Download - One God - The Concept Of Oneness In Islam by Dr. Khalid Siddiqi

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The Concept of Oneness In IslamAs a Foundation of Islam and its Three

powerful Dimensions and pluralism and globalization

Islamic Studies CoursesDesigned and Taught in

Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, Chabot College, Hayward,

Ohlone College, Fremont, Mission College, Santa Clara,

De Anza College, Cupertino, by

Hafiz Mohammed Khalid Siddiqi, Ph.D.

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Islam is founded on the concept of Oneness and Unity of Allah swt, as the only Universal God. The Oneness and Unity of Humankind, as the most honorable creation of Allah swt. The Oneness and Unity of Divine message which was conveyed by all the Prophets and messengers from Adam to Muhammad, peace be upon all of them.

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We very often hear the words like: plural societies, globalization, and one human family, as new ideas of modern and civilized societies. The politicians, civilized and educated people, academic settings very frequently refer to these big words in ensuring their willingness to be above all forms of discrimination, racism and prejudice, at least in words.

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In the mean time they refer to Islamic countries, societies, and communities as barbaric, uncivilized and non-pluralistic societies. The propaganda industries of todays global mass media have achieved considerable success in their falsehood and constant lies due to some evil and misbehaving individuals among the Muslims who may be less than 5% of total population of Muslims in the world.

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You will constantly hear and read pretty strange adjectives connected to Islam, Muslims, Qur’an, and Shari’ah, for instance: Izlamic militants, Mozlim fundamentalists, Izlamic bomb, jihadists, terrorists etc.The global mass media makes sure to convey all those newly coined derogatory terms to target Islam, Muslims, Qur’an and Shari’ah only, and will not target any other people.

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These specific adjectives of most derogatory terms will not be connected to any real terrorist individual or group from any other nation of the world, for instance Timothy McVey, who was behind Oklahoma bombing, or David Koresh and his group who were given a title of a Christian cult. In addition to these, constant

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misquoting, misinterpreting, and misrepresenting the verses and concepts of the holy Qur’an has become a normal and perhaps “must do” practice of all kinds of reporting, articles, play writings, comedy script writings etc.,

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not only for general audience programs but even the cartoons and children programs were not spared to demonize Muslims to promote hate speech and writings, and to brain wash innocent minds of children.

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This targeted contamination and the process of international and very high level brain washing continues on all levels of general human societies and with considerable success in increasing the hate crimes against Muslims. We see it in Airports, in schools, in Market place, and other fields of human interaction.

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Since 1994 in general and after 9/11/2001 in particular, it was reported to me by my JC’s Muslim and non-Muslim students who were impacted by The media that the mass media of western countries is extremely unfair and harsh to Islam and Muslims and that they have realized after taking my course that Islam and Muslims are

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totally opposite of the way they are represented by the spoken and print media of the west in particular and the global media in general. We Muslims are partly responsible for this mistreatment because of our silence and lack of interest in defending ourselves by telling them The truth in words and in deeds about Islam,

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Muslims, Qur’an, and Shari’ah. The Global mass media is also partly responsible by not properly researching their stories as they do for non-Muslims, especially for Jews and Christians. The whole purpose of this lecture is to inform the world about the following facts of Islam, regarding God, the universe, the human family, the religion, and the truth about the misconceptions and stereotypes against Muslims:

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(1) Islam is the only religious system on face of earth which can establish the pluralistic societies as Prophet Muhammad pbuh had done in Madina, with Jews, Christians and other non-Muslim groups, because Islam is founded on the concept of Tawheed and Oneness. God says in Suratul-Fatihah: “ All Praise be to Allah (God) the Sustainer of the Worlds”.

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The Qur’an began here with Universality of this One Sustainer God. His Oneness is very frequently repeated in the Qur’an. Here is another verse from the 2nd Surah: “Your God is One God; there is no God but Him, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful”. The Holy Qur’an 2/163

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Here the compassion and mercifulness are mentioned as major attributes of God. If you believe in compassionate and merciful God, you can not be a true believer unless you become a compassionate and merciful believer to the creation of God. The humankind must know that there is only One universal God as the Qur’an further affirms in 2/136

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referring to previous prophets and messengers “Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the Prophets received from their Sustainer Lord. We make no distinction between any

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of them, and unto Him we have surrendered”.So here is the declaration of Qur’an to Muslims and the humankind that Allah is your universal God and God of the previous Prophets and Messengers namely: Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, tribes, Moses, and Jesus, Peace and Blessings of Allah swt be Upon Them all.

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It also declares that we made no distinction between the Prophets and Messengers. (2) Islam is the only religious system in the world which has the ability to make the globalization possible and establish pluralistic societies because it is

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founded on the concept of Oneness of the humankind. They are one family of Adam and Eve, and that children of Adam and Eve are siblings to each other, and that they have a duty and responsibility to treat each other with love and kindness, justice and fairness and find out more about each other. (60/8, 49/13).

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Here are the translations of the glorious words of Allah swt regarding this unity of humanity:“O’ Humankind! Surely we have created you from a single pair of a male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that you may know one another. Surely the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah, is the

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one who is more aware of Him from among you, Lo! Allah is knower aware”. The Holy Qur’an 49/13In this verse Allah swt is informing us that He has created the humankind from Adam and Eve, and made us into nations and tribes, and the purpose of it is to give us the opportunity to find out

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more about each other and recognize each other without claiming superiority over each other. The secret behind this is to realize that ignorance results in fear and hatred, as knowledge and recognition of each other will result in peaceful co-existence and respecting the choices of each other.

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(3) Islam is the only religious system which makes believing in all previous prophets and messengers as necessary part of believing in Islam. The reason for that is to explain to the humankind the third dimension of Oneness is to believe that Divine message is only one. It started with first man and first Prophet Adam, pbuh, and it was concluded on the hands of last

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and final prophet Muhammad pbuh, as mentioned in 5/3. The two main points of divine message passed by all the prophets and messengers through the various historical phases of development of human intellect, were: (1) How to connect with our creator Lord: Allah, and (2) How to connect with each other.

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The Divine message went through the changes and modifications as humanity was moving from stone age to civilization. That is why every prophet and messenger was raised to address the social change, and divine message has considered the common good in its teaching. When the human mind reached the highest Point of excellence and maturity level, the message was completed and perfected, as mentioned in the following verse:

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This day have I perfected your religious system for you, and completed My favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam (the way of submission of your will to the will of Allah) as your religious system. The Holy Qur’an 5/3. This is the same religion which was given to great prophets before you O’ Muhammad A.S., as mentioned in this verse:

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“The same religion has He established for you which He enjoined on Noah, the which we have sent by revelation to you, (O Muhammad) and that which we enjoined on Abraham, Moses and Jesus: namely that you should remain steadfast in religion and make no division therein, to those who worship other things than Allah,

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Hard is the (way) to which you call them, Allah chooses to Himself, those whom he pleases, and guides to himself those who turn (to Him). The Holy Qur’an 42/13In this verse 5 major Prophets of Allah swt are mentioned to have brought the same Religion, as all other prophets.

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(4) Islam is the only religious system which has made the knowledge of the nations and tribes as an obligation upon its followers to eliminate the mutual hatred and fear which results in wars, genocides, aggression and oppression because of ignorance of one another.

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(5) Islam is the only religious system which is founded on mutual cooperation and help of all on the basis of goodness and justice, 5/2.(6) Islam is the only religious system which demands its followers to stand firmly in establishing the justice as witnesses to God,

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Even though it be against your own selves, or your parents, or your kindred, whether the case be of a rich person or a poor, for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest you swerve, and if you distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do. 4/135

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(7) Islam commands Muslims to establish justice even when there is an enemy in front of you about whom you know that he hates you. 5/8(8) Islam teaches its followers to realize that the freedom of choice is not only the point of distinction of the humankind but it is the most fundamental God given right of all humans.

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(9) Islam is the first religious system which has designed the rules of engagement and the etiquettes of war and has made unlawful the ,killing of women, children, old people, disabled people, civilians, and people who have gone into a religious building of any religion or those who did not come to fight you.

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(10) Islam is the only religious system which has prohibited destruction of any humans’ assets, burning of buildings, means of transportations, cutting of a shaded tree or fruit tree, even the killing of an enemy who came to fight you and, he, inside the battle ground says peace.

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(11) Islam is the only religious system which does not allow the killing or torturing the prisoners, and let them go free if they teach 10 Muslims how to read.(12) Islamic Shari’ah is founded on: (A) Equal justice for all citizens regardless of their religion, color, and background. (B) Common good. (c) Laa Darara Walaa Dirar.

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(D) No difficulty.(E) To make its implementation easy. (F) Obligation within the human capacity. (G) Certain circumstances and needs will make certain prohibited actions, permissible for those who are forced with the necessity without willful transgression and rebellious behavior. (H) Naskh or abrogation of one ruling with a better or improved one.(2/106).

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(13) Islam provides a legal, political, and caliphate system in which all non-Muslim and Muslim citizens’ life, religion, property, intellect (Mind= freedom of speech), and honor will be protected. (as five basic human rights).

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(14) Now the question is then what has fragmented, broken, and disconnected the humankind, when Allah swt, God is One, humanity is One and their guiding religion is One?The answer is given by Allah swt through His last and final Testament: the Holy Qur’an:

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(A)“The humankind were one single nation, and Allah sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings, and with them he sent the Book in truth, to judge between people in matters wherein they differed; but the people of the Book after the clear signs came to them, did not differ among themselves, except through selfish contumacy. Allah by His Grace guided the

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believers to the truth, concerning that wherein they differed, for Allah guides whom He will to a path that is straight”. 2/213(B) ”And they became divided only after knowledge reached them, through selfish envy as between themselves. Had it not been for a word that went forth before from

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Your Lord (tending) to a term appointed, the matter would have been settled between them, but truly those who have inherited the Book after them are in suspicious doubt concerning it”. 42/14

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(C) “And We granted them clear signs in affairs (of Religion): it was only after knowledge had been granted to them that they fell into schisms (Separation within a group), through insolent envy among themselves. Verily your Lord will judge between them on the day of judgment as to those matters in which they set up differences”. 45/17

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(D) “The humankind were but one nation, but differed (later), had it not been for a word that went forth before from your Lord, their differences would have been settled between them”. 10/19 There are many verses in the Holy Qur’an which speak about the disunity of the humankind due to “Baghyanm Baynahum” selfish contumacy.

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The reality is that God’s Religion is the same in essence, whether given to Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, or Muhammad pbut, the source of unity is the Divine revelation. In Islam it is established as an Institution and does not remain merely a vague suggestion.(A. Y. Ali, note4541)

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The formation of sects is against the very principle of religion and unity, what we should strive for is steadfastness in duty and faith and unity among the humankind. Unity, unselfishness, love for Allah and man, these things are inconsistent with selfish aggrandizement (increase in power, wealth, and rank) see the story of Qarun who accused falsely Prophet Moses pbuh, on the basis of wealth.

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The establishment of unity is hard for those who love falsehood and love themselves, but the grace of Allah is free to all, and in His wise plan, He will especially select teachers to show the way to humanity, and no one who turns to Him will lack guidance.

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If you reject truth after it has reached you, it can only be through selfish contumacy or envy. The above mentioned various verses of the Holy Qur’an repeated this message that: The humankind was created One, and God’s message in essence is One, the message of unity and truth, but as selfishness and ego got hold of man, certain differences sprang

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Up between individuals, races, and nations, and Allah swt in His infinite mercy sent them the messengers and messages to address them to come together in its light on the path of virtue and piety. The warnings against the division and disunity were the major part of divine message to all the prophets as well as to prophet Muhammad pbuh, in the most emphatic and powerful way:

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“ As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, you have no part in them in the least, their affair is with Allah, He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did”. 6/159. To conclude, we must understand that all divine prophets and messengers gave to the humanity as regard to their welfare

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These two powerful messages: (1) You should remain steadfast in religion and make no division therein. 42/13(2) No reward do I ask of you for this except the love of those near of kin. 42/23. But the humanity had forgotten that all children of Adam and Eve are siblings and hence near of kin to each other because of the following reasons:

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(1) Lack of sincere devotion to God.(2) Preference of own ego, ethnicity, race, nationality, creed and culture.(3) Lack of search for divine truth.(4) Rejection of divine truth if it is with someone else despite knowing that it is the truth, because of selfishness.(5) Overwhelming indulgence into material

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Things of temporal life: wealth, name, fame, status, power, rank, and position.(6) This negligence resulted in all kinds of mischief, injustice, wars, genocides, oppression etc., Allah swt said: “ Corruption has appeared on land and sea because of (the evil) which men’s hands have done, that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return. 30/41