Download - Ooniio 5-'4 ®I|f East Mmm N^tus · 2017-02-13 · a permit hatj-bcen refused lipi.-ause there "was a tiuestinn involved »'he(her sut'h an in.stitutlon was "buslncs.s" or "educational".

Page 1: Ooniio 5-'4 ®I|f East Mmm N^tus · 2017-02-13 · a permit hatj-bcen refused lipi.-ause there "was a tiuestinn involved »'he(her sut'h an in.stitutlon was "buslncs.s" or "educational".

jjj.tit i .cven Hrigr>j7iuii Mora. L i b r a r y E a s t Havon , . . , , , Ooniio 5-'4

An Independent

Weekly Newspaper ®I|f East Mmm N tus Our Telephone Numbers Business: Alwaler 8-1661 EdJlorial: HObarl 7-5811

CublliMd WttWy by Frit Prtii Publlcilions, Inc. Yfarlv Siibicrlption SZ.50. KAST l l . W K X . CnXM'U r i i r ' l ' , - I ' I I I - K S D A V , KIOI!l;fAl!V I, l!>."il G Cents A Copy — $2.a0 A Vca r

Masonic Minstrel On Skigd Here Tonight And Friday

A vost and colprful array at If'ul liilcni will be iircscnled to the East Haven public tonight and tmnorrow (Friday) night when On stage, Aniericn!", a minstrel

Show beins sponsored by the Mo-mnuguin Fcllowcrafl, opens at8:07 on the stage of the High School auditorium.

The show, which Is being staged for tlic benefit of the Masonic Temple building fund, will present n large and gaily cbstunied cast 111 a colorful program of songs and dances and niinslrcl Jokes. In addilion, a Ted Mncit-stylc ama­teur show will present a set of 12 top lalenl acts.

A children's popularity contest is being conducted In connection witli the show and 14 youngsters will vie for first, second, third and foui-th places - wide com petition. Winners of this contest will be presented with loving cups by the Momauguih Fellowcratt and Willi prize ribbons. They will re­ceive photo certificates by the Lo-ring Photo Studios in New Haven, according to their •ijitlng.s.

Balloting In ' s to re s Motiicrs of the winners will be

presented witli corsages from Vcr-gason Paritway. florists. Contain­ers to receive votes liave been loting will be conducted for favor-loting will be conducted for favor He children. The show windows of Kast Haven Homes, Inc., at 273 Main St:, have a list of the namcSs of places where residents can vote in the contest: Final voting closes on Friday at 3:30 ,p.m. In . the , stores, but a- one-hour-voting pe­riod will bO: held in the High School between 7 and 8 p.m. The wlnnersw'ill be announced during the latter show. . '

Leading thC' cast will be the following min.slrel and "Amos and Andy" characterizations: "Mr. In­terlocutor" -^ Andrew •Kmctzb; "Andy" — BertelKlopltars;, "Amr, OS" — Charles Larsdrti "Miz Blue*,, — G eo r g e ni^^jim; '.i<}taAain Queen" — Dick:"Mlilefi^'"King4 flsii" — James Coridie;..Vfirftther Crawford""-—'Frank SarbefT^'"Bair and Ciialn" — EdwardfsSK' tft'eir;!'. "Aunt Jemima" - r WiMliHi-ij An­drews; "Rochester" -— Joseph Mi;-, ti; "Sapphire". — Jack Rednmnd.

They will be supported by sing­ing and dancing lines of girls call; od "Dl.tlc Dandies" and "Ilolsy-•J'otsics" wiio will include: Judy Cunningham, Sheila Korngiebel, Margaret Carlson, Elizabeth Kurtz, Audrey Graver, Grissle Norden, Sue Owen, Irene Frieberg, Jo Ann riichnrd.s, Judy Juhnson,cand Linda Pj-osch.

Twelve .Aninfcur Act.s The twelve acts which Will com­

pete in the amateur show included In liie program will be as followsl Verna Gedncy and Caroline An-dros. as the "Trumpcteers"; Pau-lin Suzar, dancer; Margai'ct Carl­son, \; Sue Owen, in a "ItiU number"; Marie Fusco, vocalist; Mary Ann Domek, lap dance; and Margaret Beattic, acrobatics.

A Hindustani dance group com­posed of pupils from the Lore Dlckci'.son School of Dancing ( Ilavcn) will also compete as one of the acts.' lii addition, will be the following cunteitants tioin the Victor School of Music, In New-Haven: Salvatoro Murgo, drum­mer; Salvatore DeFllpo, sa.xophon-Isl; Niciiolas Alio, accordionist, and Ooininick Mastrlano, accordionist.

" Virginia Sclarra, of Bran-ford, will appear as; and R i c i i a r d Lambert, from the" Sarancc School of Mus­ic! in New Haven will be the con­cluding' act. • ; Appearing-, as the "Southern Bel­les" as part "of tiic .main nilnslTcl show will be: Lduella Havdrsang, Josephine Lucas, Josephine-Madl son, Hazpl Hinckley, Helen Klaritc, Sliolia Korngiebel, Hilda Herman, EInora Nitchke, Flora Peebles, Madeline Hanson, Ruby Muni5on, Ruth Antiionis, Ruth Barker, Irene Hanson, and Eleanor Joiin-son.

Specially Acls , Another feature of the show will be a sol of "specialty acts" as part of the program of enter­tainment but Independent of the amateur contest. They will In­clude: liie four Barbaii Brothers; Mrs. Eleanor Johnson; Barbara Sclarra, "Miss Stony Creeic" \vho will niakc an on - stage appear­ance as a candidate for tlie title of "Miss Connecticut"; Bllyo Blge-low; Louis Negri, a pupil of the Clancy Voice Studio; arid Peg and Bob Mansfield, In a pahtomime act called "Off tlie Record."

Pianist for the Lore DIckcrson .School of Dancing group will be Mrs. Eva Cohan. Pianist for the •show will bo Mrs. John Strand-berg. . . .

According to Mrs. Eve Stetson, director of the show, "It looks like a wonderful house for both nights, with ticitets selling like tile pro­verbial hotcakes." Tickets are be­ing sold by the cast, chorus and committees for the reserved soc-

. (CouUuuetf Oii rage'Tlu:e«).

ID and \ick

Mothers March On Polio Ncls Record Total Of $2407.81

A tolnl of $2,.107.81 was raised Friday In the Mothers' March on Polio, according to Miss Einine Homer, chairman of the fund drive. The returns on Friday al­most top the entire amount that was taken in during the entire month of January last year.

Last year the MoUiers' March collected ,$1,'186.14. Miss Homci' said that she was very gratified with the result of this past week. "The people of East Haven wore certainly very generous in contri-^ buting to the fight polio," she s a i d . " I would like pcrsonniiy to thank East Haveners for doing tlieir part ' .to help score in 1951 what may well be the telling blow against poliomyelitis." • A'breakdown of- the 12 districts

of the town sliowcd tlie following receipts: Foxon School District. 5311.91; Illgliland, ?63.83; Gillis. 5262,00; - Mbmauguln, $2 1 3.78; South Central, ?22C,G3; North Cen­tral, 5115.67; Morgan Point, $10G.-51; j l ig l i Ridge and Riverdalc, 5137.10; Riverside and Parltwny area, 5110,10; Tuttie, 5296.84; Ger-risii; .5325.75; and Laurel. $188.73.

The chairman of tlie dri\e ex­tended.Jior. thanks to the appro.x-imateiy 300 "contact mol hers" who Vpluiitpered their, services in coi-lecting" the funds. "Their contri-butjqn or. time lind effort," .said MIs.s lioriier, "w;as indispensable lo the. success of tlic Haven drive .on polio. '

.The:;cimlrmaii-also' thanked llic inenibers.ot thd,volunteer fire de­partments a n d the Auxiliary Police,, as well as regular nieiiibors of both deparlinenls, who assisted In iiatrolling ' the streets during the (Irlve.-She also c.xpres.sed her gralitudd to 'Firo Chief Thomas J. Hiiyos;and;Poi)ce Chief Edwin B. PrieSffor theii' cooperation.

Officially tiic March of Dimes eamimign ended on January 31. llowpvci;, those who have not yet li.iftllpd In • their cbnlributlons are asked to do so as soon as possible.

The Board of Public Safety has voled'to donate tlie receipts from tiie parking niclers this week to the Polio fund. East Haven resi­dents can contribute their dimes Ijy insoi-ting tlieni in the meters,

.•.•;. 'i'3>*''?*.,'

East Haven Youth To Be Featured Singer

Charles Lynehan, of Laurel St., East Haven, will be tlie featured singer at the Girl Scout Capitol Variety Show to be held Saturday, Feb. 27, in tlie Branford, High School. The show Is being .spon­sored by, and for the benefit of, the Branford Girl Scout Troops 14!) and 122. An nflernuon show will lie prcseiilcd nl 2 o'clock fur children.

Lynehan Is a freshman at Hom-dpn Hall Country Day School. His singing teaclier is Steven June. Mr.s. June will accompany him on llie piano.

Finance Bd. - School Comniittee Hope For A Final Decision Tonite

C Hot 1 h)l) Tonj IMassari (!)) iif ijtst Il.ucn atliiiinls Ihi, liiill fiiiin Uranford s Bill Mi sliulio In Ir l day nigiil's nip mid luilt cniiliist. Watchliiu nni llirreriiuii (I), ()'Murn (5) and Wisiiiinitli "(0)' ol thc'EiLslii- siiuiul and Kllnuis (It) and l)rii|;o (10) of Ilraiifonl, .

Superintendent Of Schools. .To Address Charn. OF Com. Tuesday

•R. yer-non Hays, superintendent of schools, will he guest speakcr before a dinner nieoting of thr-East Ilavcn Chamberof'Coiiimerce Tuesday, evening, in tile . Annex House. The sclinol iKlniinistralor will speak on the. topic, "LiiokinK

Ahead In Educational Finnn("j," andiAvlil treat with the local school situation. •

The, meeting will opeji with din­ner at ,S:.'W p.m. and. will, tie fol­lowed with a brief: business iir.'et-ing at 7:.30 p.m. after whicii Siipt. Hays will spcik. Ail chniilbm-nieinbcrs wishing lo niienci the dinner are advi.scd In notify Ei-wood iScobie or flprmnn Scharf for i-csoi-vations. Those not wish­ing 1.0 attend the dinner may still attend .for tile speaker's talk afler-ward. Other per.son.s interested In the Clianvber's'activities are ai.-iu invited to-at tend.

Petition For Short Beach

Garage Off

Hd. Opposed Two out of three petitions be­

fore the Zoning Board .of Appeals last night failed lo draw any op­position. - Only .tile petition by James J. Canna, of. 255 Sliorl Beach Rd., for permission to' build a non-eonformlng garage of. cln-derblock to store tools and equip­ment. 'Opponents of the local contrac­

tor, who wanted to put up the building 10 store his equipment, were lavish with their pei-.sonul praLse for Canna but objected to the "commercial-type building" -as one man put it.

Canna told ^ the hoard that llic sile, between Pond St. and Short Beach'Rd., was soiid granite base, and could not be used as a sile for homes. Since lie was paying ta.xes on 'the property, about -the size of six lots, he said, in the evpnt that il was turned down by the board he would probably "dump it into the Town's lap". He sold he coiild derive no benefit from It otherwise.

Tlie contractor displayed plans •showing a building measuring 68 by 26 with four overhead doors, lie said it would lia\"' no windows so that it could not oe used for any purpose other than storage.- >

ban Cosgrove. Branford con­tractor, wlip ' owns an adjoining plot of land said "anything in the commercial line" would detract from the value of his properly. He said he was "anticipating <Ie-

"veloplne an area there of 20 acres". D. Charles Beausolefl, of 54

Cliff St.'. noted that the Town was paying $7,000 for a Town zoning

[plan tb bring some order to the

devciopnicnt ,01' Ilavcn, He said'Cririha, wJioni he pj-aisod as a builder. ...\yas- ''contradicting liis own'.diet ales", since lie proposed lo i^gnore the Tijivn codes lii whicli lie * adhered • so scrupulously in bulkllng- for..others.

NuMory I'e.lilion Heard An- a'ppilcallon iiy Mrs, Edward

Czcpiga,- of. ijOO Strong St., for pormis.slpn to build a pie-school nursery at that address drew no opposition from the audience of two dozen people. Tliomas Frts-coe. building inspector, .said Ihat a permit hatj-bcen refused lipi.-ause there " w a s a tiuestinn involved »'he(her sut'h an in.stitutlon was "buslncs.s" or "educational". As tlic latter it would have lieen in conformnncn with the resldenliol area In which It would he located.

Mr.i. Czeplga infiim-icd I lie iioard that the nursei-y and a home wnulfl be constrpcted on a two-acre sitj'. The nursery would arcnmmodalo between: night and f"n childi-en be­tween j the ages of three and five.

,A, letjbr^was. introduced' from f)!-. Agnes Lyon, Urnwn. of the .State Health Depaitmenl statini: 'that the nursery had "a ver.v definite educallonni connotatinn." Mrs. Czeplga--is"^n registered nurse.

There, was no opposition lo a-petition by Pasquaie Pompano. of 37 Charter Oak Ave., for pei-nii.s-slon to - build a two-car clnder block garage one foot fj-oni the bulicling'line.

:Thp hearing was cimducled by John McMahon, chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals. He said that^declsions of the board would be'sniiouric'ed later. _

Local Unil Women ., Voters League To Act On Agcnchi .

Members of tlie Enstshore Unit of the League of Women Voters will "cast .their vote" for tho.-two Hems to npiiear o n the liational agentia, when tliey meet 'i'uesday evening, Feb. 9. nl 8;,in li­the home ,of Mrs. Roljort Cecil. Oi-ehnrd ,Hiii Rond,^Branford.

This month, all units of llie Gi-eater 'New Haven League will discuss the two items they w-ouid like to see adopted at the Na­tional Convention, wlion it con­venes in Denver, Colo., in April.

Mrs. .luliaii M; .Stui'tcvaiit, past president of tiie League of Wo­men-Votei-s of Greater New Hav­en, and. iegislalion Chairman of the Connecticut .State League ol Women Voters,vwiil leati the dis­cussion.

'I'lio Eustsliorc Unit, is made up of members from East I lux-en, i3rniiroi-d, and the Annex.

Two Join "Gallon Club!' With Visit To Dloodmohile

• Mr.s. Marie Blxliy, of G. Edwards St.. and Emmet Connor, of Forbe.* Pi... are now nieiiiboi-s of the. "Gal-ion Cluii" .because of the fact that Ihny have donated 8 pints of liiood cacli to. the Red Cross Blood pro­gram.

Desijlte the bad wcatlier i.-isl 'I'iiursday at the visit of tlic Blood-mobile .Unit from Hartford, G'l per­sons came to the Town Hail to donate their blood lor a fiuota set at 75 pints.

The follpwing persons as.sistet' to malie the program ii success:

Recruitiiieiit Conimitlee - Mrs John Camp, Mrs, Cai-yh* Frawiey. Mrs. J. Ostlgney, Mrs, Bcrtcl Kloc-kars, Mrs. Wiihur Pallet-son, Mrs. Joseph O'Coimor, Mrs, Itohert Hef-fernan', Mrs. -Amerleus Aceto, Mrs. Johti L, Leissner, Mrs. Edwin Post, MJ-.S. MauriceSarrasolin, Mr.s. Emmet Connor, Mrs. Patrick Ea-gun, Mrs. John Oro.s, Mrs. Walter Woods, Mrs. Andrew. Lang, Mrs.

(Conllnucd On Page; Thriin)

Hill-Witt Mrs. JMeivIn W. llilj, of CI Elm

.St., announces the eiigageiiicnt of her daughtsr, Sliirley Joanne Hill to Eric G. Wilt, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Will, of Pacific Pali­sades, Calif. Mlsslliii is attending Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. Mr. Witt, a graduate of Yale Uni­versity, is now studying for the degree of Master of Arts iii Teach­ing in the Graduate School at Yale. The wedding will take place in June. . . .

'f.-J''rleiids Of Music.

The'I'egular.monthly meeting of the Friends of Music wiii .lie-held Monday evening al 8 o'clock in tile Ilagamn'n Mcinorlnl- fJbt-ary, aecordiiig ^li) an , nnnoiiiicement made liy. Miss Zlla Miitlliuws,'scc-retnry. • ' ' '

Zoning H(l. To {',c\ View Ol'Puhlic On Toun Pilot Plan

'I'lie i'liinniiig and Zoiiiii}: ('oiii-lui.ssioii will Join w-ilh reprcseiitii-Ivcs of 'i'eclinlcal IMnnning A.sso-iiitcs, o( New Haven, lunight in

holding llie fii-s't:ot .several o|)on moetings lo oiitain the opinions of intercsled residents on the new town plan .whicli is being drawn up. The commission will ntso prc-seiil n sumimiry of w'iilit has boon lu'coiiiplished to dale In drawing up a pilule plan, upon whicli the Town zoning legulnllonii will be based.

Ti.-chnli-iil Planning was emiiloy-ed liy the *i'own Inst fall to draw U|i llie pilot, plan. At the same lime a contract.. Was Insvai-ded lo I'liw-c, AihtM-lsini liiid Assnclales, if New Yiiric City, .to make a scw-r siii-\-ey iiiid draw up a sewer

plan fur the 'I'nwn. 'I'homas I*'. Bowc, n mcniher of

he rii-iii, reportod Mils week that llie wurii Is "In Hie invesligatlon liiMc" at present and Ihat tliet-o

WHS little (ii report. He said that 1 i-i'poi-t would he made later.

Pvl. Auguslint! Scillia Now With 25lh Infantry Division

25T1I DIV., KOKEA- Army Pvl. Augu.stine W. Scillia, son of Mr. I and Mi-.s. Leo A. Scillia, 2 H Old Foxon ltd.. East Haven, .Conn., is. now sen-ing In Korea with the 25111 Infanllry Division.

Rusiu.'d to Korea during tlio ear­ly • days.of, the conflict, the 25tlv InfnnliViahk ptirt in some of tiio mo>t: hitter fighling.op lite pejiin-sula. II Is jiow-'.umlorgfllng. in-, tensive post-truce''trhihing.

Private Sciilln, a tank crewmlin, ehierod the Army .January, compleled ha.sle training at Cnmp Pickett, Va.. /ind arrived in the Far East lliis'.Tfinuary,

Local GOPeopIc To Hear Nixon At Jamboree Thiirs.

vice President lllcluird M. Nix­on w-ill be llic main speaker at the looth Anniversary Jamboree and Lincoln Day celebration of tile Republican Parly of Connecticut which will be held next Tiiursday at 7 p.m. In the Now Haven Arena. , The Ilepublioan 'i'own' Comiiilt-lee of East Haven has mnilo plans to furnish free transporlulion by bus lo the Aremi, nccortllng to Mntthew, Anasinslo, G O P town -,chnirmuti'. Ticia'ts:,w|ll be obliiln-: able from niomhcfs'of the local Commlllee. • •

Ilc.sorvnilons may bo made by calling MfJ, Ruth Barker, llO 7-OGOl, Mrs, Emiiiii Fa.'iaho, 110 7-,137i); or CliMlrmati Anaslu.slo, nl 110 7-5828. Uoserval Ions may bo made Willi members of tli'o committee in charge wiio arc llst -ed below. T h e grand celebralion wil l also feature stars of .screen, television and radio, and music will be fui'j-. nisiied by several big nnme bonds, A box lunch will bo served. ,.» • are si^licdiiieil to iunvi

lliipuhiicun lleadquarlers on HUlh SI. at G:15 p.m. im 'J'hursiluy. ',) , Memheis of the coiiiinltleo, with wliiini l-eservations may Ije made, include; Cliai-lolle Miller, William Jaspers, Joliii Lawlor, I-leni-y Anlz, Ervlng Applugnti.', Mae:Balli, Mar­garet Clark; William Durso, Alljort Davison, Margaiel Fi-aiik, Vincent Fasano, .V\;.l||liinv.GlnnuUc,..Boi'lol Klockars, Herman liackbarth, Ru­dolph Kuen; Mario iO-Qiiherg, Ad-elherf MnUtte, Michael Mek;|)lon-dO, lliram Myers, Johit Mole, dh-. ,,tirl(,'i..Na-«arp,.Ahl.iion.Vi Jy-plo,,,lJ'j;. 'Anihoriy Porpiil 1,\*, Jos(!|ih llmlenalti, ges; EdlDi Siinfor' son, Albert Vanacol-e, Walter Woods, Jane TliDiiip.s-on, Henry Weber, Fi-aiik Wi.'lls, Eriiesl A"' thonis, Huliert. Cheeseman, Ita (tail Reid,' and Ralph Hurder

Faced with an urgency lo come to a decision as (luickly as possible and yet to trim consli-uclion costs as much as is feasible, tho Board of Finance and tliu ElCmontnry Seiiool Building Comnilttoe Will '' meet tonight In what. It In hopcti, will be a final try at whipping up an official rccommondatlon. The rccoinmendntlon will bo proscnted at a town mooting.

This will lie the thliil mooting between I ho two bodies, which linvO discussed ways and means of trimming costs In view of Ihp gap hclwecn tho nniount of Iho bids on iwn clompiUiiryi schootn and an nridlllon and tho money authorized for such conslrucllon.

At a mcotllig Monday plghl ho-tween the two hndles, Lppllc Rot)-flolil, senior niemher of tho Board of Flnnnce, drew n tonlntlvo scho-ditlc!! 1) Board of Finance final rpcommondntlons for construction and amount nf bonding issuo, 2) four or fjvp days for bonding CN-iiol'la to examine desired tiondlng Issue lind draw up call of town meollng. 3) five days notice for town incollng.

Umior Ihls scliedulf, If Iho Fl-nnnco Btinnl Is able lo rlrnw up llu final -recommondntloiis by tonight, agroonblo lo the liuilding commit­tee." the ,lown meOling could be called to vote on Iho repnt'l about 1)0. dn.vs from today, or abolll To})-Irltni'y 15.- • ~ , 'I'his ,wltl he one day nftcr tlvn ,'in-dny limit on Hie appnront low . hid Ruhmllled by P. Francini and ,Compnny, of Derby, on ponMruco tinn dt 1*0 picmonlnry sclio'nls, •-' i Hormnh Clnldhccicer, 'nrclillc'cl |who W'lts present nl tho mcotlniH Monday, said thai a "letlnr nf In­tent" might he sent to Frnnolnl In­forming him that it was tho intent nf tho tnwn to nwiml him the con-tvnci. Ho ndmltlcd, howrvor, thai Francini would not jbp obll^oil Vo (accept'.

l-a, Hmhtiii ' Uoi|§* •nalti, Clifford S I T O ' )rd, Marion Tlioinp-'

Heads GOP Women

l.iK-as .Studio .'MrK. \'iiici.'nt J. I''asuno (left) poses with' .^Irs. Alvlii 'Thompson, In-r (successor as pri-si{li'iit of the East lliivon Womijn's Itepiitdicaii f.'lub. The (lUUgoIng chief iifficirr turned over lite giivel a t lii-slilllnllon ceremonies which look placid last 'i'iiursday night In tlile Weeiiiiig \Viiiow» at tlii! club's annual meeting.

•Jii/li;f?»*:»"ii-HI(l SuKgesteil. ;', ..J ,'';Frnrilt Sullivan, local cnntraclop ", w)iO;Was nmong Ih subipUtlng: l i lds 'ohihc proposed consiruction, recommendod thai the cpinmlttco con.sldcr putting up' tlio oonstruo-tlo)) for another .set of l)l((s. SullN

lynn attended the mooting: in tho 'eapiiclly of an ad\lsur on invlla-tion of the Boaid of Ftnnnoo.

'the local cunli'uctut sold ll|OI'o was Iho posslhlllly Hint oilier tfon-liacloia would come down In tjiplr • prices If given a chance to bid a-galn. He added, as an uftortliougllt, Ihat "Mind -you, I'm not uug^ostt ing this so that I can ftot anolligV chance to iiid again.- I mrtynol even bid li you put this (coilAtruc-llon) mn. again," He suppcatcd Hie re-iiid lo lite cumnilllRR as « ' means of giving each cunlnictor "lime lo Invesligiilc his banc bid lirice.s" staling thai the board might open It.self to crllli;lspi,

Ray Luile, a member of Iho school building rommiltoc, unsw-eri.'d llml as far as crilleiiiin wo» (concerned If llie bids were put out again and the low price was tho same or a little lower, \vhlch )1P fell unlikely, I hero would be n do-lay to answer for. If the bid.? are hlghei, he said,' "lli|{)'c will not only be I'lltlcism bul you wUI have an explosion in Ihls town'."

Arrlillect Opposetl Joining Liirie In opposlllon to

such a move was the architect, Cloldheckei, who declared when asked iiy Redfle/d to give hl»-opin-Ion on tiK matter, that "I don't think you'\e got a better elmi)CO on Gerrish and Foxon (scliopls} ligiit now." "I don't Ijilnk 'yo'u , have any chance of boating liiat iFninclni's low bid)". ' .

'i'lie urciiilecl said that an (ar as the Momauguin addition WHB . i-oiicenied. the bids were,so close together that It was unlikely that reliUldliig would bring any prjpe reduction. "Your bids arc to close , you eoiilU ahnoM toss a coin optl lalie any one of them, Ihoy'ro that clnse," he dcclaied.

In pursuit uf a point made \>y I,uric. Ooldbccker pointsd oul that the average cost "per squarp foot of the iwo elementary school . buildings amounted to Ij lCOfl, while llial of the Momauguin addition would come lo Just fifty ciintfc more. .flljoB. This, ho safdi com- ' pareil with a state average of .Slfi.18 per .squaie fool.

The higher per foot cost of the aiiditlon wns due to tho fact th^t additions aie more expenijivo, (jrjldbeeker explained. IIo igaid that all thiee plans embodied V[al-uahle features such ns coillngK and plaster which had been,lej!t out of many bchools bulU for B- , bout tile same cost.

The architect also pointed "out that use. of duplicate pl ,nB In the Foxon and Ccrrish schoolti also helped to bring down iijelr cost, During the course of the discus­sion, .School Supt. R. Vernon Hays

I.' (ContinUBd. On f««e,5BKW.''-' •*

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Page 2: Ooniio 5-'4 ®I|f East Mmm N^tus · 2017-02-13 · a permit hatj-bcen refused lipi.-ause there "was a tiuestinn involved »'he(her sut'h an in.stitutlon was "buslncs.s" or "educational".

« j f j"Lv-s?iy MPS h

E A S T TlATOyr NFAVa, Tltiimflny. ITchnmry 4, t m . Paije J

StiidciU Reports

On Visit To UN

Headquarters (IStllili'lits ill Ihi! IVolilciiiB of

H d u o r r n r y ••Inssos nl lli|. HIKI I Scllnol liisl HTi'U visllcil t h e IIii-lIcMl Nndn i i s in Ni-vr Yoric CKy In wiliipss tlin vnriniiH iiolivllirn wliicii tiiltc i>lii«i> nil tills cciitriii mcTliiiir KrniiiHl nf tlin unrlcl. Tl ioKAHT IIA^'I5N NKW.Snsiictl KiMisiiiKloii l.nril, J r . , niic nf liic Kliiiifiits tn wri l i ' II tliiniili-iinil rp | in r t on liin t r l i i ) .

I«y KKNSINCiTON I,OIH), J I I . A season cif Kovoinnieiilnl slmly

iir tile KiLsl. llnviMl Iliijli Srlioiil

r r o t i l c m s or Doitiocfacy Clhsswnii

oniipcrt lusl WcdnesiiBy, h y n fleltl

Irjp to Now York City i-" visit

till! United Nntlona. ' ; . ' '

Bu i l l In 1DI8 « t A cost ' of 63 million dollnl-s, tlio Un i tM Nnl lons iiondqunl-lcis lins bocomo tiib con tor of. nctlvl ty for n m o r e iinltwl nntl iinnceful wor ld . Tlio hopes nnd liinyer.s of mliiions lire bbtilnd th is s tep toward Riobni Imrniony.

Locnted on tlie E ns t tlivfcr n l .Second Avenue nnd. 'i2nil S t ree t , lhi» .tn-Htoiy fitnicliiio, whicli hou.i-CR t h e UN, Hinlids ns a nn t i , im-poslns moni in ienl to tlie cfforLs of n inny who hhvo s t r i v e n ' for world pence. Insldo n r c ilie linils w h e r e (he councils m e a l lo dl.simss nnd ' tnlie nctlon on world ntfnlrs.

Uepie.senlhiK the Intesl of mo­dern n ich l lec lure , the UN lieiul-

qun r l c r s wns deslBncrt by n u m e r - W e were left with one Impor lnn l oU8 nrch l tec t s . The S e c u r i t y Coun-^ !" ' t» '™'l""- Tlinl Is t h n t t he Un

cll, t he d e n c r n l Assembly nnd tiiD Ecoiloniie Council- foowS.' afe Ihc ' proifMcl of tlic cf(oi;tn fit many foreign tlbeorntors. Now; tntcrhn-;llonnI propcHy, ' : tha s) le , tir, Uie OiiHod Nnllbiis (|iinrlcr/!, wns do-ilnlfi) liy 'Jolin ' D . nocitefelibf, ,Ir.

NVIjlln nwcd by llio physlcnl ns-pocl of tl ie iHiildinR.') Ihemsoives, o u r senior einss was also Improsv cd by tho funct ioning of the Un-i lcd ; N a t i o n s OrRnnl/nlimi, llself, W e were escorted by m a n y p re t ty guides from (lie Amer ican Associ-ritlon for Ihc UN, t l i rbugh the var ious hnl is and rooms in which t h e work of building a pc rmnneh t liencq conslni i t iy goes on.

Our class got nn Interes t ing, If somowhnt l iurrled, view of tlio ma­n y th ings whicli complicnte tho problems o f ' I n t e r n a t i o n a l affairs.

Hed Nnllons is ."working" nnd thnt 11 will coh t inuc (o " w o r k " so long a s we, t h e citizens of tomorrotv, do our bit to sii|i|ioi't i t s efforts.


T h e iilood iiank w a s in Knst

Ilnviiii Inst Thursday . .Seveinl « lu '

den t s from tho high sclinol orb

helping wi th this pi">>ul. .T( ,M

town has rcsporideit generous ly io

the cull for cnntrlhutor.s. • • , • •

Congra tu l a t ions a r e in o r d e r for Eilznhoth DePnIma nnd l l n n k Luz-zl, who have boon elepi"rt cu-clinir-men of t he . luninr l - . j n . .

• • • # •

T h e following s tudonls recent ly pnsst'd the men ta l a p d t u d e tea l of

the N.n .O.T .C, one of the mo.a difficult exnms n high school .stu­d e n t can t a k e : Willlnin Curll.s, Rober t ;ralb<Jt, F r a n c i s J tompldio, David WatroUH, T h o m a s tlOwden, a n d I lohcr l Unvlson..

. • • * * . ' Wl'is y o u n g e r m u n ' s A r t classes

n r c sponsoring a poslcr co i i l cs l lo pt-omo^e t h e sa l e o j , t h e Comet .

• * t * , , '

T h o officers of inc " i -u luro Business Lenders of Ai t lcr ' -B" a re : pres ident , Doro thy Kingsford ; vice pres ident , J u d y App lcga to ; secre­t a r y . EMzabelh D o P a l m a ; t reasur­er . George P n l m e r ; r eco rde r , Elea­n o r PnleskI; a.'jsi.MaiK, RoseMarle B a l s a m o . We wish (his n e w d u b tho best; of luck In all the i r ac­t ivi t ies .

Mr. n ianchnr i i of the Iii.sllliilc of lluii-jhes^lng i.s vis i l ing the

high .school today. He will demon s t r a l e (he proper care t>f t he hair

,, * * • • M e m b e r s of the .Tournalism class

wish to thank MLss Keote , whose

exce l len t direction nu )a it pos­

sible for us t o .a r range o u r voca­

t ional week" W e feci o u r dlapiiiys

w e r e helpful to m a n y student.?, and t h a t the |)roJc(;t w a s a com­ple te success.

Managers Named

For High School

Variety Show Helen Kel.^ey nnd Will iam Chipp

iiuve been notiind gene ra l mnnag-e r s for t he Blue and tJold Varsi ty S h o w which will be produced

•.sometime nc.\l April for t h e bene­

fit of Ihe.M.TJo Scholarship Fund. Assisting t he gencial inonagers

will be Lois . ludgc and Anthony Giniiottl. George W a g n e r wll! be m a n a g e r and will be a.sslstcd by Bob Dnnchy and A r t h u r Con-cilllo. Will iam Tbiento will 'bo s t age manager , assisted b y Tom Lel ls nnd J i n i m y Curry.

O the r m a n a g e r s ana officers a re a s follow.s; p rog ram ep-manngcrs , Mary Ann Sab ine nnd Nancy Wat -kins, as.slsted by .Elitabeth De-Pa lma and Helen Scillla; odvertis-itig, Louis T h o m a s and A n n Bass-Ing, assisted b y ' B o b Brenr iar i .and Ann Catal loni; music p rog ram, Lil­lian Thoma.s, as.slsled by Frances Lonibardl; booslciii, ' Kochelle Bal-zono nnd B a r b a r a Monaco, assists ed by Carolyn VelnrdI, R a y Law-ler and Marie Al t ru i ; tlckel.s, Ju ­dy CnniplKll, N a n F i e e n i a n and

Camlle DeMusl.s, assl-sled by H a r ­

vey B a r k e r a n d Mar ie Allrui .

Al.«i. publicity by Elaine M a l i - ' nowski , E leanor PaJcskI, ossistecj ' by J a m e s Curry , May .Pao l l l i o a n d P a t Burke . T e r r y P a r l n t o will ho" t r e a s u r e r and D o r o t h y Johnson ; s e c i o t a i y . P r o p e r t i e d . will be i n ' c h a r g e of G a m e Alohaco n l i d .To in Le t t s ; head s tagel innds a r e J a m e s C u r r y and Bill W c b d e r , a ss i s t ed ; by T . Monlcsan te ; u s i i c re l t t s . D o - ' ro t i i y Klngsford and Sybil P r o -; ga te , T h o m a s Bowden, T h o -riias Udb" and R o b e r t I ' a l - " . u m n i . Dorothy Esposl to and Con-rile San lane l lo ; n i a k c - up by Do-I'olhy ' Anaslasli i . o"d El izabeth . K u r t z .

T h e first t r a i n d r a w n In t h e Uni ted S ta t e s by s t e a m locomotive , from Albaiiy t o Schenec tady , N . Y. w a s on Aug. 9, 1831.


TO FIRST 15 CHILDREN to bring- in a oom-ploto list of niis.spollcd worda on litis program page.

Sec: MRS. EVE STETSON At Motzo Bros. Inc., Main St., E. Haven



DUKE - DUCHESS - LORD - L A D Y to receive

Crowns —• Loving Cups — Pri^e Ribbons according- to their vote" rating.

All 8 winners receive Photo Certificates, cour­tesy of Loring's Photo Studio, New Haven.

Sponsored by Mpa^gum Fellowcraft Club under the personal direction of Mrs. Eve Stetson. Benefit of Temple Building Fund

Tr.idc in Allowance nt

Tommy's Furniture House

Complect Home Furnishings

140 Main St., "E. Havon HO 7-1707

Mr. Intorlooulor Andy Amo,s Miz Blue Madam Qiionn King Fish Brother Crawford Ball & Chain Aunt Jomina Rochester Sophie


Andy Kniclzo . Bert Klooltarsi ... Charlie Larson ...George Rodw.-in

Dick Miller James Condie

.... Frank Barker

. Edward Leoper Munro. Andrews

Joseph Nitti ..... ^ack Rodman

Mail Cdupon NOW, for More Complete Details



Yedlin Construction Co.

Builders of High Ridge


Compliments ; '{'


Frank S. Clancy

Patrons Dr. & Mrs. Donald M, Bookwith Dr. Leonard J. Cianoiolo , ' ' Dr. & Mrs. 0. A. Grenon Dr, & Mrs. Vincent Ballelto Dr. & Mrs. M, J. Orabalos Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Taylor Dr. & Mrs. I. Donadio.

Metcaif's Drug Stoi-o Inc.

Proscription Pharmacy 284 Main St. E. Haven

Frank A. Barker General Contractor

0 Urc Ave., E. Hiivcn HO 7-0001 specializing in alteration work

& garages

Whelan's Service Station

342 Main Kt., Uor. Bradley Ave. .

Best Radio & Hardwear 424 Mam St., E. Haven HO 9-1250 Housewares - Paints - Toys - Expert

Repairing of Radios

Unique Cleaners "We Own & Open-ite Our Own Plant"

675 Main St.

Towne Jewelers Jewelry & Watch Repairing

218 Main St. E. Haven

Ann's Kiddie Shoppe Children's Wear

HO 7-4G21 Main Cor. Elm

EVERYBODYS PHARMACY 84 Heming-way Ave. E. Havon We Deliver HO 4-0124 Christian De Felice Reg. Pharm.

Compliments of

Center Restaurant Milton Consiglio

Metzo Bros., Inc.

Your Westinghouso Dealer

In East Havin

Television — Appliances


Mariani Construction Go.

General Contraotora

Now Havon Conn.



"Your Own Hometown Paper"


Towne Motor Sales, Inc. &

East Haven Service Station

Your Pharmacists

The Holcombe Drug Go, Philip Aiuarantc, prop.

250 -Main St! East Haven

Smitiy's Fine Foods & Mixed Drinks

Carbone Bros. "Universal Pood Store"

432 Main St., E. Haven HO 7-2647

Aluminum Products Distribtitors Co.

Baltimore Food Market 308-312 Main St. Tree Del.

HO 7-1202

East Haven Hardware 310 Main St. HO 7-2641

12 acts as contestants for a Ted a o k Style Amateur Show. "Trumpoteors" Verna Gedney & Carolyn Andros.

PLtrS DIXIE DANDIES . C h o r u s Dance line — Judy Cunningham, Shicla Komgiebcl, Mairgaret Carlson, Elizabeth Kurtz, Audrey Graver, Orissey Norden.

PLUS - HOTSIE TOTSIES - Chorus Dance Unc -Sue Owen, Irene Friborg, Joan Richards, Nancy Oucur-Clio, Judy Johnson, Linda Prosoh & Prisoilla Mcintosh.

PLUS . SOUTHERN BELLES - Mrs. Loella Mrs. Eleanor Johnson. Personal appearance of "Miss Stony Creek" Barbara Sciarra.,-Bilye Bigclow, Louis Negri, Peg & Bob Mansfield.

PLUS - SOUTHERN BELLES _ Mrs. Loella Habersang, Mrs., Josephine Lucas, Mrs. Josephine Madison, Mrs. Hazel Hinckley, JBi^s Helen Clarke, Mrs. Shiola Korngiobel, Mrs. Margaret Rodman, Mrs. Hilda Herman, Mrs. Elnora Nitchkc, Mrs.'llona Peebles, Mrs Madalinc Hanson, Mrs. Ruby Munson, Mrs. Ruth An-thonis, Mrs. Ruth Barker, Mrs. Irene Hanson, Mrs. Eleanor Johnson & Mrs. Helen Leapor.

PIANIST for Lore Diokorson School of Dancing Pupila — Mrs. Eva Cohan '

PIANIST, for ."On Stage America" Mrs. John Stranberg

UP TO $ 5 , 4 7 5 . 0 0 IWHEN YOU'RE IN THE HOSPITAL I UP ro $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 I MATERNITY BENEFITS I UP TO $ 3 0 0 . 0 0 ! FOR SURGICAL CARE

MUTUAL "OF OMAHA, DEPT. A 70 Elm St., New Haven, Conn.

I understand Hiat space in Hiis adverlisemenf does no» permit you to give full details of this policy.

I am therefore requesting that you rush full end complete. information,

I am under no obligation.



City___ _Zone Slale_

Mutual Ht. l th A Accidint Asiociotfon—Omaha, N.brallia


New Havoji East Haven

For all your Insurance needs

Alfred I. Holcombe Ph. HO 7-1373

East Haven Conn.

Lucas Studio Candida & Portraits 205 Main

HO 7-3030 • E. Haven


Branwin Jalousies New Haven HO 7-1111

A. J. Mongillo, Inc. Plunvbing & Heating Contractors

Now Haven Conn.

East Haven Green Garage 175 Main St.

Famous name brands Low prices plus S.A H Green Stamps

Canada Dry

Central Cleaners & Dyers 332 Main St., E. Haven HO 7-0070

Augies Auto Repair

Mobilgas - General Ropears


301 Main St., E. Haven


Bill Connerton 232 Tyler St. E. Haven

Thomas Construction Go. General Building Contractors

03 Austin Ave. E . Haven


Thomas' 206 Main St.

Frank's Barber Shop 328 Main St., E. Haven

J. Mansini, prop.


Owen's Service Statiun

Fairmont Barber Shop Main St. Annex

Mickey Mcle , prop.

Last day to Vote

for your Favorite

Tucker Wait Go. Gifts of Distinction. Branford

Robbins Radio . T.V. - Service

Sparton T.V. 452 Main St.

Compliments of


Vote on the

Popularity Contest

Save up to $500.00

Anthony J. Esposiio

Fords . Chevrolets - Plymouths

To Serve you is u Privilege

687 Main St. HO 7-6326.

Each penny in the containers

at stores is a vote for your


P & R Motors new. & used oars • Texaco Products

'320 Main St.' E, Haven HO; 7-7911

" SUMMIT HOUSE ~ ~ Cocktail Lounge

specializing in sea food steak - chicken dinners

Family.Buffet Every Wed, •. Route 1 Boston Post Road Branford

Kiddy Lane Quality Line of Children's

Toys & Furnuture .

George's Restaurant East Haven

Frank Messina General Insurance

Real Estate HO 7-0879

The Elgene Shop

242 Main St., E. Haven HO 7-3446


Andy's Market

Coraplimonts of

East Haven Diner


Quality Pood Shop

Main St., E. Haven

Popularity Contest

closes Prida}' Nite at the show 7 - 8 pni voting time

Branford Building

Supplies, inc. Lumber & Mason Material ,

287 Main St., Branford HU 8-3437





Everybody's Markit East Haven

J. V. Electronics

Geneva Bros. 677 Main St.

East Haven Radio

Frigidaire Appliances

Anderson Auto Accessorees 222 Main St., E. Haven

V O T E !

Tasty Pastry Shop Wholesail & Retail

Open Sunday 458 Main St.

Valentines all kinds at

THE GIFT SHOP 240 Main HO 7-1730


Anniversary Recalls History Of Bradford Manor Company


A cclcliniiion liisl .Siiiuiilav i.f llio ;Wtli .innivor.^iiry i.r ilic ri,ii,l-foi'd Mnnur Ilijye Cninpiiny nntl the 2,')lli annivcisnr.v aC lis iui.\-lllary i-pnnllod lo ninny .Munmii-gulnitcs t he hl.stoi-y (it iliv two i,i-i-'aniznllons sinc'i; thov imd Uielr beginnings th ree decades ago,

The. ' V e r m " nf the volunteer fire coniimny took ton i i in l!)a2 when n .social club known ns Ihc "I'rogfcs.slve Club" was organized. I ts objective wos the raising of fnnds Ihfough vniloiis .social af-fnlis lo provide u communi ty lire house \vliich would also .serve as a central mee t ing place for Ihe peo-Plo of Bradford Mninn-.

All tho meet ings w e r e held nl the home of Rudolph Sohmidl , .Sr.. vdioso wife w a s Inter t o help (u--ginilze Ihe auxil iary. F u n d s were raised and Ihc group w a s able lo buy a lot on George SI. There Ihe Bradford Manor Civic Association, ns sponsor of the fii-sl eoninnmily bouse In Hint orcn, c ree led a com­bination coniniunity IIOUFC and fire house the following year.

The tempo of e v e n t s speeded up during this lime and Ilie ncetl for additional funds a lso Through hnrd work a n d tense spirit of comniuni ly coopor-aUon, the ullinitile goal of secur­ing a . ,vo lun teer .file cojiipany for Brad to id , M a n o r w a s ..finnily reached w i t h , the organiza t ion , of •such a c o m p a n y ' on J a n u a r y '20, io?.i. • ' • , ' ' . , ' '

C o m p a n y I' 'orined • A small band of "p ioneers" had

.seceded from Ihu Cosey Beacli Hbso Company tOiforni the nuc­leus of t he n e w company . KIchard

, Bi-ache w a s elected .•* the first five capla in and H a r o l d Martin, the first s ec re ta ry . Under Uieir leadership t he company grew and prospered. F o u r yea r s la te r , Wil­fred DIoh succeeded B r a c h e as captain . Wi l l iam .Klssknlt was named l leu lenant , C h a r l e s Calla­han, foreman, H e n r y Creamer , .sec-r o l a r y a n d Ralph Aspenwalt , t r easure r .

In D e c e m b e r of t l ia i same year (1928) the Company ' w a s incorpo-ra led under t he laws of Ihe Stale o f lConnec l i cu l . Tlie ne.xt May the pa ren t organiza t ion , t h e Civic As­sociation, t u rned ove r the flre-house and all oqu ipmen l to the hose "company. • One of t h e earl iest pieces of

equ ipment secured consisted of an old S t i i debake r sedan on which the vo lun lee r s cons t ruc ted a truck body. Wil l i Dion supervis ing Its consl rucl lon , t h e ^.vplqijteers.head­ed by KLsskall niid 'Gdo'rge Hcrd-llng otjuipped the t r u c k \ylUi a lank ond p u m p i n g equ ipmen t . The a p p a r a t u s served t he a r e a until il

BituH'ord Manor Fiiclioiiso

Alvln U T h o m p s o n ' . ' M r s . .Tanios Mnlipa,^ Mrs. M a d e l i n e ' Blxby, Mrs . Mil lon .lohnson, Mis l Ai'clilo Emlgli , M r s . Mnl lhcw Hognn, Mrs . linnies McDnnoMRh;- Mrs . .lo.sejili O'Connor, Mrs', nobcr l Gliadcayne. Mrs , . F r e d Eberlh, Mi 's . ' . lanics Cuiinlnglinm nnd Ihc preseni pres­ident, ^Il•s. Lorry F r e e m a n .

P r e s e n t Officers - In addi l inn tvi Cnpl . Chadenyne present officers nf the company who w e r e installed S a t u r d a y a r e ; F u s t U e u t . Alfred Mellllo; Sec­ond Lieut , Louis F e r r u c c l : Harold Orcn. s ec re t a ry ; .Uillus Buedie le , l i e a su re r , George Knppeler . .Ir.. nieiiiher of the Board of Directors .

Other officers of t he auxllUiry m e ; Mrs . Hvei'ell Morris , vice p ies ldenl ; .Mrs. Alvln Thompson, s ec re t a ry ; and Mi's. Wllfreil Dion, t r easure r .


Now.s Plioln S h o u n nlHiM IS II pu t t i r i of tin p u s i n l iiiinrti^rs of t lu ' Itiii^roid Muiinr Hosi ( (inipiuiy four nn (Jt'orKO St. Tin' ImililiiiK was (>niistn]rliMl hy t l i r To^vii in l!)3!l nflrr Ihc old fire liliiisc In tliiit nrcii wan bnriKMl down Iwo y r a r s r a r l l e r . 'Vhv IMM'SCIII II iilldiiif; serves ns ii coi i i immlly hoiisr for iiiaiij' so(?i«l activilW's in Mnniatij;nin.

w a s iTplacud by ii Town-purchased f ruck a liuinber of y e a r s Inltir.

T h e yea r .o f 11)29 w a s nn impor-tant, .y;eai: in tho g r o w t h of t he c o m p a n y ! F o r not only did It nc-q u i r o Ihu firchoujju for its own use but i|. w a s joined liy a n e w l y f o r m e d ' L a d i e s Auxi l iary to l ie lp ' opt in tlie difficulties t ha t l ay ahead. T h e women also help­ed Ihe company by con t r ibu t ing m a t e r i a l l y to Us t r e a s u r y .

Auxillu'ry Orniuii/.t-d

T h e auxi l iary took its official fo rm "on"January 2-1 w i t h the elec-l ion of Mi*s. "JlerdlinK as t empor -. a r y ^ c h a i r m a n . Mrs . O t to Bath , us vice president, Mrs . Dion as sec­r e t a r y and Mrs." Irla Scofield as t r .easurer yvere the o t h e r officers n a m e d , a t tho first r e g u l a r meet ­i ng .

T h e group set its membersh ip d u o s a t one dollar p e r year , and I S m e m b e r s a t t e n d i n g t h a i 'first m e e t i n g ptcdgod t h a t each would r a i s e ton do l l a r s . ' Tl ie i r ' cont r ibu­t i ons ac tua l ly avoVagod .'jllS by tlie t i m e lliey considered the i r idedges

NEW YEAR -1954 East Haven's Buying Directory

Augie's Auto Repair GEORGE A. 'SISSON General RepairiHg Insurance Tires — Batteries j-jre — Bonds

AAA ?,EEVI0E AAA Automobile Casualty Phbne H O 7-8J1II iJIO ftlnin St . 21 Chldscy Ave. Ens t l luvcn



Lot This Available Spiico Sell For You

CALL AT 8-1^61


IIOSPIT,\L M r s . K a y A n a a t a s i o . D i r .

R e g i s t e r e d N u r s c b in ^ A t t e n d a n c e D a y a n d N i g h t J

C a r e f u l l y P r e p a r e d M e a l s a n d D i e t s

P h o n e H O 7 - 5 8 2 8 k 8 3 M a i n S t . E a s t H a v n n |

fulfilled. F rom 1028 unti l 1030. u n d e r UK-

leadership of Captahi Dion' the

company cont inued lo grow. I t s '

va r ious act ivi t ies , social and of-:

ficlnl, came to be an Important

p a r t of Momauguin communi ty

life. V\ri>. House I tur i i s

T h e pi-ogress of the company, which had become the iiridu of the cumniuni ty . received a SCVCMX-setback w h e n the g a r a g e part of the fire house was des t royed by fire one October n ight in 1937. Tho vo lun tee r s wore ab le to re­t r ieve t he fire a p p a r a t u s with which Ihoy fought unsuccessfully lo hal t tho blaze. However , the communi ty hal l , itself, w a s saved.

Fr iends of Bradford • Manor t h r o u g h o u t t he Town a n d in the adminibti 'at ion were sympathe t i c to the plight of the n rua . A petl-

,tion was^flrawn up r e q u e s t i n g the cohstrUcJtioh of a new flrehouse and a p u m p i n g ' e n g i n e . Af te r cer­tain legal b a r r i e r s w e r e finally removed, a si>ecial t own meeting la te in 1937 voted to e r e c t a new flrehouse on t h e site of t h e old one and to buy a new .Seagi'ave pumping eng ine .

T h e y e a r of. 1938 was one of an-(.iclpaUon, largely, as . ronstrucl ion proceeded on Ihe new flrehouse which was added to wJiul remain­ed of the old s t r u c t u r e . I n 3939 the building w a s completed, and tho Xlre company was able t o I'esume Its activit ies.

Captain Dion res igned to take an ass ignment as a full t ime regu­lar In the T o w n fu'e dopartnionl . . J l e was succeeded by R o b e r t Cha-dciiyne, nnd Ilei;dling w a s ap|)oiiit-. cd bunker m a n . C r e a m e r was suc­ceeded by Tl iomas .1. H a y e s as .secretary. Also in 1939 a kitchen equipped to se rve 120 peoi)le was h u d t into tho comniun i ly hall,

In 'lOdO Kisskal t w a s installed ns cai)Uiin a f te r s e rv ing as a cha i rman of t h e company ' s "liouso commi t tee" . I laycs , wlig was mov­ing with lii« family to l lar l foid , resigned a s s ec r e t a ry a n d was re­placed by F r a n k Reynolds .

isonic Minslrcl ( C n n l i n u n l f r o m I 't iftr !•)

tlun of the hous? al no o.Nlra cost. Tickets a r c om* dollar for atlults. fifty cen t s for chi ldren, lax in-cUuleil.

P.urdi'ilf Siiiegoi, prnducllf)n ma­

nager, said he wished _lo express

his t h a n k s " lo the m a n y merch­

ants , friends, cast, and chorus and

connni t leos who have helped nu»Ue

this show a succL'SS,"

The cu r t a in wdl rise a t e.xaelly

S:llV p. m. f(u' each pe r fo rmance

and the slunv will last one hour

and r)7 minu tes , acconl ing lo Iho

din-r lor . In ( 'onlesi

Yunngslers coin|»eting in the im-puliU'ily' contes t a r e : Lill ian Cun­ningham, .Stephen Kapovolch , Nor­man Fabinna , J o h n n y I.olSsrter,' Robin FUcn Lewis, .luriy Carlson, Mar ta Carlson, Pamel la Korn, Sal­ly Ann Goremia, Susan Ann Clark . Mlcheai M. Buj'ke,; " R u s l y " Bar -Ijer, Alan Manlx, and ,Taclv Manlx.

William n. Lewis

Named Foi'cmiin At

Tcleplioiie (Ajmpany

RALPH P. GASTELLON Oonora l I n s u r a n c e




n o 7-1896

Central Cleaners Dyers Home of Distinctive Cleaning We Operate Our Oown Plant

4-Htur Cleaning Service Call For and Dcliever

JiZl iMalil St. r l i o n e Hi} 7-0007

GEN'S LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING Coiiiplcli'. LnuiHlry S€rvic:o

Special C a r e Tnlicui 1111 Mllil, St . HO 7-7)58


F O R . . . •

Hotpoint & Universal

APPLIANCES Soo Them Now On Display!

For Appointment Call


• EASY TERMS Open Evenings & SM. Only'


"Elcctnealtonti-actors" 467 Main St. East Haven

FRANK A. BARKER "General Contractor" 1 Cur GaruKo Conipluto

• a'i ii)w us 0 y r s . lo I 'ay Tul. HO 7-0001

101- MA i-euos

. "Authorized Dealer"

International Trucks


East Haven

Green Garage 175 Main St. HO 7-3735

Di'ntji. .Corps l-'oriin'il In Decpiiibcr Hint yt'iii*, Iho

cDinpany wnh 11K auxi l ia ry Johiuil in .•ipiinsrtj'iiiR tlio Brattford .Manor D r u m Corii.s. Mll lnn .lolmsDii, A r -cliio Einluli and Glndstoiio SiiiUlv suporvisod llio corps wtiioli grew'' in .sizo and oxpoi-tnpss .to takb^^a place a s one or llie best* un i t s in New England .

I n If lU .Tohnson liocnmo. caplaliV of tlio company ntid sorvod un t i l 1945. By tills t i m e Ilie tire hal l lind become a hieet inK place for m a n y organi /nt io 'ns in' ,tlio area,-F o r sevoral yea r s elunxlv services w e r e .even lield in t he liull .until St. Cla re ' s Church was liuilt.

I n 1!M0 l layos, w h o ha'd • re lurn-ed to live in , Eas t i i lavcn, w a s e lec ted captain o[ the c o m p a n y and .served until 10.50 witon he w a s appointed^cliief oC the T o w n ' s rbf*-u ln r d e p a r t m e n t . Willlimi B r o w n headed t h e . colnpaity until 1951 wJicn tho ' ' p resen t - . capLuih ; .T'olii Chadeuyne , .\\'as aiJiiolitted t o , hlff r i rs t te rm. , , . . ' '., •; . i),

As tl ie chief p ro tec to r of thq M o m a u g u i n coninni 'nlly and the ' c e n t r e of social act ivi ty , t h o l l o . s e c o m p a n y and it.s q u a r t e r s [ilayed a n i rnpor la i i t ; ro le . Pa r t i cu la r ly , in t in ies of enioi 'goncy. ' . ' :

KnierKeney Kale I n 1938, foi' e. \aniple, wiien t he

g r e a t hurr lcat ic wrc.-cked a l a r g e jiart of the w a t o r l r o n l , tlie volun­t e e r s and aux i l i a ry , tu rned ou t to lead a giant i rescue effort. T h e unbi j rned por t ion ,of tho fire coni-j iany 's building w a s used to quar^ te r I'cfugoos f rom the storm. 1 E a r l y 1(1 1953.when an ice storiji c r ipp led the o a t i r e a r e a and aga in l a t e r In tlic yeu i ' i ' I l ie c o m p a n y and i t s (piar ters fdaycd an Impor­t a n t role In helping those who suf-foretl from tlie havoc , wrough t by tlio w e a t h e r . . , ' .

Fro i i i t l ie. c o m p a n y : sprang a n u m b e r of leailor.s IniMudlng t he j i r e sen t fire chief, .Hayes, a n d Dion, who Is novv a ba t ta l ion ch ie f . - ' . ..

Meml ie r s of t h e auxi l ia ry w h o se rved t h r o u g h o u t year.s,' In addi­t ion to those a l r e a d y niontloned Inc luded : Mrs. Krientl Weiler, Mrs .

Two Join —

E A S T l U ^ T . N ' NKWSi "TlnirMlaSv .Fclirirnrj-H,* iBW,'" 1?nBo i l '

(Coiiliniied from r a g e I.) Myron Lelghton, and Mrs , T r a n -cls W a l s h .

IIostesKcs for t he D a y : Mrs . Wi lbur P a t t e r s o n ; .Grey Lady,-Mrs. ADD Momauguin ^ Mrs. Asa Hun t ; Uogis t ra i ' s : Mrs. Uobcrl Young, Mrs , He rman Scliarf, M r s . Borlcl Kloclcars, Mrs, Edward Lccper , Mrs. .lolin Camp, land. Mr.s, Eugene Daniels .

C a n t e e n : Mrs. .John Moran , Mrs . Will iam blcit , Mrs. Elwood Monl-gohicry, Mrs . He rman Scliol/., and

.Mrs. Bo t ly Goss. , Hegis tered Nurses on n volun- 1 — • - — • - — — l e e r bas is : Mrs, Dorot l iy Gedney, A n g e l a T i r i a r i B e t r o t h e d -Mrs. E m e r y Johnson.- Mr s . B u r t o n . Uoed, a n d Mrs , Edwin Pos t . Nur s -

,es' Aides : Mrs. Will is Hendriciis , 'Mrs. ' r i ionias Eagan, and Mrs . KranK; Kocfo.

Mr.s., 'Er jc p o h n a , r e c r u i t m e n t clKilriijan' and'Mr.s . A h d n $an.fqrd,

' b ranch cha i rman, wish to ex tend tlielr s incere thnnlis to tile ladles assist ing ami to t he donors w h o helped to m a k e the day a success.

Wil l iam U U w l s of ISl I homii son A\ inuf was m e n t i s inomot cd by 111" S o u t l u i n N ( « 1 nglanri Telepl ione. Company to tiie iiosl-tltin of liireinnii o t inslal le is In Hie riimpniiy's. Now Haven office. Lewis began , Ills te lephone, ctu'cor In ll);;n In t he . iccounling de| iart-iiienl and In lO.lli t r ans fe r red lo Ilie plant . depar tmen t In No'rvVleii, He a ^ o .served in-l|liat depar tment In Wlllinianticl 'uijd; Ktamfi'ird. l i e beeaino a slali ini JiiBlaiier In 195'^ tile iiositloii ho.'iield until his r e ­cent promot ion .

Cpl. Louis DelVcccliio

Helps Gelcbrale 40lli

Division Anniversary •lOTH, D I V . , ' K O U E A — C|il,

I ^ u l s A. DelVecehIo, :il, .son of Mr. and Mrs . Albert. DelVecrhIo, OS Eoxon Blvd., Eas t Haven, Conn, helped ' to ce lebra te t ho i n t l i . I i i -fantry -Division's second anniver­sa ry In Korea this nionlh.

T h e fo rmer California Nat ional Guard divisloni which distlnguislied Itself a t Sandbag Castle, T h e Punchbowl and l l o a r t b r e a k Uldge, arr ived on the, peninsula in . lanu-a ry 105'^. ' ' :'

DelVecehIo, w h o Joined the div­ision last. Ajirll, Is' IJ squad loader In Company! 0 . of the U'-Jllh Infan­t r y Uoglmonl; H e entered t he Ar iny In ,October i g M a n d . w a s formerly statloiieiUtft C a m p Stone-

Officers o r Local :

Woiiien GOI» Cliil) Arc

Inslalled Tlunsdav • ' . , •

Tlie annua l iiieeting of the KasI Haven W o m e n ' s l!e|iiil>lieaii club was held Inst Thur.sday al . Weep ­ing Willcnv.s. ' i 'hCibusiness nieetini! w a s presided over by Mrs. .Vincent .1. Easano, f e t l r l n g | iresldent, and a n n u a l i 'e|iorts wore submll led by all t he officers and eohuui t l ce e l ia l rmen. Officers eleclod to serve fur ISfvl wore Installed by Mrs. Kasiino as follows; | i resldenl , MrsJ (\lvin I.. T lmmpson ; first, vlce-l)l'o-sldent, • Mrs . Edward Kronbei 'g) second vice-presldent»' Mr.s.. Halpli Hurdor ; sec re la ry , Mr.s-. .lolin E. Cronniey; and t r ea su re r , Mr.s; l- 'nink' lla>"/.nl.

Mrs. ' rbomiison annoulicod hi'r s tanding eomui l l t ee chalrn\ i ! i r ' fhr '.be yoa i ' . as follows: W a y s aliil means . Mrs.- T h o m a s .Wolisterai id Mis, Edward I.. UeynoldiJ, • eo-e,halriiien; p rogram, Mrs, Ciiarles I I . Miller; sunshine, Mrs, . Ar th i i r ,1, Gustaf.son;' inibllcily, Mrs, Vin­cent ,1, F a s a n o ; hospltall iy, Mi-s. Krank A, B a r k e r ; hostess, Mrs, Edward Ln.sscm; and telephone, .Mrs. Eric Munson.

Among tliose a t tondinu llio miM-l-ing weri ' Mrs, Matthew Anasiaslo,

man, Calif.

Phono lo mako artangomonls lor o loan^

*20 to *500 TAKE I'to 20 MONTHS TO REPAY

Amount of Moiitlily Covin

n .<hnl„l..

I 9,03 10.05 a»,27

( 0.30 3*.3S 39.01

6.73 1?,3S


B£l/y OF BARGAIHS u Y o u r l i l c c t i i c a l D e a l e r ' s

Money savers: Time savers. T r o u b l e savers.

Kilowatt servants which are yours to own and

enjoy for a few dollars a month . Whe the r you

buy a range, dishwasher, T V , or laundry. One

at a time or all together. Tel l your dealer you

want your home to be all electric. And ask him

to s h o w you what genuine bargains Ki lowat t

servants are — both to buy and to use. Soon._


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i s - . C O M P A N Y •

m UI m m ui ui mm ui ui ui ui m DI UI

Finance Bd. tC'oMtiniicd I'riini I 'IIKC One)

es t imated t ha t s t a l e g r a n t s on the th ree s t r u c t u r e s would a m o u n t to ?;23'?,00b approx imate ly . Th is would be received in a set of an­nual g r a n t s over a period of 20 years .

Shirley Hill Engaged To California M a n

Mrs . 'Me lv in W. Hill of-Ol Elrti S t rep l , announces Hie e n g u g c m o n t of h e r daugh te r . Miss Shi r ley J o -Anne Hil l , to EHc Ci. Wit t , son of Mr. a n d Mrs. George Wi t t of Pacific Palisades, Calif, ' . Miss Hill, d a u g h t e r also of the

Ittte Melvin Hill, Is a t t e n d i n g Ba tes College in Lewisl,on, Me.

Mr. W i t t . . a g r a d u a t e of Yale Univers i ty is n o w s t u d y i n g for t he degree of Master ,of A r t s In Teach­ing in (he Gradua te School of Yale Univers i ty .

T h e wedding will t a k e phice in ,fune.

NOTHING LIKE IT • i.Ever Before I

RUSCO MI-ltMl, Mf-ttaciaf

COMBINATION SCREEN AND STORM DOOR A • o » « n door and « tons door t i l ia ( O t . J n i t r i l l * ( U i > lot TCnIilttlon—Uk« t irlndowl

• Call for Free DemonstraHoo *

Rusco Of Gonn. J. K. Newton, Mgr, Phone UN 5-4187

660 Orchard St., N. H. h. P r o d u c t of tbe F . O. I t u u e l l Co.

Call us for Free Entry Blank

T o Pvt . W , J . McKeon Mr." and Mi's, Nlcbolus TInar l ,

ot ' n T / M u I n Siriiet, announce the e n g a g e m e n t ot . t h e i r diiugiiter, Angela Mario,' to P v t Will iam ,1. McKeon U S A . s o n of Mr. and„Mr.s. Wllllani P . MoKeon o t 38 Concord S t r e e t , ' J l a m d o n , ;, ,

Miss TInar l I s a, t ' l 'uduato of t he A r t School (if Fash ion , Har t fo rd .

Pvt. McKeon- I.s a g r a d u a t e of P r o v i d e n c e ' Gulloge, H. I., w h e r e ho received I I ' .Bochelor of A r t s degree In Engl ish. At Provldeni 'o ho was a m e m b e r of t he vars i ty baseball t e a m for t h r e e years , t he Monogram Clitbi oiid t he Catholic Honor Society!

Pvt, McKeon recen t ly conipU'tod a one y e a r catirse- In Russian a t t he A r m y L a n g u a g e School, Mon­terey, Calif. He Is stat ioned in G e r m a n y a s an . in te i ' p ro tc r .

O.S.C. Ever Ready Group T o Hold Food Sale O n Saturday

A food s a l e . w l l l b e conducted by the E v e r I teady Group of Iho Old S tone Church on .Saturday from 11 a.m. In .2 p.m. In the pa­rish Apple!p ica will be on order and nil Itlnds of l l o m e m a d e food will be offered for sale.

Mrs. ' .Clayton .laeobs is cliair-man . Slie is being assJsted by Mrs . Will iam Dick, S)-., and Mrs, Her ­man I.iesite. , -" ' •

kfihli olflco you may gel: MONEY to liolp Willi cunont

\ oxponioi, MONEY lor doctor, donlM,

) lioipltat, lunoroi blilt. MONEY (or laxoi, Inlcroil, In-

' f suronco, luillon. MONEY (or (urnlturo, tooU,;',

oquipmonl.. . (orTllo homo, (orm, »umm«r cump.

MONEY lo molio llvlno morn convonioiit , moro plooionl, moro com-(orloblo.

MONEY lo motto your work ot liomi), In llio stiop, on Itio form, ooilor.

J I llko to lay ^o«< jHoanli OK


Ernest. , Aiillionls,! F r ank ,Ai Bar ­ker,' b t t b Balli,"Fl'anft,,;A1-, frcd Biiwdoji, I''. V. Cai lson, Cle-i iu 'hf GaUilano,-'ErtH Clni'lt.'- Levifr-ott C, Clnrit nntl the Misses Ailco .r, Conway, M a r g a r e t Durso, h'nd Margare t .1, Tiiclter, "Also liiti M.i'.s. .tohn 1''. Croumey, Knipli Cori'orto, Vlneoiil .T. Fni)nno, I tusscl l , FrmiU, Char les Gardner , Wlllliuii' Glnnot-"tl, I^iul Goss, Ai ' t l iur, ,T,Gustafsnn, Ua l i i h l l u r r i e r j Hai'l'y Kic rnan , Eil-

Ayard Kronbovg, ' Ed\vnrd Lnss'en, Adelbel't Mnut t c , Charles Hi. Mll-lei', .Uaymond . Moore, Er ic Mun­son, I Joug lns ,Webs te r , ; E; B.. / i jb-er t l i , and Alber t Iti Davison, ,

The n e x t r egu la r mee t ing will be, held . E o b r u n r y 25. nl >lhe ,hpnio of tho new iiresldent a t 52 Second , Avenue. - ^ ;

No g r e a t e r hope liavd w o than

In r ight Ih lnklng niill r l p h t ' n c l l n g ,

and faith In t he blessing of fldel-

lly, courage, imtlenise, and grace,

— M a r y B a k e r liiddy

^-,^;4sv. FOR A

Valentine ••THAT'S D i rPERENT"

Noxt bolt thing lo being (here In perion . . . on Volenllno'j Ddy . . . ond all llm clays to come , . . I l to tend a profoitlonally made portrait lo tlio one you lovo. Call u i (or on appointment now. Make Mils a dlf-(ciont . . . a belter Valenllno Day,


i n i D l X W t l t AVE. , - . « . i o l . Ini rioof HAMDEN . . . T i l iphoM. MAIN 4-1141 205 Main St. • Eiml Hiwon

Tol. HO 7-3039


HALL & CHALKIADI Hiirold C. Hall, of Hunt Lano, Foxon, Haven, HO 7-M77 and Ted

CliiilkiiiUi, of Fair Haven, HO 7-1133,


Frank Mfioaina, 328 Main St,, HO 7-0809

Paul Mulvey, North Havon, OE 0-0058


Al Anastasio, of Fair Havon, HO 7-5955,


Hunt Lane, Bast Haven; 328 Main St„ East Havens; 367 Eastern St., Now Haven.

The firm now hag an extensive listing (in every,.price bracket), of homes for sale,

and of persons looking:, for homes to purchase in tho New Haven - East Haven -

Hamden area, ..


-VAl ' b l ^ U O ^ '^ i^.'

Page 3: Ooniio 5-'4 ®I|f East Mmm N^tus · 2017-02-13 · a permit hatj-bcen refused lipi.-ause there "was a tiuestinn involved »'he(her sut'h an in.stitutlon was "buslncs.s" or "educational".

BAST n A A I N N E W S . - TKimtoy, Febrawry «, IsM. ,¥«xe-{

QI}? Cant 3Btaimi Sfnoi runusiiK)) FATfcv THURSUAI


mm mm^ mmMsim<ms, INCORPORATEII

3013 l)l.\wcll Avciiiin, llnnidrn, C'niiii. JONATHAN CZAR, EDITOR

Joliii Zyclt, Ailvcrtlslnir Mftnnncr

TIIK EAST HAVEN NKW.S 230 Mitlii »lrcct TrI. IIU 7-SRII Rax SIS Etuit I lsrcn

form pcrformoncc of dijly . |u ifU-sltiji^tioim, O t course, tliore is ,no rool-proor systoin

of rcKulationH in gOvormncnfol ndmiiiiHtru-tiou. Tlic " B p i r l t " iis we l l ' n s llic " I cUoi ' " oC these regUliitioii'; Jiipsl be observed if they ore to do iiiiy good,

' I Ocncrally si)enl<ing, It can be snid thni •Eiist Haven a l r eady linfl^n good police force. If politicH ;cnn be t aken ' ou t of tlie p ic tu ie so f a r OR npp'oihtmeiits and promotions a i e cq'necriiod, the dcpar tn ieut wil l become even bolter, • i :




B a

Entered as second class mnltor on May 15, 1052, nt New llnvcn, Connecticut, under the net o( March 3,. 1873. .

Boy Scout Week One of America 's fiir-renehing organiza­

tions, the lioy Scouts of America, is iiiark-ing its 4-Ilh bir thday dur ing Hoy Scout Wciilc, Kcl). 7 to,,i ; i . On tliis, notable uiUestonc wc find the Boy Scout movement iat; ;it». peak in niemhorsliip. •' ' ; , , ' '

Today 2,4'!0,00() boys a r c ; cn,ioyiiig the " g a m e of Suqut ing" in i t s ' t h rce dist inct prd-Bram^i; Oub Sooutijig,;Boy, Scout ing aiul Ex­ploring, pacli appeal ing . to boys; o l ' vdrlouB ago ICVOIH. . • . ;• ; \ • • •"/{:•:'. '•:.'•

AVe seldom stop to . t h ink t l la t- tbis g rea t work is made possible largely ^tllrougll • the

•autive sponsorship of tlie: church, the school ;-and other oomniuiiity inst i tut ions. But .pi!r-; haps even inprc sigiiificau), is the";fact t ha t

some 860,000 od td l s ' sliare i l ieir]t i i i lc. as vol­unteer leaders -y/HJi t l i e b o y b p o d ' o f Aiuerida.

Boy Scout "NVcck this: y e a r - h a s been dod-iciiled to lioiioring the .C«bmastpM,';tlio Scouti-luasters uj)d tlto Kxploi'cr Ad<'isors-^tlic. men who bring Scouting, directly to the boys.

To thoiu has been cntru.stcd tho^cure uiid guidance of our boys and yoi ing; nien.,, I t is tiieir ihflueiiec upon the ScoutsXoMtoduy, Milh wlioui , t h e y ' w o r k 'and^;•plu\J^''5^t(lil(t•_:help niouUl t,lii!sc jioya. aiitl yoiing liieii ,iiil 6' ,ijctt6r. eitlzfiis und bLMii'cr piVponenls of ;the Amcri-ean way of life'. ••,•, ' ; ; , .•."• ' ; '•• '• • '.• • ;

Tliesc uua(!|fisli men. who; give leiiderelnp ill Scouiiijg..are pel'for'niijig.,uii',;putStiiiiding' act of ciliitpiiBhip. W e owe thum|iiiUch. , ' , .

A, Commcndatioh,' . ' • Tile Bpavd of Public Siifcty uci'tiUhiy

s tands to bo uomiuended'for ins t i tu t ing soi'iic-thii ig t ha t has long . been lieediijiiju tliiS t o w n : Blatldiii'd cxiiniiutUions for ciindtdiilCH for the ppliuo fprce. Par t icu lar e red i t shofild go to BortoJ Klockat's; RopulJlican nicmber, who, prompted this ' project as his poi'Sbbal " b a b y , " ' . ; . . ' • • . . , ' , , - • / r , . ' '., \,

Stil l rcrailiniiig to be approvcif^'iSta sys­t e m of ])i'quiotlon based;on quality, as well as length , of gerviijc. AKso needed Js a s tandard opera t ing p r b o c d u r e i ! 6 r tlie depar tment ' to ciisure thftt pur police officers •will.'.giyo uiii-

-'. Bricker Amendijicnl ' ' F o r ' t h e Senate of the United Stales to

t ie itflelf in a knot over so artificial an issue ns the Bricker , amciulinent is ^ absolutely aonaelosa - par t icular ly a t a tiine like this. Not only is there no need fo r - suc l i a revision of Ihe 'Const i lu t ion , but the proppscd amend-niuiit, itself, repvcseiits a n alciiipt to hobble tllA powers ,of the Nat ion ' s ob ie fexeeu t ive . .. For luna te ly , .tliis prpppsal lo l imit the Pro'sidciit's powers in the field of foreign affairs has lost much oC,the suppor t that its i-iiief .exponent, .Sena tor Bricker , once was i i b i c t o coimiiand. A second look has eon-ACiiiccd many of these former supporters , in-c iuding Secretary ;ot 'StalD John Foster D u l l e s , ' t l i a t it ;%youid ;;'refitrict' undu ly this constitutionnl, funoti'oii o f the 'President . • 'AVo a re>g ladJ to sec. t h a t ' S c n n t o r Bnsli is

\ o n e . o t l ' " ' S ' ! ^*'"' W^'« cliangcd their minds, . b i tVe 'arc ' in<i l ihcd ' to , (J iSf tgrc6i when he dc-

nb'iint'c.'ij'as'.Jnere. Vnamc-calUng" ;any refcr-once t o ' t h e ' . ' isolatiohrsts! '; .oud'J ' interjiution-

'a l i s ts ' ' which a r e : a r r a y e d on opposing sides over the niattcr.; ..,.'. ','-'''''"'

Now,. AVhcn the proponchtiS of this Con-Blitntiphal ohaii^e find Ihomselvcs-unable to command •: the iicocssbrj ' vptesj - i t • becomes: .iJl-

• c r c i s ing ly ' "plainj ' t h a t il i s ' d ' - m o v c ' . o n ' t h e p'ar't of; tho'sci eleiiiiJtlis Who. \Voilld like to seii u s go back tO' the " g o o d old df tys" of weak pres idents liuit ."intug. naliohaliem.

' I t has libfcii generally ndmit ldd tha t the powers of the; P rc s idc i i t ' i n tredily-Uiaking as well us' in oilier a reas arc. open to abuse. iJut, t rea t ies afe still made - i v l t l l l h o " Advice and Consent oJf t l i e :Sena te ; ' ' anil i t ' I s doubtful t lml f iiiis.^kpsi t'lipt-.,M'crc..;.ma^ •vj',^c't( c1.i«ei^c4'by.,'.tljc uijppr hoiise iii i'lrhuil' .bicii- griiiited 'a'ddltio'tfal',powers.

N P W ahii l ' i^';is;'tli)\ibttt;l'~;tjl'iil the siiiiend-liieili, Clin • cPni)iian'd...tbc .Iw-o-tllirds S'Pte ncb-•eSsttry " in'" tlio: Sciuitei- l i l k ' , ' i ) f .'doiiipromisc slioiild be diiip^iised; with (iiid tliq. (iiatter

,.put"iisldbi fpr \ .'^buslness, "Aii .iiitrarpi 'rly dispiile ' should tnot lie .itil6\vcd., tP tiP.,."P '^' '"•

;'greiJs' a t a . l in io-when it has "BO/'uiutib else tb-^iloi-',. •• ' 1 •• • .'' _;•-••• .{ •; ; ' .'• •

1 And fo rUhose llepiibliciiii scnatbrs wbo th ink tlmt•thejJpW'ei 'siottUpPi'iii ' jdieiit .should bo.-tr imined: ' let t hem- taku ' a i io lhc t ' : look a t tile vl i is t :'natibiial ; clectjoh .f'ctlirns.' Whi le Pi'csidoiit 'l ' liseiihott 'er was plcctcfi' by a vast

. ma jon ty ; his own- porty. l y a s r a b l d to win only-.a razor edge' control of Congress. The pcQple i i f - the Uil i t td States n i a d c . i t plain t h e n > t h a t they look t o ' . t h i ..oft'ioc of the Prcsideiit auil ;not.C.pngrcss.,for thp; main di-f ec l iou ' of our i nat ional - a i i d ; iu tomat iona l affairs. ' ' ' " ' . , ' . ' .,

I BOV SCOUTS OF AMERICA OfBclal Boy Scout Wce)< Poster

Lellerf'Tp Jhe Editor To the EditPp;.*. • .

In the fvpic ?3tli Issue of THE East . :ilavpn. f^cws, Democi'atic Town Comi))||(5e Clinlriiian ,7an)cs P. Gartlnhi) oaiiiR'o'ut with­posal to roylgB Kost Haven's char­ter. ' ' . By JulJ; 8|i<li Hqpubllcan Town

ComniltleO' Chairman Matthew Anastasio Insisted that he had al­ready ./pnjjiospd coiiipilotlon of a charter, jih'p NEWS Inserted the fact that ia l tllP present time wc do not .liavB a'.phaj'ler, bi)t a col­lection of pulijlj! acts and local opilnances, /ViiBslaslo was quoted as adding ^jai "alter election 'ro-gardlcis of.wljlcli'ljarty wins,' that both woi'k togctlipr to; organize a compiehenslvQ:town charter."

Ml'. Gartlsnd aj||o suggested ad­vancing the •twu .pf office of the town adml|)|8tt'a^9r a month be­yond election (jay'in order to per­mit, thp. wlnnlliEf -party, In the event :6t ij- phange over, to pick appointees mora oprefully. He felt the e.'itenslpn '• wpuld permit a more orderly franstcr of the reins ot government.' •

Mr. Anastjalo- advanced the re­commendation that "The Board of Finance bp mftrto Into an elected body, rather than the appointive agency that It U at present," He Bald he was Vflcei;taln at the time "whether llio lorm of office of members of llio Jioard could be termlnatei) |»t oncit by a now Oct, and that tip was onable to obtain Information pn this until It was too late tp enter a bill to tlils ef­fect into' th f l08|8|atur(i."

Former First ^fllcctman Frank S. Barkpf ppmippti'""! favorably on these Sdgijtostlons.

Since lj)o next' regular session of the GpDPral ABMmbly will con­vene In JI||J8, whlcl) Is also a local election yo'jjr, might It not be a good Idea for both parties to work together Ip 1854 tp compile a char­ter for our townt

Should' plllier ot the parly load' eris be otherwlsp engaged, in the national 'jifeBtlon campaign, bbtli parties apQ fprtunate to number In their ran is .brilliant young legal talent who Ought tb be able to work togpth?r to draw.up a sug^ gested form of d|iarter lor town approval.

How about It, Mr. Gartland and Mr- Anastaelo? Arp you interested

Iri^ilftiidernlzlnB our. town govern-ment^,'-' -• ' • \ ' ' ' ' , • ' '.'

- • • ' . ' • •;, (Signed) ' . ; . CURIOUS ;<-^, . -

. • February. 2, .1051 To the Edi tor : . " -, - . . ' . As .Republican Town. Chairinah, 1 wuiiltl" like ' to coipmcnii • tlio Board ;of Publlt Sa'"''^y tor making the first real niovo In the right direction as far as our police de­partment i s : poncerned.' Standard examinations ,ior 'selecting super­numerary police, rcgnlars and can­didates for promotion are certainly the correct procedure'' for obtain­ing llio . licst personnel available.

I l\ope tliut the Board ot Public Safety will- continue-along this line of action to Improve the ad­ministration of town ' sen'lce's.

Very truly youni, ' (signed)

Matthew Anaslaslo,

Women Voters Asked To Register Opposition To Bricker Proposal

An urgent appeal for all n^cm-bcrs of the Eastsliore Unit of the League of Women Voters .of Grea­ter New Haven to write Senators Bush and Purtcli asking them to use their influence to prevent passage of the Bricker amendment was rocclvcd from Mrs. William U. Vcaie, president of the Greater New Haven league.

"For niore tiiaii 30.years," said Mrs. Vcale, "the Ijeagiie has been concerned with fostci^lhg intcrna-tldhal cooporallon and mutual 'se­curity w)tli friendly . nations. Its examination of this, Bricker pro­posal reveals seven] disturbing factors. , .

"In the".first place, it woUld make the neiJotlation and Imple­mentation of treaties and execu­tive and other inlfrnalional agree­ments so weighted down with le­gislative machinery: and so slow that o u r Interhatlonal goodwill Couid b'o'qupsildned, and bur bar­gaining position with other nations seriously Impaired.

"Furthermore," said Mrs. Vealo, "the, eonstitutlonal system of checks arid bainnceslntveaty mak­ing ond execution would be thrown out of gear. This system whereby the Exccullvc negotiates and' the

Sqnate .ratifies, has .seldom been challenged In'.l^S, yekr!! of. bpern-lldn. I t Iran safeguarded bur denib-li^a'cy^'^hc B'rlckor/pfoijo'^al would give Congress suph boWer to re­gulate Hr'eRtlis' 'and ' agreements' tliat it ' could itnbalance our tradi­tional sy.slojn.' \ "Flnaily, tile qpnotllutlonal prln-

cliilc of'suprejiiacy pt, the Federal Govcnimeiit In the conduct of In-lernatibnal relatlo(i8 \vould be vio­lated by. tjiis' si) T called. anidnd-•rnent. U: jvould 'return, perhaps unwittingly, to titates.tlic i-eguia-tjon of thblr citizens' af'alr.'i with foreign lands."' .' '

Th« 44th annivcr.'iary nf the Boy Scollts of America will be ob-nerved during Boy Scout Week, Feb. 7 to 13, by more than 3,300,-OOOboyg and adult leaders. Since ISIOmore than21,000,000 boys and leaders have been members.

Boy I Scout 'Week will highlight the "Forward on Liberty's Team"

.theme-which steks to produce a

greater functioning manpower and provide a higher quality program for an ever-increasing member­ship.

In c o u n t l e s s c o m m u n i t i e s . Scouts, their parents, local institu­tions and public oflicials will pay tribute to the leaders of 89,000 Units for the contribution they are making to tlic boyhood of America.

Second Fiddle Tunesl t t a c J t s=a3«!3»e3ca !a j a3&!3> :^ t a>ac i t a t= f f i ae sacso

A ^tatter of.Opinion . If i isnlways interesting to hoar

Fashjonj Couswliant To Addriess Woman's Club llpre Wed.

The East.Ilavon'Woman's Club' will' hold its regular nibnljily meet-' Ing In Ihe Hagaman Memorial Li-brarj-' Wednesday ovcnihg at 8 o'clock. Mrs, Fi'pd WPHe, jr., will preside nf the IJualnpss session.

Mrs. Katitryn Jutjge, fashion consuilnnl a l Fox's' In ilartford, will be tl\c guest speaker. Her subject will be "Current Styles." Mrs. Judge, who Is the assistant to the Fashion Dlrpclor at Fox's, was formerly associated W'lth Ste­vens Company In Chicago. She will be assisted by a profp.sslonal model to display ihp pUrrchl styles.

Thb lioiitcsscs for tlio evening will bo Mri Harris Anstey, clialr-monj Mrs, VIncetit Fogarty, Mrs. Charles MJller, .Mrs. Joseph O'Con­nor, Mrs. tJoodhart Peterson, Mrs. Richard Parllla,' Miss Helen Pol-rot, and Mrs. Arthur Habsclie.

Daughter Borrt t o Dr. And Mri. R. E. George

Dr. anii Mrs. Ilaymond E. George, of Newark, Ohio, an­nounce thq birth of a daughter on December 31. Mrs. Geoige Is the former >Iaryattno Dooloy, daughter of Col. aiid Mrs. Frank M. Dooley, recently .01 East Ha­ven' and now rosliilng In Uoeky Hill. , > ' '

Mrs. George's brother, Lieut. Frank M, Dooley, of the U. S. Marines, lias jppn ylalting East Haven friends over' the holidays. He Is stallonpd at ( uiHvUco, Va.

differing'opinions'on a g|veir,sub Jecti'.ahd' oncciin. i)e'.sure that in .any, fssu'c, where tliC; mn.ssof; pcor pie divide into ojipo.'ilnB " camps, thcre'is ' some truth 'on' each .side, otherw'ise so.manyi'reasonable peo­ple* .w'ould''not'be'convertod to. one side or the 'other. : iThe full. trutii, Ihercfbrc,; probably, lles-.<ibriicwhere bptwiJcn tho'two'extremei. • '

: On'one.oceasipnla briliiant.crirn-Iniil lawyer fouijd-that his reputa­tion had its drawbaclt.s' as welljas its advantages. lie, a^ked a ;pros-pective jurior, "Do ;'yoii '• comfe to this' trial "with ajiy". prcconceivwi ideas'concerning the innocence or ;;ulit of my client?" "No.' ' 'was the 'reply, '"but I figure he must he guilty, else why would he ett-gage you?" . . _:

Wc. heard a wife say to her hert-pecked'husband. "Of etjtirse 1 witaC yo'u to have-opuifons-of vomr oWTir. I JustVdon't'want t o ' h e a r ttifm.."'

Two society ladies '«rere Iiincfi,-Ing at San Francisco's- Top of thit Mark-a number of year3>a5t!i, aa'tf they ,.were overheard dlacusaijii-James Roosevelt's bUTgeonins p,:-lltical. career.. One sniffecfj "I lieai'd him on the radio last night.. H(\|ll ..ntjver got anywhere - sounds Just like his father." , Carl Sandburg was persuaded to nttertdtt 'dress rehearsal of a very so'i'io'u.'i' play by a very' serious you"iig draiitatlst, but unfortunate­ly lip slept through a greater part of the jierformance. .'rhe iifrcnclcd draniafisl' rcprbochcd him, later, "Il9\y. tjould you.stoop when you kneiV how ftiiich I wanted your opinion.?" •'.'•younK man,"' Sandburg reminded .him, "sleep IS nn opin­ion;" • : '-•'••

A'Kndlo City .Music Hall guide showed the .vast auditorium, tin'.-complex lighting system, the •ur-cliestra.that coiiie's.upon.u moving platform from l)ii! cellar, e t c to n ,tai'i,noi-'who had' .ncve'r been in Niiw ;ybrk, bctoi'c.,.' He was: tliero bepBiis<!' he ha'diwpn ,a ebrn.groVv-Ing '.bpntpst,' iind,Vthls. tVij) was a parf;Of' hlii' pri-«p, I'llft never batted nn-cye,aurliig..tlio'.entlre tour and spbke'i^or ..the ifirst. tUiie .wliori :hu gaMd ,up ntlllie balcony ffom the center.'otlhe.stago.- He said,'"Miis l)la'ce' sure' woUUl hold- a iol of hayr'^-" '' ';•• ' •' ••''

\ friend was commenting on tlie business forecast letter's and .ser­vices tliat^eome across Ills desk. "I reod tliem all," he sold, "and di-aw my own confusions." .'Someone said, "An artist does

not .see things as they are, but as he Is."- ' J, -

The proslderit of n Wall St. un-der^vrltlng corporation called Floyd Odium on the phone and said, " v V e ' r e negotiating with General So-and-so for a ten million dollar loan for his now asphalt fttclory. I recall that you once had some dealings with the Gen­eral, and I'd like to allow what estimate you formed of his char acter." Mr. Odium replied caglly "He's an engaging sort of fellow, but I'd hate to go to, sleep some evening with my finger in iii.s month."

The long-suffering husband was asleep when his wife roused him. "Oh, John, I'm so nervous," siie quavered, "I lust feel there's a mouse under the bed!" Sleepily but\sensibly . he , advised, "\Vell, just feel that there's a cat under there,, too, and go back to sleep."

Arthur Mayer's book on .Holly­wood (Merely 'ColossaH carries the subtitle "The Stoi-y of the Mov­ies from the,Long Chase to the

Chaise Lounge." And it jiist- a-'bout covers ever^tliing.' Miiyor tells, among jnnny yarns, the «tory of' a high-up e.\ecuLivo who pro-, tested, when the woid 'lusty' was used in describing an early/Mao .West film.... "How.*' he aslted,' re­proachfully,, "could you use'such a filthy word, Arthur!" Arthur pro­tested that 'lusty' was a word wOil eccepted in polite' social circles. "It's a dirty H'Ord!" shouted the executive, "I looked at the iilc-ture!"

Judge Bernard Shionlag wrote Iff lPf7, ','We arc told that on the. bench. Lord Lyndhurst's lips would often lie seen to move, but no sound proceeding from them could be heard by the bar. The clerk, writing beneath him could ceEE another tale. He could hear EEia- L,>rdi£-dp mutter in the course

Stoiic Cliurcli To Install Officers At Service Sun.

Installation of newly • elected officers and members of boards and commltlocs ot the Old Stone Church will take place during the 11 a.m. worship service Sunday In I he church. These officers were elected at ttic annual meeting of the diurch January 22.

On Saturday a pastor's class for eighth graders preparing f o r church membership will be held nt 12:45 p.m. in tlie pjistor's study.

On Sunday at 4:30 p.m., the Junior Pilgrim Fellowship, will be held in the Parish House. At 6:45 p.m., the Senior Pilgrim FOIIOWT ship will meet at the church and go to the East Consociation meet­ing in Madlson.-

At 7.'.30 p.m. Sunday, the Young Adult Group will meet In the par­lor. Tlie Bible .study will be led by the Ilev. James E. Waei-y. The wor.slil|i service will bo conducted by Miss Mnlvina Montgomery. Ile-creatlon will be directed by Ray­mond Berlepscli. ond refreshment will be In charge of Miss Betsy Cochran.

On Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., the an­nual Ladles', NIglu of the Men's Club win take place in the parish house. A turkey dinner will bo .served by the Women's Council of the church. There will be a program of entertainment.' . On Wednesday nt 11 a.pi., the Adult Bible will meet in the pastor's .study. The study will be on "The' Teachings of Jesus." A .sack lunch and fellowship hour will follow from: nooii t o ' 1 p.m.

At 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, the evening-Bible class, will meet In the Educational Building, The .study will be on " T h e Doctrine of God."' , •

The U. S. Naval Academy In Annapolis opened Oct. 18-15.

of an argumoht, "Whaf ' a fool that man is!" Then after'ttn Inter­val, "Eh, hpt such .a fool' as I tliought."' Then after anblher in­terval, "Egttd, it was I that was thefpoU" ,. : . , - , , : Ao'Ehgliiih newspaper ran a con­

test' in which' thbbbiitestaiits^wcrb: to Write a plece',-in="the'-styIo 'of George.Bdniard-Shaw.--Shaw, sent' ih'some'jot his wilting Under an assiirhed rinnici ' He:was quite ti-mused-: to receive • a • consolatlbri prize with comhlent "Mediocre." : Unanimouq, 'decisions b y the Su­

preme Court 'are not always' ar­rived'at without a wordy struggle. 'There, was a conference of the court one, warm day in' Washing­ton',, and the transom of the room wos open. As the elerk of, thb court passed along the publie cor­ridor, he heard a voice .saying, " I t you gentlemen want to make fools of yourselves, go ahead and do .so, hut l ' l l never Join you in that opin­ion." It was the late Justice Oli­ver Wendell Holmes laying the law down to his associates.

Momauguin Feliruary popular month for

birthdays In these parts, many of Our neighbors celebrating. Linda Prosch of George St.. last Sunday; Iludy Schmidt, Jr., this past Mon­day; Ed. Dugan, Saturday, Feb. 6; Mrs. William Brown, Sr., next Tuesday, ond Mrs. Thomas Gagii-ardi next Sunday. Best wishes to all!

• • * Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.

Russell Schmidt, of Geoi'gc St., on the birth of a son last Wednes­day, The couple also has two daughters and another son.

• • • Machinist Male Third Class John

E. Civlteilo, son of Mi'S. Florence Clvilollo of 5G Co.sey Beach. Rd., is being honorably discharged from the U. S. Navy at the U.S. Naval Receiving Station.

Pvt, Donald L. Izzo, son of Mrs. Domonic Izzo of 30 Stevens St., and Pvt. Robert Lawlor, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawlor of 38 Second Ave., ni'c receiving eight weeks' basic training at Fort Dix, N, J. • , ,

* * * The many friends of Bill Mc-

Nulty. were happy to;see him at the Installation: banquet • .'of 'the Bradford Manor Soturdny night;' •

. . : : * • * • ' -•; , , } . ; • : 1' : ;

Congrnlulatlons to ivir;:and.Mi's. Robeit Walerbury of Siovbiis St.,

•who will celebrate their 21st;.Wc,d', ding anniversary 'February io.H -

, Bradford Manor Auxillni-y held its monthly meeting Monday eve: ning witli Mrs. Larry Freeman presiding, Mrs. Freeman , at tills time announced the appointment of the following,coimiilttcos: sun­shine, Mrs. Alfred Meillio; , drum corps, Mrs. Robert Chadeayne, Mrs.

Richard Smith, Mrs. Alvln Thomp­son, Mr.s. James Cunningham, Mrs, Herman Sclihrf, and ivir.s. Harold Oren; membership,' Mrs. Daniel Carroll; cakes, Mrs. Waller Wyl-Ile; for the card piirty tomorrow,night arc; Mrs. Charles Biliings, Mi-s.' Fred Bauer, .and Mrs. Fred ':Ebcrtii. Tlie honorary members are planning a card iiar-ty In the firehouse on Geprge Washington's birtluhiy at . 2 p.m.

,, Mrs. .Ilari'y. Lawior, cliairnian ot ..the Installi-itionV bnnqU9t'' '0t; St, Clare's 'Guild; uuiiouiicD.s that plans are.complctqd for the' affair: Mon­day evening,, at Talnindge's , Inn, Short. Bea.cii. GucstS.oI,tiie'affair will • be the' Rev. . Jolin • O'Donnoil, Rev. , Fred.. ,Ma'rUsl' of St." Clare's Church. Ofticers to lie installed by Mrs. .Aivin Thompson; \Vlii ;lie Mrs. Frani;! Dumark; president; . Mrs., Sigurd Andor.'ion,: vice .president; secretary, • Mrs. Raymond Freed, and treasurer, Mrs. Raymond Lon-.glols.. . ;. J ... ' V •; '^' •::

' ' Ketuni From ribrida • ; Mr. and Mrs. .Michael :FaiTaiuo-lo and their daughter, .ianicp, have Just returned from Florida after a two. months vacation. They re­side nt v.') Henry St., in Momau­guin.

Married Here

Town Topics

Mr.s. Minnie Heck, operotor Of tlie Coffee Sliop, had a brush with pneumonia and, on last report, was still recuperating, Hope you get well soon, Minnie.

Anybody a .baby's while shoe? One wiis /ound near the Kelley's Food Store this week.^it can be picked up at the Police Station. - .

An error we made, last week was compounded by our llnotypcrs. We wrote about the"50th anniver­sary" of the Bradford Manor Hose company which was celebrnled lost Saturday. Actually,"that was the "30th". The heading said VSQth"., We opologlze for malting the'"old timers" look too old.,

Approximately 40 persons regis* terod for llie second half of i the adult, night classes, at. the. High School, according to Cnryle Fraw-ley, supervisor of adult education. The registration was extended for two weeks because, of bad weather. ,

: o . a * • » , * • " ' ' , • • . ' . ' -

,Thls week's receipts In tlie'paVk-ing meters will be turned over:to the polio fund. In addition to'lHe regular deposit for jiarljlng ,time, dimes moy be Inserted ascbiitrlfiu-tibhs." The meters Will take tljp thin coins, but not operate ' on them, so that such deposits aro contributions purely.

The Liori.s Club has invilcd mcni-bers of the East Haven: '.'pi:ess corps" to a press dinner toniglit at 7 o'clock in FIbrio's RSstaUrAnt. New members of tlic club, whiih Is headed by President Harry Mor­gan, will be installed a t . toniitiivs meeting. Memiiersliip now. totals aixiut 25,persons. • • ' - •'-

. « 4 . * « . * . ;• • *.. ,

. Jlie regjilar' m'onthly. rneetlng ,pr tjie'.'St.'Vlncent ;de Pa.urs.-Ladiss' Guild ' wlll:.bc- held "on' .'Tuesday,;-.8 biclo'ck': 1)1 .--tlic : churiil) auditorium; 'Mrs.'Edward'-'Lewd'n-doski will preside: aiid' invite?,-'ail Wompn in:Hie piirlsh, .Interested ,)n Joining.the guild to .a t tend; the meeting., . , , .- , -. -.

Hostesses. for the evening will be, Mf.-i.' Edward Sierihani,, Mi's, .Vy.ililam Slant, Mrs., Steiihen M.ay-lier, and Mrs. Clement: Amehdola.

lOXON PARR The Ladles Guild of Our Lady

ot Pompeii Church will hOld' lis regular monthly meeting-on Mbil-doy, February 8, at 8:00 t". M. In the church hall. After the reglilar business meeting a demonstratlbn : of household prodiicts will be giv­en. 'All members are asked tb,,at-. tend this meeting, since i t is thb first meeting of the year, Uie Jaii-uary meeting being cancelle'd :due to the bad .weather. • - . ,,'--.-

The grand biiening of, Pete Or-!ando;.s. Fbxon General:Store,,will not be on''I'hursday,'February 4th ns was orlglnaljy' pianned. Due to some unforeseen difficulties Ihe opening was advanced to Thurs­day, February l i th . : Here's hop* ing that there are no' more set­backs 10 cause any further delay.'

Tlic sign on ihc'corner of Foxon Road and Rose Street wlilch lists the Masses at Our Lady of Pompetl Churcli is no longer correct. .To accommodate the increase of par­ishioners thrpc .Masses . a re ' now being said on Sunday, mbrnlngj otic at 8:00, 9:45, and 10:45. •

The CYO of Our Lady of.I'om-poii cliurcli wUl hold a. Valentine dance on Tuesday evening,' Feb-ruai-y 9th, from 7:30 untiU.10:00 P. M. An orciiestra made u p b t CYO members' Will furnish:'the music, and refreshments', will be served. Tickets for the affair may be obtained from the, coitimittec members.

— 1-ucas Studio Aim OBIIVIC, (laugltfer of Mr. and .Mrs. JMIII-.» 0|!llvie, of im Pine HU, New llaveii, liecnnic, the liride rrcfiitly of Stuart Rowc, of Chelsea, '>'t. The wi'diUiig took place In tlio Old Stone Church. The bride's father is a former tux voliector of East Haven. The groom is tlite son of Mr. und Mrs. iVlfred Itowc, of Chelsea.

Miss Ednallerr Honored At New Haven Shower

A .shower for Miss Edna Herr, a teacher at the Union School, was recently given her by fflends in New Haven, at 518 Wlnchtster Ave. were her,two'aunts, Mrs. C. J. Warner and Mrs. Joseph J. Kiernnn.

Miss Herr is being married Feb­ruary 20 to Bernard Schultz, for­mer teacher ot mathematics a t East Haven High School and hoW a member of the teaching staff a l New Britain High School. Among those who attended the sliuwer wore: the Misses Nartcy Herr, Mary Caliill, Josephine Ca-hill, Catherine Monlague and Ma­ry Cunninghani. Also, the Mrs. C. J. Warner, J. J . Kiernan, Aiiie-. lia Burke, Robert Blakeslee, Frank Goodwin, Howard Herr, J o h n Strandberg, Laura 'Koerber, M, Hansen, Geraldinc ^age, Doris Hausman, Phyllis ^ablne, Edna, Kenmore, Marie Selasher, JuHa Whuiton.and S. Selbold. Also; Do­rothy Hcri', of Ne\v York City, and Clara Mullen, ot New Britain.

riAST iTAvrx, rox^rcTTcrT TTirnsnAv, rr,nRUAKr i, lOot 'PAGE 5



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classic lashion shoe of our lime . . .

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Sorry, but because many of'these dresses are few of a kind, we cannot fill mail or phone orders. , '

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Reg, 3.98

Wylons, in 60 gauge sheers

Front one of the nation's most famous hosiery mills, and one of our favorite and exclusive brands. Choose these first quality nylons in 6 smart new' Spring colors. Save from 46c to 76c on every pair you buy during Malley's 102nd Anniversary Saloi 60 gauge, 15 denier sheers, or 60 gauge, 12 denier sheers.

Hosiery, Malley's Street Floor Reg, 1,65 and

1,95 Pair

Heavy diUy . . , . ' steel base cabinets

1 :18.95 ' t l S ^ S Q ' Heavy duty steel cabinets with porcelain tops. Made-20x24x36'! high,"with large drawer, built-in bread box, double door with 2 shelves. Counter-high storage space. i

Housewares, Malley's Basement

Cut crystal . water pitchers

Reg. 3,95 12.49 For your home, and for gifts these decorative water pitchers are attractive. With floral cutr-tings, aVid graceful shapes, !use them for beverages,, as cocktail mixers, or vases.

China, Malley's Basement

Mar lex May fair lurkish towels Bath size, reg. 1.98- ].49

Hand size, reg, 1,09 79c

Face clothe, reg, 45c 35c

Martei means : extra and lux­urious quality. Vat dyed colors stand up, carnation, white, nile, pink, spruce, aqua, platinum, sunflower, azalea, ' Linens, Malley's Street Floor

Simmons famous

innerspring mattresses

Reg,. 54.50 $ 3 4 . 5 0 Save $20,00 on these- famous Simmons mattresses. Extra felt, coils, ventilators, turning han­dles. The famous hand sewn p'rebuilt border, and Simmons auto-lock constru^ition. Full or twin sizes. • :

Matching box springs, reg. 54.50 34,50

Furniture, Malley's Third Floor

2.99 3.69

Mulby ruffled organdy curtains

' 45, 54, 63, 72" Reg. 3.79 to 4.39

81 and 90" Reg. 4.59 and 4.79

Permanent finish organdy, all made 82" wide per pair with 6V2" picot edge ruffles. 6 pop­ular sizes, with tie backs. Curtains, Malley's Third Floor

Springmaid sheets and .

pillowcases . . .

2.17 2.37

Twin Sizes Reg. 2.79 Full sizes Reg. 2,99

Sturdy muslins, Spring Knights, all pre-laundered, cellophane -wrapped and ready for use. In regular or fitted styles. Cases, reg. 62c . . . 47c Bedding, Malley's Street Floor

5,4" jumbo size

garment bags . . .

* | i , i '» 2 f or 2.49 Special assortment of garment bags all 54" long. Some with full quilted cuff, and matching front. Some with clear see-through sides. Wine, hunter green, blue. With zippered sides.

Notions, Malley's Street Floor

Men's shirts

4] fabrics . . .

Reg. 3.95 $2.79 All first quality shirts of fine sanforized fabrics. Oxford or kasha cloth button downs. BroadclQth in plain colors or stripes. Madras in colors. Choice of collar styles Sizes 14 to 17.

Boys' lined poplin jackets

Reg. 4,50 $3.42 Fine cotton poplin ja,ckets with full lining, 2 pockets and ex­tending sleeves. Firmly tailored and sturdy for tween season wear. Choice of 4 Colors. .Sizes' 8 to 20 years.

Boys' Shop,-Malley's ' Street Floor'

Misses' tweed or flannel skirls

Reg. 8,98 /: A{\ . to 14,95 "•* ' '

Prom an excellent skirt maker, the choice of his best Spring styles. Flared 2 pocket tweeds, slimlines in flannel- or tweed; Even box pleated orlon and wool overplaids. Sizes 10-18.

Sport Shop, Malley's Second Floor

Misses', women's

t iylontTOot-slips

Reg, 5;0Cf '•' ^ 9 0 0 and: ^,9^ „ r • ^ ' ^ ^

A highlight in Malley's An-, niversary sale, 'Beautiful nylon ' tricot sUps'lavished with per­manent .pleating and deep lace. 3 s.tyles'f or'misses sizes to 40. 1 style, fpr wdnien's sizes to 44. Lingerie-/^Malley's Setjond Fleer

Orion aint.'wool washablci''fabrics

Reg, 4.50" 2.59 yd.

Malley's 102 Anniversary Sale Lasts Through Saturday, Feb'. 13tli

A hancl's(Opie blending of 55% orlon,' 45% wool for Spriiig suits,''skirts, jumpers. I t 's a washabfe; fabric. Checks, 'pin checks, "tweeds, and yarn dyed flannels in white or pastels.' '

i . y^rd,. Goods, Malley's ' i Third Floor

y . I . ' 1 ' I ' • . . . , ,



I f-T"


I '

Page 4: Ooniio 5-'4 ®I|f East Mmm N^tus · 2017-02-13 · a permit hatj-bcen refused lipi.-ause there "was a tiuestinn involved »'he(her sut'h an in.stitutlon was "buslncs.s" or "educational".

- ^ t K^v,-K> v/N'-sv<.x"t 'i*i^^v<i. '^; '

KAST U,\\r,y Tir.\\s. ThurMUy, F r l m i n r y I. inr.l . Vngv ^

f s

•EAST-IIAVKN N E W S . Thursilny, l - r l i n i i i i y 1, Kini. I'liKr,

Reallors Cclcbralc Kxpansion

Fildwiinl J. Hansen Becomes Chief Pholographer al SNCT

— Lucns .Slutllr) Monilicr.s ot Iho rtial rKljifo flmi of Mall nnd {'hiilhinfli & AHsocIalrN hi>l(l t l i r l r flrNt iinntiril iMnnt^r TiicfHhiy iiiKlifl in (lii! Adnni House AI AnnNhinlo WON a KUi'ht. of honor as (ho laU^i aNsonhilc l.o Join flic r x p a n d l n ^ firm whioli rondnciN a n rxft^nslvo hn.shirss In (ho ICIINI Havcn-Noiv l laxTn-lfai i i -tlcii a rea , .Shown left (o rlRht aro: 'IVd (luilkhnMr Hnrold (;. Hall, Aniuidislo, F r a n k 5frssliia and JPaiil Mulvo.v. Hall and Clii'alUiaill, who had opi;ralnd (heir own hiiNin(>Nm*H for a n innhor of .ycarN, bocanm p a r t a r r n hmt Aiif;n.sL Hall has hoon a d l v o In t he Town Kovorninont for m a n y .vcurn, for-mor]y HN fi Holcotmiin, a n d j)r(isriill.v HH U mcinhnr of (lip Hoard of ICdnoallon. Chnlldiidl haK s<>rv(Ml iw an offlour of dm Civic ANNndalhui In thn .'Mst ward oi N r w Haven. Ho hits aUo hoen acllvc, WiMi) t ho P i lg r im L a y m n n aNSociathni ht F a i r Hnvon.

r (lujii fi f 11 nsi 1 nils 111 c n pro-niolKi to I IK ptisllion af (hiof plinlojjrnphcr for tho SoiM.hrrii Now Knjilanfl Tnlophnne Company.

Ifansnn joinnd iho l(_'lophonc company In lO'l.'i a.s a photogra­pher, fnllowinK fnui' your.'; .servlix' In the U. S . Navy, IIo siMVOfl In Iho Navy holh na n rnmbnl |)hoto-Knipher a n d n.s un of phologrnphy.

IInn?^c'n Is a mombni' of IIH* I'ho loKfaphcrs AfiNocInlion of Anierl-cn and the Connocl lcul IndUKtrliil Kdlloi'K A.SHOcinllon. IIo has been active fur n inny ycar-s ns a tbach-

•r fif phnlORraphy In the Now Ifovcn VMCA'fi Adull Kducat lon I*r«Kram nnd Is a past prcsltlonl of the New Hnvon Camera Club .

Ho and Mrs . Hanson nnd t h e i r two cbDdrcn mnke tht-h- home a t 2-1 M a n i n Kond, Knst I laven.

Miss Alice Dc Falma And Joseph Anienlo To Be Wed Saliirday

Thf vveddin« of Miss Alice \)r Palinn nnd .Insepb Kdward Anien­lo will l ake place Hnturdny nuirn-Ini,' Ml 10 o'clock in Sneicd H e a r t Chinel i , New Haven . A buffel w-(•('1)1 ion will follow n( the Set te i i -i i ionnie CIiil) a t 239 Boulevard in Now Haven be tween 1 and 5 p.m.

The bride Is tho daugh te r of Ml. and MI'K. COMIIO DC Palmfi, of 'MH I 'ut i inm St., New Haven, antl t he brideKi'Onm l-s t he son of Mr. anri Mr.s. Joseph L, Amenln. of HI Ik ' i i ry St., MomaUKuln. The brido-Krnom is the Knnul.son of llic lafu Ml', nnd Mi'.s. Michael Oiudr iu-Ih in ipb rey , IIo is a ve te ran of four yea r s ' .service In Ibo U. S, Navy .

Education Association

To Meet Mon. Afternoon T h e ro fu lu r meotinK ol the

Haven Educat ion Associatlun wil! he held on Monday af teniuor ' a l ;j:;in in tho Union Se l io ; ' .

McnihcrH of tlie TMtJc *;.ehuoI facul ty will a c t as hoslcs.M-is n i

Iho social hour prci'etlinK f i c '>us-inc.s.s mooting. AH teachers a r e in­vited to a t t end this meellnff.



*\^'S\ HWmS Chock llio scores of grocery, moat and produce Horns which arc below. Compare tho prices a year ago with prices today. That's iho bosi po«sibIo proof lliat your

food dollars now go further than over at First National Stores I







Corned Beef



t«73c LB 6 9 c


LB 3 5 c

L6 25e

LB 9 5 c

LB 95e

LB 4 5 c


LB 3 3 «

LB 19c

LB 8 5 c

LB 8 5 c



LB 6 9 c

LB 7 9 e LB

i 1

Sauerkraut KATIE 2-LB




Beef Liver CLEANED /



Skinless Frankfur ts »ssc


FRESH 2'/i-3'/2 LB AVG

LB 7 5 c

LB 6 9 c

U 5 9 c

LB 4 3 e

LB 5 9 c



69c 17c O ld Fashioned Picnics LB 59C


LB 6 5 c


33c LB 5 5 e











EACH 1 9 c

EACH 2 5 c

EACH 2 7 c

EACH 2 9 c

EACH 1 7 c



2 fOR 39c

- 2 fOR 2 9 c

2 fOR 2 9 c • . RICHMOND o o .






Finast Corn

Finast Corn

RIclimond Peas

Finast Peas

Finast Spinach

Finast Sauerkraut








Peaches • FINAST


reaches SLICED <., HALVES EACH 2 9 C Pears 'INA:


Tomato Juice

Tomato Juice



EACH 3 9 c

.EACH 3 5 c

EACH 2 7 c


2 19-OZ O P CANS J D C

280Z CAN

2 19-OZ n 1 CANS 4 7 e 28-OZ •» r CAN Z 3 C


2 160Z T 7


2 17-OZ -J "3 CANS j J C

2 I70Z -57 CANS J / C

2 16-OZ IP CANS Z 3 C

219-OZ •%! CANS Z | C

29.0Z Q • CAN X 7 C

29-OZ T O CAN Z 9 C

29-OZ •>£ CAN Z J C

2 29-OZ - F T

CANS / J C 18-OZ " J - J CAN J J C

2 C'ANS 4 5 C




Grapefruit 4 fOR 25c 4 fOR 23c Oranges fi-oRiDA 5.LBBAG39C BAG 3 5 C

Oranges "^RrD^ 3 LBS 29c 3 LBS 2 5 C

Pears D-ANJOU 2 LBS 33c 3 "s 39c

Cabbage "XAS 3 LBS I 9 C EB 5 C

Broccoli WESTERN BCH23C BCH 1 9 C

Carrots "^CEUO" 2PKGS29C ^ i - ^ ^ j g c

Lettuce CALIFORNIA 2 HDS 2 9 C 2 "D^ 2 5 C

Escarole 'LORIDA 3 LBS 2 9 C



Apple Pie i!oi)f"=»49i SPECIAL E A 4 3 C BETTY A L D E N - Rog Price I B e . SPECIAL

Cracked Wheat BREAD 18-OZ LOAF | 6 c





Richmond 89c FlilMaWW




K y b o LB BAG 9 1 c

LB CAN 9 5 c


18-OZ rx-t CANS Z / C

************* **»****%%*****»v\***%**%**»**»*\**»**v»*%*^


Given with each purchase of each jar of


3 3 c 12 O Z JAR


•** .**************»*»***v»««*«>»**»»»*»«t»*»*»»»\»»t»«»»5




Roast Beef HASH EACH 37C B 8, M


Dried Beef R & R

Boned Chicken RICHMOND



Codfish C:kes r i A I OR ROLLED







EACH 53c

EACH 5 2 c

EACH 7 3 c

EACH 4 1 c

20-OZ J r CAN 4 5 c

3>!0Z j r JAR »*JC

Banner Buys Y E A R T O D A Y ' S A G O PRICE




Peaches 'C' '^N'39C2 FRANCO-AMERICAN

Spaghetti 2'l!i;$? 29c 3' ;^;5? 41c

CAN 3 2 c

Z90Z - j n CAN J Z C

CANS 0 7 C





2 fOR.29c 2 ciN°s' 27c

ECH 17c 'CTN' 15C

2 FOR 29c 2 CANS 25c


SUNSHINE Hydrox Cookies 25c 7'/j-OZ

PKG t2-OZ 0 0 , PKG J T C


Homeland Tea 1 c -tS BAG m ^

5C CTN 4 J C


F i f e f t N 1\T I 6 N A L i^^ ' ' 'CXX.i:3:3LXJt.x.a-*gLT.'g^V'!CJL't-'n-T.T. 'tj^^ '«.''grg.''s: 'C' L'i.' e. 'w-^ '*:'<e.«g'«* • . * " ^ « " « « * ' « ^ * l

ST O R E S H*i^<t ^ < • • - ^ < - * - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ < . l . ^ < . ^ * . - - ' t . ^ ^ * . t J i

r'cal nuikes the meal and Kd-IP.V'.S lop (iimlil.v, pei-.sonally se-li'i'lcd meals will make any meal a l)an(|uel.

Sugar Cured — Boneless — Brisket

Rib Roast Beef.. B 65^ rrrnlily (iroiiiid

Chopped Meat . . LB 3 9 ' l-'n-sh "Sllrc-il

Swordfish Steak LB 69=

r . S. Clniicr Sirlniii niiit I'lirlrrluiim

Steaks Mri-I.v Sllcnl

Beef L i v e r . . . iMilk-IVil Ovi-ii-Ilritily

Chickens . . . .




53G To F r y or Broil


SfSVE vmH Mixed Grci-n Salnil

4 lbs. beef brisket 6 carrots (fresh or corned) 1 small head cobbaet

6 onions 12 small beets

Cover meat with boiling water. (If fresh brisltet is used, odd VA tablespoons salt to cookmc water.) Simmer slowly in covered kettle 3 to 5 hours or until tender. Forty, five minutes before serving odd onions and carrots. Fifteen minutes later odd quar­tered cabbnBc. Cook beets separately. Serve on a large plotter, with the meat in the center and the vegetobles arranged around it. Serves d..


Cellophane Wrap-Western

Carrots Sweet, ju icy thin skinned, f l o r i da

Pig 1 0 '

Oranges'"'""" 23 Firm, tas ty , cello pkg . A Ot^^ut

Tomatoes Z''' 29 l)"Uhle Stnlli rrUn-t'clln

Emperor Grapes LB 1 5 ^ Pascal Ce lery p^ 1 9


Peaches 29 OZ HalvBS 29

Florida Cabbage lb. 6c

Auxiliary Police To

Hold Paper Drive, 21 si ' A imppi- dr ive will br? conducted by t h e Au.xillnry Police I h i n u g h -oul. the Town on Sunday, Feb. 21, Donnld Thonins, pres ident , nn-nounccs . Resldenl.s will pince t h e i r paper on the curb for collection. • Those resident.'! w h o do not

w a n t t he papers picked u p nt t he curb , but would lilte to h n \ e it' called for directly, a r e asked to notify t h e auxi l i a ry by calllnR Po­lice H e a d q u a r t e r s a t H O 7-2551.



sc3ws n=iEau5E



On Our New

Giant Screen!

I I \ W A R N E R Bnos.FKii iNt

tea^POWELL>^ ^ - ^ ' ^ GORDON v;>

2n(l l i l t Also i l l f o l o r —

" T h u n d e r Over llii- I ' ln ius" Kundolpli .Sroft — B a r k e r

NE,VT W E E K - ••-EH. 10 to 13 . . . C K E A T E n T H A N E \ ' K I t



A T R E G U L A R I'IU(JE,S! I 'u l l Lcngt l i Over 2!S l l r s . L I I I IB!

Building rcnnils Total 35, liichide Tola! Of 28 Homes

Oi inpnred wit l i the same ini-nlh a y e a r ago, t he n u m b e r of building pe rmi t s issued durini ; t h i s past J a n u a r y were up. A tota l i,f 35 permil.s. including 28 for dweilinRs valued toRether nt ,S22S,00O, were issued by t h e BuildinK ne ] i a r l -nient .

A y e a r ncii 2.'i iierniils w e r e is­sued iticludinfi IS for dwell ings valued a t .$133,000.

Also Issued d u r i n g t he month w e i e two plun)bing pcrni i ls a t 51 each, seven plumhinR pe rmi t s at S6 each, 1-1 .septic t ank pcrni i l s a t S2, and eight s i r ce t excavat ions at ?1 each. T h r e e power pump p e r m i t s ( c l canou l s ) a t $1 w e r e is­sued, '19 electr ic permits a l 52, 45 oil b u r n e r pernii ls ( ins tn l la . l ions) a t S2, f o u r licenses t o elec­tr ical c o n t r a c t o r s a t W, 53 p lumb-ing licenses a l J5 nnd one oil bur ­n e r l icense a t S,5. A range oil stor­age pe rmi t a t fifty cents b r o u g h t total revenues for Ihe d e p a r t m e n t lo .?l,03a.5n.



VrOKY'S CORNER 15 l l cml i i gHay Avenue E a s t H a v e n 110 ?-0691

Italian and American




Every Fri, and Sat. Cater lnB to Weddings

Redeco ra t ed Dining R o o m

W i n e , L i q u o r nnd Beor I P I T C H E R O P B E E R 75o


LO.ST: C O N N E C T I C U T .SAVINGS BANK BOOK No. 5(170. .Spring Glen Branch . Payn ien t s topped. R e t u r n to hank .

L O S T : PASSBOOK No. -ISO?, If found re tu rn to Branford Savings B a n k ,

A U T O I 0 U 1 U E . S r O R SALE

Chevro le t 1949 .style 'dlxe. spec . $S ..-• SAVE N O W • 5$

54 CIIEV. B E L AIRS • 54 CIIEV. 210 4-DR.



19.53 Chevrolet 210 series, no miles. 1953 Clicvrolct 150 series, no miles . 1951 Ford Conv. Coupe, R&Il 19.50 Ford 2-dr. Cus tom V8. 1949 Oldsniobilo " 8 8 " 4-dr, sedan .

I lyd , 1948 Ponl iac 4-dr . sed. Ilyd. 1948 F o r d 2 door sedan . 1917 Ford 2 door sedan.

VISEL A U T O SALES 2475 W h i t n e y Ave.

A T 8-09Gr.

Buick 1946 _„.. 194G P lymouth 4 d r . sod 1947 Chevrolet coupe 19-17 S l u d e b a k o r 4 d r 19.')1 H e n r y J., 6 cyl 1947 Oldsmobile '. 19-17 • Ka i se r .-1950 S t u d e b a k e r conv

Many O t h e r s ELIASON MTRS. , INC.

10.51 Di.xwoll Ave. Tel. U N 5-0891

5345 5345 5495 5395 5595 5445 5295 .$895

1949 BUICK C O N V E R T I B L E . Call AT 8-4453.


P L U M B I N G R E P A I R S AND R E ­P L A C E M E N T S . Coiiper w a t e r p\\>-ing installed, also ni l kinds of fix­tu re s . Call F . B a u m a n , I lnn iden . S T 7-1338.


r c o m e dine with us nnd enjoy t he p leasure of d in ing out and ol ffinriing t he m a n y Food SpccialUes w e f ea tu r e for y o u r en joyment .

Hcrv ing Coinplcio D inne r s Dai ly f rom 5:30 t o 9:30 except M o n d a y

S u n d a y fronv 12:00 to 8:30 P . M . Danc ing S a t u r d a y Ni t e s to t he Music ot



F e a t u r i n g "Con t inen ta l Tab lo N i g h t " E v e r y T u e s d a y

F r o m S to 10 r . l \ L All you c a n ea t for S2.l>0 p e r person

Alolco R o s o n ' a t i o n s I

Gambardella's OYSTER HOUSE

\V() spectalizo In Rri)Up(l IVXuiiio Lot)st(!rrt

N e w arcoitmindntioiiH for biiiiilL Olid l a r g o pa r t i e s .

Call MA 4-fi50a F o r Rc»ervat iona

169-173 3VIEAD0W ST.

Now H a v e n

l' 'rco P a r k i n g Focilitlcd

Ifnlvfit in Ilrary Syniii 16 Ot.

Tomato Juice

25 46 OZ


16 OZ

Dog Food


Jesso Keiffer P e a r s . . . . , . 1 9 = BIj-T-FIno

Instant Puddings 3'° 19=

Grandmothers Marmalade .. 19=


Tuna Fish 7 OZ 33 Bisquick

43 40 OZ

Itirils Kjt! I'r()7Cfi 6 (li

Orange Juice 2 33c nirils K>c Froirii lit Ot,

Peas : 2-35c IJirds Kjc rroirn 10 Oi;.

Strawberries',. 29= »lril»i Kyp Kurd lliiok 13 Or.

Lima Beans... 27=

Fig Newt9n...43=


Siinslifrif ",'•• 07,.

Brownies 39= i:iiiiinhir Ji; Ot.

Crax : : . . . . 33c Iw'i'Mer .Milk Uintk — J,li.

Crackers . . . . 34= neeclnnit II OE.

Peanut Butter 33= Hceclinui « Oz. %•

Cereals. . . . 2 -31=

299 E. Main St., East Haven

• • • ' ' ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l a i B i a i a a i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^



®lj? Ea^t Bauj^n 5f iUB Were added to our flies in tlie last 3 weeks!!

More than half the people in EAST HAVEN

buy and read their home town newspaper.







/ A D V 1 3 E T 1 S 1 N G - IS A " M U S T " ( i M T H E S U C C E S S OP

B U S I N E S S . . . B U T .

. I T S O N L Y A L I N I C I N A C H A I M , T H E

D E E A K I N G - O F A N Y O N E O F W H I C W C A N




UUDBISII niCMOVAL T r y o u r special se rv ice 5S.00 pe r

yenr. I l n m d c n nnd Nor th I lnvon only

T r ln l period 1 nionl l i 50c S. A. M A U C O I T E CI I 8-1945

F H E N E T T E ' S U ^ W N M O W E R Shop , 2704 Dlxwdl Ave. If \i cu t s g ras s , WB sell and service? It. Te l . CH 8-5J14.

C A R P E N T R Y SERVICES—Cabin­ets, bookcases, s l o rogo .-.•alls, p layrooms , att ics finished, and g e n e r a l huUdlng. F r e e csllmo<es.

CALL BILL W I L S O N CI I 8-6470.



T r e e nnd Lnwn S p r a y i n g


( C o m p l e t e insurance coverage)

Call CEdnr S-O.Wl.

C A R P E N T E R WORK, P A I N T I N G and jobb ing . Call E a r l R. Oppel IIU 8-0412.


W A S H I N G MACHINE R E P A I R S and Elccti'lcal R e p a i r s

W o I lnve Pa r i s to F i t Any Wash ing M a c h i n e

AMERICAN A P P L I A N C E CO. 251G W h i t n e y Ave. C l l e s t n u t 8-4444

H E L P W A N T E D D — t

P A R T T I M E O n X ' E R A L HOUSE C L E A N E P . yt hours pe r day. ML Carincl n e a r Vvunthcrvane. Now Iliinio $1.00 per hour p lu s ca r fa re Call A T 8-4255 for dclnil.s. IMMEDIA'J 'E INCOME. Avurage .?1.50 p e r Jinur showing Maisone t te Fi 'ocks. No delivery, collecUng, o r Inves tmen t rcn'ulrod. F o r In ter ­view w r i t e Mal.fonetto F rocks , P . O. Bo.\ 7, Bi idgepoi t 1, Conn.

F I R E ALARM. N E W E S T , LOUD­EST, C H E A P E S T . Needs no wires , no ba t t e r i e s . G u a r a n t e e d for life tinie. I t n iay save y o u r life. B u r g ­lar a l a r m , same typo also. F i r e $19.95, B u r g l a r 54.95. P . T. Nov­el ty S u p p l y House. SYcamoro 9-2838.


MARIONl 'S Delicious Ice Cream Cakes

Mousses nitd Puddings F a n c y Indlvlilunl F o r m s F o r All

Occasions Te lephone STn te 7-4969

T h e H o m e O t F n n e y I ce C r e a m 840 Dlxwell Ave. Hamdeii , Conn.


MAHOGANY DINING ROOM TABLE, Drop- leaf , ex t ends 100 inches. Six chai rs . ?45. Sot of used 17.10 X 15 w h i t e wa l l t i res . 50 f t . of snow fence. Call CM 8-2285.

.3 ROOMS F U R N I T U R E r -$189 . Bedroom, living room, k i t chen . Used but In good shape. E a s y t e rms . See It d a y o r night . P h o n e m e UN 5-7482. a f te r 6 P . M, LO 2-7262.

A — I — B — E — R — T — S 187-189 George St . N e w H a v e n .

r i A N O T U N I N G H—87

P IANO 1 U N I N G — P i a n o s t uned , repai red , rebui l t . l au th over ­haul ing . H. M. Bllgcr, 294 A u g u r St . , Han idon . " c l MA 4-1718.

W A N T E D ' 1 0 BUY 11—41

W A N T E D TO BUY used bedroom sets , s e w i n g m a c h m o s , re f r igera ­tors, r u g s , all household I tems. Phone L O 2-3374.

i tors of tlie salil decea.sed to liring In the i r c laims said e s t a t e . Those who neglect to exlilblt tholr c la ims within said t ime will b e de ­ba r r ed .

All persons Indebted to .snld Es ­t a t e a r e requested . to m a k e Im­med ia t e pnynient to

George A. Ott , Admin i s t ra to r ,

75 Har r i son Ave.

DISTRICT- OF N E W HAVEN, ss. P R O B A T E COURT, J a n u a r y 21st, 1954. ' E s t a t e of BEN.IAMIN al ias B E N N I E G R A N i r r o Inte of E a s t H a v e n in snld Dis t r ic t , deceased.

In pursuance of an orde r of Hon, iTanio." A, Shanloy, .ludgo of t h o . C o u r t of P r o b a t e for the Dis­tr ict of New Haven, notice Is hei 'e-by given that snld Cour t linlli l im­ited nnd appointed six l i ionihs from tlie da t e hereof for the cred­i tors o f the snld deceased to br ing in t h e i r c la ims agalmst said e s t a t e . Those who neglect to exhibit t h e i r c la ims within said l ime will be deba r r ed . '

All persons Indebted to snld os-Inte a r e I'eciuostod to m n k c Im-m e d i n t e p a y m e n t l o A n n a G r a n -l l to . Admin i s t r a t r ix .

99 Brad ley Ave., Eus l Hayen , Conn.

W A N T E D TO BUY — Scrap Iron, old furnaces , brass , copper, lead e t c . Cull S T 7-442B.

R E N T S W A N T E D I , - I 2

DESK S P A C E W A N T E D I N B R A N F O R D , Cen t r a l ly loca ted . P h o n e HU 8-1331.

'•OK S A L E M—0

J O B W A N T E D D—2

DAYTIME BABY S I T T I N G AT. MY HOME.. Excellent ca re . By hour , d a y o r week. Call C H 8-1170.


F I R S T MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND S O L D : Loans . Ref inanc­ing . N e w Loans, L o n g b o l h a m . 207 O r a n g e St. Tel. L O 2^815 .


MISS J U D Y ' S P R O F . S c h o o l ' of the D a n c e . Ballet, toe , modern and t a p , charac ter , acrobat ic , classic, Spanish, c a s t a n e t s . Spe­cial c lasses boys and adu l t s , be­ginne r s , . In termedia te . Advanced and professional s t u d e n t s . 1944 S t a t e S L (Cor. Ridge R d . ) H a m -den. S t u d i o Tel. L O '2-6854. Res idence A T 8-0259.

I I A M D E N - S A C R I F I C E — O W N ­E R LEAVING T O W N . 6 room,. 3 bedrooms, 2 t i le ba th s , hnrdwood floors, s t e a m o l M i e a t , s to rm win ­dows, sci-oens, e lec t r ic stove, dish washer , Bend ix , d r ie r , set tub.'). $14,500. P h o n e Cll 8-2285.

1'own ot I lnmden . Section 3. No action tor per­

sonal Injuries or damages , to r ea l persoiuil proper ty shnll* b e

main ta ined agains t tho Town- of H n m d e n a n d / o r any duly appoint ­ed |iollcen\an thereof, .unless;

(a) Sucli action Is connnonced within one (1) yea r aftei tile cause of n'^Hon t l icre-fore lias ai ' .scn;

:(b) Notice of tho Intention In commence such action nnd.i of tho t ime wlien IUM' 'i;- i place w h e r e the danwii;!' I w e r e Incurred or sus ta ined hns been filed with lh(-Clerk o t the Board of .^''-

M c c t m e n of t he Town of H a m d e n nnd wi th the po­liceman concerned wi th in six (6) mon ths a f t e r such cause of action has ac-cruetl.

Sect ion ' i . T h o wi th in - ordi­nance shall become effectl\ 'e on n d a t e t h i r t y (30) days af ter Ihe d a t e o t lis final passage and ndiip-l lon liy the Board of Se lec tmen of the Town of Hnmden.

Dnted a t Hnmden, Connect icu t , this 28tli d a y of Februn ry , lOS'l.

Leon A. Booth-.lohn DeNlcoln H e r b e r t C. H u m e "*

Seloctnient ot H a m d e n , A t t e s t :

Josephine TrIt l lott tI , Clerk .

plication on file mort? fully np-jiears, It Is

Ordered — T h a t said applicat ion be hoard nnd determined n t t he P r o b a t e Office' In B r a m o r d , In snld D i s t r i c t , ' o n llio Sth day of F e b r ­unry 1954, at 2 o'clock In t h o af­ternoon, nnd th is Court d i r ec t s Flofh K, Goldsmi th to give publ ic notice to a l l ' pe r i sons Interes ted In snld e s tn t e to n p p e a r If they see cnuso to be heard thereon, by p u b ­lishing th i s o r d e r o n e t ime in s o m e newspaper havlnj; .'i i-lrculntlon In snld Dis t r ic t , ami by po.stlns a copy the reof mi t l ic public s ign ­post In t he Town of Bran fo rd , ' I n .said Dis t r ic t , and r e t u r n hinko t o th is C o u r t of t i le no t ice given.

By tho C o u r t ; F l o r a K. Goldsmith, C le rk .

ROOMING HOUSE. GOOD L O ­CATION off Chapel St.,' w e s t e r n p a r i ot N e w I lovon. All r o o m s rented to p e r m a n e n t t enan t s . I n ­come $40.00 a week plus l iving q u a r t e r s for Owner . P r ice wh ich Includes p r o p e r t y , and f u r n i t u r e $12,500. A fine o p p o r t u n i t y for a n Inconie pay ing Inves tmen t p lus a liome. P h o n e LO 2-7605 morn ings .

Legal D I S T R I C T O F B R A N F O R D , S T A T E O F CONNECTICUT, P R O B A T E COURT, J a n u a r y 19,54.

E s t a t e of G R A C E C. OTT of Branford , In snld Distr ict , de­ceased.

In p u r s u r a n c e of a n o r d e r of Hon . F r e d e r i c k R . l l o u d e . J u d g e of the Cour t of P r o b a t e for t he Distr ic t of Branford' , notice Is hereby given t h a i said Cour t h n t h limited and appointed six m o n t h s from Ihe d a t e hereof for the cred-

Nol l ce Is he reby given t h a t thi : Board of Seloclmen ot the T o w n of H a m d e n , wlii f:old a public h e a r i n g In the C o u r t , Room o t t h o Memor ia l T o w p Hull , H a m d e n , Connect icut , on T h u r s d a y , t i ie l l t h day of F e b r u a r y , 1954 n t 2;45 P . M., upon the following: P R O P O S E D ORDINAl^CE CON­C E R N I N G LIABILITY O F T H E T O W N FOR: T H E ACT'S O F T H E P O L I C E M E N IN P E R F O R M ­

A N C E 5 F T H E I R D U T I E S Sect ion 1J T h a t t he T o w n of

H a m d e n , no tw i th s t and ing a n y In­consis tent provisions of law, gen­era l , .special or local, shnll, upon adopt ion of this ordlnmice, p a y on behalf of any du ly appoin ted po­l iceman of said Town of H a m d e n nil s u m s whic l i .such duly appoint ­ed pol iceman shal l become ohll-gated to pay by ron.son of t he II nb l l l ty . Imposed upon such du ly nppolnted pol iceman by law for damngea to person • o r proper ty , provided said du ly appoin ted po-llcemun, a t tho l ime of t he occur­rence, accident . Injury o r d a m a g e eomplolned of, w a s a c t i n g In tho por torn iance ot his dut ies nnd within t he scope of his employ­ment , i n t h e d i scharge of a d u t y Imposed .by law upon such duly njipolnted policeman o r t h e Town of H a m d e n and pj-ovided such oc­cur rence , accident , in jury or d a m ­age w a s not the resu l t of a n y wil l ­ful o r w a n t o n ac t of .such du ly appoin ted policeman In' t he dis­cha rge of such duty .

Sec t ion 2. No action o r pro­ceeding inst i tuted p u r s u a n t to the pi'ovlslon of Section 1 h c r e o f s h a l l be prosecuted or mainta ined ngninsl the Town of Hnmden oi' duly appoin ted -policeman unles.'i nl l eas t t h i r t y C'lO) days l iave clap.scd since the demand, claim or claims, upon which such act ion or special p roceeding Is founded, were presen ted lo the Clei'k of t he Board of .Sel(M:tmen of the said


We have some one owner cars traded-in on the beauti-ful 1954 FORD. Priced to move. See for yourself why we sell our used cars almost as fast as the brand new

'^/TrffnTfTfYTTV' models.

May We Suggest You Test Drive These Gars.


D I S T R I C T O F B R A N F O R D , ss . P R O B A T E COURT, J a n u n i y 28, 1954. ,

E s t a t e of J O H N ALVIN K A V Inte of Brnnford , in said Distr ict , deceased.

In p u r s u a n c e ot an o r d e r of Hon . F rdc re i ek R. Houdo, J u d g e of the* Cour t o t P r o b a t e for t h e IDlslrlct of Branford , not ice Is h e r e b y given l i ia l said C o u r t h a t h l imited ond appointed six motilHif from tiic d a t e hereof for t he crec)-l lors of tho said deceased to b r i n g In tlie)r. c laims aga ins t said e s t a t e . Those who nogloot to exhibi t Ihe i r c la ims within said t ime will b e deba r red .

All persons Indebted to siild' E s t a t e a re reques ted to m n k o I'm-' mcdln te ' paymen t to Priselllu K a y Smith , Execu t r i x ,

53 El l io t S t r ee t , Brnltloboi 'o, Ve rmon t .

Put t ing Off m Mi m%

O F B R A N F O R D , sal COURT, J a n u a r y 28,

D I S T R I C T P R O B A T E 1954.

E s t a t e ot A N N I E E . SCANLON of Branford In said Distr ict , an Incapable pe rson .

T h e Conse rva to r hav ing m a d e applicat ion for a n order au thor iz ­ing and empower ing t h e m to sell and convoy ce r t a in rea l e s t a t e bo-lunging to said es ta te , as per a|i-


/ . ^ M A T E R I A I ^ I N STOCK

rlf^tsliurgli P a i n t s - Gold Sir l j io IJriiolim, W i n d o w Glass - Yulo S tan ley & Kwllisot Hiillders I l n r d -wuro, O r a n g e b u r g I ' Ipe - MJLIOII Supplies - All 'i'ypuH InsilliiUoil -Kubliorald Roofing - Plywood -Windows, S c r e e n s - S t o r m Susli -'po;nblnatloi i Oonrs .

Meffert Lumber Company


TEL, HU 8-3484



earn 2Vi% interest per annurn

from the FIRST!


WEST HAVEN S3t Campbvtl Avtnut

NEW HAVEN 170 Orcuigt Stratt


H A M D E N 1208 Dixw. l ! Avenu.

F A I R H A V E N 20) Grand Avenut

WESTVILLE All 5 off icei are opon 36 Fountain Stratr until 6 p.m. vvtry Friday

OVER $110,000,000

, , ' J


Page 5: Ooniio 5-'4 ®I|f East Mmm N^tus · 2017-02-13 · a permit hatj-bcen refused lipi.-ause there "was a tiuestinn involved »'he(her sut'h an in.stitutlon was "buslncs.s" or "educational".


EAST HAVEN ";r<EVVS.. TKimsaayrTVM-mryM, in.VW ,ri»*F )*

Branford Almost Upsets Easties In TbriHing Overtime Contest N isminittA Taps In \i^inning Shot ToBrcakDcadlcK-ik

Pnul Wta i i ln lUl , mil E n s t \ J ' n -vcn cen te r w h o h a s provon Ills V.^-l u c In mnny a Rnnic this season.^1 M n sUlllcd r c l r l e v c r ot roVioundu ond ns n tnp- in mllsl., snvc.1 hta t c n m from n s tunn ing defcnt I'M-., day by employing thoao very lu-

l en l s . Ar i e r w r e s t i n g a w a y t he bull

froni Brnn to fd In o v e r t i m e , play, Wlsmlnl l t l Inppcd In t h e 'winning (Shot to fldgc -bUl the 'I'lvnl nchool by a sc&o of 5? -. M .nnd prcBorvo E a s t Haven ' s unuulllcd record of 15 victories t i l ls sonsoii.

In a hocl lc contest which saw l o u r B ran fd rd men and Ihvco Ettstlos f o u l ' but , t he Bmntoi 'd H o r n e t s showed an amii'ilng dis­p lay of s t r e n g t h agains t the lop-dog East lcs , I n fact, t h e y outscor-cd t h e v is i to rs oh the - f loor , but E a s t Haven- m a d e u p t h e dctlqlt by a s t rong show at the fogl " n e .

Also, It w a s a t the foul line t h a t B r a n t p r d Ips t a chance to ' edge ou t Eas t H a y e n . Tha't wna lii t h e closing m i n u t e of regulat ion play or so w h e n a subs t i tu te • p layer missed t w o fou l ; shots; The Blue a n d Gold scored only 14 points In field goals , but tossed In 28 I roe t h r o w s .

Tony Massa r l was oulscorcd on Held goals b y both Wlsmlnl t t l w h o tossed in ' •ftye Hiid , 0,'Mora who; lopped In four , but combined 12 f ree t h r o w s wi th h is th ree goals t o rack u p t he highest total for his t eam '—• ,18 polntsi , --'

Bi H . DcfenscH P c n o l n i w d ''• J a c k McGowan a n d Rlchnrd

S tan ton , Brnnford forwards, m a d e a shamljlos of the Blue and Ciold's defensive zone, and tossed In sev­e n / b a s k e t s apiece. McOowon add^ ed six foul shots to load his t e a m wi th 20 ppln is , and Stanton conV-Ing next w i t h 1(! points . I n con­t r a s t wi th a pal t ry 27 per eeiVt average b y E a s t Haven , the ilof-' n e t s came through wi th a whop­ping 46.5 percen tage .

I t appea r s t o be a growing ira-i dlllon \vlth Branford t ha t 11 cHn score an u p s e t or nenr-u|).set oVW E a s t H a v e n whenever allowed vL"-r y l i t t le possibility o f . d o i n g so. T h u s 11 w a s tho t t h e Horne t s , claiming on ly two victories out of 10 contests , entered this gnnic ns underdogs. ^

Eiutlcii Shew Slrulii w-Whi le E a s t Haven showed t h e

s t ra in t h a t conies' from coddling nn ever - growing cha in of v ic to­ries, t he Branford loam was bold and • b r a s h - a s It .set o u t to u n d o t h e r ivals . To the unhappy s u r ­prise of t h e Blue and Cold qu in ­t e t t hey found tlioniselvcs tnillfifc 13-8 a f t l ie c n d ' o t t h e ( perl*! ' .

'While" t h e game conlliuicd at a neck - b r eak ing pace and Eas t i e s recovered" du r ing t he .second pe-rfod and moved ahead to advnnt 'n n"27 - 22 lead over Branford tjy half - t ime,-

Branford regnlned the lead in tl ie th i rd period w h e n J ack Mc-Gov/an opened up In the midd le of the per iod and added 10 p o i n t s t o the Bran fo rd side ot the tn l ly . Despite a r e su rgence of s t r enRth on t h e p a r t of t h e Ensiles, t h e Horne t s re l inquished only p a r t of the i r m a r g i n hofdlng a 45 - 41 edge go ing Into t he final q u a r t e r .

Eas t H a v e n cont inued lis come­back d r ive unti l i t h a d t he s c o r e t ied a t 50 - 50. Once more McGow­a n c a m e through to res tore t h e Branfo rd edge a t 54 - 51. T h e n Ted Sul l ivan, Eas t Haven g u a r d , who has a p re t ty s teady hand on the foul-l lnc, became the he ro of t h e m o m e n t by sending two foul

.sl»nls into t he ne l , Massa r l follow od'. ^vlth a n o t h e r free th row t o t i c ' , the score 54 - 54.

Rrnuiliifi DMidlnckoil " T l » ' g a m o r ema ined deaillocknd n f l c r n B ran fo rd .fub.stltute failed to .score o n e i t h e r . of two free ^llrn'yv!^ and n^ las t second a t t e m p t by i W n k t,\X7.z\ houmJcd off t h e ,

i l n i . . V : ' -r • • '' • ••• I ' I n ' the f irst overt ime' ; sessloi^,

ilic? Ivko lealnS sjian'ecl enullousf.y ^ l l l i . h e l t ho r able lo b r e a k / h e l i e . - l ihen .Wismln l l t l , In" s u d d e n lierttlj 'i»lay, j umped W pitU t he bul l In .; E a s t : ; i l aven Vhjinds.' T h e

"feastles .slowly . probed t h p . i ' B r a n -j ' p rd ddV-nsc/ZonC' looklr te tfor nn o jVn ' i 'B- Af te r - a'- ndnul 'pVor, so, jyil.'Miael PuollUo, agg res s ive sub-stltu'lfi saw an opening a r i d . d o d g ­ed l n \ t o m a k e a t r y a t t h e ) b a s k e t . ' t T h o \ linll e lung to t l ie (rhti of t h e bn* ' " ' ! . whereupon I Wlamlt i l t t l , awaltlnj}, t h i s • chance, JUhVpeil u p rf, t m s 'Cnance, juiiiH>iH "'•

' • ' ^ " ' " " * ! I : A S T H A V E N .'. / F G

iMassnrl, t ' ',, j lo f fe inan , f ' WismliiJltl , e ;J O'Mnrn, B ' - , I, SuU'.varl, g

r 12 2

• IdUls , 11 lis 5i wiiANXfonn

I'T, F Stan lon , f ^ 2 Meaownn,f 7 •> Sriilth, c : 0 1 ,Mesliako,c 1 4 jbrago, g 3 0 -Aniskovlch, g . 2 , 1

Tota l s ^ 20 14 ' . Non-scoi ing subs t i tu te s IJaven) PuolUlo, ' B o w d c n

(Eas t IAI//1

fBr 'anfo.d) McCoy, K l l m a s , I leyn-

blds • S c Scoie b y pe i lods . ( n a s i J l a v e n -

•nnford): 8:13, 27^22, ,, 41-4o, I " ' |4-J!1, (over t ime) 55-54.

M!if!(llct()wn High Yiiclds Easy Win l o E. II. RO-aP,

Never recovered Uon,i an unex­pec ted ( t o r t h e m ) defea t a t t h e h a n d s of Eas t Haven la.?t Decem­ber , MIddletown High posed Iirohlem for t he Eas l l cs In the i r se(^onir, encouri lcr Tuesday n ight . T h e local l oam gall iored In . l i s IGth s t ra igh t - win (not coun t ing nn a lumni conlos l ) wi th t h e hnn-,dy seo'i'e Of 8()"r 58. • GnlvanlKod by a nqnr- u p s t l . wKli Briiriford las t F r i d a y , tile Eas l l c s a p p e a r e d bc l ly r cnordlhaled and do in lna lqd t he e n t i r e contes t which w a s played on MIdd lc town ' s smal l h o m o ' cou r t . . . ' ' ; '•:• , • •

• T ony Mossnrl led his t e a m wi th n j l o l a l of 15 p o i n t s — .seven bas-kicls and One free t h r o w b u t w a s Jfilnod In the scor ing by P a u l WIs-imlnllt l , n c i l O ' M n r a ' a n d . T e d Sul -(ilvan. T h e shoot ing w e n t so easy ( t h a t not a s ingle p layer or sub-sUtu lo left t he g a m e w i t h o u t a t l ea s t one poin t t o his credi t .

F o r Middle lown, p a v e Darl lngi ace forward, w a s the i r m a i n as -^Pl, He led t h e Indiv idual ; scor ing

il l i a total of 26 points . E a s t Haven b r o k e b u t Into t he

d i i e n a i the v e r y beg inn ing and racked up. a 22 - . 1 1 lead ove r t h e l l R c r s , In t h e f irst period a l t h o u g h t h e i r shoot ing a v e r a g e w a s no t t h e bes t t hey h a v e done th is season. W i t h a solid Ipad (BO - 35) a t t h e o p e n i n g o r t h e , th i rd q u a r t e r , t h e subKll tutes , w c r e poured In by Coach F r a n k Crlsafl . Thi.V held the line, despi te a bu r s t of; shoot­ing by Dar l ing .

I n t he p re l imina ry , t h e Eas t Haven .Tay-Vees racked u p a n o l h -€>r win, 4li - 3G.


'*" MaR.snrl, f i O'Mnrn, f Bowden, f Caslcllon, f Paollllo.f Oustntson, f Wlsmlnlltl, c Davidson, c Heffcrnnn, g Sullivan, g L,uz/.l, B Naracci, g

\ y I -y '•t 1/

• «


• .


r'd 7 4 2 0 2 1

• 5

1 2 3

• 2

, 3

32 1 MIDDLF/roWN

, •

|Dlllmnn, f '•Darling, f |,Sneed, c '•Carlson, c |;Ml.senll, g i;Dooley,g,

FO 4

11 1 1 2 5

r 1 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 3 5 1 0


F 2 4 1 1 1-


T 15 11 4 1 4 2

12 2 7

11 . 5



T '10 20

3 3 5


; 24 10 ."iS ] Non - scor ing su l i s l l tu lcs : ( E a s t f l laven) none.; (MIddletown) Les-isor, McKennn, • Husso. i ;Scoro b y periods (Eas t I l aven -IJHIddlelown); 22 - 11, 33 - ,20, 'M - 35, : ' 8 0 -1)8 .

^ T r y i - i o u t s . f o r . l h c Josiiph. Mayo B l u e and Gold V a r s l t y ' S l i o w w e r e s!l;nrted .|on Tuesday . Tills show Is s t i r e ' t o j b c a big succesr,. Tl Is un-d p r Ihb direct ion of Miss Yiila BkXI/oucos, assist (?(I by Mr, .losf'iih H u w t l n i and Mr. Mark Flore l ln . Thlc c l io reography will be done by Mlas B0U7.0UC0.S.

' /

lilaslics Break Two Swim Records But Lose To Hamden

by Illl-I- W E B S T E R F r a n k e Kecfe, one of the m a i n ­

stays of Ihe Eas t Haven swimming team, broke t he High .School's r e ­cord for t he backs t roke last T h u r s ­day In a mee t with Hamden at Ihe YMCA pool. T h e Easl les lost the con te s t lo a s t rong H a m d e n squad by Iho close score of 35-31.

The Eas t Haven s w i m m e r s also broke nnolber school record when a t e a m composed of Keefe, Mike Bre rc lon and Dick Cai-I.son, s e t a new t i m e for t he 120 yard medley relay a l 1:09.0.;'J'he medley loam has been lyr i i lng In fast " t l nu ' s " in th is event all season, but ' not until this Inst m e e t did they m a ­nage lo top the previously sol l ime.

,Ioe Smi th look flnsl p laces In two cven i s ; th(5 40-ynrd freestyle and t he lOO-ynrd freestyle.

F o r Hamden , H a r r y Uudln and Dick .lohnson gave ou t s t and ing pe r fo rmances . I lud in took first place In the 2no-yi)id freestyle, while John.son won the dive event .


I'.id-yaril medley: Keeff, Brerc­lon, Carlson (ICast Haven).

2U0-yanl f rees ty le : Rudin (II) 1st, Clapp (EH) 2ml, Powell ( E H ) 3rd.

40-ynrH frer-slyle: ."imllb Isl, w'ilK'in (111 2nd. Gll.son 3rd.

Dive; .lohn.son (H) 1st. Br ( I - : H ) 2nd, H n r l ( H ) 3rd .

100-yard f rees tyle : Smi th 1st, Rudin (H) 2nd, O'hidy 3i-il.

lOO-ynrd s t r o k e : (II), Moebl (H) 2nd. (EH) 3rd.

100-yard back s t r o k e : ( E H ) I s l , .Johnson ( H ) 2nd rls^cy ( I I ) 3rd.,

lOO-ynrd re lay : Hohson, lln, Wilson, and Dyckes d e n ) :

(F ,n i I El I)

(EH) (EH)

Bone Angus

Keefe Mor-



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I K ; l''(trln'*i t\\v.y Nru ' lln\'i 'ii, ('(Hin.


' A ' I t o n • ! t lOO (ot i t t ]0 ,6O »han •rqMptly iCDold In 13 lon i icu lU* wonlhly lnirollf<.«nli of * ' 0 - O V „ V n - |

• Employed men and women — m a r r i e d and iingKi — o n j o y • prompt "yoV at ? W o W . A loan • t T^fUOHui entl t lei you to nation* wide credit . Wide choice of pay* ment p lan i . . * you lolect beat payment date, Ptione first for a loan in one visit Como in or write.

Uana $39 ta $S00 •n ilgnatvra alon*

H/tsonalt "gwrL


Complelc Red Cross Home Nursing Course

T h e rdlhiwinB Kirls have eom-

pleted t he Hume Nursinj, ' Ciiurse G r o u p 1: Viola Barne.s, France.s

Burns , Anlo lne t to DeCrosla , Bel ly Desanlo , Uosemarie C-icy, Suzanne Grenon, Lo re l l a Lamson . Carolyn Lupole, r r lsc l l lu Mcln losh , Diane Mlltno, Pa t r i c ia Morro , .Taync No-. Ian, Susan Pnlni ler l , Ann Pnnico, B a r b a r a Sabine, ,Toan Scarpace , M a r y A n n Verga lo , Audrey Wls -l lnp.

G r o u p 2 : Geoi'Klonna Bowden. Chr is Bradbury , .Tune Bru.s.seau, Lucille DelVecehU), F lo renee Des­mond. .Ihanne Fuee l , Louise Gcn-llle, J o a n n I l aml l lon , Dor r ene Ilelblg, Pa t r i c i a Meade, I tulh T a ­m e r Vnla r l e Valen l l , J u n o Verc i l -lo.


Aching Joints - Tenseness - Tired Feet LimI) Cramps - Sore Muscles with NI&RARA'S w°"''<='"''"i "" " ^


N I A G A R A Ho'^B l c P Massage Till Niausra two-unil Iintnc iet rfi'i be iii»d while you rtart nr rc^'. The dMply penelratini, very toin-Inrlino aclion will hcl|) rtituvj limh [ramoi, numhnest. fold feel and nlfier clrculalory allmenls. Alio, it will htlp tehx taiil n rvps and aid In (tie ftiminD of soil, sanninn

will liclp you to « sUintilulu circi i lal iun • (m.sR liorvotiti IcnKlon • finotliu Knrc muHclcs

and ncliinf; jo ints

Froc Booklet No Obligfalion


An approved appliance used by liospitals, pliys-iotherapiiSls, and athletic trainers,

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e W S 8:30 AM - NOON - 6 PM - 11 PM . MIDNIGHT



l o c k w a t c h e r 7:00.9 oo dauy

Sid Brenner Music and frequent reports on weather, news and correct time.

wherever you go

there's radio -

. . . best on

LISTEN To ROADSHOW S:iturclii.y 2 - G PM


' • • • 1

7 8 9 10 11



Ntwi Clmk Wal.h*


Cloik Wi l ihr

Ryllint Ranch

Wiltomt Ttavlllir*

Ron llont E-!ry Day

Slitlil I I >lch

Phraie Pays StcQiiil Chance


Nivn rrnthv lunchMfl d u l

XKLEV18I0N W N l l O - T V


Yinkn riUltn Oloni Luc l i ShoK Momma Hnr*

DIni Dona Schoct

WIMo» Slitwii

Hnwklni Falll Thf( Stcpi SIrlkc I I Rich


Woild v;t Lilt In LoTi ut Lll» Film Nwcy'i Klldim

Mijilc For DityoM

Paulint FiiJcrlcVt lll l in laillit

Garnr Moan

2 Milodli MallnH

Guiding lloht ' Mid Allimoon Nivn

3 Mtlody MniliH

RickiUflt Wtti r»iU Fir Mmic SwUli To Swing

Wtlcomi Tra)ictn

Mttt till Stm

5 fJrwt Switch To Swino LoKnm Jnnes Matrilant Pavt

Alom Squad

' Hawdvi Obody


6 Niwi

em Slim SiipDrr Scrciladt

Woill Wi Lln U Varlity Ckit • s<>oi|iup«

Oil Gu 1,.'} It' niue

Miiro:'ii nt.iMy vnuii l i i iain

Su sidewalk InliKim Do It .Younell Sportsman Club •> Cuiil Km cannui

2nd Floor • Wooliworth BIdg. 109 CHURCH STREET

New Havonf Coitn. < Phone: STatc 7-U81

D i ^ o l d Brown, YES MANager OPEN THUESDAV EVENINGS UNTIL S lioM Modi tt laildenli ol oil tuusundlng lowm

8 9 10

T n A

romho Corner


Fohbrr McCtc Can You Ton •nn* PitkMt

You Bit Your U l i



Ford Tlitittf


11 Niwi Fotflgti Intrioue

MotU K m


T E L E V I S I O N W N H O - T

Ntwt Clack Witchw

•HtixXl Niwi Roundup Clock Witchw

Rythm ' Rounduti Yankee Ptddlen Fun Wtlh Fflodt

Honilni K m

Wilctmii TraTilm

Rob Hotic Evtnr Day

DIni Donf 8cho«f

WladM Siwpp* .

PNni* Thtt Pt>i Second Chante

Havriint Faltr Thrte Sttpi StflU It KKfl


VocRlUtd i i jntttMfi CtuI

Ont Foundflllon Lovt of Life. Scarth for Tctnortaw What ' i Cooking ^

Muilc for Evuvota

MemorV Laiie Giiy Mioti

Mtladlt Matlnii - Double or NOIIIIHD

Guiding Li'jtit ' Wewi

Mtlod^^ MiUnM BiD VmW

Kale Smiitt

Baciiitaat W|f> Calls For Muiic Switch lo Swing

Weltortf TravdR

On Your Aitount

Ncwi Switch to Swing Lwinn ioni» Marriage Pays

Atom Squad Cartoons Howdy Doody


Spoilt Daily Supper Strtnadc

•Your World


Mon On Tlic Go Spwls Dally Tomorrow'ii. H l l i en:ori T t i f t t *

Per inlU. In Ntwt Pulic of City

DInilt Short Sinatra 04p H09l


uf i or Rtitr

Harrii Faye Bob k Ray Nimi That Tunt

BIB Story

Sound Stall

All Am Sporti Show Calnnd^ »( Sports WMdi In Thi tlliht ^ •• „ ^ ftvdlo City Pmliwi Gn»(iil^rnhti Pro and Co* In Sporta

Newt Man Agalntt Crlm« Sacrtd Hivt Pnirta Muilc For Moduiii RlM

•• Myitiry: NnN HldnliM NMf. tl«a 1 ' ^ M OH


RADIO W N I I O 1840 k

Wakt Up And Sulla With Nnn

World Ntws Roundup enallalt wild StilT' Hoyidy_ DMdlt SIlM


Bitahlait Hollywood

Tops In Tune Clinton. Kcyboatd

My Satnt StoiT,

Women In Love


Newi 4Momtit1t of' Comfort Uyman ' l Hour


: I :•: Mr." Wizard ,,

Johnny Juplt<r

Smilii)' ' MCCDUMCII

Span Pitrd. ,

Annie Oakley


BIfl Top

t-irtn and Honi HMT


Ray • Rogers

Art Unkleller Dob Croiby

Talent Patrol

Film I



" . E V E N I ^ a

NIWI , Kaltenbom QuU BDWI

Theatre Roydl

Big Reriiw

t l

Old Erin

Pro Batkitball*

Dip Plcturi

T Men



U r i i (langtr

You asked For I t

Thit I t Your l i f e

Man Behind Badge ^

Spike Jonct


Show 0 ( Shows

UL Mght Duel Party

PecWec King lilt Parpdt

KIWI Wreilling Thli Week In Soottl , "Hollyyxiod PilladhiM '

OnbuUB" MldnliM T t u W


7 8

•Urwt Worship Hour

9 World Newt RuiriilDt Nature Of Tltlngi ChrKtIan Stl inci What'f yoor Troubi Mutic Front im of Fai th

10 Mulic . Thli \\ Ilie Llli

Captain Mldnlghl

11 Muttc

Anil For Tom ot row

Super Cirtut


12 ChrislDPlitrs The El jraal Light


HoiiywoDd Hall Hi

1 • t l f t ter Llilnn

Sacred Heart uiiircitlty ui Clilcago

Round Table

Ylli. wdnls to \m\

2 T h i Catiiollc I tomi

American Forum

Pridi of tilt Family

Slu EiKln

3 4 5

6 7 i 9 10

Golden Voicci

Golden TrtMiiry




Roh ()0"vl<<lnr Prople's Lobby N B C Symplioii:

Tilt Manlagc

Six Sliooltr

Star PlnyliDUse

Slroke cil r.ile

Lat t Mai)

Meet Ttie Prevs NCWI &iimmai)


Kukla, Fran. Dl l i i

Mr. McNutley

Naitiiet Tlie Same

Halt of Fami


1 Oalc l i Harriet

i " YOU A n Then


Private Sccrelar>

l o i t t 01 tha Tow

TV Pliyhousi

Lelter^To L o r t t b

Wliat't^ My U n i ^


T E L E V I S I O N W N H O - T V

Jews Clock Witchir


World Ntwt Rounduf Clock Watcher

Yanhti P i d d l t n

Welcomi Traalin

Bob Hope Everv D.iy

Ding Dong School

Window Shopfiir

Phrase Tliat Piyi Sfcond Chance

Hawkins Falls Thr i * Steps iircA


XPWI Bins Crosby Lunthton Cluk

The Pdttor Love ol u n Search (or Tom. eicclrtc S h M

Mutit for Eviryoiii

Pauline Fredrick Rtporti Llitcn I j idlei

Gam Moon

Melodic Mat ln i i Ooubli^Or Nothlni

Guidltn Ught Newt

<riiioily MatiRM Big Payoff

Kale Smith

Backtlaoe Wife Calli For Uutic

Swilrit In Swinn

Welcomi TraveMen

Meet The Start

11 Nlws:Cl i t ton U t i i i Sunday Newt Soiclf

- Fireside Theater Stars From Paris • i tn lBht Ni«n. a i m ON*v«; S I H Q*t

Switch to Swing Pinky Lee Film

Lorenzo Lunch nond/ Doodv-I t Pays to Be Married '*

E \ ' E N I N a P R O G R A M S

tewi ( Snorts SuDDcr Serenade

What Orta P i r u o Variety Cluk Sporlicape World N iwt Today

Man 0(1 the Go

romorrow'f H i U

Antwtr M l This

Eddie Fliher Camil Ncwi carann



1ew« Clock .Walcttv

CIvch Watcher -World Newt Roundup

Welcome Travclin

Boh Horn -'"" 'y Pay

Yankn Piddlin

Rnio Mapician

Ding Onng Sithool

W M o w Shoppv

Phrase That Payt Second Chance

Hawkins Falls Three Stens Strike I t Rlcti


VtWI BIna Crosby

LuMchton Ctiili

Bob Crosby Lore of Life Starch lor loau lUl lan Cookery

Muilc For Everyoni

Pauline Fredricks Lhtcn Udie t

ItHilan CookMv^

Gary Hoori

Mclodle Matlnci

Mclodir. Mal lnH

RacktUoc Wife Calls For Music

Switch To Swing

Welcome Trarellcn

On Your Account

Pinky Lee Uiik & Andy

I nr*i)rii Jnnts nowDy Duuuj I t Pays To Be Married " .


naitmari Hniir

Music You Want

Name That Tunc

Voice of FinttoM

•Uphoni Hour

tfuilc In the Night

I LoTC Lucy

Red Buttont

Fihhrr M E G M Can You Too This

Studio^ Dm

Sewi Aliforce Reservt ^U\ Para'li *(»<«t: ViMir

Douglas Fairbanks

Cototiel Fla^.k News

Vewt Rill St«m

Supper Scraiiadc

Man On Tlie Ga

Tomorraw't Hits Lncort

Dinah Share Be Frank r Barry Craig

It's Our Ptobicm

Sporttcopi World Newt Todaj

Wild Dill Hickoh

t t ' i A Pleasure News Caravan

Milton Bcrle



Show Bushiest

(utDCnu '

Fibber McGec Can You' Top Tltli

F l n l NIghtir

Fred Allen

Fulton Lewik Little snow

Mews Robl, Monlaomery National Guard Kenton «(dnls)]t N » i . s u n QNMiwta SUn Olt


R A D I O T E L E V I S I O N W N H O 1S40 k W N H O - X V

Newt CiOLk Walchv

World Newt Roundup Clock Watcher

Rylhrn Ran(.)i Yankee P|tddlira

Roto Maplcian

Bob Hope Fviiy n.iy

p|ira*» "av's SecmifJ niianre

Hawkins F d l | Three Slept SUi ia 11 Kick

AFTERNOON PROGRAMS Let's Co Placet Love ol Life bcaicn tot I e 4 . Nancy's Kitchen

lews Crosby

bUnctieoq Ct^b

Music _For Cieryoni Nancy's Kl tc^K

Pauline Fredericks Listen Ladlfs

Gary Moon Bob Crosby

Melodic Matinei

Double or ffothing

Guiding Light News

l i w t : Melody Matlnii . Big Payoff

Kale Smith

>)sckt(aae Wtf> Calls For Mll^k 3wiU)i lo Swing

Wilconi Traiillv

On You; Atcomit

'.nieitio Joiiei WarriaaV Pays

Pinky Lee Cat loom Howay^Ooody


Bill Stem Simner Stinadc

Moments of Comfoii Gov. Lorlae Sporlttopi News.

\lan On Go Air Force Tomorrow's Hits Jicore Thtatci



Death Valley Days

Conn. SpotltoTil News Caiafaii


Bel Your Life

Ifl blory

sirlkijt Rick

Uttle^ Marge

Fibber.. McGee„ . Can You Ton • Report or W House

t l u i Ribbon B«iti

Sport Spel

News Comedy Hour

, Louli Pr^ma • I UtnniBlrt N«M. SIM ONIitvt! M M M>

>; V

Ooiiii„ 5^4

An Independent

Weekly New.spaper

VOL. Vlll - XO. 47

lEast Nfttta Our Telephone. Numbers Business: Alwaler 8-1661 Editorial: IlObarl 7-5811

."uhiithed WttHy by r r t r Prru Pubiicallons, Inc. Yrarlv Sufascrlpllon J2.5Q.

K.\ST II.WKN. I ' O X N K r T l c n , 'I ' l iriiSD.W, FKHUK.MtY 11, l!)."i4 G C'lilH A Copy — .$2.fiO A Ycav

Appeal Of Ruling Against

Garbage Ban Is Weighed A riilinf; liy n New Ilnven Com-

of Common Plrn.s jutlRO voWlnR a | P H o s i d e i l l S Town bail on Ihp Impni-lalion of | ' " • ^ " " " l - * " " - " ' »

May Seek Appeal Of Kurlingc is heins; studied liy locnl orriclals. This- study, wilh n view of a pos.slhlc nppeni lo tho .Su­preme ' Cour t of Error.s wn.s indl-palPd liy Iho remarks yes len lny of P l r s l Selectman Frank Clancy.

T h e ordinance In r|ucstion Is nn act pa.ssed las t August 24 a l a special town meeting. I t .p roh ib i ted Iho Iniporlntlon of RnrhaBc and was aimed at such activity on the part, of Pasqunle Mollllo, ope ra to r Of a plfigery located Just, sou th of w h a t Is popularly knowii as Foxon P a r k ,

"n ispnses" of 1!113 I j i w By implleallon, the rullnj? also

disposes of ano the r Town ordl-iianec, passed by, town m e e t i n g In 1912,^ rcqulr lnj j tho l icensing of contraetor.^i haul ing ga rbnge and refuse th rough the s t ree t s , Mellllo bad been convicted on 13 c o u n t s of violation of this o rd inance last s u m m e r and while be w a s a p ­pea l ing It t he more ' r e c e n t ordi ­nance was pns.sod.

T h o ea r l i e r ordinance w a s en­acted a f t e r t he Hamden g a r b a g e con t r ac to r won an appeals cou r t decision in 1941 against T o w n ef­forts t o enjoin bis opera t ion of the p iggery .

C lancy said t h a t he was not ready to announce any course of act ion on t h e m a t t e r which w a s u n d e r s tudy by Town Counsel R i cha rd Rellly. The first select­m a n Is scheduled to m e e t wi th a g roup of res idents from the Foxon P a r k a r e a a l .5 o'clock th is af ter­noon. T h e group will be r ep re ­sented by New Ilnven A t t o r n e y J o s e p h Kole t sky .

Apiieals C o u r t Judge R a y m o n d J. Devlin ruled las t Fi-idny t h a t Ihe B o a r d of Selec tmen, prcsum-, ably ' u n d e r the special Board cif F i n a n c e Act of i9 I5( Is t h e p rope r a u t h o r i t y lo enact such a n ordi­nance as t h e one in ques t ion . Tlie ac t .stales In p a r t t h a t "Sii(4 lioarij (of se lec tmen) shall have t h e PQW-er to m a k e rules and regu la l lons

* c o n c e r n i n g t he removal and . , rilsr posit ion o t gnrlmge and . • r i hb i sh . \xx".

Selec tmen "On S p o t " T h e Fo.^ton P a r k g r o u p is e.x-

pec led t o p r e s e n l a d e m a n d , t h a t the i3oard of Selec tmen re-enact Immedia te ly t h e ord inance , 'u'hioK would become effective: wi th in a shor t t ime .

Clancy admi t t ed t h a t t h e . de­mand puts the soleclinen, pa r t i cu ­lar ly the major i ty m e m b e r s and t h e town adminis t ra t ion , "r. ight In the middle." In, short , responsibil­i ty would rest with t h e adminis ­t r a t ion and not mere ly wi th those voting; a t a town mee t ing .

A.side f rom this, the .select­m a n did no t make cleqr exact ly why he felt himself to be "on the spot" . Never theless , t h e s i tua t ion appeored to be uncomfor tab le enough , so t h a t recourco by ap­peal to t h e Supreme Cour t , a lmost su re 10 be drawn out o v e r a per­iod of mon ths — Is be ing consid­ered, ' •

T h e first selectman asser ted t h a t the Common P l e a s C o u r t r u l i n g pu t in doubt Ihe va l id i ty of a n u m b e r of o the r T o w n l aws and t h a t n possible S u p r e m e C o u r t l e -ve r sa l could serve to reinforce conf idence ' In ord inances now on the books.

A t l ea s t one local l a w y e r doub t ­ed t h a t all Town o rd inances were in j e o p a r d y . Ho felt t h a t a numbe i m i g h t be, If Devlin's decision is al lowed lo-slai id, hu t these would ho t he ones affected by the s ta­t u t e s and special ac t pe r t i nen t to bis pa r t i cu la r case only.

W h e t h e r t h e local B o a r d of Se­l e c t m e n can command exclusive jur isdict ion In those sphe res of admin i s t r aUve act ivi ty as a r e ver\ gene ra l ly defined in t he special ac t of 1915 is b e i n g deba ted . I t w a s felt by some, at least , tha t tlu possibility of a S u p r e m e Court r eve r sa l of the r ecen t ru l ing w a s s t rong enough to w a r r a n t t a k i n g the m a t t e r to that high judicial body.

T h e Town has un t i l F r iday to file notice of appeal .

CliarKf'S DisiulKstrd In voiding the r ecen t ly passed

ordinance . Judge Devlin dismissed c h a r g e s of violat ions lodged

Nigainst Mellllo a n d t h r e e em-pUiyes. No law, no violation, he .-aid.

Tlie Hamden pig-farm opera to r . whii c laims he has since lost a uarliage removal con t rac t Willi N ™ Haven and Nor th Haven, was fined SIO each for 15 viola-lioiis iind Ids helliers fined at t h e riiiiio rale on tour additional vio­lations.

Fuiilwr orrests and prosecu-limi wore halted last November iintier a temporary injunction se­cured fiom the Court of Common Pleas.

•ludge Devlin's decision repre­sents the I'-'Ual victory for Melillo wild has been involved In a long-^jinilmg tonnicl with his Foxon

tConliimi'd On I 'ugo Tl i r i f )

Dra\v Up School, Budget

Gagliardi Reversal Residents of the Foxon a r e a

w e r e preparing; to t a k e : act ion to secure some m e a n s of d e t e r r i n g t h e erect ion of a pavilion by An­tonio Gapllardl , on proi ier ly a l ­ready owned by him on Route 80. Severa l m e m b e r s of the Board of Zoning Appeals h a v e been . con-tac tcd on t he pcssibility of a p ­peal ing n deci.sion by a C o m m o n P l e a s Court j u d g e . 'I'he decision over- ru led Hie local Zoning Board on lis refusal t o g i ' an l Gngliardi perml.sslon to bui ld the iiaviUon. ' Tile jocal zoning aiipeais board had rejected Gagl lardl ' s |)iMHion for a permi t , l a s t Sep l emhcr 9 following U' s t o r m y h e a r i n g al whlcli many appea red to oiipose t h e pavilion on t he g round t ha t It would c reh te a nuisance.

Tho fact of approval o r dis­approva l - by i s u r r o u n d i n g p r o p e r t y o w n e r s In itself cannot be the basis for acliqri by a zoning au ­thor i ty , J u d g e John Clark Fi tz­gera ld , of t h e .New Haven cour t , ruled* ear l ier this , week, l i e said t h e a u t h o r i t y m u s t test i ts ac­tion solely o n . establlshert legal principles ,

Gagliaril l hud appealed ' the- . lo­ca l . , board ' s decision on tlie g r o u n d t h a t Section H I , Sub-so'clloh ,•?; ot t h e • t o w n . zoing and bui ld ing r egu la l lons provides t h a i a building can be erected for rcc- | r e a t i o n a r use on condilion t h a t it Is not one. in w h i c h " t l i e cliief act ivi ty, is a. service c a r r i e d .on a s ' a ' i jusiness," ' •

T h e local .hoard ' s defense was that', 'Subsection . 8 of t h e -sa ine secl^bii specified t h a t in a n . A r e s i d e n l , zone, no dwel l ing shall

-be:,cr.e"cteil,. p x c e p l , ' a ono- Ia rnny

Town Meets Thursday To Act On $1,160,000 School Bldg. Budget

(laiicy Piaiscs Urges Aelion To Put Town

On Sound Financial Basis

News Plutlo Uiiy iJ ir i t ' (rifjlll, sliimrmKt \s >lin\vn i ' \ iiluiiiinu U lininl hcrnrc the fiiiiil johlt n i r r l lu t ; lii'twoi'il tln-ItoiU'd ol" ri i iaiicf^uiul tin- Kh-miMilary Srhnnl IluHtlinj; C n i n m i U r r lust Tluifiiiljiy cviMiiiiR. Till* two IHUHI'S uuri'i'd nil II liiiiil liiulj;->l <it" $l,l(»l,(HHl lor the rmislriH'tloii nf school>4. LlslciihiK i f c (loft (o I'inlil): Kr^lif UiMirii'ld. First Scli'otnuiii KniiiU linrhi 'r iiiul .!ulin IMitllii'nt, oT tin* riiiniUM' Uonrd; AiTliitf'ft l l c n m i n (ioldln'rki ' r (ImtU lo I'liiiirrii) who purHy olisi'uri's a vUnv of - l l n r r y Mormiti sccrc tury nl" (lir foniiiiilti ' i ' ; Town KI IKI IUTI ' H O I K T I nccli<'r MHiiiliiiK; licli'JiO MIMII'K*' lA-tis coiuitiit-t i 'c clmirnuii i ; mui AU'n-d llolcomlM*, J r . , luuI Liiric. Smiled Ixdilnd and tddd^Mi by (-luiicy In I ' l ' t r r W c b r r , FiuniKM- Hoard nn'HilM'r.

Enactment Of A 'Skeleton^

Toivn Zoning Plan Imniinent Tho enaf tmont lif sUclolon udyi.^ttble for Ihp Town lo wall

house . ,y^Judeo^.FlUK^^^^ ,,.jUiIn "a w u e l c p o p n ns posslTiIe. ^^>- . " -^^^ .- I h n t ' IJic • s u b s e c U o n ' o n 'which Gngliardi m a d e ' his nppoal was " to ta l ly indepondent of" t h a t on which Iho Appeals board based its'defoiiMo and iha t t h e r e f o r e tho la l le i ' body w a s maitiriK too s lHot nn ' In lo rpre ia t ion .

C u b Pack Five Holding Dinner Mon . Evening

Cub P a c k F ive wlU hold itW Bliie and Gold Dinner M o n d a y n ight a t 6:30 in tlie Hipli School eafe ler ia . M e m b e r s of t l ie Pack , and the i r p a r e n t s have been in ; vited to a t t e n d the m e e t i n g nl which new memiiors will bo in­ducted and severa l will l)o "g rad ­ua ted" .

town "plan whicli would onla l l ; l a rge r res ident ia l lot r equ i r emen t s -and serve a s a check lo i he now unregu la t ed inei'Qnstj of hfinies In E a s t ' l l a v e n is possible wi th in ihi.v n e x t . f(?w..weeki*.;. :.

Lawrence Moore, senior inentbor of Teclinical P l a n n i n g Associates, I n c . told a g a t h e r i n g nf m o r e than two dozen iiersons last T lmrsdny evening t h a t , he hoped lie wnuidi iiV^>aJilqjto present a g e n e r a l zon-'i^

n g Coinnilssion w|LhI or 10 dtiys" for subsequent enact-;' men t . '4Mie mee t ing w a s , hold by; the _^la,nnlng- nnd_., Z o n i n g . Com-! mission in tlie basement of the' Town^Hal l . * . '

Char le s II. Miller, c h a i r m a n of the Town phinning body . ' f avo red the e n a c t m e n t .of. 3 ' genGra l plan over the enforcoinenl., of l imited and a rb i t r a ry regu la t ions tlosignod to check , ' t he ra te o f rosiiienlial l and ,deve iopinont wIthJh East . l lu- , ' ven limits.

W h e n \ p repa red ; liy Technical P lann ing , which Is now engaged in d rawing up a detailed pilot plan, t h e . "stop - gap" , measu re would be submit ted to a public hear ing. Moure told tht ' ai^senibly and the Commission t h a t it would lie in-

"six ur e i g h t months*' longer which would bo needed 1.0 comple lc t he pilot plan. "1 cnn see no leasnn for . f in ishing up a comple t e plan before tiikinR corlnin s teps ." he said.

Moore .said he t h o u g h t it would b e ' " in ju r ious" to .the T o w n not to ^tnke s t e p s as quickly as possible t o i-egulntn t he exist ing situntipn.; T h e p l a n n e r said he felt t h a t ,iiid T o w n h a d a serious pVoblemVand

possil Moore polntoil ou t t i i a t ;2on!ng

is accompl ished by t he Zoning and P l a n n i n g Commission i n 'accord­ance wi th a comprehensive plan, l i e said h e felt that a g e n e r a ! plan wblch ' w o u l d .si^lS'o^Iateir,': a s ' the backbone of t h f p i o r d ^ detai led -pl-loi> plan could• inee' legal -require-^ inohts for a conipi-clienBive zoning. ' . Miller, w h o Introduced the! .NcW

H a v e n plannej ' . i iahr in h is ,opening remai ' l ts l:h£ii the Tovyn's. p resent , / o n i n g code, set up in 1937, w a s "very w e a k " In. .soine places. He said tluit it could be described ge­nera l ly us ' 'obsolele."

In a remfir l r Inter he slnlod thai " W e deflnllely w a n t to help tlif Town X X X bill now we Oi'c

(Cont inued On I 'age Thrue )

Post Needs Observers

To Ask Authority Foif Joining N.1L On jAir Zoning Bd.

Ennelmcnt ( i f 'nn orrtlnnnci! nu-Ihorl'/.lng Ens l I lnven to imrtlcl-pnle with New I lnven on ii Joint a i rpor l /.onlnu commission may he souRln' In llie n e a r future; •

First Seleelmiin I'^rnnk Clancy today (lIspluytMl n ropy of a Nmv l luven ' orri lnnnro niitlicirl/.lng the city to appoint two m e m b e r s of a joint; tmmmisslon. , 'T l i c ; .o rd inance

.was'nd\<5d.up6n liy t h e Nevyjllnven, BoaVtl'j,o|;:^.Altlernien'. -at- a 'sesKloh laBt;^i)*l1th;•',': t;:!';, iV '- i >'••' '•v i

sen ta i lves would linve lo bc.-.selec-ed to servo on t he joint coriii'iili!.-slon. T h e n e w body Is aulliorl'/.od bnde r an .act passed by the last session of t he .General Assembly.

.It ,would he composed of ',two menibei-s each f rom .New , H a v e n and E a s t Haven . T h e l o u r would. In turn,! .leleel a f i f t h . m e m b e r and eiinlrnian by mnjor l ty vo le . ; ;The commission would l i i ivo ' the power to enforce zoning regula t loos In those E a s t Haven a r e a s affected by the flight, p a t h s ot t he Now Ilnven Municipal Airpor t .

Clancy pointed lo a provision in the new s l a t u l e which would invest t he s t a l e Aeronaut ics Com­mission wl lb power to enforce ,any safety zoning rogulut lons In t he event this town failed lo part ic i­pa te on a jo int board. l i e said t ha t t i le Town would thus be a t the mercy of ou ts ide aulbor l t les , It. coopera ted .

To Ha- voices of |)rivnte cit l /el ls urp,ing iironiiil a n i o n ti> lialt the j w ideninti i^n\i lietwcen t he Jl 'own's r ,rowini: school nt'iMls and l is fi-niuirial nhll i ty to meet those needs lliis wecls w a s added t ha t of R, X'ernoii Hays, .suiicrliitendont of schools,

SpeaUIng Tuesday alglit before a ni i 'e l lng of the Must Haven C h a m b e r of CommoiTo, llay.s w a r n e d that unlcM SQine ael l im wan taUim soon, to put the 'I'own tm a more realistic basis, budget-wise . It was beaded for a great deal of n imble . T h e r e -mar l i s j ve rc l i n l - a crll lelsm of t h e town gnvornmei l t .

Po in t ing l o tho growing omplin-sls on T o w n financial m a t t e r s In the papers , Hiiys asserted t ha t E a s t I lnven was, In the absence of cor rec t ive iiicnsiire,'!, In Iho lu­dicrous position of a business cn-le rp r l se wbleb - \viis c o n s u m i n g t h r e e t imes as much money as It was producing.

T h e head, schnnl a r tmla l s t ra lo r advanced t h r o e possibilities which t h e T o w n m i g h t consider In o rde r to brii ig Its vevcnuos and l i s , e x ­pend i tu res in to bniahce; 1) secure t h e location h e r e of heavy Indus­t r y . 2) ob ta in an equal izat ion o t tho s c h o o l ' l u x load over n l a r g e r base, i. e. on ii s ta le-wide basin. 3) enac t ' some measure of eon-t ro l l ing t h e growth of hous ing projects .

. T w o I'nssllillltles T h e school heart said t h a t of t h e ; thro6j , posiilhllltlos ho listed as mcan'tiV o f corroclli ig th is t r end

Mi'mbers af the cliaiubcr wore nnaillnioliH In arKreenienl that a /nnl i ig plan be ndoplcd us t|nlcUl,v us pusslhle.

Hays IhoURht t h a t a more equl l -abli ' system might, b( enncled hy Ihe sliilo leglslalui'{' under u s.v.s-l e m o t calculal.lonViiUIng Into a c ­count the r a t i o be tween a town ' s sehnnt jiopul'atioii and lis g rand Usl,

, .Siilipiirt Uy Sa les Tux Since the reve'nue for s l a t e

g r a n t s was received from n sa les t ax , there was .little re la t ion l)e-Iween ii, c o m m u n i t y ' s abili ty to p a y taxes and the amount. II, ilbl pay . He said t h a t only unt i l enough towns In predlnnmenLs s imi la r lo Ihnt o t ' E a s t IlAven go t iogel l ier would t h e r e ho a b road­en ing of the educni lonni l a x base .

S t a l e g r a n t s to iisslst In t he con­s t ruc t ion of schools was also bnl-cu la led on a fixed basis riil l ior t h a n on iieed. Hays said, and w o r e

• Uieroforc Insuffldoni, bell) lo g row­i n g (owns l ike this one .

Bticteetury IMnbleni H a y s s lated t ha t each now

fuinlly purchas ing a lionie In E a s l • (Cuatliuicd On Tage Three )

Coinmiltcc Help InDraningBiidgct

A sohoiii budget (o tn l lng $1 , -

1(111,01)0 to mcel nil Ihe cosis ot

eons i ruc l lng two H - r o o m ele­

menta ry schools and a lliroo-

ela.ssroom addition will b e stjb-

mltled for action by a town

niectlng next Thu r sday n l S .p .m.

Ill t he T o w n Hall . Official nollce tor (ho meol i

lug was d u e lo go out thin wool;, ' The date Is wllliln a tow days ()f a t en la t lve scbodulp whiolv L.D.1II9 Uortfleld, a monlbor o t ( b o Bnui'd of F inance , hart sot fo r th n t n meet ing e a r l y lasl viec)(.

There w e r e no s igns o t opoii opiinsltlon 10 the l)udi»pt wlllplt was appi'overt by llio Boai'i) ' of Finance at n Joint mcelln({ wi th the Eli>men(aiy Schno | nulWInR Commit tee l a s t weoli, T h o ))onrtl anrt coniml l leo appepvod in bo In complclq nBrcemciil on ' llio filial lolnl .

l*nilseH'CominlUeo F i r s t Se lec tman ' F rnn l c JC lancy

declared this week t h a i be thnugh l t he BulUtlng Cpnimluiio bad done "11 very good Jpb.V'Ho sold he Wanted lo oxprosn bin public t h a n k s |o (be commi t t ee "for t l ie ir tr t iucndouH job, nml (or the w a y In which tboy hnn-

H c sold ho wna plenhod t h e spi r i t of coopprndon

tfr*<^i^; jiJjf^Vff'-M* *-'^'-'T • ^-i^-.rf"^'^ *f^, M-.*. . . ^^^ , <_iC-^-. ^ i . - * . . -^^^^ f o i l I r Pho to

.Shown above is a inc tu re ot t h e Uraiiford Civil Defense Olf^ervalion ViM a t t he lime of Its dedlca-linn in J u l y l!li>-. T h e post, located at .MenioriiU i ' u rk ' . on Itraitf-^rd INilat, IIUH been In eeiihlunt op-eru l ion since tha i dale, as -un in tegra l par t of the cftiituienlal a i r defease, system. This pusl sefisoii t he top port ion h a s been enclosed to protect obse rvers from the w e a t h e r . More valUMteer ()b»erv-c r s a r e now bciag ree ru i t cd in Eiibt Huveii uurt C r a a f o r d , ' '

Insurance Com'n To Weigh Private Survey Of Needs

A m e e t i n g of the Insu rance ! Commission wilh a rei i resentat ive

of Ilie Har t ford insurance firm of ' W . U ' o n , Morley and Baldwin look I plai i ' Insl S a t u r d a y . Anotlier meet­

ing is scheduled for Iwo o'clock this af ternoon w h e n the cominls-••iiiii. v.iil consider a pro | )osa l 'by thai firm lo conduc t n S2,.Wn sur-X \ into Town Insurance policies anti ;i recomniended plan ot cover-h <

]''irsi .Selectman F rank Clancy I Ii ilial the firm had offeied to

' u i v "ul the su rvey wi thout cost ID ilir ' I 'oun and tha t Its rccoiri-nicndat iuns would ho subject to .ipipioval or disapproval hy t he JriMiinnce CommLsslon, T h e plan \\uiilfi iiKdude poiislble reas.sess-lueiii of town proper ty In hulkl lng and upwarrl revis ion of coverage on those buiidlngH, hoatjng cqulp-iiieni and on T o w n motor volilcles.

Tlie firm, wliicli provides some of the T(;wn in.suriinco would, d r aw up a -jnifiert p lan o t coverage v.iih Ihe ass is tance and advice .of 111!.' i nsurance c«mnil.s.slon, Clancy •,ai(l. . He alpx) s la ted t ha t Insur-, aiiie ciimmisslons y.'01ild be d|vld-eti i inirmgii l l local and act ive In-su ianee hrokerii, In nccordanc'e Willi a plan announced earl ier . .Size of t he firms woul ' l h a v e some bear ing o f ' b o w much of a"cut, '- ' '•aeii , received.

Clancy sold ho tbougb t . (hero were now "abou t elghi o r n lpo" fK-iive insurance firms i n ' ' t o w n . Each would receive a s h a r e " r e -giirdless of pallllca", ho sairti T h e plan wdS devised w i t h ' t h e pur­pose of secur ing the cftlg-lent sys tem o t . i n s u r B n c e iirqtoc-Hop'for Utc Town . ' '

Legislators Ask Petition On Erosion Bill

s t a l e I loprcsen ta l ives Ade lbur t | «','''^>' wasd isp lnyoc i by Ibo ep,n

. died It,' with

( o w a r a In^olvency be t h o u g ^ . «''« 1 ' ™ ^ ^ ^ r i s ^ ' S S 1 1 ! ; ; [ l ^ l v ' ^ i ^ P ^ L i r ? " M

Wtil»-t>nn\.J)a(l(!cUiJ!.ady^iW_H!'!lS!5:..«. ly," C lanoy Mild. ' ' ' ''"' ' ' "

T h e T o w n ' Hall wn.s selcc(od as a m e e l l n « place InHtend'ot t ho Illgli .School audlloi'lUni, an ^mi been t he case ufiOiilly. -A F inance Board meni l ie r oxptaliit 'd ' |.liat l i t t le opposit ion Jifrilii ni)UdlpBj.)?t| to Ihe biidgei, a n d ' Diiil • oon^o-nuen l ly n h u g e meot lns : p ' nco was nbi needed. He said also that llio F i n a n c e Board, anxlou.i to g e l things undc iway , b a d n o llmq t o check on the nvnilnhlllty of (lio aud i to r ium for next Thur,sdoy and t h u s se le t led i be T o w n Ifall . If need be, the m e e t i n g cpuld be t i a n s f e r r e d to Ihe High Sclionl, Clancy i.aid. ' ' '

The F inance Board mot Mon-dany wi th Allen S m i t h , a I'opro-sen ta l lve of Iho H a r U o r d bond­ing firm of Day, B e r r y and Howa id , Haiiforrt bonding a l ­to, neys, to p r o i i u i e l b e iinal bud-gel draf t and l-o^vn mee t ing -co l l .

Sites Acquisition To Be Included * In Bond Issue

h ^ ".tjUlfttVntondent of .Bchoota endorsed (,b(> announced p lans by T o w n officials In s u u i e a 'zoning p lan a s pj'omiitly as posslbli? in o i d i i to enact moie i lgid bui ld ing

, re( |u l i 'ements . He .said t h a t H a v e n would do well lo follow t h e cxamplL of Nor th H a v e n , In es tab l i sh ing la ig i i m l n b n u m .„]0t l e q u i i c m f i i l s aqd u q u i i i n g ceCr la in i m p ) 0 \ e m L n i s such as pe rm­a n e n t , roads

HrgfK rq i ia l l /u t ion H a j e s u i g t d that Ihi* t o w n In-

s t i iKl Its t w o luptf scnlatUeK lo t h e next sessfnn o ' t h e Cei ieral A.s.sembly to work inr an cqualliea-t ion of t h e t ax load for educa t ing chllrtren. He cxjjlulned t h e pres­e n t s t a t e g r a n t s for c u m ^ p t oper­a t ing expensofi arc liased on a r ig-1 id .system which does not t a k e into accoun t n munlelpal l ly 's ac tua l 1 need for a id.

Fo r example , he snid, lowns l ike N o r l h H a v e n and F.asl Haven re-1 eelved t he iter pupil g r a n t on the s a m e basis. This, he said, n o t ­w i th s t and ing the fuel t h a t Nor th H a v e n h a s exionslvo Industr ia l p roper ly from which It can der ive a great, deql more r e v e n u e t h a n can E a s t Haven , Many of tho peo­ple who work In Nor th Haven In­dustr ies , live In Eas t Haven and leave it t o IhlS; town to educa t e the i r ebl idren, he pointed out .

Havort roRldentB l o ' wrl ln Ibe l r Co'n'gres.'ilonnl -ToprcjieiiUitit)jii« 10 rcqiiosl hicUlsion of. the, s b o i e in a proposed hill for fcdOrnl ^lid (o communi t i e s suffer ing beach damage . •

T h e ' legislator.'! h a v e nddres.scd tiiBlr o w n ' l b t t e r to U. S. S e n a t o r s

I P)'o'Rco).t BtJsli and Wil l iam A. P u r t e l l ; <i« fol lows; ' . ' 'D^t i r S e n a t o r :

' "A,?''spoii.soi'R o t H.,T.R. 47 - Eo,'!-oiiill^itv Memoria l iz ing Congress , Concerning our Bench Erosion P r o g r a m - in.W . Session of Iho Connect icut Oenera l A.isemlily, w e w e r e very m u c h Inlei'csted r ead ­ing In t he press that , you had pro-sonled a bill (S.B, 2G7G) In t h e S e n a t e cover ing the .shore f ront wes t of New Haven .

Since tills press release wo h a v e received m a n y cal ls fi'Oin r e s iden t s nionj? t he E a s t shore , pa r t i cu la r ly from our own Town, East, Haven .

" W e the re fore respoctfully u r g e you to Include In thlB p rog ram t h e E a s t shore , i i a r l l cu lnr ly Kost ..Ha­ven shore front w h e r e o u r bcncboB a re fast d i sappea r ing and grea t damoge is be ing done d u r i n g s torms."

Sena tors Bush 'and Pur l e l l can be wi'llleii lo , ca re of Iho S e n a t e Office Bldg,, In Wn.shlngton. Con­gressman Albe r t Cretcl lu , a t t h e U. S. House of Ueprosen ta l lves .


m Recruit Air Spotters Here To

Help Man Area Observatory Because t he radar screen pro­

tec t ing the continental United .States aga ins t enemy a t t a c k can­not cover all ureas. It mus t be supplemented by human obsi.'r'vers us ing t h e i r own ttycs and ea r s . F o r , t h a t rea.son, hundreds of g round 'observation ' posts ' have b e e n ' r e ­establ ished th rbughou l t h e United S ta tes .

One of the mnsl ' t i roni lnenl p a r t s played In th is sphere of c iv i l ' r te -lense has been Hint of t h e obser­va to ry posted on a - k n o l l In Me-, mortal P a r k ut Branford p o i n t . Dur ing t he war and sines, w h e n .it was moved to Us pre.sent loca-lloii ond quor tc rs , t he observa t ion post h a s hud a leading p a r i In m a n y rtramallc rcscueji o t Anier j - , can pilots downed In I-ong I s l and Sound;

Most recently, ear ly las t Decem­ber observers In the pOKl spo t t ed •the f lares about a downed N a v y ploiie off New 1 litysn ha rbor . T h e obsei 'veri/ r epo r t pe rmi t t ed a :res-cuo by Coast Guard p lanes Of E n -.slgn J a m e s Shapiro a n d his m e ­chanic , Donalrt K. S o c k m a n . .

Help Needed T h e p r e s e n t , p o s t , In c o n s t a n t

operuUoti since il w a s opened on J u l y 14, 1932. needs, a l a rge n u m ­b e r of re^rulti i t o he lp t h e p r e s e n t S t a n cont lnug litis ' v a l u u b l e ' c i v i r

defense servlci,', Pa t r lo l i c men and women of East Haven and Bran­ford have iier'n lliged to legls te i for one watch ejieli m o a l b .

Women m e urjji 'nlly neetled to t a k e a s ingle two.;liour w a t c h dur­ing the hou r s of 8 a.m. t o l l ji.m. Willie men a r e needed to nuuv. tbe post for t w o - h o u r s'hlfts f iom six until mldnlghl and th ree - houi shifts J r o j n midnight to (! a .m.

All observers serve only for one shift eiich month . Each wa tch , wheneve r possible, Is mimned by •Iwp; persons in order to pe rmi t mos t ' efficient o])erallon of the ground obsei va lo ry ,

, In Eas t J luven, res idents a r e be­ing recru i ted by an Informal com­mi t t ee headed hy Civil Defense Director Alan Knight , and consist­i n g of ' T h o m a s W'.'bster, John Pcueher , .1. H e r b e r t Fee ley , and Elwood Scoble . I n t o r m a t l o n v m a y b e o b t o l n o d t ioni any one of these pCTsons.,

Knst j l u v e n e r f..ags 100 i l o n n i iOne o r t he most faithful m e m ­

bers o t t h e post Is J o h n Hol land, o t Meadow St., E a s t .Haven , w h o jccel i t ly w a s a w a r d e d u m e r l l ce i -llflcate In recognit ion of h is more than 100 hour s ' faithful serv ice .

Ass ignments m a y be received from M rs . Joseph Arnold, pi P ine

' (Cont inued On P a g o Tl iree) .

Hv PIIV1.I.I.'< l'-l.<)01> Months of bind w o r k by t h e .

1 i e m e n l a i v School Building Com-, „ „ t , c i ,„re fuill last T h u r s d a y * niebl w h - n the Boa ld ot FlnnpCe el l , ' I 'd to lecommend $1,100,000 lo Imunee t h e cuiroilt school bui ld ing p rogram. Town Coun ie l WIcbard Uelliy Is drawing up t h e call to a town m e e t i n g which w l l l - b e . beW as qu ick ly as |)o.sslblc follpwtng publlcotlon. Once t h e "Go" dlgna comes wi th opprovul ' o t t he boprt Issue, open ing Mpt. ot t h e bMlldlng p r o g r a m wi l l be, t o k e n Immcdla to-

ly Arch l leu t Hoi 'man .Cojdliockcr

Informed the N E W S t h a t qnoo Ibi.' town n iee l lng a p p r o v e s the bpnil ls!.ue, a c t u a l cons l ruc t lgn could yo -iy possibly begin eai-ly In M a r c h . The D. Frenc ln l Co. of Derby; low blilders on t he two schools In G e r -rlsh and Tokon d l s l r lc la gave niv e s U m a l e ot .210 rtuy.s for complo-llon, which even w i t h tuvoroh le w e a t h e r would c a n y It w e l l ' l i l l o N o v e m b e r . ' , ' , '

H o w e v e r , ' M r . Goldbocker s t a l e d t h a t In his opinion, 11 i i ) lgh t , ) i e possible for cons t ruc t ion • Ip \i9 c o n c e n t r o t e d . o n t h e rooms,neDrte4 for e d u c a t i o n a l ' pu rposes , l e a v i n g , t he g e n e r a l purpose i'oom'K.' foe comple t ion a l t e r t h e schools ' a r e ac tua l l y In use. A p r e c e d e n t w p s se t on t h e Wil l iam E . CllUs SeliotJl vyliorc c lassrooms w e r e occupied a c o u p l e ot Weeks a t l c r t h o Btapt. of t h e school y e a r In 1932, a n d final accep tance ' canup w l i e p . t h e • ICoiitUluca Oi l I'UBO T l w e o j , "