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Open IntelligenceNow

We as human beings have entered the inexhaustible !"# $%# &!'"(# )'*'+(,# -.!# !$/'# 0*# (102# '!"# 02# "2# (1'#3!'"($!2# $%# $4'*5'*6'6# 7*$8/'69'# "*6# $%# :'*'+(,#This is a lifestyle based on creating wisdom and 8'"/(1;"*#"//5":.*6"*(#/0%'#$%#:'*'+(,

This naturally occurring wisdom and wealth come about by acknowledging open intelligence for short <$<'*(2,# ='!># 20*9/'# <$<'*(# 02# <$!'# "*6# <$!'#powerful, and there is never an end to the stream $%# :'*'+(?# 4!$24'!0(># "*6# 9'*'!$20(>,# ='!># 20*9/'#<$<'*(#02#<$!'#'*/0='*'6?#<$!'#+//'6#80(1#/0='/0*'22#"*6# (1'# 4$('*3># $%# $4'*# 0*('//09'*3',# @1'!'# 02# (1'#feeling that it can’t get any better than this—but then it always does get better! That is the life that open 0*('//09'*3'#4!'2'*(2#($#.2#0*#(1'# !"#$%#&!'"(#)'*'+(,


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Open Intelligence Now

We as human beings have entered the inexhaustible Era of Great Benefit. Our role in this era is as the creators of open-ended knowledge and of benefit. This is a lifestyle based on creating wisdom and wealth—an all-abundant life of benefit. This naturally occurring wisdom and wealth come about by acknowledging open intelligence for short moments. Every single moment is more and more powerful, and there is never an end to the stream of benefit, prosperity and generosity. Every single moment is more enlivened, more filled with liveliness and the potency of open intelligence. There is the feeling that it can’t get any better than this—but then it always does get better! That is the life that open intelligence presents to us in the Era of Great Benefit.


We are gathered here to talk about our intelligence, our very own intelligence—the powers of benefit that course through our mind, our speech, our body, our qualities and activities. We are trained throughout our lives to try to accumulate as many data (thoughts, emotions, sensations and other experiences) as possible and to structure ourselves into a closed system of a perfect person with the perfect data. We may have controlled, avoided, become attached to or reacted to people, places, things and circumstances in an attempt to find success, stability and happiness. No matter what we did, we may not have found the relief that was sought. We may have found that emphasizing our data provides only temporary relief and never provides a permanent solution. Now we see that it is possible to gain open intelligence assurance and to rely on its inherent wisdom, love and happiness, rather than relying on data. What is a short moment of open intelligence? It is powerful open intelligence, regardless of circumstances. To introduce open intelligence very directly, stop thinking—just for a moment. What remains? A sense of alertness and open

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intelligence remains—powerful open intelligence and alertness that is open like a cloudless sky. Whenever you seem to forget what open intelligence is, it will be easy for you to specify it, until it becomes obvious and primary all the time. The next statement is a very crucial key point: The state of having no thoughts is fueled by open intelligence, and thoughts are fueled by open intelligence, too. Open intelligence is in no thoughts as well as in thoughts. Open intelligence is a more comprehensive type of intelligence; it contains both thoughts and no thoughts. By relying on open intelligence for short moments, we are trained up to use open intelligence as our basis, rather than to rely only on thinking or not thinking. Relying on open intelligence opens up a wide and balanced perspective within human intelligence. Just as a rainbow appears within space, all cognitive, sensory and emotional events—thoughts, emotions, sensations and other experiences—appear within alert open intelligence. Just as space and a rainbow are inseparable, thoughts, emotions, sensations and other experiences are inseparable from open intelligence.


Open intelligence is the most comprehensive level of intelligence and of reality, and open intelligence aligns us with fundamental reality. Everything about a human is based in this open intelligence reality itself. Our own intelligence has open intelligence as its foundation, and this open intelligence supersedes with a new intelligence the kind of intelligence we are currently utilizing. Every single area of human knowledge is exalted by open intelligence. We’re able to see things that have never been done before but which can be done, and we’re able to know what has never been known before. It is so self-affirming when we see these things actually happening in ourselves. Open intelligence is the platform of reality and of the entire universe and of everything we see and don’t see. “Data” is a term that includes everyone and everything—everything that everyone knows, thinks, does, feels, senses and experiences. Data are the dynamic energy of open intelligence. Using the term “data” to include everything and everyone makes it easier to understand how very great complexity comes out of great simplicity. Emphasizing data, while forgetting open intelligence, distracts us from open intelligence.

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When we do this, we feel we must control the kinds of data streams we have, and we spend much of our time trying to do so. This process is often stressful and confusing. It is always this emphasis on data that keeps us from relying on open intelligence. Because of the habit of emphasizing data, the initial brief moments of open intelligence may not last long at first. In other words, there may be no real continuity. Open intelligence may almost immediately slip away. That is why we rely on short moments, repeated many times, until it becomes automatic. Rather than practicing open intelligence for long periods once or twice per day, it is better to enjoy spontaneous open intelligence for short moments throughout the day, repeated again and again.

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Open intelligence is reality itself and the knowledge that corresponds to that reality. Exposure to open intelligence results in the obviousness of it as the fundamental basis of our own intelligence. Exposure to open intelligence is


inseparable from open intelligence and benefit. The inexhaustible totality of data constitutes an open source intelligence, an expanse of the most comprehensive order of intelligence indivisible from spontaneous altruism. All data are the single expanse of open intelligence, vast and unending. Open source intelligence is naturally and vitally present, with data shining forth as its own dynamic energy, just as the sun shines forth sunlight. Anyone who takes a natural liking to open intelligence and undertakes its practice will obtain the most comprehensive order of intelligence, coupled with its inseparable companion—spontaneous altruism. Mind, speech, body, qualities and activities are pervaded by the ways and means of these indestructible spontaneously present attributes. “Clarity,” “the view” and “open intelligence” are synonymous. They are simple ways of talking about who we are and how we can empower ourselves so that we don’t live in the old ways handed down to us that are based on misinformation and pseudo-information.

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Relying on open intelligence and its powers of great benefit through the Four Mainstays is only the beginning of connection with fundamental reality, which is by nature beneficial. Thus the Four Mainstays lead, ultimately, to inexhaustible benefit. In Balanced View we have a worldwide movement where people can learn about the power of open intelligence—the power of their own open intelligence to inform their mind, their speech, their body, their qualities and activities and that the way and means of doing that is very, very simple. The direct user interface is simply to rest deeply in those powers of great benefit, to rely on short moments of open intelligence, repeated many times, until it becomes automatic, and to rely on the other of the Four Mainstays: the trainers, the training media and the community members of the worldwide movement. These Four Mainstays can really support us and all of humankind too. They are very simple and very straightforward—allowing human beings to be empowered; allowing human beings to be exalted like we really are; allowing us to use the incredible intelligence we actually have, rather than continuing to demean ourselves with all


kinds of semantic descriptors that do not apply to what a human really is. Balanced View is basically the empowerment of all of human society with open intelligence power. This requires specialized training, intelligence and perseverance as well as a profound connection with a potent trainer, community and training media through the Four Mainstays. The sum of this potent set of instruction in the Four Mainstays creates the opportunity to relax into the power of open intelligence and its beneficial qualities and activities. The Balanced View training reports astonishing results from people who have adopted open intelligence. Through two scientific studies called the “Satisfaction with Life Scale” and the “Flourishing Scale,” our research team has found that the Balanced View training is the model to achieve life satisfaction and flourishing, clarity, complete mental and emotional stability, profound insight into the nature of existence, increased intelligence, spontaneous altruism, morality and ethics, superb skillfulness and consistent power to fulfill creative intent of benefit to all.

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Open intelligence is instinctive intelligence, a comprehensive order of intelligence far beyond—many orders of magnitude greater than—the intelligence that most human beings use today. It is the built-in ease of everything as it is. Open intelligence is the most basic kind of knowing possible. It informs all knowledge whatsoever. It simply means the most fundamental knowing possible. Human intelligence is an open intelligence. It isn’t a closed system of individuals; it’s an open networked intelligence of a collective. We see this open intelligence as expansive and direct in our own experience. It is a decisive experience that we have of this open intelligence. If we stop and think about it for even a minute, we see that the power of this intelligence is inexhaustible; in its openness it is entirely inexhaustible. We go from thinking about ourselves as an individual with an intelligence locked within an individual skin line, and we open up to embrace an open intelligence in which everything is interactive, interoperable, portable and scalable. We live in a very interesting era. We live in an era of profound scientific and technological


advancement. This scientific and technological advancement is very much related to the philosophy of the mind and the body and the way that those relate to information and to the informational systems we are building. As we build these informational systems, what we find is that we are actually an open intelligence. These are enormous advances in human comprehension and understanding, and it’s really important for us to pay attention to what’s happening and to use it for our own benefit and the benefit of all. To be worthwhile, intelligence must be committed to the benefit of all; otherwise, it’s just intelligence for the sake of intelligence, and it can go awry in many different ways.


The creation of innovative knowledge—new knowledge creation, open-ended knowledge creation and open-ended benefit creation—is located at the coincidence of open intelligence and data. Generally we sort all the information that is shining forth within our vast open intelligence

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into positive, negative or neutral data, and then with that data we decide to do one of four things: one, we can indulge the information, whatever it is; two, we can avoid it; three, we can replace it, or four, data are clarified in and by open intelligence, and open up as the power of great benefit. As a datum appears, its instinctive open intelligence is allowed to be spontaneously obvious, empowering its benefit and placing its reified aspects in perspective. Data vanish naturally, without a trace, just as one part of clear sky seamlessly and indivisibly blends with all of sky. The sky is inseparable. Similarly, data cannot be found to have an independent nature, power or influence, like sky in sky. Open intelligence is continuous. Assurance in open intelligence dawns bright, like sunlight filling sky. There is direct crossing from data intelligence to vast open intelligence and its splendid array of spontaneous beneficial qualities and activities of mind, speech and body at all times. We rely on the power of great benefit in short moments of open intelligence to allow things to open up and see everything as it is—to open up data and to see what’s really there. What we find is that we don’t find anything! When we leave the


data point as it is, it opens up, and we find that it doesn’t have a nature independent of open intelligence. Again, our profound natural human intelligence is at the coincidence of open intelligence and data. Here we find something very, very interesting. We find that it is in the inseparability of open intelligence and data that there is open-ended knowledge creation and open-ended benefit creation. This is where we find it. We have basically spent our entire life focused on the data, and now what we want to be predominant in our space of intelligence is the openness of the intelligence itself. Its obvious presence is what we want to be running. We want to be running its indivisible power and its interoperability. In order to do that we need to use the means at our disposal: to no longer focus on the data, and instead to allow the open intelligence—the view—to flourish within the data. When we allow ourselves to flourish through a short moment, then we can’t help but continue to rest naturally, potently and powerfully.

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We realize that we are not a closed system; we realize that human intelligence is an ever-expanding intelligence, an inexhaustible expansive intelligent entity within a vast open intelligence. Within that vast open intelligence, everything is filled with data of all kinds—whatever kind you could imagine and whatever kind of information it could be formed into. Everything is comprised of data, and whether the data are junky or noisy or whether they are really incredible and wonderful, they have truth-value. They have truth-value because they exist in, of, as and through open intelligence. We begin to move away from ideas where we think truth-value is dependent upon selecting certain positive data. We no longer think that those positive data alone will have truth-value. We see that all data have truth-value and that the arrival of real truth and real knowledge isn’t only in positive data. We have to find out—in our own direct experience—about our power to be of benefit. Just like many people have found that out for themselves, in your own experience you have to see how there is a simple structure that can be looked at in order to very directly understand the


nature of your own reality and how powerfully beneficial you truly are.


When we feel instinctive truth in our hearts, when we really feel instinctive truth in our hearts, then we know we are in the right spot in relation to ourselves. Each one of us has to live our human life; no one else is going to do it for us. How do we do that? We do it one day at a time: ODAT. That’s the acronym. “One day at a time.” ODAT. or, “one moment at a time”: OMAT. ODAT and OMAT—that’s easy to remember, isn’t it? The spontaneous self-release of the here-and-now is guaranteed: a 100% guarantee, one moment at a time. OMAT, OMAT, OMAT, OMAT. There is no way to grab OMAT or nail it down. OMAT can’t be made into a thing; it is here and gone, never to be duplicated again. An example of how OMAT works is when we have physical pain. There are all kinds of things we could do to deal with the pain, but among the many possibilities we have are our OMAT and ODAT. So, within the context of OMAT we are

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going to deal with this physical pain one moment at a time. If we spend all day focusing on our physical pain and thinking about all the data associated with our physical pain, then by the end of the day we’d also have psychological pain. We would feel pretty depressed about this physical pain, because we would have thought about all the different things the physical pain could be, from cancer that’s going to kill us within a month to a disability that will keep us from doing something we want to do. It’s important with these powerful data to let them be as they are. By focusing on all the data, we confirm their power. We can’t really understand the data stream or any kind of response that we might need to take to it without open intelligence. There is no practical reason whatsoever in terms of logic and reason to pay attention to the flow ofdata. The only good information you want is going to come from open intelligence. So, open intelligence is what you want to rely on within yourself. Press the open-intelligence button again and again, and it will become automatic. Pressing the data button again and again throughout our lives, all the data-referencing had become automatic,


but now, by pressing the open intelligence button—boom!—open intelligence becomes automatic at all times. OMAT, ODAT!

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Soothingly we rest in the power of very great benefit. This great benefit is what a human really is, and this is what a human really does. Through short moments we retrain our mental and emotional capacity to encompass the life with open intelligence; we completely encompass everything we think about ourselves—including the physical—with the view of open intelligence. You and every other human being house the intelligence of the universe in a usable way at this coincidence of open intelligence and of data. You as a human being are the only intelligent entity that we know of who has this power of housing within it the knowledge of the universe in a usable way. When you allow everything to be as it is and you allow open intelligence to be as it is—allowing the open intelligence to be predominant simultaneously within the data rather than

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continuously focusing on the data—the data open up into new knowledge creation. We are able to think outside the box. Due to the openness of our open intelligence we are able to look into any data set and see all kinds of things about it that no one else would ever see. Say you’re working on an engineering problem, and you’ve always looked at this engineering problem in a certain way, just as it’s been looked at by everyone else. By relying on open intelligence you can look at exactly the same problem, and you can see all kinds of parallels to the problem in other fields of knowledge that open up the engineering problem into a solution that no one has ever thought of.

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When we are introduced to open intelligence, we are introduced for the first time to spontaneous altruism. Spontaneous altruism means that inseparable from open intelligence is the passion for the welfare of everyone, no matter who that might be. It doesn’t mean thinking about it or trying to feel that way or trying to do it once in a while, but actually having that embedded in every


single thought, emotion, sensation and experience. The welfare of all is predominant; it is pronounced, it is never not there, never not available. This is quite different from cultivated compassion. Cultivated compassion can be taken away at any time, because it is only a neutralization of data. The outshining of data turns on spontaneous compassion and altruism that are always on. When that is our stance, we see a lot of happy faces, including our own! We find that we are by nature spontaneously altruistic. Altruism is a wordthat basically means caring about the welfare of others, and caring about the welfare of others means us too. We are not excluding ourselves. Spontaneous altruism means that in open intelligence, naturally spontaneous altruism is the natural and inseparable companion of open intelligence. As our intelligence opens up, we feel more and more spontaneously altruistic. In a natural way, we care more. We love more. We are capable of tremendous intimacy that has never been known before within human society. There is a childlike excitement every day, an excitement, energy and

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willingness to say, “Let’s go! Let’s have some fun! Let’s do this!”

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In all of human society there is the emergence of open intelligence as the basis of society—open intelligence that’s pervasive, where no one is separate. The sense that nothing and no one is a stranger is true cognition of unity. It’s not some mental state or an idea. It is the beating heart of open intelligence itself—openhearted open intelligence. Truly, no one is a stranger; this is just the way it is. What’s happening right now is an explosion from within, an organic emergence from within, such that we are able to see the world in which we live in a new way. We look up at the sky and we see that we can relate our intelligence more to the vastness of the sky and the vast expanse of space. Our intelligence is like that; it’s not shut down in a closed system. It’s expansive. It’s an open system forever, and it always has been. We are going through a shift—and I cannot emphasize this enough—where living in open


intelligence is how human society will live in the future. Some are living this way now, but in the future everyone will live this way. This is absolutely coming about, and it has begun. Through a number of means, it is going to come about. What that means is that everyone living, no matter who they are, will be living from spontaneous altruism; that will be the basis of their life. Living from spontaneous altruism means that we have opened our intelligence to the degree that we can do many things that we’ve never been able to do before, like providing food, shelter, clothing, education and health care for everyone—everything that is needed. In fact, to resolve all problems of health care completely, for everyone to have a strong physical body and everyone to have complete mental and emotional stability—all of this is available to everyone right now through the power of open intelligence, and open intelligence will make this possible for more and more people. This is very important to know. We started mis-describing ourselves a long time ago, but now that has stopped, and it will never go back to the old way. We might as well go with the new program, because it’s not going back to the

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old way! This new way is based on truth value and benefit value which is self-affirming. This is what human beings want, and this is what human beings know themselves to be.


What I get to see year after year in country after country is that people are changing completely. I see people change from needing to search, first of all. They stop the search about how to do something with their data stream, and they let the data be as they are. The searching stops completely, and when the searching stops, all the power that was used on the searching becomes spontaneous altruism. All the power that was formerly directed towards being hard on yourself and telling yourself you weren’t doing it the right way is used for spontaneous altruism. “Spontaneous” means that you don’t have to try to do it; it simply is as it is. This is very important. It is what you can count on without fail. I can tell you this: wherever you go, there you are. So, wherever you find yourself to be, the power of great benefit is there with you. This is you. Every cell in your body is vibrating


with the power of great benefit. Any energy sensations you feel in your body are the dynamic energy of open intelligence, and there is no sense in calling it anything else. Even if it may have other aspects that you need to look into, you want to look into it from open intelligence. You might as well start from looking at the situation from open intelligence, rather than from the definition of some measly datum. All of the data, no matter what they are, are super-intelligent from the beginning. Whatever the momentary event is, it is best left as an emanation of open intelligence. Whatever the data are, they are best left as an emanation of open intelligence. From that vantage you have a comprehensive view of all data. You can look at the data with absolute distinctness, because you are not caught up in them. You’re looking at them from the comprehensive view. There is no fear anywhere about what will be found within any datum. Thus, we are able to see all kinds of new things about the way the world works and the way it fits together. We are able to see new and better ways of innovating and being spontaneously altruistic.

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This brilliant open intelligence we have is very, very powerful—the guardian potency for the entire multiverse. This is a remarkable intelligence, an inconceivable intelligence, and it’s our very own intelligence. We house the knowledge of the universe in a usable way: all the knowledge of the universe—past, present and future—is within us. We already have within our own intelligence an exact explanatory model of all the workings of all knowledge that has ever existed, is existing now or will exist in the future. That is what we have—an exact model of the intelligence of the universe in our own intelligence. If we’re spending our time searching, we’ll never see all of the incredible insights that are available to us from housing the intelligence of the universe in a usable way. Obviousness is one of the pervasive aspects of open intelligence. It is obvious at all times, spontaneously and obviously present at all times. Open intelligence is not a place we are trying to get to or a destination to be achieved. Open


intelligence—the great clarity expanse—is completely inexhaustible. That means it will never end. It doesn’t have a traceable beginning, and it doesn’t have a traceable end. When we instinctively recognize this obvious presence of open intelligence, it’s our own intelligence that is recognizing that. It isn’t some other intelligence we are recognizing, like something out there away from us that’s doing it. We are recognizing with our own intelligence; open intelligence is recognizing itself. It is making the claim, “This is who I am. I am instantiated in this person right here.” This is the way it is: there are seven billion people or more in the world, and open intelligence is instantiated as every one of them. If this is what we learn about ourselves—instantiated open intelligence in every human body, spontaneously altruistic by nature—then, wow, what kind of human society will we have based on that? We are at an incredible transition. Every single moment of human life today is completely different from what has gone before, and we will never revisit that past again. More and more we will live in the spontaneity of the here-and-now.

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More and more we will recognize ourselves as the actual intelligence of this open, sprawling, dynamic, vast expanse of intelligence. In this Era of Great Benefit, the individual person is an indestructible vehicle of this altruistic intelligence—an indestructible commando-vehicle living as that every single day. What’s happened here is that we as human beings have launched an inexhaustible Era of Great Benefit. That is quite an accomplishment. We didn’t need any big fund-raising schemes or organizations or anything like that. Just from within human society at the grassroots, all over the world we decided that we were going to look at ourselves in a much different way—a reality-based way, based on what we are learning about the world we live in. There is a quantum leap in the way we look at ourselves. We go from looking at ourselves as an individual and as a bunch of data to 24/7 instinctive recognition of open intelligence, where that is predominant at all times. That is really easy to do through the opening up of the obvious presence of open intelligence itself. It’s not a great struggle or hurdle at all. It’s so obvious; it couldn’t be difficult or challenging. Regardless of your willingness to cooperate, it’s always going to


be obviously present anyway, although it may not be directly usable if it’s ignored.


You can live whatever kind of lifestyle you want—from living a 100% open intelligence lifestyle to living a 100% data-based lifestyle; but these are two completely different types of intelligence. It’s up to you what you will choose. Of course we absolutely want to do the best we can for ourselves and for everyone else. It’s just like if you have a laptop, and one is really old and clunky and barely works, but the other one is a new laptop with an enormous monitor and all the kinds of equipment you could possibly want. Both are at your disposal, so which one would you choose? This is a way to bring it down to practical terms. If you were to find out that you had a tremendous new skill that you never knew you had, it would be up to you whether you used it or not. For example, maybe you didn’t do that well in school, but then you found out that you had an IQ of 180, and you said, “Wow! I had no idea I’m so smart!” This brings some new challenges. You have to

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decide whether you will do something with it, then once you do, you have to decide what you will do with this power that you didn’t know you had. By committing to open intelligence, your life will be altogether different than it would be otherwise. Your life will be of a different quality in ways that count. Those quality ways that count are that you will live a life of benefit to yourself and others;you will have a natural, cheerful disposition, and you will have a deep connection with other human beings of friendship and unity. It is not just with other human beings, but with anyone or any creature that might exist anywhere. It’s a natural affection for everyone and everything. When we focus on the data, all we get are data and an intelligence related to data. The life of focusing on data is very self-focused; it’s all about me and mine, my problems, this, that and the other thing. However, when we rely on open intelligence, our primary identity opens up. This is a very special way to live that isn’t self-focused at all. Our attention slips away from all the self-focus and self-concern—the “I, me, and mine” and the “who did that to me” and the “what is going to happen in the future?” All the memories


from life that seemed to be such a focus of attention slip away, and all that remains is the spontaneity of the moment with no reference point. That is a lot more expansive and lot more interesting than thinking about one’s self-concerns all the time. This is what open intelligence is: it does not have reference points for its power; for its potency—for its at-once soothing potency. At-once soothing and potent, it is the forever receding horizon, which means it is completely inexhaustible. It provides an era of inexhaustible great benefit.



In open intelligence you have a life of complete enjoyment and a life of complete connection, no matter what the situation. Say a situation came up that was unexpected and really rather unpleasant and upsetting; you would still have a life of complete enjoyment within those occurrences. You would have the complete enjoyment due to understanding the exact nature of all the data coming up in that upsetting situation. You would be able to be within those data—shining brightly

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as open intelligence, outshining all the distinct terms of the data. You would be able to see all of the data, even the most hideous and unpleasant ones that would have been avoided, ignored, replaced or indulged before. You just let everything be as it is from the comprehensive view of open intelligence. This is how you give yourself a life that can’t even be imagined at present. Sometimes this is called a life of pure pleasure, but it isn’t pure pleasure in the way we ordinarily think of pleasure. We might think of pleasure as getting high, having an orgasm, going out for some entertainment or food, buying a new outfit, or having blissful states. It isn’t like that at all. True bliss is to instinctively recognize the exact nature of all data as open intelligence. In this day and age you can be whoever you want to be, even if you live in a country where there is very serious censorship. Maybe you had to leave the country surreptitiously, and now you are going back to your country that is laden with censorship. No matter where you are, open intelligence can never be shut down. It can’t be censored. Not ever. It has no enemies anywhere and it overcomes all. It is the sovereign ruler of all.


Wherever you are and whatever rules might be in place by any government or police state or any other kind of heinous circumstance that we human beings find ourselves in, all of these are completely overcome by the comprehensive view of open intelligence that is instantiated in every single moment. The strength of that is always with you in every single moment. No matter what would ever happen, nothing whatsoever would happen to open intelligence. Nothing would happen to you. You remain as you are. We have this idea about ourselves as being ruled by birth, life and death, waking, dreaming and sleeping, but that’s only part of the story. It is crucial to rest naturally, to rest profoundly, to rest potently and deeply in the powers of great benefit. This energy that you feel in your body is what that is: it is the power of great benefit. No matter what else it has been named, who you are and what that energy is, it is the dynamic energy of open intelligence—every sensation you have, every thought you have, every emotion you have and every experience you have. This is made clear in a flash instant. Why is it made clear in a flash instant? Because it is so obvious!

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Just as surely as the pioneers journeyed across the United States to California 150 years ago to find and claim their stakes of gold, just as surely we are claiming our stake in open intelligence. As pioneers of that reality, we claim that reality. This is who we are. We are really the first generation of people in human history to open up to ourselves as inseparable from and interoperable with the open intelligence of the universe. The open intelligence of the universe is embedded in us as intelligent entities, and we ourselves as intelligent entities can expand our openness of that intelligence in inexhaustible ways. There is no limit to it. It isn’t like feeling like we’re only made of physical and mental stuff, where we’re locked down in some kind of a skin suit and we’re always inside there. All the knowledge that has been discovered, is being discovered now and is to be discovered in the future is all located within the intelligence of the universe. As we are an exact explanatory and mathematical model of that intelligence, we have access to it at all times.


By beginning with a simple identity practice of relying on open intelligence—where we rely on open intelligence rather than all the self-descriptions of the data that we have learned—we begin to open up our sense of identity. We open up into an open source identity, where we can identify as we wish. We can have one identity or we can have multiple identities. Many people today have multiple identities on the Internet; one could call them “multi-modal identities.” We can choose whatever identity we wish, and we can use that identity to be a source of spewing all kinds of data. However, it can also be used just as well to be a source of incredible benefit—many identities, all being of benefit to all. Even if we have discovered some great things in human life, the discoveries we will make in the future based on open intelligence will be ones that make discoveries up until now look limited in comparison. Our power to bring benefit, generosity and prosperity to all inhabitants of all multiverses is tremendous, and we train up this power in ourselves when we rely on open intelligence rather than the old ideas about who we have taken ourselves to be.

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Human beings are at a critical juncture. We have a unique occasion right here where we can go beyond the outdated ideas we have about ourselves. All the open problems that are facing humankind, the planet we live on and all its inhabitants are solvable. However, they are not solvable from the current way we think. The current way we think created the problems, and so we need a new way of thinking. We need a more realistic way of thinking—one that is attuned to the way we actually are. For the first time here on planet Earth we live as a global human culture and we are globally united. The terms and conditions that seemed to divide us don’t divide us as much as they once did. The religious terms and the terms that refer to nationality, race, gender and other biases do not hold as much sway as they once did, even though they still raise their ugly head here and there. The only way to overcome all negativity of all kinds, completely and forever, is through open intelligence. This is the only way we can live without bias. First we must live without bias within ourselves. We must be able to look within ourselves at all the data and instinctively


recognize that, as open intelligence, they are without bias. Inherently we are un-prejudiced. Isn’t that amazing? The great open intelligence that unavoidably binds everything together is completely unbiased, holding everything together exactly as it is. No need to change it or tweak it here and there to make it any different. We simply let everything be exactly as it is.It’s really important to settle into your power andto rely on it. It is important to get used to all the energy in your body being the power of great benefit and claiming that as it is, rather than claiming all of these other things. In this way you grow true and strong. With the friendship of the Four Mainstays you have a powerful citadel that you rest within. You rest comfortably in this great citadel of open intelligence with countless other human beings—countless because more and more join in every day. Open intelligence is irresistible. It’s the irresistible integrated framework for global human culture and for multiversal culture. We each have different strengths, gifts and talents, and whatever our strengths, gifts and talents are, we will exalt them due to the power of open intelligence. We will see what they are, and we will have the courage to carry them out. This is

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the power of open intelligence too. It allows us to stand straight and strong and to know that it’s possible to contribute to all of human existence in a very profound way through the message of open intelligence.


We have the power to change the world with short moments of open intelligence, and that is occurring right now. The whole world is undergoing change. Human culture is undergoing a change that will forever exalt it. This is not just another change for the sake of change, but a change that will exalt human culture and its relation with all beings forever. Seize the power of your mind right now! This open intelligence power belongs to you; it is your birthright. The pervasive spread of open intelligence is equal and even, everywhere. There isn’t a single solitary creature whatsoever that is not endowed with the pervasive spread of open intelligence. Open intelligence is so powerful, and no one is a stranger to it. Everyone is the beloved. By relying


on open intelligence, these are the eyes we are looking through: there isn’t anyone who is a stranger anywhere. Everywhere where we look, we feel right at home. We may have all kinds of data flowing by, but we still feel right at home and connected. Our data don’t get in the way anymore. We’re not looking through the eyes of the data description. Instead, we’re looking through blazingly beneficial open intelligence eyes that cast their gaze on everything and then come to a beneficial conclusion. As open-ended benefit creators, what our eyes see is a world full of solutions. All that people might need is a little bit of training to see that they are indeed open-ended benefit creators. I saw at some point that there wasn’t the instruction available to create open-ended benefit creators, and so, what to do: Great Freedom, Balanced View, the Four Mainstays. You have got to create it! You are an open-ended benefit creator; you have to recognize the knowledge and step into its space. You can see it in yourself, and you can see it in each other. You see how well it works; there isn’t any more convincing to do. You see that it’s much easier and much more pleasant to live a life of mutual respect and

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gratitude than one of competition and one-upmanship. This great open intelligence is where everyone is in this together, where each action is informed by “what will be of most benefit to all?” That’s how we’re going through the day; the focus isn’t all on “me, myself and I” anymore, because we released that energy of trying to figure out all the data. Now that energy is used for creating beneficial solutions, no matter what situation we’re in—whether it’s personal, professional, social or political. This is what it means to have clarity as the core competence. In the past other things have been the core competence in business and in society in general, and open intelligence was not used as the core competence. We can see from recent events that the way we do business needs some adjusting. Wouldn’t you agree? Maybe political situations need a little adjusting, too. However, who is responsible for all of this? We are. There isn’t any “they” who is doing all this. The “they” is us! In this spirit of responsibility and openness—this grand emergence from within human society—is the Era of Great Benefit and open-intelligence- society emerging together.


This is emerging as we speak, and it has been emerging for years now. During our life, each day, as long as we live, we will see more and more of this. There will be more and more of it in each of us as open-ended benefit creators, and more and more emergence of pure benefit in society and throughout the world. We are indeed entering an era of inexhaustible benefit—benefit that can’t be turned off—and this is the way human beings will live forever.


There are many resources available for anyone who is interested in knowing more about the Ba-lanced View Training. Further information can be found on our websites: and, as well as at Posted there are numer-ous talks and videos by the founder and other Ba-lanced View trainers, as well as books and a fo-rum where people all over the world share their experience of relying on open intelligence in daily

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life. All video and audio talks are free and can be easily downloaded in mp4 and mp3 format. Also listed on the website is a schedule of Ba-lanced View trainings offered by authorized train-ers around the world. Venues range from face-to-face trainings and public open meetings, to train-ings and meetings offered via tele-conference bridge and the Internet, including meetings at our “Balanced View Center: Benefit Island” on Second Life. The Four Mainstays support everyone interested in gaining assurance in open intelligence. When assurance is inspired by the Four Mainstays—1) short moments of open intelligence, 2) the trainer, 3) the training, and 4) the worldwide communi-ty—there is increasing recognition of open intelli-gence until it is obvious and continuous at all times. For participants who wish to contribute to Ba-lanced View, donations are gratefully accepted at: All are wel-come, regardless of ability to contribute.