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Opening Credits

By Sandra

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Production company

The first shot the audience see is a black screen with clear white and red writings showing the production and distribution company 'Warner bros Pictures' and ‘legendary pictures’. Straight away ,it gives the audience an idea of what the film may be like if they have seen previous films made by this production company. The difference between the background and the witting is effective because it allows the writing to stand out which means the text is clear and easy to read.

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The film thriller ‘Inception’ catches the audience attention in the opening sequence because of the use of interesting stuff such as moving shapes and images creating the titles. These are the important details that the audience shouldn’t miss out.

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Other key crew

These are other key crews such camera, lighting and props as in the movie.

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Top billing actors

This shows different actors in the movie. The top actors names are in different colours. For example, ‘Leonardo Dicarprio’ is the first name the audience see and it is written in red with black font.

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The movie title

The title was in different font and colours because it shows the audience different meaning. The colour red signifies danger and blood, straight away from this, the audience can tell that the movie is a ‘Physiological Thriller’. The sound effect and the font tells the audience what type of thriller it is, it gives them an idea of how the movie will be like.

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The first close up of the leaders face is shown and is a low angle shot. In the distance there are small children playing in the sand, this creates confusion for the viewer as the two things don’t go together. The Protagonist then blacks out and the scene then continues to show a random unknown character finding him on the beach. The Protagonist is shown in dull, rough looking clothes in contrast to the high class soldier that greets. A low angle shot is evident to show to the viewers that the soldier has a high status.