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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Chapter 10Threads and Fasteners


  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only


    What will we learn in Chapter 10?→ How to represent fasteners and threads on

    an engineering drawing.

    → How to calculate bolt and screw clearanceholes.

    Key points→ Threads are represented by thread sy bols!

    not by a realistic drawing.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Threads and Fasteners

    10.1) Fasteners

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only


    Fasteners include→ bolts and nuts "threaded#→ set screws "threaded#

    → washers→ $eys→ pins

    Fasteners are not a permanent meanso! assem"ly such as weldin# oradhesi$es.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only


    Fasteners and threaded !eatures must"e speci!ied on your en#ineerin#drawin#.

    → Threaded features% Threads are specified ina thread note.

    → &eneral 'asteners% Purchasing infor ationust be gi(en to allow the fastener to be

    ordered correctly.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Thread %e!initions

    Screw Thread ) ridge of unifor sectionin the for of a heli*.

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    7/88Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Thread %e!initions

    External Thread +*ternal threads are onthe outside of a e ber.

    → ) cha fer on the end of the screw threada$es it easier to engage the nut.

    Cha fer

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    Thread %e!initions

    External Thread

    → )n e*ternal thread is cut using a die or alathe.

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    Thread %e!initions

    &nternal Thread ,nternal threads are onthe inside of a e ber.

    → )n internal thread is cut using a tap.

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    Thread %e!initions

    'a(or %& *%) The largest dia eter "'orboth internal and e*ternal threads#.

    'inor %& *d) The s allest dia eter.

    %epth o! thread "- d#/2

    +itch %& *d + ) The dia eter at which a

    line cuts the spaces and threads e ually.

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    Thread %e!initions

    Crest The top surface.

    ,oot The botto 1urface.

    Side The surface between the crest androot.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Thread %e!initions

    +itch *+) The distance fro a point on ascrew thread to a corresponding point onthe ne*t thread "in/Threads#.

    n#le o! Thread * ) The angle betweenthe threads.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Thread %e!initions

    Screw xis The longitudinal centerline.

    -ead The distance a screw threadad(ances a*ially in one turn.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Thread %e!initions

    ,i#ht anded Thread )d(ances whenturned C . "Threads are assu ed RHunless specified otherwise.#

    -e!t anded Thread )d(ances whenturned CC .

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Types o! Thread

    There are many di!!erent types o!thread !orms *shape) a$aila"le. Themost common are/

    → 3nified→ 4etric

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Types o! Thread

    Thread !orm choice depends on/→ what it will be used for → length of engage ent

    → load→ etc5

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Types o! Thread *Form)

    Thread ame Fi#ure ses

    3nified screwthread

    &eneral use.

    ,16 etricscrew thread

    &eneral use.

    1 uare ,deal threadfor powertrans ission.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Types o! Thread *Form)

    Thread ame Fi#ure ses

    )C4+ 1tronger thans uare thread.

    7uttress -esigned tohandle hea(y

    forces in onedirection."Truc$ ac$#

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'anu!acturin# Threads

    &nternal Threads→ 'irst a tap drill hole is cut with a twist drill.

    The tap drill holeis a little biggerthan the inordia eter. hy9

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'anu!acturin# Threads

    &nternal Threads→ Then the threads are cut using a tap.

    The tap drill holeis longer than the

    length of thethreads. hy9

    ,nco pletethreads

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'anu!acturin# Threads

    &nternal Threads→ Cha fers are so eti es cut to allow for

    easy engage ent.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'anu!acturin# Threads

    External Threads→ :ou start with a shaft the sa e si;e as the

    a or dia eter.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'anu!acturin# Threads

    External Threads→ The threads are then cut using a die or on a


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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    %rawin# Screw Threads

    There are three methods o!representin# screw threads on adrawin#.

    → -etailed→ 1che atic→ 1i plified

    1crew thread representation present inthis chapter is in accordance with the

    S'E 213.456001 standard.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    %etailed ,epresentation

    ) detailed representation is a closeappro*i ation of the appearance of anactual screw thread.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    %etailed ,epresentation

    Pros and Cons9 Pro%

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Schematic ,epresentation

    The schematic representation usesstaggered lines to represent the threadroots and crests.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Schematic ,epresentation

    Pros and Cons9 Pro% =early as effecti(e as the detailedrepresentation and easier to draw.

    Con% 1till ta$es so e ti e to draw.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Schematic ,epresentation

    ,ules o! use !or Schematic threads→1hould not be used for hidden internal

    threads or sections of e*ternal threads.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Simpli!ied ,epresentation

    The simplified representation uses (isibleand hidden lines to represent the a orand inor dia eters.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Simpli!ied ,epresentation

    Pros and Cons9Pro% 1i ple and fast to draw.Con% -oesn>t loo$ li$e a thread.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Simpli!ied &nternal Threads

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Simpli!ied &nternal Threads

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    %rawin# Screw Threads

    Thread tables in the appendi* can beused to loo$ up (alue for the?→ Pitch

    → 4inor dia eter → Tap drill dia eter

    ,f screw thread tables are not a(ailable!the inor dia eter can be appro*i atedas @AB of the a or dia eter.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    ni!ied Threads *inch)

    )fter drawing a thread! we need to identifythe si;e and thread for in a thread note.

    Thread =ote

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    ni!ied Thread ote Components

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    ni!ied Threads *inch)

    'a(or %iameter The largest dia eter.Threads per inch =u ber of threads perinch for a particular dia eter.

    → + ual to one o(er the pitch " /P#.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    ni!ied Threads *inch)

    Thread Form and Series The shape ofthe thread cut.→ C D Unified National coarse .

    E 'or general use.→ F D Unified National fine .E 3sed when high degree of tightness is re uired.

    → EF D Unified National extra fine .E 3sed when length of engage ent is li ited

    "+*a ple% 1heet etal#.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    ni!ied Threads *inch)

    Thread Class Closeness of fit betweenthe two ating threaded parts.→ 1 D &enerous tolerance. 'or rapid asse bly

    and disasse bly.→ 6 D =or al production→ 7 D High accuracy

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    ni!ied Threads *inch)

    External or &nternal Threads→ D +*ternal threads→ 8 D ,nternal threads

    ,i#ht handed or le!t handed thread→ , D Right handed "right handed threads

    are assu ed if not stated.#

    → - D

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    ni!ied Threads *inch)

    %epth o! thread The thread depth isgi(en at the end of the thread note andindicates the thread depth for internal

    threads→ This is not the tap drill depth.

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    ni!ied Threads *inch)

    Thread class is assu ed to be 6.Threads are assu ed to be , .

    4ay be left off if

    assu ptions hold.

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    ni!ied ational Thread Ta"les

    Standard screw thread ta"les area$aila"le in order to loo9 up the→ 4a or dia eter

    → Threads per inch→ 4inor dia eter or Tap drill si;e.

    Thread tables are located in )ppendi* 7.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1057

    rite the thread note for a :10 !ine thread. "1ee )ppendi* 7#

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1057

    rite the thread note for a :10 !ine thread. "1ee )ppendi* 7#

    0 F G2 3='

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1057

    rite the thread note for a :10 !ine thread. "1ee )ppendi* 7#→ ,s the a or dia eter 0 inches9 =o

    0 F G2 3='

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1057

    rite the thread note for a :10 !ine thread. "1ee )ppendi* 7#→ ,s the a or dia eter 0 inches9 0. 0

    0 F G2 3='

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1057

    rite the thread note for a :10 !ine thread. "1ee )ppendi* 7#→ hat is the inor dia eter9

    0 F G2 3='

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  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1057

    rite the thread note for a :10 !ine thread. "1ee )ppendi* 7#→ hat is the inor dia eter9

    0 F G2 3='D F .082A P D0. 0 F .082A/G2 D0.1;4

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'etric Threads

    The etric thread note can contain a pitch diameter tolerance.

    hat is the pitch dia eter9 s see.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    +itch %iameter

    The pitch diameter cuts the threads at apoint where the distance of the spacese ual the distance of the threads.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'etric Thread ote Components

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'etric Thread ote Components

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'etric Threads

    'etric Form Placing an ' before thea or dia eter indicates the etric thread

    for .

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'etric Threads

    'a(or %iameter The largest dia eter +itch "P# 4illi eters per thread.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'etric Threads

    Tolerance Class ,t describes thelooseness or tightness of fit between theinternal and e*ternal threads.=u ber D Tolerance grade

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'etric Threads

    Tolerance Class→ Tolerance &rade% 1 aller nu bers indicate

    a tighter fit.→

    Tolerance Position% 1pecifies the a ount ofallowance.E 3pper case letters D internal threadsE

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'etric Threads

    Tolerance Class Two classes of etricthread fits are generally used.→ IH/Ig D &eneral purpose

    → IH/AgIg D Closer fit.→ ) tolerance class of IH/Ig is assu ed if it is

    not specified.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'etric Threads

    ,i#ht handed or -e!t handed thread→ , D Right handed "right handed threads

    are assu ed if not stated.#→

    - D

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'etric Threads

    %epth o! thread ,t indicates the threaddepth for internal threads! not the tap drilldepth.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'etric Thread ote

    ) tolerance class of 4

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    'etric Thread Ta"les

    Standard screw thread ta"les area$aila"le in order to loo9 up the/→ 4a or dia eter

    → Pitch→ Tap drill si;e or 4inor dia eter

    Thread tables are located in )ppendi* 7.

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  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    'ind this page.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 105;

    'or a n 14 internal etric thread.

    +itch Tap drill %& 'inor %&"+*ternal#




  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 105;

    'or a n 14 internal etric thread.

    hich has the finer thread9

    → Pitch D 2→ Pitch D .A

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 105;

    rite the thread note for a 14 dia eter coarse thread.

    4 I * 2

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    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    %rawin# 8olts

    % represents thea or dia eter.

    =uts are drawn ina si ilar fashion.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    8olt and Screw Clearances

    7olts and screwsattach oneaterial with a

    clearance hole toanother aterialwith a threadedhole.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Ta"le 1056 * ormal !it clearances)

    6ther fits ay be found in )ppendi* 7.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    8olt and Screw Clearances

    1o eti es bolt orscrew heads need tobe flush with thesurface. This can beachie(ed by usingeither a counter"ore or countersin9 depending on thefasteners head shape.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    8olt and Screw Clearances

    Counter"oresCounterbores areholes designed torecess bolt or screw

    heads below thesurface of a part.

    Typically,CH = H + 1/16 (1.5mm) andC1 = D1 + 1/8 (3 mm)

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    8olt and Screw Clearances

    Countersin9Countersin$s areangled holes that aredesigned to recess

    screws with angledheads.

    Typically,C1 = D1 + 1/8 (3mm)

    )ppendi* 7 gi(es othercounterbore! countersin$and shaft clearance holes.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1054

    hat is the nor al fit clearance holedia eter for the following no inal boltsi;es.

    ominalsi=e Clearancehole


    /G2G/ I

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1054

    ) ; C Soc9et ead CapScrew needs to go through a piece ofetal in order to screw into a plate below.

    The head of the screw should be flushwith the surface.

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1054

    ; C Soc9et ead CapScrew 'ill in the following table. Refer to

    )ppendi* 7.ead diameter ei#ht o! head

    =or al clearance hole dia.C>7ore dia.C>7ore depth

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    - D A/ I

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1054

    ; C Soc9et ead CapScrew 'ill in the following table. Refer to

    )ppendi* 7.4a*. Head dia eter @ 1.;*;7ore depth

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1054

    ; C Soc9et ead CapScrew 'ill in the following table. Refer to

    )ppendi* 7.4a*. Head dia eter ) D .A"A/ I#D.JI4a*. Height of head H D - D A/ I

    ormal clearance hole dia.CB8ore dia.C>7ore depth

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    E i 1054

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1054

    ; C Soc9et ead CapScrew 'ill in the following table. Refer to

    )ppendi* 7.4a*. Head dia eter ) D .A"A/ I#D.JI4a*. Height of head H D - D A/ I

    =or al clearance hole dia. C @ % 1

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1054

    ; C Soc9et ead CapScrew 'ill in the following table. Refer to

    )ppendi* 7.4a*. Head dia eter ) D .A"A/ I#D.JI4a*. Height of head H D - D A/ I

    =or al clearance hole dia. C D - /G2 D /G2C>7ore dia. 7 D @/G2CB8ore depth

    E i 1054

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener


    Copyright © 2008 by K. PlantenbergRestricted use only

    Exercise 1054

    ; C Soc9et ead CapScrew 'ill in the following table. Refer to

    )ppendi* 7.4a*. Head dia eter ) D .A"A/ I#D.JI4a*. Height of head H D - D A/ I

    =or al clearance hole dia. C D - /G2 D /G2C>7ore dia. 7 D @/G2C>7ore depth * 1

  • 8/19/2019 Oke Thread and Fastener
