Download - of the Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting€¦ · World Street League Skateboarding Events . Office of the Chief Operating Officer Major Music Concert Acquisition . Office

Page 1: of the Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting€¦ · World Street League Skateboarding Events . Office of the Chief Operating Officer Major Music Concert Acquisition . Office

760 Adopted Report

of the

Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting


Thursday 23 August 2018 at


City of Gold Coast Council Chambers 135 Bundall Road Surfers Paradise

Page 2: of the Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting€¦ · World Street League Skateboarding Events . Office of the Chief Operating Officer Major Music Concert Acquisition . Office

760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 2 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report

Index Adopted Report

Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting Thursday 23 August 2018

Item Direct. File Page Subject

1 OCOO LG115/1355/01/2018(P1) 4 Events Tourism And Governance Committee Action List And Forward Planning Schedule

2 OCOO LG449/756/02/01(P2) 5 Corporate Policy Portfolio Report: 1 January – 30 June 2018

3 OCOO CS105/274/2018(P1) 16 2019 Gold Coast Triathlon – Luke Harrop Memorial

4 OCOO CS105/274/2018(P1) 24 2019 Gold Coast Food And Wine Festival

5 OCOO CS105/274/2018(P1) 31 Australian Open Lawn Bowls (2020 - 2024)

KEY: OCEO - Office of the Chief Executive Officer OCOO Office of the Chief Operating Officer EPE - Economy, Planning and Environment OS - Organisational Services LC - Lifestyle and Community TI - Transport and Infrastructure WW - Water and Waste

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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 3 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report ADOPTED BY COUNCIL 28 AUGUST 2018 RESOLUTION G18.0828.026 moved Cr La Castra seconded Cr PC Young That the Report of the Events, Tourism and Governance Committee Recommendations of Thursday, 23 August 2018, numbered ETG18.0823.001 to ETG18.0823.00, be adopted with the exception of Recommendation Numbers ETG18.0823.002 and ETG18.0823.004 which were specifically resolved.

CARRIED ATTENDANCE Cr R La Castra (Chairperson) Cr P C Young Cr D Gates Cr W M A Owen-Jones Cr K L Boulton Cr P A Taylor Cr D I McDonald Cr G M O'Neill Mr G Potter Director Organisational Services Mr S Brook Executive Officer Events (part) Ms S Wilton Manager Corporate Planning and Performance (part) APOLOGY / LEAVE OF ABSENCE Nil PRESENTATIONS Nil

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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 4 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report ITEM 1 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER EVENTS TOURISM AND GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE ACTION LIST AND FORWARD PLANNING SCHEDULE LG115/1328/01/2018(P1) Item Action Officer &/or

Branch Action/Previous Resolution

(761) Events, Tourism and Governance Committee 13 September 2018 Audit Committee Meeting 3/9/2018 Corporate Assurance Events Infrastructure Economy, Planning &


Procurement and City Contracting Plan 2017-18 Update

City Procurement

City’s Events Strategy and Related Functions Office of the Chief Executive Officer

(762) Events, Tourism and Governance Committee 11 October 2018

Gold Coast Film Festival Office of the Chief Operating Officer

2019 Burleigh Pro Office of the Chief Operating Officer

World Street League Skateboarding Events Office of the Chief Operating Officer

Major Music Concert Acquisition Office of the Chief Operating Officer

(763) Events, Tourism and Governance Committee 25 October 2018 Audit Committee Meeting 8/10/2018 Corporate Assurance Annual Report 2017-18 Corporate Planning &


Proposal to make Regulated Parking (Amendment) Subordinate Local Law (No 1) 2018

Health, Regulatory & Lifeguard Services

(765) Events, Tourism and Governance Committee 22 November 2018 Audit Committee Chair’s Report to Council 2017-18

Corporate Assurance

Gold Coast Arts Centre Pty Ltd – Biannual Performance Review

Office of the Chief Executive Officer

RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council resolves as follows: That the list of proposed Agenda Items for the Events, Tourism and Governance Committee be noted. Authorised by: Joe McCabe TRACKS REF: # 54648256 Chief Operating Officer COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION ETG18.0823.001 moved Cr PC Young seconded Cr Gates That the list of proposed Agenda Items for the Events, Tourism and Governance Committee be noted.


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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 5 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report ITEM 2 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER CORPORATE POLICY PORTFOLIO REPORT: 1 JANUARY – 30 JUNE 2018 LG449/756/02/01(P1) Refer Attachment A - Policies amended 1 January – 30 June 2018 Refer Attachment B - Policies under review at 30 June 2018 Refer Attachment C - Status of policies at 30 June 2018 1 BASIS FOR CONFIDENTIALITY Not applicable. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Not applicable. 3 PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to present the status of Council Policies as at 30 June 2018. 4 PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS ETG18.0320.005

1 That Council note the Corporate Policy Portfolio Report: 1 July to 31 December 2017.

2 That Council approves the retirement of the Rewards for Reporting Criminal Offenders Against Council Property and Personnel Policy (Attachment D).

3 That Council reviews the Procurement Policy to progress future potential commercial sponsorship opportunities for HOTA.

5 DISCUSSION Policies clarify Council’s position on an issue. All new Council policies and major policy changes require a Council resolution. Policies are generally reviewed every two years to ensure continued alignment with Council objectives and legislative requirements and to minimise the risk of conveying out of date policy information to staff and the community. Minor changes that do not affect the intent or purpose of the policy may be approved by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or Chief Operating Officer (COO) under delegated power. The Corporate Policy Officer (CPO) has delegated power to correct minor spelling, grammatical or formatting errors. The policy portfolio currently consists of 77 Council policies that relate to matters of public interest and external service delivery and 56 Administrative policies that relate to internal operations. This report provides a summary of the status of all Council Policies at 30 June 2018.

5.1 Policy activity

During the period 1 January – 30 June 2018

• 20 existing Council policies were amended. Six of these policies were amended by Council resolution. The remaining amendments were approved by the CEO, COO or CPO as the changes were minor and did not affect the intent of the policy. (See Attachment A for details).

• The Rewards for Reporting Criminal Offenders Against Council Property and Personnel Policy was retired by Council resolution

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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 6 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report ITEM 2 (Continued) CORPORATE POLICY PORTFOLIO REPORT: 1 JANUARY – 30 JUNE 2018 LG449/756/02/01(P1) At 30 June 2018, 80 per cent (62) of all Council policies were current, 12 per cent (9) were under review (refer Attachment B) and 8 per cent (6) were overdue for review. Figure 1: Percentage of Council Policies that are current, under review or overdue for review

Note: The policy review target is to have least 70 per cent of policies up to date (current) at any time.

For further details about the review status of each policy, please refer to Attachment C. The number of Council Policies has been steadily reducing over recent years, from 113 in 2012 to 77 as at 30 June 2018. The reduction has been due to policies being amalgamated and others retired. 5.2 Potential Commercial Sponsorship Opportunities In relation to resolution ETG18.0320.001, work is underway to develop a Sponsorship Policy for the City of Gold Coast. The Policy development will commence once the outcomes of an internal audit are available, in August 2018, as these outcomes will inform the policy. 6 ALIGNMENT TO THE CORPORATE PLAN, CORPORATE STRATEGIES AND

OPERATIONAL PLAN This report supports the objectives of the Corporate Plan - Gold Coast 2022: B: We manage the city responsibly. 7 FUNDING AND RESOURCING REQUIREMENTS The Corporate Policy Portfolio is managed by the Corporate Planning and Performance Branch using internal resources only.











Jun-15 Jun-16 Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 Jun-18




Under review


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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 7 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report ITEM 2 (Continued) CORPORATE POLICY PORTFOLIO REPORT: 1 JANUARY – 30 JUNE 2018 LG449/756/02/01(P1) 8 RISK MANAGEMENT Monitoring and reporting on the status of the Corporate Policy Portfolio aligns with mitigating corporate risks defined by the risk category Governance. The policy process includes an assessment of the level of risk to Council if the policy is not reviewed regularly. The purpose of monitoring risk levels is to ensure focus on the review of ‘high’ and ‘medium’ risk policies (refer to Table 1). Table 1: Number of policies by risk rating at 30 June 2018

Risk rating Number of policies

High 6

Medium 32

Low 35

Not yet classified 4*

Total 77

*Remaining 4 policies will be classified as each policy is reviewed. 9 STATUTORY MATTERS Council and Administrative policies are approved, amended and retired in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2, Part 1, Sections 12 and 13 of the Local Government Act 2009. 10 COUNCIL POLICIES Refer to Attachment C for a complete list of Council Policies. 11 DELEGATIONS Delegation 602 provides that the Mayor, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Operating Officer (COO) may determine amendments to any council policy where the amendment is of an administrative or purely technical nature and does not affect the intent or purpose of the policy. Delegation 1817 enables the COO to determine amendments to any administrative policy where the amendment is of an administrative or purely technical nature and does not affect the purpose or intent of the policy. Delegation 1158 enables the Corporate Policy Officer to correct minor spelling/grammatical or formatting errors.

12 COORDINATION & CONSULTATION Stakeholder Consulted Directorate Satisfied with the report content

Chief Operating Officer Office of the COO Yes

Manager Corporate Planning and Performance

Office of the COO Yes

Policy Owners All Directorates Yes - Provision of status information on relevant policies

Corporate Policy Officer Office of the COO Yes

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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 8 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report ITEM 2 (Continued) CORPORATE POLICY PORTFOLIO REPORT: 1 JANUARY – 30 JUNE 2018 LG449/756/02/01(P1) 13 STAKEHOLDER IMPACTS All policy owners must comply with Council’s process for policy development, communication and review as identified in the Corporate Policy Value Management Process. 14 TIMING A Corporate Policy Portfolio Report on Council policies is presented to Council via the Events, Tourism and Governance Committee every six months. 15 CONCLUSION The policy portfolio currently includes 77 Council policies. The number of Council Policies has been steadily reducing over recent years, with a 32 per cent reduction since 2012. The proportion of Council Policies that are current has remained steady at 80 per cent demonstrating that policies are being actively managed as they fall due for review. 16 RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that Council resolves as follows: That Council note the Corporate Policy Portfolio Report 1 January – 30 June 2018. Author: Authorised by: Sarah Wilton Joe McCabe Manager Corporate Planning & Performance 3 August 2018

Chief Operating Officer

TRACKS REF: #69287356

ADOPTED AS PRINTED COUNCIL MEETING 28 AUGUST 2018 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION ETG18.0823.002 moved Cr Gates seconded Cr O’Neill That Council note the Corporate Policy Portfolio Report 1 January – 30 June 2018.


COUNCIL MEETING 28 AUGUST 2018 RESOLUTION G18.0828.025 moved Cr Boulton seconded Cr Gates

That Committee Recommendation ETG18.0823.002 be adopted as printed which reads as follows:- That Council note the Corporate Policy Portfolio Report 1 January – 30 June 2018.

CARRIED Cr McDonald requested that her vote in the negative be recorded

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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 9 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report ITEM 2 (Continued) CORPORATE POLICY PORTFOLIO REPORT: 1 JANUARY – 30 JUNE 2018 LG449/756/02/01(P1) Attachment A: Policies amended 1 January – 30 June 2018

Date Policy Amendment Approved by

16.01.18 Community Grants Policy Minor changes to Attachments COO

23.01.18 Appointment of Acting Chief Executive Officer Policy

Remove reference to Director EDMP CEO

29.01.18 Non-Current Asset Accounting Policy Scheduled review – no changes CEO


Water and Sewerage Connections Policy (previously named Gold Coast Water Network Modifications, Extension and Connections Policy)

Scheduled review Council

WW18.0125.005/ G18.0131.016

28.02.18 Water and Sewerage Connections Policy Minor corrections CPO

01.03.18 International Relations and Engagement Policy Change sponsor CPO

01.03.18 City Honours and Recognition Policy Change owner and Sponsor CPO

07.03.18 Street Naming and Renaming of Existing Streets Policy Minor corrections COO

23.03.18 Rewards for Reporting Criminal Offenders Against Council Property and Personnel Policy

Retired Council

ETG18.0320.005/ G18.0323.018

23.03.18 Appointment of Acting Mayor Policy Major changes – Mayoral minute Council



Water and Sewerage Services Capital Structure and Community Returns Policy (previously named GCW Capital Structure and Community Returns Policy

Amend Attachment A -Standards COO

29.05.18 Environmental Offset External Investment Governance Policy New policy

Council LC18.0517.005/ G18.0529.017

30.05.18 Voluntary Conservation Agreement Scheme Policy Minor corrections CPO

11.06.18 Banner Booking Policy Minor changes COO

12.06.18 Revenue Policy 2018-19 Budget adoption Council G18.0612.021

12.06.18 Expenses Reimbursement and Provision of Facilities for Mayor and Councillors Policy

Amend Attachment A Standards Council

G18.0612.031 & G18.0227.001

14.06.18 Councillor Remuneration Policy (effective 1 July 2018)

Local Government Remuneration and Discipline Tribunal Report 2017


18.06.18 International Relations and Engagement Policy Minor changes COO

21.06.18 Debt Policy 2018-19 Budget adoption Council G18.0612.021


Public Access to Council and Standing Committee Agenda/Minute/Report Documentation Policy

Minor corrections COO

Page 10: of the Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting€¦ · World Street League Skateboarding Events . Office of the Chief Operating Officer Major Music Concert Acquisition . Office

760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 10 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report ITEM 2 (Continued) CORPORATE POLICY PORTFOLIO REPORT: 1 JANUARY – 30 JUNE 2018 LG449/756/02/01(P1) Attachment B: Policies under review at 30 June 2018

1. Councillor Participation in Without Prejudice Meetings Planning and Environment Court Policy

2. Customer Contact Policy

3. Expenditure of Infrastructure Charges Policy

4. Officers Indemnity (Including Legal Representation) Insurance and Access to Documents Policy

5. Personal Liability of Employees Policy (Providing Better Protection)

6. Open Space Preservation Levy Land Acquisition Policy

7. Permanent Sites At Tourist Parks Policy

8. Public Art Policy

9. Water and Sewage Leakage Relief Policy

NOTE Councillor Participation in Without Prejudice Meetings Planning and Environment Court Policy The policy review has been initiated. Recent amendments to the Local Government Act resulting from recommendations of the CCC in its report known as Operation Belcarra requires further research and consideration. Detailed work has not yet commenced because of uncertainties of the legislative wordings. The City Solicitor advises that planned changes to the policy at this stage are unknown

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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 11 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report

ITEM 2 (Continued) CORPORATE POLICY PORTFOLIO REPORT: 1 JANUARY – 30 JUNE 2018 LG449/756/02/01(P1)

Attachment C: Status of Policies as at 30 June 2018

Policy Name Review

Due Date

Status Branch Progress Action Required Risk


Disaster Management Policy Sep-19 Current

Business & Program


No action required

No action required High

Local Area Works and Services Program Policy Feb-19 Current Infrastructure

Delivery No action required

No action required Medium

Naming of Bridge Structures Policy Jun-18 Current City Assets

Branch No action required

No action required Medium

Traffic Calming Devices Policy Jan-19 Current Transport &

Traffic Branch No action required

No action required Medium


Equitable Access Policy Jun-18 Current Safe & Liveable Communities

No action required

No action required Low

Graffiti Policy Dec-20 Current Safe & Liveable Communities

No action required

No action required Medium

Library Collection Development and De-selection Policy

Sep-19 Current City Libraries No action required

No action required Medium

Management of Trees on Council Controlled Land Policy

Jul-20 Current Parks &

Recreational Services

No action required

No action required Low

Nature Strip (Footpath)/ Road Verge Mowing Policy Dec-18 Current

Parks & Recreational


No action required

No action required Low

Park Usage Policy - Right of Use Nov 19 Current

Parks & Recreational


No action required

No action required Medium

Park Usage Policy - Temporary Commercial Recreation Activities on Council Parks

Oct-19 Current Parks &

Recreational Services

No action required

No action required Medium

Park Usage Policy - Naming of Parks and Community Facilities

Jan-19 Current Parks &

Recreational Services

No action required

No action required Low

Park Usage Policy - Temporary Use of Parks by Individuals/Groups or Community Organisations

Jul-20 Current Parks &

Recreational Services

No action required

No action required Medium

Park Usage Policy - Use by Conference and Corporate Associated Events

Nov-18 Current Parks &

Recreational Services

No action required

No action required Medium

Park Usage Policy - Temporary Park Occupation and Traverse for Construction Purposes

Apr-19 Current Parks &

Recreational Services

No action required

No action required Medium

Permanent Sites At Tourist Parks Policy Jul-17 Under review

< 12 months Tourist Parks

Waiting for VP to be

submitted to CPP

Policy to be reviewed Medium

Public Art Policy Sep-12 Under review > 12 months Arts & Culture

VP submitted to


Policy to be reviewed

Residential Tree Scheme Policy May-19 Current

Parks & Recreational


No action required

No action required Low

Sporting Field Closure Policy Jul-18 Current

Parks & Recreational


No action required

No action required Medium

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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 12 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report

ITEM 2 (Continued) CORPORATE POLICY PORTFOLIO REPORT: 1 JANUARY – 30 JUNE 2018 LG449/756/02/01(P1)

Attachment C: (Continued)

Policy Name Review

Due Date

Status Branch Progress Action required


WATER AND WASTE Concession for Water Consumption Charges Due to Renal Dialysis Patients at Home Policy

Sep-18 Current Customer Engagement

No action required

No action required Medium

Waste Disposal Fee Concession Policy Sep-18 Current Waste

Management No action required

No action required Low

Water and Sewage Leakage Relief Policy Jan-15 Under review

> 12 months Customer


VP submitted to


Policy to be reviewed Low

Water Sub-Metering and Billing for CTS Properties Policy

Jun-17 Overdue < 12 months

Customer Engagement

Waiting for VP to be

submitted to CPP

Policy to be reviewed Medium

Water and Sewerage Connections Policy Feb 20 Current Customer

Engagement No action required

No action required Medium

Water Usage for Genuine Fire Emergencies Policy

Jul-19 Current Customer Engagement

No action required

No action required Low

OFFICE OF THE CEO Appointment of Acting Chief Executive Officer Policy

Jan 20 Current Office of the CEO Branch

No action required

No action required Low

Appointment of Acting Mayor Policy Mar 20 Current Office of the

CEO Branch No action required

No action required Low

CEO Annual Performance Review Policy Aug-18 Current Office of the

CEO Branch No action required

No action required Low

Community Grants Policy Jan 20 Current Office of the CEO Branch

No action required

No action required Low

Complaints (Administrative Actions) Policy Jan-18 Overdue < 12

months Office of the CEO Branch

Waiting for VP to be

submitted to CPP

Policy to be reviewed Low

Councillor Remuneration Policy Jun 19 Current Office of the

CEO Branch No action required

No action required Low

Entertainment and Hospitality Expenditure Policy

Apr-18 Overdue < 12 months

Office of the CEO Branch

Waiting for VP to be

submitted to CPP

Policy to be reviewed Low

Expenses Reimbursement and Provision of Facilities for Mayor and Councillors Policy

Jun 20 Current Office of the CEO Branch

No action required

No action required Medium

Public Access to Council and Standing Committee Agenda/Minute/Report Documentation Policy

Jun 20 Current Office of the CEO Branch

No action required

No action required Low


Advertising Spending Policy Aug-18 Current Corporate

Communication No action required

No action required High

Asset Management Policy Dec-18 Current Asset Management

No action required

No action required Medium

Audit Committee Policy Dec-19 Current Corporate Assurance

No action required

No action required


Bank Guarantee Policy Jun-18 Current Corporate Finance

No action required

No action required Medium

Banner Booking Policy Feb 19 Current Corporate Communication

No action required

No action required Low

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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 13 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report

ITEM 2 (Continued) CORPORATE POLICY PORTFOLIO REPORT: 1 JANUARY – 30 JUNE 2018 LG449/756/02/01(P1)

Attachment C: (Continued)

Policy Name Review Due Date Status Branch Progress Action




Budget Review Policy Jul-19 Current Corporate Finance

No action required

No action required High

City Honours and Recognition Policy Aug-17 Current City Events No action

required No action required Medium

Community Consultation Policy Feb-18 Overdue < 12


Corporate Planning &


Waiting for VP to be

submitted to CPP

Policy to be reviewed Low

Councillor Participation in Without Prejudice Meetings Planning and Environment Court Policy

Oct-14 Under review > 12 months Legal Services

Waiting for VP to be

submitted to CPP

Policy to be reviewed

Credit Risk Policy Jun-18 Current Corporate Finance

No action required

No action required High

Debt Policy Mar-18 Current Corporate Finance

No action required

No action required Low

Enterprise Risk Management Policy Oct-18 Current Corporate

Safety & Risk No action required

No action required Medium

Event Ticket Allocation and Attendance Policy Sep-18 Current Mayor's office No action

required No action required Low

External Communication Policy Aug 18 Current Corporate

Communication No action required

No action required Medium

Financial Instrument Policy Jan-19 Current Corporate Finance

No action required

No action required High

International Relations and Engagement Policy Jun 20 Current Mayor's office No action

required No action required Medium

Investment Policy Nov-18 Current Corporate Finance

No action required

No action required Medium

Non-Current Asset Accounting Jul 18 Current Corporate

Finance No action required

No action required Medium

Officers Indemnity (Including Legal Representation) Insurance and Access to Documents Policy

Feb-18 Under review < 12 months Legal Services

Waiting for VP to be

submitted to CPP

Policy to be reviewed Low

Personal Liability of Employees Policy (Providing Better Protection)

Sep-18 Under review < 12 months Legal Services

Waiting for VP to be

submitted to CPP

Policy to be reviewed Low

Public Funding Involving Private Property Policy Sep-18 Current Legal Services No action

required No action required Medium

Recognition of Service as a Councillor Aug-18 Current Mayor's Office No action

required No action required Low

Revenue Policy Jun-19 Current Corporate Finance

No action required

No action required Low

Signage and Brand Policy Mar-19 Current Corporate Communication

No action required

No action required Low

Water and Sewerage Services Capital Structure and Community Returns Policy (previously named GCW Capital Structure and Community Return Policy)

Jun 20 Current Corporate Finance

No action required

No action required Medium

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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 14 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report

ITEM 2 (Continued) CORPORATE POLICY PORTFOLIO REPORT: 1 JANUARY – 30 JUNE 2018 LG449/756/02/01(P1)

Attachment C: (Continued)

Policy Name Review

Due Date

Status Branch Progress Action required



Council Leasing Policy –State Reserves and Council Freehold Land for Sporting, Recreational, Community Services and Educational Purposes

Dec-19 Current Property Services

No action required

No action required Low

Customer Contact Policy Sep-11 Under review

> 12 months Customer Contact

VP submitted to


Policy to be reviewed Medium

Debt Recovery Policy Jun-18 Current Revenue Services

No action required

No action required Low

Deferral of Rates Policy Jun-18 Current Revenue Services

No action required

No action required Low

Good Working Relationships Policy Aug-14 Overdue >

12 months People & Culture

Waiting for VP to be

submitted to CPP

Policy to be reviewed

Online Advertising Policy Mar-19 Current Customer

Contact No action required

No action required Medium

Pensioner Rates Rebate Policy Jun-18 Current Revenue

Services No action required

No action required Low

Procurement Policy and Contract Manual Nov-18 Current Office of CPO No action

required No action required Low

Rate Donation, Infrastructure Charges and Development Application Fee Discount Policy

Jun-18 Current Revenue Services

No action required

No action required Low

Telecommunication Carrier Leasing - Mobile 'Phone Towers and Associated Infrastructure Policy

Jul-20 Current Property Services

No action required

No action required Medium

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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 15 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report

ITEM 2 (Continued) CORPORATE POLICY PORTFOLIO REPORT: 1 JANUARY – 30 JUNE 2018 LG449/756/02/01(P1)

Attachment C: (Continued)

Policy Name Review

Due Date

Status Branch Progress Action required



Environmental Offset External Investment Governance Policy

May 20 Current City Planning No action required

No action required


Expenditure of Infrastructure Charges Policy

Feb-15 Under review > 12 months City Planning

VP submitted to


Policy to be reviewed

Garage Sales Policy Oct-19 Current City Development

No action required

No action required Low

Management of Major Projects Status Policy

Dec-16 Overdue > 12 months

City Development

Waiting for VP to be

submitted to CPP

Policy to be reviewed Low

Nature Conservation Assistance Program Policy

Oct-18 Current City Planning No action required

No action required Medium

Open Space Preservation Levy Land Acquisition Policy – Phase 3

Sep-15 Under review > 12 months City Planning Policy has

been drafted Policy to be

reviewed High

Street Naming and Renaming of Existing Streets Policy

Mar 20 Current City Development

No action required

No action required Low

Voluntary Conservation Agreement Scheme Policy

Aug-19 Current City Planning No action required

No action required Medium

*A Value Proposition (VP) submitted to Corporate Planning and Performance (CPP) is confirmation by the policy owner that the policy is being reviewed

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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 16 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report

ITEM 3 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER 2019 GOLD COAST TRIATHLON – LUKE HARROP MEMORIAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1) 1 BASIS FOR CONFIDENTIALITY Not Applicable. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Not Applicable. 3 PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to consider an investment into the 2019 Gold Coast Triathlon - Luke Harrop Memorial to be based out of Mitchell Park in Southport on the 7th of April 2019. 4 PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS At its meeting on 17 June 2014 and in relation to the Gold Coast Triathlon – Luke Harrop Memorial and the International Triathlon Union (ITU) World Triathlon Championships, Council resolved the following (G14.0617.028):

1 That the report/attachment be deemed a confidential document and be treated as such in accordance with sections 171 (3) and 200 (9) of the Local Government Act 2009 and that the document remain confidential unless Council decides otherwise by resolution.

2 That Tourism and Events Queensland be advised that Council is prepared to support the events in April 2015, 2016, 2017, and September 2018 as detailed in the report, subject to further discussions and negotiations and subject to final arrangements to the satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer.

3 That Council note that should the negotiations to secure the staging of the event be successful, additional funds will be required to be allocated in the 2014/15 budget and subsequent years, as outlined in the report.

4 That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to negotiate the final terms of the

contract and execute it on Council’s behalf.

5 That support to this event is an exercise of Council’s Beneficial Enterprise Powers. 5 DISCUSSION 5.1 Applicant Brendon Downey Managing Director The Event Crew 3/4 Fremantle Street, Burleigh West, QLD, 4220 0410 376 661 [email protected] ABN – 77 155 523 783

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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 17 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report

ITEM 3 (Continued) 2019 GOLD COAST TRIATHLON – LUKE HARROP MEMORIAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1) 5.2 Event Overview The Gold Coast Triathlon commenced in 1989 at Currumbin under the control of the Currumbin Nippers Club. It was conducted spasmodically over the next several years until an event company ‘USM Events’ became involved in 1995. Since then the event has grown in stature and was moved to Southport Broadwater in 2001 and became the Gold Coast Triathlon – Luke Harrop Memorial (GCT-LHM) in 2003, following the tragic death of Luke in 2002, who was a Gold Coast resident and one of Australia's most respected triathletes. The GCT-LHM has been the base event for 2 World Triathlon Championships (1991 & 2009) and the city will again host the Championships in September 2018. The GCT-LHM is the National Age-Group Championships in 2019 & 2020. Due to changes in focus of the previous owner (Ironman) combined with the cumulation of several years building up to the 2018 World Championships, the event is now being delivered by local event company The Event Crew (TEC). TEC is a Gold Coast-owned and operated event management company based in Burleigh Waters, employing 5 full-time and 2 part time staff, all of whom are Gold Coast based. TEC was created in 2012 and soon established itself as a leader in the event management industry. TEC now boasts a wide portfolio of events, operating the Queensland Triathlon Series and the Triathlon Pink, Fun Run Pink and the Gold Coast Running Festival. The aim of the event remains the same and that is to provide a showcase quality event that attracts a large number of participants, not only from the Gold Coast but from throughout Australia and potentially overseas. 5.3 Program The draft program of the 2019 GCT-LHM is:

Times Event 5am to 11:30am Information open 5am to 5:45am Check in open (elite / U23) 5am to 6am Bike racking open (elite / U23) 5am to 6:45am Check in open (Superkidz, enticer and sprint) 5am to 7am Bike racking (Superkidz, enticer and sprint) 6:15am Race start – Elite / U23 7am to 11:30am Gold Coast Triathlon Sport and Lifestyle Expo open 7:15am Race start – Superkidz 7:40am Race start – Enticer 8:10am Race start – Gold Coast Triathlon – Luke Harrop Memorial 10:30am Transition open for bike collection 11am Presentations

5.4 Attendance Organisers (TEC) expect to achieve slight growth on 2018 participation numbers (refer Figure 1 below). This is a conservative approach based on 2019 being the first year of the event under their management. Of the 1900 competitors, organisers are projecting that 67% (or 1273 individual competitors) will travel to the event from out-of-region (refer Figure 2 below). TEC’s research also suggests that an additional 2.48 people (family and friends) will come to the city alongside of each of the out-of-region competitors (3157 additional persons) staying on average 1 night and spending $184.

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ITEM 3 (Continued) 2019 GOLD COAST TRIATHLON – LUKE HARROP MEMORIAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1)

Figure 1 – Total competitor numbers 2014 – 2018

Figure 2 – Geographic location of competitors (2018 projected) 5.5 Marketing and Media Summary Organisers will initially focus on the marketing assets available to them to promote this event. This includes an existing database of 70,000 triathletes that are communicated to via electronic direct mail regularly. Being the owners of the Queensland Triathlon Series, Triathlon Pink, Fun Run Pink and the Gold Coast Running Festival, organisers are in a unique position to speak directly to the desired target market of the GCT-LHM through these channels. There is also an opportunity to promote the GCT-LHM at the 2018 ITU World Championship Grand Final that is being held at Southport in September 2018. Having only very recently acquired this event, organisers are still in the process of developing their marketing and media plans. Budget allocation and final plans will be finalised by the start of September and rolled out accordingly. Destination Gold Coast (DGC) will work with TEC to not only profile the 2019 GCT-LHM, but actively drive opportunities via their participant network to drive consideration of an extended



2006 1875 1900







2014 2015 2016 2017 2018(projected)




1% 0%











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ITEM 3 (Continued) 2019 GOLD COAST TRIATHLON – LUKE HARROP MEMORIAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1) length of stay and subsequent expenditure on the Gold Coast. Connections with DGC accommodation, tour, attraction and dining members will be profiled. 5.6 Funding Request Organisers have requested financial support of $45,000 towards the 2019 event. The funding would allow the event to continue at its existing Southport location and on the same course (which comes at a high cost to close such significant roads). It would also allow organisers to continue to provide a highly professional and presentable event, at standards that participants have come to expect at this flagship triathlon event, particularly as it has been connected to, and used the infrastructure of, the ITU World Triathlon Championships from 2015 to 2017. Being the first year under TEC’s management, 2019 is a crucial year where the event needs to both look and operate at the highest standard (and ultimately grow in participation and exposure). In order to truly leverage the significant investment that the City has made into the suite of ITU events (2015 – 2018) and off the back of the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games, ongoing investment into the GCT-LHM is essential. Having only very recently signed a contract to acquire this event (in early August 2018), organisers are now in a difficult position of confirming government and commercial support in a limited timeframe. While they have the skill base and motivation to do so, they have been given limited time between contract signing and the need to begin marketing the event to secure the amount of funds required to preserve the event status. 5.7 Sponsor Benefits As a major sponsor, the City will receive the following benefits:

• barrier signage (40 metres) and flags (6) will appear on course (to be supplied by the

Sponsor) • integration of logo onto:

o event start and finish arches o event advertising and marketing material including; race bibs, website, flyers

and media releases • opportunity to include promotional banner material in participant pre and post-race e-

kit for each event • priority positioning & complimentary 6 x 3 space at each event expo • opportunity to give promotional items to participants via event expo • promotion and competition opportunities via the Queensland Tri Series Facebook

page with prizes and giveaways from time to time • right to use event logo on your business marketing material (subject to TEC approval)

5.8 Outcomes A successful GCT-LHM will continue to position and promote the Gold Coast as a triathlon destination and will assist to attract a significant number of elite triathletes and training squads/camps to the city. This outcome is an important one for the development of the sport within the city as a world-class training and events venue for international triathletes.

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ITEM 3 (Continued) 2019 GOLD COAST TRIATHLON – LUKE HARROP MEMORIAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1)

The sport of triathlon is highly ranked within the City’s strategic sport markets, with the City’s recent commitment to the sport highlighted via:

• Triathlon Australia national office received support through the Investment Attraction Program to be established at Burleigh Heads (eight full-time jobs)

• Triathlon Australia’s elite athletes are based at the AIS Pizzey Park facility (City property)

• The newly established Gold Coast Tritons (mixed-relay team) sponsored by the City are currently competing in the USA Major League Triathlon Series

The projected economic impact of the GCT-LHM is just under $1 million (refer Figure 3 below).

Figure 3 – Projected economic impact of 2019 GCT-LHM An investment at the level requested ($45,000), provides a return on investment (ROI) to the City of 21. When compared to other major events in the portfolio, this ROI would be regarded as low (eg Gold Coast 600 ROI is 71; Pan Pacific Masters Games ROI is 50). To achieve a comparable ROI, the investment should be closer to the $20,000 to $25,000 mark. On this occasion however (during a transition year to new ownership), consideration needs to be given to an investment at a higher level (ie. $40,000) to–

• allow organisers to continue to provide a highly professional and presentable event, at standards that participants have come to expect at Gold Coast’s flagship triathlon event;

• ensure the City leverages the significant investment made into the suite of ITU events (2015 – 2018) and the sport of triathlon at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games;

• to preserve the event status. $35,000 has been provided to the last 4 editions of the event.

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ITEM 3 (Continued) 2019 GOLD COAST TRIATHLON – LUKE HARROP MEMORIAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1) 5.9 Growth Opportunities Moving forward, the GCT-LHM will be promoted heavily throughout the 2018-19 triathlon season particularly to TEC’s highly relevant Queensland Triathlon Series database (over 70,000 persons). Organisers will again look to enhance the events where possible including delivering the national age-group championship events in 2019 & 2020 alongside of this event. Organisers are exploring some excellent opportunities to partner with Triathlon Australia to grow this event in the future, as well as opportunities to develop a Saturday event offering to extend visitor stay. The immediate priority in 2019 is to deliver another high quality event to preserve the event status, and at the same time allow the new managers to understand the event & venue and possible options to enhance and grow the event over the following years. 6 ALIGNMENT TO THE CORPORATE PLAN, CORPORATE STRATEGIES AND

OPERATIONAL PLAN 2.0 Prosperity built on a strong diverse economy

2.5 We are a globally recognised tourism destination. Our city attracts visitors from all over the world.

3.0 People contribute to a strong community spirit 3.2 We are proud of our city.

We are a vibrant community committed to success. 3.6 We are an active and healthy community.

We enjoy our city and its enviable climate. 7 FUNDING AND RESOURCING REQUIREMENTS $40,000 is available in ED5710O007 Special Events – Tourist Park Tax Equivalents, cost centre 1005353 Gold Coast Triathlon. 8 RISK MANAGEMENT There are no significant strategic risks associated with this event. Operational risks will be assessed and addressed as detailed planning and preparation evolves. 9 STATUTORY MATTERS All appropriate legislative requirements will be addressed during the operational planning and approval processes. 10 COUNCIL POLICIES Not applicable 11 DELEGATIONS Not applicable 12 COORDINATION & CONSULTATION Consultation to date has been limited to discussions with key agencies involved in the operational planning and approval processes. The following stakeholders have also provided advice into this report-

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ITEM 3 (Continued) 2019 GOLD COAST TRIATHLON – LUKE HARROP MEMORIAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1) Name and/or Title of the Stakeholder Consulted

Directorate or Organisation

Is the Stakeholder Satisfied With Content of Report

Craig Rowsell, Investment Attraction Officer (Sport)

City of Gold Coast, Sports Attraction Program


Kate Barr, Director - Global Consumer Marketing

Destination Gold Coast Yes

13 STAKEHOLDER IMPACTS Key stakeholders are sectors of the tourism industry, business community and the broader community. 14 TIMING The GCT-LHM will be held on the 7th of April in 2019. 15 CONCLUSION The Gold Coast Triathlon commenced in 1989 at Currumbin, before moving to the Southport Broadwater in 2001 and becoming the Gold Coast Triathlon – Luke Harrop Memorial (GCT-LHM) in 2003, following the tragic death of Luke in 2002, who was a Gold Coast resident and one of Australia's most respected triathletes. The GCT-LHM has been the base event for 2 ITU World Triathlon Championships (1991 & 2009) and the city will again host the Championships in September 2018. The GCT-LHM is the National Age-Group Championships in 2019 & 2020. Due to changes in focus of the previous owner (Ironman) combined with the cumulation of several years building up to the 2018 World Championships, the event has recently been acquired by local event company The Event Crew (TEC). 1900 unique competitors are projected to attend this event of which 67% will travel to the event from out-of-region. An additional 2.48 people (family and friends) will come to the city alongside of each of the out-of-region competitors (3157 additional persons) staying on average 1 night. In order to achieve this level of attendance, organisers will focus on the marketing assets available to them which includes an existing database of 70,000 triathletes and through the Queensland Triathlon Series, Triathlon Pink, Fun Run Pink and the Gold Coast Running Festival. A successful GCT-LHM will continue to position and promote the Gold Coast as a triathlon destination and will assist to attract a significant number of elite triathletes and training squads/camps to the city. This outcome is an important one for the development of the sport within the city as a world-class training and events venue for international triathletes. There is also a projected economic impact of just under $1 million from the event. A slight increase to the investment is recommended (during the transition year to new ownership), to allow organisers to continue to provide a highly professional and presentable event at standards that participants have come to expect at Gold Coast’s flagship triathlon event, to ensure the City leverages the significant investment made into the suite of ITU events (2015 – 2018) and the sport of triathlon at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games and to preserve the event status.

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ITEM 3 (Continued) 2019 GOLD COAST TRIATHLON – LUKE HARROP MEMORIAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1) 16 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council resolve as follows:- 1 That the applicant (The Event Crew) be advised that Council will invest $40,000 (plus

GST) into the 2019 Gold Coast Triathlon – Luke Harrop Memorial via-

a in-value support with the balance payable in cash once City service expenses have been removed;

b waiving of all parks related fees.

2 The investment is subject to-

a all statutory approvals being secured for the event;

b the inclusion of standardised research processes to determine the events economic impact.

3 The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to negotiate and execute an Agreement detailing a comprehensive list of benefits and deliverables.

Author: Authorised by: Steve Brook Joe McCabe Executive Officer Events (Acting) Chief Operating Officer 2 August 2018 TRACKS REF: 71395042 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION ETG18.0823.003 moved Cr Boulton seconded Cr O’Neill 1 That the applicant (The Event Crew) be advised that Council will invest $40,000

(plus GST) into the 2019 Gold Coast Triathlon – Luke Harrop Memorial via- a in-value support with the balance payable in cash once City service

expenses have been removed; b waiving of all parks related fees.

2 The investment is subject to- a all statutory approvals being secured for the event; b the inclusion of standardised research processes to determine the events

economic impact; c Council and The Event Crew entering into a formal agreement on terms

satisfactory to the Chief Executive Officer. 3 The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to negotiate and execute an Agreement

detailing a comprehensive list of benefits and deliverables. 4 That support of this event is an exercise of Council’s Beneficial Enterprise



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ITEM 4 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER 2019 GOLD COAST FOOD AND WINE FESTIVAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1) 1 BASIS FOR CONFIDENTIALITY Not Applicable. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Not Applicable. 3 PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to consider an investment into the 2019 Gold Coast Food and Wine Festival to be held across multiple Gold Coast venues from 30 May to 2 June 2019. 4 PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS At its meeting on 8 March 2010, Council resolved the following (via G10.0308.015) which was a previous attempt to build a whole of city food event-

“a That Council notes the outcomes of the Tastes of Gold Coast Festival for 2009 are consistent with the objectives outlined in Council’s Economic Development Strategy and Events Strategy.

b That Council allocate a total of $70,000 per year over a two year period (2010 and 2011) with an option (subject to Council approval) for a third year (2012) for delivery of Tastes of Gold Coast, with the source of funds being:

i $40,000 (plus GST) per annum from the tourism levy ii $30,000 (plus GST) per annum from Tourist Parks Tax Equiv”

5 DISCUSSION 5.1 Applicant Michelle Christoe Director Food Focus Australia Pty Ltd 1 Towncentre Dr, Helensvale 0413 200 404 [email protected] ABN – 30 146 747 686 5.2 Event Overview The Gold Cost Food and Wine Festival (GCFWF) is the Gold Coast’s signature food and wine event. It is held on the first weekend of winter (June) and has a goal of stimulating the region during colder months. The event is held across the whole of the Gold Coast to encourage locals, day trippers and tourists alike to experience the diversity of flavours on the Gold Coast. The event re-enforces the core branding of the Gold Coast including the themes of beaches, entertainment and hinterland.

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ITEM 4 (Continued) 2019 GOLD COAST FOOD AND WINE FESTIVAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1) Quintessentially Gold Coast, the GCFWF celebrates the region’s best food venues, chefs and producers by engaging a broad audience through a range of accessible events. Utilising the Gold Coast’s world famous landscapes and venues, from the northern suburbs, to the south at Coolangatta, the festival celebrates the Gold Coast as a food destination. Bringing together the best local chefs, street food, restaurants, precincts, wineries, breweries and distilleries, the weekend will feature degustations, picnics, workshops, demonstrations and signature food events. First established in 2016 by Food Focus Australia (owners of The Night Quarter in Helensvale), the GCFWF has achieved a 200% increase in attendance. It is currently 100% funded by Food Focus Australia, with strong, ongoing strategic and media partnerships providing support. The theme for 2017 was to expose locals and tourists alike to the variety of food experiences across the Gold Coast. For the 2018 event, the GCFWF took on the theme “Evolve- the art of cooking is to transform ingredients. The art of hospitality is to transform people”. Throughout the GCFWF, organisers explored themes around experimental dining, food and culture crossover events, along with dining as entertainment. Organiser’s mission is to highlight the emergence of the food and wine culture in the region and present the city in a new way to audiences both locally and internationally. Longer term goals include –

• becoming Australia’s most recommended food and wine festival; • enhancing the city’s cultural reputation, as a destination for food and wine

experiences; • driving tourism and delivering economic impact to the region.

A separately owned and delivered Gold Coast Food and Wine Expo is held annually in January over 3 days at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre. 5.3 Program Organisers will aim to facilitate 35 events across the Gold Coast as part of the 2019 GCFWF with a continued focus on the evolution of the Gold Coast degustation with inclusion of the fight against food waste. The following signature events will form the core of the GCFWF-

• The Star Launch Media Event • Gold Coast Beer Festival • Local Flavour at Burleigh Brewing

Overarching event themes in 2019 will include florals, fermented and raw foods, trade labelling, natural foods and allergen alternatives, growing popularity of ‘bowls’, the fight against sugar, super foods and powders, insects on the menu and vegetarian / vegan options.

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ITEM 4 (Continued) 2019 GOLD COAST FOOD AND WINE FESTIVAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1) 5.4 Attendance Organisers are projecting growth from their 30,000 attendances in 2018 to 60,000 in 2019. Of this 60,000 people, they believe 50% will come from outside of the Gold Coast (refer Figure 1 below).

Figure 1 – Geographic location of 2019 GCFWF attendees (projected) 5.5 Marketing and Media Summary The target market of the 2019 GCFWF will be Queensland residents and friends / family of Gold Coast locals from the south-east Asia area. The marketing plan is based around the following- Reach – creating traffic and excitement through multiple venue marketing (ie sponsorships with like-minded organisations and leveraging their customer base and brands). Tourist and community website listings will refer to GCFWF as a destination event on the Gold Coast. Digital campaigns and electronic direct mail will be developed with the objective of selling 90% of tickets available for sale. There will be a media event as a part of the launch, inclusive of a press release extending to over 120 media partners. Additional activities will include media interviews, blogs and video with a goal of achieving 250 pieces of media coverage. Brochures will be distributed through accommodation outlets and information centres and there will be event branding at venues and on radio to provide connectivity and cross selling opportunities prior and post event. Aquire – the website and listings in online and offline press are key to the GCFWF to communicate events. Brochures will be distributed to the greater local and tourism community, and radio / TV advertising will be extended interstate utilising sponsorships with Hot Tomato and Channel Nine. A public relations campaign will re-enforce the activity in local newspapers, radio and sponsor communications. Engage – goal of building loyalty and trust via the opportunity to purchase a Festival Pass and accommodation packages (partnering with Hello World and RACQ who will jointly promote to extended databases). TV and radio crosses will occur at signature events and a Festival newsletter will give updates, information and tips (monthly and then weekly leading up to month before launch).












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760th Council Meeting 28 August 2018 27 Events, Tourism & Governance Committee Meeting 23 August 2018 Adopted Report

ITEM 4 (Continued) 2019 GOLD COAST FOOD AND WINE FESTIVAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1) 5.6 Funding Request Organisers have requested financial support of $100,000 towards the 2019 event. This will be used to cover public relations and graphic design costs to promote the GCFWF out of state. Funding will also be sought through Tourism and Events Queensland to support advertising out of state, targeting tourism agents and patrons. 5.7 Sponsor Benefits In recognition of any investment in the GCFWF, the City of Gold Coast will be provided with the following benefits-

• recognition as a major partner of the Festival • full page program outline with a message from the Mayor • logo on all printed promotions (eg posters, flyers, program where sponsors are

acknowledged) • video message from the Mayor on the NightQuarter LED screen leading up to

the event • quotes from the Mayor included within press releases • ticket allocation to all events.

The following additional benefits will also be sought in any future editions of the event-

• 10 x complimentary tickets provided for a We Are Gold Coast competition • We Are Gold Coast or city reputation messaging on NightQuarter LED screen

5.8 Outcomes Organisers reported that in 2018, there were 12 events held across the Gold Coast with 30,000 total attendances, a total cumulative reach of 850,000 and a $5,250,000 economic impact. In addition to this, there may be reputational benefits to the Gold Coast as a result of successful future editions of the GCFWF, highlighting the city as a quality food and wine destination. 6 ALIGNMENT TO THE CORPORATE PLAN, CORPORATE STRATEGIES AND


2.0 Prosperity built on a strong diverse economy 2.5 We are a globally recognised tourism destination.

Our city attracts visitors from all over the world.

3.0 People contribute to a strong community spirit 3.2 We are proud of our city.

We are a vibrant community committed to success. 3.6 We are an active and healthy community.

We enjoy our city and its enviable climate. 7 FUNDING AND RESOURCING REQUIREMENTS Funding is available in ED5710O006 Major Events Support, cost centre 1005309 Minor Events in-kind.

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ITEM 4 (Continued) 2019 GOLD COAST FOOD AND WINE FESTIVAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1) 8 RISK MANAGEMENT There are no significant strategic risks associated with this event. Operational risks will be assessed and addressed as detailed planning and preparation evolves. 9 STATUTORY MATTERS All appropriate legislative requirements will be addressed during the operational planning and approval processes. 10 COUNCIL POLICIES Not applicable 11 DELEGATIONS Not applicable 12 COORDINATION & CONSULTATION Consultation to date has been limited to discussions with key agencies involved in the operational planning and approval processes. The following stakeholders have also provided advice into this report- Name and/or Title of the Stakeholder Consulted

Directorate or Organisation

Is the Stakeholder Satisfied With Content of Report

Nicole Waters, Executive Coordinator

City of Gold Coast, Corporate Communication (City Reputation)


Kate Barr, Director - Global Consumer Marketing

Destination Gold Coast Yes

13 STAKEHOLDER IMPACTS Key stakeholders are sectors of the tourism industry, business community and the broader community. 14 TIMING The GCFWF will be held from 30 May to 2 June 2019. 15 CONCLUSION Established in 2016 by the owners of The Night Quarter in Helensvale, the third edition of the Gold Coast Food and Wine Festival (GCFWF) will be held on the first weekend of winter (June) with the purpose of providing quality event content in the region during a lower tourism period / colder months. The GCFWF is held across the city to encourage locals, day trippers and tourists alike to experience the diversity of flavours on the Gold Coast. From bringing together the best local chefs, to street food, restaurants, precincts, wineries, breweries and distilleries, the weekend will feature degustations, picnics, workshops, demonstrations and signature food events.

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ITEM 4 (Continued) 2019 GOLD COAST FOOD AND WINE FESTIVAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1) Organisers are projecting growth from their 30,000 attendances in 2018 to 60,000 in 2019. Of this 60,000 people, they believe 50% will come from outside of the Gold Coast. The target market of the GCFWF will be Queensland residents along with friends and family of Gold Coast locals from the south-east Asia area. Organisers have requested financial support of $100,000 towards the 2019 event with this to be used to cover public relations and graphic design costs to promote the GCFWF interstate. In order to make an informed decision on whether an investment into a future edition of the GCFWF will provide the required return on investment and reputational gains, independent research into the 2019 event is recommended. A report can then be presented back to Council, detailing the event’s outcomes including its ability to drive out-of-region visitation, economic outcomes and maintain our reputation as a global event destination. In order to raise the profile of the Gold Coast as a food and wine destination, in addition to maximising the greatest benefit from food associated events, the City Events Unit will facilitate conversations between the Gold Coast Food and Wine Festival (June) and the Gold Coast Food and Wine Expo (January). 16 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council resolve as follows:-

1 That the applicant (Food Focus Australia Pty Ltd) be advised that Council congratulates them on the initiative of establishing the Gold Coast Food and Wine Festival (GCFWF) and for the positive outcomes achieved to date.

2 That Council will commission independent attendance and economic research into the 2019 GCFWF, in order to properly consider a future investment.

3 A maximum of $10,000 (plus GST) be allocated to the research, with the source of funds being ED5710O006 Major Events Support.

4 That Council encourages future collaboration between the organisers of the Gold Coast Food and Wine Festival (June) and the Gold Coast Food and Wine Expo (January).

Author: Authorised by: Steve Brook Joe McCabe Executive Officer Events (Acting) Chief Operating Officer 9 August 2018 TRACKS REF: 71444156

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ITEM 4 (Continued) 2019 GOLD COAST FOOD AND WINE FESTIVAL CS105/274/870/2018(P1)

ADOPTED AS PRINTED COUNCIL MEETING 28 AUGUST 2018 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION ETG18.0823.004 moved Cr Gates seconded Cr PC Young 1 That the applicant (Food Focus Australia Pty Ltd) be advised that Council

congratulates them on the initiative of establishing the Gold Coast Food and Wine Festival (GCFWF) and for the positive outcomes achieved to date.

2 That Council will commission independent attendance and economic research into the 2019 GCFWF, in order to properly consider a future investment.

3 A maximum of $10,000 (plus GST) be allocated to the research, with the source of funds being ED5710O006 Major Events Support.

4 That Council encourages future collaboration between the organisers of the Gold Coast Food and Wine Festival (June) and the Gold Coast Food and Wine Expo (January).



RESOLUTION G18.0828.024 moved Cr La Castra seconded Cr PC Young

That Committee Recommendation ETG18.0823.004 be adopted as printed which reads as follows:- 1 That the applicant (Food Focus Australia Pty Ltd) be advised that Council

congratulates them on the initiative of establishing the Gold Coast Food and Wine Festival (GCFWF) and for the positive outcomes achieved to date.

2 That Council will commission independent attendance and economic research into the 2019 GCFWF, in order to properly consider a future investment.

3 A maximum of $10,000 (plus GST) be allocated to the research, with the source of funds being ED5710O006 Major Events Support.

4 That Council encourages future collaboration between the organisers of the Gold Coast Food and Wine Festival (June) and the Gold Coast Food and Wine Expo (January).


Cr Tozer voted in the positive

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ITEM 5 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER AUSTRALIAN OPEN LAWN BOWLS (2020 – 2024) CS105/274/870/2018(P1) Refer Confidential Attachment 1 1 BASIS FOR CONFIDENTIALITY 1.1 I recommend that this report be considered in Closed Session pursuant to section

275 (1) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 for the reason that the matter involves:

(e) contracts proposed to be made by it; and (h) other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the

interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage.

1.2 I recommend that the report/attachment be deemed non-confidential except for those

parts deemed by the Chief Executive Officer to remain confidential in accordance with sections 171 (3) and 200 (5) of the Local Government Act 2009.

2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Not Applicable. 3 PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to consider an extension of the City’s investment in the Australian Open (Lawn Bowls) in order to secure a further five annual editions of the event (2020 – 2024), to be held across 13 bowls clubs on the Gold Coast. 4 PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS At its meeting on 25 February 2014, Council resolved the following (via G14.0225.028) to secure the event from 2015 to 2019-

1 That the report/attachment be deemed a confidential document and be treated as such in accordance with sections 171 (3) and 200 (9) of the Local Government Act 2009 and that the document remain confidential unless Council decides otherwise by resolution.

2 That Council confirms that additional funds of $150,000 will be provided in the Budget for the five year duration of the term, commencing in 2014/2015;

3 That the Event Organiser and Tourism and Events Queensland be advised that Council supports the staging of the event 2015-2019 (inclusive) in the City of Gold Coast, and is prepared to provide a contribution of up to $150,000 (plus GST) per event, subject to the required support from Tourism and Events Queensland being also provided;

4 That Council resolves to enter into/make a contract with the Organiser in relation to the event for the period 2015-2019 inclusive;

5 That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to negotiate the final terms of the

contract and execute it on Council’s behalf.

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ITEM 5 (Continued) AUSTRALIAN OPEN LAWN BOWLS (2020 – 2024) CS105/274/870/2018(P1) 5 DISCUSSION 5.1 Applicant Neil Dalrymple Chief Executive Officer Bowls Australia Ltd PO Box 52, Northcote, VIC, 3070 T: 03 9480 7150 E: [email protected] ABN: 65 427 736 644 5.2 Event Overview / Background The Australian Open is the Southern Hemisphere’s largest lawn bowls event, boasting 2100 unique competitors and a total prize purse of $250,000. A multi-discipline bowls tournament, the Australian Open features singles, pairs and fours for both men and women, as well as a broader festival of bowls which incorporates events for various age divisions and for bowlers with a disability. In 2015, Bowls Australia (BA), with the support of Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) and City of Gold Coast (City), relocated the Australian Open from Victoria to Queensland, where the event had been staged since it was established in 2005. At the time, the event had recently undergone significant format changes to enable increased capacity for participation and commercial growth. These changes included eliminating state-based qualification rounds (which were a significant barrier to entry) and extending the length of the event from four to fourteen days. The Gold Coast was identified as the ideal location to host the Australian Open due to the attractive climate in June (when the event is staged) and high quality of venue infrastructure. In its current format, the Australian Open utilises thirteen host clubs across the Gold Coast, with the finals staged at Broadbeach Bowls Club, which underwent a $4 million upgrade in preparation for its hosting of the lawn bowls competition at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games (GC2018). Since the Australian Open has been staged on the Gold Coast, it has achieved consistent growth. REDACTED . The Broadbeach Bowls Club hosted GC2018 lawn bowls competition and the Australian Open served as a test event in 2017 and a legacy in 2018 as the first major event to be staged at a GC2018 venue following the Games. 5.3 Summary of Proposal BA seeks to capitalise on the growing interest in lawn bowls, both domestically and internationally, which has resulted (in part) from the successful lawn bowls competition at GC2018. As a legacy of GC2018, BA has secured the rights to stage the 2019 Asia Pacific

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ITEM 5 (Continued) AUSTRALIAN OPEN LAWN BOWLS (2020 – 2024) CS105/274/870/2018(P1) Championships and the 2020 World Bowls Championships on the Gold Coast, further strengthening the destination’s reputation as ‘Australia’s home of lawn bowls’. BA seeks to leverage these high profile international events to increase participation in the Australian Open from key international markets including New Zealand, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. BA proposes to expand the Australian Open event program with additional categories for over-60s and mixed pairs. These categories have been highlighted as key growth areas for the event with significant interest being expressed from within the bowls community. REDACTED 5.4 Marketing Summary BA will continue to deliver a multi-channel integrated marketing campaign in support of the Australian Open, with an emphasis on direct online communication. BA currently has an electronic direct mail database of over 45,000 and social platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube as well as a dedicated digital video portal, The Bowls Clubhouse. BA employs 16 dedicated Regional Bowls Managers (RBMs) across Australia who make around 350 club visits each year. These RBMs are a valuable resource for directly marketing the Australian Open to clubs, capitalising on the high percentage of bowlers who are registered club members. The 2018 Australian Open finals were broadcast live on free to air television via SBS and simulcast on Fox Sports. Previously the event has been broadcast on Fox Sports only. It would be a condition of any future agreement that BA uses best endeavours to continue to secure free to air broadcast. Since 2016, the Australian Open has also featured within the programming of The Bowls Show on SBS which airs on Sunday afternoons from May through to October. This platform provides additional destination profiling opportunities for the Gold Coast.

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ITEM 5 (Continued) AUSTRALIAN OPEN LAWN BOWLS (2020 – 2024) CS105/274/870/2018(P1)

Destination Gold Coast (DGC) will work with BA to not only profile the Australian Open, but actively drive opportunities via their participant network to drive consideration of an extended length of stay and subsequent expenditure on the Gold Coast. Connections with DGC accommodation, tour, attraction and dining members will be profiled. 5.5 Benefits Summary An extension to the currently contracted benefits will be negotiated and finalised during the contract development phase. This will include the following –

• Broadcast – inclusion of destination vignettes and commentary, logo association • Signage – both in-venue and broadcast • Event hospitality for City representatives and for We Are Gold Coast competition use • Activation opportunity at event • Access to talent • Speaking opportunities at launches, media calls, presentation ceremonies • Digital – inclusion of relevant hashtags and handles and promotion of destination

content and messaging • Logo association across all collateral.

5.6 Investment Requested REDACTED

5.7 Economic Analysis REDACTED

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ITEM 5 (Continued) AUSTRALIAN OPEN LAWN BOWLS (2020 – 2024) CS105/274/870/2018(P1) REDACTED 5.8 Growth Opportunities The Australian Open is now the highest participation bowls event on the national calendar and maintains a unique position as an event which attracts both elite and social players. With a total prize purse of $250,000, the Australian Open is the world’s richest bowls event. Prize money is spread across 780 prize money paying places, an initiative of BA to further encourage semi-professional, club, amateur and social players to participate alongside the elite bowlers. Over the current contract term, BA has launched new initiatives including the promotion of club-based official Australian Open support events and the Mega Bowl (a short form knock-out event which is open to anybody) to enhance the festival atmosphere around the event. BA is also exploring new initiatives for the 2019 event such as a multicultural day and retro themed night. In order to maximise international participation at the 2019 Australian Open, BA has brought forward the event dates so that the Australian Open will be staged immediately prior to the Asia Pacific Championships on the Gold Coast. BA will encourage bowlers competing in the Asia Pacific Championships to extend their stay on the Gold Coast and use the Australian Open as a lead-in event. Both City and TEQ will recommend that BA replicate this strategy with international events in future years. As the Australian Open matures on the Gold Coast, it is expected that the rate of growth in domestic visitation will begin to plateau. BA has identified South East Asia as a key area market for expansion, with a particular focus on maximising visitation from Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand and South Korea.



2.0 Prosperity built on a strong diverse economy 2.5 We are a globally recognised tourism destination.

Our city attracts visitors from all over the world.

3.0 People contribute to a strong community spirit

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ITEM 5 (Continued) AUSTRALIAN OPEN LAWN BOWLS (2020 – 2024) CS105/274/870/2018(P1)

3.2 We are proud of our city. We are a vibrant community committed to success.

3.6 We are an active and healthy community.

7 FUNDING AND RESOURCING REQUIREMENTS Funds to support an investment into this suite of events are available in ED5710O006 Major Events Support, cost centre 1000579 Australian Open Bowls. 8 RISK MANAGEMENT There are no significant strategic risks associated with this event. Operational risks (including identified parking issues in the Broadbeach Bowls Club surrounding area) will be assessed and addressed as detailed planning and preparation evolves. 9 STATUTORY MATTERS Not Applicable. 10 COUNCIL POLICIES Not Applicable. 11 DELEGATIONS Not Applicable. 12 COORDINATION & CONSULTATION The following internal and external stakeholders have been involved to date:

13 STAKEHOLDER IMPACTS The events are expected to have a positive impact on the tourism sector across the event dates. The 13 bowls clubs used for the Australian Open will benefit financially from large events being held at their venue and from a reputational perspective, ongoing content in GC2018 venues is strategically important. 14 TIMING The Australian Open is proposed to be held in June annually.

Name and/or Title of the Stakeholder Consulted

Directorate or Organisation Stakeholder Satisfied With Content of Report

Kate Barr, Director - Global Consumer Marketing

Destination Gold Coast Yes

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ITEM 5 (Continued) AUSTRALIAN OPEN LAWN BOWLS (2020 – 2024) CS105/274/870/2018(P1) 15 CONCLUSION The Australian Open is the Southern Hemisphere’s largest lawn bowls event, boasting 2100 unique competitors and a total prize purse of $250,000. A multi-discipline bowls tournament, the Australian Open features singles, pairs and fours for both men and women, as well as a broader festival of bowls which incorporates events for various age divisions and for bowlers with a disability. In its current format, the Australian Open utilises thirteen host clubs across the Gold Coast, with the finals staged at Broadbeach Bowls Club, which underwent a $4 million upgrade in preparation for its hosting of the lawn bowls competition at GC2018. Since the Australian Open has been staged on the Gold Coast, it has achieved consistent growth. REDACTED BA will continue to deliver a multi-channel integrated marketing campaign. The 2018 Australian Open finals were broadcast live on free to air television via SBS and simulcast on Fox Sports. Previously the event has been broadcast on Fox Sports only. It would be a condition of any future agreement that BA uses best endeavours to continue to secure free to air broadcast. REDACTED REDACTED

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ITEM 5 (Continued) AUSTRALIAN OPEN LAWN BOWLS (2020 – 2024) CS105/274/870/2018(P1) 16 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council resolves as follows:

1 That the report/attachment be deemed non-confidential except for those parts deemed by the Chief Executive Officer to remain confidential in accordance with sections 171 (3) and 200 (5) of the Local Government Act 2009.

2 That the applicant (Bowls Australia Ltd) be advised that Council will support an investment into the 2020 – 2024 bowls event as prescribed in Confidential Attachment 1.

3 That Council acknowledges the highly successful events being delivered by Bowls Australia and confirms its commitment to the Gold Coast becoming Australia’s home of lawn bowls.

Author: Authorised by: Steve Brook Joe McCabe Executive Officer Events (Acting) Chief Operating Officer 09/08/18 TRACKS REF: 71448639 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION ETG18.0823.005 moved Cr Owen-Jones seconded Cr PC Young 1 That the report/attachment be deemed non-confidential except for those parts

deemed by the Chief Executive Officer to remain confidential in accordance with sections 171 (3) and 200 (5) of the Local Government Act 2009.

2 That the applicant (Bowls Australia Ltd) be advised that Council will support an investment into the 2020 – 2024 bowls event as prescribed in Amended Confidential Attachment 1.

3 That Council acknowledges the highly successful events being delivered by Bowls Australia and confirms its commitment to the Gold Coast becoming Australia’s home of lawn bowls.

4 That support of this event is an exercise of Council’s Beneficial Enterprise Powers.

CARRIED There being no further business the meeting closed at 2.22pm.

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ITEM 5 (Continued) AUSTRALIAN OPEN LAWN BOWLS (2020 – 2024) CS105/274/870/2018(P1)

Confidential Attachment 1


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These Pages

Numbered 1 to 40

Constitute The Adopted Report Of The Meeting

Of The Events, Tourism & Governance Committee

Held Thursday 23 August 2018