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Oral communication is the process of verbally transmitting information and ideas from one individual or group to another. Oral communication can be either Formal or Informal. Examples of informal oral communication include: Face-to-face conversations Telephone conversations Discussions that take place at business meetings Oral communication describes any type of interaction that makes use of spoken words, and it is a vital, integral part of the business world

Oral Communication Skills

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§ Time Saving§ Cost Saving§ Effectiveness§ Immediate Response§ More Suitability§ A relationship develops§ Flexibility§ Easiness§ Correction of errors§ Informal communication§ Special applications§ Maintaining secrecy

Advantages of Oral Communication

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§ No record available§ Sometime can be Expensive§ Distortion of the word§ Inaccuracy § Limited use§ Probability of omitting main subject§ Confused speech§ No legal validity§ Late decision§ Defective§ Creates misunderstanding

Disadvantages of Oral Communication

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Kinesics: - Kinesics is the interpretation of body motion communication such as facial expressions and gestures, nonverbal behavior related to movement of any part of the body or the body as a whole.

Chronemics: - Chromatics is the study of the role of time in communication. It is one of several subcategories of the study of communication. Chronemics can be briefly and generally defined as the study of human tempo as it related to human communication.

Meaning and Use of….

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Proxemics: - Basically, proxemics is the study of space and how we use it, how it makes us feel more or less comfortable, and how we arrange objects and ourselves in relation to space. It is understanding of how humans use space in communication.

Paralinguistic: - Paralinguistic features in verbal communication are the vocal signals beyond the basic verbal message. Paralinguistic elements in a person's speech convey meaning beyond the words and grammar used. Examples of paralinguistic features include pitch, rate, quality of voice and amplitude.

Meaning and Use of….

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Group Discussion! Is a methodology or in a simple language you may call it an interview process or a group activity. It is used as one of the best tools to select the prospective candidates in a comparative perspective. GD may be used by an interviewer at an organization, colleges or even at different types of management competitions.

“ it is a process of examining or considering something in detail in a group”

Group Discussions

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“It is a process of incorporating views of different team members to reach a common goal”

“ it is a discussion among participants who have an agreed topic to discuss about.”

Meaning of GD

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It helps to Understand a subject more detail. It improves your ability to think critically. It helps in solving a particular problem. It helps the group to make a particular decision. It improves your listening skills. It increases your confidence in speaking. It will help to change your attitude.

Why we need Group Discussions

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Factual Topics: - Factual topics are about Practical things, which an ordinary persons is aware of in his day to day life. Typically these are about socio- economic topics. A factual topic for discussion gives a candidate a chance to prove that he is aware of and sensitive to his environment.

Controversial Topics: - these are the ones that are argumentative in nature. They are meant to generate controversy. The idea behind giving a topic like this is to see how much maturity the candidate is displying by keeping his temper in check, by rationally and logically arguing his point without getting personal and emotional.

Types of group discussion

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Abstract Topic: - Abstract topics are about intangible things. These topics test your lateral thinking and creativity.

Case- Based Topics: - Information about the situation will be given to you and you would be asked as a group to resolve the situation. In the case study there are no incorrect answers or perfect solutions. The objective in the case study is to get you think about the situation from various angles.

Types of Group Discussion

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Initiating the Discussion: - if you are familiar with the topic, it would be wise to initiate the discussion and exhibit your confidence and knowledge about the subject.

Possessing requisite knowledge: - possessing knowledge with essential data and statistics will provide opportunities to capture the attention of the participants.

Communicating Effectively: - In a group discussion your ability to arrange all relevant and significant information will matters a lot.

Role of Body Language: - your body language must send the right signals to coincides with what you speak. Because gestures mirror ones state of mind.

Essentials Elements of GD

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Maturity and Mutual Respect: - Purpose of discussion is to only generate light and not heat. So it is important to keep atmosphere of cooperation.

Making an Impact: - It is not enough you to only posses knowledge on the subject but also you have to have a long lasting impact on others.

Technique of Interruption: - though you get very short time to leave a mark in GD, this does not mean you to interrupt others as like.

Reaching Consensus: - If you are confident of the topic under discussion, you must take initiative to persuade to reach a consensus.[a general agreement.]

Essentials Elements of GD

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Communication Skills Knowledge and Idea regarding given subject Leadership and coordinating capabilities Exchange of Thoughts. Addressing the group as whole. Thorough preparations.

Skills Require in GD

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Be natural as possible, don’t try who you are not. Take time to organize your thoughts. Seek clarification if you have any doubts Don’t start speaking until you have clearly understood. Use proper body language. Use vocal language skill effectively. Be assertive and not dominating. Always be polite. Brush up on your leadership skills. Practice Hard.

GD Etiquette – Do’s

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You should Never…X Loose your temper.X Shout during discussion.X Use too many gestures. And body movement.X Dominate the discussion.X Draw too much personal experience.X Interrupt others.X Argue….

GD Etiquettes – Don'ts

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Facial Expressions: - Should have relax look. Hand Movements: - do not move your hand extensively. Never

point finger towards anyone. Body Posture: - ensure that you sit with your head erect and

shoulders back. Do not lean. Head movement: extensive nodding of head should not be

there, it should be simple and adequate. Eye Contact: - a good eye contact indicate your attention and

confidence. Movement and Gestures: - avoid unnecessary movements.

Use of Non – verbal communication in GD

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Normal Duration of GD – 15-20 Minutes Number of Group Members – 03 to 10 Time for Preparation – 05 minutes Seating arrangement – Circular or Similar Leadership – encourage others to speak. Keep track of time Always use examples to attract others Do not speak more than one minute when your turn is

there. Only one language to be used to speak Ask only for clarification, not to criticize. Reach to the conclusion in the time allotted.

Some points or TIPS for GD

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Prepared ByProf. Harshal Kamble,Asst. Professor, AJMVPS, Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Ahmednagar