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The Ten Step MBA for HSE Practitioners


Understand the 10-steps for effective transformation

The Ten Step MBA for HSE Practitioners


Understand the 10-steps for effective transformation

Dr Waddah S Ghanim Al Hashmi (BEng(Hons), DipSM, DipEM, MBA, MSc, DBA, AFIChemE, FEI, MIoD)

Online MasterClass 25-26 May, 2020

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Learning OutcOmes:

• UnderstandtheBusinessTransformationModelforHSEPractitioners

• AppreciatethebalanceofskillsrequiredtotransformfromanHSEPractitionertoaManagerandExecutive

• Understandthe10-stepsforeffectivetransformation–StepbyStep

• Reflectonstrengthsandweaknessesoftheirown

Page 2: Online MasterClass 25-26 May, · Ma nline Masterlass The Ten Step MBA for HSE Practitioners MasterClass MASTERClASS

[email protected] +36 1 848

25-26 May, 2020 Online MasterClass

The Ten Step MBA for HSE PractitionersMasterClass



The training workshop is based on the book published by Routledge in the UK entitled “The Ten-Step MBA for HSE Practitioners”. This 2-Day workshop is developed to help practitioners understand better the business knowledge and skills they need to attain and practice to help them succeed further in their careers as EHS practitioners, especially if they wish to develop to successful managers and directors in a business.

This workshop is mainly designed for people who work in HSE or related areas, but is very useful for those who work in technical disciplines who want to develop their business acumen skills. • HSEOfficers&Engineers• Fire&SafetyOfficers&Engineers• EnvironmentalOfficersandEngineers• Health and Safety Practitioners• HSE Team Leaders• HSE Managers• HSE DirectorsThis is an excellent program for the development of HSE, Health and Safety, Environmental Fire Protection and Prevention and other such practitioners to management positions.


The workshop attendees will receive a package that will include:• Presentation Notes• Some self-assessment forms• The text book• Key ideas sticker book• Action planning and self-development plan formats

• Assessment forms

Page 3: Online MasterClass 25-26 May, · Ma nline Masterlass The Ten Step MBA for HSE Practitioners MasterClass MASTERClASS

[email protected] +36 1 848

25-26 May, 2020 Online MasterClass

The Ten Step MBA for HSE PractitionersMasterClass

Since the ones who will be participating in this workshop are generally somewhat experienced technical practitioners, supervisors and managers who have undergone over some training and have experience in some extent of management of processes, workplaces and assets, the workshops are geared towards a discussion session where best practice thinking from recent industry research and practice will be shared. The key areas will be:Introduction to what a business exists for. The role of the HSE policy and practice in both risk management and business growth: practitioners will be guided towards better understanding of:1. Strategy and Leadership2. General Management3.CorporateSocialResponsibility&Governance4. Organizational Behavior5. Economics and Financial Management6. Operations Management7. Marketing8. Data Analytics and Decision Making9. Innovation and Entrepreneurship10. Interpersonal Skills


The MasterClass is an interactive workshop and there will be some pre-reading and self-reflection questionnaire given to all the participants. The workshop will use:• Presentations• Surveys – Self Development Scoring• GroupWork&Discussions• Action Planning


Page 4: Online MasterClass 25-26 May, · Ma nline Masterlass The Ten Step MBA for HSE Practitioners MasterClass MASTERClASS

[email protected] +36 1 848

25-26 May, 2020 Online MasterClass

The Ten Step MBA for HSE PractitionersMasterClass

Dr. Waddah S. Ghanem Al Hashmi BEng (Hons), DipEM, DipsM, MBA, Msc, DBA, AFicHEME, FEi,


Currently the Senior Director, Sustainability, Operational and Business Excellence for the Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC) in Dubai, UAE. Waddah currently overseas all the Sustainability, Environmental, CSR and Energy and Resource Management at ENOC as well as Operational and Business Excellence, Quality, IMS CertificationAssurance,InnovationandProcessImprovement.He has been responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of best practices and standardsforEHSAssurance,BusinessExcellence&Quality,Sustainability,SecurityandRiskManagementaswellasWellnessandSocialAffairsandadvocatesthecontinuedimprovementofthecompany’sEHSSQculturethroughhis leadershipofthecompany’sEHSSQregionalteam.WaddahalsooversawtheGroup’sLegalAffairsaswellasthedevelopmentandimplementationoftheENOCGroupCommunicationStrategyto support commercial growth and strategic positioning. He is a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Bradford School of Management - University of Bradford, has an MBA from the Bradford School of Management an MSc from the UAE University and has a BEng (Hons) inEnvironmentalEngineeringfromtheUniversityofWales,CollegeCardiff.

He was the Vice Chairman, Dubai Centre of Carbon Excellence “Dubai Carbon” (DCCE) PJSC (2010-2019) Appointed Member the Board, Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) – (Since 2015) an Elected Member of the Council, Energy Institute, UK (Since 2018) the Hon. Chairman, Energy Institute – Middle East Branch (Since 2017) and an Appointed Member, Emirates Environmental Group (EEG).

HehasoccupiedmanydifferentpositionsandrolesinhiscareerincludingEHSCoordinator,GroupManagerEHSCompliance,EHSAssuranceDirectorandExecutiveDirectorEHSSQ&CorporateAffairs.HehasseveninternationalbookspublishedinSafetyManagement,ReflectiveLearningforHSEpractitioners,OperationalExcellence, Governance and Leadership and Business Acumen skills for HSE practitioners and a book in theology. He has published many journal and conference papers and has in the span of his career presented inmore than 100 conferences and seminars inmore than 10 different countries. He is appointed as anadjacent (visiting) lecturer in the Universiti Technologi Petronas (UTP), Malaysia and is on the advisory Board of the University of Modern Sciences in Dubai. He was also appointed as an advisory to the Board of the Clean EnergyBusinessCouncilwhich is a not-for-profit professional business organization established inthe UAE. He is also appointed as an external examiner for PhD defenses for the University of Petroleum and Environmental Sciences (UPES), Dehradun, India. He independently trains and consults for Evolve in his personal time.

He received the Sustainability Leader of the Year Award by the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment(IEMA)in2019.DrWaddahAlHashmiisconsideredoneofthemostinfluentialandcompetentauthorities in the subject areas of HSE, Operational Excellence and Sustainability, especially in the Middle East.

He is very passionate about improving the HSE standards internationally and is especially interested in improvements in HSE practitioner competence and capabilities.

Meet the Trainer!

Page 5: Online MasterClass 25-26 May, · Ma nline Masterlass The Ten Step MBA for HSE Practitioners MasterClass MASTERClASS

[email protected] +36 1 848

25-26 May, 2020 Online MasterClass

The Ten Step MBA for HSE PractitionersMasterClass

RegistRation, Welcome tea, coffee, netWoRking

introduction for the transformation Model for HsE practitioners

• Introduction and explanation of themodel

• 3keyareas• Reflectionsandlearningdifferences


• opening discussions with introductionstotheprogram

• Expectationsfromtheparticipants


• Asurveywillbedeliveredtogaugehowsufficientlyconfidentandcomfortablepractitioners are with the differentbusinessskills

survey feedback

• The survey results will be collectedandgraphswiththedifferencesofthepractitioners will be reviewed anddiscussed

strategy and Leadership

• Presentationanddiscussion

general management

• Presentationanddiscussion csr and governance

• Presentationanddiscussion

group reflective session on strategic themes

• The group will work in 3 differentgroups where the modules learnedcanbeapplied in theirdailyworkaspractitioners and managers in theirorganization

• delegates will need to connect theinformation presented with appliedexamplesofwheretheycanusethisknowledgeatwork

conclusions of Day 1

• didwemeetyourexpectations?• Whatdidyoulearn?• Whatcanyoudotoimprovethings?












tea, coffee & netWoRking 11:00

tea, coffee & netWoRking 15:45

end of day 117:00 END

luncheon & netWoRking12:45

Recap on Day 1 and start up Exercise

• openingdiscussions• Warmupexercises• discussions

organizational behavior and HRM

• Presentationanddiscussion

Economics and Finance

• Presentationanddiscussion

marketing and Brand management

• Presentationanddiscussion

operations Management

• Presentationanddiscussion

group Reflective session on cross-Functional Modules

• The group will work in 4 differentgroups where the modules learnedcan be applied in their dailywork aspractitioners and managers in theirorganization

• delegates will need to connect theinformation presented with appliedexamplesofwhere they canuse thisknowledgeatwork

innovation and entrepreneurship; Data Analytics and Decision Making & interpersonal skills

• Presentationanddiscussion

conclusions of Day 2 and the program

• didwemeetyourexpectations?• Whatdidyoulearn?• Whatcanyoudotoimprovethings?











tea, coffee & netWoRking 10:30

tea, coffee & netWoRking 15:15

end of day 217:30

luncheon & netWoRking12:45

tea, coffee, netWoRking

Page 6: Online MasterClass 25-26 May, · Ma nline Masterlass The Ten Step MBA for HSE Practitioners MasterClass MASTERClASS

[email protected] +36 1 848

25-26 May, 2020 Online MasterClass

The Ten Step MBA for HSE PractitionersMasterClass

Upcoming Events


• Enterprise Risk Management MasterClass

• PSD2 MasterClass

• Ini� al Margin Regula� on 2020 MasterClass

• 6th Annual Credit Risk Management Forum

• 8th Annual Retail and Corporate Payments Forum (BizzPay 8.0)

• OTC Ini� al Margin MasterClass

• Digitaliza� on in Banking

• Advanced RBA MasterClass

• IFRS9 MasterClass

• 9th Annual Internal Audit Forum

• Supply Chain Management Conference

• 7th Annual Credit Risk Management Forum

• 9th Annual Retail and Corporate Payments Forum (BizzPay 9.0)

• Digitaliza� on in Banking

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PHARMACEUTICAL EVENTS• LifeScience Micro MBA MasterClass

• Risk and Pharmacovigilance MasterClass


• MBA for HSE Prac� � oners MasterClass

• European HSE Management Forum 5.0

• Advanced Human Error MasterClass

• HSE360 Summit 2021

• European HSE Management Forum 6.0

HUMAN RESOURCES EVENTS • Execu� ve Assistant MasterClass

• Coaching MasterClass

• Agile Workplace Design Summit

• Agility in HR

• Advanced Organisa� on Design MasterClass

• Advanced Compensa� on and Benefi t MasterClass

• 15th HR Minds TalentON Forum

• Agile Workplace Design

• 16th HR Minds Forum

CROSS INDUSTRY EVENTS • Audi� ng Projects MasterClass

• 2nd Annual European Internal Audit Forum (Audit Zone)

• Situa� onal Leadership MasterClass

• Women in Leadership Summit

• Machine Learning MasterClass

• Climate Risk MasterClass

• 9th Annual Internal Audit Forum (Audit Masters) + Audit Zone

About GLC

Global Leading Conferences (GLC) is an industry leader in the field of business intelligence. We provide interactive & impactful business platforms and networking opportunities for senior level executives by bringing them together for B2B Conferences, Global Summits, Training & Workshops. Being customer focused and having our client’s priorities at the forefront, are amongst our core values and is of high importance to the way we operate our business.Our passion for customer satisfaction and results, drive us to work with industry experts closely - who fully understand their peers interests and day-to-day challenges - in order to deliver the most impactful events. We are specialized in industries such as; Pharmaceutical, Banking & Finance, Energy, Oil & Gas, IT & Communication, Sales & Marketing, Law and Human Resources.Our commitment is to deliver the latest information to our clients, while maintaining highest quality and standards. By attending GLC events your company will be able to apply advanced strategies to your operations, gain the latest know-how’s and benchmark yourself higher against the competition while enjoying a 5 star environment.

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• Maturity assessment for the team during thepreparationofthecourse

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