Download - Open AiR Thought System - An Open ThoughtBook for Inspiration!


An Open ThoughtBookSelf Compiled by

Nitin Bhaskar SadubattulaDirector,

Open AiR Training Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Open AiR Training Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


Openness. Analytics. Innovation. Research

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This presentation is a property of Open AiR Training Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and its subsidiaries. With receipt of this information, the recipient(s) acknowledges and agrees that they will not copy, fax, reproduce, divulge, or distribute this information, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the Company.This presentation is for educational and informational purposes only.

Open AiR Training Solutions Pvt. Ltd. © 2014

Word Meaning SignificanceOpen Openness of Mind & Mouth Ability to think and communicate without constrains

AiR Analysis . Identification . Research Analysis, Identification and Research Of Subjects and Problems

Training Creative & Constructive Coaching Coaching. Consultation. Counseling. Trainings. Workshops. Events. Programs

Solutions Services & Offerings OATS Training Products, Services and Deliverables

Name Significance of Open AiR Training Solutions (OATS)

Representation: Letter A For AnalysisImplication: Male Bird Significance: Active Analysis of Subjects

Representation: Letter O For OpennessImplication: Openness of Mind and MouthSignificance: Be Open for Performance

Representation: Letter i For IdentificationImplication: The Self. Me. Myself. ISignificance: Keep the Self Low

Representation: Letter R For ResearchImplication: Female BirdSignificance: Real-time Research of Subjects

Representation: Open AiR Birds | Implication: Open AiR Thoughts | Significance: Keep the Thoughts of Self High


Stop Worrying – Start Working

Love the Work,Live & Leave the


It is more important to

Live EducationThan to

Learn Education

Identify what SHAPES us

Vs.what STOPS us

Don't say NO to

Networking Opportunities!

Right NOW, we are paying the price of

what we were doing yesterday!

So, what are we going to do today?

Fall in PeaceRest will

Fall in Place!

Let us stop fearing about

What WILL Happenand

start focusing on

What CAN Happen!

B5 -Build Building Brick By Brick

The World Shall Start Progressing The Very Moment We Start Doing The Things We Talk


Small Reasons Must Never Stop Big Results!

When You Really Need ItYou Will Find a Route

Else You Will Find a Reason!



Sachin Tendulkar Amitabh Bacchan Lata Mangeshkar

Eternal Legends of India

Each of their Name’s Initial Letters are in Alphabetical Order!

What Goes

The Opposite GROWS

Invest TimeTo

Save Time!

Time Saved Is Time Earned!

Change Changes Us!If We Cant Change Change,

We Can Change The Way, Change Changes Us!!!

Can We Cross The BorderFrom ME

To WE?

‘Having’ Problems is not the Problem!‘Hiding’ Problems is the Problem!!