Download - 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Page 1: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

위 선종/이형성 Gastric adenoma/dysplasia

Jun Haeng Lee. Department of Medicine

Sungkyunkwanuniversity School of Medicie, Seoul, Korea

Page 2: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Dysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus

• Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on

– an unequivocal diagnosis,

– a firm understanding of the natural history, and

– definitive data regarding the risks and benefits of the

treatment options.

• Unfortunately, none of these prerequisite factors

may be available to guide the management of

patients with dysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus.

Spechler SJ. Am J Gastroenterol 2005;100:927-935

Page 3: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Issues regarding gastric adenoma/dysplasia

Jun Haeng Lee. Department of Medicine

Sungkyunkwanuniversity School of Medicie, Seoul, Korea

Page 4: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Problem 1: What is dysplasia?

• Abnormality of development; in pathology, alteration in

size, shape, and organization of adult cells (Dorlands’

dictionary 24th ed.)

• Unequivocal neoplastic transformation of the

epithelium (Riddell RH. Hum Pathol 1983)

• Histological expression of genetic alterations that favor

cell growth and neoplasia (Spechler. Gastroenterology 2001)

• In Japan, some authorities defined biopsies with marked

reactive and regenerative histological features as

dyplasia (Goldstein NS. Hum Pathol 1997)

Page 5: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

What is adenoma? - Adenoma = dysplasia

소화기병리학연구회. 위암 병리보고서 기재사항 표준화. 대한병리학회지 2005;39:106

Page 6: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Regenerating atypia vs. dysplasia

• Changes in epithelial cells (e.g. increased N/C ratio

+/- structural disarray) may occur in two situations.

• Regenerating atypia - when the eithelium has

been injured and is undergoing repair

• Dysplasia - when genetic alterations have

transformed the cells in a neoplastic growth

• Significant overlap exist between the two.

Page 7: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the


atypia Dysplasia

Conceptual model

Page 8: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the


atypia Dysplasia

In clinical practice

Page 9: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

위궤양 scar의 조직검사에서 adenoma with low grade dysplasia

Page 10: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

관찰자간 차이에 대하여

Page 11: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Atypia에 대한 설명 (2017/3)

• 비전형적 세포(Atypia)는 세포의 모양이 비전형적이라는, 즉

정상이 아니라는 뜻입니다. 여기에는 많은 원인이 있습니다.

좋은 것부터 나쁜 것까지 상당히 다양합니다. 먼저 좋은 쪽을

보자면 단순한 위염 또는 위궤양 때문에 세포의 모양이 비전

형적(atypical)으로 변할 수 있습니다. 반대로 전암성 병소 또

는 위암의 조직검사에서 비전형적이라는 결과가 나오는 경우

도 있습니다. 그 비율을 정확히 말하기는 어렵지만 보통 암과

관련되지 않은 것(위염이나 궤양)이 절반, 암과 관련된 것(선

종이나 암)이 절반 정도입니다. 외부 슬라이드 재판독과 내시

경 재검을 권합니다. 첫 평가에서 큰 이상이 아닌 것으로 나와

도 재검이 필요합니다.

Page 12: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

현실적인 접근

• Adenoma의 진단에는 모양은 고려하지 않습니다.

융기형, 평탄형, 함몰형이 모두 포함됩니다.

• 광의의 adenoma = adenoma with LGD + adenoma

with HGD

• 좁은 의미의 adenoma = adenoma with LGD

• 병리과 의사가 dysplasia라고만 보고한 경우:

dysplasia = adenoma (광의)

Page 13: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Problem 2: Inter-continental variation


Superficial Gastritis

Atrophic Gastritis

Intestinal metaplasia


Stomach Cancer

Correa. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl 1984;104:131-136

Page 14: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Dysplasia에 대한 다양한 분류법

Rugge. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2005;17:1191-1196

Page 15: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Group classification of JRSGC since 1971

Group Diagnosis

Group I Normal mucosa and benign lesions with no


Group II Lesions showing atypiaa but are diagnosed as

benign (non-neoplastic)

Group III Borderline lesions between benign (non-

neoplastic) and malignant

Group IV Lesions strongly suspected of carcinoma

Group V Carcinoma

Nagano T. Gann Monogr Cancer Res 1971;11:245-256

Kato. Stomach & Intestine 2004;39:1443-1447

Page 16: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

5. invasive carcinoma invasive carcinoma

4.3 suspicion of invasive


suspicious for invasive


4.2 carcinoma in situ 5. carcinoma

4. lesions strongly

suspected of carcinoma

4.1 high-grade


high grade


3. noninvasive low-grade


low grade


2. indefinite indefinite for dysplasia 3. borderline lesion

2. benign non-

neoplastic lesion

1. negative for


negative for dysplasia 1. normal and benign

lesion with no atypia

Vienna, 1998 Western Japanese

Schlemper. Gut 2000;47:251-255

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Western vs. Japanese view - pathologic diagnosis of 35 cases

Schlemper RJ. Lancet 1997;349:1725-1729

Willis & Riddell. Gastrointest Endosc 2003;57:369-376

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♠ Korean endoscopists are treating a lot of patients with gastric adenomas, and some of them may be considered as well-differentiated gastric adenocarcinomas in Japan.

우리나라의 고도선종은 아마도 일본에서는 암으로 분류되고 있는 것 같습니다.

Page 19: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Problem 3: Inter-observer variation - Referred due to high grade dysplasia (M/71)

Outside review: adenocarcinoma (W/D)

Page 20: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

ESD using needle knife for EGC - W/D adenocarcinoma, SM2, RM(-), L(+), V(-)

Page 21: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the


Jun Haeng Lee. Department of Medicine

Sungkyunkwanuniversity School of Medicie, Seoul, Korea

Page 22: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

8년간 치료 안한 선종

Page 23: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

History of gastric dysplasia - from a very famous textbook



High Grade




5 years


5 years


3 months – 2 years




60% 10%

Luk GD. Sleisenger’s. 6th ed. page 736

Page 24: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Progression to invasive carcinoma (cat 5) - significant difference between authors

Author LGD (Vienna category 3) HGD (Vienna category 4)

% fraction interval % fraction Interval

Saraga (1987) 2% (1/64) 4 years 81% (7/21) 4 months

Lansdown (1990) 0% (0/7) 85% (11/13) 5 months

Rugge (1991) 17% (12/69) 1 year 75% (6/8) 4 months

Fertitta (1993) 23% (7/30) 10 months 81% (25/31) 5 months

Di Gregorio (1993) 7% (6/89) 2 years 60% (6/10) 11 months

Rugge (1994) 14% (13/90) 2 years 78% (14/18) 9 months

Kokkola (1996) 0% (0/96) 67% (2/3) 1.5 year

Yamada (2004) 0% (0/38) 10% (1/10) 4.6 year

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Resected LGD HGD Total

LGD 83 3 86

HGD 12 12 24

Carcinoma 1 7 8

Total 96 22 118

Park DI. Endoscopy 2001;33:501-506

자연사인지 조직검사의 한계인지 명확하지 않습니다.

Page 26: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

저도 선종 ESD 후 위암 (LP암)

Page 27: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

위 선종의 진단과 치료

Jun Haeng Lee. Department of Medicine

Sungkyunkwanuniversity School of Medicie, Seoul, Korea

Page 28: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

저도 선종 2개

Page 29: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

고도 선종

Page 30: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Endoscopic or surgical resection of gastric neoplasms in SMC (2012) - Excluding palliative surgeries

AGC (505)

Beyond absolute indication EGC (949)

Absolute indication EGC (327)

Adenoma with HGD (122)

Adenoma with LGD (141)

EGCs among all gastric cancers: 71.6% (327/1,781) Absolute indication EGCs among all EGCs: 25.6% (327/1,276)

Page 31: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Diagnostic group classifications before and after the treatment

ESD or surgery


Pre-treatment diagnostic groups


Post-treatment diagnostic groups

Page 32: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Post-treatment analysis of EI-EGCs (2012)


HGD 12




ESD 111



Lee JH. Surg Endosc 2016;30:3987-93

Page 33: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Pre-treatment analysis of AI-EGCs (2012)



ESD 355



AI-EGC 229




Lee JH. Surg Endosc 2016;30:3987-93

Page 34: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Absolute indication EGC by pre-treatment diagnostic groups

Pre-Tx AI EGC 396

ESD 355

Operation 41



AI EGC 229






ESD 1 Surgery 53

Surgery 1 ♠Reason for surgery (multiple) Suspicious lymphadenopathy on CT (18) Multiple lesions (6) Patient’s wish (18) Difficult location (3) Suspicious SM invasion on EUS (2)

* BAI: beyond absolute indications Lee JH. Surg Endosc 2016;30:3987-93

Page 35: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

선종의 33%는 upgrade 됩니다.

Lee JH. Surg Endosc 2016;30:3987-93

Page 36: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Villous adenoma with high grade dysplasia, 4.0x3.6cm

먼 과거에는 선종으로 수술하기도 했습니다.

Page 37: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Tubular adenoma, elevated type, 4x3.5cm, negative RM

거의 전부 내시경으로 치료하고 있습니다.

Page 38: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

작고 납작한 저도선종은 소작술로 치료

Page 39: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

• High grade dysplasia는 원칙적으로 내시경적 절제술을

시행한다. 위암을 동반하고 있는 경우가 많으므로 가급

적 en bloc resection을 위하여 노력한다. ESD 등의 방법

을 적극적으로 이용한다.

• Low grade dysplasia의 치료방침은 HGD 보다는 less

invasive하게 선택한다. 큰 병소, 뚜렷한 함몰부위나 돌출

부위가 있는 경우는 내시경 절제술을 선택한다. 그러나,

작고 납작한 병소와 전신상태가 나쁜 경우는 APC를 이

용한 ablation을 하고 선택적으로 follow-up도 가능하다.

위 선종의 치료

Page 40: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

새로운 접근법은 없는가?

Jun Haeng Lee. Department of Medicine

Sungkyunkwanuniversity School of Medicie, Seoul, Korea

Page 41: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Genetic changes in early gastric carcinogenesis

• Min et al. investigated the genomic and

transcriptomic landscape of adenoma with LGD,

adenoma with HGD, and EGC.

• Several genetic changes have been identified

in advanced gastric cancer, but the genetic

alterations associated with early gastric

carcinogenesis remain unclear.

Min BH. J Pathol 2016;240:304-314

Page 42: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Genetic changes in early gastric carcinogenesis

Min BH. J Pathol 2016;240:304-314

He found that the expression pattern clearly divided into normal, LGD, and EGC, whereas those of HGD overlapped with LGD or EGC. RNF 43 mutation were present only in HGD and EGC.

Page 43: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

Adenoma-carcinoma model of gastric multistep carcinogenesis

Min BH. J Pathol 2016;240:304-314

Page 44: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the

결론 – 위 선종

• 조직검사에서 dysplasia가 있으면 선종으로 진단


• 선종 중 일부는 (저도 선종의 10%, 고도 선종의

33%) 절제술 후 암으로 진단이 바뀐다. 그 중 일

부는 수술이 필요합니다.

• 작고 납작한 저도 선종은 소작술 혹은 경과관찰

을 선택할 수 있습니다.

Page 45: 위 선종 이형성 - EndoTODAYDysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus •Ideally, the management of a disorder is based on –an unequivocal diagnosis, –a firm understanding of the
