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Ostara’s Magic:Manifesting an Abundant Equinox

Torrie Pattillo

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Copyright Copyright  © 2015: Torrie Pattillo. All rights reserved.E-guide formatted and designed with love by Annie S. Anderson:

Feel free to quote, reference, or share a brief portion of this e-guide, however you feel called to. Your website, social media, e-book, newsletter, etc. However, you must reference the full name of the author (Torrie Pattillo) and include a link back to the following website:

Sharing this guide without proper attribution to the author is considered reproducing and distributing and is strictly prohibited and will have legal ramifications. 

Be honest. Be kind. Practice good karma.

Please be advised, much of this guide, and articles written for and uploaded to are based on the personal experiences and journey of Torrie Pattillo. Although every reasonable attempt was made to ensure accuracy, Torrie is sharing and creating this guide to inspire, entertain and inform the reader. The primary goal of this guide and all other material produced by the author is for personal growth and spiritual advancement purposes only.

Please use good judgment and discernment. This guide is and all other material created by Torrie Pattillo is not meant to replace common sense. Nor does it constitute legal, psychological, business, mental health, or medical advice. Please contact your own doctor, health-care provider, legal professional or business advisor to determine the best course of treatment or action plan for you.

© 2015 Torrie Pattillo Ostara’s Magic

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Table of ContentsOstara’s Magic: 1 Let’s begin with a definition: 6 Soul Assignment #1- Create Space for Manifestation: 7 Soul Assignment #2- Reconnect with nature 11 Soul Assignment #3- Expand your capacity for love and light 12 Soul Assignment #4- Spruce up! 14 Soul Assignment #5- Invite Ostara in to assist you 15 Soul Assignment # 6- Allow your “to-do” list be downloaded intuitively by your Divine Posse & Goddess Ostara 18 About the Author 19

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IntroductionFor those of us in Northern Hemisphere, we are entering into Spring Equinox. This is a day worth celebrating as night and day come into perfect balance, and align in equal length. The ying and yang form congruency: perfect equilibrium of light and dark, feminine and masculine, order and chaos, inner and outer, birth and death, giving and receiving.

It’s the period where winter turns into spring: warmth replacing the cold, hibernation replaces action. Light is increasing: outdoors, and internally. The natural world is awakening and coming fully alive. Flowers will be bursting into bloom. Birds will be chirping. Insects will come out of hiding. Birth and creation is happening everywhere.

Gaia, aka Mother Earth is performing a ceremony for all of us to witness. The planet is her altar, and we get to sit in fellowship of the magic Gaia is brewing, while claiming stake of our own Divine magic.

Gaia has assigned a Goddess to guide us during this time: Ostara. Although Ostara is in the celestial, spiritual, etheric realm, her love, support and guidance can be felt right here on the physical plane.

Ostara is known as the Goddess of springtime, fertility, resurrection and rebirth. When her presence is near, she brings the promise that we are in the PERFECT position to spring into action. Her presence encourages us to launch new projects, spark new ideas, ignite new creations, and to resurrect our hopes and dreams. She invites us to call upon her and tap into her magic to increase our creativity, to begin new ventures and to go into full bloom of our mission, dreams and desires.

She is especially fond of working with healers, coaches, teachers, light-workers, creatives and heart-centered entrepreneurs because we are the ones that were sent here to “birth new conditions, new ideas, new systems, new ways of doing things” in the world.

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Why is this important? It’s the gifts, creations, talents, ideas and methods that we bring to the world that will create world peace, a thriving global community and positive social change. Or more simply put: “Spiritual Awakening”.

Ostara shares her magic with those who are trailblazing “Spiritual Awakening”, are ready to play bigger, create more, and are passionate about making a difference to resurrect love, unity, and freedom.

It doesn’t matter if you are new to magic, working with Goddesses, Angels and Ascended Masters, don’t consider yourself a “woo-woo”, don’t identify as a witch, priestess or pagan, and quite truthfully, it doesn’t even matter if you BELIEVE in any of this. If you follow the steps listed here, you will tap into the magic that is always inherent within. You will awaken the part of you that knows how to use magic, alchemy and the law of attraction with ease.

How? Why? What??? LOL.

It works because magic, Divine guidance, celestial support and creativity is your birthright. Even if you have forgotten, this is not your first round at life. You have lived, created and learned in many lifetimes. You have already accumulated all you need to perform miracles. You have a soul-level toolbox and library of wisdom, resources and support. Consider this e-guide a life line to help you get back in touch with it.

Follow the steps in this guide which will help you tap into direct, free-flowing contact with Ostara and to amplify your ability to manifest.Ready to dive in? Awesome!!!

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Let’s begin with a definition:Divine PosseYour Divine Posse is a team of loving Beings of the celestial and spirit realm that are here to support your Soul’s journey on earth. This includes angels, spirit guides, spirit guardians, animal totems, power animals, and ancestors. It may at times also include Archangels that wish to work with you or that you’ve called upon for support.

At times, your Divine Posse Or may include Ascended Masters such a Mother Mary, Germanic Goddess Ostara, Egyptian Goddess Isis, African Goddess Osun, Hindu Goddess Lakshmi or Buddha aka Siddhartha Gautama. This is because as spiritual beings ourselves, we have unlimited access to call upon these loving guides. They are happy to work with us to support in a particular earthly duty, or that you have called upon for support. In some cases, you may even be fortunate to have elementals such as Faeries, or “assumed mystical” creatures such as dragons or unicorns as a guide.

So please know, there is nothing evil, dark or unusual about working with unseen forces such as the ones mentioned. It’s a fairly new condition that people don’t work with their Divine Posse on a regular basis. In ancient times, you didn’t freak out when shit hit the fan. You didn’t call, text, Skype or tweet your best friend when you were in a pickle of having a bad day. You didn’t call a therapist, your coach, and you damn sure didn’t hop on Facebook and post a status update. You didn’t even have google when you didn’t know how to do stuff.

Your Divine Posse WAS: google, twitter, facebook, your BFF, your therapist, coach, etc. You didn’t need an iPhone to store your contacts. You didn’t have phone numbers to remember. You simply called upon your guides. You entered into ceremony or ritual. You made requests for help, via meditation.

I’m not saying the above resources aren’t helpful, as they certainly are. But my intentions with this guide is to reconnect you to the part of your support system that’s free, always on time, never “talks over you” or flips the conversation to themselves, never complains and truly gets shit done. And YOU, always have the power to have it.

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Soul Assignment #1- Create Space for Manifestation:In order to manifest ANYTHING: money, time, resources, new friendships, a new romantic relationship, creative ideas, artistic inspiration, a topic to write about, a business partner, etc, the very first thing that must be in place: the SPACE for it to come.

“Clearing clutter is modern day alchemy”.- Denise Linn (Feng Shui and Space Clearing Expert, Best Selling Author and founder of the Soul Coaching Institute)

There are many forms of clutter. Environmental, emotional, spiritual, digital, dietary, and even people can be a form of clutter for your life. Clutter creates blocked, negative and stagnant energy. It literally repels things from coming your way. Instead of drawing in the things you desire, it attracts more things that create chaos, loss, sadness and resistance.

Every single thing in daily life is either adding to our vibrant physical health, mental clarity, abundance, joy, spiritual growth and creativity or it’s taking away from it.

Clutter can:• drain your energy, block money from flowing in, give you migraines, cause

allergies, cause anxiety and create a cycle of self-sabotage.• ignite arguments in relationships and create disharmony in homes.• can actually cause you to become a magnet for drama, negativity and criticism.• make you forgetful, and makes you feel rushed or totally overwhelmed.• can cause you to gain weight. (EVERYTHING is energy. This is also a lesson in

the law of attraction. If you feel heavy from all your stuff, all your tasks, all your loose ends you just focus on FEELING heavy. So the Universe gives you more of that. HEAVINESS. In your body. Where attention goes, energy flows.

• can make you feel like a failure. If you started something and didn’t finish it, or had a hobby but didn’t pursue it, or had a business idea and it didn’t take off, yet you have the evidence of it lying around your house, or have emails/newsletters piling up from that music teacher that you quit taking lessons from or you hang out with folks that you really don’t like anyway that you met in one of your pursuits, all of that serves to remind you what you DIDN’T finish.

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• be a pain in the ass! Have you ever tripped over a bra? A pair of shoes? Slipped on a pile of papers? Had to strategically shove items in a drawer or closet, only to have it backfire later?

After coaching hundreds of women, the form of decluttering that seems to tap into alchemy (transformation) the fastest is: removing environmental clutter.A clean, tidy, clutter free environment creates a life of flow, ease and grace. It allows you to maximize the law of attraction so that you can “call in” the things you most desire.

Whether you have a junky coat closet, too many pairs of shoes that you never wear, 10,000 unread emails, too many old text messages or too many old Christmas cards, ALL of it has the ability to block or drain that which you desire from coming into your life. 

Clutter also blocks your ability to easily discern Divine Guidance, use your intuition, or perform magic.

In order for Ostara to FULLY help you, you have to remove the blockages and energetic “waste: that can keep her Divine assistance from working.

A final dose of motivation to clear clutter:You will be taking the first step to shedding scarcity mindset and moving into an abundance mindset. When you hold on to things, you are telling the Universe, “I don’t believe you! I know you promised to meet all my needs, but I think that’s a load of bullshit.”

Holding on to things that no longer serve you is the FASTEST way to kill any chances of getting what you want. It’s not a punishment; it’s simply the law of attraction. When you start to BELIEVE all of your needs will be met, they will be. When you let go of something, you make space for something better.

If you hold on to things that you no longer need, have outgrown or don’t love, you’re sending the following message to the Universe. “This is all I need. I am NOT open to receiving more. I know you have more for me, but no thanks...I’ll pass.” Yikes!

Action steps: Declutter your space***HINT: for the purposes of manifesting during Equinox, there’s a few key places that MUST be tidy, neat and have good energy:

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1. Your bedroom. You are going to need ample rest in order to keep your creativity flowing. Clutter will keep you from sleeping soundly. A sleepy, tired and unrested person is prone to procrastination, low energy, speeding through tasks, living on auto-pilot instead of truly enjoying the moment, and taking short cuts (such as skipping things that could assist with personal, business and spiritual growth.

2. Your workspace.This can be your office at home or outside of home, your desk, your art studio, or any other place where you create, work and/or earn money.Ideas can’t flow if you have a desk covered in random crap. You won’t feel inspired to get thoughts out of your head, onto paper. You won’t feel confident in your work. You will overlook/miss important details.Clear your workspace of ANYTHING that isn’t inspiration, beautiful and useful.

3. Your kitchen. This is considered the place of birth, creation, abundance and harvest.

If you have a lot of clutter, pick a room that’s easy. Even if that room too has a lot of clutter, just do the best you can. Carve out 30 minutes and just get done what you can.

If you don’t have ANY clutter, see below. Use this to help you get rid of something to make space.


• Recycle any old papers • Consider the space in your home that makes you feel less happy. Is there

anything that you can donate, give away, recycle or remove from that room? • Do you have ANY clothing you haven’t worn in a year? Do you have clothing

that makes you feel sloppy, fat, poor or overly frumpy? Donate them or give them away. If it’s raggedy, dirty or otherwise unusable toss it.

• Do you have any broken appliances, jewelry or other broken items that you ’ve been meaning to fix?

• Do you have any books that you started reading and got bored? • Do you have any magazines you haven’t looked at in the past 6 months?• Any old newspapers?

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• Do you have any love letters, holiday cards or gifts from old friends or old romantic partners?

• Are you holding on to any gifts out of guilt, but deep down you don’t like them? • Anything that is not useful or beautiful, get rid of it. • Anything that takes up unnecessary amounts of space, get rid of it. • Is there anything dirty or dusty? • Are all the floors in that room vacuumed, swept and mopped? • Have you cleaned the windows in the past week? • Anything that you can’t find a place for, instead of throwing it in the junk closet

or junk drawer, just toss it. • Do you have more than one junk drawer or junk room? If so, minimize it down

to one today. If you have a very large house, it's ok to have one junk drawer per floor, or per 1500 square feet.

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Soul Assignment #2- Reconnect with natureMake it a priority to get outdoors every single day.

Go for a walk in the woods. Sit outside and have lunch when the sun is shining brightly (double benefit: the sun clears your auric field). Hugs some trees. Take up gardening. Take off your shoes and stand on the ground barefoot. Go for a brief walk on the grass or dirt (earthing). Hug some trees.

Other ideas:

• Place live plants all around your home.• Work with crystals• Place fresh flowers around your home, particularly in your workspace.• Open the windows and let fresh air and sunshine in every single day• Plant a tree in your neighborhood.• Burn dried herbs such as sage or burn incense. • Work with flower essences and pure essential oils.• Eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies every single day.• Drink more water.• Take more baths. Particularly with sea salt.Note: going for a walk in the rain produces magical results. Water is a spiritual medium.

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Soul Assignment #3- Expand your capacity for love and lightOstara can most easily help those that are already filled with light and love. Chances are, if you’re reading this guide and participating in this Equinox event, love and light are the the two things you take a big stand for. BUT…you can never have too much love and light, right?

The fastest way to expand your capacity for love and light is to:

1. Have fun.

Make fun, pleasure, adventure and laughter a part of every single day. Until this becomes second nature, actually write in your planner, calendar, or journal, 3 things you can do to ignite fun, please, adventure and laughter.

2. Connect with others.

If you already have a tribe of heart-centered, like-minded, value-creating people in your life, make it a point to spend more time with them. If not, it’s time to build that tribe. Join facebook groups with people that share common interests. Join a sisterhood. Go to meet-up groups. Find a spiritual or creative community that you can share openly with.

As you build your tribe and find the right communities, be sure to follow mentors, teachers, bloggers and experts that are living a life you want, creating things you adore, have messages that empower and guide you to create connection with yourself so you can stay inspired. And use social media to your advantage. There are many people seeking connection just like you. Be more active online, share from the heart, be your true self. Take pictures and document your journey.

3. Give back.

This can be monetary donations to organizations and causes you believe in. This could be volunteering. This could be creating the things you wish to see in the world, or building the things you wish already existed. Or it could be as simple as a small, random act of kindness done selflessly and with no expectations.

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4. Create something from the heart without judgment.

This could be a painting. A quilt. A collage. Scrapbooking. Or even as simple as a new recipe. As women, we were BORN to create. Carve out time as often as possible to create. Creating is also a form of planting seeds for abundance and manifestation. Every single time you create something, you get “cosmic kudos”. Some of higher value than others. This is like a points system.

For ease of explanation, let’s say you want to manifest a $20,000 launch of your newest online course or coaching program. Let’s say hypothetically you need 100 “cosmic kudos” for this to become a reality. Currently, you only have 30 “cosmic kudos”. Today, you decided to write a blog post on your website that teaches your readers how to do something. You just gained 5 cosmic kudos. Then, you get on pinterest, and you saw a recipe for the best raw brownies ever. You make them to share with your significant other. You just earned 6 cosmic kudos: 3 for making them, 3 for sharing them. Now you have 41 cosmic kudos. Keep on creating and racking up those points, Goddess!!!

Creativity leads to abundance.

(Please note: I don’t know how many “cosmic kudos” things are worth. This is just an example. For ease of accumulation, just create as much as possible!)

BONUS- Brainstorm a list of 20 things you can create to satiate your artistic desires, soul’s purpose in the world, to nurture yourself, to add value to the life of others, that inspires you and that adds beauty/magic/fun to your environment.

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Soul Assignment #4- Spruce up!Color therapy, energy shifting and magnetic attraction is happening day in and day out whether we realize it or not. Some colors attract love and romance, (red and pink) some attract wealth, abundance, prosperity and affluence (purple, gold and green), some attract creativity (orange).

Use this awareness to your advantage. Switch up the colors in your wardrobe. Work with crystals and flowers that hold the color therapy gift that you need. Also, be sure to keep your awareness on colors that suck energy and creativity away from you.

Having too much brown, gray and black in your environment or wearing these colors too often or in a saturated way can invite in negative energy, create depression and make you feel blah.

My computer desk is black, my iMac is black & silver, my P.C is nearby which is black and my printer is black and silver. So I make it a point to add color to my workspace. Currently, I am craving peace, balance, flow and the beach, so I have lots of turquoise (blue-green) on my desk. The green spectrum also aids with abundance. I also have tons of crystals for creativity, abundance and to transmute and clear electro-magnetic smog.

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Soul Assignment #5- Invite Ostara in to assist youOne of the easiest ways to work with your Divine Posse and any celestial beings you feel called to work with, is designate an area to be your “Sacred Space”. This creates a foundation of “clear reception” to the intended Being. The most popular form of sacred space is an altar. Your altar does not need to be super sophisticated and it doesn’t require a lot of space.

It can be something as small as a small table or a shelf on your bookcase. Hell, even a window sill will suffice. The point is to make this area soul-nourishing, beautiful and sacred. Be sure the space is clean and tidy, and perform regular “space clearing” via rituals such as “smudging” (wafting the smoke from herbs such as sage around your sacred space).

Suggested altar supplies: candles, crystals, flowers, ornaments or symbols that represent a particular thing you want to invite into your life, figurines and statues such as angels or a buddha, altar cloth, pillows (to sit on near your altar), or anything you consider sacred.

You can even work with specific items depending on the celestial being you are interested in working with.

For example, when working with Ostara, many people place the following items on their altar:

• Colorful (spring color) eggs. This can be real eggs painted, a photo of an colorful egg, a plastic egg or even ceramic, etc. The egg represents fertility (ideas, creativity, abundance, prosperity, affluence, connections and anything else you wish to birth. The colors are symbolic of spring. (Pastel colors such as pale pink, Robin’s egg blue, purple, lemon yellow and bright green. Think “Easter Colors” since Ostara is connected to Easter). The egg also represents reproduction as in physical birth, and reproduction as in innovation.Creativity bonus- create your own egg. Either dye hardboiled eggs like kids do for easter, or make your own egg and paint it. (Paper mache, wooden, pottery, etc). You can even paint rocks in spring colors. Remember, creativity leads to abundance.

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• The Hare (a mammal resembling a rabbit). This is often considered the totem animal of Goddess Ostara.Quoted from“In Celtic tradition, the hare is sacred to the Goddess and is the totem animal of many lunar goddesses such as Hecate, Freyja and Holda - the hare is a symbol for the moon. The Goddess most closely associated with the Hare is Eostre, or Ostara. The date of the Christian Easter is determined by the phase of the moon. The nocturnal hare, so closely associated with the moon which dies every morning and is resurrected every evening, also represents the rebirth of nature in Spring. Both the moon and the hare were believed to die daily in order to be reborn - therefore the Hare is a symbol of immortality. It is also a major symbol for fertility and abundance as the hare can conceive while pregnant. Over the centuries the symbol of the Hare at Ostara has become the Easter Bunny who brings eggs to children on Easter morning, the Christian day of rebirth and resurrection. Hare hunting was taboo but because the date of Easter is determined by the Moon together with the Hare's strong lunar associations, hare-hunting was a common Easter activity in England (and also at Beltane).”

• Potting soil and seeds. Most often when you think of Spring, you think of flowers, plants and seeds. Since Ostara is the Goddess of the Spring, having a planter with potting soil and seeds on you altar calls in Ostara who is responsible for making these seeds sprout. It also calls in Beings of the Elemental realms such as Faeries which assist Ostara with her work. Placing a wish in the same soil with these seeds is believed to make the wish come true faster.

• Butterflies: represents rebirth and transformation. Butterflies are also the thing we see most often and which causes us to stop and look during Spring. Most things go overlooked, but something about a butterfly fluttering it’s wings makes us pay attention and acknowledge it’s beauty.

• Spring flowers. For beauty, birth, growth, new conditions, new cycle, new life.• Fire. For the warmth that comes with Spring. Simply lighting candles (white or

light green) will be enough.• Crystals associated with Ostara include moonstone, rose quartz, aquamarine,

clear quartz, agate, amazonite, and lapis lazuli. To amplify creativity you can also use carnelian.

• Scents associated with Ostara (you can use incense or oils with these fragrances) include, jasmine, rose, violet, sage, dragon’s blood, frankincense, myrrh, cinnamon, nutmeg, African violet, lotus, strawberry, orange, and musk.On the day of the Equinox or 3 days before, 3 days after, have a special ceremony where you invite Ostara in to assist you.

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You can simply sit down to meditate at you altar, write a letter to Ostara and read it, or do an invocation prayer.

Example prayer:

“Beloved Ostara, Goddess of spring, fertility and resurrection, I welcome your assistance. Thank you for making your presence known and felt. I ask that you infuse my mind, body and spirit with your feminine magic to birth, resurrect, be beautiful, create beauty and manifest abundant supply.

Thank you for helping me sprout new ideas, bloom resources, bud inspiration and flower in time, money and innovation. Thank you for helping me to nurture and grow my mind, body, spirit, dreams, goals and ambitions. Thank you for showering me with love, renewal and life. And so it is.”

Some traditions suggest making an offering by placing it on a plate with respect and reverence on your altar. This can be cooked eggs, ham, baked buns, or bread, any meal prepared with eggs, first fruits of the season, honey, seeds such as sunflower, sesame or pumpkin, a plate of leafy greens, or a slice of cake recently baked (be sure this is the first slice). Once your Equinox or invocation ceremony is over, take the food out in nature and give it back to Gaia. The animals will send you blessings and they chow down.

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Soul Assignment # 6- Allow your “to-do” list be downloaded intuitively by your Divine Posse & Goddess OstaraEach morning, for as long as you feel called to, go to your altar and ask out loud or silently: “For the highest and best good of all concerned, for today, I ask:• How can I tap into the magic and divinity of Ostara to fulfill my soul’s mission

and big dreams?• How can I tap into my creativity to birth beauty, love, fruitfulness and to embark

on new ventures?• How can I resurrect the gifts, talents and skills my Soul has acquired through-

out all lifetimes?• What would it take for me to grow my deepest desires into fulfilled dreams with

as much ease, grace and precision as spring grows new life?These are incredible questions to ask BEFORE meditation and before getting into the shower since water is a spiritual medium.

Then be open to the signs, messages, synchronicities and intuitive downloads from your Divine Posse and higher self.

It may come in the form of a random thought, an “aha moment” (which is actually a stream of consciousness aka a download from the Universe and your Divine Posse), it may come from random advice that resonates deeply from a friend, or you may get presented with a unique and unexpected opportunity. When the answers come, don't be afraid to take action on it.

Enjoy your work with Ostara and I’m sending you a massive dose of love and well wishes for your abundance, creativity and joy using your magic.

If you enjoyed this guide and want even more ideas for rituals, Divine magic or rocking your Soul’s mission, head on over to You can even sign up to receive my “Manife$ting Like A High Prie$te$$” e-guide for free, PLUS VIP and FREE access to my “Bliss Alchemist Goddess Circle” on Facebook

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About the AuthorTorrie Pattillo is a Soul-level Strategist, Mentor and Catalyst for unconventional, visionary, women entrepreneurs, who want to live, give, earn and create big, while nurturing happiness, success and spirituality on their own terms. She’s also a Licensed Desire Map Facilitator and passionate writer.

Through her blog, FREE “Bliss Alchemist” challenge, Desire Map workshops and coaching programs, she’s here to help you: awaken to your unique gifts, reconnect you to your: authentic power, soul's mission and big dreams, while empowering you to maximize your positive influence in the world.

Her spirit-fueled advice, holistic life-hacks and plant passionate recipes are regularly featured on MindBodyGreen.

When she’s not trailblazing revolutionary freedom, you can find her channeling her inner “Hippie/Gypsy/Bohemian Goddess”: (think rituals + nature + adventure + wisdom seeking + sacred creativity), or overdosing on: Netflix or salted-caramel mochas (while reading at a café). Get a dose of Bliss Alchemy & Soul Medicine at, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest. 

© 2015 Torrie Pattillo Ostara’s Magic