Download - Online Marketing Terms to Know by Heart by Sturt Ross


Online Marketing Termsto Know by Heart


The collection of dataabout the metrics of your

site - e.g. Number of visitors, number of page

views, etc.

Below the Fold

This term comes from print newspapers and

refers to anything that you need to scroll to see on a


Bounce Rate

This measures how long visitors spend on each

page of your site before going to a new page or

leaving the site altogether.

Conversion Rate

If you are looking to have visitors sign up for emails or click on a certain link while on your site, conversion rate measures the

percentage of visitors who completed the action.

Direct Traffic

This is the visitors who come directly to your site after having entered the web address versus people who find you via search

engines or through other means.


This metric measures how many people have interacted with the content that you post and how they are engaging with it (e.g.

retweeting, liking, sharing, etc.)

Evergreen Content

Rather than current content which discusses recent happenings and discoveries, evergreen content is relevant no matter when a viewer

would see it.


Hashtags are a remarkable categorization tool that allows

people to categorize their posts in a way that allows others to easily

find them. 


If engagements are anytime anyone interacts with your content, impressions are

anytime that they've had the chance to interact. Impressions are when your

content lands in front of someone else. 

Long-tail Keywords

If you're searching for 'Stuart Ross' and you want to find me instead of a different Stuart Ross, you might use the long-tail keyword

"Stuart Ross Six Figure Mentors" which helps to refine and narrow your search.

Organic Searches

Organic searches are when someone enters a keyword which leads them to click

on your site.

Unique Visitors

Say you have 1,200 page views over the course of a month. These could come from 1,200

different people, or from 1 person clicking 1,200 times. Unique visitors tells you the number of

new people who are visiting your page.


This shows the number of times people have been to your site and is tracked by

the duration of each visitor.