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  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation












  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation


    Welcome fellow classmate,

    In our discussion today, we will be discussing on thetopic of Perception and Learning (Topic 3).

    We will be answering two question as assigned by our

    tutor Madam Azizan.

    Also, at every end of our answer,weve

    provide a taskfor all of you to participate and leave a comment regarding

    topic related. Also there shall be a special task to a specific


    Lastly, we have also provide a video (question 2 related)

    for all of you to watch in the link given. Click on the word

    Linkas highlighted or you can also click on the URL address

    attached on iLearn. Have fun and good luck !

    Thank you

  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation



    Why is it critically important to understand

    individual perception, attitudes, decisions and

    behavior before assigning someone a specific

    role in an organization?

  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation


  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation


  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation


  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation


    Self Enhancement

    The deepest urge in human nature is the desire tobe important

    People always try to perceived themselves and

    also others. People expectation about themselves are always

    above the moderate level. They believe that theycan achieved beyond their actual abilities and this

    attribute their successes personal motivation orability and blaming the external factors for theirmistakes.

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    Self Enhancement in Organizational


    When an individual intensify their selfconcept, they will experience better mentaland physical health and adjustment.

    For example, if we know who we are andposition in an organization, we will adhereto our responsibility and there will be less

    stress as we wont conflict with unrelatedresponsibilities.


    Self enhancement causes

    people to overestimates fortheir future returns and theywill be less openness tocriticism.


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    Self Verification

    Self verification explained that peoplemotivated to maintain their existing selfconcept.

    Self verification provides important anchorthat guides their thought and actions.

    In other words, you let people know about

    your characteristics and let other peopleaware that they have to perform up to yourstandard when working together.

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    Perceptual process willbe affected becauseemployees easy to

    remember anyinformation that

    interconnected withtheir self concept.

    Eg: For example, anemployer assigned a taskto an employee who hebelieve can perform the

    work as the employeeself-verified himself as ameticulous person.

    When an individual has aclearer self concept,

    people around us will tryto avoid any negative

    feedback that contradict

    with that self concept.For example, an

    employer know that hisemployee is punctualand dedicated. He willless consciously accept

    feedback thatcontradicts his employee

    self concept.

    People are moremotivated with

    others that have

    rigid self-viewsand this will helpthem to get alongwith boss and theteam members.

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    Self Evaluation

  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation


    Self Esteem likely known as self confidence.

    Theory about self esteem : People have higher self-esteem when they believe they are connected to and

    accepted by others. They also less influenced by othersand think more rationally.

    Self esteem is internal factor which brings and predictsthe attitude and behaviors, so people who have high self-esteem will tend to have a good attitude like a good

    student and a good parent.

    Self- Efficacy a persons belief that he/she cansuccessfully complete a task where those with high self-

    efficacy have a can-doattitude. They believe they posses the energy, ability, role

    perception and resources to perform the task.

    Theory of self-efficacy people with higher general self-efficacy have a more positive over all self-evaluation.

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    Locus of control a person general beliefs about the amount ofcontrol he or she has over personal life events.

    It divides into two which is internal and external. Individuals with an internal locus of control believe their

    personal characteristics like ability and motivation will

    determine lifesoutcomes (good or bad)

    Individual with external locus of control believe that events thathappened in their life are due to the fate, luck or determined by

    the conditions in the external environment.

    Theory of locus of control people with more internal locus of

    control have a more positive self- evalutaion, more successful,

    earn more money and can perform well in their task. It is

    because internal locus of control is the important internal factor

    of one self that will determine the life event that will going to


  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation


    Social SelfPersonal identity internal self concept

    It is an attributes that make one individual differ and unique from other individual. It is your own personality and nothing to do with the social groups you are in and deal


    For eg : generous, disciplined, perfectionist, talented, outspoken.

    Social identity

    external self concept

    It is about how one individual associate with others. People define themselves by thegroups to which they belong or have an emotional attachment.

    Factors determining that you are identified or belong as a member of that particulargroup, are gender (female or male) , age (old, middle age and young), ethnicity (race),

    status (minority or majority). Another factor, people sometimes describe themselves by where they work because of

    their employer has a good reputation (this is where you determine your identity to whatkind of society you are belong to )

    Footnote : Students can refer this subtopic on our question 2 regarding the personalidentity and social identity to understand better and have a clear picture about these.

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    Perception is closely related to attitudes. Perception

    is the process of receiving information about, and

    which organisms interpret and making sense of the

    world around us. In other words, a person is confronted with a

    situation or stimuli. The person interprets the stimuli

    into something meaningful to him or her based on

    prior experiences. However, what an individualinterprets or perceives may be substantially different

    from reality.

  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation


    Social Perception

    Social perception looks on how an individual sees others

    and how others perceive an individual.

    This can be accomplished through various means such as

    classifying an individual based on 5 classes :

    I. A single characteristic (halo effect).

    II. Evaluating a persons characteristics by comparison to

    others (contrast effect).

    III. Perceiving others in ways that really reflect a perceivers

    own attitudes and beliefs (projection).

    IV. Judging someone on the basis of ones perception of the

    group to which that person belongs (stereotyping).

    V. Causing a person to act erroneously based on another

    persons perception (pygmalion effect), or controlling

    another persons perception of oneself (impression


  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation


    Halo Effect

    It well described when an individual draws a generalimpression about another person based on a single

    characteristic, such as intelligence, sociability, or appearance.The perceiver may evaluate the other individual high on manytraits because of his or her belief that the individual is high inone trait.

    For example : if an employee performs a difficult accounting

    task well due to the managers belief of the employees highintelligence, the manager may also mistakenly perceive thatthe employee having competencies in other areas such asmanagement or technology.

    Contrast Effect - relates to how an individual is perceived inrelation to others around him or her. The contrast effect notonly applies to the perception of attractiveness, but it has alsobeen shown to influence self-esteem, public self consciousnessand social anxiety.

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    Projectionis the attribution of ones own attitudes and beliefs

    onto others. All of us are guilty of unconsciously projecting our

    own beliefs onto others. It allows an individual to perceive

    others in ways that really reflect oneself because, in general,

    people are in favor of those who are most like themselves.


    It is a perceptual process of assigning traits to people based on

    their membership in a social category.

    Stereotyping can be positivebecause it allows us to organize

    a very complex world but it may be considered negative if

    used as overly generalized views about groups of individuals.

    It is easy shown in the example of gender stereotyping where

    it provide specific expectations of male and female behavior.

    When those expectations are violated (as in the case of a

    women acting assertively), it results in a negative label being

    applied to describe the woman.

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    Pygmalion Effect

    The pygmalion effect or self-fulfilling prophecy, describes apersonsbehavior that is consistent with another individuals

    perception. In other words, once an expectation is made known by

    another person, an individual will have the tendency tobehave in ways consistent with the expectation. This canhave negative or positive results.

    For example : If a manager sets high standards for asubordinatesperformance, he or she will respond accordinglywith high performance. If a manager sets low standards for asubordinatesperformance because the subordinate is viewed

    as lacking in ability and/or motivation, the resulting workperformance will be low.

    => Therefore, managers expectations directly influencesubordinatesperformance.

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    It is essential for a manager to know the behaviourand actions of the employee. This is because, everyemployee brings a different personality and there is

    a variety that sometimes we do not aware about it(complexity). Thus, the manager should be able toidentify clear, stable and rigid self-concept of theemployees (Clarity). After the manager succeed in

    identifying the self-concept of the employees, themanager will be able to assigned the task based onsimilar personal traits and values (consistency).

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    It is true that most of people try to rate

    themselves above the average level but the

    employer himself cannot predict the realaverage level of a person (self enhancement).

    The employer should not put high expectation

    on the employees to perform excellently whenassigning the task. Due to high expectation the

    employer may deal with frustration and less

    openness to criticism (negative consequences of

    self enhancement).

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    The employer might let the coworkers know

    about the characteristics or term and condition

    that must be fulfill by the employees (self-verification) because it might help the

    employees to guide their thoughts and action

    when completing a task given. As from theemployer insight, this will allow him to expect

    what to be expected aligned with his employees


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    The employer should really understand the employees on howthe employer sees and perceived the employees before assigningcertain task (perception). What kind of social perception that theemployer looks and perceived the employees to perform certain

    task ?For example, An employer of the Accountancy Agency requiredto promote the job one of the employee into high level field(audit field) with certain qualifications such as workingexperience, high qualification and strength. So how he perceived

    his employees in order to fulfill those requirements ? This is toensure his employees can perform the task well (self-efficacy) andadapt with the organizations environment either condusive orhostile.

    On how the employer perceived the employees attitudes and

    behavior, he must know how the employees develop themselves,the self-esteem that they have to bring and hold certain positionand tasks. High self-esteem of the employees will make theemployer feels easy to work and build the network relationshiplike easy to communicate and coorporate together which this will

    result in accepting each others for both sides in an organization.

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    Another important side of how the employer can criticallyunderstand their employees is on the personal identity of oneemployees has and social identity they are belong to before the

    employer assigned specific task. This is to avoid misunderstandingthat will occur later in the process of completing the task.

    Eg for personal identity: If the employer knows the employeespersonal identity is a multi tasker and organized person, he cansolely assigned one of his employees variety of tasks at one timewhere he also be able to organize them one by one andaccordingly

    Eg for social identity: The employer wont give heavy or difficulttasks to a group of new workers (juniors) in early stage. He willpass them to the experienced workers (seniors).

    So, this is why a manager (employer) is important to criticallyunderstand individuals perception, attitude, behavior anddecisions before he can decide and assigned his employees to doand perform specific role in the organisation.

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    Dear Haziq Zafari and Aiman

    Hanis, how do you determine orin what characteristic you

    expected from your employee to

    be, before you have to assigned

    him/her a specific task ?

    Others are welcome to give


  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation



    Contrast Personal and Social

    identity. Do you define yourself in

    terms of the university or college you

    attend? Why or why not ? Whatimplication does your response have

    for the future of your university or

    college ?

  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation


    Contrasting between Personal Identity and

    Social Identity

    Personal Identity SocialIdentity

    Also known as Internal Self concept Or know as External Self concept

    Personal Identity is an attribute that

    make us unique and distinct from peoplein social group

    Where people define themselves by the

    groups to which they belong or have anemotional attachment

    Something about ourselves as an

    individual without reference to a larger


    Complex combination of many

    membership arrange in a hierarchy of


    People who with Personal Identity

    defined themselves by their personal

    identities speak out more frequently

    against the majority and are less

    motivated to follow the terms and wishes

    People who with Social Identity defined

    themselves by their social self are more

    motivated to abide by the teams norms

    and more easily influence by peer


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  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation


    Why? Firstly because of its ethnicity that exist as the

    nature of UiTM. UiTM is as the only localuniversities that only open its admissions toBumiputeras.

    As an implication from the ethnicity, this willgenerate a competitive environment between

    UiTM students with other universities studentsof among other races than Bumiputera.

    Next is because of its learning methodology.UiTM has more practicality in its learningmethods or module. It is more toward hands-on

    rather then theoretical studies. Which allows forthe student to enhance their creativity andinnovation as how demanded by the currentmarket. The students of UiTM were taught toprepare themselves in their soon working life.

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    Besides, in terms of language used incommunication. UiTM students were taught tolearn in English language regardless of anycourse. Thus, making English as the medium

    language in communicating between lecturesand students. UiTM is also the only localUniversities that implemented the language asmedium of communication.

    Last reason is the ethics, etiquette and valuesimplemented and instill to the student of UiTM.There are many terms ethics and etiquette thatthe institute practices, dress ethics, workingethics and many more. And that the institute

    constantly instill the value of patriotism,competitiveness and self readiness.This willindirectly contribute in elevating the good nameof UiTM and gives good perception.

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    And the implication of our response have for

    the future of our university maybe.

    The implication for the future of ouruniversity based on our response maybe,UiTM graduates will become the mostemployed fresh graduates in

    comparison with other local university.This is the effect of its learningmethodology where it concentrate theirstudent more to what is practical ratherthan theoretical. Besides, most employernowadays are prone to employ freshgraduates who are confident tocommunicate in English as English is nowthe International medium in

    communication or in any businesses.

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    Another implication to the future of UiTM is

    that, UiTM will be able to realize itsmission,vision and at the same time their long term

    and short term goal. For example UiTMs

    vision, which is to be one of leading

    International class universities. Together along

    making UiTM a broad-based university and

    attain academic excellence to lead the

    dynamism of indigenous (bumiputera)in everyprofession in the international area.

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    Moreover, because of the various positive

    values instilled by UiTM to its students

    including the value of leadership andcompetitiveness. It will be known in

    generating great leaders of especially

    bumiputera to the whole society. Forexample, Datuk Seri Ahmad Farid Ridzuan

    the CEO of Media Prima, the person who

    manages one of the largest

    telecommunication company.

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  • 8/10/2019 Organizational Behaviour Tutorial Presentation


    Tell us what is your opinion, do youdefine yourself by your

    university/college? why?

    Dear Alia Azmi and Azri Asyraf, if yourea student from another university how

    do you define a UiTM student ?

    Feel free in sharing your own ideas.

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