Download - October 3, 2010b

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    We believe in developing you as a proessional,and growing together as one amily

    Proctor & Gamble Starts o the Evening...During the meeting this past Friday (Octo-ber 1, 2010) our guest speakers Nancy andRosy rom Proctor & Gamble spoke to usabout the multiple opportunities availableat P&G. Tey also mentioned how to ap-ply or jobs as well as current opportunitiesthey have or sophomores and frst yearmaster students. Following the discussion,Grant Tornton, the frm or the eveningset up a Game Show and invited the mem-

    bers to participate. Te questions ranged rom strange but true

    to topics concerning the company.

    Grant Tornton Hosts Game Showwith DJ...

    Vol: 1 Issue : 6 September 03, 2010

    ip o the Week

    Take notes from your conversation on the back of businesscards. Use the information to help you remember andwrite a more personalized thank you email.

    - Ali Vayani

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    Whats Happening Tis Week?- Upcoming Speakers, Firms, and Socials...

    KPMGCurrently ranked second among worlds most attractive employers and sixth on the top

    2010 Business Employers is KPMG. As a global network o proessional frms providingaudit, tax, and advisory services, KPMG currently provieds services to 70% o the Fortune500 companies. Tis assures candidates that they will have a ascinating, challenging, and

    well rewarded career.

    For more inormation you may visit:

    Te Mergis Group

    Joins us this Friday or our guest speakers rom the Mergis Group. With over 30 yearso experience, the Mergis Group provides specialized recruiting services to clients rang-ing rom Fortune 500 companies to small and mid-sized businesses spanning multipleindustries. Tey work to create relationships with both clients and candidates to matchthe key drivers in the individuals with their respective jobs, providing the highest returnon their talent.

    More inormation on the Mergis Group is available on the ollowing page, and at:

    Finance SummitJoin us this Tursday (October 7th) or our inaugural Finance Summit. Tis event willeature a panel discussion o several fnance proessionals that will be speaking about theduties, roles, and opportunities available in the fnance proession. I you would like toRSVP*, volunteer, or need any questions answered please direct them towards Anabel at

    [email protected], October 7, 2010

    6:00pm to 10:00pm

    MARC Pavillion

    *RSVP is necessary to attend

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    Building a successful business requires more than a great product or service; it requires great people with the

    aptitude and expertise to propel your business forward. In your quest for professional talent, there is a recruiting

    partner that is dedicated to helping you gain a clear hiring advantagewere The Mergis Group.

    A Highly Specialized Recruiting LeaderThe Mergis Group is a specialized professional placement firm committed to helping companies hire the best

    talent for their business. Built on 30+ years of expertise, we provide high-touch recruiting services to a broad

    spectrum of clients, from Fortune 500 companies to small and mid-sized businesses. We believe there is

    substantial value to be gained by applying the best-choice professionals to your leading positions. To that effort,

    we work closely with each client to understand their unique business, culture and hiring requirements, ensuring

    they receive talent that will bring immeasurable value to their organization.

    Our Resources and Knowledge Become Yours

    With The Mergis Group as your recruiting partner, youll be connected to a vast supply of resources andknowledge that will give your business a competitive advantage. Operating through a nationwide network of

    offices, your hiring initiatives will be supported by a dedicated team of recruiting experts that have established

    relationships throughout your local business community. Plus, youll gain access to an exclusive, real-time database

    of qualified candidates that entrust their career decisions to our recruiting expertise. We place a broad range

    of specialized talent, including accounting & finance, engineering & manufacturing, legal, technology,

    sales & marketing and human resources professionals.

    Delivering the Ideal Candidate Every TimeBased on a solid understanding of the professional marketplace, The Mergis Group is equipped with the industry

    insight, assessments and interviewing tools needed to fully qualify candidates for your key positions. Driven by

    recruiting best practices, well thoroughly evaluate each candidate to identify individuals with the skills, experience,personality and career ambitions that align best with your culture and hiring requirements. In addition, once a

    candidate is selected, well take care of all of the logistics necessary to get them off and running in their new position.

    A Business Founded on Strong PartnershipsActing as a strategic extension of your HR team, The Mergis Group will deliver the high-performing direct-hire,

    project and contract-to-hire professionals you need to achieve your business objectives in the most results-oriented,

    time-efficient and cost-effective manner. Our consultative, industry-specific approach has helped thousands of

    companies acquire highly skilled professionals that have become indispensable assets to their workforce.

    Let The Mergis Group give your business an unparalleled hiring advantagecall us today!

    Bridging the Gap Between Talent and Opportunity

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    Last Week- Proctor & Gamble- Grant Tornton Game Show

    Grant TorntonCurrently hiring or audit, tax, and business advisory services, Grant Tornton hosted agame show or both ALPFA and Beta Alpha Psi members. Te students were split into ourteams and were given challenging questions, topics ranged rom Grant Torntons history toquestions concerning FIU. Members truly enjoyed the event, and were given an opportunityto speak to the recruiters and representatives on the fnal date beore career services closedthe deadline or resume applications.

    More inormation related to Grant Tornton can be ound at:

    Proctor & GambleDuring the general meeting, representatives o Proctor & Gamble shared the endless oppor-tunities available to our members. P&G currently has positions or internal auditors as wellas positions in their tax division. Multiple other opportunities are also available throughouttheir company.

    For more details, please visit

    Te American Cancer Societys: Making Strides For BreastCancer

    Te ACS hosted a walk in Miami-Dade to undraise, support survivors, and increaseoverall awareness about Breast Cancer in the Making Strides For Breast Cancer, whichtook place this past Saturday, October 2nd. Te event attracted patronage rom the MiamiHeat Dancers and FIUs Golden Dazzlers, with music rom Miamis own Majic 102.7.

    ALPFA students arrived to provide much-needed assistance to set-up the operations priorto the event as early as 4:00am! Tey helped set-up tents or ood and water distributionand a special area specifcally or cancer survivors. Te streets quickly flled as the walkbegan right at 9:00am, with walkers strolling 2 miles in the downtown-Miami area, begin-

    ning and ending at Bayront park. Te weather was nothing short o perect, with clearskies and the sun shining down upon all the generous supporters o the fght against breastcancer.

    Tank you to everyone that came out to help and to participate in the event!

    - Kyle Weisenberg

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    KPMG (Firm Presentation)Friday October 8, 2010

    7:00pm to 10:00pm

    CBC 155

    Te Mergis Group (Guest Speakers)Friday October 8, 2010

    6:00pm to 7:00pm

    CBC 155

    Finance Summit

    Tursday, October 7, 20106:00pm to 10:00pm

    MARC Pavillion

    RSVP: [email protected]

    Upcoming Events & Recommendations

    More Events:

    I you would like to write or the news-letter or write your ALPFA Story,please email us at:

    [email protected]

    Need updates on events? Need to contact a ellow member or assistance?Look no urther and get connected through I you havenot registered, the link can be ound on the bottom right o the website.

    Check out Albums, Events, and more.

    For imes & Locations Visit:

    Please Check the ollowing page orWorkshop & Inormation Session

    Dates, imes, & Locations

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    General Meeting

    October 1, 2010

    Send Thank You Notes/E-Mails

    Apply Online at CMS

    Prepare for On-Campus Interviews


    Ahead of the Game Recap

    Weekly E-mail Reminder

    5 Points per Event

    Email [email protected]

    3 Students

    Panther IDs

    Picture with Leader

    Event Title/Date/Time

    CSO Points Workshops

    Interview Skills for Business Students

    Oct. 5th 3:30pm to 5:00pm

    Interview Stream Workshop

    Oct. 6th 4:00pm to 5:00pm

    Internships for Business Students

    Oct. 8th 2:00pm to 3:00pm

    Cover Letters and Writing for Business

    Oct. 11th 10:00am to 11:00am

    Target Corporation Oct. 4th 1:00pm to 2:00pm

    Walt Disney World

    Oct. 11th 4:00pm to 5:30 pm

    Information Sessions

    Tip of the Week

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Car Wash Volunteers: Thank you!

    Stephanie Basanta

    Antonio Benitez

    Carlos Chavez

    Alex Cioara Eric Erdvig

    Eduardo Fuste

    Carlos Garcell

    Frank Ginebra-Groero

    Gabriela Mantilla

    Jennifer Mendoza

    Luis Meurice

    Patrick Noel

    Alfredo Reynoso

    Stephanie Rodriguez

    William Rodriguez

    Yorleydis Rodriguez

    Ariel Salazar

    Piero Velarde

    First Fundraiser Event!!

    Raised $600 !!!

    Next Fundraiser Event..


    Monday, October 18th


    Beacon Center

    87th Avenue & 13th Terrace


    Contact: Michelle Merz

    [email protected]


    American Cancer Society:Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

    Awareness Walk and Fundraiser

    Tomorrow: Saturday, October 2nd, Bayfront Park

    Invited by Team Deloitte for Allison

    How to contribute

    Day of event:

    4am Setting up of event (manual labor)

    6:30am Volunteers for event operation


    Walk begins




    Volunteering Opportunities

    October 24th, 2010: SALM training

    and cleanup

    November 6-7th, 2010: Blue Angels

    Air Show

    December 27-30th, 2010: Winter

    sailing camp

    Mentorship Program

    MenteeNew Members


    Past Members

    Deadline is Wednesday October 6,2010

    Sign Up and Have Your Questions Answered at:

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Marlins Job Fair

    Internships, Game Day & Seasonal Positions

    November 2, 2010 11:00am 4:00pm

    Must RSVP at:

    For more information email:

    [email protected]


    Saturday, October 23,2010 at 7:00PM

    6800 SW 97th Ave (Luis Meurices House)

    PricewaterhouseCoopers xTax

    Kick Off Meeting

    October 25th


    MARC Pavilion Room 290

    Presentations: November 8th


    Skills Developed


    Public Speaking Critical Thinking

    Recap for ALPFA

    Finance Summit (October 7th)

    Ahead of the Game Follow-Up

    CSO Point Opportunities

    Chilis Fundraiser (October 18th)

    Mentorship Program

    Cancer Walk (Tomorrow)

    Halloween Social ( October 23rd)

    Next Week Guest Speaker

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
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