Download - ON BA SPOTD ISN ROAD VIRGINIS INCOMA TAXEE … · , If you buy $20.00 worth between now •and Christ- -•M* wo





-VOL. XX!. -Nu.^TJ MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, "^l&r.


Temporary Repairs Should Be

U*ed Only in Case of Emer­

gencies .

Total of 9197.589 P«n«iua InconM TAJ^ ColUctcd ia SUto Lut Year.

The total internal revuinie col­lections in Virjfinia duruiK: the last fiscal year were $«, ti42, ;i58,«o. cordinif to the statistical record of the Federal tax collections madepubhc Monday.' Vll^iffla^

. tiui/rguiicy maaiuraa.—In pfopof" pcraonal income -tax- cellectionB

i he VV»»biiigtoti BKr]

Ti. Ti ijr rary repairs to roads are. or at kaat-ithouldbe, oonfined to


Miss Bessie Merchant Married to Washiagtonian —Southern

Bridal Trip.

$ 1 . 0 0 A Year in A d v a n c e

tion to the results obtained, terri' porary work is always expensive and ianeaar^iuatifiedhyjitdinAii^ conditions. Unusual conditiona, however, often occur to plague the road man.

The most common troubles met with in a case of this kind are mudhoies and ruts if the soil is heavy, and dust and loose sand if the soil is light or sandy. On a clay or gumbo road mudhoies usually cause the most trouble. As water is absolutely necessary for the existence of a mud hole, any treatment, whether tempor­ary or permaneat in character, must provide for getting rid of.! the water.

income -tax totalled $197,559 and her corpora­tion income collections were $430,-379.

' One man tn Vti^lntaT^portssn income between $400,000 and $500,000. More of -the income tax payers are in the $5,000 to $10,000 class than any other. Virginia has 1,042 persons with incomes betwees $3,000 and $l,-000, representing the bachelors. A total of 4,424 persons in the state pay income taxes, divided as follows: Married, 3,473; single men. 662; bingle women, 289; married women with separate in­comes, Sd*.

Miss Bessi* Tay\or Merchant; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Merchant, of Manassas, became th« bride of Mr. George ^M ward


Miss £thel E. H i n e r Becama Bride of P. Kenneth Howard

Last Saturday.


SopOTviMra «f PriM* WaUuB ia Estra SaMioB at CoartiMMiM Laat Friday.

Dombhart. of Washington, on Wednesday. The.ceren)ony took place in Washington, the only at

The first step is, therefore, to dig a trench to the side and allow ttj€ water^mMoud to drain. I f nofi^at^fy^ npRn np alao the sjde ditches. Furthermore,: remove all of the soft mud left in the mudhole. The bottom of the trench shoafa| be filled with broken stone or coarse gravel so as to provide a drain to ivevent any fariller accumulation of water.

Gravelis the best material for theold mudbQlftr t f ^av*^


A m t of W Dowcll

Fred a»d W. F. HandtoQ

filling! is not available, tue the best earth at hand, tamping it down in three

I ' l . ^ iajeis . If possible, ^ s p r e a d a little gravel or KunH QVW

the new jfiil. which should hu

Death removed one of Hamil­ton's oldrat crtizens on Wednes­day evening at 8 o'clock in the person at Miss Kata Dow^H, who was confined to her bed ,with heart trouble and asthma for only two weeks before the end (game. The deceased, who was bom near Dumfries in this county eighty-three years ago, has lived

; at Hamilton for th^ 0^ her life; ha

Frank Smart, bittther^in-law and sister of the bride.

The wedding lathe culmination of a romance begun here laat s ^ n g , when Mr. Dombhart at­tended the Easter german. Dar­ing the past summer Mr. Domb­hart bouxled in Manassas, mak­ing the trip back and forth to Washington each day.

Immediately after the wedding the bridal couple left on a South-em trip, after which they will be at home to theii many friends at the Ventosa Apartments, Wash-iagtoifc Ml. Dombhart, who te a native of Georgia, is connected

Although friendsoTISnis EtHeT E. Hiner and Mr P Kar^n^tt,

Ata called meetingof the Board of Supervisors of Prince William CQuaty. hftld at the of

H6*far3;^ ^ t h Manassas young people, were aw^rft that thp mat, rlmonial bee had for sometime past been buzzing in the bonnet of each, their wedding in Wash-

^-___^^_ - — iL",'E '?"2".?' *'i ''! ?y^ the present 'Ttendants being Mr. and Utfk. 1 "°™* 9 ' ^^ ^"^^ was in the ha-

TtWS day of Decerabeir, 1915, there

ture of a surprise, even to mem­bers of the immediate family of the groom.

The wedding took place at 6:45 o'clock Saturday evening.-the

with the^accountant's office of tiie son, Alexandria. Southern Railway at Washincton.

THK JQPBMAI. join's the ma^^ fnendsof tfaenewly^-wedded eoo-pie m wishing them nvay year* of happiness oaa tbe mjatrioMMMd


Pair Ifamlur Of. Vkgiaia NatACaaagvMai^

Rpprfl«fipt|i|tive nartar ftlaaa, author of tbe new banking am ' was celebrated

Mremony b e i n g performed by Rev. Wm. A. CahilL It was a very quiet affair and witnessed by o n l y a few relatives and fnenda. The bride is the daugh­ter of Mr. J<*n T. Hiner, who for several years lived in Manas­sas.

Mr. Howard is the youngest child of Mrs. Mary Howard and for a nui^ber of years filled tbe position of cleric to Bon. H.Thor«-ton Davies. FM- several years part hf! haa heign-eowiwcfd with' the Southern Railway. He now, « _ woritH in the office of W. C Had • g * ^

i S r S A U Y E C A l W D A T E

Mr. and Mrs. Howard are to mafce their futuie houw iuAlwt andria. T h ^ I M S ^ manned life with tiie best wishes of a best ni frirads, at Manaasaa ai|d othw gfnnta ia Virgima.


as* iMd tlMM LMI PiMiV.,

Flag RaiwBgand Patrons' Day Woodbridge lived *"™"'* "* "'* new banking aod waa ee iebratedar

,^^Ucurrencyact , is . the only member Seboet DeeembeEjfl. g ^ ^ ^ s a p Vmrinia dologatgii in Con- inir W M «»» u^m Ehgin

.^^- madesligfettrfttgherttartltead^ ^ jrasiag road'wrf ac& Tba befli>

tr«||^«&t oTail, however, is tb lce«r the drahMge i» good eon^-tioB. Serious modteatea will then

with her-pareots m early ehiW-

rareiy develop. Doh'ttryrn^Hlamndhflt^itfthit

- , . the dav^gbter of Jene D. iMoief M$xy DaweO. She was oiia of sev«al children. among whom Misses Martha and

ont fir^ .Iraityttur oiit the water and removing the soft mud. Don't try to fill it with large stfmes, because if this i« done there wiU soon be two mudhoies instead of„ one. Don't try to fill a mudbole with jSMte tft i^ilaic material which absorb water

gress wbe 13 not a eoitegajdn t^Lmao.according tot i ie

Amaooa LtoWeQ, X)6Kb of Bamfl-tqih,.-Borvlye. The decedent is an aunt of Mesars. W. Fred and W. F. Dowefi, boUi of Manassas. Smee eariy w<Mnaafaood Miss Dowell had been a oonsistent member of tbe Baptist cburch.

The funeral will be held at the home of the doooaflcd tbia^aetm

«MHMBett pwrtriiaikedfat t b i fc^tmsaa^ IMredmry.

S^Mitors Miortin and Swanaoo,

m g Wi joyed by aU.


were prwent J. T. Syncox, Chair­man; J. ¥^ Manuel, J. F. Gulick, T, M. Russell. J. L. Dawson and 0 . C Hutchison.

The object uf tlila igeBOniwai for the purpose of emptoying an expert accountant to examine clerk's ofilce and the acts and dp-inga ef the deputy and the em-ployeda ^a^na:


Eaatem College Team Loses in 32 ID 28 Contest on Local

Floor Friday LaaL

the said county eg^ Fada^^^-tha The fasf hafilfeth^ll tnn,» ,.f hp Warrenton High School won a 32 to 28 victory over the K^t^m

T7p<»i motion, it was ordered that H. R. Thomaa be employed for that purpose at a per diem of $10.00.

Thereupon it was ordered that the board be adjourned to meet again <» Thursday, Dcoembca-16, 1916.

After the appearanee of an ar­ticle in laat week's JOURNAL.

which waa copied from theTttses^ Dbpaidi and which stated that Geo. L. Brownmg, of Orange, would be tbe probable chairman of the Democratic eaaei» in the event that Harry R. Hsoaton be.

College quint on Friday evening last at the college auditorium. The score serves as a very good mdteaUM- Sf tbe playing of the two teams—Warrenton. taking every manner of play into con-sideration, doiota: a IHtle bette* than Eastern.

At -the jutrir beginning the spectators gained the impression that the two quints were q i 4 ^ well matched and evex^ one looked for a hwd battle. Tha Eaatem boys realise^ too what they wwe up against and went into the gane with- the det^rmi^ nation to give A e beet ttiat wal in them. Siaveral excdlent plar* were made (MI each side. Leitb« Frank and S Roads play ad *ujs^. -lentty^for Eaatam while Benqd i

ton. The fliat half mwurt with » a ^

«>d «a. GfadoaUr Warrrai^ foiyed ahead, eagiog baU after ban until 1^ tbe end of the period ttwooHamtfqfJhehigb a^ot^ waa 20. At the saaae tune EaatM*

elected ta the Smise of

of the

• i ir i t i i '€ . J.

Montague^ Wata^wSaon^rs, and Flood are gradnatca ef the Un» TOwiity of Virgfnia;-Bf!pnfagnta*

readily. — On an earth or gravel road rats

are best treated with" the dragi Don't be afraid of; dragging too often during a rainy spell. If a thin coat of sand or gravel be spr^id over the road surface wheii iThaslbe^itsdfEened by rain and then worked in t^ traffic and a libera] use of the drag, a po<»-earth road can be much hoaproved

bmade to carry a suaprtrintfy heavy traffic fora short time.

extending sympathy to the be-^eaved-ones.


C S. SvtWrd, of Briatow, TUi

ing at 11 o'clock and interment will probably be at Short Hill burying ground. THE. JOUKNAL joins the friends of the family in


AKrad PiMeott W M Ov«r Ctyda

The assembly of Manassas High iScbool held on Wednesday raern^ ing lU:10 o'clock was one of much interest. Featuring the program wm^ u debate on /'Rewlvwl, That Manassas High School shohld

tive Hay is a graduate of^Wasl):-ington and Lee; Ret»«8ra!lati«i Stanpr ^Virg in ia 1(109107 losdl^ tute, and Repras^tative CariihY-v>j s > ' » -of ^the.National Ux Ss^iuAjaL "^ <j*<>ry-"

Mr.'Glass received his educ^t-tion at a "printer's case" as a typesetter in his father's news-paper office in Lynehburft When a boy t>f 14 years, be wrote Charles A Dartt. then editor of

mimiM 4divtt«d the JiNiMiitieA, afler whiefa tbe flag waa alowly raiaed arfffla "The Star-S^angled

for the ( ;ittie E&a<r." '<fcriBi^8BeOT'was niS31^*^^^

Bannfnr'^wai mm^ hy tha .riMwil The fiai^ a beautiful one, was tbe gift af Mr. C<»Kn Thompeon.-

TTpnn rpitnminy to tha acboeU room tbe exercises were con tinned. I I M addreasof wakome was given by Miss Mary Eike, wntie misa. icuth uouoek very ably - ^ v e a recitatioa entitled

ThedramatnzataoHoftwoBtories and songs by the little chUdHB de^ Hfirvpd spef ial mention. • A story

the New York S^n. and told him he wanted to be an editor asked liinl fur suggtisliuiuk Dana replied, giving him tips on what to read. Bef<»« the Lynch-burg Congressman was 30 years old he was regarded as the most aggressive editor in Virginia. He wrote theelaase in Virginia's new constitution disfranchising the nejffB, after Ih* late S ^ t o F Daniel and a half dozen other


Bristow and the neighborhood Kettle Run were shocked this

waa-taken by-Clyde- Simmqiis,^ while the negative was upheld by Alfred Prescott. The judsres,

morning to l ^ m that Mr. C. K. | Misses " Qieueis,—aiid Oladja FAUIVIEW CLUB (Tub) Suthard^passed away while! Johnson and Mr. Watson, de-at tbe breakfast table at his home I cided in favor of the negative, near Kettle Run. Mr. SothardTfae debate was of a very h i ^

'<4 ts. L i t - —

-who Ifl ta about fifty ydars of age^ Tprdw^ and attontivery batoaed-W -had been in poorb«dth for Moresby alL" than a year Imt of late had been greatly improved. The cause <rf his death was Bright's disease.

Mr. Suthard is sonrived by ont

yjUst Emily Jflbnaon j^oka ii»-fore tbe school on the purpose and method of organization of pesltiy ckibs. Her talk was

a proviaion which i»aii aA^tw^tf to the Censtitutienal'CosTaotieB.- -—Baltimore Sun.

vrfar >t Hena of Mn.

'-'- Oo Saturday agemooiBi.Tieeem' ber 11, Fairview Good House-

told by little Miss Phanetta Davis was enjoyed by all

Mr. Geo. G. Tvler gave amnat interesting address. His th^oe was tbe "Purpose of a Patrons' Ttfiagwa."—Bevi H. L. nii>^fi»

JoOUiAL'ft Npliltotettva a n d aome veqr &)tere«tfaig facta #eca b r o B g b t t o I ^ t



was putting forth^rreat effort to bait tile offensive onslaugbt of Warrenton, incidentally accuma-lating 12 pmnts to ber e r e £ t

With tbeopeniagof the secw«I half. Eaaiara Mtamed the'Sa^T^ sive and pJayed

B w i«»ik

lag win not be a eandi^ito fat the chairiaaMahip uf tiie Pem6-erotic Mttcui. ta AugiMtafjMa year be wrote C. J. tf eetze to the effe^ ^Mit he wottfd net oppose xnui i^ m IMUC lUx vuv^ COBuIIlluk* ship but on the other band weoid l^id him most heartily aU Us«ap-port. Only Ust week Hon.Brown­ing while on a visit to Manassas

ptHiiSiirtfais half—iS^tb War-renton's 12; but Warmiton'alaad in tiie first half left bar atUI PMtfgin anoogfa foaorog out rf ^ conteat vietBriettfc - • -

Eastern Code^e baa a good 'ffae poesibiti^ baakatbab ~CSim; , . _ ^

tiea of tha Ij ini mmn* wall it«HAft-Btrated in the game of Friday evening last Individaal Haying is good hot the team weeds more drill in guarding and in collect ve playing. Warrenton^ had bettef t^am work ami nlan gi^nrded in a

reassorred Mr. Meetze that he would not b e a omdidate for the rhaimwnship and renawad the

gave a very enjoyable as_KfilLa8 tPstructiye addreas QD "Coaofsn

The w<M>k of tbe league wasSa^ cussed by Mr. L. Ledman, after which the following dficers were chosen; Mra.~Powell DavM. presi­dent; Mrs. Hahlon Uaislip, vice president; Miss Myrtle JefaaaoD. secretary, and Miss Mary Akera. treegurCT. \

The benediction w a s pro-nooneed by Rev. H. L. Biveiu,

a o r e d by the studentsT


The Prince William Medical So­ciety was entertainedat Uie homA

kee^Bg Qub m^adtb. f*»«i4?^ 1 ? ^ s e ^ o n . the hysieiasa were member, Mrs. M. J. Bu8heng,who with her daughter-in-law, Mrs.

- ^ • [•:.<

brother, H. S., of Washington;'given to amuse interest in this one sister, Mrs, Belle Watson, of jfOTm of agricultural devefc^pmeat of Washington; and three-child-[by school chiidren, '! n, Clarence, Elizabeth andi A series of debates is now be-•ij<m»3e.- Mrs^Suthard died about,ing planned to be given at the a year ago, a victim of the weekly assemblies of the high fftrr e disease which terminated school. Thus {Mvctiee in an im-::-.;,..., mthecaseof berbuaband. portant art will be given any in

club in a charming manner. After a discussion as' tp what

the club should do for a~cbuhly fair, the following officers were elected for 1916: President, Mrs. <j. W. Merchant; vice-president, Mrs. J. H Dodge; secretary.Mrs.

_ G. D, Hiner; treasurer. Mrs. E. tbe high school .who may care t o i ^ Cornwell; librariansr Mrs. F.

4. L, BSBbong, entert^afii_t& _^.The subject f « discussion was

aillH president. Dr. W. A. New-man.on Wednesday. After a bus-

invited into chediniagroom, where an informal iuneheomtaaaerved by Mrs. Newman.

.MK<S Cora Thomas, a _, - f Mr. Mark Thomas, develop themseivesalong'thisiine. i R-Saunders and Mrs. W.I. Steere.

PeUagra." Dr. CL F. Brower was to have read a paper on the fliibiACt. llU^ Tiran n i ^ h l n i ii w... present, benoe there waa only a round-table discusnon. Dr. Mar-chant presented a clinic oa a pa­tient, wbidi was received alth interest.

After the business session and lunch, the society adjourned to

Fifty thousand^dollars in thirty minutes for suffrage is the record made at the mass meeting at the Belaaco Theater, Washington, Sunday afternoon, held by the

_ Congressional Union for Woman meet ftwratn on tne ihini Wednes-'Suffrage^- The a m o u n t was

affirmati<m of his loyal fupport to Meetze'a candjdacy, '''hnp ''" quitted tberamors that Browning will h» a t^nAi^ata f/w tt^ y^ajr manahio of ti COS.

Cbristoi^r J. Ifeetxe, in addi-tion to tbe support of Geo. L.

self, both in fiekLplaying and in •shooting-leBi-gealas-

Brownlng. baa the endorsement and promised roi^tort of bis whole d i s b i ^ alaoBaanyothCT-membera OttlWHMlMt. Among those who have promised Mr. Meetze tbJnr SODDort are R L Gordon T/«iuui

better fashion than d«i T^aatoi bqt the individual iky ing of her men did not come up to that of

Eastern has a raluable player "*"' giviT B—T1 nrrminf nf liiiii

The.lidfrnp and score-ftdlowi

LMM&, Proi*,

Leitk. Ri^t&ianl I^ttM. LeftOuaid

autMUtoUoe - O'Brien

PosmoM WaaacMTOR Sigbt Forward Bomer Left Forward Mf/at

— Canter "T—^ectoa , WUiis

G. ADlaoD

CJoal«-L«KJi»(2>,K»x»k1(4]uELR<»<k. Leith (S>, Beoaer (6), Maphia (2), Hot-too f<4), WiiKB, O'Brwn. FoaU—E.

Col Robt. F. Leedy, P ^ ; Ham, ^^^1;^: Z ^ : : ^ . ^ B. Smitb, Calpeper; Judge John Y. Harris, Dinwlddie; R. 0. Ner>fr*>a- TUnelcMper - Paa! MlliaeM.

TOSS ef auv4*-l& mtmiics:

•qn. WarrentoB. Scorer-Preatoa Mo-

12to& ria. lAOeaBUii: B. C I^wry, Bed-ford; Sam'l L. Page, Charlottes- _

Delegate Meetae wvery teghly" encouraged from the number of giwu lettmsbe isieveiviug in r^ gard to his candidacy and feels ejnfident that he will preskle over

House o f D^legatea.

mmi Qn»» Sm,,m — WidpiiJar.

Come to Greenwich school on Wednesday night, Dec 22, at

the IHmiocratic caoca ig tbe aaati 7^30^^ m. The Junior Civic League will gixe a spicy pmgram that will fill you full of the Christ-

day in .March at the home of i)r. ' pledged by the suffrage workers • p "

mas spirit. Following this they will serve an oyster supper. The proceeds wiH be fw the benefit of tbe league.

PBOGRAM. Chorus IHitcgfue , . "Chnstraat . . .


\'lfw CKurcih Sun-1 at 2 o'clock and <><t in the cemetery

Th*' fHihfe «»p««jaUy the achooi; ' '"' '' * delightful supper t h e ; ^ . I^*i>^ . n v^ st street. The, to swel! the fund to be u ed ro patrons, are invited to the assem

nesi. the Ruffner BuiJding.

;;ciaeuag adjwrned t4) meet w i t b - ^ " / s cresent K'erEM«srrM«--t j. . ^ ^^^^: ^ «iant. Mer«»rt::n. Irtpn, Lewrs and '

ay, • Oinstmaji at: \'..nnlof;TJe

which are held every Wed-:''^'^'''• ^•^ '"^*^*^ °"'^'^ *»**'- Newman, of; J. C.Gor- ^**^ * nation-wide campaign tojP'ay ' int -rwew i morn)np- at 10 o'clock at; noon of the third Saturday in don, of Nokcsv.. f . and Wade C. ' obtain the pasi^age of the Susan! Come :<

anuary. Payne, of Gainesvule. reer:\-

B. Anthony federal amendment, i will co: .M.

sMCrigler &. CampepCompany Should mean a lot to you if you wish to practice economy this year. Be a S. P. U. G.-

join the Society Prevention Useless Giving. Look over pur stock of presents

Useful Christmas Presents

Mte a t pleMttiff

BM tifuTSafc Hoif mitpify WxM. $1.00

BMutifiil K M of La4>e»' UiMibrmwliBs.^l.qO SJurta vsCiw'v.

Special-Lot Knit Goodb. mclwiiBC SwciU«n» Caps, Sfaawb, etc. fljOQ Value* 25c; SOc vahMs 11 Z9c TakiM 7c.

Udiw* W a k t . in M y l»o»e> $1.00. 69c A fev^ gi'ual wucyaiBs s e t t

4 8 c

La4ie«' Kid Glov«> ia boze«r-41.SO vaioe* $ 1 4 0 . DeauGTuI Oalkiug.wl wana ghwi

$ 1 SA SKirfc, f««i a > l « « . • . $ 1 ^

FffFF? FRfFA FRFFt , If you buy $20.00 worth between now •and Christ--•M* w o wim- present y^Q HWtn a yeai • sinMcri|ilioB to MtiQlure's MagpTppie op aome dd»er good poribdl-ical yoK OMiy (elect.

^TT^T*'"''''"^ II 11 I fc I II II

L A FRANCE S H O g g I ,^' ' f -I I • • • •

Stfectaptur of beiuitifal La France Shoe* for'%c*^ '~ r iprnMl in cloth tope and the Fjiglith lace

' tiab, in botli ^bck and tan.

l l i e latter* are $3.00

Useful Christmas Presents f HanAerchiefa Gafctrc—A iteavtifvil O e p c de Chene

^ number for ISc. Other vahiei 5c tq §0c, incfaM). ing Iwdi men's and ladiee' WM^ 0n9*>

!!€»> Neckwear in holjly l»9«es, 2Sc and 5 0 c Other st]4e9 al ^ I f p d c ^

Xadie*' Neckwear, m individual ko%^^^^4 5Qc

^^^•ft t^H^V^nla ^^V^^ T^

linen AccetMricip hr fhl^ Ikmsewifc—fieaiitifid Table a9tiik*,^r¥^¥m*^i'^^^'^^»^ . . . 98c

GnertToweb. . . . . ;^Sc and 50c Badi Towel* . . . 25c « ^ S t e flic ^Met*, per pan:. . . . . . . . . . . $^.^5

Wondeifnl Vakie* in JHawlw'ft and Conrforts

How About a Rug? Look oyer 9Qr famoii* Qopi|# $10.00, 9 « i a Dmggei l for $8.75.

I.SO 9 U 2 Mttoqi*-9x l2 t ta t th ig*

$2 .79

••pr m^^mm - i iV^ V* ^ T

Our Entice Stod o r and Below Cost I I I .1,11 W W

& Gampi^ Gompany Wlieie Yuw Win Ev4

mtS^=ii^:t: afe •'rr



BeMMT we gnw-joint inptitBte mad

«f the of tlie

patrona irf ^ t e t i w c a V k g i n » wfakk « i B be hi Id It ffcr lf«n>rnM IndMitrwl School TVeditf—Ttoaday, Dveevber 28-30, IMS. '

- — l U I J I t a i , BtX.EMBEMriSTm—-—

BOOKER T. WASHINGTON By Janca A. Cobbw ex-3pecU A » B » t a n t Dfeteiet AttMngy.

"EditMrVmi* Vugaiuu" Byll<n.K. C SicMMs. State Sip«inttnd«t •f' PobBe iMtnetiaB.

B» Oe«^ T^^or. SpeeW< 'The Art of TeMUi«." By Agent, Uoitad Statn catkm.

"The "7 QnrirtiwtM) Head ef Ike Ktu^es. High D. a

• • P p . f t t w l

(To he toBtmtd ii<y p>Pwiirli,H.i;iw

ttny=KBk=aB=S] Schooh." (BiWTMl TaWr ) B^£.I1. _ BaanMer, Teacher, Flaycpoond b -

OeivMje (To hefel-

"What the Statea Does for the


(To be (oBMMd hy (jaMtioa B « £ ) By A i t h v & I T i ^ A . ^ M b S t ^ o g l fn^tertnr.

"The Tiathiin of Agrieaitnre ia Roral Schaoia." (Tebefaaowetf by »wa-

- ttet VSXT 'Bf'K. XT'KIIe^'^peaaP • t ia Acriealtnral EOtettam. Caite« ScatM B peaa af Edaeataoa.

"The TeaeUoc «f EhjauiUij Arith-ntetie." By P. B. Wilhaaaa, T •f M«lhnaa»iM. n i « m * i i > i . W a^UKi, D. C

"The IdeaJ SehooL" By A. C. M han. Speoatiat i a JUral Sdiool AA-inini<tr&t)on. United Statea Bareai of Erfucatioe.

'•&tinwtfied Farrr.iny " B»J-a.PicrC£, ~ Dutrict Aceot, States i t ^ d o o a . S e r '

xicf. if* tee feaaa>»d hy Box.}

flfwwiit i i y (kdde Cuuferenee a» Aiith-metie. By P. B. WSiatta, Teaehn

im." BrtfiMEthdOowaB^SiMci^-' iotiaSah Baredtt of Mnratioa.

"Beaoti^riac the Rural SdoeboooiMd SdMMl GradDda." By B. C. DadaoB. Instraetar ia Fre^and Drawias, High Sehoola. Waefeirtoe. P. C.

"^atalisng the InatanMlioDal Work of the SchooL" (lUoUr^ed.) By A. u. MonoaaBtbpeaaast M mgai sendoT Adminiatratiofv Umted Statea Boreaii of EdaeatiaeL -

90ftB 'Uegai OAatrntioB ia the Saaik.'

"Real Preparedaeaa. ' ^ y ClLTlMBiaa. lasuaetor ia PaydMacy, Prinriplta of Teaching, Gaideafac. J C W Ner-

• ~ • ana, ft fc n a^agta

F. G. Heni t t . i>iree«ar o? . P i i ^ u y Bdaeataan, Waahii«tae. D. C

'What 1 Have Dam^WiOtOn O a a T e a r a a d 809*." By Joaaa. laatzoetor ia Agrieataii% Ma-.

M m a i T aad latenaediate (kade Caa-fcRMe., By Waa E. P. 6 . Menitt . Diractaaaf PiipBa

CHIERALNEySllgnS aa*** *>** *»W»f—t

waifa art w) eoiig<iqtcff at t l y . apatinarrf^ aarwl Itawt an twany

^ J ^ ^ ^ e ^ S S c T i . : ; ^ ^ confi««dit the aoaUeto takemneh new bDniie89, ^^ - •> as- they can aot give Western shippera all the cat5 thej ^tnatr-

ReAerick Timberiake. son of Timberiake. of Calneper J^

county, had his band hadly boo^ ated while phiying with a dyoa* mi p rap a fcW S^njtgo. lLsa&


. An appeal ta sne mediai ata-

ants has been made by Prof. EL Bareh^-Smith, of the Umvoaity of Lo^en, who a»T» that -th»

ef doctor* i* atreidjf aarima i w i » i i l h> fyr iwnra aft in time.

For UM first time in itsai>-year eon trot of Virginia polities the su-

Tbe qxiestioa is already being asked where can I obtain a

WaahiiigUiu. the laie prind-pal of Toakegee Inatitate. AI-

i IB being published noiiT a b«ek. i^ntitkd. Booker T.

of a C U d o f SUvary. This book was written by Booker


H. T. Cherry, Manaaaaa.Va., ii the DiatrUboliag Agcat at this point and th« books may be aocorfd through -tea: —' Cloth bound, U-Ml aweeeo

__ iMUML SZStO. _

T ^ books "Witt be fisadi t y December 14. lai^

pKinaey ef the Ueatuewtlite Slg brganixAlon wfiTgo ondi*iBei^Bd

neat yeai'a big Otate=Tr eentest .^hea Scoatwr

Swaason ooones ap for tkm and reelection. —With the nation now on the 1 sde of the European war cnsi?, ^" " rywiiaii la i* ^ceafemB-

with the national ccadit. -not only oniaapaired. hot atrength-ened. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo last week aeat te Coo-

L i —

annual report.

Judge J. C Moneore, a native

Miss Margaret WtlscMi. daugh­ter of the Presid«it. witt make bar debut as presiding aBkeeT-ot a poblk meeting when the Amer-igan Civic Asaodatioh gathersln WaahinguQ cor its annoai eo^ ywitioo on Decemhyy g^ g u'ti

an announcement oiadf'hy that

Plans of the Soath«m Commer-ci»l Goagre*s to botld "a greater ^ r i n n t h i Y u i g h J| j W ^ t A T S m i t h " ami«vialiy »1 States may reap aJMtrvert in the vast eommetcial AeuL of isooth Xmtfit-A wpjne nfrtjinad t th«

lAiZzr ivsTrfiimmii r *' JUJL i CL

opening sfwakm of the enngpeaa held ^ Oharieafeon^ O^thia week.

I hatve the contract for ihe^EdliscHi M a z ^ EJectric Light Bulbsr—l%e-

« 1 1 . M I ? J : :—%M i ^ w frade^marky^Edison Mazda, astureg yoii of quality

H P . WRNRICH Jeweler and Optician


feangeSyX^andie^ Ntto,EtCa

YoD Must Have for Chnstmas

was recorded this year at the Library of Cengreea. Wasa-ingtoA, D. C It tdla of his ^ c^ttr.^ ,»««^« « ^ - . - : J — . Kfe from hia birtt onGTEu -^o f^f ford cowrty, waaamdeel^ - - ally homed to death Tuesday at

Shrereport. LJL Jothpa Moocare was the oldest son of the late iadge H. C. L Moncure, for years President of the Virgnna Court; of Appeals. Among surviving i

i Youjpeed not botbermakJog (akfa ,as we can sup­ply you with the very best that is made on earth. Fruit cake, pineapple, cocoanut, (^0(»late, sponge, pound, or in fact anything t l a t yoa Wt^t. These arenGt b a k ^ ^ Cakes, but home-made. The very best and purest ingredients are used. Prkes nmg-ing from 10c per cake up. If it is good things that you want to eat, and at the very towest pogible price, why ccmaetoaec mft

SfwYoaWia Fresh Ikats My specialty is frfish meats the year round—summer as well as winter.—Xow^ patronage during •tire win-ter months will insure the certainjy-of geed, elean^-fresh meat during hottest

' I My prices are as low as is consistent with the Quality rf meat f u m i d ^ and your trade i s^cUkat^

I a ^^w^n • t. V

f L. Honeore. Staiord; Dr. W.,M U Moacura, Fwrf«x, aad fi^-C^B

iHoDCore, Fredericksburg.





pbooe Poles and PUinf W w U c k w e p a j .

' LLracifta.

HSST NATHtfiAl BA10[,fft A i. .arx- A t T P H j A . -v-jk^ -


iirrrki. iioo.oot • " W t ^ " " cjnm»H>

rtorrrf itoo,MM " n I. B- — .: L B . H A i i x r w .

W^TKR 5 - ' " F v - s p SAKS.XB. r»oeei.AS9 STT'AKT —

I va4 S s r w e

.^lff^:i'^:: THE MANASSAS JgUMAt^ l l r D A Y " B O M B E R IT. If l.-.

tJ*riRctttcrHHUH Sanni: IHK

:::i:.; -Ki;D Kvsiiv fHXDAY A*TKRNOOK BY

N A N A S h A S i lOLRNAL PUBLISHING -COMPANY^ teiiofporated

J^p' •redatjhfej^^at Vilict: iO. Miuubtaa. ^winia. m Second Claas Mail Matter '


AOVBtnSiNC RATES V)<'v t > n i * »zj inrn for t h e f i n t matxtKMi aj

——> 'I's'k >oc>r<«. aa^ an mttrr <]f aa atrmtt^^ < ^ n e ^ , m . «raetly .- UKluveUy. wiU be |.i.bti>JM at tha nM«« T » » l j • » dnua aa


IN PLANNING FOR OIRIsrMAS -that mnwt heaatifiil of tl\ wnmnt, '•"•rtTmr.

pupu-pLT untiufii tMta-wtf 9(ji'"that iheie i s vj'jilB a''

duicreparicy. One thing we can rt-st assured of —

the caroful educating of a child caste moziey aad ^ wiiere we apcod lkti« we oust, look fiM- prnportion atoKsuits. ' ••"

How to get the needed finances is after all Uie most important question now before the state. 1 ^ quertioD is receivinic careful study oa the ptat of many of our most thou^tfal aten. Governor H. C. Stuart advances ideas which meet with cor­dial reception in school cirelea. He larxeiy empha­sizes that "Free educatioD is the andertaking of the state aad not of the dties and coanties as such * • *." AU alonsr the line the teadency of thousrbt is for a more equal distribution of fnnrfu aJDd die eohstMjiK t t^tfmVtT^titm of school privileges for aU the children of the «t»tP T» tJii* A th»\

birth of our Savior, will soon be celebrated again. .^ -A» wft malf* onr pi««a f~-Vhristmaa and tjio noMon

of festivities which follows, will it not be wwth while to think of the real sig^ficaoce of the day? How few of us feel in our inmost being that- joy and peace which Christ'tLOKmng brought tothia straggling, sin-sick world! How few of qTlive the tni* ChnstoMa si^f^ the s^rk ^ the hofflUe and lowly Jienu!

The real joy of Christmas can only be gottoi by fdlowing as closely as posrible in Christ's foot­steps. To give rather than to receive, to look aftr er tiie poor and the needy, rendering such ud as is pofisible to those in distress and affliction, to carry aanshine Into homes of darkness, to live exemplary Knag fei> »tyi i..i»i>f i >. . .f TTimhnr hnrthmn tinmn mt^ ways of making Christinas vitaHiy aignifieaat to otfiers and of grei^^Qy to borsdves.

Christmas gives the add test to alL A man's

counties are asked to establish the highest permis-siUe lyT f^ ff^-hool purpnafs. SO rants on thft flOQ. and the Legislab^e is asked to r^un the present school tax of 10 cents on the $100 as a "separate and extra anS special contribution to primary and gnuAmar grade work in the weaker «'«> m!i'Htiftit of the state especially."

method of eeMwatinflr the day and season is, gen efaliy spe»)dBg, a good index to thelcrftinesaor the aiitalhiess of his aspirations. At no time is a nutn's Uie of a ^ - s o ^ tajBhe*la«t-XIhristtBtis-4»t nfeeosarifr in tbe failare to eontribote to the hap-jfcess of nHanbfafttof his fanaly^mt in the manng id which hetfaiidcs it bebo^veslUlm feocektorte tlfe bftth of the world's SsvioE. To whatanexteeasdo nimy of us camr the i^anetigm ^^ st, drink and httaerrf* at ftis season of the Wonr hearts do we a e e ^ this OMAod of eeleblvfc-

p*b4s.laiT|^" CO how we tyepare for it.

love for nthew—not only for those IHM> are dear to ns but for those who are in need of tite Christmas

btothers and sisters whose faees can be made

TH£ INDOOR SEASON Now that the warmth of the sun has diminished

to the point where it is not sufficient to keep yon comfortable unless you are actively engaged in some form of exercise, do yoa make it yodr aim to stay indoors by a hot stove every minaite possible or do yoQ try to get some of the cris^ cool. Mfe-giv ing air of wintPr into thnat. fwmtnjjAA )»tig« ^

yours? If yog rtop to reason it otfTyoo will SMO ctmelode tiiat fresh lor is BO or by night JoA txseadseit iscoldairi why yoa do not necid the oxygan in it as moeh as ever for your luqgs.

We bear of th^ indoor season for spotts. tbt t^ JBaboalB •»"<"«•• "fa -f"" * rr manyffitftple, Att^cras that it la the pmiifer thing to keep the bod^ wiurik at ail times. Wiinttinea^^irttoo^ isfoolhiiiA^ wiBgiHieniad. SotaefewindividoidBmtaybeiile to harden themsfeives to dbkt so thit they can go with praetieally the same clothes winter and somr

nwjjftAwfci inerwIWtaoAj aad coiisciaitioaiphFridua, Late HivestigatioaB,

The accumulation of wealth is merely a question of savmg^ money and putting it in a safe place.

This bank will welcome your account.

Per Cent Intel Compounded Semi-Amiually


l i e Nation of Manassas I — • -•—^THE BANK O F P E R S O N A L SERVICE-

l i i iu f;ui«ii^w;i'j;<iJii^\i[iik

Bafl Dsr, Laiwyer oir kf^teptaa o a diis aad tbe b«sl

thilibll^ PBo**rt. a s s a •a. . ..3t.

' r 1 • : I < I . . wmw^

l^ighto- ^ a Qttte tekearid -ftrteC Ody ooee do yon have to try the expe-imentot mriank Chmr "''"^ hethoaae pwple beeoma delicate and must iiias real for; aome mifoltonate fellow being when joa will awdce to the trae significance of Christ's laission to the worid. Plan for the haKwiess of


CBte wbjgg iU»ing is mast rwedtH and yon will bo afileto look bttckon ffie'Christwtf «f \ff$n flw

revet expeiieucedr

"COUNTING Ittt^ c o s t " E iruDnc Binhmand.

Va., has recently distributed a pamphlet entitled 'TKe'miiBion ot cue paniph-

let is to arouse the taxpayer and especially the members of the L^isiature to the great fiittnciil

the Bchools af_the Old Dominion. In it yfflywi|tf|a^Virgiff»8eeqj?tU,g$pq-artttH>er annonk in edoeatiag the childr^ of bee eooaties while Ongfm apoids 132 and the average state oi tile Unioii. 130. Soggestioas as to how the present

he imprwTed open are abo-

get out in th^ open « while evoy d^, no matter

A hothouse piudt taott be hiwdled with s^va^ care.' At the bestita Ufe can net be anything but lestiieted and when its esajrintmammt M t'hf imw^ i isapt tos i^er i l 0(»8e<iiiie«iei8, oaless the eondi-tmik <rf the two places are about the^sajae. SinBr

handle themselves iritfa the greatest care, if they have any tesiud for their welfare^ A hsthoose pUmt ean not help being tender and iiaUe to tbe

of- disHW, bul'giuwu flwu tiUl wumeB~af

tions mion theafsdvea aqtf jn^ jn irooortion as they are domg so are thqy inwtiBg eoids. infitmwir»^ gnppe^ paeammua and a whde striq^ of other

' boi OApieattat disefoes to take optiMtr abode with them. Pouutstiy steitiipinthehoiwe J n » ft^iiiS«iii i f «. ««bt ^»aJ4p- yrm>»ii not A> ^jj.

DvA the air any better ifov than ia the heM of

SPARE TIME ON THE FARM When nnf! refers tn sparw tima nw tim tarn Iw.

does not mdm that there is a certain amooatof

. «nd tiie im^oftaaeeof letmn^ inc the present state school taxof ten eenU g ^ t h e j ^ ^ j ^ ^ far«erc«rtafce«e* hundred doUars is greatly emphasnad.

After an opening summary, tbe-booklet gives a synoptical review of the five efiforts of Virginia to

ttte office mma or the man who is workiac oa a striedy eight or ten hour basis. What Is meant is that there is at certain seasons of the year a decided 1!

ia ether wowJSt times whew work ia lees ufgeat and

imr the season which we are now entering farmers havemore ttpmre time than daring any otherleason. fim'r*^"r **"" *''*T H- funntr h»n wnmr nparr timn

the years of 179Sbl8ia 184(^1870 «Bd 1906. Each of these efforts s p m v from real needs and each

better than it was e-

what should he do with it? Tlie. pwhleM of nfitfaing tet hestradxaatag*

oa the faias ia, ia ths seacyists^ ea€ open by the farmer hirasetf. In the ab-

stniet, howavsr, aevearal good irays of ttf^wi^ the spare tune ean be dtad. Fbreoost. aad prbonaing most ia dividends, is tlw stndying of up-to-date awthods wfai^ean be applied directly to the prob­lems at haadl A farmer cah do some readingalong

Caleolatioos based upon carsfal uvtatan***^ j agneoltaral hoes during the whole year but only the State DelMrtaient of PaMie Instraetioo [during spare time eaa he inquire with any depth

-alt ihat^it shsold be aad aaeCher for 1916-«(ie which haa its chief ooneera in the bringing about<tf better financial sasistBao for the

Home Vonr firrt nn li^smYbAiA^ It mil pay you to talk it over and • • ' '

Ihsqriys Ige

if you want'to pay cash; if not, we wift | ^ you % credh^ if yrin pay in 3 0 days gr^

1^ Spetaal B^ginniny Saturday^ Nov. 20th t T

k. I M I hiL UJc l i 15c

Coltappeed Mfwil and Other Cow EeedLll^

to assert that (20 per pupil per annum.for those in, intn problems which j«qnire something more than townaadcoBBfry achoob and S30 per pupil per an- sMperfidsi-gTsang. Anotherwaytousesparetime tt

Dum for those in ci^ schools is the lowest standard .*« ^^'"^j *^-^ ""TJ^ ""^^^:^' ? * , ^ oura or uMwe «. »av* « .«~« « - ^^^ 5T jMcKhery, lo Cheek Tip otrtJft needs f«rt tJT which should be set up since the average cost of ^^ coniing —iinn i oducatioD tfirougboBt the TInitfri •'^*1^ ' ( 'g ^ ^ IitttBr^nd ntauy oUwr Wiyft

Tn excess of J30 per annum per pupil enrolled.'"Bot'farmer keep from being "Jost" recall that Virginia is spending only J1L35 per days of wiot«r.

during the dull i tt

THE; MAXAisoAa »<JUttgiAfa, rnixta.JU».,i«A.>JP«wggJt tf. la io

BRIEF ieCAtHEW^ \ —The Lutheran Sunday School I will have it» ChnHtmafi .£fiieri

According^ to the Alexandria -Mrs. W. T. Griffith, 60 years ;Gazette Mr. VV, N. Lip.scomb, of aKf, and for the past seven

tainment and exercises at Bethe! I examiner of record.s of ihe iix'.Nearsaresrdeai^fPrinceWtttiaTn.^ Lutheran Church-QXi ChriatmaaTteenth Jud)cmLi>isinci ot Vix-^died la.'-t Fridn;. at her hnme near

—Service at S L •^""^'^ ^ n>gtrt. r*^''^^^^^fK hogiiminyltfinia. bavint? completed his wurkJMianassai after boiiiK_il' iy.f>L.yy.t na^riat C^j3er,_:S9ltea¥iIIfi.--Sutt.--.J^^^^~ QJ^JJQ^ Ihe-tJoWic iafof unearthiag proeerty not re- ten days with prteumonia. Be-

I ported for taxation ID Aiexandna-fore ewawig to Prince William City has turned to, A Ip^tamirm, Mrs. Gndith resided for many ooanty and Iwa ^ioeovoroi tiMt > years is Page eoaatf. The de-

"tlt 7:30 day morning at 11 o'clock. - - cordially invited.

- T h e second year class of the __o. j . Meetze & Co., will move llaiM»a»-Hi«r-Saee!^BSiTa'tESr3ffii5 from the M. L C. give a i^v early in January. Baildine. where it kas been k>-

—Eartem College dosed for eated for nearly three years, to the Christmas holidays yesterday the old Judge Nicol office near evening and will reopen on Tues­day evening, Jan. 4. 1916.

—Mr. Geor^W. Smith, assisT ant postmaster at Hayraarket, and M i » Boae E. Forsyth, of street several days last week, is Wooliiqr;w6giimTTgdyegt4gthy.fimpi^ now sits «p 4ft •

—The annual Christmaa enter-tambieiit au^ eAeicises ot fliF nassas Bat>tist Church will be

27th. at the church.

- Sevoal Mudes&s of Prof. Glenn C. Gorrell, director of pianoforte at Eastern College, gave a {xivate recital at the col­lege Monday awning.

to aid in the dispatch of iBComing Christmas paduges has been erected in tlie kibby o^ the poet crffice.

—The annua! New Year ger-man of the Manaaaas German Club will be given in Ccmner's Opera Hooas on. Friday evening, D ^ »L AABittaiiee ^AUlSrSy card.

—There wiD beaChriabnasen-

SchoolhottBe-oa^^waday. Dec 21. beginning at 7:30 o'dock. i f f are invited to attend. N e a d -mission.

—Dr. H. U. Ro(9 took part u the dedicatory MEerdsea-ef tbe United ^vthren O n r d i at. the comer of North d^i to l and 9 streets, Washington, on S d i | ^ morning. ...-__:

the depot. The change wiii take place the first of the year.

—Mra. U. L. QuartM,-wlSo-^nw critically ill at her home on West

about $40,000 in hade taxes is due the county.

- D r . R. K Wine, who for the past few weeks haa been prac-tidng in Hopewdl, Va.. is home on a visit of a few

Her daughter. chair every day. ,:¥« ^

who was also ill last week is now getting about again.

retntro-—Hcm. daeed into t t e Hooge olT Repre-

whjch caHsfor the eonwitJHa <f the.. national parIL"

- S e r v i c e at IPfini^ IP. Church, Manassas, Sunday even­ing at 7: 0 o'dodE. S u n d a y sch ool meets promptly at 9'Aib a. rn, Service on Chriatai^ OWTW

—A baskatbaD game wLich promises to be of great interest Xb~ the people of Manassas and vicinity is to be played at 3 o'dock this afternoon at the old Candy f a c t o r y boildiiig b^ween the girls' teams of Warrentiw and MiauftiMa HlghlSeheafa:

Mrs. W. G. Coviagtun sot-fered a shaking-up bat no injury yesterday aftemocm when ahe

thrown from a b u g ^ in hieh ahe was driving, <m ae-

eoant of the breaking of , the

ton s store.

—Mr. a E. Flsho-. iHw about gn hmiwijd hiw right

UsM bd^w ihii kam white baiid-ling a keg of nails at his ptaofrof

48 getting akmg niody in a few

days. ¥ot a while the iajivy was very paaafol waA threatened tpbeaiariooa.

—A i[3iriataaa8 witertainnient will be given at CktharpiB s^od hpose CO TlliarsdKy erening, Dec W. bagiaiMHg at f ayo'docfc • A ptay entztlsd 'The Bai^ Strata t3m^* wffl be tpren. Admiasion wBl be251iM^ adtdta and 15 eeata

ing at 11 o'dock;

— The Christmas exerdses of the Woodlawn.Sunday Scbod will be held oa Tacaday aftentoon, December ,28th, b ^ n m o g at 2 C'clock T^n pnhKi - ip i;»«tf«ltjr

invited to attend. — - ^

—Among the jhirteea. thefts reported to the Waahrngtm po lice yesterday •iiiiawiiiiiig m 4a-partmcnt and retift


that of $10 from'MzaL T. F..Cola-of this place.

"Saiita*a Sai3)rtse," - A play. will be gj Junior League at A e adiod on Thursday Dee. 23. begmning at 2 o'clock. You u e eordiafly m-vited toJiejaBaeBt. J:


-On Monday evebn« "A f a b -

sron SeminarjrTTiokeai^e. pm^ram will b e g i n at dght

lx;k. Admiaion, 26 c e a t a Tie and bring your friends.

Servicpfi~wffl" be hdd at A»^ i'y Ai. E. Charah Saaday awrai C at 1 \ »'<>fawlr «» »k;»i> t i i A

pacta to return today or tomor­row. Dr. Wine and Dr. S. S. Simpson, of Clarendon, but for-meHy of Manassas, who is now located in Hoppwdi, will sbortlj open a drug ofllce in the "magic" dty,

The seebnd of E^astem Cdlage and Manueas High Sched c^yed another game at Eastern gymnasium Tuesday afternoon. Eastern -easitr had her own way throogbout the en-th« game, winning by the aoore

t0 9 Featuring *hft gamft was the team work of Eastern and the playing of Clarencfe Meetze fw the high sehooL

—Sei viux at Manassas Prea-bytenaa Cbiuch for the emning week wiU be as follows: Sunday—

coapiing poie. The acddapt oe- ^°°^*^ «*»°^ *^ ^^ *• ^' "^^

Preaching subject: "Go Ye Into AU the Wwld." Preaching at 7:30 p.mi anbjcet; "Blcaainga."\Wadna» day-Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.

.. sabjed: '^aly Une ChnsL" —ThftChrigtmw nieetii)ig.Qf tiie and C M. Hof^ins were at times

g;,^,^2;,J^^*«iieaerwith this badoea and; " ^ ^ ^ * ^ pfrWeavter. formerly of Manaa

aetied for a whye as book-

taaieat in eonaeetioa with Chriab

y " Secreliiyr ~fi[


Mr. ( T O . LMdEntan' i^ next w e e k hdp Ijeachraan A Saiirp. A^fmindria gronr* Mr^ Leachman is &nsid«ing theac-ecpdng of a podtion keeper .with t t e firm the fl>»t_a£ next y«BC In the^-iaveiit JCfC' l^eachman accepts the podtion he and h » faaai^ wffl naove to: Alexj^dria.

—Thb jkawaanaa High Sebod will doec fj>r the Ghtiataaa* i*eh^ daya on Wednesday and will re­open on Monday. January 3 . "tSe graded schqd will dose at nofoo on ftiday nwt . to laopen Moiw day. Janany 3;.

- stadanta-ofr The fowth year

SdMwt win get their reports the ftiat <rf the year.

—The portion of the old eaiS^ factory boihfing reeentty osed as a moving pietoie haU ia now being torn down. For the prea-ent the portioo (rf t b e d d Uettprf boiidiiig borderinir on the earner

aiiJ WeM aUBiU will

tive in 8cho||t -unproveflneat an^ the jtftmotion of soeid featmres, isadiedaled tomeetonibe a awMrth.

—llie Manassas High Sehodi win give a iJHnstaaas entsrtam meot at BolTner Ballding on Toes-day evaaing, baginainyat 8 p. On the program will be a p b y l ^ p entitled ' T o m v Dr. Fhwces Divine'* Thia trill be tiVdi by the tlurdyeareiaas. Otherinter-estwgfeatnrsswiUindadesof^' Chri8tmas__isdtatiopa;._ebc

be left standing. I f has been overhaoled and wiU be oaed for

basketball bdL

:" Roop will ddiyeiLthe i: >ubject will be "The ffirth of

nn?t." All are invitad to at^ •c-T.d. ' —

Tne recently eompletdd bridge \ 'r Cabin branch, near Bland's


Wednesday. The bridge is placed

that the foed aired.

—Aboi^ aeven hundred entriea been tnada

pemnasfaifr Ifi toe Cariio

diargedr the proeeeda to go for sdaxil inMaevemeatB.

—At a meeting of the Breats-laOW, Modem •iHe- 4ftt^

WoodoMaijol Aned«ib hdd last Saturday evemiy. the foUowingi'

raiected lor the iag year: J. S. Smith adraaeed to past eoMul; H. W. Henaley.i eoDsol; J. F. Donovan. advuaT fl, R Cfwper, rbrk; F. W. flom-wdl. banker; F. V. Shipe, escort; A K. WUkma. watdnnsmrE:

SaperiintLan^i; aenCryno^ B T H . Keys, tendent of Schods Tyler expects J. W. Jones aad A 1L Wilkina. 1,000 or mwe entries for the con- trustees. test which wilt dose aometiae vtett April The response from _ tlh> Wfhn^o nf the omtn^y h>« Kaaw ] j ^ ^

-^ : r _ ^ x ^ g ? g ^ ? * ' »Pd.theWinners wiH^i„| ,n,_ was thrown eoen to traffic (have good reaaoa ta. be proad of g ^ t ^ a

the honor.

•The imulai maOing uf the Vduntear Fire Com­

pany win take plaee at the Town - Tieasuiet J. P. Leachman 1 HaO thia evening at 7:30 o'dock.

tnd Mr. F. E. RaiMddl wiU j In d l probability thia will be the ^ hortly mova into the rooms in i last opportunity that wiD ^ ex-\*^ schod c^ldreo throoghootJ

l^ie county are acUvdy eniraged' s the M. I XT. Building recently' tended for the admisdoo of vacated by Dr. R. E. Wine. The rbers with no intciatioo fee. Ofll-

is survived by her hus­band, four children and seven Stepchildren. The funeral was hdd at the home Sunday after­noon at 2:30 o'clock and burial was at Limstrong.

—From the Warrenton Times of last week we learn that the Warrenton & Fairf^ Turnpike C a , Inc. is making a special ef­fort—ta_sell-auffid«Bt—stook—by Jasoar;'! to justify advertidng" for bids so that work can be atai-hafi i^ »!»» upring The Sale of stock in this proposed new road does not seem to have been poshed very much in Manassas. Sometime ago it was said that a good roads meeting wooM be called fior Manaaaas to arruse in-tecest ia the enterpriae. but to ^ate no meeting has been hekL

- T h e Lady Fairfax CandyCom-pany'sstore at 1331F street, n.w., Washington, has been dosed by order of the District Sa|«eme CoiKt. fiecdvers who were ap-Ipeinted for the boaineas some tiine ago were (^«dered_M condoct it antil Christ«ian< hot on a alww ing that the bonincaa coidd aot he ran without eapitd and that

1M» noffowwry could net tdhdl , the ONut utdeied


Bethlehem Good Chib wiB take plaee tuuiuno# (Satmrday) a f t e r n o o n at 2 j a ) . . o * d o e k a t t h e h q a i e o f M z & a T . deeper of the eoitoem. H. Hodge. AB mendwra are —Sevoal aliauu of eameatly jidted t o be present and Inatitate and Manaasas Affricol-are reounded ta be ready to an- tnrd High Sefaod

tiieroH caU-hy^nnga aen-jatJfliftBaeetingfli the asaQciation iwld at the hoaie <tf Miaa Eaga-nja H. OsboofB teiliift$«M!^

of Wuhlagcoii;

"Not the only time we wish you well-But one of the many, many times—

Merry Christmas"

THE SPIRIT of thia 1915th Christmas-time prompts us to express our appreciation to the community, collectively and to each of our frienr's ^mdivicjually, for anx part thej^ have play<d in making thu a most prosperous year for 08. — — — — — - —

May December 25th be numbered among your Yl/LETIDE memories as the Happiest Christ-

~iatt»af tfaom all—is-tfaa-vnA « l— - -—-—-^---^

Hw Peoples Natioiial Bank OF MANASSAS, VA.

' I t IS a pleasure Our dogan is, to serve."

Biafchwdl, of. Broad Jhiarw*

1915-M. Offieera deeted werer^^ annual Oinatmaa meeang as foHows: Pteddent, Miss Ma-, rion Lewie; secretary.--lyaa Eleaaor Lewis, and trcasarg-. Miat Nancy .finxHc—The dub.

andaodd of the aaaodatioii waa diarniapd and it was deeided-ta hdd aame i4 the hoine of Mr. and Mra. J. R Jdmaon on Frid^

jonmmeot Misa OdjPBrft aerved d^eioas refreshments which were greatly enj<Qred fay dL

"—Mr. and Mra. C A S . Hop-kliM WJIDB lir Fte-fai e<nmty aa Monday of last wedc met with an aqtn arridpnt which nairacn. loBstf Mi not turn oat to be se­rious. Mr. Bapiooa was driving Ua ear towvib Alexaodrfaud as ha tried to tdca a head in the

Oaktoa the car left As he tried to get

laati tmrned. Slightly InjarinfliDdr UaMsif and Mra Hopkoia. The madrinr waseompietdy wrecked and waa tnwwl into Manasaaa-tha latter part of hat week. Mrs,

A K O D A k The gift that keeps the pictarestsry of every yoothr ful iater'>8t—school dajnB^ndH>octs.Uie winter wtd sommq' outings, the city boy's trip to the eoontrtr •~* **^ •——^ H>y's tnp to the dty. In all t b e ^

. ^ ffg>,;j.!.M.u«i;

there is fan in the pietoie taking and aftetWAldl hndi fnn and aatisfaction in poBaaadonr


"Red Croaa Christmaa aaali to £

h&Te kMitnc

a a a t l a a caa be rr^acr^ uid Uila tsk* mmi ta Ita BOTTUI ««Bdlt)*a. kcarlac

r a4V CXBSP^ '1iT~ ca la i i l i . w U c k ! •

I*—iftTi r»i«nfc Call • — i t i i mt the extent of |70 worth have: •ST

. ^ L . : . . 'DU........I W» win girm O M RaB4r«« Dailara far -aa ia -m cYWMO-f aair caaa ar ^ n m u i r>MTBeH tku^easM*

Mra. W. U Sandera supply before the pa­

trons^ 4«aga«slfiBadadMir eBtnm-forSWBc-

I W Raira Catsrrk Cara. AB Drao iau , 7te.

V. X c K i k t m oa .

the stampa in. t h e Catharpin ndghborhood haa been irary en-•eooraging. Seek h a v e b e e a j placed on. ade in aeverd storeej

in sdling these little "bullets in a nobler war." Reports from various sections of Prince Wil-.-(ffice of the eocmty treasarer wiH cers for the nnning year will fcas

bo moved from its present quar- elected at this maetiagand other iliam indicate that tne publxr is ura, the National Bank - f Mn- imp"rtant J'^'gi"*^ «-i'l also beifj^j'"g ,'P increasefl interest in nassas;Trs<vir a? the rooms'are^transacted. XveTy'memfier. an6 f ''/' 'T^n huv o numDcr orrc^jT wrody for oeeupar>ey> * f naiW—^aeee «e6tf*qg-<e Dceomc nifilhijimj helping n>«iical innpoetion dell intends of>ening op a raiLfifr.^berai^wiU do-w«U ta att«tnri thei %a oar scboois and the fighting of

Name It! lii^higfa's Oe Answer

Name tuf farm cf coastnirtion that yoa mntnupiale

It ii «aeqn>«d (or bancs, ifc)e«Blk», fenee T»SU, gait*^ porcfaes. favna, sik». fe«ain^ tzo^lM, fatdca farniture ma4 a bamdred u^ker (anam of buddiB(.

BmlAtUf LMfk fmH i,—U wm imtnmm im «Ota.^ «. « wmt aWv. EMh year a Ukigh gUwctie kam wnmta ftrnt t*

the wear and trmr tt ttra IIIMIIIII. It U a g^tanatec

Christmas Cakes Res, Bread ^^

Candies ~ " Lunches

Oysters , & c We kaw a M liiw of Terra Cotta Pipe, Patent Phster^lime^

W e W r e a Wit of wn^r-r^f^am fcr A ^ %> LIXIA; . i \^ L.^ OCXS ^


tate and insurance otSee. meeting of this evening. i taberculoeis in the atate. AKERY ,Wiv«»i?attn^ mtnic, tmaBCtj mm TrOrK, tMuTaiUZed KOOlLPg



Id mi*. «ohn a. Nieol, of WHSIUUIT-

ton, was in town yestenlaj.

—iitf J ' . J. Broaddaa was in Dd-•-ai lane Tuesday on business.

M iss Cora E. Mooney, of Nokes-Srt-

|Mr8. J. E. OowelL of Midland, Ipu on « viait to friends in Ma-

MMas laat V6ek.

Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Mitchell WfiBDt the week-end in Waahing-t0B viaitinc friendii

lira. N. L. Turner, jr., of The jQUM. YJgjted at hw formCT borne


"By George, old man. yoa are looking fine!"

Did VOU t>vPr nrrfL,.^ ^ \ ,

i l Manassas this wedc.

JJAt. Curtia^J £|fe Insurance. Company of Vie-iinia. i« in Manassas today.

'^^rs.TariaBac aaS iEj AKce .<|aIick,ofLenah, Loudoun county, Wkre goeats of Mrs. K A. Lamb Sonday.

Miss Effie Guliek. of Washing-tian, spoit the past week-«nd with 1 ^ pw«nta, Mr. and Mrs. Jamee F. Guliek, on Goiter street.

Mr. and Mrs, Thoa. M.\ atkina, ti Alexandria, were week-end ffwata of Mrs. Watkins parents, Hr. and Mrs. H. D. Wenricfa.

Mr. & M. Meatie. of The FlaffiB, stopped off in Manaswaa Wednesday nig^t while on hia Wtrto WaahinctMi. Hr.H«ebs ntattned home yesterday.

Mr. Tayfer Adams and Mr. F.

peril up, no matter bow pooriy you were feeling before, when some friend j^reeta you in tb^ way?

Accwding to Dr. S. R. McKel-vey, secretary of the Grforado Board of Heahfa, the human qw-tem just naturally begins to tone up under the stimulus of such xreetiagft.

He declares it is an airf to ht^lth

Lost—A child's gold link neck tehaiii near the Episcopal church

turn to E R. Conner's store and receive reward.

and a help in preventing disease, and to that end be advocates a new movement —a "tdl your f'j^"'^ i ^ » - . , j ^ {^tiy itrTh''

movement ' "It isaot only bad taste to talk

of your pains and ailments." says Dr. McKelvey, ' but a reflection on your intelligence and knowl­edge of health, sanitation and good healUi. We are not far fnxQ the time when the cause of illness will have to be accounted for personally.

g. Bfown, stadaat at Eastaaa

«t tbe "I» 8iMt»^ai«alow." Ndrf<rik.astfaegDe8t8of Mr. and

JjfarB. Hubert Page. 'Menn . S. L. KDdW.iLa^

of PUn, were in Minawisn laat «Nedc visiting their brbtkera,

W. A. aad G. E. Oem. shile CB route

Althoofl^ hia .parents ^dn't raise him to be a adldier, Frederie C. BradnuHi, jr., of Mare bland. CaL, age seven years, has twice iormaUy onlistwd in the United States Marine Corps and is a eor-

in hia aaenad "hiteh." to

^Briyfllathi* —iihah mmily. _ -^ ~ ". Mr. W. fted Dowell tti!ka~ M E

L W. F. Dowell iiM>toMd

T M^^anntMlssKjteDoweM. who -o i l - * « ^ W 8 *

aed<wy«iiwidsy. The Dowdl i|ie Jit Hw fnnerat wMrti JM htjogi^k^Mat Baaaflton today.

i i at Baaaw Riass

There will be aCairistiaaa tree and entertainment at Bacon Race ^''''^flhflmp. Wednesday evening, December 22. 191S. begjnnmg promptly at 7 o'dock. Icecream and cake wiU be sold for bea^t <rf aehoolroomimproveiBenta. A goeaaing doll wit! be annthw fea-tnre of the evening;

It ia hoped that the organ which luajiiat been ordered win

I in pfaHe that night fui UHi MlT.iwg» I. HAKMBJ» ,


DUMFRIES ITEIIS » — » — • • —

TIM good 6U aeeadod apaa as m'MLlotuL

'Miiiiiliii M n . S t t e i e r m y aad

HuTM Twitad ftieodi i IHM Doraav

n other words, nature is no longer going to be blamed for sickness when it is simply the re­sult of igmwance. indiff«>renee or wrong ways of living."

Do yoa not think it worth giv* ingDr. McKelvey's ideaaii^t

We«k>! Seheregoea:



service during hia fSrftenlistaient and rii»"apatlal


years' which


foreign service in Cuba wUi coont aa foor years

towards the tbicty yeats sary for retirement And Cor-|W»f 1 Hr^fcwfn ^ l y hn wil i rpwT

Mst untrue a^au have serve? thirty years.

M«}<Mr Frederic LuBrsdman, U. & M: C fatho^ of the boy, is proud of the fact that .die regu-lany eniiitutd HHuUiea hato cq)ted his son sa a comrade »od 6b«y bis onfers as eorpMaL—U. S. Maride Cerp&

Ueorge vWiyne, Anderaon. of RiefaaBead. right tmekie on the Uititaiaitj of Virginia fnnrhall

Rhodes sdwlarsfaip to •nginia-

OzfonL iootfaalt

atan—J^An V. Say and Robert Kent Gooch—are now at Oxford. Gouch will leapre Londoa Chia week to drive an-AmpiiwuaiBbo-laneein ftance.


House Austin's.

for Inquire at 12 17-tf

I have 100 cattle i would like to put out to be wintered. Will put them out ia smaH bunches. For further information apply to B. Lynn Robertson, Haymarket Va.

I217-2t'" • »<^— A '^"g i w i f^n ipit h —kiffl

tip on tail and white under chin Has been gtmentniR tfov. SOcta. Liberal reward to finder. Albert Lawrenee.Manas8as.R.F.D.3, 2t

Piano for Sale—Tracer puwo in azceUeatconditian. Reaaooa' biy priced. Address X. this of­fice. I2-10-4lr*

For Bent-Bungalow near Hay-market; 6 rooms and attic, full plumbing, excellenrhot and cold water;.with or without land and tenant boose Chaa. J. Gillisa, Havmarket-Va; HMQBt*

Christmas toys for 5c and 10c Yoa will do well to visit the Se aad 10c Stora at Manassas for the porchasing of your Christmas toysL Wide variety and complete atock. Come eariy^for a jf ood selecti<»i. " "12$-SS

Will buy ap to 80 eai-a of ham-iog. Send list of what yoa have. 0. B. Barden. 236 N. 12th at . Philadelphia. Pa. 12 8 4t-*

.For>Salenr Rpnt^S room houfle c*i Centre street, near Soutfaei? atation. J.~F. GuKck. 12-3%

r w Sale-White rock cock $1.00 each, pore bkwd. vary J.J. Conner. Manassas. 12 3lf fine

For Rent—S-roomlmngalow.-T-water and sewoage —16.00 a month. W. & Atiwy. 123tf

Seeond-hand haraeas bought and sold at Austin'a. ~ 1. 3-tf-

Sale —MaBUBoth-Sronxe torkeys; iMg bc^d^^heatthy

ttwfw and-hens fw sale for l»eed-. J H. StoefenPR^ • ingpnrpqHesL i H. Stoelo. B. R

P.jfa3.Manaa8as>ya.U a&fb.l-6 Just^receirwl a carload «< B&f aflaiwr:

WANTKD—Men to l e u n barber trade; few we^Dt reiiiurad; steady positioa for cwapetmt gmrfnitaii; wonderfij-d*^


^ ^'^ ^J^ "P tlu* lot of Ortecoata, one and two ol a Idnd^ from the

largpat maker in the United Statea; they were anzioiia to move theae

amaD lots; they suited us and we bought T h e n are aU aizea from

33 to 4 4 in the lot and both long and knee loigdi Oveicoata.

Not a coat that aoU WHOLESALE for lem than $&SO and

'—• ^ » l X 0 O r - W e haTe divided them into two hila. —

Lot No, 1--$8,00


Not a coat in the lot that sold for lest than tiiis~ inioe'wpfaolelaler

l4>tNo ?r^lOeOO Manycoatsm lot s<jl-

ing whdeaJe from $11 to^Wa^

• 3 ^ SELLdEJ CHEAPER* ^ 3 2 t

Xl IC» S M X

for bmrbmL Free eatalogoo. Washinatoa Bwfcer CaUc«e, Wartmg-ton, D . C . 9-lTWt-'

msfmwm —OF V A L D A B t i - * _ _


cT'Ae enditom d Ue Si3

the K. I. C. B s U ^ im tlw toroil •M.Va,oB

Mr. w d M n . F. C GraffMH •petit

M n . A H M Vmtim And CBHQFW.

The Rev. Mr. Manh' beU the MetlMdiat. Ctaieh SawUy Onite • t » f «rwwi rttended.

Mr. E M » B Keys mad V I M ViSa may Motored to Waahia(ti» tlM tnt ot tke week. Ho ipcBd a fMr daya.

Edwia Brjwaer Md J a A

wBl be uMideratea. ^

Kessra. Joe AiHldan.-J»k« Meithant, X>eUie Crawford and Edwin Brawner remiii*^ to Gvertaoa-riOt Suadajr

after •pendinc -air


reDlTRY FOODS i m r s o p p u B r " ' ! ^ bi the fall the poohryman's

hncy turns kiwaily to the' tfaoi^^ of egga.«How toget them ta die next qvestioa.

Thiaia ea«lya<^ved bz.1JML feedmgof dor odcte

i ^ l To the Natioaal Bank

Pl<-ase take notiee that the airaoal ttiag of th«.«tuekbuhlei» uf HifPsgr

' - Bank, of Manaaaas. Va . / at i u baakiaff howe, in the

of Minaaiin. mm Toeiiday J a m a i v I IU 1916. at U o'clock, fortbo p^trpeooor cteetins ifirector*. and for tfaa traoaae-

«>tr««Mbef««tk« & RJCTM<»n> KATCCiFFE.


taa aeetinc. FRANK PATTTE. Cwhit i .

s^^^Mss^s tafisfei^

CkristwHU HoBday ..isrea to points in the South.South-

east and Son thwest via Sooth ern Railway DecemBer 17. 18. 2". 24

m i U Janaarj-- 10. 1916. Consort

lior dctaila or write-Gr We8tbar7« Gtiieral Ai ent. Sooth- \ era Railway, Washington, D. C

na. TTttS ORWAUFWTS^^are h n ^ bta of Amm, wim Rreavoika of afl

CANDY--we c a n i say enoofk aboot iL O w amnilmiiat ia tri—pitdoaa. r a n i ^ ~ r - f^ froA 3i Dooada for 2Sc to SOekpoaad. • We nre a w e to nlenae TOO fori EE^X

Rata, Hga, Oiatea,

t»fc«i^ teteedrana mafeiiafjor S i B i i r Meat, Qyalera, Tmkeya, Ef ei jrthing for Xaaaa. Have alao added si tifri fine of GOOD JEWELRY for Xmaa. Lbok it over befbre yoa

J:H-BIIRICE & CO ^e^a^

ikirj tfin.i'^ri.ukjnvj v\^\^^%^-"K-i.xM, Aivj.i^jnix, i^iJv^ii*iTx*jiaxv j.r, x:«7xu

The Starr Piano Co."" are tlit aaly •annfactuferg of stri^


tf MBAttoi t pfa» Ml r«iMM-hk prafit Mir, nXeal vf 100 per cnL proit inaO} ade kydealot.

Tk; are ike iarfctt awfrctiren •f MtrHigh Gnie H U M n tke waiU. WilUi fwtrdvcc (43) yean Aer karc ««k aid MU •are iuu^ 120,000 iutnnMflta. Tlwjr are uef • Mire tbxAHi JMarfMt • Ae IhM Shht fbtt aqr after •ale.


American R«d Cfv*3 Director Urget ", Fynd For Tubsreulosi» Pr»veritton. i

Kouf of the [iroc efds from the saleo/ Red Cross rlirlstuiQS Seals, wbl. h are beluj; i>iilcl vvTUeiy lUrou^jlmul ttic Cult

will be used W tOberculoHlit o/ovemeal. for UQ; relief pui*itu8e«. accordiiig to a •tatemeat by Erueit P. OU'kuell, Na tlooal Dtrector of tbr American Bed Cross. *

Ur. BlclcDell sa^s: "Tbe American Bed CroaK In deejily apprw'tatlve of tbe •jrmpatbetic Interest wbii. b baa lusplreii tbe suKgetJtlOQ from rarl^u* parts of the Doited States titat a certulo per centage of tbe Ued Croas ^>al Sales

- rJUl<L'' bas^l>een n»ed for tbe last seven .voara exilitslvely for tbe [ireven-. tluu and treatment of tuberculosis lo luc uuitwi gtHtw. w CTpcbawi tm»

lu am tug BUropeffn "war auffer-VVblle tbe Red Croaa Is desirous

I t e Starr Fiaao Coi Factery Warerooms, FredericksHarftVa


M. D. WENRICH, L-K:*! ReprasMUtiva.



Li Macfaifle (eight coliimiHi eoipaeity^


Sold on one year's

r ^ h r n i i n t inr e-^i^



7 W era. of securlntr contrlbotions wblcb wUlln crease this war relief /und. we do net ftBi jwtiawi iUuiHiiiB nay jwHtsr

-which will tend to cripple tbe tul)er«u-losls work in this country, dependent as it Is for support to so large an ex­tent on tbe sale of Red Cross Christ­mas Seals. The anaoancement tbat a p«rc«Bta^e of tBe RM Cross Seat Aon-ey would go to our. war relief fund mlgbt i)ossibly incre«se tbe sale: bike. Lu oiir o;)iuion. the final resaltq would show a distinct loss la that part of tbe

_prpieea» goln»-tor tubercuioals work. "At the present time there are over

1.2C0 autl-tuberculoBls societies attrib­uted thPoUKh nearly every state In tbe Union and eren In Porto Rlcp, the Canal Zone und far off Hawaii, which are dependent almost entirely upon the T«c«lt>ts from the Red Croaa Seat 8al« for their work during tbe ye*- lOia The people of tM United States must wip-OOft thhi Inml war agalatt tubuwiih) Mi. wblcb anntully kUls aOO.OOO iMople •nd at tbe pneseu time la leaTlng a tnUl or a mltUAn woonded.*'

Hfe » 0 WS SHAHfc.

Hew the Rich Man Chanflad His Mind iWKew Tiiliifiiijiisis nnuuk Kwin. Anthony-HeiioreM~^ri9d ln~Uliaoai1

,and bad made bis money la copper and •Itie He had worked bjuU from a boy h tbo^drift up to^;the-nmt of foiAiiBili tbed^-to snperlnteadeat a k l flatty to owiftr. Slckbesfir aTrer # 0 1 7 ^ Um mi six Axtf i^kat traadb' bad Mood 5R»nr, bud k n o ^ anb ^ goofc for ntltiy mnrp—* r*^> tig" In amnror to

4 4* • AF'PLES IN BLOOM. * • '-- * ^ XI . J : • •! " f Vi- J«• r I i • •.' •, j u . I i: u r "ji 4 1 r^r . -nt" - - . • ' ^ • i^ CouK i • •: .4-l'K'-^ In ' j ' •• •' : vs,^: •! ^

jfc--,'^'••!!-'• • .-^r _!-uiT.Mj!i(i ; t [ . . , i> H< •!• 4 ino 't.- t:l;.nii car<"fuTTy fffiTf rttJ ^A(fT ^" • rnay ri'.i/.in ii:\d arran e on «erv- i 4» i i ig <ii>iti T o tlu* w a t e r arlti eu<;ir' , 4* 4> (g ra ted ii 'Kioa r i n d anU ur i ingi - juiL-r "li

Cool and pour over applt-s. Sarv6 4f . vlth creaQi or with cream »auc6. ^

• • • » • • • • • • • • » • » • • • » • • • »

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



5 ,*ft& ...-CLOTHING

Men's Suits


It cupful of thick cream. \ cup­ful of milk, 1-3 capful of r>owdere<S sugar. W .tsaipnonfiu. of vgnilU

Itlx cream and rallk, b^t until stiff, tiainr ecK b««ter; alld su«ar aad Tsnllla.

, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o « 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


I cupfula of drtod apples, 3 cup- 4l tUlm ot walaissit.l auntul.otiSasd j» less raisins, 8 cupfula of flour, 1 cupful of .butt*r, 3 esKs, 1 tea-spoonful of aoda.

Soak applea overnight In cold wa­ter; chop and cook wUh molasses until soft. AM raisins and stew a few mon^ents. When cold aild flour, tmtter. SBS* and soda. Bates tn a Btsady ov«n. This will mak^ two (rood stud pans of cake.

ooooopoopooo ooopoooooo O HARD 9AUCE FOR BROWN O O . • BETTY. O

O 1 cupful of powdared aograr, H Q O cupful.oCluittsr, white of iwt •ajr O

8 brandy or nutmesr to flavor. Cream butter and sucar, add white

ft-jS* «CT b»at«n stUr and fla,vorta«.

Soooooooooo o<

f APPti AND R ^ O W N R R E A D • • PUODINQ. 4

—1 pint biywu bi ciaderumbs, r pint chopped - - - -aBpleiy t-i of • .pint of

»:iin«y tBapwa^*;. i etiftm ta tu-• sins, 1 e n . 1 tablaspoontul of flmir, • U^tasMpooBftat «( salt. % plat of • ndlk. 9 cniitaibs. Aiid auet. 4 flour anil salt Mix with milk moA^

. • boll in buttered moM for *»? hanrs, f I 9 M m Irltb -iemon saoea.

* Wetty girl wb» asked blm to boy • ^ ^ * w a » to iieipt^4 ii**ri"«B«l«a<r-X OUWSiMi ib* r e l i e d gruffly: "Let'em ^ trark and save. That's wl I WM yoBBg. and I've uw«r been sick jMd-JiarB got enpogb to keep me'aow.:

it-WW a <Mreiwn-gte the Red Croaa fieal

• < ^ • • < • • » • • »»»»»»»»^


- —• •. Diwa.'- : —

$10.00 to $25.00 $7.00 to $18.00 $6.00 to $10.00 $2.00 to $5.00

Men's Overcoats Men's Mackinaws Boys' Mackinaws Men's Work Coatg, Dickeys and

Kerseys. . . $2.75 and $3. Cantripum Overalls . . . $1.00 Sweet Orr Overalls . . . $1.10


ect Shape-ior J l en , ~^"^fiO&, $4.50, $5.00

Beacon for Men . . $3.00, $3.50 Men's Weinbrenner & Lion Brand

Work Shoos .


AH the latest shapes in Men's and Boys'Hats

Fur Caps . . $1.50

We |»rry a Large Assortment of T n m ^ and Snit Cases

Men ff Underwear

Union Suits . . . $1.00, $1.50 Woolen Shirts and Drawers

$1.00, $1.50, $2.00 High Rock Shirts and Drawers^ best

underwear on the market for the price . 50ic

Scafl^t Underwear . $1.W, $ 1 . 5 ^

Eoja* Underwjeaf

Fleeced and Ribbed Union ^aits 50c i*'leeced Shirts and DrawetS . 3St RftHbea ShMs ahct Bra^erau ~. SOc "

THtitfH Hftff ffbue lewrHaif » , WoblHaff fiose . .


Men's White Handkerchiefs, all linen . . . . 2 for 25c

Better Grade Linen Handker­chiefs, put up in Holly bo.xes 25c

Cheaper Grade of White Handkerchiefs . . . 5c, 10c


.OJBT assortment of Ties are equal to any usually found jn city stores, put up iji

Ivfc 25c, 50( Hoiry boxes . , Men's Bath Robes

$2.75, $3.50, $4.50

25e, 5Dc, $1.60

Gloves 8-oz. White Canton Flannel Gloves,

knit wrist, 3 pairs for . . 25c 7-oz. Husking Gloves, mule skin,

tipped fingers, 3 pairs for . 25c Horse-hide Gauntlets,. $1 seconds,

slightly scarred"—this is tKe best value m a work glove we have ever seen—only . . . . 50c

Kid Gloves . $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Hansen's Work Gauntlets, or 0^-

bornlB Work Gauntlets', $1.00, $1.25, $1.50

Atttomdbilc, Glweii—:—r $1.50' Ftjr Gauntlets . . ; . . $2.75 Phisfa Gatintlets . . . . "$1.00 Suede Gloves, fur lined •—. $2.50

I tgnne l Shirfai jand Sweatenf -

Mten'ijBrueMnnelShhtg^ . $ i .o6 —aieft'ff Gray Flannel Shirts, .

S0^85er$ l .SO l i en ' s SweAtert from, Boys' S w ^ t « r s f r 6 m


Silha^lkuBUlCT lair li ^a flfeut ^ftA tifcJM.fc»<i I I > »IM »,» ei» away by the monater TabMvulofds and Ua son. jcist gradnatlng from college. tiad beien compelled to drop everything *lw» U) Ul^iscafUi fat bwtlUi ftPip t h b aamc dliease T t o dootgr bad aaia tbat

ati^ase (ooid be t r a c e d ^ c k ' p r o ^ biy te eblMhoed, when hlatwe^'hllduM had been narayl by the cobsnmptive aaugbm- of a wnannnitiyfe Bainto. The rfcikety. disease breeding teiiemeat» in which the zBlaer waa compelled to'live were owned by Scbofeld now. -I'd give laf two eyes and both legs and anm -TO miye ffl?-<Brdggeg-wm~me and my aon reaforM to beajtb.** he

smSae^ to :fhe "hej Croaa-Seal gU4.-"1 tiiui'i gn nwij fwm rtt Mongflt that BtyjEiri mtghttjeaUve aittf myboj

e atteoUon to the prevention of thia dlMa«e ten orilftem years ago- ?fow it's too late for that

111 Keep somebody elae'a a«D aad^


- t tfs^iaimfwls of -iunttwiuot or cdmstsreli, t copfnia of water, 1 ciB>tat of 'saa»r, IH taWeaoeonfnts oCijlBttasrcntted atod and inlca at

H S arrswroot' or esraabSch wfflF

ooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOO o o O APPLE BISCUIT NO. 1. "

t ^

t cupful oC ac^d^ .milk, bleepegni'ul ef sugar. 1 tabli ful of btrtter. klz, oool a H KMtm of jeast dlasuliisa' tr


water, I teaspoonful of salt 1 cup-fiil of flmir—T^t riw sna add 1 cupful of applet pareo, and grat­ed. 1 «tipfttl of alfitad floor. Ji-tea-spoonful of soda.' • ~ riasr fOrr-one hour. Into two flat eake% let

American G ^ Company:

tive of AlTieriF<TI Adding and daoghtcp aafc. HW. give me an Uy Listing Mac^nw.^ - - . : t^J^^l^J^^-J^ fLl°*n**'

T, -• aB yoB can Had ana charge thrai all ta If fTumpy ran make amends, which

lippsd froB"

Big ReductioBs] FORcsseuffir

- all bills of $5.00 and up 511). 00, 5 per cent discount

^ 10.00 and up, Ui p » tent off nert-AJxty dayt.

have a full stock <rf ^verj-: mg from a teaspoon up to

It can't n i d<> Biy rtiare." 'IStBeluHon^bhed gUI handed over to

IriiD'her e n ' t ^ san>liF <^ 20.0(ill seala and took his rbeck in retnm she (seard him matter Ma danghter'a name and repeat "T'K do jny ahare "


mjtaOflOO Holiday Stiekars Mreaidy Diatributad In United 8t..tes.

^.j^aK—peofUa-hace aiiy conception of the magnitude of tbe. Red Croes Christ-mai Hen] i,HtH|aign mn a^rg-^t ftgnrea tttat win show xfhut a gigantic movement this Is. Already 225.000,)^^ aeala navi!Tieoh nrlnled n nff hn./.iT.>.1^

j i I I 1 I I t M H ' » H 4 I I I H ' *


1 Pint «f H«-ht h l . ^ ^ . p ^ n y . cupful of-molB8ae« ^ tableaposofal of lard. % teaspoonful of salt. gm'.

+ ham or wh4M wheat flour for mOt ^ dough. 1 iai«e eapfat of chopped + apple. •+- —Add awlaases, lard an* fluui tu * bnad'Cponge. Beat w«II and work 4^ ^ rtmppeirmpie mta aotigti;- Wiape + •f tlM Aoftgk into blscutta anfl jlUce ^^ + In rauflln pauw AHew tbsesto rts* ^

wsll before biJdi«. X; t ^ » I'1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I 4..l..|..|.4.^.4.^H-^



O lalt, H teaspoonful ot soda, sifted 0 faito the floor: 1 teaspoonfol cream C^.of tartar (S level Hajpaoafnls ot O baking powder may' ke uaed in-O < ead of aoda and cr«am of tartar);

M oupfsl af huMf. I - n 1 - ^ - i -cupful of mak. 4 soar apples, Z ta-blespoonfuls of aasar.

Mix (lr\- ingredients In order glv-tn; niB fa " ' " ' « - -

that entire number distributed to i

t O

igrcdien^s In order giv- Q_ ^utW-. ^ *V and Q~

i« milk: titen stir this O U m« witn the mlTlt: then stir this

agent, m every « a t e and ter^tory of I g X ^ u l d ' ^ - f T ' ^ g h " , : i ' J ^ the Union from Alaska in the 7<orth to O onc-hair an inch thick on a shallow the Oauai gaao In the Ouutb and from S ^^'"S ^ x < ore. pare aad cot

" fo«r apple* Into eighths: lay them _ In «anltel raws on. top of tbe

the bipTeison-that the S. K A N N SONS & CO. . SERVICE is unique and distinetive. having

already won the apiHDval of thousanos of dis^ ' crimlnaLing patrons. . -__=-™= S. K A N N SONS & CO. VICTROLA SERVICE lalar-reaching and hftpfuT Sprviice- it doag not

Porto Rice tn the East to Hawaii in tbe '

rything to furnish a house.

S.T.HiUrS-Fumiture Store Unirersity ai Virgin:

>I>EPARTMDrrs REPIU3ENTKO C<^lea;e. Gradaatc, Law, Metfi*

c i n e , E n g i n e e r i n g • CAN FUNDS AVAU.ASLE

L.i i^-j*'-' n^ -111 !(*:"- *.'! t*0 c ve -a all ynlt to riiguua a uJ<M.;n la tiu^A6iiggals.Z

HOWARD WJASTOV. Rb.isTUiB^ IToivarsitr, Va.

eaitis, etc.. lo the nuipber of several I O million ha re also been distributed. Not I X less than l.€00.000 personal letters ask tag pwiflil'

and 4«a>n, enough to make the edge ^

pcBctrate sligtttly. Sprtnkte the *»- • •Mwr • » t*i* aptd» Bake tn a tat o»»»i twenty or thirty


I oat It fa estimated that tbe army of

-watkaca. nearly all of- wfaom f ^ v«l->»tgiTB.- eagaiwd ta aetHag O e saais Bombers well over 900.000. Tbe_adver-OsTnit and pobliclty ~3onated to tht Campaign amoopt to several haadrad thoonand dollars. Every effort Is M a g p ^ forth to sell TSjOOCOOO aeals, ortaM than one for every man. woman aad eMM la tbe Tnlted Males. This wtl) • s a a >TO©.000 f w tbe antl-ttiberctilosis campaign in tbe Colted' States, and particnlarly all of tbe 1.200 anUrtaber-nloaia aaaocbitlona of tbe country de live thelrsuprwrt from {tad CroaaSeab


3 eapfuts of sugar; l cupful of butter. 4 egga, 1 eupfal of milk. 1 cupful of elder. 1 teaspoonful of saleratT^ t cnpTals of flour. H tea. spneefm of dovea. 1 teaapoonfai sf efnnamon. >it « nutme*. grated: I capful of ralalna, 1 cu^ul of cw-ranta, 14 cuefy) gf_sUccd citron.

Cream su<rar aad batter aad add the welt beaten yojks of *«gs: thea add milk and cklar In which the aalcratus has be»n dissolved. Stir In flour grafluallT. beating well: a*i • bwiten whites of egg: add

Red Cross Seal Jingle.

'——^ liiiy anrr e ftsrt' ^TwaaasBls With one on each letter Of courM ^ou feel better,

Tao'va'^bsaded your brotlMr'a appisl

rnllwl In rnixture 1

IHfle Woor Gtv» Cbs atrons beating.

ThtiJTi!e_iHll fill t h r x . r « n .


^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « « « ,

And purchase i t - a t K A N ^ S . not because of price, for Victrolas and Records are ^ c e d the aamf PverywhfirR in the United States, but for

end with the courteous closing of the sale, but is ever ready to keep you enthusiastic witn your selection.

1st—Prompt Delivery of Machine and RaCordB' 2iMi—Kana'g 5ea)ed Record S e t v i o r^ . ?r€—Kann's Liberal Elxchaage Servica 4 t l l ITarni'a Firsts ( j w i m l x t i r *itji_ ^ a —


A small first payment only is required, based on the amount of records included on each of our special plans, followed by easy monthly pay-* menta as noted below. The first pavmentsecures^ -immediate possession-of any niodeJ you select and the recwds, which must be paid for on ac­ceptance of your Club. Membership, are of your own choosing.

We Prepay Freight and Express Where Necessary IHWUIMSI ywti

! » • . for mccont-

«w« aiaet-aBTB wiJsiW—




For GhillyNights aw Frosty Mornings


-*• X is just what you need In the morning it warms up the bed­room and bathroom in five minutes. In the evening it lets you read and smoke in comfort— and saves start­ing a costly coal fire or furnace. The Pci fee Lion tsuirna 10 hours on a gallon of kerosene.

Clean—quickr-coovenietnt Look for the Triangle

Sold in m ^ y styles and &ze& at hardware, general and dep9T|t;ment stpres evQFywhes .

Use AV9<Mi|P Sepqritjr Oil or Diamond White Oil to ob in best veralts in Oil S^ifiim, hatB0 and H^tctn.




MONDAY - CONTINUED -CoramoiiwtjalUj V*. WUiwir KioM -defendant appeared in court in

obedience to his recognizance. C- M, Ciai£iu.avf.rsffir.o£ poac: 1

Edward Hammill, constable, and Wm. Crow, E. Z. Sanbow; J. S. Storke and Wm. T. Wharton. justices of peace, for four yetu^ beginning January l,,1916.,quatl--fied for their respective offices.


Thos. H. Lion, who was elected commonwealth's jtLtorney for a term of four years commenciog January 1, 1916, qualified.

elected for another term bf four years beginning January 1, 1916,

iisft awUified.

Thereupon Mr. Thomas was ap-pointed by the j adge of ^his court Winak 'e an examination of iH? clerk's office to be reported in writing. And it wasordered that-: the said H. R. Thomas be paid the sum of $10.00 per diem for his services. ,

A""special grand jury brought in the following indictment: An indictment against Millon Hatch­er for a misdem^nor—'*a true bill."

Commonwealth vs. M i l t o n Hatcher—ordered that the indict­ment against defendant be certi­fied to T. E. Gamett, a justice of peace of Gainwvllte ttapaerrar District, for trial.


rilHlllfimiilllllHiillllllimii:3ll. ,gi.«illll!l(|lil»IIIIIIIHIHIIHMIttdl «''''i[HHmiiminiuiminiiiJifiiifiiriinjiiijiiiitiiiiiuiiiinniii!H4--"^

J. L. Dawaon, 0. C. Hutcbisoo, T. M. Rusadl and J. T. Syncox, saperviiora; W. A. Evans, eve^ seer of poor; B. F. Jenkins, con­stable, and T. £. Garoett, J. P. Smith, Q. W. Nutt, G. C. Russdl and E. S. Brocket*, justices of peace, for term df tmxr yean be-ginniotJ lanwry 1,1916, ^wMifi«d before the court

Qhn Wanamaker. Inp., va. ChauBoey M. Gilbert^plaiotiif bo xecovwof defendant 11&S8, vi^ interest from January 1, l^lfi. ao^ epBts expended.

h^ A. Moon^, administgaty




I'I-KFIAKJ 8v5]\ I

of J. B. Bryant, deceased, va. S, B. and Lucy Dobson—cause eagi-tinued to January 10. 1 16.

In re Marv Annie Roszel-Has-band. S. S. Roszel upon bis peti­tion, appointed a committee 'M Mary Annie Rosze). ;f

In >e Wesley Stevens—Uipi application, together with pf<>ttf of good character. Wesley Stevey was giiinted leave tocarry a p i s ^ concealed for a period Of one yeai, beginning December 10, 1915.

Accountaof W. J. Ashby, jailor,

Commonwealth vs. Wilbur Kin^ -recognizance of def endaot con-tinued until fui court.

J. R. Larkin vs. E. A. Brand— dismissed by agreement

Orange Grocery Co. vs. M. M« Shirkey — dismitaed by agie»-ment

C. F. Bailey et ais vs. J. T. Syncox—contest of election—mo-ti<m ordeeed continued-'faeartngi to be gives on January 14, 1916.


Yates vs. Yates—conuniaaion-er's report coc^rmed—widow of the late C. M. White, commis­sioner, ordered to pay oat tnoney to thoae whor)7 tmmit waa rf^«ji Yfif

A '* YootfUo*' aioiU tlimt u at koa* citkcr on . t ^ •tract or tL* Jtarin< floor. Boek iorm-fitting, {roati extremely Cut­away trom bottom button; eoTt roUii^ Upala iiridi arrow jL MUit.'loiar ^p fc vt> tect; dtatfoital poe-kata wi tk we l t ;

•m htitfrwii oiiA

said repqrt J. M. Hedges vs. Katie Hedges

—decree oi div<H'ce granted plaintiff w^p " yt"") /«n«»~4jr ^f

infant ehiidbren. Mutual Ice Co. vs. -i. G. Kic-

cheloe et als—sale of real estate confirmed—purchaser, Mau(ie H ICiAcheloe, to be given deed and title to real wlate when cumptt ing payment of $1,6G0, fHlrebaae price—purchaser given ^mmtdi-ate possession of real estate.

Tvler et als vs. Randall etais —caqsje raf erred J» M»ler Ck>m-areoantiDsr' toi|26, for piiseaeis^ niii^onerCl A r i ^ d S for^ils-

teacd Hid cdnoEcaltal fe^s, w ^ exanuned, allowed a^leertified to tin aoditor dTpuBftt^

tfituiiatn aiiri e«iy^tti»n-^H."T."p Davies, special commissioner,.to aonvay JMftl aitete> -in-Hciauae to Gattlner A. King.

-IMoffUW ifftJaata itt Thtet^T-^B-'J. A. iftwgan—aeti<» dismiiwad M cost of defendant

The Beard 0 SupervisowHttt Prince William\at a spmial liaat

- iqg held this day (Daeember^^ 1915) ratified the sejttetioo far the



' "

DUMN A. MARTIN CQ g\ Washington's Leading Store

—For China, G l a ^ ^Sl iver ware, Etc.

Uu» sapKitiaey Id IBl! lUiluwluK lines has been lecMrnised for year*.

Xtepehdabte ^mtrtieB, em>waiT»lji lowest prices for TBK BB^T.

StMiiac SUverwaro "" Final* Platarf Waw

"milPCWrito CMKK§" ' Cluna Tabli>w«ir|> TaUoGlaMwarB

• ^ ^ 5 filUL.

Brasi aad Coppa* Wi r f - f c , , Diahaa


Kilefcaa IHMwih Batfciiiiim FiKtorae

DUL1N& MARTIN CO. Pattarr. PoviWa. C U M . CbM.Sa*«* *c-

W A S H I N G T O N , D. C.

Sanitary PlnmlHig ^tunates <^eerf ully given

for instaSation and flxtUTK ^


T w o C a r l o a d s ctf = B u g g i e s s

We have just received oneiatr-load of Blue Ribbon Buggies, and one carjtoad oftbe famous Haydoeka very best material available, bought in the white wood and

It will be worth your while to inspect our stock. .

F A fiiAriJl * fA

judge of this court of Thomas, an exp^it aceonntaht, to examine' t^e derk's

^uaupti!iD.DiiiFona <a«aE= J. J. Conner recently elected

sapwviaoF-from Manassas Dis­trict, qualified b e f o r e County Clerk gcrroll on December 6th.

HAR&BRieK I have just burned a bi^ kiln of hard brick which I will sell

B^ fa«Bft f ^ $7.00 1 ^ thousands Place order now

D. LI B E A U BixsN frit, lev Bhaf > M

AddrcM: Manan—, V<u

fsm Uik boRsi:

Xncr« 10 sweeping over t^M

entire country tooay a more

izmolesoxne re(^ar4 ^or tkej^ooq

American doUar—and tlierexn

y o u 'vrSl. rma tne reason wny*

season by season, more people

are goin{{ into stores tlui.t iuitn<3^

Clotkes. for tke

ter—money s wor th tjiay

tkffre. at

$15; $20 , $25 and up. — :

A . B . KarscnDaum CQ* PUaJalpkIa - Naw Y«>1




Subscribe for THE JotntNAL $LC04heye%r4a advance

19^ OUR COMPLETE %1QK3k\i';iv.'ja:i"iir. iKrnnr FANS-TOASTERS

Nt kwCpiatts «ft ai ElectiK faiFAhn^t^

#iH be lafeiy wueJ by uaa laXem coat. lar yrwir ejte^UuLjoar .pockety


iferay K. Reld & Co^ laAv^oers, liMl'-j'i*:

-Blmdi^aild Building Material OF ALL K I N D S ;

ESTIMATES FURNISHED. Office: No. 115 N. Union Street Pactorv: No. I l l N. Lee Street. ALEXANDRIA. Vfi

'niiaHii>BPi\7;r. rr^ifieostpaid l u t u a i Pahliaking Company, ManaMM.V'a

t ffi^lfeN A§SA»^gCTWi^ VJamt^^BdEMBESL VT, JS^


TteTwqrte-uf mii Bi tuwijuur^wir -igrwotty^stBagr^ga 'n-be giad to ktnm wtoriaf ptctnre

tkat there wiU be a

1 otiMrjfeiaite, will b« Blade later.

Mr. aad Mn. J C 4 B G n « t left Wed-neadmjr eireDiag tat l!nmk%,h*\. IM.,

tfcejr will embark in t t e dairy Their aM^y friewte wiak

I in tkeir new hooMi. Mr. Geo . .£ . Arnoor left Mooday

Baominc for N « « BaltiBore where be bM_IakeD ckarj* of Mr. Laont'a saw

Wfaa Uie vo ik at that point is the ouU equipBteot will be

i«o«his 'paee - - ^^ Mr. L M HaVbnch s K ( a k i x e dMr

a. ths f a i af Mn TJ W . P I W ^ dsy last This is 4faa-fiiat. ileer

tfina fnr a Vi

Wcrit oo the insUliatMo of |i>wbi«iK 1 the aew resadeoee of Mr. A. W.

Tbc tibenBocBeter n g i a U w J SO de-

* ) UK IJUMHif Mis. Oi > 'ii hi stfcis', Mr. J . • U Huiton. -of this place. While here Mrs. Gee called OD several of her frieoda.

Kneaa at 7 a. m. Wsdneadsy. Mr. E. E. Pickett haa iiminiurt his

pasitiaD with Holfish A Oarkaoci after an abacae> ot a rerai wedca.

Mi^ WittMt LMmimtat, tifmmmt, wiittmt a t Mr. C E. J w i h a ' s fcr a f«w days reeeatty. He left New Totk yea-terday for his haM*. '

Ura. MaiT Miwaw eatectaiaed the Sev. W. J. DL T l i m i i . of WrneHMrl, D. Ct aa Theaday.

M M Baae S U ^ V . of Watettail. caUed Tneadq.

MnL K. E.GMBett. who aif late, ia g n a t . y

Magr(vW.K.T«Qoas part «f the w«ek ia Wi

the hi ih achool atiMasaasas, speat the iMck-cod ^ his h o n e beie.

W e a i e a w i y ^ » h s s t t h a t Mia. IVaak

We hope dae wX

ji^TJES^cts-te Miis Alexander's t f o n s to^make| ) oar ifHgtjv k *iicc«a*s..

JJjagjgv-iJicjjetjpCM wi: fiufat tcTCtriit-vacatioD W«diic»a«i afternoon.

VaeatHMi will last antil Monday, Jua. i..

tertK. Mn. Edith Bajty has retaned t* her

bone in Waahingtaa, after

Mr. and Mra. T. L SuUivaa. Mr. GeotveCopeo aad hb soe. Corby,

have moved to oar to^ra. Misa Xiiliaa Grecaweod qient Satar-

day evanaw and Sonday with Mna May MiU.

Mr. Grorer Keys and faauly have moved to Alexandria. T U X E T .

A Chrisbnas SoggestioB


CUFIONeOiNG& ' POSSIBLY a uitMcription to 'Tbe Majuiua* Joamal wollid' muke an acceptable hpUday I

' present to tome friend. Tfaei


Will H«m»c>n, of Keverlet, d>«d litst week sffmion ilkieas of aeveraJ wMrks:

i«a, I He leaves a wif* u ( l seVOST ehBdren. _ M«. M. t QsB€S was in the cit, i ^^^^ , ^ certainly be grote-

riMH^Bi-t^i'nd.y j foUy rcoiemberad every week Mr. and MfB. Wm. Whitmore were , " . , t J .

AiexaDdria .hoppe«ooFr ,day . l« .^ f o r a w b o l e y e w , a n d d i e c o r t Kcv. AUord KeUey preaehod Saoday

BMcahv to a l a i ] ^ eeqcregatian oe the aabjeet of "AfflictMo."

Rev. J. F. Burks had sernoes at 3 p. m. SuzKfaiy to the Episnijal cbapal ahd adauaistered the i w . ' H — t e t f coas-

Mr. aod Mrs. Gee, of Fan Waahai«-ton, have spfcot the past few days a t

She was fu iumly Miss Carrie Ifintofi. Misa Oaie Baile; left Sooday for UK

R o ^ r t Hiatoa, wha have beeo visiting relativea at Aooetaik. retDTDed to their home h s e fluadajf.

Miatf Hatsie Sia^Moa iBTtiitr -'*-^-Fairfax c o m ^ .

Heaara. HhitM^ Aiesandet. caBed at Mr. C. K. Ctefce'e hi neaoay eip^ht.

Maud Norman waa a Mra. J . L. m a t o a Satarday.

Mr. C K. Oatke , aod som. Jeha and PaaL asataend to S . M. B i t e ' a ~ aad eaja^ed a ve iy ihiljaht fal trip.

We are i^taA to icport that M a . La­ther Wiadaoc haa reeovered froM her


goeat at

Mr. Ihid Oaike , e f Indian Head, M l . , apeat flauday at lua '

Mr. D. a Aleraadw cailad at of Mr. C K. CSaikeSMtey.

Mr. aad Jfam. C. E. Clarfce

- ~ ^ - "-leMlaimChmaiBh, CK. aad J. retake

to you will be only $1JOO.

itfStMi ^ quite a Monday Bkacaii« the

x.«wl » j r t . i*m firsit , — . » t . waaoov-

af wanlfft this seaaoo, moeh t o the dehghllBf the

Mr. Sam Baekley. who hiia heca ia

ooaty ill for ear^Taeaday

died Burial waa a t

Mr. ": fWrfaz eeatt-faoaae « B Tfaanaday. Baekley leavea a wife, who was Lacy Davia, three eona and tma daagit-

He ia alaoaarrivcd by oae laatittf. aMthar. Mia. AIBK-

Baekley. who tusiiua near Le-gata, this eonal^.

Mr. BacUey B e tad jns hooae which they eapwr ted to befacaCtaMtaaa

IhefaaaHyhM the a j i i a t h f e< t t a

Ihw Suli fftit It shows many of Rich's fashions for men, women

tNQr from it with every aa-sof sadaCacCaoa

B. Rich's Sons Ta4MFSl.C«.ll


QHiJbte Bad Uidky

yaargooda 1 p v c Mbor. aad t t a reaidt taclr free

Having determined to devote our whole time to the Real EsUte anc Insurance busineBS, we hereby sohcTt aH property for eu.W smfl request those having property U list the saine with us proinptJy.

Wa p»i—iiii to daal furiy wxth all aad w3i aiv* t t a hMiaeaa oar beal a

C. J . M E E T Z E AL CO. -I-C. .v..

IF you cover yotir house, bam and oifter buildtnjre with a good

' rooiitti? itke we «eil: V>e a.isxj nave a roofing cement

that will help tide >our old roof over. Let us talk about roofing


j W. C. WAGENER { AyeBt GcBois* Amencmo Fence


T*CICI>K:¥ is largely a qaestioc of the skill of the repair mmt. A cewptirated aad Idce^ adjusted • 11 l i a j j j | ^ j J i [ ^ ^ ^ t o a h e a l d .

«r areitanad by

A U T O M O B U f S F O R H I R E

Oar rapairaereieela < eveey eae ol

AU free.


The w«y to make two bJades of wna^gromn where one does now; Buy the celebrated Magiieaium LJme from Lee&burg Lime Co., the lime that has bHBen sold in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past twenty-five years, and out pro-thweii them all. and the reesan tor it is because it contains Mas-nesium and Oxide of Iron in right praportioo to Cakium Carbooata^ ami the United States Agricul­tural DetMrtment in Year Book 190L P^se 161. states that Mair-Benmn is abwdotely necessary ta pisnt jnvwtii and nothing eto« win take its place. Send < to W. T. Thoma—tm. Ya., or tfireet to OS aad Mme 1


a W. WKSTBCST, Oaa. AnaU. TOS. D . a

NewWafl Paper ^Oar new Fafl Stock <st

aU kinds of Wail Paper has arrived. Prteds are low and qoali^ high.


f> AUK i.B% MXIXt B K t . S A «

\T\^ • . . lU k « - fm.'—nr

tje* AdBnaut«'r«i for lees ExtraeOsT of Teeth.

;iJR.X*F. H O U G H 0 £ J d T l S T

M. I. C- Buudingj , Mar.AiJias. V a