Download - Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

Page 1: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

Operator's Manual


Model No.358.350060 - 16 in. Bar

WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and OperatingInstructions before first use of this product.

61_ For answers to your questions about this product:Call 7 am-7 pm, Mon.--Sat., or 10 am-7 pm, Sun.

• 1-800-235-5878 (.ou_===.c..=_m.)|

_ars, Roebuckand Co., HoffmanEstates,IL 60179 USA

530087821 07/17/98

Page 2: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

Warranty 2 Storage ' 16Safety Rules 2 Trouble Shooting Chart 17Assembly 5 Parts List 20Operation ..... 6 Spanish 24Maintenance 11 Parts & Ordering BackService and Ad_stmbt_s _. : 14

FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN ® GASCHAIN SAWFor one year from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman Gas Chain Saw ismaintained, lubricated and tuned up accordingto the owner's manual, Sears willrepair, free of charge, any defect in matodai or workmanship.

This warranty excludes the bar, chain, sparkplug and air filter,which areexpendable parts, and become wom dudng normal use.

If this Gas Chain Saw is used for commercial or rental purposes, thiswarrantyapplies for 30 days from the date of purchase,WARRANTY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE BY RETURNING THIS CHAIN SAW TOTHE NEAREST SEARS SERVICE CENTER IN THE UNITED STATES.

This warranty gives you specific legal dghts, and you may also have other rightswhich vary from state to state.Soars, Roebuck and Co., D/817 WA, Hoffmen Eetatda,.IL 60179

WARNING: Always disconnectsparkplugwire when making repairs exceptfor carburetor adjustmi_nts.Because achain saw is a high-speed woodcuttingtool, careless or improper use of thistool can cause serious injury.

PLAN AHEAD• Restrictthe use of your saw to adult

users who understand and can followthe safety rules, precautions, and op-erating Instructionsfound in this


Headng _ SafetyHatPrctecUon-,_ _ _ Eye

ilOOr,---- Protection


S-,tety SafetyChapsShoes\


• Wear protective gear. Always use.. __.eel-toed safety footwear with non-

slip soles; snug-fittingclothing; heavy-

duty,non-slipgloves;eye protectionsuch as non,-tfogglng,vented gogglesor face screen; an approved safetyhard hat; and sound barriers (ear_lugs or mufflers) to protectyour

esdng. Regular usersshould havehsadng checked regularlyas chainsaw noise can damage headng. Se-cure hair above shoulder length.

• Keep all parts of your body away fromthe dlain when the engine is runntng.

• Keep children,bystanders, and ani-mals at least30 feet (10 meters)away from the work area when start-ing and usingthe saw.

• Do not handle or operate a chain sawwhen you are fatigued, Ill,or upset, orif you have taken alcohol,drugs, ormedication. You mustbe In good_fhysical conditionand mentally alert.

you have any condition that mightbe aggravated by strenuous work,check with doctorbefore operating.

• Do not startcutting untilyou have aclear work area, secure footing,andespecially ifyou are felling a tree, aretreat path.


Page 3: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

OPERATEYOUR SAW SAFELY• Do not operate with one hand. Sed-

ous injury to the operator, helpers, orbystanders may resultfrom one-handed operation. A chain saw is In-tended for two-hand_lduse. ....

• Operate the chain saw only in a well-ventilated outdoorarea.

• Do not operate saw from a ladder orin a tree, unless you are specificallytrained to do so.

• Make sure the chain will not makecontact with any object while startingthe engine. Never tryto start the sawwhen the guide bar is in a cut.

• Do not put pressure on the saw, ss-pecially at the end of the cut. Doingso can cause you to lose controlwhen the cut is completed.

• Stop engine before setting saw down.• Hand carry saw only when engine is

stopped. Carry with muffleraway bar & chain projectingbe-hind you; guide bar preferably cov-ered with a scabbard.

• Store the unit and fuel in e cool, drywell ventilatedspace where fuel va-pors cannot reach sparks or openflames from water heaters, electdcmotorsor switches, fumaces, etc.


Followeli safety rulesto help avoidkickback and other forces which canresultin serious injury.



WARNING: Rotational Kickback canoccur when the moving chain contactsan object at the upper portion of the tip

MAINTAIN YOUR SAW IN GOOD of theguidebar.Contaotatthe upperWORKING ORDER• Have all chain saw sewice performed

by a qualified service dealer exceptthe items listed in the maintenancesection of this manual.

• Make certain the saw chain stops

moving when the throttle trigger is re-leased. For correction, refer to Car-buretorAdjustments."

• Keep the handles dry, clean, and freefrom oilor fuel mixture.

• Keep cape and fasteners securelytightened.

• Use only Craftsman accassodss andreplacement parts as recommended.Never modify your saw.

HANDLE FUEL WITH CAUTION• Do not smoke while handling fuel or

while operating the saw.• Bi_ all sourcssof sparks orflame

In amss wherefuel Is rnixedor poured.• Mix and pour fuel in an outdoorarea

and use an approved, marked con-tainer for all fuel purposes. Wipe upall fuel spills before startingsaw.

• Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) from

• fueling site before starting..,Tu_the engine off and let saw cool ina non-oombusltblearea, not on dryleaves, straw, paper, etc. Slowly re-move fupl cap and refuel unit.

portion of the;tip of the guide bar cancause the cHainto dig into the object,which stopsthe chain for an instant.Theresultis a lightningfast, reverse reactionwhich kicksthe guide bar up and backtoward the operator.Pinch-Kickbackand Pull-In occur whenthe chain is suddenly stopped by beingpinched, caught, or by contacting a for-eign object in the wood. This suddenstopping of the chain results in a rever-sal of the chain force used to cut woodand causes the saw to move in the op-posite direction of the chain rotation.Pinch-Kickback drivesthe saw straightback toward the operator. Pull-in pullsthe saw away from the operator.REDUCE THE CHANCE OFKICKBACK• Recognizethat Idckbaskcan happen.

Witha basic undemtsn_ng of kickback,youcan reducethe elementof sufprisawhichccntributes to accidents.Never let the moving chain contact

i any at the of the bar.object tip Dgu_de

Keep warldngarea free from obstruc-tionssuch as other trees, branches,rocks, fences, stumps, etc. Eliminateor avoid any obstructionthat your sawchain could hitwhile cumng.

• Keep saw chain sharp andpropedytensioned.A loose or dull chain can

Page 4: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

increase the chance of kickback. Fol-low manufacturer's chain sharpeningend maintenance Instructlons. Checktension st regular Intervals,but neverwith engine running. Make .surebardamp nuts are securely ttgmaneo.

• Begin and continue cuttingat fullspeed. If the cbaln is+movingat aslowerspeed,"thereis greater chanceof kickback occurring,

• Use extreme caution when reentannga cut.

• Do not attempt cuts starling withthetip of the bar(plunge cuts).

• Watch for shifting logs or other forcesthat couldclose a cut and pinchor fallinto chain.

• Use the specified Reduced-Kickba.ekGuide Bar and Low-KickbankChain.

Avoid Pinch-Kickback:• Be extremely aware of situations or

obstructions that can cause matedalto pinch the top of or otherwise stopthechain.

• Do not cut more than one log at atime.

• Do not twist saw as bar is withdrawnfrom an undercut when bucking.

Avoid Pull-In:• Always begin cutting with the engine

at full speed and the saw housingagainst wood.

• Use wedges made of plastic or wood.Never use metal to hold the cut open.


Stand to the left of the saw

Thumbon \l_

" " - locked


• A good, firm grip on the saw with bothhands will help ,you maintain control.Don't tet go Grip the rear handle withyour right hand whether you are dghtor left handed. Wrap the fingers ofyour left hand over and around thefront handlebar, and your leftthumbunder the front handlebar. Keep yourleftarm straightwith the elbow locked.

• Position your left hand on the fronthandlebar so it Is in a straight line with

-your right hand on the rear handle--_-_whanmaking bucking cuts. Stand

slightlyto the leftside of the saw to

keep your body from being in a directline with the cutting chain.

• Stand with your weight evenly bal-armed on'both feet.

• Do not overreach. You couldbe drawnorthrown offbalance and losecontrol

• Do not cut above shoulder height. It isdifficultto maintain control of sawabove shoulder height.


WARNING: The followingfeatures areIncludedon yoursaw to help reducehazard of kickback;however, such fea-tures will not totally eliminate this dan-ger. Do not rely only on safety devices.• Handguard: designed to reduce the

chance of your left hand contactingthe chain if your hand slips off thefront handlebar.

• Position of front and rear handlebars:designed with distance between han-dles and "in-line"with each other.The.spread and "in-line"position of thehands provided by this design worktogether to give balance ano resis-tance in controlllngthe pivotof thesaw back toward the operator if kick-back occurs.

• Reduosd-IOckback Guide Bar: de-signed with a small radius tip whichreduces the size of the kickback dan-gdarzone. This type bar has been

emonstrated to significantlyreducethe number and seriousness of kmck-backs when tested inaccordance withANSI B175.1.

_'_. SmellRadius

" _L% _'f_kTipGuideBar

Lerg. Radius ITipGulde Bar I J

• Low-Kidd_k Chain:has met kickbackperformancerequirements,when testedon a represe_ sampJeof chainsaws below 3.8 cubicinchdisplacementsLy:iliad in ANSI B175.1.


Contoured Depth Gauge

_,_.,._ longat_:lGuardUnk

DeflectsKickbackForceAndAllowsWoodTo GraduallyRide Into Cutter

SAFETY NOTICE; Exposure tovibrations through prolonged use ofgasoline powered hand toolscouldcause blond vessel or nerve damage inthe fingers, hands, and joints of people


Page 5: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

prone to clmuledlon dbgrdem or .abnormal swalling. Prolonged use mcold weather has been linkedto bloodvessel i_arnagein otherwise healthypeople. If symptoms occur such asnumbness, pain, loss of strength,change in aldn color or texture, or lossof fee-lingin the fingem, honds, or joints,discontinue the use or_his to01andseek medical attention. Ananti-vibrationsystem does notguarantee the avoidance of theseproblems. Users who operate powertoolson a continual and regular basismustclosely monitor their physical .condition and the condition of this tool.CHAIN BRAKE If this saw is to be usedfor commercial logging, you must orderand installa chain brake to complywithFederal OSHA Regulations for Com-memial Logging. Conteot your SearsService Center or call 1-P-nn-'.800-235-5878.SPARK ARRESTOR: Your saw isequipped with a temperature limiting


mufflerand spark arresting screenwhl..chmasts the requirements ofCal,fom,a Codes 4442 and 4443. AllU.S. forest land and the states ofCalifornia, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota,New Jersey, Oregon, and Washingtonrequire by'law tl]at many Internalcombustioneng,nas be equipped withaspa_karrestor screen. If you operate achain saw in • state or locale wheresuch regulationsexist, you are.legallyresponsiblefor maintaining theoperating condition of these parts.Failure to do so is a violationof the law.Refer to Customer Responsibilitieschart in the MAINTENANCEsection.STANDARDS: This chain saw is listedby Underwdtam Laboratories, Inc. inaccordance with American NationalStandards for Gesoline-Powemd ChainSaws Safety Requirements (ANSiB175.1-1991).

Check carton contents against the fol-lowing list.Model 358.350060• Chain Saw (fully assembled)• Bar tool• Gloves• Gas Can• Bar & Chain Lube• 2-cycle engine oil• Chain

: Carrying CaseExamine parts for damage. Do notusedamagedparts.

• If you nsed_essistanceor find thatparts are missingor damaged, pleasecall 1-800-235-5878.

NOTE: It is normal to hear the fuel filterrattle in an empty fuel tank.Yourunit has been factorytested andthe carburetorprecisely adjusted. As eresultyou may smell gasoline or find adrop of oil/fuel residue on the mufflerwhen you unpack the unit.ASSEMBLYYour saw is fully assembled; noassembly is necessary.


Page 6: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

KNOW YOUR SAWREAD THIS OPERATOR'S MANUAL AND SAFETY RULE8 BEFORE OPERAT-ING YOUR CHAIN SAW. Compare the Illustrationswith yourunit to famllladzeyourselfwith the location of the vadous controlsand adjustments.Save thlsmanual for future reference.

Bar Tool FrontHandle

Starter RopeON/STOP



Bar OII RII Cap Housing

CylinderCoverFast Idle I


Fuel Mix FillCap

ChainDirectionof Travel

Throtlfe Choke Bar Clamp Nuts Gu)ds BarTdgger Knob Barclamp ChainCatcher

ON/STOP SWITCHThe ON/STOP Switch Is used to stopthe engine.THROTTLE TRIGGER

-Jhe throttle triggercontrols enginespeed.THROTTLE LOCKOUTThe throttle lockout must be pressedbefore you can squeeze the throttle tdg-ger.This feature prevents you from ac-cidentallysqueezing the trigger.

FAST IDLE LOCKThe fast Idle lock holds the thmttie rig-ger inthe starting position.Activatethefast idle lock by pressing the throttlelockoutand squeezing the throttle trig-ger, With the throttle rigger squeezed,

=press the fast idle lock. Release the

=l i .,,

throttlelockoutand triggerwhile holdingthe fast idle lock button.

CHOKE KNOBThe Choke Knob activates the choke toprovide additionalfuel to the enginedudng cold starting.

PRIMER BULBThe Primer Bulbcirculates fuel to thecarburetorto provide quicker starting.

CHAIN TENSIONIt Is normal for a new chain to stretchdudng first30 minutes of operation.Youshouldcheck your chain tension fre-quentiy.See Chain Tension under theService and Adjustments section.


Page 7: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

BEFORE STARTINGENGINEWARNING: Be sure to read the fuelhandling InformaUon In the safety rulessection of this manual before you begin.If you do not understand the fuel hen-dlinginformationdo not attempt to fuelyour unit. Seek help fn2msomeone thatdoes understand the in-formationor callthe customer assistance help line at1.800-235-5878.

GUIDE BAR AND CHAIN OILThe chain oiler prov]dee continuouslu-bricatlonto the chain and guide bar. Besure to fill the bar oil tank when you fillthe fuel tank (Capacity = 6.8 ft. oz.).For maximum guide bar and chain life,we recommend you use Craftsmanchain saw bar oil. If Craftsman bar oil Isnot available, you may use a goodgrade SAE 30 oiluntll you are able toobtainCraftsman brand. The oiloutputis automatically metered duringopera-tion. Yoursaw will use approximatelyone tank of bar odfor every tank of fuelmix. Always fill the bar oil tank whenyou fill the fuel tank.

FUELING ENGINEThis engine is certified to operate onunleaded gasoline. Before operation,gasoline must be mixed with a goodquality2-cycle alr-coolnd engine oil. Werecommend Craftsman brand oil. Mixgasoline and oil at a ratio of 40:1 (A40:1 ratio is obtained by mixing 3.2ounces of oli with I gallon of unleadedgasoline). DO NOTUSE automotive oilor boat oil. These oils will cause enginedamage. When mixing fuel followtheinstructionsprinted on the container.Once oll is added to the gasoline,shake container momentarily to assurethat the-fuel is thoroughly mlxnd.Always reed and followthe safety rulesreletlngto fuel before rOelidg your unit.

linesand carburetorare empty.Use freshfuelnext season. See STORAGEinstruc-tionsfor addltlonaJInlom'_dion.Never use engine or carburetorcleanerproducts in the fuel tank or permanentdamage may occur.See the STORAGEsectionfor additionalinformation.

STOPPING YOUR ENGINE• MoveOn/Stopswitchto S'I'OR• If engine does not stop, pullchoke

knob out fully.


COLD ENGINE OR WARM ENGINEAFTER RUNNING OUT OF FUEL• Fuel engine with 40:1 fuel mix.• Fill bar oil tank with bar oil..• Prime engine by pressingpnmar bulb

six times.• Move On/Stop switchto ON.



_'_b/"_'! Choke Positions


• Actuate choke by pullingchoke knobfully out.

• Set saw on the ground. Grip fronthandle with your left hand and placerightfoot throughrear handle.

StarterRope Handle

Left Handon FrontHandle

IMPORTANTExperienceindicatesthat alcohd blendedfuels(calledgasoholor uslngethanolormethanol)canattractmoisturewhichleadstoseparationand fomw_

..,da._ tba fuel _ of an enginswhile In storage.To avoideeglne problems, tha fualsys-tem shouldbe emptiedbefore storage for •30da_ orlonger.Drain the gas tank,starttha engineand let it mn untgtha fuel



• Set fast idle by depressing the throttlelockwith your right hand. Then,squeeze and hold throttle trigger. Withdour thumb, press the fast idle lock

own and hold. Next, release thethmtUe trigger.DONOT squeeze throttle triggerdur-ingstarting;otherwise, it willbe nec-essary to reset the fast Idle lock.

Page 8: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

NOTE:Whenpullingthestarterrope,donotusethefull extentoftherope.Donotletstarter rope snap beck. Holdhandle. Let rope rewind slowly.• Pull starter rope handle firmlyand

quicklywith your dght hand until theengine attempts to start, but no morethan 5 pulis. Then, push in chokeknobtothe Full Positiorr :Resumepullinghandle untilengine starts.

• Above 400F, allow engine to run forapproximately 5 seconds. P_h thechoke knob In to the OFFposition;then squeeze and release throttle trig-ger to allow engineto idle.

• Below 40•F, allow engine to warm upfor 30 seconds to I minute with choke

ASt partialposition. P.ushchoke knob inpproximatb_ 1/2 outthen squeeze andrelease throttle trlgger to allow engineto idle.

• To stop engine, move On/Stop switchto the STOPposition.

STARTING A WARM ENGINEDONOT use the choke to start a warmengine or flooding and hard startingmay occur.• Move On/Stop switch to ON.• Set fast Idle lock.

Be sure choke is in the OFF position." With saw on ground, gnp front handle

with left hand and place your rightfootthrough rear handle.

• Pull starter rope haqdle untilenginestarts.

• Squeeze and release throttletriggerto returnengine to idlespeed.

DIFFICULT STARTING ORSTARTING A FLOODED ENGINEThe engine may be flooded if it has notstarted after 10 pulls. Rooded enginescan be cleared of excess fuel with the

--.Jollowing procedure:Engage the fast Idle lock.

• Verify that the On/Stop switch is in theON position.

• Push choke knob to the OFF position.• With saw on ground, gap fronthandle

with left hand and place rightfootthrough rear handle.

• Pull starter rope handle until enginestarts.

• Startingcould require many puPsde-pending on how badly the unitisflooded. If engine stillfails to start, re-

_fer to the TROUBLESHOOTINGchart orcall 1-800-235-5878.

OPERATING TIPS• Check chain tension before firstuse

and after J minute of operation. SeeChain Tension in the Maintenancesection.

• Cut wood only. Do not cut metal, plas-tics, masonry, non-woodbuildingma-tadals, etc..

•, Stop the saw if the chain strikes a for-algn object. Inspectthe saw and re-pair parts as necessary.

• Keep the chain out of dirtand send.Even a small amount of dirt will quick-ly dulla chain and Increase the possi-bilityof kickback.

• Practice cutting a few small logs usingthe followingsteps. This will help youget the "feel"of usingyoursaw beforeyou begin a major sewing operation.• Squeeze the throttle trigger and ak

lowthe engine to reach fullspeedbefore cuffing.

• Begincuttingwith the saw frameagainstthe log.

• Keep the engine at full speed theentire time you are cutting.

• Allowthe chain to cut for you. Exertonly lightdownward pressure.

• Release'the throttle rigger as soonas the cut is completed, allowingtheengine to idle. If you run the saw atfullthrottlewithout a cutting load,unnecessarywear can occur. .

• To avoid losingcontrolwhen cut iscomplete, do not put pressure onsaw at end of cuL

• Stop enginebefore settingsaw down.


WARNING: Check for broken or deadbranches which can fall while cuttingcausing sedous injury.Do not out nearbuildingsor electdcelwires if you do notknow the directionof tree fall, nor cut atnightsince you will not be able to seewell, nor duringbad weather such asrain, snow, or strongwinds, etc.• Carefullyplan your sawing operation

In advance• Clear the work area You need a clear

area all around the tree so you canhave secure footing

• Study the natural condftlonsthat cancause the tree to fall in.a particulardirection.These conditions include:

• The wind directionand speed.The lean of the tree. The loan of atree might not be apparent due touneven or slopingterrain. Use a


Page 9: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

plumbor levelto determinethe di- Thishingewillhelppreventthetreerectionof treelean. fromfallingin thewrongdirection.

• Weightand branches on one side. '_._._ Hingeholdstreeon• Surroundingtrees and obstacles. _\'_'% stumpandhelps

• Look for decay and rot. If the trunk is .aL'__'_'_control fallrotted, it can snap and fall toward the f _._\_._,_, Openingotoperator. Bib _,_ _ fellingcut• Make sure there is eneugh morn-for

person or other objects. Engine noise

can drown out a warning call. NOTE: Before fellingcut is complete,• Remove dirt,stones, loose bark, use weages to open me cut when

nails, staples, and wire from the tree necessary to control the directionof fall.where cuts are to be made. To avoid kickbackand chain damage,

_>_ use wood or plestlowedges, but neverPlane clearretreatpath steel or ironWedges.

• Be alert to s,gnsthat the tree is ready

- - -(*'_..,_lk- Directionof Fall to fall:crackingsounds, widening ofthe felling cut, or movement in the up-. V per branches.

_ • As tree starts to fall, stop sew, put itdown, and get away quickly on your

FELLING LARGE TREES(6 inches in diameter or larger)The notch method is used to fell largetrees. A notchis cut on the side of thetree in the desired directionof fall. Aftera felling cut is made on the oppositeside of tree, the tree will tend to fall inthe directionof the notch.

NOTE: If tree has large buttress roots,remove them before making the notch.NOTCH CUT AND FELLING TREE• Make notch cut by cuffing the top of

the notch timt. Cut through 1/3 of thediameter of the tree. Next completethe notch by cuffingthe bottom.Seeillustration.Once the notch is cut, re-move the wedge of wood from tree.

planned retreat path.• Be extremely cautious with partially

fallen trees that may be poorly sup-ported.When a tree doesn't fall com-pletely,set the saw aside and pulldown the tr_e with a cable winch,block and tackle, or tractor. Do notuse yoursaw to cut down a partiallyfallen tree.


BBUCKING)ucklng is the term used for cutting a

fallen tree to the desired log size.WARNING: Do not stand on the logbeingcuL Any portioncan rollcausinglossof footing and control.Do not standdownhillof the log beingcut.IMPORTANT POINTS

felling out on the opposite side of thenotch.This is done by making a outabout two inches higher than the cen-ter of the notch.This will leave

'ene_gh uncutwood between the fell-ing cut a_d the notch to form a hinge.

intoa dear area before cuttingthem.BUCKING TECHNIQUES

WARNING: If saw becomes pinchedor hung in a log, don1tryto force it out.You can lose controlofthe saw result-ing in injury and/or damage to the saw.Stop the saw, drive a wedge of plastic


• Alter removing the wood, make the

t Rnalcuthere • Cut only one log at a time.

First,cut | r { / :. Cut shattered wood very carefully;

Use a sawhorse to cut small logs.Nctch....,=_ ._._._:.:I ..." tow.operator.Never allow another person to hold

_ I \ _" the logwhile cutting and never holdSecond_ J._._-,_ Hinge the logwith your leg or foot.Do not cut in an area where logs,

limbs,and rootsare tangled. Drag logs

Page 10: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

orwoodintothe cut untilthe saw can be Usinga logeasily. Restartsaw andcarefully for _mppo_

reenterthe cut. Do not usa a metalwedgs.Donotattempttorsmrt yoursaw when it is pinchedor hung Ina log.

Use s wedge to remove pinchedsaw

Tum SawOFF and use s pl8_o orwooden wedge to force cut open.

Ovemuttlng begins on the top side ofthe logwith the bottom of the sawagainst the log. When overcuttinguselightdownward pressure.

Overcuffing Undercutting

Undercutting Involves.cuttingon theundersideof the log with top of saw-tgainstthe log. When undercuttinguseIght upward pressure. Hold saw firmly;nd maintaincontrol. The saw willtendo push back toward you.

WARNING: Never turn saw upside|own to undercut. The saw cannot be,'ontroiledin this position.

£. u _

cut" -...BUCKING USING A LOG ORSUPPORT STAND• Remember your firstcut is always on

the compression.sideof the log. (Re-fer to the Illustration below for yourfirstand second cut).

• Yourfirstcut shouldextend 1/3of thediameter of the log.

• Finishwith yoursecond cut.

Using/_ ndcut

_1 _ Cut

_.lways make your first cut on the',ompresslonside of the log.

First cut on compression side of log


-Firstcuton compressionsideof log

BUCKING WITHOUT A SUPPORT, Overcut through 1/3of the diameter of

the log.• Roll the log over and finishwith a sao-

ond ovemut., Watch for logs with a oompreslon

side. See illustrationabove for cutting__._!ogswith a compression side.



WARNING: Never climb Into a tree tolimb or prune. Do not stand on ladders,platforms,a log,or in any positionwhich can cause you to lose your bal-ance or control of the saw.IMPORTANT POINTS• Watch out for spflngpolss.

Spdngpoissare small size limbswhich can whip towardyou, or pullyou off balance. Use extreme cautionwhen cuttingsmall size limbs.

• Be alert for spdngbeck. Watch out forbranches that are bent or under pres-sure. Avoidbeingstruck by thebranch or the saw when the tension inthe wood fibers is released.

• Frequentlyclear branches out of theway to avoid tdppingover them.


Page 11: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

LIMBING branchesarehigherthanyourshoul-• Limba treeonlyafterit is cutdown. def.Geta professionalto do thejob.• Leavethe larger limbs undemsath the • Make your firstcut 1/3of the way

felled tree to supportthe tree as you through the bottomof the

• Start at the base of the felled tree and

worktoward the top, cutting branchesand limbs. Remove _'nail limbs-withone cut.

• Keep the tree between you and thechain.

• Remove larger, supportingbrancheswith the 1/3,2/3 cutting techniquesde-ecdbsd in the buckingsection.

• Always use an overcut to cut small.and freely hanging limbs. Undercutting could cause limbstOfall andpinch the saw.


WARNING: Limit pruningto limbsshoulder heightor below. Do not cut if


• Next make a second cut all the waythrough the limb.

• Finishthe pruningoperation by usingan overcuLsothat the stump of thelimb protrudes1 to 2 Inchesfrom thetrunkof the tree.


0utl ,2in._nkofb'es

Fill in dates as you completeregular serviceCheck for damaged/worn parts

Check for loose fasteners/pads

Check chain tension

Check chain sharpness

Check guide bar

Clean unit & labels

Clean air filter

Clean/inspect spark arrestorscreen & Inspect muffler

Replace spark plug

Before Ariel Ever_ Every YsadyUse Use 5hra 25hrs








GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONSThe warranty on this unit does not cov-er Items that have been subjected tooperator abuse or negligence. To re-calve full value from the warranty, theoperator must maintain unit as instruct-ed in this manual. Vadous adjustmentswill need to be made pedodlcally toproperlymaintain your unit.• Once a year, replace the spark plug,

air filterelement, and ch_k guide barand chain for wear. A new spark plugaml-eJrfilter element assures properair-fuel.mixture end helps yourengine

run better and last longer.WARNING: Disconnect the spark plugbeforeperformingmaintenanceexceptforcarburetoradjustments.


1 _, recap _"1!s ;o t 2 e,,o, ",1 I

1 U__

2 Use Gm_sman chain saw bar oil

Page 12: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

CHECK FOR DAMAGED ORWORN PARTSReplacement of demaged/wom partsshouldbe referred to your Sears Set-vice Center,NOTE: It Is normal for a small amountof oHto appear under the saw after en-

AdjustingScrew- 1/4Turn

• Lift up tip of guide berto check forsag, Release tip of gulde bar, thenturn adjusting screw 1/4 turn clock-

iginastops. Do not confuse this with a wise. Repeat.untilsag does not exist.eaklngoil tank. _ : .... • While liftingtip of.guidebar, tighten

On/Stop Switch - Ensure On/Stop bar clamp nutswith the bartool__

switch.funotionsproperly by.moving Torqueto 10-15 ft-lbs.the swdch to the "Stop" position. ./'_J BarMake sure engine stops; then rested ,Y_ Clampengine and continue. . |_. NutsFuel Tank- Do not use saw it fuel

tank shows signs of damag.e or leaks.Oil Tank - Do not use saw ,f oil tank

shows signs of damage or leaks. • Use the screwdriverend of the barCHECK FOR LOOSEFASTENERS AND PARTS• Bar Clamp Nut• Chain• Muffler• CylinderShield• Air Filter• Clutch DrundSprocket• Handle Screws• VibrationMounts• Starter Housing• Handguard

CHECK CHAIN TENSION• Use the screwdriver end of the bar

toolto move chain around guidebarto ensure kinks do not exist. Thechain should rotate freely.

tool to move chain aroundguide bar.• If chain does not rotate, it is too tight.

Slightlyloosen bar clamp nutsandturn adjustingscrew 1/4 tum counter-clookwisa.Retightenbar clamp nuts.

• If chain is too loose, it will sag belowthe guidebar. DO NOT operate thesaw if the chain is loose.

CHECK CHAIN SHARPNESSA sharp chain makes woodchips. Adullchain makes a sawdustpowderand cuts slowly.

CHAIN SHARPENINGChain sharpeningrequiresspecialtools. Youcan purchase sharpeningtoolsat Sears or go to a professionalchain sharpener.

___m____m _ CHECK GUIDE BAR

Conditionswhich requireguide barmaintenance:• Saw cuts to one side or at an angle• Sew has to be forced throughthe cut.• inadequate supply of oil to bar/chain.Check the condition of guide bar each

Bar'rool time chain Is sharpened. A wom guide-'l_rClamp Nuts

• Loosen bar clamp nuts untilthey arefinger tight against the bar clamp.

• Turn adjusting screw clockwise untilchain barely touches the bottomofguidebar.

bar will damage the chain and makecuttingdifficult.To maintain guide bar:.• Move On/Stop switchto "Stop."• Remove bar and chain from saw.• Clean ell sawdust and any other

debds from the guidebar groove and

'_ Adjusting / / sprockethotsafter each use.Remove SawdustFrom lJ _.,,

GuideBarQroot__V" sp=k.t.ol.• Using bar tool, loft chain aroundguide

., .__...barto ensureall linksare in bar groove.12

Page 13: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

• Addlubricanttosprocketholeaftereachuse.

• Burringof guide bar rails is a normalprocess of rail wear. Remove theseburrs with a flat file.

• When rail top is uneven, use a flat fileto restore square edges and sldss.

TU T Rio Edgesand _._sidesSquare

WornGroove CorrectGrooveReplace guide bar when the groove iswom, the guide bar is bent or cracked,orwhen excess heating or bur._g ofthe ragsoccurs. If replacement zsnso-essmy, use only the guide bar spedffedfor your saw in the repair parts hstor onthe decal located on the chain saw.

INSPECT MUFFLER AND SPARKARRESTOR SCREENAs the unit is used, carbon depositsbuild up on the mufflerand sparkarrestorscreen, and must be removedto avoid creating a fire hazard or affect-ing engine performance.Replace the spark arrestorscreen ifbreaks occur.



CLEAN UNIT & LABELS• Clean the unit usinga damp clothwith

a mild detergenL• Wipe off unitwith e clean dry cloth.

CLEAN AIR FILTERA dirtyair filterdecreases the life andperformance of the engine and in-creases fuel consumptionand harmfulemissions.Always clean your air filterafter 15 tanks of fuel or 5 hoursof operation, whichever comes firsLCleanmore fro_.uentlyin dusty conditions.Aused air bitercan never be completelycleaned. It is advisable to replace yourair filterwith a new one after every 50hoursof operation, or annually, which-ever comes firsLTo clean filter:.


Body MufflerCover

CLEANING THE SPARKARRESTOR SCREENCleaning is r.equired every 25 hours ofoperation or annually, whichever comesfirst.• Loosen and remove the 2 muffler cov-

er screws.• Remove the mufflercover (cover

snaps offmufflerbody).• Remove mufflerdiffuserand spark

arrestorscreen assembly. Notice the• Loosen 3 screws on cylinder cover, orientationof these parts for reassem-

Removecylindercover, bling.Removeairfilter. • Cleanthesparkarrestorscreenwitha• Clean the air filter using hot soapy

water. Rinse with clean cool water.Air dry completely before reinstalling.

• Lightlyoil air filter before installingtoimprove the efficiency of air filter. Use2-cycle engine oilor-motoroil (SAE30). Squeeze excess oil from filter.

• Reinstallair filter.• Reinstallcylinder cover and 3 screws

(15-20 [n-lbs.).CylinderCover

AirRlter Screws

wire brush. Replace screen if breaksare found.

• Replace any broken or cracked muf-fler parts.

• Reinstalldiffuserand spark arrestorscreen assembly with round holesfacing up.

• Reinstallmufflercover and 2 screws(7-e ft-_).

REPLACE SPARK PLUGThe sparkplug should be replacedeach year to ensure the engine startseasier and runs better. Ignition timing isfixed and nonadjustable.• Loosen 3 screws on cylindercover.• Remove the cylinder cover.

Pull off the spark plug beoLRemove spark plug from cylinder and

Page 14: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

• Replacewith Champion RCJTY spark

plug and tlghten.lv_htha 3/4 Inch socketwrench (10-12 ft Ibe). Spark pluggapshouldbe .025 in.

; Reinstall the spark plug boot.Reinstall the cylinder cover and 3screws (15-20 in-lbs). Plug



CAUTION: Wear protective gh_vaswhen handlingchain. The chain issharp and can cut you even when it isnot is normalfor a new chainto strstchdur-Ingthe first15 minutesof opera_n. Youshould recheck yourchaintensionfre-quantlyand adjust the chaintensionasrequired.SeeChain Tensionsection.• Move On/Stop switch to the Stop

position.• Replace the old chain when it be-

comes worn or damaged.• Use only the Low-Kickback replace-

ment chain specified in the repairparts list. The correct replacement barand chain is also specified on a decallocated on the chain saw.

• See your Sears Sewice Center to re-place and sharpen individualcutterson yourchain.

• Remove bar clamp nuts.• Remove bar clamp.• Remove the old chain.


Cutters Dep_ Gauge

Drive Links

• Place chain over and behindclutch.• Fit bottomof ddve linksbetween teeth

in sprocketnose.• Fit chain drive links intobar groove.• Pull guide bar forwarduntilchain is

snug in guide bar groove..• Now, install bar clamp making sure

the adjustin_pin Is pos,tlonedin thelower hole in the guide bar.



Adjusting Guide BarPin

• Installbar clamp nuts and finger tight-en only. Do not tighten any further atthis polnL

BarClamp Nuts

• Turn adjusting sorew by hand courPterdockwise untiladjusting pinjusttouches the stop.

• Slide guidebar behind clutch drumuntilguide bar stops against clutchdrum sprocket.

• Carefully remove new chain frompackage. Hold chain with the drive--=links as shown.

Bar Clamp Nuts

CHAIN ADJUSTMENTSee "ChainTension"in Maintenancesection.14

Page 15: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

CLEAN FUEL FILTERTocleanfuelfilter,drainyourunitbyrunningdryoffuel, removefuelcap/re-tainerassemblyfromtank.Pulltilterfromtankandremovefromllne.Cleanwithmilddetergentand rinse. Dry thor-oughly,reassemble. _ _.....


WARNING: The chain will be moving

Start motor,let it runfor 3 minutes, andproceed to.the adjustment section. Ifengine does not start, refer to trouble-shootingchart or call 1-800-235-5878.if engine performance is acceptable atthe pmsst positionsand them is nochain movement at idle, no further ad-justrnant is necessary.


dudng most.ofthle procedure. Wear Idle Speed-Tyourprated.ire equipment and observe Allow engine to idle. Adjustspeed untilall safety precautions. During the low engine runs withoutchain movement orspeed mixture adjustment recheck idle stalling.speed after each tum of the screw, The • Turn clockwise to incmasa enginechain must not move at Idle speed, speed if engine stalls or dies.Carburetoradjustment is odtical and if • Tum counterclockwiseto decreasedone impmpedy can permanently dam-age the engine as well as the carbure-tor. If you require further assistance orare unsure about performingthis proce-dure, call our customer assistance helpline at 1-800-235-5878.

Old fue!, a dirtyair filter, dirty fuel filter,or floodingmay give the impressionofan improperlyadjusted carburetor.Check these conditionsbefore adjust-ingthe carburetor.The carburetor has been carefully set atthe factory.Adjustments may be neces-cary if you not[caany of the followingconditions:• Chain moves at Idle. See "Idle Speed"

underadjustingprocedure.• Sawwillnotidle.See "IdleSpeed"

and "LowSpeedMixture'underad-lustingprocadum,

• Engine dies or hesitates when itshouldaccalerate. See "AccelerationCheck"under adjusting procedure.

• Loss of cuttingpower. See "HighSpeed Mixture H" under adjustingprocedure.

There are three adjus_tmantscrews onthe carburetor. They are labeled H, L,and T. They are located in the area justabove the pdmer bulb.

CARBURETOR PRESETSWhen making adjustments, do not forcethe plasticUmiter caps beyond thestops or damage will occur.if carburetor presets am not needed,proceed to "Idle Speed-T."• "rumboth mixture screws counter-

clockwiseuntil they stop'.,. Tu_rpthe idle speed screw clockwise

u-_il it stops. Now turn counterclock-wise 4-,1/2fullturns.

speed.No further adjustmentsam necessary ifchain does not move at idle speed andif performance is satisfactory.

Low Speed Mixture-LAllowengine to idle.Then acceleratethe engine and note performance. If en-gine hesitates, bogs down, orsmokesdudng acceleration,turn mixturescrewclockwisein 1/16-tumincrements untilperformanca.i_satisfactory.Repeat thisl)urocedureas neimssaryfor proper ad-

stmenL After completingadjustments,check for acceleration and chain move-ment at idle. Reset if necessary.High Speed Mlxture.-HDO NOT operate engine at full throttlefor prolongedpedods while making ad-justments. Damage to the engine canoccur.Make a test cuL Basedon per-formance of the saw while cutUng,ad-just the high speed mixture setting inI/I 6-turn incrementsas follows:• Qockwisaunl]1saw has goodpower in

the cutwithno hesitallon.Do not adjustby scund or spesd,butjudgebyhowwellthe saw peflorms.,Inthe cut.

• Counterclockwiseif the saw hasspeed, but dies In the cut or lackspower inthe cut.

After completingadjustments,check foracceleration and chain movement atidle. Reset if necessary.Acceleration CheckIf the enginedies or hesitatesinsteadofec_lerstlng,tumthelowspeedmixt.ma_ustmant counterdockwiseuntilyouhave smoothacceismtlonwithno chainmovementat idle. Recheckand adjustasnecessaryfor acceptableperformance.

Page 16: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

Prepareyourunitforstorageat theendof theseasonor if it willnotbeusedfor30daysormore.WARNING:

i Allowthe engine to cool, and securethe unit before stodng or transporting.Store chain saw and fual in a wellventilatedarea wherefuelvaporscannotreachsparksoropenflamesfromwaterheaters,electricmotorsorswitches,fumaces,etc.

• Store chain saw with all guards inplace and position chain saw so thatany sharp object cannot accidentallycause injury.

• Store chain saw well out of the reachof children.

EXTERNAL SURFACESIf yourchain saw is to be stored for aperiod of time, clean it thoroughlybe-fore storage. Store In a clean dry area.• Lightlyollexternal metal surfaces and

guide bar.• Oil the chain and wrap it in heavy pa-

per or cloth.

FUEL SYSTEMUnder Fueling Engine in the OperatingSection of this manual, see messagelabeled IMPORTANT regarding the useof gasohol in your chain saw.Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable altema-

• • I •

tive in minimizing the formation of fuel.g.umdeposits Add stabi-hzer to the gasolzne ,n the fuel tank orfuel storage container. Follow the mixinstructions found on stabilizer contain-era. Run engine at least 5 minutes afteradding stabilizer.

CRAFTSMAN 40:1, 2-cycle engine oil(aircooled)is espedallyblendedwithfuelstabilizer.If youdo notusethisSearsoil,youcanadd a fuelstabilizerto your fuel tank.

ENGINE• Remove spark plug and pour 1 tea-

spoon of 40.1, 2-cycle engine oil (aircooled) throughthe spark plug open-ing. Slowlypull the starter rope 8 to10 times to distributeo11.

• Replace spark plugwith new one ofrecommended type and heat range.

• Clean air filter•• Check entire unitfor loose screws,

nuts,and bolts.Replace any dam-aged, broke0, or wom pads.

• At the beginningof the next season,use only freshfuel having the propergasoline to oil ratio•

OTHER• Do not store gasoline from one sea-

son to another.• Replace yourgasoline cenif it starts

to rust.


Page 17: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY


Enginewillnotstartorwill runonlya fewsecondsafterstarting.


Enginewillnotaccelerate,lackspower,or diesundera load.

Engine smokesexcessively.

Engine runshoL

Oil inadequatefor bar andchainlubdoafion.

Ignitionswitch off.Engine flooded.Fael tank empty.Spark plug not fidng.

• Fuel not reachingcarburetor.

• Carburetor r quiresadjustmanL

• None of the above.

• Idle speed set too highor too low,

• Low Speed Mixturerequires adjustment.

• Crankshaftsealswom.

.. Compressionlow.Noneof theabove.

: Air filter dirty.Spark plugfouled.

• Carburetor requiresadjustment.

• Exhaust ports or muf-fler outlets plugged.

• Compression low.• None of the above.

: Choke partiallyon.Fuel mixture Incorrect.

• Air filterdirty,• High Speed Mixture

requires adjustment.• Crankcase leak.

• Fuel mixture incorrect.• Spark plug Incorrect.• High Speed Mixture

set too lean.• Exhaust portsor muf-

tier outletsplugged.• Carbon build-up on

muffler outletscreen.• Fan housing/cylinder

fins dirty.• None of the above.

• Oil tank empty.• Oil pump or oil filter

d oggGed.• Gui_d_ebar oil hole


• Move Ignitionswitch to ON.• See "Starting Instructions."• Ril tank with correctfuel mixture.• Installnew spark plug.• Check for dirty fuel filter;,replace.

Check for kinkedor splitfuel line;repair or replace.

• See "Carburetor Adjustments."

• ContactSearsService.• See "CarburetorAdjustments."

• See "Carburetor Adjustments."

• Contact Sears Service.• Contact Sears Service.• Contact Sears Service.

• Clean or r place air filter.• Clean or replace plug

and regal).• See "CarburetorAdjustments."

• Contact Sears Service../

• Contact Sears Service.• Contact Sears Service.

• Adjust choke.• Empty fuel tank and refillwith

correct fuel mixture.• Clean or replace air filter.• See "CarburetorAdjustments."

• Contact Sears Service.

• See "FuelingYour Unit."Replace with correctplug.

• See'Carburetor Adjustments."

• Contact Sears Service

• Clean spark arrestorscreen.

• Clean area.

• Contact Sears Service.

• Ril oil tank.• Contact Sears Service.

• Remove bar and clean.


Page 18: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY



Chain moves * idle speed requires • See "CarburotorAdjustments."B

at Idle speed, adjustmanLJ"Clutch requires repair. • Contact Sears Service.

• See "ChainTension."Chain doesJnot move_when engineis accelerated.

Chain clattersor cuts roughly

• Chain tension too• _ght: ..... - " ";, Carburetor requires

adjustment.• Guide bar roils

pinched.• Clutchslipping.

• Chain tension incorrect.• Cutters damaged.• Chain worn.°'Cutters dull, improperly

sharpened, or depthgauges too high.

• Sprocketworn.Chain installedbackwards.

Chain stops • Chain cutter tops notwithinthe cut. filed flat.

• Guide bar burred orbent; rails uneven.

• Clutch slipping

Chain cuts at • Cutters damaged onan angle, one side.

• Chain dullon one side.• Guide bar bent or wom.

• See "CarburetorAdjustments."

• Repair or replace.

• Contact Sears Service.

• See "Chain Tension."• Contact Sears Service.• Rssharpen or replace chain.• See "SharpeningChain."

• Contact Sears Service.• Installchain in dghtdirection.

• See "Sharpening Chain."

• Repair or replace guide bar./

• Contact Sears Service.

• See "SharpeningChain."

• See "SharpeningChain."• Replace guidebar.

If situations occur which are not covered in this manual, use care and goodJudgement. If you need assistance, contact Sears Service or the CUSTOMERASSISTANCE HELPLINE at 1-800-235-5878.

U. S. EPA/CAMFORNIA maintenance of your lawn and gardenequipment engine.

EMISSION CONTROL Your emission control system includesWARRANTY STATEMENT partssuchasthecarburetorandtheigni-

tionsystem.Where a warrantable condition exits,

Y_OUR WARRANTY RIGHTS AND SEARS will ropairyour lawn and gardenOBLIGATIONS equipment engine at no cost to you. Ex-

penses covered under warranty includeThe U. S. Environmental Protection diagnosis, part.sandlabor.Agency/Cailfomia Air Resources Boardand SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., USA MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTYare pleased to explain the emissions COVERAGE--controlsystem warranty on your lawn If.any emissionsrelated Pad on your an-and garden equ,pment engine. All new gme (as listed under Emissions Controlutilityand lawn and garden equipment Warranty Parts List) Is defective or a de-eng,nes must be designed, built, and fect in the materials or workmanship ofequipped to meet the stringent anti- the en_ine causes the failure of such ansmog standards. SEARS must warrant emission mlatsd part, the partwill be re-theemisaioncontmlsyetemonyourlawn paired or replaced by SEARS. •andgarden equipment engine forthe pe- OWNER'SWARRANTY RESPON-dods of time listed below provided there SIBILITIES - -

' -hasbeen no abuse, neglect,or improper As the lawn and garden equipment en-18

Page 19: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

gineowner,youare responsiblefor the shailbewarrant.ed.for thepedodperformance of the required mainte- of time up to the firstscheduled replace-nonce listed in your Owner's Manual. ment paint for that pair.SEARS recommends that you retain all DIAGNOSIS - -receipts covedng maintenance on yourlawn end garden equipment engine, but The owner shallnot be charged for diag-SEARS cannot deny warranty solelyfor nostic labor which leads to the deter-the lack of receipts or4oryour failure to minalion that a warranted partensure the performance of'allscheduled is defective ifthe diagnosticwork is pepformed at an approved SEARS servicingmaintenance.As the lawn and garden equipment en* canter.gine owner, you should be aware that CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES - -_;EARS may deny you warranty coveP SEARS maybe liablefor damages to orb-age.if your lawn and garden equiL_nent erenginecomponentscausedbythefail-engine or a part of R-has failed_due to ure of awarranted partstillunderwar-sl:_se, neglect, Improper maintenance,, renty.unapproved modlflcauons, or me use otparts notmadeorapprovedbytheodgl- WHAT IS NOT COVERED--naJequipment,ura_urer. All failures caused by abuse, neglect, orYou are responsible for presenting your improper maintenance am not covereo.lawn and garden equipment engine to a ADD-ON OR MODIFIED PARTS --SEARS authonzedrep_r canter as so.on The use of add-on or modifiedpads

as a problem exists, warranty rapture be grounds_or disaJlowinga warrantyshould be completed in a reasonable claim.SEARamount of time, not te exceed 30 days. is not liableto cover failures of warrantedIf you have eny questions reclardlngyour p_tscaused bythe use ofadd-on or mo-warranty'dghts and rospon_bilitiss,.you difleopans.should contact your nearest aumonzeoservice center or call SEARS at HOW TOFILEACLAIM--1-800--473-7247. If youhave any questionsreqar.dingyour

warranty dghts and responszo,ities,youWARRANTY COMMENCEMENT shouldcontact your nearest authorizedDATE - -The warranty pedod bs_linson the date service center or call SEARS attbe lawnend garden equipment engine Is 1-800-473-7247.

WHERE TO GET WARRANTYpurchased.LENGTH OF COVERAGE--This warranty shall be for a pedod of twoyears from the initial date ol pumhsse.


SERVICE --Warrantyservicesorrep_m_l at all SEARS at 1-8oo.-473-rz,_/servicecenters,MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT


OF PARTS -- LATED PARTS --Repair or rep_osment of an_/warranted Any SEARS ap.provedreplacement partpartwill be penormed at no charge to me used in the peifo_ of any w.arren_ow_el_ai an approved SEARS servicing maintenance or repmr on emission recenter. - - lated pads will be .p.rovldecl..withoutIfyouhave anyquestlons rega[dlngyour charge to the owner I! me pan m unoerwarranty dghts and respons-lbil,tles,you warranty.should contact your nearest autho_dzed EMISSION CONTROL WARRAN-service center or call SEAR:5 at1-800-473-7247. TY PARTS LIST -- i

WARRANTY PERIOD --Any wan'anted part which is not I__,ed.uledfor replacement as requsreormunw-nance, orwhichis scheduled only for reg-ular inspectionto the effect of "_'e_lr orreplace as necessary" shall be war-rantedfor 2 years. AnyW;irrd_tedpartwhich is scheduled for re-placement

1. Carburetor2. IgnitionSystem

& Spaik Plug, covered .uptomaintenance echeoule.

b, _itY_)n Meduis

MAINTENANCE STATEMENT --The owne.r is resPOnsible for the perfor-mance ol all required maintenance as

as required maintenance defined in the owner's

Page 20: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

• I i




6 7


2. 530_61193. S300_/I_I4. 530053711


e, s300mm9. 6300041M10. 530047061

.. m_o+ms++,12. 530014949

14. 53001814g15. 6300_8284llJ. 53001592217. Ik.q00gt_S018. 53_01581419. j S,._01Stl07=0. 6,1001r_Sg2. 5_10_9811

23 U


O,1_ VllveWlm- 11vottleClutohCover

_nmt-cho_ Knob_aut_ St_n_ "Gl_chDn_nASs'y-

W_' - Clut_

Sw_h Liner

_.g-_rmze Vent_ut_adn _tcher_emw_wer -lhn:t_--I_ AdJum__r _u_t_ng _ewK_

e_rMoun_z Plsze

_OOlOe4_28. _160oo

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40, I_100181_41. 530047_

_1 530011_tO6300161_1244. 53001581446.46: 1_001_147. S300_T/gI)48. 6,._00_8_4

OilPumpKitOral aO,$1 &4S)

ScrewSCIIW84111Blockmow-m P_

OnPl_l:lug., o_ metsctlwFuelI.IneI_t(LmmeDill+)

F,el CapA=l'y.wn_ltmllm.

Bolt-Barat-Pu_ A.'y._S_, _, 3_&_ )

8_owwo,. eur s_D,_ SeelFrontFI_Hm_uard

Ref Part No.

49. 53001Sg4060. 6,.._0_748S51.52. _3001_)253.54. $300_'/53155. 6300_/81756.IF/'. 53001612758. $3001Sg2059. 53001613460. 71-31_9$1. 71-_



m,=crl_on,_fewS_t_ HandleRopeS_lwF_ Hous_





Page 21: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY


10 11

14 12 13

3 4 5 6

19 20


17 lS


30 39 4O












36 37 30


Part No,




S30_- 53001560"/


Description Ref. Pan No. Ouc_rlpUon

En0k_Guket _

W_reHameu As_'y.

HeatInsulatorMuter Gaskut_ B_ PlateM.mer_ss_.


ChainB_ke Ir..dsea_C_ _


Page 22: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY



_rb_or Am_A_ t_ t_M_e IPS,.qOO41g_

4 3

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Page 23: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY


Page 24: Operator's Manual CRRFTSMRN · 2.2 2-Cycle GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Model No. 358.350060 - 16 in. Bar WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating ... FULL ONEYEARWARRANTY

For the repair or replacement parts you needdelivered directly to your homeCall 7 am - 7 pm, 7 days a week1-800-366-PART .-.(1-800-366-7278)

Para ordenar piezaa con entrega adomiclllo - 1-800-659-7084

For in-house major brand repair serviceCall 24 hoursa day, 7 days a week1-800-4-REPAIR(1-800-473-7247)

Para pedir servicio de reparacidn adomicilio - 1-800-676-5811

For the location of a Sears Parts and

Repair Center in your areaCall 24 hours a day, 7 days a week1-800-488-1222

For information on purchasing a SearsMaintenance Agreement or to inquireabout an existing AgreementCall 9 am - 5 pm, Mohday-Saturday1-800-827-6655

When requesting service or ord.eringpads, always provide the follow,nginformation:

. Product Type • Part NumberSEARS

, Model Number • Part Description/_wicabRepaeSpecia_zs