Download - OHU Aurora CDC May Newsletter

  • 7/28/2019 OHU Aurora CDC May Newsletter


  • 7/28/2019 OHU Aurora CDC May Newsletter


    ZUMBAZumba classes will be held at the center! May 2, May 16,a good turnout, so be prepared to move, dance and have fun!

    Sunscreen andInsect Repellent Permission FormPlease check with your childs teacher to complete this form.All parents need to review and indicate if you choose to bringin sunscreen or insect repellent to be applied to your child.

    Center Closings 20132014

    Healthy Lifestyles:With the hot weather arriving soonits important to keep

    hydrated, and we practice that at the center by offering waterto children throughout the day. We also provide water on thefrom drinking more water.

    How much water should you drink each day? Its a simplequestion with no easy answers. Studies have produced vary-ing recommendations over the years, but in truth, your water

    needs depend on many factors, including youactive you are and where you live.

    water to drink each day

    Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a conwhen you dont have enough water in your bout normal functions. Even mild dehydration cenergy and make you tired.

    How much water do you need?Every day you lose water through your breathtion, urine and bowel movements. For your boproperly, you must replenish its water supply beverages and foods that contain water.

    temperate climate need? The Institute of Med

    Summer School Age Progthroughout the summer. All children will particplanned in-house presentations. We hope fam

    to share in these presentations. The Bubble Ginside of them. Everyone also enjoyed dancinPetersons music. Please see the monthly calefor these upcoming events.

    Our center celebrated the Week of the Young Child by providing families with a break-fast and activities to enjoy as a family. Our lives can be very hectic at times, and we allneed opportunities to spend quality time with our children. Parents enjoyed a relaxingbreakfast as well as engaging activities.

    Children were able to plant a seed, deco-

    The Toddlers are Out and About!The toddlers in Room 108 really know how to enjoy nature! Theywere very interested in the grass, warm weather and plants thathave started to bloom. Its amazing how the sunshine and greeneryhelps everyone to feel great. Teachers frequently talk to the childrenabout the seasonal changes thatthey see when out for a walk inthe buggy and now that our tod-dlers are getting olderthey arepointing out the changes as well.Changes in nature are an impor-

    tant science concept that even ouryoungest children can explore.