Download - Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Page 1: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Organic liquid fer�lizer



Seico JDS General Trading L.L.CLicense No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE

Tel: 00971 52750 5693 | Email: [email protected] | Web :

Authorized Agent in Gulf Countries

Page 2: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

It contributes to harves�ng and quality.


Email: [email protected]

Product ManualPlease observe the precau�ons on use.

Leaf spraying, irriga�on irriga�on should be done in the morning, during the evening low temperature.

It is extremely effec�ve when used in combina�on with organic fer�lizer (pellets, powder).

The use of organic fer�lizer (pellets, powder) so�ens the soil.

Organic liquid fer�lizer penetrates the soil.

Crop soup with synergis�c effect of soil organic fer�lizer


Nakashima Trading Co., Lt.158 Ishihata Kutsukake Cho Toyoake­City,

Aichi 470­1101 JAPAN

Page 3: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Product No 10

Nitrogen 8.44 Phosphoric acid 4.09 Potash 4.10 Water­soluble boron 0.053 Water­soluble zinc 0.060

When spraying is done when the temperature of morning and evening is cool. Do not mix with lime sulfur combina�on agent.

Ini�al growth������)

Registra�on number : 102381


1000 ml

It is the finest 4 kinds of compound fer�lizer containing 18 types of highly enriched amino acids, trehalose, betaine,8% nitrogen, 4% phosphoric acid, 4% potash, etc.

Make early growth vigorous, restore deteriora�on, prevent various nutri�onal disorders, and speed recovery of physiological disorders such as cold and frost damage.

Characteris�cs and effects

Assurance component

Note Ma�ers

Target vegetables Method of

Dilu�on ra�o

Amount to use Number of uses and effects

Other crops

Pepper · Watermelon · cucumber ·Tomato · strawberry · melon ·Pumpkin · Chinese cabbage radishSanchu · Spinach ·Green onion, garlic, onionAnd other leafy vegetables,Root crops, fruit vegetables

Apples, grapes, pears,Sweet taste, peach, plumPersimmon and fruit tree

early growth

  7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Keeping healthy seedlings, solid ini�al growth>Late growth

 7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes 

<When Growth Decreases due to Lack of Rainfall> 1000 �mes diluted when spraying on seedlings

Foliar applica�on


500 �1000 �mes

Dilu�on �water500

to 1000 L�660�1320

Water 20 LStock solu�on


500 �1000 �mes

Before flowering7 to 10 days interval 1 to 2 �mes<Cold and frost damage preven�on>1 �me a�er harvest<Defensive recovery, increase of

preserved nutrients>

Foliar applica�on


500 �1000 �mes

500 �1000 �mes

Dilu�on �water500

to 1000 L�660�1320

Water 20 LStock solu�on


same as above

When the growth declines

  7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Growth improvement, maintenance of plant vitality,Preven�ng physiological disorders

Use Method, how to use

Email: [email protected]

Page 4: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Product No 11

When spraying is done when the temperature of morning and evening is cool. Do not mix with lime sulfur combina�on agent.


Registra�on number : 102385


1000 ml

It is the finest 4 kinds of compound fer�lizer containing 18 types of highly enriched amino acids, trehalose, betaine,4% nitrogen, 8% phosphoric acid, 4% potash, etc.

Characteris�cs and effects

Assurance component

Note Ma�ers

Target vegetables Method of

Dilu�on ra�o

Amount to use Number of uses and effects

Other crops

Pepper · Watermelon · cucumber ·Tomato · strawberry · melon ·Pumpkin · Chinese cabbage radishSanchu · Spinach ·Green onion, garlic, onionAnd other leafy vegetables,Root crops, fruit vegetables

Apples, grapes, pears,Sweet taste, peach, plumPersimmon and fruit tree

middle early growth7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 times<Preventing excessive growth, production of sound seedlings> Late growth7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 times<Root development, bulb hypertrophy>

When excessive nitrogen, rainfall equilibrium adjustment

Foliar applica�on


500 �1000 �mes

Dilu�on �water500

to 1000 L�660�1320

Water 20 LStock solu�on


500 �1000 �mes

When excessive nitrogen7 to 10 days interval 1 to 2 �mes<Reduc�on of overgrowth, suppressed cul�va�on>

Foliar applica�on


500 �1000 �mes

500 �1000 �mes

Dilu�on �water500

to 1000 L�660�1320

Water 20 LStock solu�on


same as above

When excessive nitrogen2 or 3 �mes<Balanced rainfall amount balance>

Use Method, how to use

Email: [email protected]

Liquefying phosphoric acid which is not easily absorbed in soil Mul�ple harves�ng can be done by preven�ng overgrowth, using roots of roots, shortening internode using maximized absorbency and u�liza�on rate of products I will. , It is converted by reproduc�ve growth, there is effect of growth regula�on by overgrowth at excessive nitrogen.

Nitrogen 4.22 Phosphoric acid 8.21 potas�,�24.0 Water soluble boron 0.0537 ,Water soluble zinc 0.061

Page 5: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Product No 13

When spraying is done when the temperature of morning and evening is cool. Do not mix with lime sulfur combina�on agent.


Registra�on number : 102383


1000 ml

Characteris�cs and effects

Assurance component

Note Ma�ers

Target vegetables Method of

Dilu�on ra�o

Amount to use Number of uses and effects

Other crops

Pepper · Watermelon · cucumber ·Tomato · strawberry · melon ·Pumpkin · Chinese cabbage radishSanchu · Spinach ·Green onion, garlic, onionAnd other leafy vegetables,Root crops, fruit vegetables

Apples, grapes, pears,Sweet taste, peach, plumPersimmon and fruit tree

Early growth7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Plant vitality and promo�on of defense,Balanced necessary for crops in generalSupply of nutrients>

Foliar applica�on


500 �1000 �mes

Dilu�on �water500

to 1000 L�660�1320

Water 20 LStock solu�on


500 �1000 �mes

Early growth7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Plant vitality and promo�on of defense,Balanced necessary for crops in generalSupply of nutrients>

Foliar applica�on


500 �1000 �mes

500 �1000 �mes

Dilu�on �water500

to 1000 L�660�1320

Water 20 LStock solu�on


same as above

Early growth7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Plant vitality and promo�on of defense,Balanced necessary for crops in generalSupply of nutrients>

Use Method, how to use

Email: [email protected]

As a highly concentrated essen�al element fer�lizer manufactured by a special construc�on method so that it can be absorbed and used quickly by all plants, it has the effect of improving produc�vity, preven�on of early fallen leaves, quality improvement, and preven�on of pes�cide hydrolysis. "

Nitrogen 5.43 Phosphoric acid 5.14Potas��5.24 Water soluble boron 0.058 Water soluble zinc 0.060

It is the finest four­kind compound fer�lizer containing 18 types of highly concentrated amino acids, trehalose, betaine, 5% nitrogen, 5% phosphoric acid, 5% potash, etc.

Page 6: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Product No 15

When spraying is done when the temperature of morning and evening is cool. Do not mix with lime sulfur combina�on agent.


Registra�on number : 102382


1000 ml

Characteris�cs and effects

Assurance component

Note Ma�ers

Target vegetables Method of

Dilu�on ra�o

Amount to use Number of uses and effects

Other crops

Pepper · Watermelon · · Cucumis melo var ·Tomato · strawberry · melon ·Pumpkin and fruit vegetables "

Apples, grapes, pears,Sweet taste, peach, plumPersimmon and fruit tree

Before flowering7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Promo�on of flower blooming flowering, pollina�on increase,Extended flowering period, fruit promo�on,Preven�on of malforma�on fruit, from vegeta�ve growthFast conversion to reproduc�ve growth> "


Water 20 LStock solu�on


1000 �mes

7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes <Promo�on of flower blooming flowering, pollina�on increase,Extendedflowering period, fruitpromo�on,Preven�on of malforma�on fruit,fromvegeta�ve growthFast conversion to reproduc�vegrowth> Ini�al Grape Early Main Leaves 5 ­107 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes <Suppression of the elderly in the shoot, preven�on of the flowerphenomenon phenomenon>

FoliageSpraying 1000 �mes

same as above

Before flowering­ 7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes <Promo�on of flower blooming flowering, pollina�on increase,Extended flowering period, fruit promo�on,Preven�on of malforma�on fruit, from vegeta�ve growthFast conversion to reproduc�ve growth> "

Use Method, how to use

Email: [email protected]

Increase fer�lity rate, increase fruit strength, reduce the probability of becoming malformed fruits by the development of large and healthy flowers, and have a fast conversion effect from vegeta�ve growth to reproduc�ve growth.

Nitrogen 9.96 Phosphoric acid 4.14 Kariya 4.10 Water­soluble boron 0.054 Water­soluble zinc 0.060

A large amount of substances, such as proline, leucine, cysteine and valine, which have a large effect on reproduc�ve growth are contained, improving pollina�on ra�o and promo�ng flower bud differen�a�on.

Water 20 LStock solu�on


Page 7: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Product No 14

When spraying is done when the temperature of morning and evening is cool. Do not mix with lime sulfur combina�on agent.


Registra�on number : 102386


1000 ml

Characteris�cs and effects

Assurance component

Note Ma�ers

Target vegetables Method of

Dilu�on ra�o

Amount to use Number of uses and effects

Other crops

Pepper · Watermelon · cucumber ·Tomato · strawberry · melon ·Pumpkin · Chinese cabbage radishSanchu · Spinach ·Green onion, garlic, onionAnd other leafy vegetables,Root crops, fruit vegetables

Apples, grapes, pears,Sweet taste, peach, plumPersimmon and fruit tree

Seedling season7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Promo�on of Root Development, Suppression of Chieflies>

Late growth and failure occurrence7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Promo�on of fruits and various preven�ve measuresAnd suppression> rops in general

Foliar applica�on


1000 �mes 660�

Water 20 LStock solu�on

20~40CC1000 �mes

Growing stage7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Suppression of chieflength, increase in quan�ty, promo�on of colora�on,Improvement of sugar content>

Foliar applica�on


1000 �mes

1000 �mes


Water 20 LStock solu�on


same as above

Growing stage7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Suppression of failure occurrence, suppression of long­term leadership,Promo�on of colora�on / fruit promo�on, promo�on of root development>

Use Method, how to use

Email: [email protected]

It has the effect of root growth promo�on, suppression of chieflength, promo�on of achievement, preven�on and suppression of various troubles. "

Nitrogen 1.10 Phosphoric acid 30.15 Kariya 16.90 Water­soluble boron 0.059 Water­soluble molybdenum 0.0008

Unlike exis�ng phosphorous acid products, the par�cles are crushed to small nanomolecules that have been researched and developed using original technology, maximizing absorbability, the inhibitory ac�on against oomycetes and other resistant fungi is outstanding , S�mulate the self­defense power of the plant body, and foster resistance to various obstacles.

Page 8: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Product No 16

When spraying is done when the temperature of morning and evening is cool. Do not mix with lime sulfur combina�on agent.

Increase sugar content

Registra�on number : 102382


1000 ml

Characteris�cs and effects

Assurance component

Note Ma�ers

Target vegetables Method of

Dilu�on ra�o

Amount to use Number of uses and effects

Other crops

Grapes, strawberries

Preserved fruits such as apples and pears

2 to 3 �mes at intervals of 7 to 10 days from 25 days before harvest <Increase in sugar content, increase in flavor, promo�on of colora�on>

Foliar applica�on

Water 20 LStock solu�on

200cc1000 �mes

2 to 3 �mes at intervals of 7 to 10 days from 35 days before harvest<Increase in sugar content, increase in flavor, promo�on of colora�on>

1000 �mes

determined a�er harves�ng days back from the fruit 7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes <Increase in sugar content, increase in flavor, promo�on of colora�on> "

Use Method, how to use

Email: [email protected]

Provide sugar and nutrients in the plant body to the fruit, maximize the increase in sugar content and the original taste, and it has an effect on the flavor and coloring of the fruit.

Nitrogen 9.96 Phosphoric acid 4.14 Potash 4.10 Water­soluble boron 0.054 Water­soluble zinc 0.060

Provide sugar and nutrients in the plant body to the fruit, maximize the increase in sugar content and the original taste, and it has an effect on the flavor and coloring of the fruit.

Water 20 LStock solu�on


Foliar applica�on

Watermelon, cucumis melon, cucurbitaceae such as melon

Foliar applica�on 1000 �mes

Water 20 LStock solu�on


Foliar applica�on 1000 �mes

Water 20 LStock solu�on


harvest from 15 to 20 days ago7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Increase in sugar content, increase in flavor, promo�on of colora�on>

Page 9: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Product No 17

When spraying is done when the temperature of morning and evening is cool. Do not mix with lime sulfur combina�on agent.

Registra�on number : 102390


1000 ml

Characteris�cs and effects

Assurance component

Note Ma�ers

Target vegetables Method of

Dilu�on ra�o

Amount to use Number of uses and effects

Other crops

Pepper · Watermelon · cucumber ·Tomato · strawberry · melon ·Pumpkin · Chinese cabbage radishSanchu · Spinach ·Green onion, garlic, onionAnd other leafy vegetables,Root crops, fruit vegetables

Apples, grapes, pears,Sweet taste, peach, plumPersimmon and fruit tree

Nursery bed�Period7 to 10 days interval 1 to 2 �mes<Training healthy seedlings, preven�ng preven�on>1000­fold diluted at seedlings A�er livelihood, the total growth period7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Preven�on of chieflength, healthy growth, quality improvement, suppression of excessive nitrogen>>

Foliar applica�on


500 �1000�times�

(Dilu�on water 500

to 1000 L�660�1320�

Water 20 LStock solu�on


Rainy season ­����������������7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<500­fold dilu�onSuppression of long branches due to the rainy season>A�er the fallen flowers7 to 10 days interval 1 to 2 �mes<Chief suppression>>

Foliar applica�on


Water 20 LStock solu�on


same as above

When growing too much7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Suppression of long­term, short induc�on of inter­node>>

Use Method, how to use

Email: [email protected]

If you use it for a long branch, what is expected to be chiefly, ones that are overgrown due to excess nitrogen, and those with fear of excessive growth due to frequent rainfall, the chie�ain is suppressed and has the effect of growing strongly. "

Water soluble soil 1.08 Water soluble manganese 0.140 Water soluble boron 0.320 Calcium 11.83

When the long­range phenomenon occurs due to the short­lived phenomenon due to nitrogen and shortage of sunshine, the long­term rapid removal by the organic acid calcium of magnesium which is the leading role of chlorophyll.

500 �1000�times�

500 �1000�times�

500 �1000�times�

(Dilu�on water 500

to 1000 L�660�1320�

Page 10: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Product No 18

When spraying is done when the temperature of morning and evening is cool. Do not mix with lime sulfur combina�on agent.

Registra�on number : 102387


1000 ml

Characteris�cs and effects

Assurance component

Note Ma�ers

Target vegetables Method of

Dilu�on ra�o

Amount to use Number of uses and effects

Other crops

Pepper · Watermelon · cucumber ·Tomato · strawberry · melon ·Pumpkin · Chinese cabbage radishSanchu · Spinach ·Green onion, garlic, onionAnd other leafy vegetables,Root crops, fruit vegetables

Apples, grapes, pears,Sweet taste, peach, plumPersimmon and fruit tree

middle growth of growth7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Enhancement of denseness of cells, preven�on of bankruptcy,Maintain plant vitality> First half of growth7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Suppression of long­term leadership, well­balanced growth> "

Foliar applica�on



660 �

Water 20 LStock solu�on


First half of growth7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Suppression of long­term leadership, well­balanced growth,Increase in texture and enhancement of preserva�on>

Foliar applica�on


Water 20 LStock solu�on


same as above

First half of growth7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Suppression of long­term leadership, well­balanced growth>

Use Method, how to use

Email: [email protected]

Prevent nitrogen damage and increase absorp�on rate of phosphoric acid component.

By increasing the number of cells and becoming dense, the length, leaves are suppressed, the leaves are thick, the stems are solid, and there is an effect of quan�ty increase.

Nitrogen 1.06 Kariya 9.24 Copper 0.059 Water­soluble zinc 0.060

A special func�onal formula�on containing various trace elements of liquid silicate fer�lizer promotes leaf solidifica�on and enhances resistance to various disorders.




660 �

Page 11: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Product No 20

When spraying is done when the temperature of morning and evening is cool. Do not mix with lime sulfur combina�on agent.

Registra�on number : 103770

seic1000 ml

Characteris�cs and effects

Assurance component

Note Ma�ers

Target vegetables Method of

Dilu�on ra�o

Amount to use Number of uses and effects


Apples, pears, jujube,Fruit trees such as plums, peaches "


50 to 80% at the �me of flowering, ini�al coloring,When you want to make the size of overgrel table tennis ball7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Enhancement of compactness of cells, hypertrophy enhancement,Promo�on of coloring>

Foliar applica�on




Water 20 L��Stock solu�on


30% at the �me of flowering, at the �me of the flowerPrimary hypertrophy stage, ini�al colora�on7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Enhancement of cell compactness, hypertrophy enhancement,Promo�on of coloring>

Foliar applica�on


Use Method, how to use

Email: [email protected]

Nitrogen 1.21 Phosphoric Acid 1.72 Kari 3894 Water Soluble Bit Soil 1.65 Water Soluble Manganese

0.260 Water Soluble Boron 0.270 Iron 0.026 �Copper 0.016 Molybdenum 0.007 Calcium 1.54

It is a sustained hypertrophic product containing four types of potassium hydroxide, potassium chloride, potassium phosphate, potassium phosphate, citric acid trehalose, trace elements.

Unlike hypertrophic chemical fer�lizers that grow rapidly with chemical hormone ingredients, it increases the number and size of substan�al cells and forms a precise fruit �ssue





Water 20 L��Stock solu�on

200ccFlowering early7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Enhancement of cell compactness, hypertrophy enhancement,Promo�on of coloring>

Foliar applica�on





Water 20 L��Stock solu�on

200ccA�er flowering7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Enhancement of Cell Denseness, Promo�on of Coloring>>

Foliar applica�on





Water 20 L��Stock solu�on


Cucumis melo var, watermelon,


Tomato, red pepperCucumber, pumpkin

Just before fruit7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Enhancement of Cell Denseness, Promo�on of Coloring>>2 to 3 flower bloom at the �me of flowering

Foliar applica�on





Water 20 L��Stock solu�on


Page 12: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Product No 21

When spraying is done when the temperature of morning and evening is cool. Do not mix with lime sulfur combina�on agent.

Registra�on number : 102388


1000 ml

Characteris�cs and effects

Assurance component

Note Ma�ers

Target vegetables Method of

Dilu�on ra�o

Amount to use Number of uses and effects

Pepper · Watermelon · cucumber ·Tomato · strawberry · melon ·Pumpkin · Chinese cabbage radishSanchu · Spinach ·Green onion, garlic, onionAnd other leafy vegetables,Root crops, fruit vegetables

Apples, grapes, pears,Sweet taste, peach, plumPersimmon and fruit tree

early growth7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Crop Preven�on of aging, reduc�on of overgrowth,Ac�va�on of metabolite in crop body>

Foliar applica�on



660 �

Water 20 L��Stock�solution���


early growth7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Crop Preven�on of aging, reduc�on of overgrowth,Ac�va�on of metabolite in crop body>Middle growth5to 7day interval 1 or 2 �mes<Preven�on of ini�al defolia�on, preven�on of aging of crop>>d enhancement of preserva�on>

Foliar applica�on


same as above

early growth7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Crop Preven�on of aging, reduc�on of overgrowth,Ac�va�on of metabolite in crop body>

Use Method, how to use

Email: [email protected]

Because of the nature of zinc, due to excessive soil phosphoric acid, acidifica�on of soil progresses and absorp�on becomes difficult, so aging of crops progresses quickly, but when zinc life is used, the secre�on of oxine It accelerates the synthesis of protein, has an excellent effect on preven�on of aging. "

Nitrogen 9.96 Phosphoric acid 4.14 Kariil 4.10 Water soluble zinc 11.10 Water soluble molybdenum 0.0008

Highly concentrated zinc and cysteine, serine, methionine are produced by a special method, and there is an excellent effect in preven�on of aging of crops.




660 �

Water 20 L��Stock�solution���


"Garlic, onions,Potatoes,Such as sweet potato Root crops and

Other crops "

Page 13: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Product No 23

When spraying is done when the temperature of morning and evening is cool. Do not mix with lime sulfur combina�on agent.

Registra�on number : 102390


1000 ml

Characteris�cs and effects

Assurance component

Note Ma�ers

Target vegetables Method of

Dilu�on ra�o

Amount to use Number of uses and effects

Pepper · Watermelon · cucumber ·Tomato · strawberry · melon ·Pumpkin · Chinese cabbage radishSanchu · Spinach ·Green onion, garlic, onionAnd other leafy vegetables,Root crops, fruit vegetables

Apples, grapes, pears,Sweet taste, peach, plumPersimmon and fruit tree

early growthSustained applica�on at intervals of 7 to 10 days<Fruit hypertrophy, preven�on of calcium deficiency,Improvement of cell density>

Foliar applica�on



(Dilu�on water 500 to

1000 L�660�1320�

Water 20 L��Stock�solution���


Before flowering<Fruit conclusion>Immediately a�er fruit<Early cell division promo�on>

� growing season<Preven�on of poor pox, preven�on of wheat symptoms>

� coloring period<Hard fruit, improvement of preserva�on>7 to 10 days interval 1 to 2 �mes

Foliar applica�on


same as above

growing season ­ Sustained applica�on at intervals of 7 to 10 days <Fruit hypertrophy, preven�on of calcium deficiency, Improvement of cell density>

Use Method, how to use

Email: [email protected]

It has an outstanding effect on physiological disorders due to calcium deficiency such as apple calcium deficiency, pear malforma�on symptoms, red pepper and tomato bu�er rot, cucumber leaf sag and hen corrup�on. "

Water soluble soil 1.08 Water soluble manganese 0.140 Water soluble boron 0.320��Calcium 11.83

Absorp�on and u�liza�on rate increases Organic acid Calcium, citric acid, calcium, manganese, boron, magnesium is the product made with the best formula�on, especially enhancing calcium absorp�on and mobility.

Water 20 L��Stock�solution���


"Garlic, onions,Potatoes,Such as sweet potato Root crops and

Other crops "




(Dilu�on water 500 to

1000 L�660�1320�

Page 14: Organic liquid ferlizer · 2020-05-10 · Organic liquid ferlizer Care Pro MADE IN JAPAN seic Seico JDS General Trading L.L.C License No : 832210, PO Box: 296360, Dubai, UAE Tel:

Product No 24

When spraying is done when the temperature of morning and evening is cool. Do not mix with lime sulfur combina�on agent.

Registra�on number : 102389


1000 ml

Characteris�cs and effects

Assurance component

Note Ma�ers

Target vegetables Method of

Dilu�on ra�o

Amount to use Number of uses and effects

Pepper · Watermelon · cucumber ·Tomato · strawberry · melon ·Pumpkin · Chinese cabbage radishSanchu · Spinach ·Green onion, garlic, onionAnd other leafy vegetables,Root crops, fruit vegetables

Apples, grapes, pears,Sweet taste, peach, plumPersimmon and fruit tree

Nursery period (three to four true leaves)7 to 10 days interval 1 to 2 �mes<Cooling damage preven�on, breeding healthy seedlings>

Early growth7 to 10 days interval 2 to 3 �mes<Improvement in quality, decrease in malforma�on fruit,Preven�on of various trace elements deficiency>

Foliar applica�on



(Dilu�on water 500 to

1000 L�660�1320�

Water 20 L��Stock�solution���


Before flowering7 to 10 days interval 1 to 2 �mes<Frost Damage / Cool Damage Preven�on, New Grass Enrichment,Improvement of deformity preven�on, flowering correc�on>Middle growth ­ 7 to 10 days interval 1 to 2 �mes<Ini�al defolia�on preven�on, trace element deficiency preven�on Prevent the bud 's fall phenomenon>

Foliar applica�on


same as above

Nursery season7 to 10 days interval 1 to 2 �mes<Cooling / frost damage preven�on,Training healthy seedlings>

Use Method, how to use

Email: [email protected]

Contains 18 kinds of amino acids, betaine, etc. of chelated total integrated elements, eliminates various trace element deficiencies quickly, and has an excellent effect in preven�on of physiological disorders.

Water­soluble bi�ern 5.31 Water­soluble manganese 3.43 Water­soluble boron 0.88���Iron 0,104 Copper 0.017 Water­soluble zinc 0.038 Water­soluble molybdenum 0.003��

Chelate high concentra�on trace elements such as magnesium oxide, iron, zinc, boron, copper, molybdenum, manganese three �mes to maximize absorp�on rate.

Water 20 L��Stock�solution���


"Garlic, onions,Potatoes,Such as sweet potato Root crops and

Other crops "




(Dilu�on water 500 to

1000 L�660�1320�