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•Relationship Counseling - Relationship counseling can help resolve conflicts and heal wounds. Let us help you learn how to maintain a healthy relationship with your partner, family, friends and co-workers.

•Couples & Marriage Counseling - Marriage counseling, also called couples therapy, helps couples understand and resolve conflicts and improve their relationship.

•Gay & Lesbian Counseling - Let us help you deal with the challenges of being gay or lesbian. Whether you are having difficulty ‘coming out,’ dealing with family, or having a healthy relationship, we can help.

•Depression Counseling - Depression can feel like a wave washing over you and leaving you overwhelmed and scared. This is a confusing and scary period of time that you can beat by learning effective strategies for managing your depression.

•Anxiety Counseling - It is possible to take control of your anxiety. I counsel and teach the effective strategies to give the power back to you.

•Hypnosis - Hypnosis can help with many problems, ranging from forming healthy habits to helping cope with depression and anxiety to creating a positive approach to relationships.

•Elder Care Counseling - Parents and grandparents get older, and sometimes problems can arise with relating to the issues faced by them.

Are you Looking to Form or

Strengthen a Relationship?If you answered yes to any of

these questions it is time to

break the pattern. It can be a

frustrating and exhausting

process but it is possible to get

what you want. Through my

relationship counseling services, I

can teach you the skills that will

help you find or maintain a

healthy and happy relationship.

We all struggle with dating, relationships and communication. Most of us were not taught how to date… how to clarify what we want… how to set our expectations and have them met. There are a variety issues you may be facing.

If you answered yes to any of these questions it is time to take control and turn your relationship around with couples and marriage counseling. I can teach you the skills needed to go from anger and resentment to love and kindness.

Gay and lesbian counseling has

unique challenges in their

relationships. Outside social factors

as well as family and friends

understanding can put additional

stress on a relationship.

I have been working in the

gay lesbian community for over

10 years and can help teach you

the skills you need to be in a

successful relationship and deal

with the unique challenges facing

Gays and Lesbians.

Depression counseling provides an

understanding of behavior

patterns, why we do what we do. It

teaches healthy, effective skill

building to resolve and manage your

issues. Depression counseling

provides the environment to get

“unstuck” from your issues. It is a

positive solution focused approach

to changing your life. We will work

together to develop goals and a

plan to accomplish the change in

your life and/or relationship.

When you’re depressed, things may

feel hopeless, but with help and

support you can get better. Contact

me for depression counseling today

to get the help you need before the

depression take over.

We have all experienced anxiety at

some point in our lives. However, if you

have suffered from anxiety attacks

and/or panic attacks you know how

scary they can be. If you find yourself

worrying too much, focused how things

can wrong, having repetitive thoughts

over and over, and avoiding situations

that can bring anxiety on it is likely

anxiety is interfering in your life.

If you have any of these symptoms you

may suffer from anxiety. Anxiety

counseling can help. Learn the skills to

identifying the

thoughts, perceptions, and feelings and

change them with anxiety counseling.

There is generally no one agreed

upon definition of hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a tool used by clinicians

to teach or initiate changes in

sensations, perceptions, thoughts

and behaviors.

Hypnosis may be able to help you.

Contact me today to learn more

about the benefits of hypnosis and

how it may be able to help you.

Dealing with an aging or

sick loved one often

result in difficult and

stressful situations for


Elder care counseling

provides resources and

coping skills to learn to

help you do more than

just “survive the

experience.” These

resources and skills will

help you and those

around you better cope

with the tough issues of


Counseling Corner, Inc.

Nancy Travers, LCSW

1600 Dove Street - Suite 260Newport Beach, CA 92660
