Download - Office Information From the Pastor · 4/12/2017  · Prayer Concerns & Celebrations Prayer Concerns: •McClure Family •Kendrick & Sudderth Family •James Summerlin - Heart surgery

Page 1: Office Information From the Pastor · 4/12/2017  · Prayer Concerns & Celebrations Prayer Concerns: •McClure Family •Kendrick & Sudderth Family •James Summerlin - Heart surgery

News at Paw Creek

April 12, 2017

Offerings & Attendance


April 2 - $12,242.00 April 9 - $3,346.25

S/S Attendance:

April 2 - 58 April 9- 64

Worship Attendance:

April 2 - 93 April 9- 100

Office Information Rev. Veronica E. Cannon,

Interim Pastor [email protected]

Evie Landrau,

Director of Youth Ministries [email protected]

Kim Whittington,

Administrative Assistant/ Webmaster

[email protected]

Sherry Blevins, Music Director

[email protected]

Mark Burleson, Musician

[email protected]

Clint Shaw, Coordinator of Videography [email protected]


Physical Address:

(no mail received here) 7400 Mt. Holly Rd.

Charlotte, NC 28214

Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm


(704) 392-0329

Fax: (704) 392-4625

Email: [email protected]

From the Pastor... Dear Paw Creek Presbyterian Church, I read the following poem on a friend’s Facebook page this past week: “later that night i held an atlas in my lap ran my fingers across the whole world and whispered where does it hurt? it answered everywhere everywhere everywhere.” I could not help thinking how appropriate this poem by Warsan Shire is for Holy Week. We live in a world that is hurting and broken. War is breaking in many parts of the universe. Men are dying, children are starving, women are being abused, parents are unable to support families, jobs are being lost, houses are being foreclosed, our enemies are gaining strength, fear is at an all-time high. If I could borrow from her poem and add to it, this is what my spirit hears: God whispers, “where does it hurt?” Creation cries, “Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere.” Then God says “Remember” Creation cries “Remember what?” God says “Not what but who. Remember my Son, Jesus the Christ.” Creation says, “What has he done?” God says “He died to save.” Creation shouts, “Who did he save?” God cries, “Everyone, everyone, everyone.” This week we remember Jesus Christ and His saving grace. By His stripes we are healed. By His blood we are redeemed. By His power over sin and death, we are made free. By His sacrifice, we have life eternal. Praise be to God, Son and Holy Spirit. I live for the cross, Rev. Veronica Cannon

This year’s Easter Cantata, “The Easter Story”, will be this Sunday, April 16th during the 11:00 service.

Easter Cantata

Page 2: Office Information From the Pastor · 4/12/2017  · Prayer Concerns & Celebrations Prayer Concerns: •McClure Family •Kendrick & Sudderth Family •James Summerlin - Heart surgery

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations Prayer Concerns:

•McClure Family

•Kendrick & Sudderth Family

•James Summerlin - Heart surgery on 4/25

•Roger McNeill - bi-valve ventricular pace-maker/defibrillator for his heart on 4/10

•Austin Edwards - in Mission Hospital in Asheville.

•Harold Staton’s brother, Carol Staton - passed.

•Pastor Mary Lautensleger - had surgery

•David Padgett’s friend/colleague, General Espillat - passed.

•Evie Landrau - safe travels to and from Puerto Rico.

•Judy Smith - continued healing & recovery

•Kaitlyn Revalee

•Richard Rumple

Keep in Your Prayers:

• Hoyt & Jean Johnston

• Mary Frances Lail

• Flora Mae Love

• Diane Pegram

• Dave Reames

• Marlene Thames

• Melinda Shannon

• President Donald Trump and decisions for our Country.

• Caregivers

• PNC -Pastor Nominating Committee: [The Pastor Nominating Committee is hard at work. Please continue to pray for wisdom and discernment for the PNC:

Grady Cathey, Gene Hall, Sarah Kendrick, Victoria Krebs, Eddie McArver, Gerri Ann Shaw, and Debbie Taylor]


•Harold Staton & Virginia Oates are engaged!

•James Padgett received his Eagle Scout Award.

•Raymond Cannon, son of Veronica Cannon was promoted to Sergeant in the Air Force.

Page 2 News at Paw Creek Apri l 12, 2017

Greeters: Narthex: Danny McClure & Joy Tyler East Wing: Teresa Painter West Wing: David Padgett

CD Delivery (Mondays): 4/17 Doris Harrington 4/24 Linda Riggins

Nursery - Crib Room: 4/16 Jan Chapman 4/23 Lisa Revalee

Nursery - Toddler Room: 4/16 Celia Gray 4/23 Beth & Ron Mathews

Count Team: Team Leaders: Gene Hall & Leslie Joy Team: Grady & Karen Cathey, Victoria Krebs, Tim Sudderth & Barbara Ullem

Prayer Team: 4/16 Donna & Gene Hall 4/23 Tim & Celia Gray

Ushers: Team Leaders: Jane & Eddie McArver Team: Mission Sunday School Class

Visitation Teams for April:


Service Assignments

Fellowship Breakfast

Fellowship Breakfasts are now being held

on 5th Sundays along with combined

Sunday School classes. The next

Fellowship Breakfast will be on April

30th in the CFC. We will have a

Traditional Breakfast.

April Circle Meetings, 4/4/17 (10:00 AM, Parlor, & 7:15 PM, Parlor) Friday Fun Night, 4/7/17 (6:00 PM, CFC) PW CT Meeting, 4/20/17 (7:00 PM, Parlor) Women's Sunday, 4/30/17

May Salad Supper & Officer Installation, 5/2/17 (6:00 PM, CFC) MOC Fish Fry & PW Bake Sale, 5/6/17

July PW CT Meeting, 7/17/17, 7:00 PM, Parlor Applications for PW Scholarships, July 31st

August PW CT Meeting, 8/21/17, 7:00 PM, Parlor

September Circle Meetings, 9/5/17 (10:00 AM, Parlor, & 7:15 PM, Parlor)

Mark Your Calendar For These PW Events

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May 1

Sarah Kendrick

May 4

Vernie Smith

May 5

Joe Troutman

Tyler Vaughn

May 6

Mica Wallace

May 7

Teresa Painter

May 8

Stephen Mullis

May 10

Veronica Cannon

Jacie Loud

May 11

Rennie Auten

Willis Cox

Kathryn McCulloh

May 12

Thelma Tomlinson

Tina Tyler

May 13

Clark Edwards

Jana Joy

Jesse Longshore

May 14

Isabelle McClure

Jessica Reel

May 16

Ashley Gross

Carol McNeill

May 18

Joy Tyler

May 23

Tara Normand

May 24

Nicole Joy

Jan McClure

Linda Riggins

May 25

Michelle Miller

May 29

Lillian Nixon

May 30

Cherese Cashion

Barbara Ullem

Happy Birthday to Those Celebrating in May!

If we don’t have your birthday

listed, please let us know. You

may call the office at 704-392-

0329 or email your information

to [email protected].

Thank you! ~Kim

Page 3 News at Paw Creek Apri l 12, 2017

A belated “Thank You” to all!

It is great to be back at church! Thanks for all the cards,

calls and especially your prayers during my recent surgery!

~Eddie McArver

Dear Paw Creek Family,

Thank you so much for all the love shown with prayers, visits,

cards, and food during my recent illnesses. It helped me to

recover knowing all of you were praying for us!

Love and Prayers for all of you,

~Jerry and Judy Smith

Dear Church Family,

You are Special!

Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, cards, food, and love.

They mean so much.

I hope to be back with you soon. Take Care.

My love to each of you,

~Miriam Childress

Maundy Thursday - April 13th @ 7:00pm Good Friday - April 14th @ 7:00pm

Sunrise Easter Service - April 16th @ 7:00am Easter Breakfast in CFC - April 16th @ 8:00am Easter Cantata Service - April 16th @ 11:00am

**It is not to late!! You can still be involved in the Holy Week Services. Just contact Vickie Joy at 704-609-3641 or

[email protected] if you want to help with the Maundy Thursday Service or the Good Friday Service.**

Holy Week Services

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Page 4 News at Paw Creek Apri l 12, 2017

Presbyterian Women ALL Women WELCOME to join Presbyterian Women for circle. We meet monthly & are currently studying "Who is Jesus?" Insight from different writings of who Jesus is thru their lens.

If you haven't been able to attend a meeting or if you have missed a month, you will not be behind.

1st Tuesday of each month - Morning Circle @ 10am & Evening Circle @ 7:15pm in Parlor at church

May 2nd - Combined meeting/dinner/officer installation 6pm in CFC Lesson: Linda Sadler

Hospice Seminar Compassion Satisfaction: Self-Care for the Caregiver Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte Region, The Ivey, and The Department of Social Services (DSS) present this seminar on self-care and understanding Alzheimer's disease through lecture, discussion, & music.

Using our 'best practices', in an informal setting, we shall dialogue and connect with others whose loved ones and families are challenged with some aspect of dementia. Our goal for the seminar is to help you understand more about the disease process, how to care for yourself, and offer resources to guide you in your role as a caregiver.

Thursday, May 11th 9:30 am – 2:30 pm Myers Park Baptist Church 1900 Queens Road Phone: 704.624.6643

A continental breakfast and catered lunch will be served. There is no charge for this event but pre-registration is required. Contact Louise Giusto at [email protected] or 704.335.4320.

During the offertory on Women’s Sunday, April 30th, The Presbyterian Women graciously ask that the Congregation contribute to the 2017 PW Birthday Offering. Since the conception of the Birthday Offering in 1922, this offering has helped fund major projects that have improved the lives of women and children around the world. This years donations will be going to the following projects:

First Hand Aid Rural Clinic Development Initiative

Cuba PW’s only international grant for 2017, your gift will help build, fund, stock with supplies and staff six medical clinics located in Presbyterian Churches in impoverished rural Cuba. The clinics will supply food and medicine to some of the neediest people of Cuba.

The Family Justice Center Safe Haven for Domestic Violence

South Carolina The Family Justice Center is the only domestic violence shelter that serves victims of abuse in the counties of Georgetown and Horry. Their current capacity of 11 people is not enough and they need to expand. Your gift will help them build a new shelter that can serve 30-35 individuals in ten suites.

Navajo Water Project New Mexico

Your gift to the 2017 Birthday Offering will provide running water systems to 40 families who live on the Smith Lake Navajo Reservation in New Mexico. Instead of storing water in pots, pans and 655-gallan drums, household will have cisterns, pumps, sinks, and showers. Access to water is an issue of social justice, health and sanitation. Special Envelopes will be provided. Make Checks Payable to Paw Creek Presbyterian Women. If you wish your offering to be in honor or memory of someone, please designate that on the envelope.

Women’s Sunday / Birthday Offering

The North Carolina Presbyterian Historical Society will hold

its Annual Spring Tour on Friday and Saturday, April 21-22, in

Moore and Richmond counties. We will meet at noon Friday at

the Jackson Springs Presbyterian Church, celebrating its

bicentennial; visit historic Mt. Carmel Church and the restored

Bostick Schoolhouse, spend the night in Pinehurst, learn the

history of First Church in Hamlet and enjoy the National

Railroad Museum there, and end up with lunch at Mark’s Creek

Church. We hope you can join us for a very interesting tour.

Registration is $20. For more details about the tour, and also the

registration form, go to our website at, or

contact Program Chair Steve McRae at (336) 693-1929.

NC Presbyterian Historical Society

Paw Creek Presbyterian Church

Annual Fish Fry & Bake Sale

Saturday, May 6, 2017, 5:00 - 8:00 pm

Adults - $9, Kids - $4

Yummy Fish and Fixin's! Bake Sale!

Take-out will be available

If you would be willing to help with the Fish Fry

(cooking, setting up, serving, or cleaning up), please

call Danny McClure at: (704) 394-8481.

Set-up will be Friday, May 5, at 5:00 PM

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Graduation Sunday - May 21

Attention students and parents of those graduating from high school or college. Paw Creek Presbyterian Church wishes to honor those members graduating this year during the 11 am church services on Sunday, May 21, 2017. Please provide information on where you are graduating from along with any awards or honors received and your plans for the future.. Please send information to the church office so it can be included in the bulletin for that Sunday as well as the following newsletter. Graduates are requested to wear their caps and gowns if available for this service. Thank you!

Page 5 News at Paw Creek Apri l 12, 2017

AUSTIN'S ARMY Registration: FREE May 20th 9:30am Charlotte, NC ALL AGES ENCOURAGED TO WALK

Link to register:

Login and Join a Team Austin's Army

Join Austin's Army today and help add tomorrows! Austin is 18 and was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis when he was 7 weeks old. Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a life-threatening genetic disease that primarily affects the lungs and digestive system. The most common symptoms of Cystic fibrosis include very salty-tasting skin; persistent coughing, at times with phlegm; frequent lung infections, such as pneumonia or bronchitis; wheezing or shortness of breath; and poor growth or poor weight gain in spite of a good appetite. Austin’s main issue has always been poor growth and no weight gain. Now, he has a lot of lung involvement. As he approaches the end of his first year in college, he has learned what it takes to keep him going in sickness and in health. It hasn't been easy for him. He has had a hospital stay each semester which kept him out of classes. He is very interested in the sciences and would like to one day find a cure for CF. Austin also has Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes. In addition to all of his nebulizer treatments and oral medications which help control the progression of CF, he needs to check his blood sugar four times per day and use insulin through his insulin pump when needed. When he is fighting a lung or sinus infection, he goes on IV antibiotics which can go on for up to 3 weeks! Since CF is considered an Orphan Disease, meaning there is no federal funding available for research because the affected population is not large enough to warrant support from the federal government, there are many fundraisers held across the world. Our family walks each year in the Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis. Because of your donations in the past, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, through its research, is getting VERY close to the cure! Your help is needed again to help fund the research for a cure so CF will stand for CURE FOUND! All money raised goes directly through the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to fund the research. Help Austin's Army in the fight to find a Cure and donate today!

Great Strides Cystic Fibrosis Walk

Paw Creek just installed a new playground and is in the process of installing the rubber mulch & fencing. To help raise money for the playground upgrade we are selling brick pavers. The brick pavers will be incorporated in a prayer garden to improve the look of the entrance to the church.

Each brick paver cost $40

Perfect gift for that hard to buy for special person in your life to celebrate their birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Graduation, Anniversary, etc. Wording examples are family names, bible verses, sayings, in honor and in memory of loved ones, to celebrate baptisms, groups, classes, etc.

Order forms are available in the Narthex and the Church Office.

Paw Creek Presbyterian Church Playground Fundraiser

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People to call if you need a ride:

Ann Cashion (704)966-1004 Donna Hall (704)399-6483 Jim Meier (704)756-9218 Anne Miller (704)392-2989

If you are willing to be on this list, please call Ann Cashion or email: [email protected]

Ever notice that BIG Red Barrel in the narthex? It is always

available to make food donations for Loaves & Fishes. Items in

greatest need are:

• Canned meats • Canned fruit • Canned pastas

• Cereal • Powdered milk • 100% fruit juice

Loaves & Fishes

Need a Ride?

Please put in your calendar June 19-23, 2017 as the dates for our upcoming Mission Week. The dates may

change slightly as we are deciding how many days, however, we will let you know with plenty of time.

Paw Creek Center for the Arts

For your information and consideration:

The Center for the Arts Program of Paw Creek Presbyterian Church has been a fine ministry of the church for some years. It was created and instituted by Sherry Blevins some years ago. Due to life circumstances, Sherry was not able to continue to keep the program running. Karen Sisk took it over in an administrative capacity only and as this was a big responsibility and time consuming, with the responsibility she had with her full-time job, she was unable to maintain the program. We give thanks and praise to both Sherry and Karen for the work they did. They are both awesome women of God. The session has been discussing the Center for the Arts for some months now and it needs an infusion of time and commitment for someone who would like revive this program. If you are interested and would like to breathe new life into this program, we ask that you let a session member know in the next three to four weeks. If we are unable to get someone passionate about making this program active again, we will need to end the program as a ministry of the church. We currently have one teacher using the church to teach her students and they are fully sustaining the lessons themselves. We will continue to allow these lessons to continue with or without the official umbrella of the Center for the Arts. The Center for the Arts is indeed a very great program, but there is no one to run it and oversee it. Please prayerfully consider if God is calling you to this work and let the session know. If not, we give praise to God for what God has accomplished and for what God will hold for us in the future.

~The Session of Paw Creek Presbyterian Church

Cook’s Memorial Presbyterian Church

3413 Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road

Charlotte, NC 28216


Worship is from Noon to 12:30pm in the sanctuary

Lunch is from 12:30pm - until

April 12th - Veronica Cannon (Presbyterian)

Our children's ministry team is trying to grow the number of children that we reach on a weekly basis, so we are adding a few extra nights of Children Connecting with Christ to our schedules in April and May. If your child cannot attend Wednesday nights, we will be offering the same CCC programming on Monday nights April 17 & 24 and May 15 & 22, and would love to see your child there. For more information on upcoming events for the children of Paw Creek, please visit the church website and check out the children's tab, or request to be added to our new Facebook PCPC CCC - Children Connecting with Christ.

Children’s Ministry

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P.O.BOX 64

Paw Creek, NC 28130-0064

Seek ................................. Matthew 6:33

Serve ..................................... 1 Samuel 12:24

Praise ........................................ Psalm 111:1

Love Christ! ............................. 1 John 4:12

Have a Prayer Request? To put

someone on our prayer chain, obtain

permission from the person or family

involved, then call:

Judy Smith (704) 392-2892


Kay Scearce (704) 825-4446

Know someone Who Needs a Visit?

Please contact the Church Office or Rev.

Cannon (704) 392-0329

Paw Creek Presbyterian Church

Lord, we thank you for...

Each Week...


9:30am Session Meeting 9:45am Sunday School

10:55am Worship Service

12:15pm Children’s Choir Practice

Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm Church Office Hours


11:30am Senior Lunch Program

Monday 7:00pm Girl Scouts


6:30am Men’s Bible Study

9:00am Cardio Fitness

7:00pm Boy Scouts Wednesday

12:00pm Bulletin Deadline

5:30pm Adult Bible Study

6:00pm Children Connecting with Christ 6:00pm MS/HS Youth Group

7:00pm Cub Scouts


9:00am Cardio Fitness 6:30pm Chancel Choir Practice

Future Happenings...

Wednesday, April 12 12:00pm Bulletin Deadline 6:00pm Children Connecting w/Christ **No Youth Group**

Thursday, April 13 7:00pm Maundy Thursday Service

Friday, April 14 7:00pm Good Friday Service

Saturday, April 15 8:00am Men’s Breakfast @ Circle G

Sunday, April 16 7:00am Sunrise Service 8:00am Breakfast - CFC 11:00am Easter Cantata

Monday, April 17 6:00pm Children Connecting w/Christ

Wednesday, April 19 12:00pm Bulletin Deadline 6:00pm Youth Group 6:00pm Children Connecting w/Christ

Sunday, April 23

12:45pm Long Session Mtg.

Monday, April 24 12:00pm Newsletter Deadline 6:00pm Children Connecting w/Christ

Tuesday, April 25 7:00pm Stitches for Missions - Parlor

Wednesday, April 26 12:00pm Bulletin Deadline 6:00pm Youth Group 6:00pm Children Connecting w/Christ

Sunday, April 30 9:00am Fellowship Breakfast - Traditional 11:00am Women’s Sunday/Birthday Offering

Tuesday, May 2 6:00pm PW Combined Meeting/Dinner/Officer Installation - CFC

Wednesday, May 3 12:00pm Bulletin Deadline 6:00pm Youth Group 6:00pm Children Connecting w/Christ

Friday, May 5 5:00pm Fish Fry Set-up

Saturday, May 6

5-8pm Fish Fry & PW Bake Sale

Church Calendar

Thursday, April 13

Maundy Thursday Service


Friday, April 14

Good Friday Service


Sunday, April 16

Sunrise Service - 7:00am

Easter Cantata 11:00am

Sunday, April 23

“More Than a Man”

John 20:19-31

Sunday, April 30

Women’s Sunday /

Birthday Offering