don’t always take the time to say those words to myself nowadays, but it is still a truth that I try to live by.”

It is wise advice. How often do we find ourselves to be grudging and impatient when we have to spend even a few minutes for someone else? Our time is not much to offer, but it is a measure of how seriously we take the cross. We may have fantasies of offering our life for someone, but we may never be asked to do that. If we want to really measure how willing we are to give our life for anyone, why not consider how willing we are to give up even a few minutes of that life?

The writer of Mark’s Gospel likes the word “begin.” People don’t just do things in the Gospel of Mark. They very often begin to do things. In fact, the Gospel itself begins with the word “beginning”: “The beginning of the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” Everything that happens in the Gospel of Mark is a be-ginning of the things that the first readers of Mark are experiencing in their day. That is the whole point of the Gospel of Mark. The writer is addressing the ques-tion for his readers: How did it all begin?

Yet there is an irony in the use of the words in today’s Gospel reading: “And he began to teach them.” So what exactly has Jesus been doing up to this moment?

We have been told earlier in Mark’s Gospel, when the writer tells the story of the feeding of the five thou-sand, that Jesus began “to teach them at some length,” but what is meant in today’s Gospel reading is a new kind of teaching. Teaching is no longer just a matter of words: it is what is about to happen that will be the teaching. We can know the meaning of words but this is not the same as understanding them. Peter knows the word “Christ” but, until the passion of the Christ begins, he is not even close to understanding what it really means for Jesus to be the Christ, the anointed one. Peter will not fully understand anything that Jesus has said to him until he, too, carries his cross.

If the cross of the Christ was just a word, then all we would have is memories; all we would be doing as Christians is commemorating an event from history. Yet the cross is a reality today. It is a choice made by every human being: either to be one who carries the cross, or to be one who imposes the cross on others.

The journey of Jesus is not a journey to death. Death is what his enemies plan for him; Jesus makes it a jour-ney to life. It is a journey through death, but not to death, because heaven is his home – and it is our home too.

To carry the cross is, therefore, not a death wish but a life wish. It is possible to love without faith and hope, but not in the way that Christ loves. It is only through faith and hope in the risen Christ that we can offer to each other the life of God. So when Jesus makes his way to Jerusalem to endure the cross, imposed by oth-ers, we can truly say that now he is beginning to teach.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK—September 23, 2018

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 Second Reading: James 3:16-4.3

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37

PRAY FOR OUR SERVANTS IN SEPTEMBER 17th—Rev. Michael Michon 18th—Deacon Henry Kling

19th—Rev. Wayclaw Chudy, C.S.M.A. 20th—Rev. Joseph Yonghwan Son 21st—Rev. Zbigniew Sawicki 22nd—Cyril Bagin, Pastoral Minister 23rd—Rev. Daniel Morand

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September 9, 2018 Sunday Env. $ 5112.00 Loose $ 429.35 Assessment $ 60.00 Bldg. Fund $ 797.00 Direct Deposit $ 735.00 TOTAL OFFERTORY: $7,133.35

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Please pray that those in our community who are sick or in any kind of distress, that they may know the comfort and healing of God: Morrie Gallagher, Bernie Newman, Ed Hooper, Irene Jones, Lynn Fletcher, Karen Brooks, Brady Melanson, Murray Barton, Dennis Ferguson, Susie Byl, Gerard Parent, Catherine Diodati, Evan Prowse, Theresa Mac-Donald, Giovanna De Parolis, Dale Cloutier, Martin Boutette, Max Gamero, Maria Gamero, Denise Gutierrez, Ron Riopelle, Sherry Davis, Robert Belanger, Diane Squire, Laurie Thomas, Emily Parent, Ronald Girard, Patricia Ryan, Sharron Archibald, Zachary Ghazali and Mike Bessette. When calling in requests for prayers, you must be a direct relative and have permission from that person.





Christian Culture Lecture Series

On Tuesday, Sept. 18, Claire Bondy, Family and Youth

Ministry Specialist for the Diocese of London, will pre-

sent “Called to Accompany: How to Draw Young People

Back into the Life of the Church.” The talk will begin at 7

pm at the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Hall, 4401 Mount

Royal Drive.

On Monday, Oct. 22, Fr. Robert Weaver will present

“From Evidence-Based Practice to Evidence-Based Min-

istry: Considering the Role of Research within Pastoral

Planning.” The talk will be held at 7 pm at Corpus Christi

Hall, 1400 Cabana Road West.

Lectures have free admission and parking, with discus-

sion and refreshments to follow. For more information

please call Cécile at 519-973-7033 or

[email protected]

Jesus said: : “Let the little

children come unto Me”

.....Sunday School/Friends is back. Join

us as we listen to God’s message, deepen

our faith and open our hearts to His



Sister Linda Parent

and Sister Jacqueline Janisse

with 50 Years

Sister Florian Atkinson with 60 Years


Our Lady of Guadalupe Church

Mass at 6:00 p.m. followed by fellowship

In the church hall.

In lieu of gifts, food or monetary donations to the

OLOG Saint Vincent de Paul would be appreciated.

Bishop John Kidd Council 4924 will be hosting the 21st Hospice dinner

on Saturday October 27 at Average Joes 1286 Lauzon Road.

Tickets are $40 per person. Cut off date for tickets October 19, please contact

Trevor Thomas at 519.944.1880 for tickets.

OLOG Seniors Euchre Club We wish to thank Dolores Pitre for 8 years of faithful service to the card club and welcome

Karen Gurtins as the new President. Everyone is welcome to join on Mondays at 1:00 p.m.

at the OLOG Hall.

Our 10th Fall Campaign of 40 Days begins with a Prayer of Blessing on Sunday, September 23rd at the Vigil Site outside Windsor Regional Hospital, Metropolitan Campus. To sign up please visit our website, 40 Days for Life, Windsor.

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Mass Intentions at Our Lady of Guadalupe

Tues., September 18 at 7:00 p.m.

Al & Lucky Janisse……………………….…The Family

Vito DiMaria…………..…………………daughter, Vita

Iones Abbati (20th Ann.)…………..……Wife & Family

Wed., September 19 at 9:30 a.m.

Sharron Mailloux……….……….Ken & Heather Bondy

Sam Dufour…….…..…………...Ken & Heather Bondy

Rosemary Zimmer…………..…..Aunt, Cecile O’Rourke

Thurs., September 20 at 9:00 a.m.

Leonard & Juliette Rondot……….daughter, Anne Marie

Glen Kennedy…….…..…………….…...Betty Robinson

Intentions of Winnie Magee……...….Tom & Marie Ray

Intentions of Mary Kennedy…………Tom & Marie Ray

Thurs., September 20 at 1:30 at Shoreview Retirement

Fr. Dennis Wilhelm………………....Todd & Liam Walker

Fri., September 21 at 9:00 a.m.

Special Intention……………...…………...A Parishioner

Intentions of Marcus Niessen…..Luciano & Olga Todesco

Mary Kenny………...……….…………….Mary Brogan

John & Josephine Hallo…………….…….Theresa Hallo

Prayer Meetings—Everyone Welcome Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.—9:00 p.m.

at Most Precious Blood Church. Join us for: Time of praise & worship (music, guitars, harps, bongos) Quiet time—sharing scripture placed on our hearts Intercessions—prayers offered up Teaching or sharing Praise Reports—people share answers to prayers Announcements and closing song

Fellowship in hall—coffee, tea and snacks


Our Lady of Guadalupe will be celebrating the

Sacrament of Confirmation on November 25, 2018 at 3:00 p.m.

Parents of candidates are invited to attend a Registration and Information Night

on Tuesday, September 25, at 7 p.m. at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Hall.

Classes will be held at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church on Tuesday evenings from 6:45 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. There will be a registration fee of $30 to cover

basic costs (includes book, confirmation gown rental, etc.).

Parents are asked to bring the following to the Parents’ Information Night:

$30.00 (cheque or cash only), a photocopy of the baptismal certificate,

a completed Confirmation Registration Form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to

contact Pastoral Minister Trisha Hickey at 519-945-4133 x 4.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Usher’s Club with help from members of the Parish Pastoral Council,

CWL, SVDP and K. of C. will have their next bingo session on

Wednesday, Sept. 19th at 11:45 p.m. to 1:45 a.m.

Breakaway Gaming Centre, 655 Crawford Ave.

Learn For Life Education Series

No papers, no exams… just Learn for Life! Maria Giannotti will give a course on “Exploring Specific Issues in Care for the Seriously Ill and Dying” from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on September 18, 25, October 2 and 9, 2018 at Sacred Heart Church Hall, 1425 Divine St, LaSalle. The cost is $45 +HST ($50.85). Register online at, by phone at (519) 973-7033 or by email at [email protected]. Rev. Christopher Pietraszko will give a course on “Why the Creed Matters for Our Moral and Spiritual Life” from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on October 16, 23, 30, and November 6, 2018 at Sacred Heart Church Hall, 1425 Divine St, LaSalle. The cost is $45 +HST ($50.85). Register online at, by phone at (519) 973-7033 or by email at [email protected]. Please register by Friday, October 12.


Thursdays following 9:00 a.m. Mass

Bishop’s Dinner for Windsor-Essex

Together with Honorary Co-Chairs Chris and Lisa Kruba, Bishop Fabbro will host the 15

th annual Bishop’s Din-

ner on Thursday, October 25 at the Ciociaro Club. Parish tables of ten are $1150 and single tickets $130. For sponsor-ship and ticket information phone 888.548.9649 or email [email protected]. Proceeds support St. Peter's Seminary and a portion will be contributed to the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Windsor-Essex.