Download - Open-Xchange als Schulmail-Lösung


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Herausforderungen beim(de)zentralen Betrieb vonEmail & Collaboration.

Fokus Talk: Schultrger & Service Provider Umgebungen

Univention Summit 2017Daniel Halbe & Christian Degen

Ziel des Vortrags: Vermitteln wie ein Betrieb von groen, dezentral genutzten, Email Lsungen heute aussieht. Aufzeigen technischer, kommerzieller und planerischer Herausforderungen und Lsungsamstze.1



Open Ecosystem, connect everyone with everyone, Dezentrale Infrastruktur bestehend aus (gut angebundene (groe) Mandanten, schlecht angebundene Mandanten, Roadwarrior).3

4| Insert customer problem as smart headline here

Dezentrale Administration, oft durch Halb Laien (Homer Slide)4

Unterschiedliche Anforderungen an Funktionalitt und User Experience. Vollwertige Accounts fr Lehrer / PowerUser inklusive Offline Clients, Mobile Sync, File Sync etc.


Table of contents

Unterschiedliche Anforderungen an Funktionalitt und User Experience, Beispiel Schler / Consumer / Digital Granny. 6

7BP's Deepwater Horizon costs total $62BYahoo admits breach 1bn of accountsPersonal information from up to 37 million Ashely Madison users was released.LinkedIn Lost 165 Million Account Credentials in Data BreachThats all?

Monetre Probleme mit regulren Subskriptionsmodellen.7


Politische / ethische Herausforderungen. The state of the Internet of 2016 reminds me of 1991 25 years ago: AOL, CompuServe, BTX, Minitel - Closed Ecosystems, talk only within ecosystem, no competition inside ecosystem, no value add from outside8


Than, in 1995, came the Internet for everyone: Single Open Ecosystem, everyone talks with everyone, free market, no "access tax"9


Single Open Ecosystem, everyone talks with everyone, free market, no "access tax"10


Apps are locking away data, Apps killed the Web11


Apps, Email, Browsers, Mobile, Video/Movies, Livingroom/TV, Navigation/Maps, Hardware, MusicOffice, Search CloudOSes

Closed Ecosystems, talk only within ecosystem, closed markets, no competition, no value add from outside, central control12


Everybody tries to build Over-The-Top single-source platforms to create a central control point and data hub/store13


BP's Deepwater Horizon costs total $62BYahoo admits breach 1bn of accountsPersonal information from up to 37 million Ashely Madison users was released.LinkedIn Lost 165 Million Account Credentials in Data BreachThats all?

But this is not a good idea for many reasons, economically (monopoly), safety (inbread central attack points), freedom. https://haveibeenpwned.com14

A Service you use must be available from many providersIt must be possible to move your data from one to the otherThe Service must (also) be available as SoftwareThe Software should be available in Source Code to everyoneThe 4 Commandments of Trusted Internet Services

16Market Evolution, 2012 - 2016

Our position in the market has evolved quite a bit in the last 4 years. We can grow in this segment 500mn-1bn revenues in the next 5-10 years, once everyone is on OXaaS and we monetize half of them and we have completed the product portfolio with all critical back-ends and applications (native and html).16

Open-Xchange Evolution

Sold seats15 M42 M60 M82 M165 M

20122011201020092013OX Text2015/16OX App SuiteOX Server 62014120 M24 M2005OX Spreadsheet, OX Drive, OXaaSOX App Suite 7.8, Dovecot, PowerDNS, Native Apps, OX Presentation


Ende 2016 insgesamt 2016 Millionen Nutzer unter Vertrag, grtenteils groe Projekte bei denen Email zentral fr viele zehntausend bis viele Millionen Nutzer betrieben wird.17

OX PortalCentralized Digital HubCustomized Widgets (open API)

OX PIMEmailContactsCalendarTasks

OX DriveCloud Storage Native Apps for all devices

OX SyncNative iOS & Android AppsNative Windows Offline Client

18OX Product Stack

OX DocumentsCloud office editorCollaborationMS compatible

OX GuardSingle-click securityPGP

PowerDNSAuthorative & Recursive DNS, DNSSECParental Control, Content SecurityDovecot ProIMAP serverSupport for object storage

Kein tiefer Einstieg ins Produkt, das geben wir bei Bedarf gerne am Stand, heute Abend, oder bei einem Besuch bei Ihnen. Fr diejenigen die uns noch nicht kennen ein Kurzberblick: Wir entwickeln eine Lsung die beinhaltet: ...


4 Commandments of Trusted Internet Services reflektieren.Fr offene Standards (im Bildungssystem) einstehen.Offenen, sicheren und vertrauenswrdigen Email Dienst anbieten.Sich mit einbringen, heute mit Christian und mir reden.Call To Action