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Everyone loves to eat a good sandwich. Most sandwiches are made by sticking ham or turkey with mayonnaise between bread. Maybe you make your sandwiches by spreading peanut butter and jelly on two pieces of bread and smashing it together. There are many ways to make a sandwich and it is hard to go wrong with it. However, there are a few very weird ways to make a sandwich that you probably have never heard of before. Let's find out if it is possible to take our sandwich making too far by seeing what weird simple gourmet recipes there are.

1. The first idea for a sandwich is butter and grapes! I am serious when I say grapes. What you do is you take two pieces of bread and spread butter over the top of them. Then chop up some grapes. Once you have chopped up the grapes lay them on top of one of the buttered pieces of bread. This sounds weird (and it is) but it is delicious gourmet food. It is definitely worth a try.

2. Second is peanut butter with bananas. This is my personal favorite. Take some bread and put a layer of peanut butter on one piece. Slice up a banana and lay the pieces out so you have a full layer on top of the peanut butter. Once you have done that just put the other piece of bread on top and it will be ready to eat!

3. The third sandwich also involves peanut butter but is not as normal as peanut butter with bananas. This sandwich is sliced up pickle with peanut butter squished between bread slices. I know that this is strange but in a weird way it is kind of good.

4. Fourth on this list of weird sandwiches is chocolate frosting with a little bit of cheese. This is a very strange way to combine foods. You spread chocolate frosting over a piece of bread, sprinkle some cheese on top and then put the other piece of bread on top. Try it out! It might surprise you.

5. Now for the last one. This very well could be the most unusual dish on our list. This sandwich is made from mayonnaise and pineapple. You spread mayonnaise over some bread, put a layer of pineapple on top and then put bread on top. The taste is very interesting.

There are lots of other weird combinations you can try out when you are making your sandwich. As you try these strange sandwiches you may be surprised to find that they are quite tasty.